Category: Uncategorized


Hexagon Swap Round 2

Yesterday when, perhaps, I should have been working on some bee blocks I decided instead to work on a fun little pillow.  I received all of these great hexagons & goodies from Kerri for the {Handsome}...


Pay it Forward Friday Giveaway

*Comments Closed* So, how fabulous are these owl fabrics?!?  They are from Tina Givens new line Opal Owl & I think they are just the cutest things ever.  I purchased a FQ set from...


Everday Best Quilt Block

This is a block that I have been wanting to try for awhile.  When Gretchen asked for “beachy” blocks using blues/greens for the Sew New to Me VQB I thought it was a perfect time...


What I’ve been up to…

A fun little mosaic pincushion for a wonderful gal who sent me a little bit of much wanted fabric. Some much needed fabric organization. Birthing a Quilt Block..LOL! (More on this one later)