Wondering Wednesday Week 4
Welcome to Week 4 of Wondering Wednesdays…the segment where I answer those burning questions that you have…okay so maybe the things you were mildly curious about. =)
As I’ve said previously, this has been such a fun blog post for me, so keep those questions coming!

Yellows and greens from Pepper & Flax
Hildy asked, “As far as I know you never had navy prints in your collections. Will we see some navy in one of your coming collections or is navy for you what yellow is for me (most hated color)?
This question made me laugh a bit because Hildy and I have had conversations about her dislike of yellow–to date, I have never had a collection without yellow because I love it!

Yellows and Grays from my previous collections
To answer your question Hildy…Navy is probably one of my least favorite colors but I wouldn’t say I hate it. And, you are right, I haven’t used it in a collection as of yet. You never know what you might see in upcoming lines–I’m not opposed to Navy! =)

Fat Quarters from various collections
Ashley Warren asks: “I seriously love all your fabric collections and patterns, when it comes to patterns, where do you draw inspiration from?
Answer: Thanks so much Ashley! I feel like I never run out of quilt pattern ideas. I have, I am sure, 100’s of quilt designs that I have designed over the years that have never made it into pattern form.
They are stored away, waiting for the right fabric or maybe they won’t ever be used. I’ve dreamed quilt patterns, sometimes I will see something that will spark an idea, or an idea will pop into my head. Inspiration is everywhere when it comes to quilts!
Mary asks: “Do you wash your fabric before cutting and sewing a quilt?”

Sugarcreek Reds & Greens
Answer: The big pre-washing debate! I do not pre-wash my fabrics. I did for the first few years that I made quilts but I no longer do. With that being said, there are times you might wish to pre-wash. Reds, Purples, & Navys can be problematic when not pre-washed and even more so if you aren’t using quilt shop quality fabrics. Those are colors you might want to consider pre-washing so they don’t bleed during that first wash.

Mix of my fabric lines
If you are mixing fabrics like flannels or linens with quilting cottons, it would be wise to consider pre-washing. These fabrics can shrink at different rates when washed and you might run in to trouble if you don’t pre-wash.

Flower Mill Fabric
Additionally, I always throw in a couple Shout Color Catchers the first time I wash my quilts to pick up any problematic dyes.
In my opinion, pre-washing doesn’t really take that long to do and it’s not difficult, so if in doubt–pre-wash.
Carrie Nelson did an amazing blog post for Moda about pre-washing/or not that is an excellent read. It answers a lot of questions and gives a lot of great information.
And the last question for today:
Patty Fowl says “Love this new blog feature, “Wondering Wednesday’. Is there any chance there might be a sequel to your Pepper & Flax line…maybe with some wovens added in? Also, would LOVE to see you do a Christmas/holiday line.

