Prairie PDF Patterns

Pattern Covers


I hope all of you are able to enjoy a wonderful Memorial Day with your families.  I just wanted to pop in to let you know that the Prairie PDF patterns are now available in my shop.  Just in case you were looking for some Memorial Day sewing. =)

Enjoy your day–give your loved ones an extra squeeze.

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5 Responses

  1. Darlene says:

    Yay! I’m really excited. Need to have a complete collection. 🙂 Off to order two I don’t have yet.

    Thank you for your fabulous designs (patterns and fabric)

  2. Sigrid Golnik says:

    Love the name of your pattern company – ‘coriander’ quilts! Dashing is one of my favorite quilt patterns; and I just can’t get over the beautiful quilting your mom did on the Gingersnap quilt. Such beautiful work on all the quilts – patterns and the quilting of them.

  3. Kristine says:

    Hi Corey,
    I just downloaded my favourite pattern today and have it sitting beside me now. I’m not sure how soon I’m going to get stitching, but I’m looking forward to giving it a try. They are all beautiful patterns.

  4. Elizabeth Starley says:

    Can you recommend an online fabric store that will be carrying the Prarie yardage? The store I purchased the layer cake is small so they can’t carry all the yardage. I’m looking forward to it coming out next month!

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