Tagged: Pure Elements


Rainbow Row Along {Row #1}

Is the summer zipping along way too quickly for all of you as well?  I have had so many projects going on this summer that I feel like I haven’t had time to enjoy...


Pure Elements

I am in the process of revamping my daughter Elonie’s room.  Her room was previously our nursery–it was in neutrals as we didn’t know with Chloe whether she was a boy or girl.  After...


What’s in a Solid

After my post yesterday, I had a number of questions about the differences in solids.  With so many choices it can sometimes be overwhelming to decide on the best course of action when choosing...


A Princess and the Pea Request

Miss Elonie has put in a request for a Princess and the Pea quilt–and coincidentally I happened to have some Princess and the Pea fabrics on hand.  Ryan wanted to know if I coerced...