About Town Tuesdays {Miller’s Dry Goods}

Miller’s Dry Goods In Charm, Ohio
Welcome to another About Town Tuesday. =) This is the blog post where I get to share with you some of the neat things to see and do in Holmes County Ohio, my home place.
Today, I am sharing Miller’s Dry Goods with all of you. I am going to be sprinkling photos throughout for your viewing pleasure–I took a lot of photos!

Bins of Fat quarters and beautifully arranged bolts of fabric.
This is a wonderful fabric shop in the charming town of Charm, Ohio. How fitting! Charm is about a 10 minute drive from Berlin. This is also one of the first quilt shops I remember visiting when I was growing up (aside from JoAnn fabrics–which I strongly disliked visiting!).

I always like the Moda section of fabrics!–I spy Sugarcreek. =)
Miller’s Dry Goods was started in 1965 in Amanda Miller’s kitchen as a very small fabric shop serving the Amish community. It has since expanded (out of the kitchen) into 2 buildings with over 8000 bolts of fabric.

More Moda Fabrics
I remember when I was younger when we visited, the shop didn’t have electricity. =) Amish families do not have electricity in their homes and as this business was an Amish owned shop, it was no different.

Pretty bolts of Christmas and holiday fabrics line this wall in the store.
One of the questions I asked the current owner of Miller’s Dry Goods was when exactly the shop got electricity. I was surprised to hear that it wasn’t until the early 2000’s. Isn’t that such a fun piece of history!

Kansas Troubles!–KT was some of the first fabrics I bought when I started buying fabrics in the late 90’s.
Naomi Miller and her husband, Henry, bought Miller’s Dry Goods from Mary Troyer (Amanda Miller’s daughter) in 2016. Naomi had worked at Miller’s for many years prior. When Mary began looking for a buyer for the shop after her mom’s passing, Naomi was a perfect fit.

30’s fabrics
Naomi said that she has always loved to sew. Coming from an Amish background herself, she learned to sew on a treadle sewing machine when she was very young.

Miller’s Dry Goods carries a very wide variety of fabrics from most fabric manufacturers. You will find everything from traditional, to batiks, to novelty fabrics, to 30’s prints, to civil war prints…and the list goes on! I always enjoy perusing the center aisle of the main part of the store because it is filled to the brim with Moda Fabrics.

Fabrics arranged by color–Pinks and Reds
The surrounding rows of fabrics are primarily arranged by color which makes it especially nice for choosing just the shade you are looking for.

Fabrics arranged by color, greens.

Fabrics arranged by color-blues

Fabrics arranged by color-creams and browns
All of you purple fans that can never find just that right purple…Miller’s has you covered. =)

Fabrics arranged by color–purples and oranges

Fabrics Arranged by color–gray/black
I asked Naomi what her favorite part of owning a quilt shop is. Her answer?–She enjoys helping customers choose fabrics for their projects.

Pre-cut corner
Miller’s Dry Goods also carries a wonderful selection of pre-cuts and those wonderful Moda scrap bags. You can see those on the left side of the picture above. If you have never purchased one of these scrap bags, they are so much fun. Be sure to see if your local shop carries them because you are in for a real treat if they do!
Miller’s also always has a quilt in the frame waiting to be hand quilted by customers. You can learn the basics of hand quilting, try your hand at stitching, and the finished quilt is donated to Project Linus (a non-profit organization that provides handmade blankets for kids in need).

Sit Down and Quilt
As I mentioned earlier, Miller’s Dry Goods is made up of two different shops. The shop next door carries homespuns, flannels, minky, and finished goods.

They have such a wonderful selection of flannels!

Upstairs is where you will find so many finished goods. This includes handmade items (usually several dozen, hand quilted quilts!) as well as home decor type items.

Finished goods upstairs
I always enjoy looking at the quilts for sale.

Quilts for Sale
There is always something new and different each time I pop in up there.
Miller’s Dry Goods is certainly a feast for the eyes!