Pepper & Flax
Answer: Pepper & Flax is sure a crowd favorite! I get asked this question a lot. And the answer is yes..I do plan to do a P&F follow up line. In fact, I had planned one for 2020 but as I started working on it, it wanted to go in a different direction…so it ended up not being the follow up line after all. =) So, it will be a little bit further out. You also mentioned a holiday line…you are in luck…that will be sooner than the Pepper & Flax follow-up. 😉
And, that is it for this week’s Wondering Wednesday post. Be sure to leave any questions down in the comments for me to answer in upcoming Wednesdays. This is so fun! =)
And also, PS…thanks so much for all of the comments on my About Town Tuesday posts!–those are fun too!
Be back on Friday with the next block for our Sunday Best Quilts Sampler.
Yellow was my Grandma’s favorite color. My Grandpa liked to move a lot so Grandma set up house keeping in a lot of homes. If that house wasn’t yellow when she moved in it was yellow when she left it. My favorite memories as a kid was going to Grandma’s house…….that cheerful, happy little yellow house she lived in.
That is such a fun memory you have!–I love that. =)
I really enjoy these posts, Corey! Questions that I often don’t think of asking, till someone else mentions them. Yellow has been my favorite colour since choosing to paint my bedroom yellow in my late teens. I never tire of it, but I also love my blues – pretty much in any shade. I think that is what especially draws me to my sewing room each day – the burst of colour that welcomes me each time :)! Looking forward to your future Christmas line – sounds exciting.
I am always so entertained by these questions. Some things that would never cross my mind to answer–that’s why I appreciate the questions so much!
When each of your new lines of fabric come out–do you purchase a certain no. of yards of each bolt in that line? And, do you go to the fabric store just like each of us to purchase your own. And, do you have a hard time cutting into a new piece of fabric.
Thank you for taking the time to ask and answer questions! I enjoy reading them and sooo happy to hear about your new lines coming out, but especially a Christmas one! Yay!
I love answering these questions–I’m glad you are enjoying this series too. =)
I love these posts!!! Glad to hear there will be a sequel to Pepper and Flax. I love all of your fabric lines, but for some reason that one is my favorite. Also, looking forward to seeing a Christmas line. Thanks again for these posts!!
Pepper & Flax has been a favorite of so many! =)
I look forward to Wednesday mornings. You and coffee 😉 Thank you. And my heart ♥️ is so happy that you will have a P&F followup line. I love those fabrics. The greens and yellows are so yummy. I can’t wait.
I love that your Wednesdays include a little Coriander and a little coffee. =(
Thank you for taking time to answer our questions. I’m looking forward to your holiday line. My Wondering Wednesday questions is…do you feel the Bella Solids have a true right and wrong side? Or does it not matter?
Thank you
My Grandson’s favorite color is yellow!!
Thanks for sharing…I love these posts! Question…do you keep a certain amount of each of your fabric lines so when it goes out of print you still have some or do you just keep a quilt from each line to remember your fabrics (or both)? Thank you Corey!
Yellow is my favorite color! My Mother always painted the kitchen yellow, in every house we lived in when I was growing up. I now do the same because it reminds me of her.
It makes such a sunny kitchen!–I had a yellow kitchen for years and it was such fun.
That’s great news about an upcoming Christmas line! I’ll be ready and waiting to preorder plenty of it! I have trouble finding Christmas fabric that I like but I tend to love all of your fabric lines. :o)
I am excited to share more about it–especially as we near the holiday season I am itching to talk more. =)
Thanks for anwsering my question and I can’t wait to see some navy in the (nearby or far) future! And always yes to a Christmas line I’m sure yours will be pretty ‘Im sure:-)
You bet Hildy!–I was so glad you asked about that. =)
I love your color lines. Yellow sets it off. Sunny colors are happy. Looking forward to see your Christmas line!
Thanks so much Donna!–I am always drawn to a sunny palette…you may have noticed! =)
Thank you so much for making me feel like I’m not doing anything wrong! I love being told it’s OK to make a quilt the way I want to. And, yes, dogs, grand babies and brothers can use them on the floor or as Superman capes and well as sleep with them at night. You’re the best Corey!
It is absolutely okay to make a quilt the way you want to. =) We all approach quilt making differently!
I did the jolly bar quilt from Pepper and Flax and am excited to hear that there will be more sometime in the future. I am not a green or yellow lover but this grabbed me!
LOVE the dashing and kindred pattern. Are they still available?
That quilt was fun, wasn’t it! Dashing and Kindred are still available and if you click the link right under the photo (in the caption) it will take you right to the pattern for sale. =)
Love Love the Pepper and Flax line and still have quite a bit of yardage. I used it first in a Dresden Quilt. Now after the you tube on Beholden 2; I am going to have to get busy and give it a try. Can’t wait for the Christmas line. Hope it’s coming in 2020
Pepper & Flax as a dresden sounds perfect!
When washing your quilts, do you wash in cold or hot?
I’m always wondering how people get in the business, and where to go to publish your patterns in the beginning. How do you separate yourself from the crowd that is trying to do the same thing? How did you first get your fabric designs to someone who could, and would, actually print them? I have so many questions about how to start getting my ideas out there….
Corey, is there a seller in Australia for your fabrics! I’d love to get some of your Pepper and Flax fabrics because they make the perfect aussie quilt. Why I ask this question is, the postage and the aussie dollar rate makes for a very expensive conversion rate to USA dollar rate! Green and gold is Australia Nation Emblem colours!!!!
Couple of questions!
Why do designers seems to shy away from lavender shades? It’s not my favorite, but I’ve needed it a couple of times for girl things, and it’s hard to find.
How do you get to be a pattern tester or sample maker for designers?
I am using pepper and flax for my Sunday Sampler, but I’m behind the schedule. Maybe I should hold off for the new line?
Love, love, love all that you do.
And loved watching the house remodel!
I am in love with your yellows. And to date my absolute favorite line is still Pepper and Flax 🥰. In fact I was lucky enough recently to find 2 Moda P&F scrap bags. Every so often I scour the internet looking for whatever P&F I can get my hands on ☺️