Playful Petals Giveaway Winner!


Thank you so much to everyone who entered the giveaway!  I really enjoyed reading through all of your comments & I especially loved how many of you are ready to begin applique after reading through the book.

The Playful Petals Giveaway winner is comment number 78!

Giveaway Winner

Congratulations Pat!


I just sent you an email! =)

Rainbow Petals

If you are interested in owning a copy of Playful Petals, Amazon currently has a great price on them.  They have just a handful of copies left so you’ll want to snag one quickly!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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4 Responses

  1. Anne says:

    Thanks for the tip about Amazon. I just ordered the book. I am dreaming of the possibilities with this book!

  2. Carla says:

    Congratulations Pat. Enjoy all your stitching!

  3. Scorpie says:

    Congrats to Pat! Ordered the book yesterday and am waiting anxiously for it to show up on my doorstep
    Already have a few fabrics picked out.

  4. Gai Butler says:

    Congratulations Pat! You have won a truly beautiful prize – Happy sewing!!!

Hey Friends!--I'd love to hear from you. =)

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