Cali & Co. Mystery BOM Block 1
The 2025 Cali & Co. Mystery BOM has arrived! I am so excited to be kicking this block of the month off today with our very first block.
If you want to jump right to the Cali & Co. Mystery Block #1 pattern without reading about the block, scroll down to where you see the words “you can download the block #1 pattern here”. It is a clickable link in large red letters. After clicking the link, the pattern will open right up. This is a free pattern. No credit card information is required.
Before sharing more about the new block, I wanted to announce that the winner of the fat quarter giveaway is Cheryl G. Congratulations Cheryl…your package is on the way!
And now onto our first block in the Cali & Co. Mystery BOM. Here it is…super scrappy and full of color.
I made all of my blocks using Tilda fabrics (the block on the left) this past summer and now I am making a block each month using Cali & Co. I think that both versions are going to be so pretty. =)
In today’s video, I am covering fabric cutting plus the block tutorial. It’s a detailed video that covers a lot of information.
The block pattern today includes both the pattern as well as a “helpful information” page. The helpful info page is the first page of the pattern and includes, well, a lot of helpful info! =)
You can download the Block #1 pattern here.
I chat about that first page quite a bit in today’s video. That first page includes information on pre-cutting your fat eighth bundle as well as a portion of the background fabric if you wish to. Alternatively, you can cut the pieces you need each month and skip pre-cutting altogether. I like to give various options so you can work in the manner that you like.
If you are a member of the Coriander Quilts Facebook group, I’d love if you’d share pictures of your completed blocks. =)
If you missed the calendar of dates for this sew along, you can download it here.
If you missed the fabric requirements, you can download those here.
What a fun block! I can’t wait to get started on this sew-along 🙂
I hope you enjoy sewing it up!
Hi, where can I find the Cali and Co. fat eighths bundle?
They are sold in local and online quilt shops that carry Moda Fabrics. If you like purchasing online, you can google “Cali co fat eight bundle” to bring up online shops that have them in stock.
Love it, Corey! Both fabric versions are very cute–bright and cheery looking! 🙂
Thank you!
Love love your sweatshirt. Your sister did an awesome job!
She did!
Thank you, Corey! I need to get cutting. Looking forward to seeing the end result! have a great day!
Hi Corey
Nicole’s sweatshirt is awesome. I Love the mint ties to. Thanks for another reason Fabric Line. Cali should become a MODA Basic?
Have a Great week. I know Your all working hard with the move. Stay safe no over lifting.
Up here in below 10 degrees temps like how it use to be.🤓 Saying Hi from a cold MI.
Ordered my fabric, I’m starched, pressed and ready to go!
Wow Corey! Your block was worth being so excited for, I couldn’t sleep all night thinking about your beautiful gift to all of us! I knew it would be good, but this is extra good! Love all the fabrics in one block! So fun, I want to make many large quilts, and give them to those I love!
I agree with you Julia… it’s extra good!
So excited to get started on this project. I’ve got another quilt started with the Cali and Co line that just needs the sashing cut, so I can put the blocks together.
Love all your fabrics Corey! Great job on a beautiful collection.
Love the block, can’t wait to make it. Cali & co is so pretty.
Should it say 2025 BOM?
So excited to get started! Waiting for my starch spray to arrive before I can get started. I ordered it in plenty of time, but the order got canceled by the seller 😞. Love the shirt~Please have Nicole tell us how she did it!
The first block is so pretty!
The extra bits for our bonus project is icing on the cake Thank you!
Love the fabric line and the 1st mystery block!
NICOLES Sweatshirt design is fantastic!
How creative and can’t wait to see how she expands her quilting ideas!
This looks like fun!!
Do you have to starch the fabric first? I’ve only been quilting one year. The block does look beautiful but a bit scary for me! I’m going to do my best!
To me the starch helps my blocks come out more precise without skewing and distortion. The fabric is a bit crisp and makes cutting a breeze. You can do a search for “quilters moonshine” if you’d like to make your own. I use a 50-50 solution of Sta-flo starch and water. Happy sewing 😃
This is gonna be fun. .I just Got my Calendar All Filled in for your Month to month ..So I Won’t Forget..
Darling Sweatshirt 🤗❣️🌸
Happy 2025..
Here We Go..
I think This is what makes the Years go by do fast. Our BOMS…🤣👏
Gracias, esta muy lindo
Many thanks for this great scrap buster. You are so generous with your designs. The narrow strippy borders are a new look for me. Can’t wait to get started.
WOW! What a start – block #1 is right up my alley. I’m a 50 year quilter – can you imagine the scraps I have? I’ve printed out the first block & I’m making blocks. Handy timing as I just went to the quilt guild meeting earlier this week & picked up 2 overstuffed bags of scraps (yes, I like to ‘freshen up’ my scraps!). Those scraps are already pressed and trimmed up into my regular sized pre cuts. I’m making your block this morning as I just finished 4 quilts. I wanted an easy project I can just enjoy – this is it. Love how scrappy it is, I could make several quilts just from this first pattern. Thank you! Deb / CA
Corey– I’ve been able to find all the fabrics but1 29194-21. Where can I find it? Cant wait to get started! Kathy Osterby
Kathy, I found some at Fat Quarter Shop, they don’t have a lot, so hurry and get some.
