Storm Update

Good afternoon friends! I thought I would give you a quick storm update. Our power hasn’t yet been restored but we have a generator. That’s allowed us to open up our home to neighbors and family that need a place to stay over/cool down/shower/or store their food during the record-breaking heat we’ve experienced this week following the storm and subsequent power outages.

It’s been confirmed that the storm we had Monday night was a derecho with a macroburst that came right through our town. I’ve never seen anything like it. Thousands of downed trees, trees snapped in half, utility poles snapped in half…if you had trees in your yard you were certain to have some of them either completely uprooted, tops completely broken off, or large branches torn away. There are whole woods with the tops of the trees torn off.

For most of Tuesday, our roads were completely closed for travel except for emergency vehicles and those clearing debris off of the roads. Many of them were closed due to being impassable.

We spent a large portion of Tuesday chainsawing up trees, stacking firewood, dragging away large branches, and clearing away debris. We still have more to do but it was such a blessing to work with our neighbors to help each other out! I always enjoy working together to help out someone else. With so many downed trees, I would have expected to see a lot of damage to homes but, Praise God, there has not been.

We have very limited internet service and cell phone service (which is such a minor inconvenience) but because of this I can’t upload videos/photos etc. for tomorrow’s scheduled Beautiful Day mystery BOM and I’ll be pushing it back to next Saturday.

You all have been so kind with your comments and prayers!…I appreciate that so much! The quilting community is the best and I really felt your love over the last few days. Thank you for being such awesome quilting friends!…have a wonderful weekend! Corey

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105 Responses

  1. Lanell Curry says:

    I wish I could help!! What a blessing that homes were not damaged! And no loss of life? I see God in all of the details – neighbors helping neighbors, you sharing your home, etc. Those macrobursts are so damaging. We’ve had them in Montana, also. God bless you all.

  2. Sandi Davis says:

    So glad you are safe! I was in the deracheo that hit the Chesapeake 10 yrs ago. We were anchored on our sailboat. This type of storm is super scary. I will look forward to hearing from you when you are situated. Until then, stay safe and all the best.

  3. Becky Marzano says:

    Oh Corey. I’m so sorry to hear this. I love how you’ve all pulled together to help each other out. Sending prayers and positive thoughts as you clean up and clear the debris. Say safe my friend. ❤️

  4. Amy Young says:

    We have the same thing going on so much damage. But I also love it we we can all come together to help one another so many blessings!

  5. Joan L Shelledy says:

    Hi, Corey! I live not far from Cedar Rapids, IA and we experienced a derecho in August, 2020. While we only lost a few trees, the damage in Cedar Rapids was devastating. There was a lot of damage to homes as well as loss of a huge amount of trees. It was unbelieveable so I do understand what you are going through. Godspeed.

  6. Delores Rast says:

    So glad y’all are ok and have a generator and can help others. Prayers continue for you, your family and your town.

  7. Beverly Noble says:

    I’m so sorry to hear what’s happened to your area!! Praying thing return to somewhat normal soon..

  8. Becky says:

    We have been away and I’m just reading your update. Praise the Lord for protection over you and your family. What a blessing to be able to help others our and work together in the midst of a crisis. I will be praying for you and the community.

  9. Angela Stoutenger says:

    Thank you for the update Corey. Prayers to you and your family and all those affected by the storm. It’s great that neighbors are working together. Stay safe!

  10. Nikki Harvey says:

    Wow, I’m in the UK and I’ve never heard of anything like that kind of storm. I’m so pleased you have good relations with your neighbours….we have too where we live in Scotland and it makes such a difference to each day. Will be praying for your continued safety.
    God bless

  11. Christie Gilmore says:

    Cory please know you are in my prayers your whole neighborhood the whole town are in my prayers yes helping others is a true blessing there’s nothing like it please be careful in your endeavors and God willing your lights will be on very soon take care Christie Gilmore

  12. MARY LOU Lion says:

    Hi Corey I’m so happy to hear what has happened. I didn’t know until now.
    My prayers are with all of you. It’s so kind of you to help people but I’m not surprised at all. I always knew you were a kind and loving person.
    God Bless everyone
    Mary Lou ❤️❤️🙏🙏🥰

  13. Patsy says:

    Prayers for you, your family, and all who have been affected.

