$5 January 2025 Pattern of the Month & BIG Giveaway!

Welcome to the first video and blog post of 2025. We’re kicking things off with the January 2025 $5 pattern of the month and a wonderful giveaway.

First off, let’s chat about the $5 pattern of the month. For this month, I am offering my Barn Star 6 pattern for $5. You’ll find the pattern for $5 in my Etsy shop in both Paper & PDF formats. 

My original Barn Star 6 pattern was made using Peachy Keen fabrics.

Here’s what Barn Star 6 looks like in some other fabric lines. First up, here’s what it looks like in Cali & Co. which is in quilt shops right now:

Next up, I wanted to see what it would look like using Abloom (in shops in April):

You can tell I was in a little bit of a spring-y mood when I was mocking these up. I think it must be the snow that came our way yesterday…I think that might be enough snow for me this year. LOL Now, bring on the warmer temps and sunshine! =) I might be in the minority but the older I get, the more appealing those warmer, sunny days are.

You can grab Barn Star 6 in my Etsy shop here. I also wanted to mention that with our upcoming move, it’s very possible I may need to close my Etsy shop for a bit while I get things moved. I shouldn’t need to close it for too long but there’s a good chance it’ll be closed for a few days the end of next week into the beginning of the following. We’ll see how things go. But just keep that in mind.

Giveaway News


I hope you had a chance to watch today’s video because I’m pretty excited about the giveaway I shared. I didn’t have a chance to take a photo of the goods so you’ll have to pop over there to see—it’s a good one!

To enter, leave a comment with your favorite tip you’d give someone new to quilt making….maybe that’s your favorite notion, a great thread, a favorite quick to make project etc. You can enter the giveaway through next Saturday, January 11 and I will announce the winner here on the blog on January 18. Good luck!

Have a wonderful Saturday! Corey

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2,752 Responses

  1. Paula Ramsey says:

    My favorite notion is the Martelli brush! It attracts all the fuzz in my bobbin area and holds it until I wipe it away.

    • Pam Davis says:

      My favorite quilting tool is my magnetic on holder. It helps keep my pins from being all over the house and I can grab them easily. Glass head pins help!

      • Bren says:

        My newbie tip would be to practice your 1/4 seam. If you’re off on this, your quilts will be off and you’ll be frustrated. Don’t get discouraged tho – you can do it!

      • Betty Ann Chappell says:

        My suggestion for a new quilter is to read the instructions through, cut the fabric carefully, sew slowly to get that 1/4″ seam. Be proud of what you made. You can do this!!

    • Mandy love says:

      Has a beginner myself . I would suggest buying fabrics for the projects your doing . Take your time enjoy the process. Definitely slow down . I have loads of fabrics but no coulours that combine so never know what to do with them . I made loads of mistakes cutting so maybe partice on old sheet thats ready to bin . Would of saved me buying more to do a quilt .

      • Jenny Everly says:

        I would say to watch videos , get a pattern and the exact fabric needed. Start small, take your time and love it

      • Claire Sampson says:

        Always purchase good quality fabric. You are investing your time and talent to create something beautiful. So make an heirloom quilt that may create memories.

    • Becky Earl says:

      My favorite tip is that done is “better than perfect!” Just have fun and use it as a good therapy.

      • Phyllis Taylor says:

        I would suggest to a new quilter to find videos or a quilting friend or shop that can give hands on advice. There are a lot of good video teachers, such as you Corey, and there are a lot of lqs that want to help a person learn to quilt. Then buy some fabric a basic pattern and make that first cut. You will never turn back.

    • Alison says:

      My favorite tip is using beeswax or thread conditioner for hand appliqué. It is a game changer! 🤗

    • Sarah Till says:

      My favorite notions are Stripology rulers and Magic Quilt Spray. I also like the Creative Grids Folded Corner Clipper.

      • Jane says:

        Wow the giveaway is awesome I’m new to quilting I’ve made a couple of baby quilts it was fun. It’s a chance to Create something. Tip: its ok to take it apart and redo it its not a failure its a learning experience. Smile while your sewing it can take the tension out of your shoulders

    • Jan Haskin says:

      My tip: don’t let anyone tell you it’s too difficult for you. If you love it you’ll be able to do it!

    • Lucy Lai says:

      Thank you for sharing this tool. I’m going to look for it. I need something to grab that fuzz. I tried cotton swabs but it doesn’t grab and hold onto the fuzz.

    • Laura says:

      My favorite notions are my Slide lock rulers from Sew Be Quilts. They allow me to cut yardage more accurately. They are easy to use and never slip. I have several other rulers from them and they are all great!

    • Debbie Taylor says:

      Love your videos! My tip would be to take the time to trim your blocks, and I wish I had learned this earlier! It is much easier to join square blocks of the same size. And my favourite tool is my stripology ruler. Another good tip? Changing the rotary cutter blade regularly

    • crafty2a9374a625 says:

      Hello my name is Susan Riley, I love quilting. My tip is love what you do, then sit back and look what you did

    • Marge Ewen says:

      Have a quilt buddy if possible – be inspired and start with a simple pattern with easy instructions.

  2. Pam Willoughby says:

    I got crazy in the beginning and jumped all over and after two years, I’ve finally started using a journal and keep myself accountable. I jump around between projects, but keep everything more organized. It has really helped me. Love all your designs and love your YouTube Saturdays. It’s really helped me. Thank you so much. Have learned a lot.

    • Lisa Taylor says:

      As someone who is 1 year into quilting, don’t be intimidated to try new blocks. You will be amazed at how fast your skill levels will improve. GO FOR IT!!!!

    • Deb Worthman says:

      I’ve been quilting for awhile, but if the blocks look intimidating, take it one step at a time and lay the block out. This would make a great birthday present to me. Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. Christie M says:

    Something I tell every single new quilter that I teach is, “it doesn’t have to be perfect. You’re learning a new skill and that takes time, remember to give yourself grace.”
    I also always give them a Kai rotary cutter that self closes, too many tiny fingers and curious paws to not have a safe option!

  4. Linda says:

    I think the best tip is RELAX!! ENJOY THE PROCESS. HAVE FUN!!

    • Cheryl Blake says:

      When I started quilting a few years ago, I was very guilty of being focused on the end product. I made it a race to the finish! My finished quilts are so much better now that I’ve learned to appreciate the process more, and when I take my time to do each step accurately: cutting, pinning, piecing, and pressing! Taking too many shortcuts always left me a little disappointed in the outcome. That said, “you do you”!

  5. Delores Rast says:

    I tell anyone new to quilting to make a rag quilt first – they are easy, fast and forgiving! They are usually hooked after making just one!!!!

  6. joyfulalmostcf445841e2 says:

    My favorite tip.is to use a masking/painter’s tape “wall” on the bed of the sewing machine until you get used to sewing a 1/4″ seam.

  7. gritsmc says:

    I would LOVE to win that fat quarter bundle!

    • Linda Guedo says:

      Ditto…who wouldn’t want 180 fat quarters for their stash? Eeep!

      • Carleen says:

        Thank you for the amazing give away! As a new quilter I watch a lot of videos to learn techniques. I started using 5″ precuts which takes some of the pressure off of cutting into expensive fabric… especially when you’re not sure of what you’re doing! Take your time and don’t be too hard on yourself. And don’t sew when your hungry!!!

      • Ellen says:

        What a great giveaway! I find at my age have a closeable container to put all your fabric for your project. Less stress having it in one place.

      • Sherri R. says:

        Wow, what a great selection of fabrics! I of course would have to make room for all of that!! But seriously, I know my taste in fabric has changed over the last 20 years and I need to purge the unused, unloved older fabric i keep clinging too. I also need to focus on only a few projects instead of 50 that never get done.

  8. Sherri Wolters says:

    The tip I would give quilters is read the pattern a couple times before you start, then go step by step slowly don’t panic and ask questions any time

    • Melissa Hess says:

      This is fantastic advice! I do much better when I read a pattern through first.

      • Robin says:

        Panels are a great way to make a quick quilt , and now so many different ways to add as many borders as you need to get the desired size.
        Panels can also be used on the back of a quilt.

  9. Norma Loveless says:

    Boy I would love to share always measure your blocks when first sewn. That way when sew rows/columns together there line up good.

  10. Sandy McCartney says:

    My favorite tip is to use your fingertips or finger nails to open a seam before you press. It has helped me avoid burning myself trying to open a block at the same time as pressing.

  11. pat laskowski says:

    I look forward to your Saturday morning videos. Now that I am retired I look forward to making your Barn Star quilts.

  12. Lisa G :-) says:

    My #1 tip would be that no one will see the “imperfections” you see; don’t stress about an impossible standard you set for yourself!

  13. Jane McCarry says:

    I would tell a new quilter to enjoy the process. It takes time to get to know what your sewing machine can do and there will be some interesting steps along the way. Also, when you go to change a needle, cover up the feed dog area so if you drop it, it doesn’t go into the machine. Another biggie is to keep the thread you are using with your project. It’s easy to misplace such things and hard to find the match, especially if you are quilting the top.

  14. Heather mcNamara says:

    My best tip…. Make one complete block in a quilt pattern, learn it, then the rest will all come together with ease. When doing this I feel I can stream line the process and it’s more enjoyable.

  15. Marlene DiLillo says:

    My tip is to don’t give up on a difficult project. Walk away for the day, then come back the next day. A new perspective brings clarity and renewed purpose.

  16. Kathy D says:

    My tip, “Have fun, this is your recreation!”

  17. Shelley Heinz says:

    I appreciate that you are always so delightfully cheerful in your videos. They are a joy to watch.

  18. Margot Damiano says:

    My tip for a new Quilter would be, invest in a quarter inch foot for your sewing machine.

    • Julie Griser says:

      I agree! That would be my tip also. I use one with the guide on the side, or I would not be able to sew a straight line. I love the WIP plan. My sister and I do something similar and it is nice when you get a few more things done, that have been sitting on the sidelines.

  19. Pamela J Remmler says:

    My tip is…It is OK to slow down, it is not a race. I enjoy my projects sew much more when I take the time to savor the moment. Love your videos!

  20. Linda Gillespie says:

    Do your best to follow quilting patterns and or instructions while your new..it helps develop good habbits and techniques…most importantly savor the enjoyment of making something with your hands in your fav colors!

  21. Kathleen Murphy says:

    I tell new quilters to not get overwhelmed, deep breath, you can do this! one step at a time. ENJOY THE PROCESS. Take your time. HAVE FUN!! Don’t be too critical, it won’t be perfect at first, but over time, it will get better. . ENJOY THE PROCESS. Take your time. HAVE FUN!! And be proud of your accomplishments. My favorite tool for a beginner is a retractable rotary cutter. that’s the first thing I bought my grandaughters when they wantef to start quilting. Then the protective glove, rotary mat and a few basic rulers 🙂

  22. Catherine Sofikitis says:

    I think it would be necessary to give yourself grace when starting to learn quilting.

  23. Sunny Mills says:

    I would give a first time quilter advice on, don’t sweat over things not matching up on your first couple quilts. Quilting is a learned process. Just have fun and go with it. I would also tell them to find accessories that you love. I have bought things I thought I would like, but then I go back to the good old ruler that makes sense to my brain.

    • A good tip for beginners is to know your sewing machine, keep it clean and oiled to say, frustrations of skip stitches, and that your thread and needles using quality thread.

  24. Lisa Blos-Johnson says:

    My advice is to slow down on purchasing fabric at the beginning. Your thoughts and ideas will change for the first 4 quilts and you will have fabrics possibly that don’t really fit the direction you are now going. Also, watch YouTube videos and start a pinterest board with future ideas.

  25. Tonia Johnson says:

    I agree with the ladies that say relax and enjoy the process. Completion is better than perfection.!! And, when selecting scrappy..take a look from a distance at the fabrics you are putting together. They may look fine up close but get lost in the completed project. A lesson learned the hard way, but, that quilt is one of my favorites!

  26. Lisa Cook says:

    Don’t hesitate to cut into the favorite bundle of fabric. Although it’s very pretty to look at, it looks even better when you turn it in to a quilt. This years resolution, use the fabric I have.

  27. Patricia Kuchera says:

    What a great gift. How many quilts we could make to donate.
    Very generous of you.
    Have a GREAT NEW YEAR.

  28. Carla Hayes says:

    My best tip for new quilters is to watch lots of videos.

  29. Cathy Koss says:

    Love the Barn Star quilts! I think a good tip for new(and us older quilters) is to use a good quality thread , like Superior So Fine or Omni and Omni V and change the needle on your machine and clean out bobbin area every time you change bobbins!

  30. Susan V says:

    I’m going to participate in your WIP challenge. There are more than eleven but it’s a start. Would also love to win the great giveaway! Happy New Year!

  31. Erin Hayes says:

    Start simple, simple quilts can still be very beautiful with just the fabric choices. Relax and enjoy!

    • I agree with Erica. My tip to a new Quilter is to pick out the fabric you love, use quality tools, but start slowly on purchasing things and make your first block. Look at it check your seems make sure you’ve done proper, pressing and correct quadrant, seams, and remember your first Quilt is not going to be in a show, but it’s going to be loved as much as any that is. Non-Quilter will never see you
      r mistakes And no one is perfect even the professionals. Just relax have fun and enjoy your fellow Quilter’s.

  32. Judy Fritz says:

    My best tip would be to really learn your sewing machine and what thread it likes. Purchase the best sewing machine you can afford.

  33. Julie says:

    What a generous give away! Happy New Year! I just received a pattern bundle from you that I look forward to working on this new year.

  34. Jennifer Komaromy says:

    New quilts should start small projects that are easy to finish. Thanks for your contributions to quilting.

  35. Sue says:

    Hi Corey, what an incredible generous giveaway. The tip I would give a new quilter is to watch tutorials on YouTube to learn techniques and use the ones that work best for you.

  36. Shelly Boyle says:

    Another fun video! I can’t imagine filming while in the process of moving. Eek! You have such beautiful fabric lines and patterns!

  37. Amy Maetche says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to take it slow and enjoy the process. It can be overwhelming when first diving in but working with fabrics can heal the soul. Happy New year Cori and thank you for all the wonderful gifts you provide your fellow quilter. I hope you and your family the very best this new year.

  38. Anne says:

    Happy new year! Try to take a beginners quilt class in person. The teachers give such helpful hints on your technique and fabric choices. This is a super giveaway!


    This is so generous of you this is fantastic for a new quilter to be able to start hiright in and s or hers stash. I would say don’t be afraid jump right in and have fun.

  40. Carole Garrison says:

    So excited for your upcoming block of month. Tip: when I started I was so overwhelmed by putting quilts together. Finding someone with a long arm. I had someone tell me to get painters tape. Lay it in a straight line either on the side or diagonal and use it as a sew line. When done move the tape over and use as a sew line again.
    Also small quilt along projects you find on you tube like dish drying mats or oven mats are a good way to start out.

  41. Marilyn Anderson says:

    Hi Corey, I love the Barn Star quilts! It’s nice to have a quick project. My tip to new quilters is to get a plastic storage bin,( they look like see thru suitcases) to keep each project. It keeps everything neat.

  42. Vicki Kennedy says:

    I am pretty new to quilting and will enjoy reading everyone’s comments. What I have found so far with quilting is to not be in a hurry and make sure you are cutting as accurately as possible. Love your videos, you are a huge inspiration to me!!

  43. Mary says:

    What a generous & awesome giveaway! As a fairly new quilter, my tip is to watch video tutorials! Especially those by great instructors & encouragers, such as Corey Yoder.
    Thank you for patiently teaching us! ☺️

  44. Sue says:

    So enjoyed your video today. My advice to a new quilter is to start small, measure twice, and cut once and press seams as you go.

  45. Marjorie says:

    What a blessing! My words of advice is to be patient with yourself. God invented the seam ripper for a reason.

  46. Pandora Watkins says:

    Love your show

  47. Brigitte Thiele says:

    My best advice to a new quilter is start with something small and simple like a table topper to learn the process and don’t be too hard on yourself. My favorite notion my 6×12 ruler. I grab it first for most cuts. Have a great 1025 Corey!

  48. Janie Pennock says:

    My tip for new quilters is to offer yourself grace when it comes to mistakes. The finished product will look beautiful and no one else will see the flaws in your project. I love to make things for others and try to find patterns that are unique. I pray over my projects and ask God to bless the recipient. Thank you for offering your wisdom and talents with all of us.
    Happy and blessed New Year
    Janie Pennock

  49. Marilyn says:

    What an awesome giveaway! I guess my advise to a new quilter is….give yourself grace….finished is better than perfect!!

