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8 Responses

  1. live a colorful life says:

    More please!

  2. traceyjay says:

    ACK! so cute! (I guess there's still some appliqué in you yet, huh?) 😉

  3. Cindy says:

    No words necessary. Love that pillow and the whole book.

  4. Staci says:

    Oh! This is just wonderful! I hope you show a pic of the entire thing, soon!

  5. Sherri says:

    A PERFECT wordless Wednesday photo…I must see more!

  6. Stefy says:

    Why can't we see mooooreeee ???????

  7. Jen of ReannaLily Designs says:

    What a cute little bird!

  8. urbancrunch says:

    I love those letters, they make me joyful 😉

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