Cali & Co. Mystery BOM Block 2

It’s release day for the second block in the Cali & Co. mystery BOM.

If you want to jump right to the Cali & Co. Mystery Block #2 pattern without reading about the block, scroll down to where you see the words “you can download the block #2 pattern here”. It is a clickable link in large red letters. After clicking the link, the pattern will open right up. This is a free pattern. No credit card information is required.

Here is our second block in both the Tilda fabrics (on the right) and the Cali & Co. fabrics (on the left). They were both so much fun to make. I have included a block tutorial in today’s video (along with viewer quilt shares, Coriander fun find, and a Q&A). I’m also sharing just a couple extra tips about sewing scrappy and stitch & flip corners in the block tutorial portion of the video.

You can download the block #2 pattern here

If you’ve missed the block one pattern, you can download it in this blog post. The block patterns release the 3rd Saturday of each month. The full calendar of dates for all of 2025 can be downloaded in this blog post. If you are just stumbling across this mystery BOM and need the fabric requirements, you’ll find those in this blog post.

Above, you can see the first two blocks made using Cali & Co. And here they are in a mix of Tilda fabric lines:

Have fun sewing up the February Cali & Co. Mystery block! The next block comes out on Saturday, March 15. Corey

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33 Responses

  1. Pegg Smith says:

    I missed email to subscribe now I can’t ???

  2. Cheryl G says:

    Looking forward to seeing the video when it gets posted….😁

  3. Lola Souza Judge says:

    Beautiful! Love it. Thank you for this free pattern! Found you very recently and really enjoying your videos and fabrics!!

  4. Andrea C Bault says:

    This is so fun! The quilts will be so vibrant! And I live thT I M using my stash.

  5. Jenelle Boxberger says:

    Will there be a video explaining the number 2 mystery block. This is my first time doing a BOM. Thanks

  6. Sharon says:

    Thank you! I may be late to the sew along…but I am loving this! I appreciate you and you sharing this. Can’t wait to see what we do with those cut offs. 😉

  7. Chris says:

    Hi Corey
    I really like the totes with the quilt blocks. Are they available somewhere?

  8. Tamara Millage says:

    Would you be able to do a demo on how you use your “You and me wooly pressing bar”? I’m not getting the crisp seam I’d expect and you sold me on… thank you! I am learning so much watching your tutorials.

  9. Felicita Rivera says:

    Thank you for this free pattern. Love it ….

  10. Carol S Kauffman says:

    Another fun block. Loved seeing quilts made by viewers using the beautiful fabrics they chose. I have the Serendipity quilt cut ready to sew with Springbrook fabrics. It is one of the quilts I want to get together in 2025.

  11. Peggy McCourry Vandeleest says:

    I love the corners…they remind me of old pictures in albums. Beautiful patterns and material; thank you for sharing

  12. Pierrette says:

    Allô ou que ont peu acheté les lettre pour marquee notre project . Allô where I could by the letters for the project like a,b,c, thank you

    • Corey says:

      They are called Alphabitties…they are a Fat Quarter Shop product. I have them linked in the description box below the video on YouTube or you can google Alphabitties to see the quilt shops that are carrying them.

  13. Patricia Craven Taylor says:

    I missed out on downloading the block of the month number one. Can you tell me where I can find it please?

  14. Bonnie Mae Alexander says:

    Cory, Where do I find the comments section on the You Tube video from today, Feb. 15th? I’m especially wanting to know if anyone had any suggestions where to find batting. I’m also running a non-profit in Colorado Springs, CO, called Quilts For Kids and we donate our quilts to the local Children’s Hospital. We are always needing batting. Thanks! Bonnie Alexander

  15. dbescheinen says:

    Where can I get Block 1?? I’ve overlooked it and need it to have the quilt complete at the end.
    thank you!!

  16. Sandy says:

    Enjoy your videos. Wondering if the border is pieced together or if there is enough fabric for one continuous piece. Could you give ideas for making it larger?

    • Corey says:

      For borders that are longer than WOF, I piece them. And the easiest way to make quilts larger is to add extra blocks, borders, or a combination of the two.

  17. Barbara says:

    The ONLY thing that would make this block better would be if it incorporated an Ohio Star!

  18. Ros Bird Rattler says:

    I have started my fabric prep and now ready to do the cutting. So glad I get to sew with you this year. Have a great day.

  19. Keli Dennis says:

    Good morning Corey and friends from Oregon. I loved the way my block 1 turned out and excited to make block 2 this weekend. The Cali & Co fabrics are a delight to work with!💕💕. What a wonderful BOM.

  20. Loreen R. says:

    QUESTION: I am intrigued by many of your patterns but tend to do queen or king sized quilts. Would you ever do a video about ways to make quilts larger or smaller? Keep doing what you do. I really look forward to your weekly videos.

  21. jeansullivantx says:

    Enjoying the BOM and seeing your videos each week!

  22. Dee says:

    I just love this block and the vision of this quilt so far! I can’t wait to get started! 🙂

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