  50. Elena McPeak says:

    I absolutely love that barn quilt! I also love that you have your backdrop still holiday themed. I would have a special holiday room that would always be set up if I had the space :).

  51. Cindy VanDyke says:

    I would love to win your latest give away…I have only 1 more quilt in me and found a great pattern in an Oct. 2021 magazine and it doesn’t give a fabric selection. One of these bundles would work great for it.

  52. Emily Talken says:

    My best tip is to invest in a good quality rotary cutter and ruler that is easy to see the lines. Accurate cutting makes sewing easier.

  53. Lisa Bahr says:

    I would say that there is no perfect in sewing. Your project should bring you joy, not stress. And remember to laugh! Sewing is a lifetime achievement. Always strive to learn something new/different.

  54. Laurie Shepherd says:

    What a wonderful gift for you to give. So many beautiful quilts to be made and given away! Congratulations on your new home. I am an Ohio girl too and love visiting Amish country several times a year! Happy New Year! Thank you for all you yo for quilters.

  55. Debra Taylor says:

    I would recommend new quilters start with something small like a baby quilt.

  56. Linda Givvin says:

    My daughter recently asked me to teach her how to quilt and my advice to her is “It doesn’t have to be absolutely perfect, just do your best.” You’ll keep improving with every one. It’s a learning process and, I think, a perfect quilt is a finished quilt.”

  57. Michelle Phillips says:

    My tip for first time quilters is to find a group of quilters to sew with on a regular basis. It’s so easy to ask questions as you work on a project, and you will pick up lots of tips and knowledge from the group. You might find this at a local quilt shop, in a guild, a local church or community center, or make your own from a few friends who quilt.

  58. Martha Goodwin says:

    As a new quilter, in my 60’s the first quilt I decided to make was a double wedding ring king quilt for my daughter’s upcoming wedding in 2023. I found watching and learning on YouTube to be the best thing to learn techniques that I used for the double wedding ring quilt for accurate seams, measuring, fabric and color choices, etc. Probably one of the best things that I did learn was, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Videos like that. You do every saturday.Are so helpful for new and seasoned quilters.

  59. Rhea Hergenrather says:

    Be kind, especially to yourself! Quilting comes from the heart, so be brave. Every mistake can either be fixed or just lived with. Share with a friend and grow. Encourage someone else and take time to learn.

  60. Debbie Riley says:

    I love sharing and teaching beginners to quilt. I encourage them to watch videos from the pro’s like you and Kimberly. Thanks for your generous give aways!

  61. Melissa aulds says:

    I often share with new quilters to buy the best fabric that they can. Buy fabric that is beautiful to them then pick a simple pattern that is basic and easy to make. The gratification of finishing a beautiful project will warm their heart and motivate them to their next project.

  62. Nancy says:

    Pleasure is in the process. All of it. It is my life long hobby and I enjoy being a mindful person.

  63. Julie Coleman says:

    I am new to quilting and have so excited to start something new. I enjoy your videos and love looking at your beautiful quilts. I like the way you present with your bubbly personality and easy to follow directions.Happy New Year and to many new quilts.

  64. Erin E Wells says:

    Beautiful barn quilt! And what a fun giveaway!

  65. Beth. says:

    Love watching your videos. Anticipate Saturday morning with you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

  66. DB says:

    Happy New Year! Love your videos.

  67. Melody Walls says:

    My favorite tip for quilting to share, that was given to me. Starch Before cutting out those pieces. Starch may shrink the fabric so you’d ebbs up with wrong size cuts. Love the free pattern. Thank You!

  68. Becky scheller says:

    My tip is to give yourself grace and not to compare what you do to someone’s else work. It is not a race and not perfect. It should be a joy in your life and hopefully others.

  69. Michele Molden says:

    Hi Corey! The tip I would have for a new quilter is invest in a good iron and press seams as you go. This really helps to make the blocks nice and flat.
    I would also like to say thanks for your generosity with this month’s giveaway! If I’m the lucky winner I will be adding these beautiful fat quarters to my “retirement “ stash 🙂.
    Good luck with your move and can’t wait to watch all your videos in 2025!!

  70. Beth Dukes says:

    Happy New Year! What a great new year’s video. I have been sewing for decades yet am new to quilting. My best advice is to stay encouraged… pick fabrics you like and sew from inspiration not desperation. Try your best to take a class. You will find encouragement from your teacher and your fellow students.

  71. Lora Starwalt says:

    I love watching your videos and I purchased the bundle last month!!! I can always use more fabric!!

  72. Carol R says:

    Corey, hello and thank you for your videos! The best tip I can give someone new to quilting is take your time and there’s no perfection needed! Enjoy what you’re doing and just keep learning as you go! Thank you for this awesome giveaway!❤️

  73. Susan Peterson says:

    Good morning, Corey. My husband and I both enjoy your YouTube channel. My tip for a new quilter is to allow yourself to make mistakes. You didn’t learn to walk without a few falls so your first quilt isn’t likely to be a masterpiece, and that’s OK. You will get better with each quilt you make. But, even not so perfect quilts are beautiful.

  74. Jenny Roeske says:

    A tip I’d give to someone new is take your time, it’s not a race. Also, it’s ok to make mistakes and have to do it again. Keep going, you will get better the more you do it.
    Thank you for your wonderful videos! I enjoy watching and learning from you!

  75. I love your videos. My advice would be to have a hood rotary cutter, ruler and stitch ripper. Most important is have fun.

  76. Mari Jo says:

    My tips include accurate cutting and consistent 1/4 inch seam. Don’t be too critical of your work. Enjoy the process.

  77. Dodie Yoder says:

    Wow, such a beautiful BOM. Your giveaway is so VERY generous. I would be so Blessed to win that. You are so very sweet and kind.
    My best advice would be to practice the perfect quarter inch and try to sew something every day. Stay warm.

  78. kimlemere says:

    I would tell someone new to quilting that finishing is better than perfection. I love my wool mat and my travel iron. Thanks for another great video and start of 2025.

  79. Diane Lancaster says:

    Love your videos, you are so upbeat and cheerful for a cold winter days. Love you giveaway. Can’t wait for 2025 BOM, already to go.

  80. Linda S. says:

    My number one tip is don’t give up. I am relatively new to quilting, and I know my quilts are not as good as some, but the feeling of finishing one and when things sew together just right is wonderful. Watching the video tutorials on piecing a block is so helpful and looking back through past tutorials is a good idea.

  81. Vicki L Davis says:

    my tip for a new quilter would be to perfect your quarter inch seam. It’s all easy after that.

  82. What an amazing giveaway! Thank you Corey for this chance to win such inspiring fabric! My tip is patience. Enjoy the sewing journey. We always learn new things, find our own niche with each quilt made. You do you but be open to the wealth of info and experienced quilter can have. Happy new year!!

  83. Holly L Brindley says:

    Hey Corey! So excited about your give away! Happy New Year, Holly

  84. Marcy H says:

    My tip is to give yourself grace & enjoy the process of quilting. It’s easy to get sucked into thinking that everyone else has perfect points & show quality quilts every single time. That is simply not true. Ive been sewing most of my life & quilting for about 10 years. My 1/4″ seams & points are far from perfect but improving with every make (& I am proud of that) but I find so much joy in watching a new quilt top come together rather than worrying about perfection.
    P. S.-What a great & generous giveaway!

  85. kandy1979 says:

    Thank you, Corey, for another wonderful video. WOW! What a wonderful start to 2025. A new home, a new studio, and a new WIP challenge.

    • kandy1979 says:

      I forgot my tip. Time is to short to work on something you no longer like. Give it a new home and you will find yourself spending more time in your sewing room then avoiding your sewing room.

  86. Wendy Shaheen says:

    I love the barn star quilt you featured in today’s YouTube video. I’ve made several of your patterns and enjoy them so very much. Thanks for all you do! Wendy

  87. Donna Valus says:

    Lighting is so important, it helps with cutting accurate seams, everything

  88. What an awesome giveaway! My tip for quilting would be to enjoy the journey and don’t stress too much over little mistakes. Having sharp blades in your rotary cutter is a game changer when doing a lot of cutting so change your blade often! Thank you Corey! Love your videos. ❤️

  89. Melissa Knox says:

    Good morning. My favorite tip is to take a step back, take a breath and let the colors speak to you. Try not to be overwhelmed by too many colors and too many fabrics. Keep it simple to start and relax. No one is perfect. Enjoy the process is my saying for 2025 thank you for all of your inspiration Corey

  90. Carole S. says:

    My favorite tip is to use a stiletto to help guide the fabric, especially for the last few stitches of a seam. Those last few stitches can get skewed so easily, and using something with a fine tip to hold the pieces steadily can help avoid the frustration of having to rip out stitches that have veered off course.

  91. Lynne Bergman says:

    My favorite tip for a new quilter is HAVE FUN! Don’t stress if points are cut off or seams are not exactly matched …do the best you can and enjoy the process. I was told no one is perfect except God and that the Amish purposefully put a mistake in their quilt for this purpose. Don’t be afraid of being judged by others. I was reminded that if someone is riding a horse and sees your quilt hanging on a fence, will they see the “oops”? No they are looking at the beauty of the whole piece! Think about cooking…was your first attempt at a new recipe perfect? Did it taste good? Then enjoy eating and do better next time. Likewise, Snuggle under your first quilt and improve on the processes each time afterwards!!!!

  92. Eve says:

    I look forward to watching your videos each week.
    My tip would be measure twice cut once! I just recently failed at that and to had remake my block. So frustrating!
    PS, I would love to win your giveaway. Very pretty fabrics.
    As you are going through your stuff, you could have a giveaway every month.😉

  93. Colleen E Azzoto says:

    My tip for a new quilter:
    Try buying a small kit so that all the colors coordinate. I found color selection difficult.
    I love the blue barn quilt.

  94. Kay McDonald says:

    Good morning! I love that you still have some holiday spirit decorating your studio! I like the season to keep on going! I have a busy week ahead of me, so I expect I won’t get into my sewing room until after next Sunday.

  95. marilyn ostenson says:

    I love all your videos ,patterns and fabrics!

  96. Kathy Park says:

    I guess my tip would be to cut all your fabric and then sew, doing as much chain piecing as possible. That has saved me so much time!

  97. Lori Lott says:

    Hi Corey, Happy New Year!!!
    Let’s see since I am new to quilting, my tip would be to watch as many of your you tube videos and get info from your blog. I’m excited I also bought the $5.00 pattern this morning. Good luck on your move we will be moving from Calofornia to Montana in May, and I have been purging and donating like crazy. 🤪 Lori V

  98. Theresa Meynardie says:

    I have several favorite tips to give to new quilters. My first tip would be to not be afraid to starch your fabric and that will help with cutting little pieces. Starch will also cut down on the fraying of fabric. When using small pieces of fabric use a dab of glue to hold fabric in place when doing sew and flip corners. It will keep your fabric from getting wonky. My last and most important tip is to master a 1/4” seam.

  99. Lisa O says:

    My tip for a beginner would be to have fun and enjoy the creative process.

  100. Julia Bateman says:

    Thank you for all your motivational video’s and upbeat enthusiasm, Corey! Hope you get moved in, and settled soon! So you can take a deep breath! Your fabric and patterns are the best! I am ready for quilt along, with lots of Cali and Co! Fabric is my favorite notion. I love to starch and press before I cut my pieces, then I only finger press until my block is finished. I’m going to do use your example and draw a ufo, quilt, or project each month to finish! Thank you for all your helps, tips, and cheerfulness! Julia in Missouri

  101. Tammy Zieser says:

    Happy new year! 🎉 Your videos are my favorite thing on my Saturday mornings! I almost can’t wait until 9:00 am for them to be released! I purchased your Dearly Loved pattern right before Christmas and am excited to make it for next Christmas. Also, I can’t wait to start the Cali and Co, mystery, BOM! My advice to new quilters is, don’t give up! Keep quilting and learning new things, you will get better and better as you go! Happy quilting!

  102. Barbara Mullen says:

    Love this fairly new hobby of quilting . I am at the intermediate level and I’m like a sponge. I have watched all the videos I can find. I can say that I bought too many gadgets before actually knowing what I needed. Good rulers, cutting tools, fabric and a machine are a good start. I have even enlisted my daughter in this hobby! Sooo much fun.

  103. Sarah G S says:

    Go slow and enjoy the process of your design coming to life!

  104. Debbie says:

    Oh wow!
    This would make so many Charity Quilts! I’m a primitive quilter so much of my fabric is prim but I sew for Project Linus and Quilts for Kids and bright colors work really well so I would love to receive the package! Thanks for all your videos and sharing your fabric with us!

  105. Suzanne Terhorst says:

    My tip would be to watch as many u tube videos you can on quilting. Beginner to expert, they’re a wealth of great info. I had both thumb joints replaced and during that time couldn’t sew. I watched videos of all day. I learned something new every day.

  106. Laura says:

    I love the Clover Fabric folding pen for getting super flat seam allowances.

  107. Robbie Ross says:

    Happy New Year! Your videos are so inspiring! I would advise new and experienced quilters to spend time watching great videos like yours and tutorials on YouTube. I discovered the quilting videos while I was bedridden with a back injury. They became a lifeline that kept my mind off my pain and gave me a goal to work towards. Thank you for sharing your skills and talents!

  108. Lisa J. says:

    Corey- thank you for another great Saturday morning video! One tip I would give a new quilter is to learn about designers and collections. I didn’t learn that for a few years when I started my quilting journey and I went a little bit crazy buying fabric that I thought was pretty. That’s it, just pretty. In those first few years I did two statewide shop hops and I have a lot of fabric that isn’t from any specific designer or collection. I now keep all my favorite designers together and the rest is where I look for a specific color or try to use it up in a backing, etc. For example, my Corey collection has all my Corey fabric and I know that if I need to pull a fabric from a different collection the color families will all play nice 😊 Thank you again for all the wonderful videos and sharing you knowledge to help us all improve. Your give away is extremely generous!

  109. Pauline Quinton says:

    Hello, the giveaway is amazing.
    Happy New Year

  110. Linda connelly says:

    Enjoy the process and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Seam rippers are our friends. Jump into a simple table topper first then you’ll be on your way. Enjoy the peace and quiet.

  111. Mary Lynne H says:

    I would say to select a pattern that suits the fabric.

  112. Janice Saxton says:

    My favorite tip for a new quilter is sew with friends, You can learn so much from them. It is a fun way to get things done .

  113. Kathy White says:

    Always take your time . When choosing fabric and patterns . Pick something you love. Then take your time cutting pieces. So they will be accurate. The same with sewing and pressing. Follow this and your quilts will turn out beautiful

  114. indy Garaas says:

    Lovr, love your Saturday videos. My tip I always give is take as msny classes you can afford and join sewing groups and guilds , etc. All of this is valuable

  115. Brenna Kadjar Tarango says:

    Oh my goodness what an amazing gift someone will receive!! (I hope it’s me!) Just love love love my Coffee with Corey and knowing so many quilting friends I’ve never met are enjoying the video at the same time. Thanks for all your hard work and happy new year!

  116. Linda Mahoney says:

    This may sound crazy, but I would give a new quilter a good seam ripper and show them how to use it. I would also give them a neutral spool of Aurafil thread and a pack of Lisa Bongean’s binding needles. These are the items I always use when I am working on a quilt. I might offer a few quilting lessons to go with this if they wanted them. Now I feel as though I need to put this plan into action. 🤣 Corey, thank you for all you do for us. I look forward to watching your videos!

  117. Sharon Donnelly says:

    The best tip I would give any quilter, would be relax and to enjoy the craft of creating. And to give yourself room for grace and growth. Quilting takes time to learn.
    Thank you Corey for a generous giveaway.

  118. Margaret Highlander says:

    My tip for beginning quilters is to take it slow and enjoy the process. You will be amazed at the result!

  119. Eve Poland says:

    thank you! I would say that my most useful tool is my rotary cutter. and My cutting mat.
    I didnt get a rotary cutter at first but it improved my accuracy so much!

  120. jula67mill says:

    Julie My tip is that there are many ways to accomplish the steps in making
    a quilt. Try suggestions from other quilters and find what works best for you.

  121. Pam Hiam says:

    My tip is something I wish I’d done when I started quilting. Give thought to your work station. Plan to sew, iron, and rotary cut without getting up. I used an old L-shaped computer desk with several surfaces, originally meant for a printer, monitor, and scanner. I sit down, put on some music and am in my happy place.