Such a cute block! I can’t wait to get started Sunday. Wanted to start today, but too much going on. I purchased the kit from my local quilt shop. First time they offered your fabric, Hope they continue, as you are my favorite designer!
Just pressed all my fabric and am ready to cut! Looks like a lot of fun
ditto here!!! We’re in the grips of the Siberian freeze this weekend and it was perfect to iron!! lol
I just got home. Couldn’t wait to turn on my laptop to see what the first Cali & co block was. I said out loud–“ooooh!! Can’t wait to make that!!”
I’ve never done a BOM or any kind of sew along. I am so looking forward to it!
I have my fabrics and love Cali & Co! I signed up for your Facebook but only sneered question 1. I am sorry. I can finish if need. I am sorry.
You’ll want to go back and request to join again. When not all 3 questions are questions, the request is automatically deleted by Facebook.
Can’t wait to sew up this block!
I love this block! I am going to use my Moms stash and make a quilt using her fabrics
This is such a pretty block. Thank you for the block pattern, the helpful video, and the beautiful fabrics to play with. Love your sweatshirt too!
Can I get the BOM from a dessert roll (5″x wof) plus background instead of a fat eighth bundle do you think? 🤔
How many strips are in your dessert roll? One strip in a dessert roll is almost the same amount of fabric as one fat eight. So it would just depend on how many strips you have and how much fabric waste you have switching to a dessert roll strip.
Are the block directions going to be up on your page a while, I will be hospitalized during one of the months??
Yes they will be.
I love Mystery Quilts.. Gonna Use up some 30’s Stash for this one.
I am excited to begin my first Corey Yoder pattern. I have made a couple of quilts using your fabric. I started collecting your fabric about a year ago. I love the colors and the sweet prints.
Thank you Corey for the free sew along and for creating such beautiful fabrics!!! Love your sweatshirt – your sister is so creative!! Do you think she would show us how she made it?
This site will not accept my good cards.
The Coriander Quilts website isn’t set up to accept any form of payment. Nor is there anything for sale on the website.
Corey, what is the name of the ruler you used to draw the 1/4” lines to make half square triangles? It looks easy to use. Thank your
It’s a 1/4″ seam marking ruler.
Love your videos and am excited to participate in your Mystery BOM. I am drawn to your fabric lines, always so pretty!
Finished the block, and love the leftovers. Trying to discover if there is a way to upload a pic of this one. Guess not. Thanks and i’ll be ready for number 2.
What Color background are you using for the Cali and Co mystery quilt.
I am using the white on white dot that is included in the Cali & Co. fabric line. It is the print that I have listed on the fabric requirements.
Is there anywhere where you have released a sheet where it let’s us know which fabric to use on the mystery bom I do better with a picture of the fabric and not by number because the fabric isn’t number.
I don’t have a sheet showing exact print placement for the prints that are cut from the fat eight bundle. However, if you watch the YouTube video, you can see exactly were I placed each print or you can reference the photos in this blog post. Additionally, there are lots of blocks being shared in the Coriander Quilts Facebook group that are great for inspiration.
Hi Corey!
Love your videos, stories, fabrics, and quilt patterns.
Absolutely love the sweatshirt that Nicole made. Perhaps an off the question, but what brand of sweatshirt did she use. Have always wanted a white sweatshirt, but haven’t found one that I really like, except yours.
Actually, love all of your quilting shirts and have never been able to find any. Do they all come from the same place? If so, where from?
Thank you for all that you do.
I’d have to go double check but I think she purchased it from Old Navy. When I was making applique clothing (before I became a quilt/fabric designer) I sourced quite a few of my blanks from both Old Navy and Gap.
Corey, I love your Saturday videos. I’m jumping in to sew the 2025 mystery. I too love Tilda fabric and have a few pieces. You’ve inspired me to use it for this mystery. Yup, I’m gonna do it! I’m starting block 1 today and can’t wait to see your video for block 2 next week. Thank you for your positive and cheerful videos, Silvia
Just finished making this block – it was pretty fun and leaves a lot of room for experimenting with color. Can’t wait for the next block! Thanks Corey!
When will we see February BOM
Blocks are released the 3rd Saturday of each month. You can download the calendar of dates here:
Would you consider releasing the mystery blocks at the beginning of the month? Our quilt guild is using it as a block of the month and would like to show the blocks at the meetings.
No, the calendar of dates that the blocks are being released was shared in November. It would be very confusing to all others participating to change those dates.
Hi Corey, I am joining the party late, but I do finally have the fabric. It is all so beautiful. And this first block looks like it has a block or triangle for many of the fabrics.
Hi Corey,
I am finally able to begin working on the first block of your BOM, a little late to the gaggle, I had major surgery on January 13 and the recovery has been daunting but I am pushing thru I need to as I have several quilts I need/ want to make this year and your BOM is on my list. Looking at the cutting diagrams you provided I am wondering if there is enough fabric on each fat eighth from your Cali & Co bundle to starch? From what I see I believe there is enough. I have read the previous comments and do not see the question asked. I just wanted to ask before I went starch crazy.
I do so enjoy your videos every Saturday, while in recovery they have given me quality TV time.
No one has asked but how is Ryan’s broken wrist recovering?
Take care and as always Keep Quilting!
Picture on the bottom of page 2 is from month 1 block. Minor issue, but should be corrected.
Loving the Cali & Co BOM! Using Kansas Troubles stash.
Loving the Cali & Co BOM. Thank you.