A Day in the Life

Sugarcreek Fabrics
Happy Monday Morning everyone! Let’s take a little peek into what a day looks like around here. =)
My day starts between 5:30-6. I get up a little bit before my oldest daughter gets up. I have a coffee and start breakfast–I usually make a hot breakfast each morning.

Sugarcreek grays
Chloe gets up a little after 6–Elonie a little before 7. We do our devotions together around 7. This school year we are working through the New Testament reading about 1 chapter a day.

The Grays and Corals in Canning Day mix beautifully with Sugarcreek. Canning Day comes out in February. Sugarcreek is in stores now.
Chloe starts school at 7:45 and Elonie at 9. I usually work on shipping out orders and answering emails between 7:45-8:30(when Elonie gets on the bus). That way I can have orders ready to drop in the mailbox when I take Elonie to the bus.

Loveliness Quilt
After Elonie goes to school, I continue any computer work that I need to finish up. This would include blog posts, invoices to send, any additional emails I need to answer. I try to respond to Instagram/Facebook comments/questions and post an Instagram post.

Sugarcreek Quilts
Once my office work is done, I usually have my pick of things to work on depending on the time of year. It could include any of the following: designing a new fabric collection, writing new patterns (designing the quilts, doing the math, illustrating the pattern), sewing quilt samples, approving fabric samples (prints and/or colors), binding quilts, photographing, working on book projects, sample block making…and I am sure that I am missing some things!

Poppyseed quilt in Sugarcreek Wovens
I really enjoy having so many different things going on at once. I can work on something for awhile and then work on something different if I need to. And there is always something to work on.

Jelly & Jam in Sugarcreek
When I am working on patterns or fabric design especially, I will work for a few hours and then need to give my brain a break and do something else. Sometimes that means throwing in a load of laundry or emptying the dishwasher, or running down to the mailbox, or popping in to town to grab some groceries.

Barn Star 4 in Sugarcreek
I usually have lunch around 11-12 and then work until 3 when Chloe gets home–Elonie follows soon after. And then it’s get supper started, finish up any household stuff I need to, relax with the family, and to bed pretty early. And repeat the next day. =)

Pound Cake using Sugarcreek Wovens
I really enjoy all of the different tasks running a small business entails. Especially being able to work from home and be here for my family. It has worked so well for us. I remember in the first year of our marriage (22 years ago!) working in a job that I didn’t enjoy and wishing that I had a job that would allow me to work from home. And I’m so thankful that I get to do that now–and it’s so much fun!