  122. Marcy H says:

    My tip is to give yourself grace & enjoy the process of quilting. It’s easy to get sucked into thinking that everyone else has perfect points & show quality quilts every single time. That is simply not true. Ive been sewing most of my life & quilting for about 10 years. My 1/4″ seams & points are far from perfect but improving with every make (& I am proud of that) but I find so much joy in watching a new quilt top come together rather than worrying about perfection.
    P. S.-What a great & generous giveaway!

  123. Barbara says:

    No matter how old you are you can start your quilting journey. There are so many how to videos and folks to help you. Just don’t get overwhelmed. Don’t stress. Your quilt does not have to be perfect. Quilts are made with love.

  124. Jeanne Antha says:

    My tip for new quilters is to take a class, or if that’s not possible, to look at some of the wonderful YouTube videos out there. And to start with a small project so you can get it finished and see your accomplishment.

  125. Allison Henke Evrard says:

    My thoughts on quilting are to be kind to yourself. We’re not perfect and there are bound to be mistakes and oopsies–at least in my quilts. If I obsessed over them, I’d never finish a quilt. BTW this giveaway is amazing!

  126. Lynn Lockard says:

    My tip is, use the same sewing machine and 1/4th inch foot. If you do have to change for some reason, measure your first line of sewing to make sure the seam allowance is the same as the original machine. And always use the same thread for that project, some threads can make a hairs difference. Great giveaway. Happy New Year.

  127. Connie Lindstrand says:

    What a fun giveaway! My advice to a new quilters is to start small with a few key tools. Get a good rotary cutter and basic ruler. I also prefer aurifil thread.

  128. Ginny Andersen says:

    My best tip – to help with cutting accurate pieces for your project, always have the line on your ruler you are using for the cut ON the fabric, not next to that line. This will keep your unit size much more accurate. If you put the line of the ruler next to the fabric edge, even the width of the line on the ruler will add up and the units/block will end up too small.

  129. Lori J Clark says:

    I would tell a new quilter to read their patterns all the way through before cutting anything out, and to focus on one project at a time.

  130. Mary says:

    A favorite tip I would give a new quilter is to do a quilt along with Coriander Quilts. I did the Christmas one for last year. I love it! Doing a quilt along helps you get started, see videos on each block and answers many questions you don’t know you have! Happy Quilting!

  131. Sherie Jones says:

    Wow! What an amazing giveaway! Best advice is learn how to press effectively and nest your seams. It will be a game changer! 😜

  132. Kathy L says:

    I am new to your blog and love your videos. I will be doing your mystery block of the month. Very Excited. My tip is to start out slow and easy. That reduces stress and frustration.

  133. Dyanna Q says:

    Good Morning! One tip I’d give new quilters is ironing is equally as important as a consistant seam size. Don’t skip that step during assembly. Steam or starch are your friends and don’t forget to square up blocks before assuming your quilt top. Remember there are no quilt police! Enjoy the process of creating ❤️

  134. Sheila Baldwin says:

    I enjoy my Saturday coffees with Cory! Always a good way to start a Saturday. Happy New Year!

  135. Danita Turner says:

    My favorite tip for newbies is to give yourself some grace. Your first quilt won’t be perfect and that’s ok. Each one gets better and better. Practice accurate cutting and 1/4″ seams.

  136. Theresa Meynardie says:

    My tip of using a dot of glue within the seam allowance of the corners of sew and flip little squares was a game changer to me. Along with pinning this tip will keep your squares straight. The spots with glue will be trimmed off when squaring up your blocks.

  137. Connie Ward says:

    My quilt tip is I use the creative grids Folded Corner Clipper ruler to make stitch and flip or snowball corners for my blocks. Thanks for your videos & Happy New Year in your new house!

  138. Jenelle Boxberger says:

    I just know those bundles are saying that they really want to go and play at Jenelle’s house, because Jenelle is making 11 quilts to give to her 11 nieces. When I’m helping a new person who wants to learn, I tell them to read the pattern steps and make sure they understand them. Then the next thing I teach them is how to make sure they have the fabric on the cutting mat on straight of grain. Then I’m always willing to help throughout the process. Love your videos and all you do for us.❤️

  139. Annette De La Croix says:

    What an amazing giveaway! Hope your moving is going smoothly and the snowstorm coming does not slow you down. My tip and notion for a new quilter. Please be forgiving to yourself on mistakes. You are learning. A great notion to have is a 6″ x 6″ or 5″ x 5″ ruler to trim smaller pieces. You will want a 6″ x 24″ ruler to cut your yardage, but I find the small ruler saves my hands. Plus I believe my cuts are more accurate as I don’t have to manipulate a huge ruler every time.

  140. Amy Stasa says:

    Hi Corey! First I wanted to let you know you are the whole reason why I ever started Quilting in the first place! I was camping with family years back and expecting my third child my daughter Savannah. I wanted to make her a quilt since we were near Shipshewana we stopped in the quilt shop there and I bought my first charm pack which was strawberry jam. I loved the fabric so much I drove an hour back to the shop and bought a strawberry jam layer cake. I have since blossomed into an avid quilter and love it. Thank you for helping me unlock this beautiful creative outlet! -Amy
    ***oh and my tip for a new quilter is be in love with the fabric first and you will want to complete your project*.

  141. joycekleinatland says:

    Hi Cory what a generous giveaway, my favorite notion would be a good 📏 3×15 or 6×24, my advice would be to have fun and keep it simple to start with so you don’t get overwhelmed.

  142. Always Choose JOY! If a pattern or fabric speaks to you, like the Wooly Stars did for me!, then create with it. JOY always makes your heart smile and leave you wanting to create more!

  143. Donna Chace-Larson says:

    Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful stash builder! My tip to new quilters is to take your time and invest in a good cutting templates or ruler for the quilt you are taking on. The right tools make a huge difference in the results that you will be proud to share!

  144. Leah Haydel says:

    My tip is to watch your u tube videos, because you give great tips, instructions and advice. As a newer quilter I have learned so much from them. Thanks so much for your generosity and for the giveaway. It would be great to win.

  145. Carla Quick says:

    My advice for a new quilter is to take your time. We are always excited to get to the finished project but just understand that quilting, much of the time, is a process and takes time. Don’t try to rush yourself. Enjoy the process and learn along the way. Super give-away!!!! Man-oh-man I would love to have that box arrive at my home! Thanks Corey for all you do for the quilting community.

  146. Maureen Helen Gray says:

    My tip to a new quilter is don’t compare yourself to others. Quilting is a process. I have a whole room dedicated to sewing and crafting. It’s usually messy when I am working on a project, but I just close the door at the end of the day.

  147. Jackie Lou Brown says:

    I would love to win your giveaway. I have found your blog and utube videos and love them both. My tip would be to take your time. It is not a race. Thank you for all that you give of yourself to us.

  148. Anita Zierman says:

    So exciting for whoever wins! Tip for new quilter: Practice your 1/4″ over and over, and read your pattern several times before starting. My favorite notion is those little snipper scissors to cut thread while sewing. Larger scissors are combersome at the machine. Happy New year 2025 everyone!!!

  149. Diane Ruby says:

    Since quilting brings me such joy, I would not hesitate to urge a new quilter to pursue this wonderful hobby! My best advice would be to begin with a simple pattern. If you don’t have access to an in-person beginning quilt class, there are many excellent videos available!

  150. Sandra Janssen says:

    I am three weeks from retirement and can not wait to be able to routinely join in the quilting fun!

  151. VICTORIA L VINSON says:

    Good Morning Happy New Year…..so looking forward to your Quilt Along with Cali & Co!
    I would advise a new quilter to always use a new Rotary blade when cutting new projects and double check your ruler guides before cutting! Oh! and your best friend with be “Best Press” starch!!

  152. tenderlycasual86861ad837 says:

    My tip would be…just take your time when tackling a new pattern. Make a test block to get familiar with it and get the nerves out! Then you’ll be more confident!

  153. Mary Colosimo says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to start with something you can finish somewhat quickly, like a quilted pillow or simple patchwork baby quilt. They will learn the basic skills and get to celebrate in a finished project! This builds confidence and the desire for more:-)

  154. Donna T Raider says:

    You always give the incentive to keep on going. Love all of your tutorials and quilts.

  155. Cathy Harris says:

    I recently discovered your YT channel and have already bought a few of your PDF patterns. Love your style of presenting. My tip for someone new to quilting is to invest in a 1/4” sewing machine foot if their machine does not already have one. Makes a world of difference! Good luck with the move – saw your new studio – it is going to be fabulous!

  156. Linda B says:

    First thing I would tell someone new to quilting is “you don’t have to be perfect in order to be successful.” And get a good Rotary cutter with plenty of extra blades! Oooo, I would love to have all those beautiful fat quarters!!! Happy New Year Corey!

  157. Mary Nordvik says:

    My tip is go at your own pace, sewing should be fun and it is not a race. If it takes you longer to make something that is ok. Enjoy

  158. Helen Peddycord says:

    My best tip to new Quilters is to relax, take it slow and easy and use the best quality fabric and thread you can enjoy any flaws as they are most often fixable, if needed to be and beautiful reminders when you look back to your very beginning.
    These fabric bundles are beautiful and would be an excellent way to be able to make beautiful quilts for donations to several different charities. Thank you for your generosity Corey!
    Happy New Year to you and your family 🙏🏻🎉🎉💕

  159. Cindy Penning says:

    My advice is to talk to older quilters in the community. They are always so helpful. Join FB groups and watch videos for lots of tips. And buy a good non slip ruler like quilters select. Happy quilting!

  160. Margaret Copus says:

    YES YES YES I agree what a fabulous giveaway for one lucky winner. Thanks for sharing all your talents… love your patterns and fabric collections. Purchased Peachy Keane also because of the name… my maiden name was Keane and we were teased “Peachy Keane” for many years… I am one of 6 kids.

  161. Sharla Brechbill says:

    Thanks for all your helpful videos! My tip for quilting is to relax and enjoy the journey. If it stops being fun, take a break and give yourself permission to be less than perfect.

  162. Michelle Cobb says:

    Hi! New quilters – reading you pattern fully once or twice before cutting and sewing. Not only will you understand the pattern better, usually you will learn something new . Enjoy the process!

  163. Valerie Chinen says:

    If it’s not perfect no big deal. Enjoy the journey

  164. Sue von Ins says:

    I never win anything but this would be a great place to start!!

  165. Gaylene Buchhorn says:

    I so enjoy your YouTube videos and your friendly approach to inspire us to sew and quilt. I can’t wait to see your new house and studio, congratulations.

  166. Jo Ann says:

    My tip is don’t be afraid. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Enjoy the process. The colors of the giveaway are absolutely gorgeous. Love your videos.

  167. Bettie says:

    For me, using labels when cutting quilt pieces is extremely helpful Thank you for the opportunity to win your generous giveaway. Happy New Year!

  168. Denise says:

    What a fantastic assortment of fabric. Picturing all the beautiful quilts that could be made for the children at my two local hospitals. What a blessing that would be.

  169. Ginny Ginkel says:

    I love the star quilt. Will need to add that to my “to do” list. Please enter me in the giveaway. I’m building my stash, and want to to a scrappy rainbow quilt. This would get me there! Thanks😊

  170. Jules says:

    Corey thank you for your videos with all the helpful tips.

    My advice to a new quilter is take a little time to learn the quarter inch stich in the beginning. Prctice by sewing a quarter inch seam on paper (with out thread) to find the placement on your machine and foot for that quarter inch seam. Then you can put seam tape on your machine to guide your fabric.

  171. Bonnie Neeley says:

    I enjoy your videos! The tip from a friend that helped me the most on my quilting journey was to join an online quilting group, Moda Blockheads was suggested. I learned so much from the designers and quilters of the group.

  172. Ann Heide says:

    I started quilting this time last year. I love it. My tip would be to slow down and enjoy the process. I don’t have much of a stash yet but love buying fat quarters and other precuts for a good coordinated quilt.

  173. Peg Hansen says:

    It took me years to learn, but my best suggestion is to square up your blocks. It goes SO much easier to put together that way.

  174. Suzanne Jambon says:

    Good morning and Happy New Year! My first quilt project was a bowl cozy. Simple “quilt sandwich” construction and since it was solid 10 inch squares of fabric, it was less intimidating to put together. After successfully making the first one, I was hooked and it sincerely built my confidence to try other projects. Still learning, but I have loved every minute of this quilting adventure.

  175. Cathy Blood says:

    Wow Corey! That is such a generous giveaway! I would share it with a friend who is always broke but wants to make quilts.
    I have lots of tricks up my sleeve that I could share with new quilters. But one thing I’ve noticed I made mistakes in is that I have started quilts with no idea what white I used for instance, where it came from or how to get more. If you want a quilt with a consistent white background, or any color for that matter, make sure you buy enough for your quilt or at least have it be a fabric line you can buy more of if you run out. I can’t tell you how many whites I have bought from different places trying to match a white fabric I started a quilt with. So far to no avail and that quilt sits waiting! 🥴 If you’re like me you spend lots of $$ on precut sales but then forget to keep up with background colors. It’s like having all the stuffings and condiments for a good sandwich with no bread! Now I’m trying to catch up by taking advantage of yardage sales. And before things get tossed willy nilly into my stash, I put the color name and manufacturer on the selvage when I get solids. All the same info gets documented
    in a book with samples stapled inside. I will even go back and write notes about things I like about one fabric line over another.

  176. Wendy Fairchild says:

    Wow! With that give away you should be able to find whatever color you need! Good luck with your move, I look forward to seeing your new studio and video space!

  177. Eileen Dalton says:

    Corey, my motto for 2025 is Make it Sew. I enjoy the inspiration from your Saturday videos to get my weekends going. Love your color sensibilities that match my own and am planning a few quilts using some of your fabrics this year.

  178. Nancy says:

    Blessings on your new move. We just moved six months ago and I love my new studio looking out the front windows of our new home. Please enter my name in the so colorful fat quarter giveaway.

  179. Takia Waller says:

    Don’t hoard fabric. That’s the advice I always give. If you love something buy it with a project in mind. There will be other fabrics you fall in love with along the way.


    When I started quilting, I wanted to do everything that caught my eye. I would say my tip is to ensure that you place the pattern and all the fabric together in one place. I still find things and say, “What was this for?”. I know we have to get the fabrics at the time the project appears if we want that fabric but we don’t always get started right away.

  181. Penney Murren says:

    Wow! What an amazing give away. I’m so impressed that you are continuing your videos in the midst of moving!! Hopefully the rest of your move goes smoothly.

  182. Diane lindberg says:

    Love watching your videos your always up beat and your quilts are beaiutiful. Would love to win your box would go good with with the solids bundle i’ve gotten frim fat qtr shop

  183. Linda S Gandara says:

    Hi Corey! Another fun video, Saturdays are so fun with you! My favorite tip to a new quilter would have to be before you jump all in with committing to a full on quilt project, practice a lot on getting good at your quarter inch seam. Grab some cheap fabric and keep practicing it until your confident and consistent. Once you have it down then use your yummy quilting cottons and have fun creating! QUESTION: How do you perfect your quarter inch seam? Also I’m not sure if I can recall if you’ve covered the importance of squaring up units before assembling blocks. I find that even a sliver adds up and the frustration is real when your block is off ugh! Thank you for all you do and good luck with the move! Happy New Year!!! ~Linda G

  184. Angie Brantner says:

    Good morning, Love your quilt patterns, I have bought many of your $5 deals, thanks so much for having a monthly sale pattern.

  185. Mena Weigant says:

    I am a new quilter, so I need to read all of these tips! I have made two quilts so far so my tip would be for beginning quilters. Choosing projects created by a designer who makes clear, detailed patterns AND a tutorial helps me so much. I know that I can rely on Corey and Fat Quarter Shop for excellent patterns and tutorials. I don’t have enough experience to just look at a pattern and run with it so the details provided in videos and on the pattern are key for me as I do not want to become frustrated while I’m learning.
    Such a generous giveaway. This is going to make someone’s year for sure!

  186. Becky says:

    Measure twice cut once.

  187. Dawn Kirk says:

    I’m new to quilting so I am still taking in tips from those more experienced. But, I can say that you need to create an inspirational space. I just finished putting together my sewing room and it has really gotten me moving.

  188. Annette K Giddings says:

    I do look forward to your Saturday videos. I think my biggest thing I like to encourage friends, is don’t be afraid of trying new things. Also, drawing or no, I allow myself one subscription a year. I have been considering the color bundles from FQS for 2025 for a while now.

  189. Anita Martin says:

    My tip is keep your fingers away or wear safety gloves when cutting with rotary cutter. Twice I have had to get fingers stitched. Otherwise enjoy your adventure! Love her always upbeat tutorials.

