Tagged: Bella Solids


Rainbow Row Along {Row #1}

Is the summer zipping along way too quickly for all of you as well?  I have had so many projects going on this summer that I feel like I haven’t had time to enjoy...


What’s in a Solid

After my post yesterday, I had a number of questions about the differences in solids.  With so many choices it can sometimes be overwhelming to decide on the best course of action when choosing...


Organic Elements Quilt

Well, I’ve shared several peeks of my Organic Elements quilt and now it’s time for the big reveal. =)  The tutorial for my quilt is over on Moda Bake Shop today.  This might be...


If the back looks this good…

Angela did some amazing quilting on a quilt I made for an upcoming quilt tutorial.  Even though I can’t share the whole thing I wanted to give you a little sneak peek. Blondie wanted in...


#1 it is! =)

Thanks so much for all of your help in my “hard” decision! =)  It’s always fun to pick and choose fabrics.  I really hadn’t decided until just moments ago to go with Bundle #1–it...