V&C Ombre
For more information about Miller’s Dry Goods, be sure to visit their website. You can find hours, location, and special events. Additionally, they offer online shopping if you saw something in the above photos you “need”. =)
Thank you so much for “visiting” Miller’s Dry Goods with me. =) See you tomorrow for another edition of Wondering Wednesday!
This is the 3rd in my series of About Town Tuesdays. If you’d like to see the other “About Town Tuesday” posts you can find them here.
Thanks Corey. You are truly amazing. I can’t wait to visit .
I love this store! I visit at least once a year and it’s always my go-to shop when I have a special quilt to make❤️
Thank you for adding these fun “guided tours” to your hometown area. I am finding myself looking forward to Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s to see what you have for us.
What a wonderful fabric store! I hope we have a chance to visit Berlin again in the near future. Charm sounds like a lovely place to visit. What is that gorgeous quilt on the bed upstairs!
i want to visit! What a wonderful quilt shoppe. Thank you for the tour which will have to do until I can get there some time in the future.
What a wonderful shop! I love your area and the adorable shops! Lucky you! I’m soooo glad you are sharing your lovely town with us!
Just WOW!!!
Love reading these posts and this store is amazing! Thanks!
How wonderful to live near this store! I could (and hope to) spend all day in there. Thanks so much for “About Town Tuesdays.” You live in a very soecial place!🥰
Enjoyed the post….Loving them all……
Visited Miller Dry Goods many times in the 1980’s when work took me that way. Charming store! Wish I was closer and could visit again. Thanks for the memories!
Thank you so much for showing Miller’s. With your insight and also my friend from Canton’s go-to shop, I had such a great, though quick visit. I don’t get up to Ohio near enough, but hope to make it up at some point, to spend more time. Thank you for showing the area that I miss so much. Such great memories!
I live in Western PA and have made a few trips to the Berlin area. Miller’s is one of the shops I can’t miss when we’re there!! It looks like such a tiny house from the outside, you think there can’t be much inside, but wow!! Open the door and walk in and it’s packed with fabric!! I usually start downstairs, then move to the upstairs. (And I always spend more than planned when I check out!!) 🙂 GREAT shop!!
Thank you for posting all of the lovely photos. My friend and I are driving from Canada to Ohio this summer and Miller’s Dry Goods and Plaid Sheep have been added to our list of shops to stop into. Please keep the shop tours coming so that we will know where to head to next! Many thanks!
Thanks Corey for spotlighting this business. I just visited their website and couldn’t help myself. Well, my birthday is on the 18th, so I figure I was entitled to an early happy birthday! Many blessings to you and yours this special season of joy and awe. ~ Blondie ~
This is a lovely store. Makes me itching to be there.
A nice virtual tour, of a good friend of ours’ store! Thanks
I started going to Amish country in the early 90’s. And The lighting is one of the things I remember. I think it was propane. Those little lamps overhead, not giving off much light. But Oh! There was so much to look at! My friends and I would spend a whole day down there going to the different quilt and craft stores. And the bulk food stores. So much fun! Such a great store. I haven’t been there in the last few years, and no longer live in that area, so nice to see it again. Thank you for these great posts.
Loved the tour. Thanks
This shop is one of the best!!! I’m from WV and have visited Millers many times & love the variety of fabrics! It’s hard to decide on what to buy! Everyone there is such a great help and always kind!
I love this store! I’m planning my second visit next week when I go to visit my daughter for her graduation with her Master’s degree! I wish I lived closer – both to my daughter and to this fabulous store!!
I love this store!! It’s not unusual for us to drive to Miller’s more than once during our spring retreat in Sugarcreek. You are so right about the Moda scrap bags. I’ve bought several of them.
I am thinking in addition to all of your other “jobs”; you should probably take on the Chamber of Commerce roving reporter position. Oh wait! You already are doing that. lol Thank You again for helping me add to my list of places to visit next summer.
What a wonderful reason to travel to Ohio in the summer. Shops such as these are truly hidden gems to enjoy.
Always find many items to purchase at Miller’s on my yearly visit to Holmes County. A great store!