  190. Chris Blower says:

    My favorite tip to give a newby quilter… like in learning to ski, go for QUALITY, not by price, when purchasing equipment (quality fabric and threads). How do I know? As a Newby to skiing I purchased bargain skiing equipment only to have ski patrol haul me down the hill due to cheap bindings failure. As a newbie to quilting, I purchased inexpensive thread from a garage sale and fabric from a chain store to make a quilt only to have the quilt fray and shred during its first washing. Quality is worth its weight in gold.

  191. Kim Hicken says:

    I love this barn quilt, can’t wait to get my pattern. Thanks for sharing your talent, your patterns and fabrics are incredible. You are so generous with this giveaway, what a box to receive

  192. Diana Short says:

    What a wonderful way to build a stash!! Thank You for all you do to help all of us. I find I need to read through a pattern a few times before I do any cutting. As I read, I think of the colors I have picked out and if they will still work. I then keep the cut fabrics in bags with labels. My favorite notion is a brass stiletto. I can use that to hold down the edge of the fabric so I keep that 1/4″ seam to the end!

  193. Teresa Burton says:

    My favorite notion I would tell a new quilter to invest in would be a stripology ruler. It is a little pricey but I think it really helps speed up my cutting and improves accuracy. The first quilt pattern I would recommend is Yellow Brick Road. It is an oldie but goodie. I made it many years ago and I am getting ready to make it again.

  194. Michelle Busch says:

    I fell in love with your patterns and fabric when I signed up for the Very Coriander Christmas Bom with the Fat Quarter Shop. Anytime I see your fabrics at my local quilt shop my heart just melts.

  195. LuAnn Flint says:

    Hi Corey. I so enjoy your videos each Saturday morning. You give me inspiration to dig into my quilting (many UFOs). Like you my sewing space is upheaved…unfortunately I can’t say my is from moving…mine is pure neglect. My resolution is to do better. That being said, I’d love to add to my stash those beautiful fabrics you’re so graciously giving away.
    Thank you for your beautiful artistry & inspiration. See you next Saturday. 😊

  196. Nancy Wilson says:

    My advice is take a picture of each quilt you make! I didn’t & sure wish I had. It’s fun to remember quilts you have gifted & also to see your progress on your quilting journey!

  197. Debbie says:

    Thank you for offering such a wonderful give-away.
    One of my favorite notions is my Stripology ruler. I find my cutting is more precise, quicker, and easier. And since cutting is my least favorite part of quilting, it’s a big help.
    I love your tips for finishing up those WIP and having accountability. I just finished listing my WIPs last night.
    Your Saturday videos make me happy. Thanks for all you do for us quilters.

  198. KARA PARKMAN says:

    What a generous giveaway and great stash builder! What really helped me as a new quilter was taking classes at my local quilt shop. Today we have YouTube but learning from others the beginning basics of accurate 1/4” seams and basics of rotary cutting to cut accurately can bring success in those first quilts. Thank you, Corey! Kara Parkman

  199. Kaye says:

    Love your you tube channel. I would have to say that labeling your pieces with marking size and keeping them well organized because when you have to set it aside it is easier to pick up again and work on it. Also keep notes on your project.

  200. Janis Cannon says:

    My best tip is to use a quarter inch foot and to press press press. It makes your piecing more accurate.

  201. Vicki Myhre says:

    Hi Corey! I am new to sewing and quilt making and I have learned so much from watching you and others on YouTube. I took my first quilt class yesterday and one tip I came away with that really helped me was using the washable glue with a fine tip nozzle to help line up pieces so that the corners match when sewing them. I believe you had shared this tip before also but it was the first time I had tried it myself. Thanks for the chance to win the awesome package of fat quarters! Vicki M.

  202. Allyson says:

    You must be so excited to get your new sewing space up and running! I will be joining in on your finishing challenge this year. One tip I would give to new quilters is to use the measurements on your ruler not your mat when cutting. Have a wonderful New Year!

  203. tykasams says:

    Love your videos. My tip is take your time, enjoy the process, and take a break when you need to. No one will be as hard on your work as you are, so, enjoy!

  204. Mary Ann says:

    I love that you still have your holiday quilts up. Thay are so beautiful. I am looking forward to your sew along. Your patterns are always so fun to make.
    Mary Ann

  205. starfishusuallyd604e84048 says:

    What I’d say to a new quilter is relax everyone makes mistakes and always have a new rotary blade in your cutter.

  206. Shirley Lewis says:

    My advice is to use quilt shop quality fabric and good thread. Cut carefully and be consistent in sewing seams.

  207. Paula Marie Keiper says:

    Hi Corey! I’ve been following you for a while now, and actually got to meet you in Berlin, OH. Your fabrics are refreshing and coordinate so well! My tip for new quilters for the drawing is: Buy a good color wheel and compare and contrast your fabric colors before choosing them. I’ve seen too many quilts in my many years of quilting that have great quilting and pattern, but if the colors don’t coordinate or even pop, they fall flat when viewing them. I feel thoughtful color presentation is a very important element in designing a quilt.

  208. NiniaQuilts says:

    I love your Saturday videos and think your Barn Star quilts are fabulous!

  209. Tamela Simmons says:

    I just ordered your barn quilt pattern! A wonderful give away!

  210. bouncegyrl says:

    Corey, I so enjoy you and your videos on Saturday mornings. You are so generous in your giveaways.
    My advice to a new quilter is to watch lots of videos, especially the one about basic types of blocks. Learn to prepare your fabric, to read the pattern and learn to cut correctly. I also struggled with my 1/4 seams. Goodluck to all participants.

  211. Yvette R Bain says:

    The tip I’d give a new quilter is to just start! Take your time learn the basics of cutting and using your sewing machine and invest in the best equipment you can afford.

  212. Starr says:

    I love the Barnstar quilts you design. My tip would be to get a good rotary cutter and ruler. I would also suggest starting with a simple pattern sewing on straight of grain. Don’t ask me how I why lol. Thank you for your awesome videos.

  213. Donna Liend says:

    Hi, I just love your video’s. I would love to win this fabric, I just finished purging fabric in my sewing room, so this would be a great way to build my stash back up. I started something this year that would help every quilter. I designed my own quilt journal. I’m going to keep track of all the quilts I make this year. And, I’m going to start labeling them! Thanks again for your video’s, and I can’t wait for the block of the month challenge this year!

  214. Kathleen Theriault says:

    I have learned a lot since I started quilting and I feel that some lessons you just need to learn by making the mistakes. I guess I’d say buy the best tools you can afford at the time. A decent quality rotary cutter. A few decent rulers. And don’t buy every layer cake that catches your eye just because they’re on sale! (My personal error).

  215. Janet McCann says:

    My favorite tip to a new quilter is get yourself an ultimate flying geese ruler. It will make perfect flying geese of many sizes from 1” and up. I struggled with flying geese when I started. Usually lost a point or 2. You will never loose a point and the ruler has the size to cut pieces printed on the ruler. Never look for instructions again. Make the perfect star blocks. Perfect flying geese 4 at a time. Second, enjoy playing with color. Don’t be afraid to mix it up and make it your own.

  216. Lynda L Phelps says:

    When I start to teach my grandchildren to sew, quilt I tell them slow and steady and it will come. It’s not a race. We all learn at different paces and ways. Enjoy yourself in the process of learning a new thing.

  217. Veronica Stidham says:

    I just found your YouTube channel and will be watching the older videos. I found your channel while searching for tips for jelly rolls. Being new to quilting myself I can’t give many tips except to share how much fun I’m having. Now my daughter is stepping into the world of quilting I bought her a quarter inch seam guide. Maybe a seam ripper would be a good notion to give a new quilter. They will need one as they start to create. You have a wonderful skill and a great eye for matching colors.

  218. Julie Linn says:

    I would recommend to a new quilter to get a good cutting mat and a rotary cutter. And to start with a small project with larger pieces (squares/rectangles).

  219. Jan says:

    I have only been quilting for five years but a tip I received, and use often, is to not be so critical of your skills. We’re always learning and improving and that is what is important.

  220. joy madding says:

    love your tutorials. i am homebound so like a lot of projects. please enter me in the give away/

  221. Kam says:

    I’d tell a new quilter to enjoy exploring your creativity. Yes, arm yourself with the right “tools” for your craft, and educate yourself by listening to those who inspire you, but don’t forget that your talent is unique and your quilts will be a reflection of your imagination.

  222. Marta Cuevas Broberg says:

    Making a perfect quilt is impossible for me, so I let new quilters know that not all seams will align perfectly and that they will notice the tiniest error. I then show them some of my quilts with obvious imperfections to me, which they think are perfect. I then point out my errors or imperfections that they didn’t notice. Quilting is a stress reliever and shouldn’t be something that causes us stress.

  223. Kathy B says:

    You are extremely generous! My tip for a new quilter is to start with a small project like a baby quilt….work on it but give yourself grace regarding mistakes. I highly doubt that anyone’s first quilting attempt was perfect!
    Thanks for all you do for us Corey 💜

  224. Kathy Shipman says:

    You quilts are so beautiful! It is so cold her in Ohio, I need more fabric to make more quilts. You can never have too many quilts or pillows!

  225. Angie says:

    My favorite notion for a beginners is seam guide tape – makes sure your seams are all even making squaring up a success! I love the giveaway and enjoy your videos each Saturday morning!!

  226. Linda says:

    I still consider myself a newbie after several years. My tip is but extra fabric for those woops which we all make and enjoy. Happy Saturday!

  227. Patricia May says:

    What an amazing giveaway! Love the Barn Stars patterns! Happy New Year of quilting.

  228. Trudy L says:

    Buy the best tools you can afford. This does not necessarily mean the most expensive, but quality tools in good working order make the task easier and more pleasant and saves you time and in some cases money. A machine that is not working properly, dull needles, pins and rotary blades, poor lighting, etc, take the enjoyment out of the task. If you’ve been gifted used items, check everything over before starting. You don’t have to buy everything at once, but if you find you love quilting and want to do more, work your way into getting more or better items as you go.

  229. pioneering356ef13ece says:

    My tip is read the cutting directions more than once before cutting the fabric. Take your time learning and don’t be afraid of the seam ripper! Lol. Thank you for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway. You always have such a sweet and joyful countenance.

  230. judy Gordon says:

    Loved todays video. Tip for new quilters- love the clothespins for easy pinning on binding. Thanks for the giveaway!! Happy New Year!!

  231. Brenda Robillard says:

    WOW Corey thats a very kind & thoughtful gift!! Being quite new to quilting trying to build a stash is quite daunting let alone quite expensive… i look forward to watching your videos every Saturday & have learned alot.. Thank You for all you do for us Quilters

  232. Pam Biller says:

    I have been sewing for quite awhile. First we used scissors to cut out patterns, which really dates me😆. Then when I caught the quilting train, I learned to use a rotary cutter and ruler. I have to say the most important thing I learned was to measure twice and cut once and hold the ruler firmly. Corey‘s patterns are super easy to follow and I have fallen in love with all of her patterns and teaching style. 💕🪡🧵

  233. Brenda Rakofsky says:

    I always enjoy your Saturday YouTube videos and seeing all your quilty things displayed. Your sister does a great job with the displays. I also appreciate your $5 patterns and really like making your Barn Star quilts.
    Good luck in your new house and your new sewing space.

  234. Marie McKee says:

    I love my wool pressing mat and found that how I press my projects makes such a difference. A mat isn’t necessary and is a pricey notion, but it makes a very nice difference in my quilts. And thanks for the chance to participate in the giveaway.

  235. Krista A Morehead-McNutt says:

    Love all your videos, and $5 patterns. Being fairly new to quilting I’d advise a newbie that the quilting police will not show up at your door if you make a mistake. I’d also tell them to practice a little every day if possible.

  236. Ruby Hudson says:

    Good morning Corey and Happy New Year! I hope the move goes smoothly for you. Just remember to take your time and enjoy the process!
    I am so excited to see your new sewing studio all set up.🥰🥰

  237. Deborah Harding says:

    Great giveaway, Corey! My tip, perfection is overrated. Enjoy what you are making, and the more you quilt the better you get.

  238. Laurie Rohlfing says:

    I look forward to Saturday mornings and watching your video. I have been cleaning out my sewing room for the new year. I hope your move is going well. I did that a year ago and it is a huge job. Thanks again for the great patterns and fabric!

  239. Rhonda M says:

    Happy New Year, Corey! I would love to be considered for the giveaway. I always look forward to your Saturday videos. My tip for new quilters is to subscribe to a few YouTube quilters to learn from (Coriander Quilts is my favorite!) – follow their patterns, learn about the best tools and rulers, be inspired to try new techniques. It’s like taking a quilting class from home, and has worked very well for me. I started quilting three years ago, and was able to complete the Cuddle Up Christmas sampler in November – loved the challenge!

  240. joy madding says:

    homebound so love the different projects. please enter me in give away. joymadding07@gmail.com

  241. Diane Critelli says:

    One of the most important things I’ve learned along the way is that fabric shrinks more in one direction than the other. If you steam press a charm square it becomes a rectangle.

  242. Sandal says:

    Hi Corey and Happy New Year! So glad your move is in progress and open hope it goes well. Living between tow houses and studios must be challenging at times! My best tip for a new quilter is to purchase the best supplies you can afford. Don’t skim on things like a sewing machine, rotary cutter or rulers. Ask other quilters for their suggestions and stay within your budget. Sandal PS-You’re give away is amazing! If I was the lucky winner, I would happily share the bounty with my guild’s charity quilting program.

  243. Linda B says:

    Long time follower (instagram) and love that you take the time for videos now. Thanks for the opportunity for the giveaway.

  244. Carrie Efird says:

    I’m a fairly new quilter so I don’t have a lot of tips to give. Although I can tell you that I am hooked for life. Quilting is so relaxing and a de-stresser for me. Thanks for your help and I would really love to have that fat quarter box of fabric. Looking forward to your seeing your new studio.

  245. Sharon N says:

    Glad you’re doing the WIP Challenge! I had decided to do the same thing, so I’ll be joining you. I just happen to have 12. Drawing numbers makes it fun! Love your gift. Fat quarters are my favorite precut! ❤️🥰 Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉

  246. Sheree Black says:

    I would love to win. I love good accurate rulers and a rotary cutter.

  247. Kathy says:

    I would suggest that a new quilter should start with a basic pattern and realize that practice makes perfect! Enjoy the process and enjoy your projects!

  248. Connie Rodriguez says:

    Hi Corey
    I would tell a new quilter start out with the basics cutting mat, ruler, fabric cutter. Buy what you can afford. This is a great giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.

  249. Johnni White says:

    My favorite advise to give a new quilter is to be patient with yourself and always have a seam ripper handy. We were all beginners at one time or another and our early quilts are our first steps in a learning journey.

  250. Susan Swanson says:

    I am fairly new to quilting. I love your YouTube videos and patterns! I try to keep a list of fabrics and patterns. That way I don’t end up with orphan fabrics.

  251. Dawn Householder says:

    Love your patterns, bought a couple last year and am hoping to get to them this year. I have a lot of unfinished projects to work on also so hopefully 2025 will be a bit more productive than last year. Look forward to your videos.

  252. Susan Fraser says:

    My 2 best tips are that it is worth it to get a good iron and pay attention to ironing directions in a pattern. Secondly, double check your 1/4″ seam often.

  253. Debra Freeman says:

    I love your Saturday morning YouTube videos. I find myself drawn to your fabric and love to see all of the beautiful quilts.
    Your line of colorful flannel is just fantastic. I have been wanting to make a flannel quilt but most flannel is very masculine or juvenile but the bright and cheerful colors of your flannel line is just what I am looking for.
    Excited about the fabric bundle giveaway. It would be amazing to be the recipient of all of that fabric. Thank you, Corey!

  254. Brenda Wall says:

    As a long time quilter I love my OLFA turning mat. But for new quilters just starting out you can put a smaller mat on top of a larger cutting mat and use the smaller mat for the same purpose. The smaller mat can also be used by your sewing machine and when you go on those wonderful quilt retreats. Happy Sewing.

  255. MaryAnn Mairs says:

    Thank you for another great video, and best wishes with your move. Looking forward to seeing your new space.
    My favorite tip is one that I regret if I sometimes forget. When making a new block, or using a new pattern, before cutting fabric, make the block using scraps, following the directions carefully and measuring at each step. This way if something doesn’t come out the way it should, you can go back and check to see if the problem is with you or the pattern. You will also know it you want to continue, without wasting material.

