$5 Pattern of the Month, WIP Challenge, NEW Studio

Welcome to February friends. =) New month means new $5 pattern of the month.

For this month, I am offering my Hello Friend pattern for $5. You can purchase it in my Etsy shop here. You can see the quilt in more detail in today’s video.

My original Hello Friend quilt was made using Sunnyside Up. I’ve since, re-colored the pattern cover of Hello Friend using Peachy Keen and I think that version is also quite cute:

Hello Friend is a fat quarter friendly quilt which makes it quite a fun quilt to purchase fabrics for. I think it would be very pretty in Cali & Co. (which is in quilt shops now).

Here’s what it looks like in Abloom which comes out in April:

Hello Friend is available in both PDF and Paper (paper versions while supplies last) for the month of February. Grab your copy here.

Today is the first video we are filming in the new studio. =) That means we have a new backdrop. And that means we have a new Backdrop pattern bundle.

The Backdrop bundle is a discounted bundle of the patterns featured in the current Coriander Quilts Backdrop. It’s only available as a bundle while the quilts are hanging in the current video. The bundle is available in both Paper & PDF version. You can purchase the bundle here.

And lastly, if you are interested in joining in on a WIP challenge, that is the other thing I am chatting about in today’s video. It’s fun to have friends joining in that are also working on some WIPs. If that sounds like fun, join in!

Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful Saturday! Corey

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24 Responses

  1. Pam Willoughby says:

    So glad your move went well. Love the new studio. When will you have more sweatshirts from your sister. The one she made you was awesome.

    • Corey says:

      Thanks so much! I don’t know that she is planning on selling any of them but if she does I’d be sure to mention it on the channel. =)

      • Katrina Lantz says:

        Corey, how about sweatshirts your daughter creates? Are those available?

        • Corey says:

          Yes, those can be found in the Coriander Quilts Merch shop. You can always find links to a sweatshirt that I am wearing in a video in the description box if it is one that is for sale.

  2. Joan says:

    Corey- so glad I found you. Delightful and beautifully described patterns. My dad grew up in Midvale Ohio, near you His mom left me a small sewing box and this began my love of sewing. I remember visiting sugarcreek and Berlin long before the commercial endeavors.

  3. janjanw00d5d8ee22 says:

    Your new studio looks great! Did you paper piece those 3″ squares? Also, remember when you had everyone respond with a tip, it was for a give away last fall, I think? When was that? I wanted to read all the tips. Thanks!

    • Corey says:

      Those blocks are all traditionally pieced. =) I’m not sure what the date of that giveaway was…fairly recently though….one of the blog posts within the last few months.

  4. Hillary says:

    Hi Corey: Your new set is very pretty. Looks like spring with all your colorful quilts and fabrics. I made a goal in 2024 to clean out my closet and use what I had to make. There are quilt kits in there probably 3 or more years old. Life gets in the way sometimes. Someone is having a baby or has had a devastating event. I make quilts for these friends/family because they are like a “hug” to let them know that someone is thinking of them. Anyway, my goal for 2025 is the same as I didn’t get much cleared out and sewn. LOL.!! I just purchased your “Like a Charm pattern” as I have a whole box of 5″ charms and that would be a good way to use them up. So, I am going to try to keep up with you and get a project done a month. Fingers crossed!!

  5. Debbie says:

    Iā€™m joining in. Love your new studio.

  6. creativelyd04f38be5a says:

    Love the new studio, I’m new to you and love all your videos.

  7. Linda Moore says:

    Thank you for all you do for us quilters. On your goal list you have the log cabin Christmas tree you had made and now are resewing it. Is there a pattern I can buy for this Christmas tree quilt?
    Thank you, Thank you, for all you do for us quilters. Love your fabric lines, and how frank and honest you are!!

  8. witchwildly1e6e90eb50 says:

    Such a nice new space! I’m doing the monthly “to do” challenge with The Quilting Forest and happy to say I completed my January project! I had to chuckle as both of you chose projects for February that you really didn’t want… mine is the easy one! (big smile). Think I’ll switch between the two of you for a choice each month! Love your videos. God bless you.

  9. Ginny says:

    Tell me about the fabric baskets, red, teal, green ones, with the white quilt blocks on them, in your backdrop bookcase. Love them!! Where can we get them? What are you keeping in yours? I’m sure you’re happy the move is winding down!!

  10. Pamela Emery says:

    Hi Corey
    Now that was funny. I guess that’s what happens when we subconsciously choose what we don’t want. That is what is chosen for you. Helps us grow! But we got to listen to giggling.
    Hope Ryan is doing well with his wrist. Pray that it’s not his dominant hand.
    The new setup looks great. I hope that means more tutorials. Where You go through step by step sewing instructions while at the Sewing Machine.
    Looking forward to “Abloom,” Fat Quarter Shop’s Designer Mystery Quilt, and learning how to work with Flannels. Can’t wait for that line to come in.
    Thanks Corey for You’re time. Letting us come into You’re life every Saturday. By the way, how’s You’re Kitty Kats?

    A Fellow Quilter
    Pamela Emery

  11. Chris Alexander says:

    Is it possible to get a copy og your free

  12. Janet says:

    Love your Saturday morning videos. Excited to do the WIP Challenge. I am an accountant so don’t have much time for the next 3 months, but you picked a number that has an easy project to finish, so I may actually get it done šŸ™‚

    Love your new studio!

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