  14. Carma Rollins says:

    Prayers to you, your family and the community.

  15. Joni Jecklin says:

    I will add my prayers to those of others – being thankful that you are safe and part of a loving, caring community. Please take good care.

  16. Deborah says:

    Peace & care to your family & those around. We visit Berlin area twice a year from Michigan & so enjoy yr beautiful community. Praising God for this faithfulness to us!

  17. Jane Brewer says:

    Wow! Glad to hear that you all are ok! Waiting a week foe quilt directions is a big nothing compared to what you all are going through! Just know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers! May God continue to watch over you and your town!

  18. Ivy Veinot says:

    Thank you for the update. The others already have posted what is in my heart also! May God continue to bless you and your community in big ways and small. Am giving thanksgiving for your safety.

  19. Faerie Pabich says:

    Corey, so many prayers of thanksgiving that your family and so many others avoided injury and loss of their homes. You are a blessing to others…may God pour his blessings on you! With you in spirit, and continued prayers.

  20. Stephannie says:

    It’s times like these when the good in people comes out and overshadows all of the bad news that we hear. Thank you for stepping in and helping. You will be blessed for your Christ-like love of your neighbor.

  21. Anne Sartwell says:

    Ugh, been there, done that. Really feel for you call, but much praise for your family and efforts to help your neighbors. Bless your hearts.
    PS This will make for a good story for your grandkids…

  22. Sue Childs says:

    Take care of you and yours! Be safe!

  23. Cheryl Campbell says:

    So sorry Cory hope you and your family are doing well. Hugs for all who live in your town💜

  24. Elizabeth Foster says:

    I’ve been wondering about your storms, since I haven’t caught the news lately. Wow, I’m so glad everyone is okay! No power is certainly hard in this day and age, and cleanup will be a big job, but all these things can be fixed, right? Down here in Louisiana we consider generators a must! Still praying for all of you.

  25. Sandi Silvestri says:

    WOW, you really got a dilly of a storm. Thank heavens houses were not damaged. We get through all the trials in our lives with the love and kindness of others. As the saying goes, many hands make quick work. Praying for all of you in your community and much gratitude for your many blessings.

  26. Caryl Brix says:

    We have been through cutting downed trees twice when we owned in Wisconsin. Once the power was out for several days after straight line winds. We certainly appreciate what you are going through. We found that the community really pulls together. Best wishes as the clean up and healing continues!

  27. Rita Nichols says:

    Oh no! It’s always such a shame to lose trees as it takes so long for them to grow. The landscape will be changed for a very long time. Thankfully you and your neighbors are ok. We have gotten very small bits of rain and it’s very dry this summer in northwestern WI.

  28. Jenifer Aragon says:

    I watched some of the news footage. 100 MPH winds inside the storm!!! Scary. Prayers for you and yours. Hang in there.

  29. Rosemary Warthen says:

    Sending prayers for you , your family and neighbors.

  30. Susan Lucaa says:

    So glad you are safe. We were without power for a week during the winter with lots of down trees due to ice. It does bring a community closer together. Love your patterns and materials.

  31. Pam Ward says:

    I know what you are experiencing. It’s horrible. My Ohio county in January 2005 had the worst ice storm. We were out of electric for 7 days. I set in my car thinking about trying to get to work but listening to all the trees and poles snapping all around. A very eerie feeling. I didn’t make to work. All roads had power lines across blocking.

    This storm you have is much worst than we had. Our electric was out only 13 hours. We love our whole house generator we purchased 10 years ago. It will probably never pay for itself but it’s nice to know it will pop on 10 seconds after power goes out.

    P.s do you remember bad storms in mount Vernon area ten years ago 2012 on June 30?

    I wish you well and prayers for you and your neighbors,

  32. Nancy Ellen Soteriou says:

    Please be safe – hope you and your family and neighbors are doing well.

  33. Anna D. Davis says:

    Sorry about all the trees… but thankful you and your neighbors are ok! Thanks for keeping us in the loop and good luck with getting power back soon! Hang in there, this will be a memory soon! Here’s hoping for cooler weather!!!!!!!!!

  34. Kay Romahn says:

    In spite of the storm, it is still a “Beautiful Day” if there were no fatalities or injuries. Thanks be to God! We’ll be here when you are able to get back to quilting business.