  256. Zora Ortiz says:

    My advice to new quilters is to watch a lot of videos. That is what I did even though I have been sewing forever. After a while you will be taking a little from each video. There are so many quilters out there who are very good and good teachers, too.

  257. Tami Sullivan says:

    What an absolutely amazing giveaway!!! You are so generous! My tip, if you buy fabric you are in love with, use it as soon as you can!! There are so many extremely talented fabric and pattern designers and something new will catch your eye again soon. No need to overwhelm yourself with fabrics that get moved to the bottom of the stack ! Happy moving to your new home and studio!!!

  258. jimgailpiper says:

    What a great give-away – thanks for sharing!
    My favorite tip is learn a few basics – stitch length and width; pressing; cutting accurately; and start with a simple block pattern so it’s not overwhelming (hourglass and flying geese blocks can come later!). There are lots of quilting books available that have quilting “how-to’s”, either for sale or at your local library – and lots of videos online if you search! Your local quilt store is usually very willing to give pointers too. Then dive in, have fun, take a break when needed, and build from there.

  259. Becky Souk Ernst says:

    I made Deerly Loved as my Christmas quilt for this year. Oh my, I should have made at least 4 …. Everyone who sees it wants it!!

  260. Cheryl Starr Quested says:

    Happy New Year!
    My tip is to thoroughly read through the entire pattern several times before doing anything else. I have made so many cutting and sewing mistakes by not knowing what the next step is.
    Good luck with the move.

  261. Pat Lemme says:

    My best tip is when you sew on a diagonal line for a flip corner, sew over towards the corner a threads width to allow for turning in order to get a perfect square.

    QUESTION: You mentioned you fold your quilts on a diagonal. Could you show us please how you do this?

  262. Vicky says:

    My tip to a beginning quilter is to start with a smaller quilting project, one where the end is in sight and use fabrics that you love.
    Thank you for coloring your Barn Star pattern in other collections.

  263. Gloria M. Marchetto says:

    My tips for new quilters is to relax and enjoy the process and start with only basic tools. Too easy to purchase too much too soon. Add as you grow, our tastes change through the years. Also, never point out your mistakes, you see them but others do not. Just graciously accept the compliments and NEVER pay attention to the Quilt Police, there is no such thing.

  264. Vera Marie Cliffford says:

    Love the barn star patterns and not just because of the wonderful giveaway! My tip for any new quilter would be to suggest a quick project such as any of the barn star patterns. Most go together relatively fast and provide gratification at having completed something beautiful. Thank you for all you do for quilters!

  265. Amy says:

    I always recommend that people start with small projects like doll quilts or baby blankets. The piecing is normally pretty simple and because they are small, you can easily July them with straight line quilting on your regular sewing machine.

  266. Cheryl says:

    Praying your move continues to go smoothly. Love spending Saturday mornings with you!

    My tip— never give up! Don’t be afraid to try new things. Just because a pattern looks hard doesn’t mean it is. I’ve gotten much better because I have ventured in and not given up!


    My advice would be to starch your fabric before you cut. It makes assembly so much easier and cuts down on fraying! Love your fabrics, patterns and everything you do!💗

  268. Connie H Vaughan says:

    In the beginning quilting can be so overwhelming. All the patterns, notions, FABRIC!
    I told myself get just the basics to start. Then if you see a collection or designers you like, stick with that. Find a pattern to go with and then see. I have found Corey’s videos very helpful with alot of techniques and suggestions. She is always very detailed and explains it very clearly.

  269. Jule says:

    My tip is when cutting width of fabric strips to put a dumbbell on the end of your ruler to keep it from shifting as you cut. I would love to win the giveaway.

  270. Stephanie Parker says:

    How sweet of you to do this give away. I love watching you every Saturday.

  271. L. Rohlf says:

    Thanks for the chance to win this colorful bundle! Love your videos and looking forward to 2025 with you. Best wishes for the new year!

  272. DIANA BISHOP says:

    I’m trying to find where to register for your Give Away. I’m already a subscriber.
    Diana Bishop


  273. Andrea Smith says:

    Corey I am so excited about the giveaway!!! I am disabled and can’t afford the fat quarter subscriptions. I would definitely give a new quilter your patterns, of which I have quite the collection🥰😍!! A good set of rulers and cutting mat, and an OLFA rotary cutter!! I cannot wait to join you on the block of the month 2025, and WIP.

  274. Janet R Kirkpatrick says:

    Good morning Corey and Happy New Year. My suggestion to a new quilter is to make sure their machine has a quarter inch foot. If not, purchase one and practice on some small scrap strips to get the “feel” of the quarter inch seam allowance. I prefer a foot with a guide but not all machine brands have one with a guide. Don’t expect perfection but work toward consistency. Happy Stitching!

  275. Shelley says:

    What a generous giveaway! I really enjoy watching your videos every Saturday morning with my coffee. My advice to new quilters would be to start simple. Take a charm pack and sew it together!

  276. Milly Fessler says:

    My favorite tip would be to just take your time, enjoy and not to over think anything. As we all know…we are our own worst critric. Use good cutting tools with sharp blades. Measure twice and cut once.

  277. Trudy Hudock says:

    My tip would be to cut accurately and make blocks like HST slightly oversized and trim to exactly needed size. Thanks Corey, I really enjoy your videos.

  278. Janet Sinclair says:

    Love the Abloom and Cali & Co version of the barn star. Also love Tiggs on the roof giving his approval! I would tell a beginner quilter not to go out and buy a lot of quilting cutting mats, scissors, rulers, gadgets, etc., etc., etc. As you do more quilting you will see what you actually will use and what fits you. Sometime you will hear at a class or just from quilters in general that you need this or that but it isn’t necessarily going to fit your personal needs.

  279. Earlene Flint says:

    Just purchased your Barn Star 6 pattern! So excited to make it. Have been eyeing them for quite some time. I would say my favorite notion for quilting that I have learned recently is Aurafil Thread. I am in love with it!!! The quality is far above any other I use or can get in my area.

  280. Anita BARLOW says:

    Corey, I always enjoy your videos, fabrics, & patterns. Thanks for all the inspiration! Btw your DEERLY LOVED pattern may be the most adorable quilt of all time lol! Blessings to you & yours always ☺️

  281. Glenda Rodriguez says:

    Hello from Idaho!! I always look forward to Saturday morning video. I guess my best tip for a new Quilter would be to keep a journal of projects you are wanting to make, the fabrics you have purchased for that project, and everything you will need and then make sure that you Mark off the things you have purchased. In the beginning, I was in such a mess, however, I enjoyed it. I had multiples of things and didn’t know what I was going to do with them. I can’t wait to see you in the new studio. Keep up the fantastic work

  282. Jsew says:

    Good morning!
    What a great opportunity! New year! My top tip.. be patient.. use videos from blogs to increase your skills. I’m enjoying your videos so much. My confidence is building through your encouragement. Thanks so much Corey. I do ” sew “ your talents
    All the best in your new home and studio

  283. Cecilia Young says:

    I would tell them to take classes at a local quilt shop. You always come away with at least one new shortcut or new way of doing something.

  284. Nana H says:

    What a generous giveaway! I took a break from quilting when I returned to the world of full time work so since retiring, I am rebuilding my fabrics since a lot of what I had from earlier days I no longer enjoy sewing with. I so look forward to your Saturday videos. The Cali & Co fabrics for your QAL are here and ready to be used! My advice for a new quilter would be the importance of pressing seams as you go so that you are working with nice, flat blocks. Best wishes on your move!

  285. artisancasually9a0aa3e987 says:

    FAVORITE TIP: when cutting with rotary cutter and ruler, be sure the ruler line is ON your fabric not off of it. This has made a huge difference in my quilting. Also slow down and enjoy the process. There is a learning curve. If you like it, then you did an amazing job.

  286. Karen McClung says:

    What a great giveaway! You are such a talented lady & I love all of your patterns. Just last week I told a friend who is learning to make quilts to just enjoy the process and take her time. Her mother was a talented hand quilter who has passed away and my friend never had an interest in learning how to make quilts. She now wants to learn.

  287. Estela Ann Steele says:

    Happy New Year! Really enjoyed this weeks Saturday talk and I’m looking forward to the quilt along that starts later this month. Such ambition to take that on while also moving to a new location! Hope all that goes well for you. ]

  288. Amber Haake says:

    Good morning! Thanks for your weekly videos! I look forward to your positivity and joy every Saturday! My tip for a new quilter would be to start with a patchwork pot holder. It’s a quick project where you can learn all the basic techniques . . . cutting, pressing, quilting, and binding. And be finished in a few hours.

  289. Jane Rodgers says:

    Wow, Cory; what a generous give-away! My tip to any new quilter: It doesn’t have to be difficult to be beautiful. Even a simple checkerboard design with the right fabrics and quilting can be stunning.

  290. Brenda Jackson says:

    Good Morning Corey,
    I am going to join you in the WIP challenge. I may need to do two a month with all the parts I have. The give away is very generous and I would love to have the fabric. May your move go well and the weather cooperate. Stay warm and dry if you can. Thank you for your lovely videos.

  291. Peg Fairchild says:

    Hi Corey.
    One of my favorite tips comes from and that was shared with me. Use a black pen light and shine it on your white on white fabrics. Sometimes it can be hard to see the front of fabrics especially when working with scraps. This has come in handy when I work with scraps that someone else has given.
    Congrats on the new home can’t wait to see your new sewing area.
    Happy New Year 🎆


  292. James Armstrong says:

    Hello All, My tip would be to give yourself a time limit for how long you would be working on your project. Spending too much time in a session can lead to mistakes that leads to frustration. Don’t rush to finish, and enjoy.

  293. Loie Dene Ross says:

    I have made two of you patterns and they are so easy to follow, just love them. Your fabric lines are so beautiful I would love to have them all.

  294. Rosemary says:

    Oh Cory, I would love to win your giveaway this month. I have been focused on making projects out of my leftovers and still have a lot of scraps that really don’t coordinate well together. I love using Aurifil thread and would advise new quilters to use it too. And also, develop a consistent 1/4” piecing seam. Thank you

  295. Pamela Behem says:

    I would love to win your giveaway. My suggestion to new quilters is to pin at all intersection. My first quilt would have been easier had I known this. My email is pstcb36@gmail.com.
    Thank for all your videos
    Pamela Behem

  296. Lisa Whitmore says:

    What a wonderful giveaway. My favorite tip for a new quilter is to start on small projects so that you can get them finished, even doing your own quilting. That gives such an accomplished feeling. No UFOs to start!!!

  297. Kim Arnold says:

    My favorite tip is “Done is better than perfect!” And make friends with your seam ripper.😊

  298. Cindy says:

    I would tell a new quilter to be patient. When I started, I wanted everything to turn out perfect the first time and would get easily discouraged. Each time you make a mistake you are learning something you didn’t know before, which will help you be a better quilter in the future!

  299. Tanya says:

    My tip is to invest in good rulers. Having rulers that shift and slide just makes the whole process more difficult than it needs to be. The good stuff is worth the extra cost initially.

  300. Jo E Schumacher says:

    Thank you for all you do. As a beginning quilter what a beautiful stash builder the give away would provide. I enjoy all the questions that you answer, things that come up that I wouldn’t think to ask.

  301. Laura Buchanan says:

    Hello- thank you for this wonderful giveaway! My tip to new quilters is…enjoy, learn, have fun. Nobody will notice your mistakes!!

  302. Teri Wagoner says:

    So much great advice in these comments, mine would be to get your 1/4 “as exact as possible ! Also to ignore the quilt police !

  303. EMarie (SW Ohio) says:

    Hello Corey and Friends! What a generous giveaway! My favorite tip? Quilt it forward! Free yourself to create quilts to inspire or for those who inspire you. Go with simple patterns and smaller sizes to donate to give to foster care advocacy agencies and go bigger as you build your skills and confidence. For me, my good friend had her 1 year heart transplant anniversary in December. In celebration, she just began a non profit for housing for transplant recipients and their families. I’m racing to finish quilts for the first home! No one will care if a few points are cut off or if a tiny duck pleat slips in…only the love that goes into that quilt.
    Love spending Saturday mornings with you Corey! take care!
    (psst … if you want, you can search YT for “his heart saved her life” to learn about the nonprofit)

  304. bridgetconstant85b3eb4a8a says:

    Use a 1/4″ foot and set needle to a scant 1/4″. Speed shouldn’t be too slow or too fast. The more you sew the better your control will be, but it takes time and there is nothing you can do to rush it except to sew more. Enjoy every part of the project. If there is a part you don’t like, figure out why you don’t like it and talk with other quilters to see if there is a different way to do that part that works better for you.

  305. Kelly Houghtaling says:

    Hi Corey. I think the best advice for a new quilter is to understand how to press, and to press, press, press those seams. Open or to the side, doesn’t matter, but to press (up and down motion) NOT iron (side to side motion). That side to side motion of ironing will stretch any fabric cut on the bias, and it will make matching seams a nightmare.

  306. Jennifer Janson says:

    I have only left a comment on here 1x. Now I am trying to remember where to leave another!! Hopefully this is correct! I definitely want the fat quarter stash!! My advice or tip would be to take your time. Enjoy the process. If your having a hard time, walk away and come back later. It usually helps me!! Thank you for the video today Corey. That’s alot for you to do do, still video weekly while trying to move and setup. I sure do appreciate everything you do!!

  307. Gale D Husom says:

    I have a plaque in my sewing room that says, “Remember only God is perfect our quilts don’t need to be.” Also, do what inspires you, start simple, and seek out fellow quilters.

  308. Jen says:

    Love your videos!! I would tell a new quilter to start with smaller projects. Enjoy your time creating your quilt and imperfections are normal.

  309. Pam Taylor says:

    Cory, love your Saturday videos! My suggestions for a new quilters is to use a good quality fabrics and thread if able to afford. It will cut down on frustration. I personally use Aurifil thread.

  310. Cheryl G. says:

    Oh so much to comment on this Saturday ☺️ 1. My best tip for a new quilter is to start with something smallish (like a Barn Star!) and to use the best quality fabric you can afford. 2. Yes, I would like to participate in the accountability Works In Progress (😳) but you should see my list !!!!! I need a list for my lists. 3. What a wonderful giveaway-I would love those fat quarters, although that is going to make my above lists longer, you understand. And last but not least, January 18 is my birthday, just…you know….in case you need a reason to send out nice congratulatory email to the winner of all that colorful loveliness.

  311. Kendra says:

    Your YouTube videos are such a please and inspiration! Thank you for always being joyful!

  312. Sandra Sciotto says:

    Good morning. I love watching your videos. Thank you for making them, you are very inspiring. Beautiful barn star quilt. Tip is to work on quarter inch seam and test it to make sure it is correct. What a wonderful give away.

  313. Cathy Johnson says:

    Wow! Just wow! I love color! I love fat quarters! So generous! My tip: practice sewing straight lines to get your 1/4” seam down pat. Everything else builds off that! Oh, and do it in a comfortable chair!

  314. Lyn Evans says:

    A good 1/4 inch foot is your friend!

  315. Angie Warren says:

    Hey Corey! I love the Barn Star quilt! Hope the move is going well! Looking forward to your WIP Along! So many things to finish up! Hope you’re having a great weekend!

  316. Deidra Powell says:

    I would tell a new quilter to tackle things based on how it speaks to you not the level assigned to it. I think that things that speak to you push you to learn

  317. Diane M Welch says:

    Love your show and can’t wait till the move is over. I think working on unfinished projects is a great idea and am going to do it!

  318. Jan says:

    I would suggest picking out fabric you love and start with something small like a table runner and if you get stuck your local quilt shop is usually willing to help you.

  319. Jeanette Hammons says:

    Be patient with yourself and enjoy the process! There are a lot of skills that build upon others and your skill level will improve with each project!

  320. Patty Mayhew says:

    Take your time cutting and sewing the block together, this way everything will go smoothly. What a great fat quarter builder. WOW! Thank you, Patty

  321. Mary Ann Leonard says:

    My tip is measure twice, cut once! Better done than perfect. Congratulations on your new home & studio!

  322. Donna Harney says:

    Love watching and learning from you on YouTube!
    My best tip for beginners is “if you can sew a straight line, you can do this!!”. Relax, have fun and start with something simple to build your confidence. And watch all the quilters on YouTube, I learn new things everyday.

  323. joycestaleygmailcom says:

    First of all I want to wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025! I love your posts, your happy, fun personality and all your happy lines of fabric!!! My favorite is all of them! I would like a chance to win your January 4th give away. We have had some ugly financial difficulties so my goal this year is to not purchase anything that is not necessary. I may purchase just what I need to finish a project but I hope to keep it to a minimum. Thanks again! Joyce Staley

  324. Kena L says:

    Love all you videos. I say a sharp rotary blade is going to be your best friend.

