Tiggsy Sighting!

Today’s Coriander Saturday video is full of viewer quilts, viewer questions, and plenty of Tiggs. =) I’d love to have you watch!

You can watch the full video here.

Have a wonderful Saturday! Corey

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13 Responses

  1. Donna T says:

    Tiggs looks happy in the new home!

  2. freelyfuzzy90369cdade says:

    Very peaceful picture. Where did you get the bags with the pattern designs on it in your studio?
    Thank you, have a great day

  3. Pam willoughby says:

    I so enjoy your videos. I’ve just got the kit for the BOM and can’t wait to catch up. Thanks again!!

  4. Ellie says:

    Really enjoyed the quilts that Tiggsy modeled for us and of course seeing you. I look forward to Saturdays.

  5. Sandy Cole says:

    Great show, Corey! You always have such great tips for quilters of any experience! And as always, so fun to see your quilt “supervisor” asleep on the job! It’s a testimony to the wonderfulness of being on a soft and beautiful quilt!

  6. Marilyn says:

    So enjoyed your show today, Corey, which cleared up several “mysteries”! Loved all of the quilts shared by you and other quilters! And it is always a special treat when Tiggs joins your commentary by positioning himself comfortably on a quilt! What a sweet family member! Thank you for beautifully designed quilt fabrics along with all of the fun patterns! You’re a special person!

  7. Mary Beth says:

    Thank you for another wonderful Saturday video! I actually have a kitty named Tigger that looks just like your Tiggsy! I was wondering if you could provide info on the lovely colorful bins in your shelving unit. Do you know if they are still available?

  8. Pam Ahlvers says:

    Hi Corey, is there a way to size up the pattern for O Happy Day to accommodate a jelly roll?
    Thank you, love the new studio and glad to see Tigger!

  9. Elle Casner says:

    QUESTION: what is the app you use for figuring backing, borders and binding?

    • Corey says:

      I don’t have one that I use for borders and binding…I do those by hand. The one I chatted about in the video is linked in the description box below the video.

  10. Anna Mae Remmick says:

    I vote for the spools quilt

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