Saturday Sew Sampler
Happy Saturday Friends!–It is a wet, snowy one here in Berlin, Ohio today! It’s a perfect day to stay inside and sew, or read, or any of those other perfect wintery activities. =)
Adventures in Quilting
Happy Saturday Friends!–It is a wet, snowy one here in Berlin, Ohio today! It’s a perfect day to stay inside and sew, or read, or any of those other perfect wintery activities. =)
Fabric / Pillows / Quilts / wondering wednesday
by Corey · Published December 11, 2019 · Last modified December 10, 2019
Welcome back to week 8 of Wondering Wednesdays..It’s the day I answer the questions you guys have left for me. =)
Welcome to another About Town Tuesday. =) This is the blog post where I get to share with you some of the neat things to see and do in Holmes County Ohio, my home...
Good Morning and welcome to block 11 of the Sunday Best Quilts sampler!