  325. Anne Harrison says:

    My tips for new quilters are: enjoy the process, take your time, be patient with yourself, re-do if it bothers you, but that ‘finished is better than perfect’.

  326. I’m turning 60 this month and have been around quilts and quilters my entire life. Quilting has been one of my top three activities for the last 30 years and my advise is – Buy good rulers!! For me that is Quilters Select. Nothing is worse than a slipping ruler on a long cut.

  327. Cindy W says:

    What a generous giveaway! My advice is to make a small, baby quilt before making a large quilt. And keep a quilt photo journal. I love to look back over the many quilts I have made and to whom I gifted them. Enjoy the journey!

  328. Terry Bruck says:

    Love your patterns, fabric and videos. My tip would be watch a lot of different creators to learn all different tips and techniques, try them out and do what works for you.

  329. Audrey Nichols says:

    I would tell a new quilter to be kind to themselves and that finished is better than perfect. You will still love the quilt with a a small “variation” in the pattern.

  330. Carolyn Keierleber says:

    Happy New Year! I am so excited about this Giveaway. I am new to quilting and have a lot of projects in mind that I cannot wait to get to. Because of that, my tip is to organize from the beginning. My quilty friend gave me a project box for my first quilt and that started me off right. I have several projects boxes now ready to go and am excited about all of them without getting lost. Thank you Corey for your bright spirit and great videos.

  331. Marilyn Browell says:

    My tip for new quilters would be to sew where there is good lighting. This not only improves stitching and cutting accuracy but makes choosing fabric and colors so much easier.

  332. Alice McFarlane says:

    My tip would be read the pattern twice, helps with not having mistakes in the cutting.

  333. Linda Lebo says:

    My tip would be to try and watch videos from reputable sites for all kinds of helpful tips before you get too heavily into buying all types of gadgets and materials that you may not really have a need for as a beginner. Take time to see what type of things you will likely use before wasting too much money on unnecessary things. Start slowly but it will likely become addictive as you go. Enjoy.

  334. Connie says:

    When starting out, videos like those at Corianderquilts, fatquartershop, jordanfabrics, provide lots of inspiration and build confidence. Also a quarter inch foot is invaluable!

  335. Lorelei 23 says:

    Cori, I came upon this and love your saturday videos. So much great information each week. You’re current Give away
    Is so inspiring. If I do not use the fabrics , I will donate them to the local church which makes quilts for missions and our community.

  336. Tammy Boland says:

    I was so happy to see that you still had your holiday backdrop, but I’m looking forward to seeing your new studio.

  337. Peggy Watts says:

    Thank you for a the chance to win such a generous giveaway! I love your videos. I shared some of quilt pictures with a friend a while ago. She had surgery a couple of months ago and I just resently saw her. She told me that during her recovery she thought of me and my quilts and decided to make one. I was so touched by that. I told her if she needs help with it to let me know.

  338. Cynthia Keith says:

    My tip is don’t beat yourself up if it’s not right the first time! You have many talented friends in this group who are willing to help you out! Don’t be afraid to ask your questions! There are varying degrees of talent here to help you out! We love new quilters to the group! Have fun with your project!

  339. Meg Cullum says:

    My best advice to a new quilter is to do what you enjoy. When I started quilting, I thought that I had to make quilts a certain way because that was the RIGHT way, but I have since decided to do what makes me comfortable with fabrics and patterns and sewing techniques I like. Always remember that you are the boss of your quilt and your hobby should bring you joy!

  340. Carol Barr says:

    I loved seeing all the beautiful winter quilts you created. Congratulations on getting a new studio. Can’t wait to see it when your move is completed. I enjoy all your videos.

  341. Cynthia says:

    💕Dear New Quilter,
    You’re probably a bit overwhelmed with all of the fabric, notions, patterns and tutorials available…here is a tip for you. Head over to YouTube (where you’ll find helpful tutorials) and search for a table runner (or table topper) for beginners. Pick one that offers a free pattern and try it out! You will be amazed at what you can accomplish! Above all else, give yourself grace. All new learning has a curve that we need to navigate through.😊

  342. Julie Scheibe says:

    My suggestion to a new quilter is measure twice and cut once. That advice came from my seventh grade home-ec teacher and has served me well over the years.
    Thanks for an opportunity to win a great give away!

  343. Viki Ambler says:

    I am inspired by your WIP of the month. Since I have been a quilter for over 40 years…I have a few options to choose from 😁. Looking forward to the rest of 2025 with you

  344. Lynne Wilson says:

    Hi Corey, My tip would be a quarter inch foot and consistent quarter inch seams. Love those fat quarter bundles. What a generous give away!

  345. Shahnaz says:

    For new quilters, I’d start by watching YouTube videos. So many quilters love to share their tips and tricks. I’ve learned so much over the years by watching and practicing what I’ve learned.

  346. Jeanine says:

    Practice, practice practice. I alway suggest newbies to start with basic nine patch because it will show consistent seam allowances as well as the ability to match intersections. My favorite notion is rotary cutter and I put non slip aids on the back of all my rulers because a moving ruler ruins a quilt quicker than anything. I think winning the give away would be a great birthday present for my 60th on the 19th😜. Can’t wait for the mystery quilt along! I’ve got my kit and ready to go!

  347. Madeline Desrosiers says:

    My tip is read through your pattern first. And I have learned to have all my fabric cut and ready to go, Thank You Corey! 🙂 And I also make sure I have a little extra fabric for mistakes, which I tend to make. 🙂 That takes the worry out of making the Quilt.

  348. Betsy S. says:

    When I taught my friends to quilt I had them start with something simple like a table runner or pillow case. Then start with a simple pattern lap size quilt and work their way up to bigger projects. And to always measure at least twice before cutting and make sure they close their rotary cutter after each cut so as to not grab it and cut themselves.

  349. Nancy Graham says:

    My best tip would be read the pattern all the way through and make sure your measurements are correct before cutting.

  350. Diane says:

    My tip is start with a small project like door banner, table topper, wall hanging (your Barn Star patterns are a perfect choice) many of these smaller patterns have a variety of skills for you to learn and the bonus of not needing a lot of fabrics. Love watching your YouTube channel. Keep up the good work

  351. Robin Taylor says:

    What I do and advise is to make a prototype of the block. I usually use fabrics from the FQ bundle that I don’t plan to use in the quilt top. A lot of the time I’m tweaking the pattern to make the most of the fabric, I generally make the quilt much larger than the pattern (queen size). Then if I like my prototype I make a pillow for my bed that matches nicely with the quilt.

  352. Lauralee says:

    Hi Corey. I would tell a new quilter to be patient with yourself. You can’t be perfect all the time. Even after 40+ years of quilting I still make mistakes. Your gifted quilts will be loved even if they have imperfections, and it makes them even more unique and special for future generations.

  353. Ann M says:

    My best tip is to enjoy the process and if you make a quilt that didn’t turn out the way you want, give it away so other can enjoy it…..

  354. Susan Allen says:

    Those fat quarter bundles are fabulous! Love watching your videos and have made several of your patterns. Happy New Year

  355. Nancy Brown says:

    The first tip that I ever used that changed drastically how I felt about how my quilts turned out is to trim up your blocks! But the absolute life changer for me was learning how to school glue base with my quilts together. It saved me so much physical pain and hours of time. And there’s nothing better than to just quilt right along and not have to take out pins!

  356. Gail Corley says:

    Hi Cory! I’d like to tell newbies to be sure and don’t compare your work with that of a seasoned quilter! You will only frustrate yourself unnecessarily! It takes time to learn new techniques and skills! And everyone learns at a different speed. Set small goals for yourself to accomplish and celebrate all your improvements! Grow your confidence and in no time at all, you’ll be quilting like a pro!

  357. Diane says:

    When done sewing for the day, clean up and set out the next project all ready to go. That way you’ll be excited to sew again.

  358. Margaret says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to learn to sew a consistent seam allowance. Your question is timely for me, because this winter I am going to teach my eight-year old neighbor how to use a sewing machine and how to quilt. I had to think about what I will need to teach her first. I think learning to sew a seam that is consistent will make the rest of the quilting process a lot of fun, and that’s my goal: for us to have fun while quilting!

  359. Betty Brown says:

    I look forward to your video every saturday! Love your fabrics and patterns! Happy New Year and congratulations on your new home!

  360. Mary Mangelsen says:

    I have a few ‘newbie’ ideas to share. First, take a class at your local quilt store. You will meet other quilters and learn so much! Second, buy a supply of (the correct) needles for your machine. You might think you are doing something wrong because your thread keeps breaking, but it could be that you need to change your needle. I love your generosity with this give-a-way.

  361. Nancy C Close says:

    Enjoy the process!! Although accuracy is important and makes piecing so much easier, I love the saying “finished it better than perfect”.

  362. Denise Kaelberer says:

    Give yourself grace to make mistakes, we all do. Couldn’t live without my 6 1/2 by 12 1/2″ ruler. Most important … Enjoy the process 🙂

  363. winneralwaysea396c5972 says:

    Hello, I love Grippy Spray!! It really helps my rulers not to slide when i am cutting. It made a huge difference for me as a new quilter! I would also tell a new quilter not to prewash pre cuts like jelly rolls. I love your barn star patterns! I just ordered the new one. Your give away is amazing and “sew” generous!!

  364. pookiepea says:

    Cory I look forward to watching your videos each week. The best tip is there are many, many ways to achieve the same results, do what works best for you so don’t let anyone tell you you’re doing it wrong, you’re just doing it differently.

  365. Deb Jankowicz says:

    Those are beautiful fabrics and quilts. I would tell a new quilter (and myself often) to enjoy the journey and don’t stress about perfection or compare your work to the work of others.

  366. Maureen Aksamit says:

    Get good rulers and change your rotary cu blades often. Find fabric you love, relax and enjoy the process.

  367. Mary Baldassin says:

    My favorite tip would be to make sure your are using an accurate 1/4” seam allowance so you don’t get frustrated with blocks that aren’t matching up or the wrong size.
    Lots of great tips given from others in the comments. We can all learn from others no matter how long we’ve been quilting or sewing!
    My favorite tools/notions are of course a rotary cutter and the stripology rulers!
    Mostly, enjoy the process and don’t be too critical of yourself and the results. As my friends have told me, can you see it from a galloping horse?!

  368. Terry Gore says:

    My tip would be is schedule a time for working on your project like an appointment so you can work on short steps of the project so not to be overwhelmed.

  369. Laurie Pemberton says:

    Wow, what a wonderful giveaway. I’ve only been sewing for 4 years, I usually just make Baby quilts for right now, someday, I will make one for myself. 😊💟

  370. Yolanda Peña says:

    Good morning
    Loved video this morning very informative. I love to watch you you send out good vibes always in an awesome mood that reflects us. Excited for the new year and to see what we can accomplish with our quilts. Have awesome weekend.

  371. Ann Hatch says:

    Hello and I really love your videos, patterns, and fabrics. I would love to win the 12 fat quarter sets you showed today. I could really use more stash since I’ve been going through cancer treatments and would love to make my grandchildren quilts.

  372. Heather Morgan says:

    Hello and Happy New Year! Thank you for all your great videos! You, your fabrics, and designs are always so cheery. They are inspiring and brighten my day. As someone very new to the quilting world and who doesn’t have an insane stash just yet 😉 , I would so appreciate getting your giveaway of beautiful fabric quarters. My best tip at the moment for a new quilter is don’t be afraid to cut that fabric! and to help with having nice cuts either get rulers that have non slip to them or get grippy dots to put on the bottom of the rulers you have.

  373. Charyl Galpin says:

    Happy New Year! I look forward to your Saturday video. I love that you often provide different fabric line options for your quilts. Very inspiring. Your willingness to share what you know and enjoy is a gift to all of us. Thank you!

  374. Deborah Pruden says:

    My tip would be to start small and have an early success rather than tackle a huge quilt project and become frustrated or not finish. Thank you Corey for the generous opportunity!

  375. Maria Redpath says:

    My first tip would be to just go for it! If you’ve wanted to learn how to quilt then just give it a try! The only way you ‘fail’ is by never trying in the first place. My second tip is that it is never a mistake, it is a Deliberate Design Decision.

  376. So, I have many ufos, and will not feel guilty. The great thing about having lingering projects, even though I am not touching some of them for years at a time, my quilting arsenal grows. One day when I get the ufos out and sleuth out why it was shelved, I am surprised to learn, I can now tackle the task which is much easier because my tool belt grew in its time out. Quilters should not have guilt from doing what they love. 🥂Happy New year 🥂

  377. Anita BARLOW says:

    Best advice to new quilters is to utilize youtube video tutorials. There’s an endless supply of instruction & education available! Next tip, just start! My sister taught me to sew with a simple, large tote bag using jelly roll strips. She said “If you’re going to sew or make quilts, you’ve got to learn how to sew a straight line!” That project was perfect. I did learn to sew straight lines, it was quick to complete, it gave me confidence, & motivated me to start another project!

  378. Cheryl P Easton says:

    Always slow down or walkaway if you get frustrated and have a good seam ripper. The colors of the fabric is beautiful TFS

  379. Christine A. Vanaman says:

    Hi Cori! Thanks for the video! Love the $5 special price Barn Star pattern! Thank you for all the inspiration!

  380. Rhonda C says:

    I love Saturdays mornings with you! You are my reward when I take a break. Love love love the barn star! Will be making that for my wall. I have actual barn star quilt blocks on my real barn, so I love having them inside too! Thank you for the inspiration!

  381. Janet Patton says:

    Hello! I so look forward to your videos, my tip to all is never give up no one will see any mistakes, it’s your quilt or project love your hard work and enjoy doing it

  382. Chris martone says:

    I like to make one block first before trying to do any pieces of many blocks. Then I move to laying out two blocks on boards and sewing them together. I find I can get mixed up very easily and this helps!

  383. Karen Simpkins says:

    In addition to what so many have mentioned, my tip is always press your fabric before you cut.

  384. JoAnne Thielen says:

    My tip (for give away entry) is to keep trying new things; new patterns, new techniques, new color combinations etc.

  385. Jo Guthridge says:

    Great giveaway! My tip is to slow down, read all the instructions, press your fabric, and take on the project one step at a time!

  386. Emily says:

    My tip – Using a few layers of painter’s tape to create a ledge at a scant quarter inch seam on my machine. I started quilting with little sewing experience, and accurate piecing was really stressful. My seams were all over the place and nothing ever matched up. A ledge of painter’s tape made piecing so much easier and eventually gave me the confidence to tackle more challenging projects.

  387. Michele Joos says:

    As a new quilter, you will find that quilting can be expensive. I have found that items can be repurposed, for instance, an orange stick used for nails/ manicures can be used as a stiletto and for turning corners. They are inexpensive and have many in one pack. Good luck with your quilting journey.

  388. Buffie Lorah says:

    This is an awesome giveaway! My tip as a new quilter is to try any and all techniques. Give them a try. If mistakes are made it’s a learning lesson… perfection is overrated! Enjoy the process!

  389. Susan M says:

    I have so many unfinished projects, now I can box up 12 of them and follow along with you this year. Hopefully, that will make me more accountable to get this quilts finished and donated! Can’t wait for the BOM, almost everything I need is here.

  390. Kim Reddon says:

    I would tell a new quilter to invest in a few essentials like rotary cutter, mat and big ruler. Enjoy the journey, relax and have fun making this beautiful thing to wrap around you or someone you love.

  391. Michelle Striegel says:

    Don’t be afraid to try something new – even if you think you aren’t able to do it. You might surprise yourself or you might learn something in the process. Learn to use a consistent 1/4″ seam allowance and learn the difference between ironing & pressing – those are both important things to do if you want to make good quality quilts/projects. Enjoy it. If you aren’t having fun, try something else. I quilt because it makes me happy! – Joy Units!

  392. Sallie Mason says:

    Hi Corey, I always look forward to your Saturday morning video. The best advise I could give to a new quilter is to find a quilt guild to join, such amazing knowledge and making new quilting friends is the best. If this is not available then YouTube is the next best friend. Thank you so much for your generous giveaway for some lucky quilter.

  393. Angie Engelbert says:

    My tip is change your rotary blade often. Don’t try to save money by using them longer. All you’ll get is sore hands and inaccurate cuts – not worth it. And hand fun, enjoy the process, finished is better than perfect!

