Tagged: Moda


My Little Sewer

Did my title leave you wondering whether I was referring to needle and thread or flushing the toilet?  I have often wondered how two such very different words are spelled exactly the same and...


Dancing Pinwheels {A Free Quilt Pattern}

Welcome to anyone visiting from the Electric Quilt blog today!–and of course welcome to you who visit me often! =)  I was excited to be contacted by Heidi of The Electric Quilt Blog last...


New and Coming Soon

I’ve had some great fabrics arrive at my door recently.  I hope to get to them soon–but in the meantime I thought I would share some of them with you. =) First up this...


A Tula Pink Project

I started on a new project over the weekend.  I’ve been hanging onto a Tula Pink Full Moon Forest(from when she was designing for Moda) for years just waiting for the right project and...