  35. Rita says:

    Thoughts and prayers to you and your community!

  36. Connie says:

    Good luck to you all in the days ahead. I look forward to seeing you return to normal. Best wishes from Maine

  37. Robin Mead says:

    I’ve lived through severe winds but not long power outages. I am grateful you all have a generator and of course sharing with others. Wish I still lived in Ohio so I could come help. Prayers for all of you

  38. Cheryl says:

    So sorry. Bless you.

  39. Susan Pacifico says:

    Wow! Glad you are ok.

  40. Margaret Kerr says:

    So many thoughts coming your way, Cory. I’ve never heard of that kind of storm. How nice you have a generator and that you and you neighbours are able to work together to clean up after the storm. Please keep us posted.

  41. Dena says:

    So glad to hear homes were saved. Will keep you all in my prayers. I have been thinking about you. Glad you were able to share with us.

  42. Carol Sandberg says:

    Glad everyone is OK! I wish you could send some (not all!) of that heat to the Pacific NW! We may hit 70 today, but it’s doubtful, and the rain continues.

  43. Cynthia Lynn Coleman says:

    And here I was feeling angry that some straight line winds tore out our community’s mailbox and I haven’t received any mail in 2 weeks! So glad no one was hurt and no damage to homes. What a blessing.

  44. Karen says:

    Oh my goodness, Corey! What an experience. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Being from the Northeast we have been through several Nor’easters that left us without power for days, so your email brought back many memories. One thing that energized us to get through the many challenges was the power of people working together. You sound like you have a wonderful community of neighbors helping neighbors. Let’s hope that the power is restored soon.

  45. Laura Robins says:

    So many prayers going your way. Sorry to hear about the storms your community has endured. We here in Washington State tend to forget about our neighbors across the country. Sounds as though the Lord has had his hand on you all & saved many. Good to have great friends & neighbors that help each other out in your time of crisis.

  46. Janice Rampton says:

    What a blessing that there was less damage than there might have been and that you are safe. And an even greater blessing to work together and help one another. Prayers and hopeful thoughts.

  47. Kim Hogan says:

    Thoughts and prayers to you all. Stay safe.

  48. Wendy Root says:

    Love & prayers for your sweet family & community 🤍🤍🤍

  49. Mikki Pyle says:

    Praise the Lord that you all & your neighbors are well. Xo 🙏🏻

  50. Peggy Hutchings says:

    Thoughts and prayers for you and your family and the whole community. Glad you were able to help your fellow neighbors and family. God bless you and your family and your neighbors.

  51. Ali Barnes says:

    Oh my goodness, prayers to you and your community!

  52. Susan Danaher says:

    Praying you get back to normal soon. Do you live in Toledo? I am from southern Michigan and I heard Ohio was hit pretty hard by this storm 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

  53. Mary Myrup says:

    be safe

  54. Marilyn says:

    Corey, I’m so glad you and your family are ok. Glad to hear you have a generator. Your such a great person to be able to help others! I’m so sorry that this hit your town, but so glad no one was hurt. We had a wind storm come through her in North Salt Lake, Utah a couple of years ago. We lost 4 huge pine trees that my husband had planted here at our home when he was 12. We are old so they were old. We bought the family home 30 years ago. It was so, so sad to see those trees go! We had no power for a week! It sure makes you think about how much we take our power and other luxuries for granted. So sorry you are going through this now! Take care and will keep you in my prayers and thoughts and will look forward to hearing from you when you can. No worries here. I’m good for whenever it’s convent for you! Be safe and hugs for you and your family! 😊❤️

  55. Karen says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your town. They are very frightening storms and cause such damage. I experienced one and it was very scary. Take care!

  56. Nilda says:

    Prayers for you, your family and neighbors

  57. P says:

    Praise God all is well with you and your neighbors

  58. Suzanne says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your community.

  59. mje2002 says:

    Corey – I’m so glad you and your family and friends were unhurt. I’m sorry there was so much damage done. I get what you’re saying about helping each other recover. It’s healing. It seems like I’d never heard of a Derecho until a couple years ago and now they’re happening regularly. A friend’s yard was hit by one and it just ripped all the tops off the trees and threw them into the yard. Shocking how much power there is in that. Thanks for filling us in. Take care.

