4 Visits Too Many

2 Doctor’s visits and 2 Dentist appointments in the last week is too many for me–& also explains the lack of blog posts around this place!  If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time you’ll remember that my oldest daughter, Chloe

has been having a lot of problems with colds/allergies since beginning Kindergarten this fall.  Well, this has led to a lot of fluid behind her ears which her Doctor’s have been trying to clear out since January.  She had a follow-up appointment last Tuesday and they saw little improvement so she’s on another 6 weeks of medicine to try to dry out her crazy ears.  Fast forward to Thursday,  a routine dentist check-up for Chloe and myself–but, unfortunately Chloe’s last set of molars didn’t quite develop like they should have which led to some unexpected drilling/filling.  Chloe’s comment, “Well, that wasn’t the best.”  Thursday afternoon she started complaining about her ear hurting–I ended up taking her to the Dr. Friday–and she had a bad ear infection.  Another round of antibiotics for her–and a scare for me when her temp went up to almost 105 Friday evening–who knew ear infections were so volatile?!?  She is now much improved and enjoying a day of Kindergarten today.  Hopefully we can get those ears dried out so she doesn’t need tubes!

On to this little gal, Elonie

An oldie, but goodie

On Thursday, I had talked to my dentist about her first dentist appointment & I ended up taking her in to see him today.  And, she got a “frenectomy”—sounds horrible, I thought it was horrible(I didn’t expect them to do the procedure right away today but I knew if I put it off I wouldn’t be any more gung ho on a different day)—luckily she was a champ and didn’t think it was a big deal.  Now she’s loaded up with stickers and tatoos, a princess toothbrush, cool “sunglasses” & popsicles.

So, I hope things can settle back down around here!  I know most of you pop by to see interesting quilty things and not so much kidder things.  But, there was just a lot of kidder things going on this last week! =)

I do have some bee blocks to share with you that I have finished recently though so, you’re gonna get a little bit of eye candy. =)  For Do Good Stitches in March we were asked to make 12.5″ blocks featuring non overlapping circles in whatever size/quantity we wanted to.  The requested colors were gray/yellow/lt. blue and bright pink.

Do Good Stitches Bee March

For Do Good Stitches in February we were working on a Village/Transportation themed quilt:

For March in the Ringo Pie Bee we were asked to do “Spring Beginnings”–nothing too bright/lush.  I think this may be one of my favorite bee blocks ever–within just a couple hours of learning the theme, I had this block finished and ready to go.  It was such a great theme for the month. =)

For February in the Vibees we had a two person month–first off some Anna Maria Horner Fabrics and half square triangles:

And secondly, some pinks and a request for bordered triangle blocks:

Union Jacks in vintage fabrics were on the agenda for February in the Ringo Pie Bee:

So, there ya go! =)


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19 Responses

  1. mary says:

    Your girls are so sweet! I always hated to high fevers…terribly scary! Hope you are all on the mend. The blocks look fantastic as usual! Love the Union Jack fabrics!

  2. Staci says:

    Wow! I hope everyone gets healthy at your house, soon! I do feel for you. When my son was little he went through the frenectomy. Ouch! And had 49 ear infections before having what turned in to 3 sets of tubes, adenoid removal and 8 years of speech therapy since he couldn’t hear due to the ear infections. Amazingly, although his ear drums are still covered in scar tissue, his hearing is way above normal. My son is an adult now, and often has people ask him what his native language is, and where he is was born. His vowel sounds and speech patterns are a little different due to the years of hearing impairment, and people think he has an accent!
    Your blocks are really wonderful, so creative and fun!

  3. Kasey says:

    Has Chloe been tested for food allergies? I only ask because mine went undiagnosed until I was 23, and one of the problems I have includes serious Yuck in my ears when I eat anything that contains an allergen. I would also look up if her school has any information posted about its air quality. Either of these could be exacerbating the issue.
    Here’s hoping things turn around for the better! At least the blocks all look beautiful!!!

  4. Kerrie says:

    Well, I’m sorry that I looked up what a frenecotmy was! Poor Elonie! Hope she’s feeling better!

    I loved all your sqaures for the quilting bee’s!

    How do you get connected with quilting bee’s? I would love to be a part of one!

  5. Your daughters are oh-so-totally-adorable! I love Elonie’s hat. And poor Chloe – I hope her ears stop giving her pain.

    Loved the blocks, especially the circles and the beginnings. 🙂

  6. Whitney says:

    I just had a double frenectomy done in February. Not fun! Poor little girls! I hope that they are both back to normal soon! 🙂

  7. Tara says:

    So sorry for the sickness. I don’t even want to know what a frenectomy is. Actually, I’ll probably ask Penny. Loving your blocks! Those sprouts are just adorable! and the bus and helicopter are so cute!

  8. Leanne says:

    Your blocks look just beautiful. You’ve done very well considering all the appointments. Hope its all better from here.

  9. Cat says:

    Your girls are adorable. I hope everyone is doing better. For a busy week you got a lot done. I love all the blocks you did. Good job. Hugs

  10. Jessica says:

    Oh my! My one-year-old is suffering from an ear infection, too. And, not sleeping well. Hopefully it will pass soon. Love the blocks, especially the HST diamond block!

  11. Melissa says:

    My little one is in for a frenectomy when she’s 7 or 8, according to the dentist. I’m hoping she won’t have to have it done but DH just had it done recently so I imagine it’s in the genes. Hope she’s feeling better soon.

    I love those circles. Really! The sprouts are adorable too. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Jessica says:

    Oh your poor girls, I hope they feel better soon. I image those dentist visits weren’t much fun.
    All of your blocks are fantastic! I love the spring block and the transport blocks are really cute!

  13. Jackie says:

    Beautiful blocks! I especially love the sprout block.

    You’ve certainly have your hands full. I hope everyone is 100% soon!

  14. wendy says:

    What fab blocks! I am in love with your Spring Beginnings block, the Union Jack is fab of course, the circles are just beautiful (and so perfect!) and the vehicle blocks are really funky. Loving them!

    Maybe you should do a dentist/doctor themed block, might ward off the illness!

  15. Oh, I am sorry to hear about the girls. Hope things are on the mend now.

    So, I LOVE that spring beginnings block. So beautiful! Wow. and the circles for do. Good Stitches had already caught my eye. What a fun quilt that will be. Thanks for being involved!

  16. All three of mine had ear infections when they were young. Two ended up with tubes and so has my oldest grandson. Must be genetic. Hope all yours are better soon. No wonder you were so busy last week. Great job on all the blocks. Especially like the sprouts.

  17. Suzanne says:

    Wow, between Dr. appts you were still sewing up a storm!
    I know surgery isn’t great, but our son, who is also hearing impaired, had an entire year of anti-b’s for ear problems…then he had tubes…never had ear infections again. Hang in there!

  18. Chris says:

    Just found your blog today…goodness you make such lovely things. Just wanted to add that tubes are such a great way to go with frequent ear infections. My two year old has now had two sets (first set at age 6 months, long story)…and it’s the best thing we could have done for her.

  19. Kim says:

    Just found your blog and LOVE it. Can you tell me where to find the pattern for the bus block? I’d love to make these and frame them for teacher gifts this year.


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