  394. Roxy Seh says:

    My tip for a new quilter is once you start you will be addicted! So enjoy and get ready to live in your sewing room😏 thanks Cory for being so generous in offering that awesome giveaway. That would be a dream to win. ❤

  395. Kathy Shoemaker says:

    I just love your videos. I like your idea of finishing WIP I need to do that I have a few I need to finish. I will be going to your etsy store to get that star pattern. Keep up the videos I love watching them

  396. Susan Wolfe Wait says:

    Hi Corey, my tip to a new beginner is to find a local class offering beginning quilting. A friend and I signed up for a class at our community college. I got lots of great tips from all the other members of the class and of course the instructor!

  397. Kimberly Gwinnup says:

    Your Saturday videos are the highlight of my week! I am sew excited for you for your new studio and can’t wait to see it live! Happy Saturday Corey!

  398. Geri Burk says:

    I love fat quarters and would love to win your giveaway. I am doing a “no buy” January, but since it’s a giveaway it really doesn’t count LOL.
    Thanks for all your videos. I love getting inspiration from you and your quilts.

  399. Simone says:

    My first Quilt was an Irish Chain Quilt made with Jelly Rolls. So my tip for beginners is to use precuts and then just enjoying the progress

  400. Dawn Overholt says:

    My tip is if you think that there is a problem in the quilt. Put it aside for today. In a day or two lay it out and stand back and if you can’t see it leave it alone. If it is obvious thenfix it.

  401. Tammie Morris says:

    My tip is don’t point out your mistakes. Family and friends won’t know it was a mistake. They’ll think it was planned that way.

  402. Rene Stovall says:

    Good Morning🤗 As always, I enjoyed this morning’s video. This give-a-way is over the top! First, I always have to remind myself to quit looking for perfection and just enjoy. My favorite notion is a rotating cutting board. It sure helps me to cut accurately instead of moving those small blocks around. Thanks so much

  403. Rhoda Schummer says:

    Good morning, I enjoyed your video today. I’m a fairly new quilter myself. I’d probably have to say, take your time. When I try to hurry, I end up sewing something wrong and needing to rip it out and start over. Take your time, lay things out and double check before you sew. This ultimately saves time in the long run.

  404. observanthonestly6b0e4d54d7 says:

    Thank you! Love your videos and your blog. Thank you so much for offering the great deals on your monthly patterns and your background pack of patterns. The giveaway is absolutely wonderful! I am imagining the prayer quilts I could give to the church with a win like that. Looking forward to seeing the new studio set and hope your move goes well.

  405. Linda Sue says:

    I am. Or too far away from being a new quilter myself but I am an experienced seamstress and as such I always want to change things up as I go!! My advice to a new quilter would be to follow the pattern the first time. If you like it, make it again the second time with your imagined changes. Have fun. Don’t be afraid of colors. Best wishes for a good quilting experience!!

  406. diane danita demulling says:

    Corey I always enjoy watching you. What a great giveaway If I won i would love to share with my quilty friends.. My favorite notion would be a good ruler that does not move when cutting. and im all in for the destash I so need to get onboard

  407. Betty Brown says:

    Learning to get a consistant 1/4 inch seam is so important! I use the tape from Cluck Cluck Sew. Love it!

  408. Jenn Patterson says:

    The best tip I have is to not be afraid of lots of pieces (or tiny pieces), just take your time and check measurements often and everything will be fine. A lot of my most enjoyable sewing sessions (and even fastest ones), have been blocks with a ton of pieces, and they are the finishes that give me the biggest feeling of accomplishment and joy.

  409. Wendy Ennis says:

    What a wonderful way to welcome in 2025, you are so generous! My best advise is to invest in the best “gripping” rulers you can find. Quilters Select rulers was a game changer for me as they don’t move on the fabric and my cutting is now accurate, which makes sewing blocks together easier.

  410. Mary Konvicka says:

    My tip is based on a mistake that I’ve made multiple times in the past. When you buy pre-cuts, try to think ahead about other fabrics from the line that you may want for sashing or borders or binding. This is important because if you wait too long, you may be unable to find yardage for those things. I have made that mistake a few times and now that informs my planning.

  411. Lorrainre Bull says:

    My tip would be to not be too hard on yourself, it’s a learning process, there is no such thing as perfect lol. I would also say to make a practice block to see if it’s one you would like to recreate with your good fabric. Love this month’s barn star pattern and thank you for the great giveaway.

  412. Ann Pylinski says:

    Wow I’d love to win your giveaway. To a new quilter…there are no quilt police. Concentrate, measure twice, cut once and get that 1/4” seam figured out. Thank you for all your wonderful videos. And good luck on your moving. Happy New Year.

  413. Pat Linn says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to take your time. Measure twice, cut once. Accuracy in cutting, makes your blocks go together easier.

  414. Frankie Miller says:

    The most important think I’ve learned is to starch and iron, iron, iron. I used to work fast and not stop to iron, but the results were pretty sloppy.

  415. Tamara M Clayton says:

    What a generous give away. This would help the senior center make charity quilts. Thank you for an exciting Saturday.

  416. Stephanie Haitz says:

    What a treasure trove of fabric! I would love to win it!

  417. Cindy says:

    What a generous giveaway! And what a great stash builder — all those colors to choose from!
    I’m looking forward to your mystery sew along as well as finishing up WIPs! Thanks for all you do.

  418. collcorp says:

    Remember, though pressing is not a well liked task, it is very important to your finished project! 😉

  419. Cindy says:

    I would suggest to all beginners, is to learn how to do a scant quarter inch, measure correctly, have fun and be kind to yourself. It’s learning a new talent.Just simply love the process and outcome.

  420. Cindy Lawrence says:

    As a new quilter, I had a mentor who guided me in making a blooming 9 patch. She recommended the stripology ruler. I use that ruler for every quilt I make. It saves me so much time.

  421. Deborah Meares says:

    I love your videos I look forward to them on Saturday morning. I know moving is a little crazy, you find things you forgot you had. When I started quilting I invested in a long 6 x 24 ruler and a 2.5 x 8 ruler, a good rotary cutter and mat. These tools last a long time. Would love to enter the giveaway. Happy New Year!

  422. Linda J Prial says:

    I always look forward to your videos. Moving is a huge undertaking for just a household I can’t image running a business at the same time. My tip would be to read the pattern instruction so you understand what’s expected. So many time I look at pictures and jump in.

  423. Monique Baker says:

    I loved your suggestion of assigning numbers to your quilt projects and then choosing from a bowl. I have been stumped on which project to start on this year. I must admit I have my fingers crossed for such an exciting give away. Happy New Year

  424. Gina Battles says:

    Hi Corey
    I started quilting in 1982 when a small quilt shop opened by me and offered a log cabin quilt class. I had so much fun learning quilt habits that were somewhat different than my clothing sewing habits. I tend to buy quilt kits or make quilts from a published pattern. The biggest addition to my skills and enjoyment was joining a quilt guild. The camaraderie and classes offered by it was a huge hug to my soul. I would recommend this to any new quilter if it is available in your area. I lived in a big city back then but now live in a more rural area. If you can’t find a guild, check your local library or quilt shop. They are a wealth of info. My tastes have changed over the years as you can see by the quilts I have displayed in my quilting room. When I saw your give away fabrics, my eyes lit up! I have been wanting to expand into a brighter quilt palette. Thank you for your generosity and hope I win. New quilters, quilting can be your zen time in a confusing and chaotic world.

  425. Colleen Renegar says:

    I have only been quilting for 4 years now, and I am addicted to it, and got my 2 daughters addicted also. My tip is read your pattern good, don’t give up if your blocks are not turning out perfect, watch people on YouTube and learn from them. Make sure you are doing maintenance on your sewing machine. Wind 4 bobbins at a time, then after those 4 are used than oil your machine and clean under your needle plate, that’s what I do.

  426. Leslie S Ewald says:

    One tip I have for beginner quilters is to stay consistent with your 1/4 inch seams! You’ll be much happier with the results if all of your seams are 1/4”. Happy New Year, Corey & Family!

  427. Shannon Nadeau says:

    I love watching your videos each week. Can’t wait to see your new house. Your giveaway this week is amazing. Would love to add it to my stash!

  428. Jennifer McKitrick says:

    Happy New Year! I would advise a first-time quilter to start with a small project with simple piecing so that they can have the satisfaction of a successful completion without being discouraged by frustration.

  429. Terry Martin says:

    Love your videos and excited for your new filming location! Congrats on your move!

  430. Linda Horsley says:

    So excited to have found your videos! I already purchased the Cali & Co fabric to do your 2025 quilt along and I can’t wait to get started. I love your fabric and patterns. Happy New Year!

  431. Connie Truman says:

    My advice would be to start small and be kind to yourself. Cory I love your kind heart!

  432. Donna Williams (DJ) says:

    Good morning! One of my tips is to take a break from a big project to create something you can finish in an hour or two. It’s amazing how much this little reset helps reenergize me, it’s just so satisfying to hold a finished project in your hands!

  433. jlmckinionbb7c9785ea says:

    My best tip for a new quilter would be to take a class – either in person, or on Youtube, whatever you can find. You will learn so much. Also, don’t worry about perfection! If you can’t see a mistake from 10 feet away on a galloping horse, don’t worry about it! As time goes on, you will learn what you can live with and what you want to re-do when mistakes happen. And have fun!

  434. lmkquilt says:

    My tip would be to purchase rulers like Creative Grids or Quilters Select with a grip on the back. Cutting is so much easier and accurate when the ruler is not sliding around on your fabric.
    I love your Saturday videos. Your happy demeanor just starts my day. I eagerly head to my sewing, carrying your happy enthusiasm with me. I’m excited for your new studio. It’s so fun to create in neat organized spaces.

  435. Earlene Harper says:

    To invest in a good mat also ruler and rotary cutter for good accuracy cutting the material. Take your time and enjoy the process of quilting. Also to use quality fabric for your projects.

  436. Cathy G says:

    As a fairly new quilter (4 years in) my tip would be to start small and simple. A good finish is very motivational as well as getting you started with the basics. I took a class at a local quilt store, made a table topper, and well the rest is history as they say !! HA HA Watch tons of videos but don’t get too swept up with what others are making – make what you like with the fabrics you like and enjoy the journey. Happy quilting and Thank You Corey for your fabrics, patterns, and videos.

  437. Roxanna Flint says:

    Love watching your videos Corey! They are always so inspiring, and the barn quilt is beautiful. My advice for a new quilter would be to join your local guild and/or go on a quilting retreat. You would be surrounded by a wealth of knowledge, and quilters love to share! Whether this is possible for you or not, YouTube is another great tool for your toolbelt… you can search for anything quilting related, and will be able to absorb new techniques from a large pool of Quilty YouTubers. You can learn at your own pace and love every minute of it, starting with Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilts!!

  438. Susan Martin says:

    Hi Corey, happy new year. To help get an accurate 1/4” seam, I used a magnetic seam guide and used Sean Align Glue to keep my fabrics aligned.

  439. Vinae Reeves says:

    I recently received a lighted seam ripper and it is my new favorite notion now. I highly recommend it. Especially if you have to unpick black. You are very generous to do such a huge giveaway. I would be happy to win even one of those fat quarter bundles! Wow!

  440. Sharon Orlando says:

    I wish I had tips for

  441. Jem says:

    I try to have a couple projects going at a time so if I get frustrated or bored with one I move to a different one.

  442. Sheryl Estes says:

    I searched for your site because I first learned about you from Becky Thompson’s PTWT. I love your designs and fabric lines. And I want to make them all!

    “My advice to any newbie is to first and foremost have fun! Then start with precise cutting with a good rotary cutter and fresh blade; also practice stitching a precise 1/4” seam. Everything else somehow works itself out. AND, there are no quilting police! So IF you like it, and YOU can live with it, then ACCEPT it as is. You will learn something new with every project you complete. This is a very addictive hobby so there’s always another quilt to perfect next time.”

  443. Vicki Moody says:

    I enjoy your videos so much. What an awesome box of fat quarters! You’re so generous 😇 Thanks so much. Hope your move will be easy and stress-free.

  444. Karen Williamson says:

    My tip to a new quilter would be to take a beginning quilting class from your local quilt shop. I find that I learn something new from every class I take. I definitely will be participating in the WIP challenge this year. I think it will help me finish a number of projects that need to be finished (having made, lots of binding, finish a couple blocks, and many more). I enjoy watching your Saturday video. Do you have a bundle of all of your barnyard star patterns?

  445. Crystal Ludwig says:

    My tip for beginners: just have fun! Don’t let intimidation get in your way. One of the first quilt blocks I ever made was a Lori Holt tractor from her Farm Girl Vintage books. Was it hard? A little, but oh so fun to watch it come together. Is it perfect? No! And that’s OK! I was excited when Corey said she was going to remove the difficulty level from her patterns because I believe that if you love a pattern it doesn’t matter, just try it!

  446. Karen Williams says:

    Funny story: I saw the box you had the material in at the beginning of the post and saw Schlage on it. I had just finished installing a new front door knob from Schlage about a half hour before starting your new video! My first thought was that maybe you were giving away a bunch of hardware from your new home! Silly, I know but having just installed a piece of hardware from them, that was my thinking! Love the new barn star quilt- I think I will need to purchase the pattern! Thanks so much for your generosity and all your great videos! You are so genuine and down-to-earth!

  447. Nikki Williams says:

    My tips would be: 1. Start with something small and easy. 2. Always have a sharp needle in your machine and a fresh blade on your rotary cutter at the start of every project 3. Stay organized with plastic craft bins 4. Finished is better than perfect!!

  448. Amy Z. says:

    What an awesome and generous giveaway! My favorite tip to a new quilter is to figure out a reasonably accurate quarter inch seam, and then don’t stress because things will usually come together nicely! Thank you for your wonderful videos!

  449. Sandra Engstrand says:

    Happy new year Corey!! Looking forward to the new studio space!!! What a gorgeous give-away (180 fat quarters) ❤️🧵🪡✂️👏🏻
    Love from Nashville 💕

  450. Cindy Wagner says:

    What I continually remind myself of is finished is better than perfect. I like using clips for many projects.

  451. Judy Trost says:

    I have quilted for decades, however still learn new skills from others like yourself. Sharing my knowledge with my youngest daughter who just started quilting last year is a great joy. She is a science teacher with a young family – my advice to her for 2025 is find time to quilt even if it is only a few minutes each week. Your very generous give away would be wonderful to build her stash and encourage her creativity.

  452. leclair61 says:

    That is an extremely generous giveaway today.

  453. Lora says:

    Good morning from Memphis! Thank you for the very generous give away! Wishing you well on your move and for a Happy New Year! I so enjoy your Saturday programs.

  454. Peggy I Perry says:

    Learn the basics, and understand why they work. Basics like a 1/4 inch seam, on grain, bias, and how to press will make your quilting journey easier.

  455. Happy new year Corey. Thankyou for generous giveaway. My thing is taking 5 mins at the end of a sewing session. Amazing what coming in to a tidied( haha!) space does. Just moving scraps out, and putting together bits together, instead of thereabouts. Too much chaos, that is any quilt in progress, can take some of the pleasure out of it. Searching searching… and losing not only units and blocks, but my mind. CHEL

  456. Marcia Pugh says:

    Finished is better than perfect, enjoy the process.

  457. April says:

    My tip for quilters is to join in on a YouTube sew-along. I have found that participating in a sew-along pushes me to take on blocks and techniques that I would not necessarily have opted to do so I’ve learned a lot of new techniques and about color placement. I love the sense of community from sew-alongs and the unique style that each person brings to their blocks when they are posted on social media.

  458. Betsy Reiter says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to begin with a jelly roll or rail quilt pattern. More than anything, just have fun!!!!

  459. Julie Rhees says:

    Find a “quilting buddy”. Watch videos from several quilt shops and tutorials. That’s how I learned. I am still learning. And I love it. Corey Yoder is one of my favorites!

  460. Holly Scott says:

    My tip is to just create and enjoy! 🩵
    Thank you for such a great giveaway! ✨

  461. galaxyjoyfully908a44a563 says:

    Here’s a tip I wish I had known when I first started quilting. Use a black light to show which side is the front of a white on white print. Game changer!

  462. Bobbie Grider says:

    My tip for begining quilters is to master the quarter inch seam. Wish I would have mastered it when I began. I would have not been as frustrated when my blocks didn’t come out the correct size.

  463. Helen says:

    I’d LOVE to win that fat quarter bundle! Who wouldn’t? 🤩 My best tips is to just sew, progress will come with practice and it’s more fun to just sew than to try to make things perfect from the beginning. I still see progress in my sewing, and I love it!