  60. lynn says:

    I am so very sorry, I have avoided the news lately due to all the negativity. I had no idea you were struggling. We will keep your community in our prayers. I know everyone says this but, I truly mean it, if there is anything we can do please let us know.

  61. Chris Chamberlain says:

    Sorry for the loss of trees! But, most importantly that you are all okay!! Hopefully your area will have full restoration soon!

  62. Kim says:

    Thank you so much for the update Corey! Praying and thankful that you are blessed with the generators.
    After everything is better, I would like to contact you about a quilting world dilemma. I really need your help. Unrelated; I’m dealing with stage IV terminal metastatic breast cancer and have a 9 year old too. I’m probably now at the point where things might get bad over the next 2 years. I have tried so hard to start the big beautiful heart quilt. I don’t have the bandwidth between doctor’s appointments and trying to keep up with basic needs of a child to figure out how to start my quilt. I have the background on my cutting area along with 100 other projects less important around the room 🙂 There doesn’t seem to be a cutting page for the background in the sheets I have (just everything else). I have to go back and look at the fat quarter blog I guess but I had already double checked. I know Kimberly runs through it on video but I need something I can look at on paper too. Again, God bless you for doing what you are. Second I’ll try to contact you privately after things have calmed down. Kim from Alaska … but not my choice 🙂 I lived in OC, Ca for 43 years before this.

  63. Andrea Ahlin says:

    Praise God that you and your family, and neighbors are safe! Things like this really makes a person realize what’s important in life.

  64. Maureen Teoh says:

    Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Corey as well as your community . Thank you for the update .

  65. Carrie Efird says:

    Prayers for you and your community. Hope power will be restored soon.

  66. VALERIE GIBSON says:

    Corey, I am so sorry to hear about the devastation you are dealing with. Such a stressful time for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Best wishes for things getting better soon for your community.

  67. Barb Schofield says:

    Dear Corey,
    we are in Columbus and did not have it as bad as you. Neighbors and friends are a powerful tool during an event as this. prayers to you Barb S

  68. So thoughtful of you to give us this update because your quilting community is concerned about you. I’m so glad you are okay.

  69. Sondra Hill says:

    Continued prayers for your community.

  70. Gail L Piper says:

    Hugs and prayers for all of you in Holmes, Wayne, and other counties affected! (I live in Coshocton County – bad enough here, but we know you all are really hurting up there!)
    Thank you for the update and know that we all understand that you have to deal with this storm and its aftermath first. Stay safe!!

  71. Patricia A Nowak says:

    I am very happy to hear that you and your family are safe! I will keep you in my prayers. In Wisconsin, the storms were pretty strong and took part of a large tree in our yard so it had to be taken down. Other areas were hit much harder, so I am thankful that we only lost a tree. In our area , there are still many homes without power. Ours was only out for about 15 minutes. Take care every one and stay safe,

  72. Peggy Harrington says:

    Glad to hear you’re safe! Thanks for sharing and sending you and your neighbors love.

  73. Sharon says:

    You are the kindest person…. You have so much on your plate and you worry about getting pictures and patterns to us! Keeping you and all your neighbors in my prayers.

  74. Julie says:

    Such a blessing to hear that you and your family are safe. Thank you for updating us about your situation.. You are so thoughtful to worry about everyone and about getting out a block patterns to us. Stay safe..

  75. Lynda Gordon says:

    Praying you stay cool and have power restored, soon 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️

  76. Suzanne Kempton says:

    To you and your family and friends Corey, stay safe and hope everything returns to normal soon. Take care.

  77. Bonnie Timmerman says:

    Praying for you and your community!

  78. Sandy Spurgin says:

    Mother Nature is the boss and us humans have messed with her order of things. But, happy you are doing ok. 😉

  79. Lorraine L Rush says:

    so glad you’re ok.

  80. MarianneK says:

    Sounds like a mini hurricane. I live in Florida so am familiar with misbehaving weather. Hope you get power back soon.

  81. Kay Smits says:

    Take care, we had our first time microburst thru our farm a couple of years ago. A pretty scary thing to be outside in, luckily I found shelter between beams in an open hoop barn. We lost the top canvas cover but no one was hurt.

  82. Deb Magerkurth says:

    Grateful lives and homes were spared.

