Blockheads Block #2

It is already Day 2 of Moda Blockheads..these summer months are going to zip right by.

Plus, this is Bible School week for me–I am one of the Children’s Ministry directors at my church so that means this has been a very busy few weeks!  It is always so much fun, and the kids have a blast….I look forward to this week every year.

Anyway, on to Block #2.  This week we are making a 6″ block courtesy of  Barb & Mary of Me & My Sister Designs.  To get the free pattern, you will want to head over to their blog.

For my block, I used a Sunnyside Up print for the background and corner triangles.  Sunnyside Up will be available in November and I shared a bit about it on Monday and I’ll be sharing more on Friday.  The yellow prints in this block are from Pepper & Flax and Sundrops.

If you are new to Moda Blockheads and you want more information, be sure to check out this Cutting Table blog post.  You will also be able to download Block #1 if you haven’t done so already and see a list of all of the Moda Blockheads designers.

And, now a freebie for all of you Blockheads.  As I was reading through the Moda Blockheads Facebook page, I noticed a lot of participants commenting that they graphed out the blocks to use as a coloring page to figure out values and fabric placement.  So I’ve decided to include a coloring page in my post each Wednesday for you to use for just that purpose.

The printable PDF is available below.  Just Click and Print.

I hope you find this to be a valuable resource!  Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.  See you soon!


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23 Responses

  1. Pamela Haffner says:

    Thank You so much for the color/graph sheet. I am using Pepper and Flax and it is so pretty.
    Can’t wait for Sunny Side Up.

  2. Daria says:

    Thanks so much for the coloring page, Corey! Much appreciated!

  3. Tracie says:

    Thank you! A coloring sheet will be helpful, and your block was inspiring—love the fabrics. My LQS carried only a few bolts of Pepper & Flax, and a friend told me a shop 45 minutes away is carrying the whole line. Yay! Sunnyside Up looks fantastic, too. I’m building up my stash for a Corey quilt next year.

  4. Pat Spurgeon says:

    The coloring page is a great idea! Thanks!

  5. Pat says:

    Love your fabrics in this block! Thank you for the coloring page. This is a great help … <3 Pat

  6. Sue Hoover says:

    Your block is a beauty!

  7. Tracey says:

    Your fabrics are so, so gorgeous! I’ve been coveting Pepper and Flax, but I have so much in my stash already just waiting to get used up. Too much shopping and blog reading and not enough sewing! Haha!! Have a great day.

    • Corey says:

      Oh thank you so much!–I know how blog reading and fabric shopping can go…time and money can get away from you too fast! =)

  8. Pam says:

    Love seeing your blocks ..thanks for the coloring page this is going to help alot

  9. thank you for the coloring sheet!

  10. Roseanna Jakubowski says:

    Thank you so much for the coloring sheet. Really appreciate it!!

  11. Jeanne says:

    Thanks so much for the coloring page, it will be very helpful.

  12. Donna Lee says:

    Love your coloring page idea. Is there a page available for Block #1? And your fabric choices are beautiful. Now I need some Pepper and Flax and Sundrops!

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