Buggy Ride Quilt in Sugarcreek
I hope that you have enjoyed this little peek into my Monday-Friday routine. Weekends look different than the weekdays–my Saturdays vary and I don’t work on Sundays. If you’d like to see more of this sort of post let me know!
I’ll be back Wednesday with another Wondering Wednesday blog post. See you then!
Enjoyed reading about your busy day and sounds like a full schedule you do have! A nice balance between family and work isn’t always easy. Love your fabrics and patterns Corey and nice to know a bit about you…thank you.
Thank you so much for reading through–It is a full schedule but it never feels like too much (sometimes a little bit hectic but it’s good hectic).
I loved your post & would like to see more posts like this. Thanks so much for the insight into your day. Sounds like you’re very busy, but more importantly very happy, and very blessed!
Thank you!–I certainly am. =) It is such a joy to be able to do what I love to do.
Sounds wonderful!
It is!
I love this post! I always love hearing how other people fashion their days. I just started a job I don’t “love”, and wish I could find something to do from home. I’ve been married 34 years, and have been home with my 8 children, homeschooling, for the majority of that time. It has been an adjustment, to say the least, to join the masses in the workforce, hahahaha. God bless your endeavors!
It makes such a big difference if you love your job! I had the opposite adjustment from you–went from working full time outside of the home for the first 8 years of our marriage until having kids when I became a stay at home mom. That transition was hard!
Thanks for the peek into your world. I’m fascinated by the whole process of how fabric goes from being a spark in a designer’s mind to the finished product on a bolt in a store! I think it’s wonderful that you and your daughters read from Scripture in the morning. What a great start to the day and a beautiful way to instill the faith in them. ❤️ One of the regrets I have is that I didn’t do more of that when my children were young. Hindsight being 20/20, you know?
I think, as parents, there will always be things we wish we had done with our kids! The time goes by so fast!
Thank you for sharing your day. I love how you put Jesus first in your day, I do too, if find that early and quiet works best for me too. I also love your designs and fabric. God bless you. xo
I’m so glad you found it interesting. =) I wasn’t sure if people would find this sort of post interesting or not. =) I’ve tried doing my devotion time in the evenings but it just never works as well. Plus doing it all together, I think, helps my girls set up a solid, intentional devotional time.
So enjoyed reading about your day-to-day routine – especially the devotions. Due to our families schedules – evenings worked out best for us. We too eat breakfast early – around 5:00am for my husband and I. Love that you can work from home and be there for your family. The days and years fly by very quickly. Your fabric lines are lovely – and I have many of your patterns in my ‘library’. Thank you for all you do, Corey!
Thank you for your kind words. My husband and I’s plan when we got married was for me to stay at home with our kids once they came along. This job has just been a dream!–it works so well for us.
I love your fabric and beautiful quilts! Most of all I am impressed and loved hearing about your morning devotionals with your daughters! ❤️
Thank you so much!–that’s the most important bit, isn’t it. =)
Corey.. you are a kindred spirit! I am older in years now and empty nested but in my early years of raising family of 9 children I adored my home just like you. My chapter in life now is just as desirable because I now have the time to sit and do the things that I love whether that be piecing, quilting, laundry, cooking or just sitting with hubby…life is good in all stages! Thank you for sharing your day. And thank you for creating beautiful fabrics and patterns that delight the soul!
I love being at home–I am definitely a homebody. Weekends with no plans are some of my favorites. =)
Many thanks for inviting us Into your day and into your home. You are certainly a busy gal, but take time for the important things – your family and your faith. Your talent and creativity never cease to amaze, and obviously your ability to multi-task ranks right up there. I really enjoyed this post.
Thank you so much for stepping into my day!–I so enjoy all of the things that happen around here every day. =)
Loved reading about your life! I would love to hear more about the process you go through to design a new fabric line. Your fabrics bring a smile to many faces! Thank you!
I will have to keep that in mind. It would make a wonderful Wondering Wednesday post. =)
I so enjoyed a peak into your daily schedule. Your work is so inspiring and always look forward to your posts. Thanks so much!
Thank you so much!–I have enjoyed getting back in to a more routine blogging schedule. =)
I love your post and hope to see more of this type, it’s good to see a balance between work and family. Love the quilts too! Linda
Thank you so much!–I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed it. =)
Love the heart with the Sugarcreek swatches!!! MMMMMM–a pattern in the works?? Thanks for sharing some of your story. I made the transition to working at home and everyone thought it was so “easy”. It really requires discipline and organization and it seems as if you have both. Not to mention —there will be days when it’s time to “get away”. More of this please. Do you also enjoy cooking/baking? I can’t remember if you have mentioned that.
I found that transition from having a full time job outside of the home to being a stay at home mom quite difficult. The transition from having littles that need full time care to being able to work in a different capacity from home has been a much easier transition and one that I have really enjoyed. I do enjoy cooking–I cook quite a bit but I don’t do a lot of baking–and I am horrible at flower gardens and landscaping. =)