  83. nancyf18 says:

    Corey, you your Family, Neighbors, Town, Everyone are in my prayers.

  84. gijane279-Liz says:

    Glad your safe and able to help neighbors!

  85. Keeping you and your community in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for the updates Corey! Please stay safe and continue to spread kindness to all who are going through this storm clean up with you!

  86. Helen Davalos says:

    Take your time and BE SAFE.

  87. Kathryn Holden says:

    Be safe, Corey!

  88. Norma Dempsey Roanoke, VA. says:

    hugs and prayers

  89. Sarah says:

    Bless your heart for taking the time to update everyone when you are so busy!! Take as much time as needed and take care!

  90. Oh WOW…I had no idea you had such bad storms. I live in Central Indiana and we haven’t had anything like that in a very long time. My prayers are with all the others. Thankfully, you’ve been able to help your neighbors and offer a safe space. Thank goodness homes weren’t severely damaged. The trees and debris will be a mess to clean up but as a community, I’m sure you’ll all be good. My husband works for our local utility community and has worked many storm damage crews. If you see the utility workers, be sure to thank them…they work long hard hours. Hopefully, you’ll be getting some cooler days the next few days like we’re getting in Indiana. Take care and take all the time you need…your community totally understands and will patiently wait for the next posting.

  91. Carol Campbell says:

    I’m so happy you and your friends and neighbours are safe sound and helping one another during difficult times. God bless you and everyone keep safe and well. Carol Campbell

  92. Francine Pender says:

    You are in our prayers and thoughts. Concentrate on your family and home. The most important part is that everyone is OK.
    Love, Francine

  93. baashunt says:

    Oh Corey, take as much time as you need hun, we can wait. Hope the clean up is not exhausting…take care.

  94. debbie0709gmailcom says:

    So sorry to hear about the storm, but so glad most of the damage was limited to the trees and not to peoples’ homes. Although I know the loss of the trees is still devastating. Happy to know you have the generator and I am not the least surprised at your generosity in sharing your good fortune with neighbors. That sounds like just the sort of thing you would do with your big heart. We will wait patiently for the next block while you tend to the business of putting things back in order. Praise the Lord no one was hurt. Prayers are with you.

  95. Kathy Conner says:

    Glad you are all ok, Corey. Appreciate the updates. May all be restored soon!

  96. Terry says:

    I am glad that your family and neighbors are okay. Cleaning up after a storm is tiring but when everyone pitches in to help the task gets lighter. Prayers

  97. Mary Beth McCormack says:

    Prayers Corey. How wonderful you have been to those without! Stay safe & good luck restoring all!

  98. Denise says:

    Hello Corey, I am new to your space and don’t know what part of the US you live in but we too experienced a derecho the first part of May this year. I am from central MN and I too have never seen anything like it. We were without power for four days and the wind destruction was widespread. Most farms had grain bins, sheds or both destroyed in the storm along with the same type of tree damage you described. I too marveled that there were very few homes damaged. Praise God for stand by generators. Take care of yourself and your family first, we can wait. God bless.

  99. Kathy J Melvin says:

    I so happy that things are getting better for you, your family and your town after the derecho hit there. You are all blessed. Hope to see the next pattern out soon. Love it! Take care

  100. Debra Bohn says:

    So glad to hear that everyone is safe. Coming from Wisconsin, we know to well the punch these storms pack. May God bless you and your community as you go through the clean-up. Thank you for sharing so that we may keep you and your family in our prayers.

  101. Rhonda Collier says:

    PTL all are safe and sound!

  102. Marilyn Nebel says:

    Glad you were all okay and your house wasn’t damaged. What wonderful neighbors you were !!

  103. DAS says:

    Living 65 years in Texas, I’m well familiar with power outages, floods, tornados, hail, straight-line winds and multiple days (sometimes months) of 100+ weather so I’m so feeling your pain! I wish I was there to help. I have chain saws! But a generator is a wonderful thing so I’m glad you have one. I’ll have you & your neighbors in my prayers.

  104. Brenda says:

    🙏🙏 for quick restoration and safety! But so happy that you are doing good.

  105. Gloria Keifer says:

    So happy you and everyone are safe. Is this storm like a tornado? Have a safe week, wish I could help with everyone’s cleanup. Prayers to all in your town. Good Luck, stay safe.

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