Wondering Wednesdays Week 3
Welcome back to week 3 of Wondering Wednesdays. You guys have the best questions and I so enjoy answering them for you. Keep them coming!
Robby H. says: “…I’ve got a fat eighth bundle of Sunnyside Up and am hoping that Canning Day will complement it for a bed sized quilt. Thoughts?”
Answer: Canning Day complements Sunnyside Up beautifully. I designed the two collections with a similar palette so that they will play nicely together.

Sunnyside Up on the left and Canning Day on the right
It also means if you have any of those fun panels from Sunnyside Up still in your stash, that you can add Canning Day fabrics to it for some pretty fun projects.

Sunnyside Up Panel
On a complete side note…I don’t think I shared the Sew Together Bag I made using the house panel from Sunnyside Up and some Sugarcreek wovens and prints.

Sew Together Bag
I cut apart the house panel to use on each side of the bag.

Sew Together Bag
And then, I added some hand quilting and pretty little Sugarcreek prints and wovens. If you’ve never seen the inside of these bags, they are amazing. I have several of them and love using them for carrying around all of my little sew what-nots.

Sew Together Bag Inside
Phew…that was a bit of a tangent!–but it was too cute not to share another fun way to use the panel. If you have ever wanted to try making a Sew Together Bag, but have been a little bit intimidated, there are a number of tutorials both written and video with a quick google search. =)
And now, back to your question Robby…I mocked up my Beholden 2 quilt using Canning Day and Sunnyside Up together so you can see how they mix in a quilt.

Beholden 2 quilt in Sunnyside Up and Canning Day
Beholden 2 is pieced using all machine piecing–no templates or hand work. It looks like a Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt but with simple piecing techniques. And in these fabrics, it is a definite flowery, flower garden! =)
One last question for today:
Michelle Burt asks: “…Were you planning on including any 108″ wide fabrics with Canning Day?”
Answer: Yes!
One of my favorite prints in the collection will be available as 108″ wide backing in three different colors.

Candy Striped Quilt
The print used in my Candy Striped quilt will be available as 108″ wide backing in the following colors: Red, Aqua, Gray. This makes me so happy as I do not like piecing backing one bit! In fact, it might be my least favorite quilt making activities. Give me all of those 108’s so I don’t need to piece backing!
I have an ongoing list of questions you all have asked that I am working through. If you have questions for me, leave them below and I will answer them in a future Wondering Wednesday post. =)
I’ll be back Friday with the Sunday Best Sampler block of the week. =)
What patterns are good uses of layer cakes? I bought one and now I’m not sure what to do with it!
So enjoy your blog posts and these Wondering Wednesday questions. Looking forward to making your Beholden 2 pattern – love that it is machine pieced blocks and not hand pieced :)!
With Quilt Market just finishing up, I was wondering…as a Moda designer, Is it mandatory or highly encouraged for you to attend Market twice a year unless you are excused (sounds like we’re back in grade school 😂)? Is it more important that you attend if you are showing a new collection? Sounds like a whirlwind few days. I’d love to hear any Market stories you’d like to share. Thanks!
Thanks for answering my question… with pictures, too! Clearly the 2020 fabric diet is going to start after Canning Day comes out. And yes to wide back fabric.
You stated that you washed a quilt with both cotton and woven fabrics in hot water. Do you wash all your quilts in hot water?
your fabric lines are beautiful
Have a question when it comes to hand stitching and supplies. Can you purchase your 12 wt thread by the spool or just in the kit? Going to try my hand at some while on vacation. Thanks in advance!
Will there be a 108′ wide backing for Sugarcreek?
Hi Corey,
I love reading your emails each week especially the wondering Wednesdays and seeing all the questions from everyone.
I was wondering is it possible for you to have one page on your website dedicated to show all of your fabric lines past, present and future with links to quilts you made for them?
I finally found your search button but when you search for say Pepper & Flax (my favorite line) you have to go through post after post after post looking for quilts and projects made in just that line. Or am I missing something? I don’t instagram or pinterest.
Ooops 🤪 my granddaughter just pointed out to me on my iPad where the links are. That’s what I get for trying to read emails and websites from my tiny phone. Leave it to the younger generation LOL.
I have a Sew Together bag kit and I am intimidated to make it. I will watch the YouTubes! Thank you for your Wondering Wednesdays!