I have recently retired (sold my very stressful business). I love creating quilts, so I have started my own (very) small business. You (and a few others) have inspired me to take the leap. I have learned the true importance in life; God, Family, and Self. Thanks for always sharing.
It’s so nice when what you love can also be what you do. =)
Thank you for sharing your day..and your quilts! Love what you do and design! You are definitely sharing your “gift” Hugs❤️
Thank you for sharing this glimpse of your life with us. Love your fabric and all of your beautiful work. God bless!
Thank you so much!
Sounds perfect! You are lucky to have found a career that lets you have that balance between work and family. My question for you is how do you actually design fabric? Do you use a computer program? I would love to read a post about that!
I am going to have to do a Wondering Wednesday post about Fabric design specifically. That would be fun to share with all of you. It is a fascinating process!
Thank you for sharing your day. Love your fabric!
Thank you so much!
Thank you for sharing. It is refreshing to hear you say that God and your faith is top priority for you and your family. Blessings to you and your family 🙏❤️Cathy
Oh yes…very much so!
Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed it very much!
Thank you for reading!
THANK YOU for sharing your beautiful life!
Thank you so much for reading!
Hi Corey,
Remember me? From St. Louis, retired teacher, and met you at the Quilters’ Gathering in August in Berlin. It was SUCH A JOY to read your email this morning about your typical day, and learn about Chloe and Elonie.❤️ What a great role model and example you are to your girls…the love of Jesus just flows from you, and starting out your day with your daughters in devotions and daily reading through the NT with them. WOW!! Wish I would have done that with our own children when they were young!!! Thank you for your Medley Medallion Quilt pattern, and also the fabrics needed to make it in your upcoming Canning Day fabric line. I hope you included some of that bright pink/magenta in the fabric requirements, since pink is my favorite color. (I know…no surprise, right?). I hope the picture that you sent was in your new Canning Day Line, because it looks almost identical to the original picture on the pattern cover, from your Sundrops Line. I signed up for yours and Sherry’s box which will come in Feb.? Can’t wait for that!!! I feel like we are kindred spirits, Corey, and can hardly wait to see you again, hopefully at the next Quilters’ Gathering in Berlin. God bless you, dear, and your family.
Love, Charlotte❤️
Charlotte!–it is so good to hear from you. =) Of course I remember who you are. =) And thank you so much for all of your kind words. The picture that I included of Medley Medallion was from Canning Day and I listed the fabrics I used for that picture. There weren’t any pinks (I don’t think) in that photo or in the fabrics I listed so that it would most closely match the original quilt. But, you could easily switch them out if you wanted to! I can’t wait to see you again in the summer if you come back to Quilter’s Gathering in Berlin–wasn’t that fun!
I love day-in-the-life posts. And I saw several quilts in this post that I *must* make!! Thanks for the beautiful work that you do especially all the wonderful fabrics that you create.
Hi Corey,
Thank You for sharing your daily routine, busy, busy! I use to have a preschool/daycare in my home and that really kept me busy. I hired a helper and had a license for 12 so I could stay home. When our youngest was 10 I went back to school at night. Then I went into the medical field as a Medical Assistant. I am enjoying being retired now for several years. “Yes”, the time just flies by so fast, it’s crazy !! I am enjoying all you do & share. I too do my prayers & devotionals in the morning, HE comes first then everything else. I enjoy sew days 3 times a month, at my sisters, are quilt guild and the Baptist church I attend. It is great to know that your teaching your children all about who God is. Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you for sharing your day, how well organized you are!
And thank you for all the amazingly gorgeous and colorful quilts you make. They brighten every single day !
Being a mom with younger children is a full time job! I am sew happy I’m retired now & can watch my daughter in full on mom mode while I secretly give the kids candy…no I don’t really do that! Bravo COREY! You have fun-filled days! Cherish these days.
Oh how fun!–You enjoy those days with your grand kids!
Love the post Corie! Thanks for sharing. You are a busy Mom! and designer!
Thank you so much for reading!
Great post! Maybe you have done this type of post before , not sure. I’d love to have a tour of your quilting studio!
I need to do that!–I don’t think that I have shared that before. =)
Corey I really enjoyed reading about your days and admire the fact that you can run your business from home and all of the fun things involved in running your business! I’d definitely be interested in reading more posts like this, thanks for sharing! 🙂
I cannot wait til canning Day comes to us it is so beautiful.I have been trying to get started on my Xmas Gifts. Hope you have a great week my friend.
Your day sounds delightful. Busy, challenging and fulfilling. It put me in mind of the scripture that says whatever your hand finds to do, do this with your full might. (loose translation of mine, hehe). I home schooled my children when they were young – at a time when home schooling was just getting started – I also worked from home; different job than yours but still – work! I never regretted those extra years with my 3 musketeers. I would do it all over again. Thank you for sharing your day. I pray peace and joy for you and yours.