  464. Brenda Bennett says:

    I love all of your fabric and quilts! Thanks for sharing so much in your videos.

  465. delicately274cb8a87b says:

    I tell new quilters to use Aurifil thread for good results. I know we all have old thread passed down to us but why take a chance with old thread on a new project to last for years to come.

  466. Susan K says:

    My tip: When I started, I would choose projects that I liked and pay no attention to difficulty. Then I would get frustrated and quit the project. So, my advice is to choose a Beginner project you like as it increases your chances of actually finishing it. That gives you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to do something else, maybe a little harder.

  467. Marsha Hicklin says:

    As always a great video this morning. I love you fabric lines and your patterns. I can’t wait to see you in your new studio. Your patterns are very easy to follow.

  468. Faith says:

    I can relate. A few years ago I put each project in a very large see through zip type bag or whatever clear storage box I had and promised myself I wouldn’t start a new project until I finished what I already started. I had a lot more than I realized! One by one I worked on them. Took quite some time but I got it done and it felt great!

    I’ve learned to give yourself grace. It’s okay if it’s not perfect. It’s okay to stop and set aside what you are working on if you get frustrated or it’s just not working out the way you thought. If you need a break because you aren’t in the right frame of mind to sew/piece/quilt, it’s okay. Do something else for a while. At some point your desire to get back into it will come back.

  469. Leslie says:

    Enjoy the process & have fun, don’t stress about perfection.
    Love your fabrics & patterns-sew hard to choose which one to make.

  470. Ashton says:

    Give yourself some grace! I would still consider myself a new quilter but I am also a perfectionist so I have a hard time when things don’t line up correctly or I have a point that is cut off by seam allowance.

  471. Debora Coatsworth says:

    Hi. I think my tip would be to relax and enjoy the process. Take a beginner quilt course if you can to learn basic skills, such as measure twice before cutting; perfect 1/4 inch seam allowance; squaring up is tedious but will give you a much better quilt block; start on a smaller quilt and work your way up. So many more things to learn as a beginner. Always remember a finished project does not have to be a perfect project. Enjoy yourself while you learn.

    As always Corey, I loved the video today, already purchased the $5 pattern of the month ($7 here in AB Canada). I will be making this my first project of 2025 in Cali & Co.
    Super excited about your upcoming quilt along. Fabric is all ready to go.
    Once again thank you for the opportunity of your wonderful giveaway and thank you for all you do to encourage all us quilters.

  472. Roxanne Tamaru says:

    Hi my tip would be always measure twice cut once and to take your time, it’s not a race so admire and be proud of your accomplishments

  473. Heidi says:

    My tip, shop your stash and try to use what you have.
    Happy New Year!

  474. Tracy Robinson says:

    Happy New Year! My tip would be take your time, enjoy the process and don’t be afraid to rip out seams. Don’t stress over imperfections or worry what others think. It’s your quilt!! The color FQ bundles are “yummy”. I haven’t signed up for that club yet….. but what an awesome ‘gift’. Now, off to see/ find pattern #6! 😊

  475. Judith says:

    Hi Corey – thank you for offering such a pretty and generous prize package of fat quarters. I learn so much from your videos and am currently trying to work my mojo back up after holiday sewing. Thanks again.

  476. Alicia says:

    These comments are a gold mine of solid advice! I think my best advice is change your rotary blades and machine needles regularly – you never know how much you need to do it until it’s done – and then you’ll ask Yourself why you didn’t do it sooner!

    I also will caution new quilters against buying too much too fast – you will accumulate a stash eventually, and if you buy too much from the beginning, one can be simply overwhelmed with all of it.
    Thanks for the videos and this epic giveaway – best wishes for a great 2025!!

  477. Kay Rudel says:

    Good morning. I certainly enjoy your videos and you personally because of your bubbly personality. I have been quilting for 26 years. I begin quilting when our first grandchild was born. After our ninth [and last] grandchild was born my quilting changed from making quilts for family to making quilts for myself and quilts that I think is so pretty. Now I am 79 and the caregiver for my husband so quilting now has become an escape from stress. I go into my quilt room and just have fun for an hour or so a day. I find it interesting how the reason I quilt has changed since I started. Thank you for your videos and good luck with the move.

  478. Sarah Gunnarson says:

    I love your YouTube videos, Corey! I would tell a new quilter to square up your blocks before sewing them together to reduce frustration and make the quilt go together more easily.

  479. claudia broda says:

    Happy New Year Everyone ! As a beginner myself, my tip is to sew a barn star.

  480. Sharon Orlando says:

    I wish I had some useful tips, but I have only been quilting for a year. Maybe just walk away from frustrations and come back fresh!
    I see so many projects on FQS with your designs. I am so excited for you, Corey! The first designer fabric I bought was Sunwashed and I can’t wait to make a quilt with it. I got the Simply Jelly Roll Rolls book from ISE and going to make your quilt when I master cutting straight!

  481. Estelle Call says:

    I would love to win all those beautiful fat quarters. My tip for new quilters is take your time. Enjoy the process and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

  482. Kathy says:

    My tip would be if you do not have wall space to show your squares (which I do not) buy a felt backed tablecloth. You can lay this in the floor and arrange your blocks then roll it up . The biggest cos stay where you put them until you unroll it again. Great space safer.

  483. delicately274cb8a87b says:

    I would tell new quilters to use good quality thread such as Aurifil to piece your quilts.

  484. Tari Bramlett says:

    Thank you, Corey, for this great giveaway! I am so very happy for your family and your new home, especially for you moving into your newly organized quilt studio! I like to tell newer sewist to practice with all the feet their machine came with, 1/4″ is tough when first starting and whichever foot makes them feel more confident is the one they should go with.

  485. Cindi Kurtz says:

    Advise for a notion… choice a rotary cutter that best fits your hand and always give yourself grace the only bad quilt is the quilt unfinished

  486. larronsteph says:

    What a giveaway! My favorite part of quilting is seeing my fabric choices come together. Love watching videos to learn about new notions I’ve never seen. I’ve only been quilting for about a year but I’m hooked.

  487. Traci Walker says:

    I would advise a new quilter to take their time. You don’t need to push the pedal to the metal. Taking time to achieve accuracy will make you happy with the end product.

  488. Barbara Drummond says:

    I would tell a new quilter to start with something simple. Maybe just sewing squares together. I remember my first quilt that I made when I was still in high school. It was just squares of fabric that I cut from all of the scraps my mom had left over from clothes she had made me and my sisters. I didn’t know anything about quilting, but I wanted to make a quilt for my boyfriend, that is now my husband. He was going to college in the fall and I would be a senior in high school that fall. I still have the quilt. It isn’t perfect by any means, but it was a labor of love. Over the years my quilting skill has improved greatly, but I still love to look at that old and worn quilt. It is fun to see all those fabrics from long ago and it reminds me of my quilting journey. Starting with something simple and working your way up to more difficult patterns makes the journey much more enjoyable. Do I still make mistakes? Oh yes, but I have come a long way from that first quilt.

  489. Lisa Swickard says:

    Hi Corey. So thankful for a fresh new year. This giveaway would be so sweet to win and share with my mom in law who taught me how to quilt and turned me onto your YouTube channel. My tip for new quilters would be to start small. Baby quilts, wall hangings, mug mats, etc. Also, get to know your sewing machine. Thank you for all you do for us, your fans.

  490. Suzanne wolffer says:

    What a beautiful and fun giveaway ur so kind to have this

  491. Paulette Farrell says:

    Love the colors of the fat quarters.

  492. wendy says:

    Hi. Happy 2025 !!!
    Tip: Be kind to yourself and start out with simple blocks – the simple blocks can look amazing and they build confidence.
    Cory – I’m excited for you and your new quilting studio. Wow.

  493. serene275df06133 says:

    You give some great tips. This is the most amazing giveaway I have ever seen. Would love to win it.

  494. Marlynda Matthews says:

    Hi, Corey. I just started watching your channel and love your fabric and patterns. My best advice is to don’t compare your work and keep practicing. Half square triangles used to freak me out to match points and seams and now I love them. Be patient and just keep quilting. I love your barn star and will be ordering that. Good luck with the move.

  495. Elizabeth Boger says:

    My favorite notion today is a marking pencil or pen. They really help with half square triangles being accurate. I love quilting and I sew every day. I want to join the WIP challenge and I am excited to get some of my projects completed and given away. I don’t have a lot of sewing projects that need to be completed, but I probably have about 30 quilt tops that need to be quilted and bound. I also have ideas for a bunch of new patterns I want to make. I love the giveaway, so many colors to choose from.

  496. Peggy says:

    I was talking to a lady who definitely knows more about quilting than me and she recommended filling bobbins of the the color you are using at the start of the project and honestly I never thought of this time saver. I’m new to this quilt sewing. Talking with seasoned quilters is an excellent source of information.

  497. Trudy Gaines says:

    My tip is to pin pin pin. Use those strait pins to match seams and find the points. You’ll be much happier with the results and you won’t have to rip out as much.

  498. LeAnn RADCLIFFE says:

    My tip is to either get a good quarter inch foot or one of the seam guides that are available so that your seam are always a quarter inch and consistent. This will help make your blocks accurate.

  499. Stephanie Mesplay says:

    My tip is don’t get stressed about making a mistake, because you will make mistakes and that’s how you learn and get better.

  500. Carol Rich says:

    Happy Saturday Corey!! I love Saturday morning getting a video from you and today is no different. I’m looking forward to the WIP challenge…. I need it! And for the giveaway….

  501. Dixie Donovan says:

    My tip is to not give up and don’t worry about imperfections. I’m a perfectionist and sometimes I don’t finish because I really should rip out and redo. I just made a quilt for my 95-year old mother. No blocks were trimmed. Some of my flying geese went south. But my goal was to give a to her for Christmas. I can tell you where every flaw is, but you know what? It’s beautiful and she loves it. Go for it!

  502. Morgana Rose says:

    My tip: Start with a few basic rulers, 6.5 x 24, the Perfect 10 and Perfect 5. I can make almost anything with those. And imperfections are still beautiful.

  503. Arlene Helms says:

    I think new quilters need to remember that to be happy with the outcome, they must remember that quilting is an art of precision – in both cutting and sewing. Without precision, your blocks won’t align with each other and your quilt won’t look like the pattern picture.

  504. Amy says:

    I love the WIP idea from the cheerleader point of view. My muse does not work that way!

  505. Gail Moore says:

    Thank you for the giveaway chance to win this beautiful fabric! My tip is learn the correct way to use a rotary cutter….makes all the difference in the world!

  506. Jacqueline says:

    My tip to any quilter wanting to improve in quilting would to be watch YouTube and other media platforms , there are really great teachers that we can learn from, watching designers social media for tutorials,free quilt alongs, etc is a valuable tool. Here are a few that have helped me tremendously Kimberly Jolly of FQS she is very generous with her time and she shares her knowledge on how she makes her blocks better and more accurate, and of course Corey Yoder, Joanna Figuroa , MSQC , Laundry Basket Quilts , and so many more on YouTube . There is a wealth of information on the social media platforms just waiting to be accessed.

  507. Jane Kelley says:

    My tip is to be patient with youself. No one is a pro right out of the gate. Enjoy the process. Happy New Year!!!

  508. Jane says:

    Your Saturday shows are always so cheerful and uplifting! What a fabulous giveaway this is. Thank you or you generosity!

  509. Sharon Palmer says:

    A tip for a new quilter. I would tell them to be patient and keep at it. Each new project will be better than the last and just enjoy the process.

  510. Lynn O'Sullivan says:

    My tip is what helped me the most. Find several experienced quilters with video tutorials on the basics. Find what works for you whether it is tools, techniques, working with colors, etc., and have fun. Don’t be hard on yourself, success is always a process.

  511. Susan says:

    Congratulations on the new home!! Can’t wait to see the new studio! I am having Christmas with my kids the end of December and I am finishing quilts for them. I have been organizing and planning out some finishes. I have pulled out a couple of your barn star patterns for the satisfaction of a quicker finish in between big ones. That box of fabric would be some beautiful choices for those!! Happy New Year everyone!

  512. Rosanna Mize says:

    My advice would be, DON’T buy every ruler they have in the beginning of your quilting journey! Another o e would be don’t be afraid of walking away from a project even for a year. You’ll come ba,k to it when the time is right.

  513. Denise Lindquist says:

    My tip would be that finished is better than perfect, especially when you start. The more you quilt the easier it gets. I love doing block challenges (Moda has great ones) where you get a new block every week. You pick up great tips and techniques and if you don’t like a particular style or pattern, you are only making one.

  514. Rebecca Whitehead says:

    A seam ripper I use always

  515. Romonia Dinkla says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to choose fabrics that you love and and easy pattern. Don’t worry about it being perfect, done is good!

  516. Ranch Wife says:

    Your barn star quilts are always so delightful! I can’t believe you’ve already designed 12!

    I’m excited for your new move. We just moved after being in one place for 20 years. It was time to move so we could clean things out. 😂

    What a generous giveaway to ring in the New Year – thank you! My tip for a new quilter would be to make what brings you joy. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Us seasoned quilters LOVE sharing and dragging new quilters down the quilting slopes!

  517. Jackie Nelson says:

    I would tell a new quilter to practice that quarter inch seam…once you get that mastered, everything will be easier and more rewarding..

  518. mooslie61 says:

    Happy New Year. I love all your holiday quilts in your background, glad we had one more month to see them. Thank you for all your videos, I learn so much from you.

  519. Gwen says:

    My advice would be to start simple. Choose a beginner pattern. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and have fun!

  520. Lynelle Sampo says:

    Some good advice would be to watch YouTube videos. If one way doesn’t work for you, try a different method. There are always multiple ways to do something.

  521. Florence Dimitriadis says:

    There’s so many great tips that are already listed. I would just like to say don’t give up it’s a great and satisfying craft. I love looking at my finished projects.

  522. June Phillips says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win such an incredible giveaway!! My tip is to invest in good rulers and only use rulers from one brand so that you have consistent measurements. Different brands can be slightly different causing cut pieces to end up at different sizes. Thank you!

  523. Terri Ketchum says:

    Hi Corey- I love watching your you tube channel and doing your patterns.
    My tip would be to start with a tablerunner pattern and watch as many quilting you tubes as you can.

  524. Tina says:

    Quilting is an amazing craft! For new quilters learn to give yourself grace! We all make mistakes and have to rip stuff out! But 99% of the time when it is all done no one will know but us! One of the most exciting things I love about quilting is you can have 100 different quilters making the same pattern and because of the difference in fabric choices they will all look different in the end! Each quilt has its own unique style just like our finger prints! They can also be a legacy that we leave for the future! We learn something new with each project we complete! Quilting is exciting and new with each new project! Enjoy!

  525. Alyssa Fraser says:

    Hi! My best advised for new quilters in measure twice, cut once. Taking the time to double check your measurements will save you a lot of heartache.

  526. Janet Patterson says:

    My tip is to use leaders and Enders to make a secondary quilt. I’m almost done with my scrappy tulip quilt. I’m looking forward to the Cali & Co BOM

  527. K_ Alves says:

    Loved your you tube this week & May try a barn star for a baby girl quilt!!

  528. Wanda says:

    Hi Corey, I love your Saturday morning videos! What an upbeat way to start 5he weekend. I also love your idea of dealing with WIPs. I have been working on Reindeer Xing for quite a long time now. I always seem to be starting something new. For this year I am going to commit to making at least one block each month. I plan to do this as a quilt as you go so that will include quilting the block. I’ll have quite a few blocks to complete as I will be making it a king size just like I did for my Wooly Stars quilt.
    Thanks for the great idea!

  529. Barb says:

    My challenge is often to just get started….so my tip is to just dive right in. Once you are started things will fall into place! I do love your idea of monthly goals. I will try and join you!

  530. Alinda Coiner says:

    My tip is to take your time, enjoy the process, and have fun!! Happy New Year and Happy Sewing!!! 😊

  531. Tamie Autrey says:

    Hi Corey, I love to watch your videos! Being a fairly new quilter I guess the most useful notion besides my machine is my seem ripper. Jack the ripper gets used quite a bit! Thank you for the $5.00 patterns though I buy I have not been confident enough to try sewing them yet, I will get there.

  532. Nancy Henderson says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be to go into your nearest quilt shop and sign up for a class. If you don’t have a shop near you, you can go on line to YouTube and find a multitude of help there. Thank you Corey for your weekly YouTube videos.

  533. Carolyn A Kobasher says:

    Love the Barn Start for this month.
    The UFO format is fantastic. I did one last year and completed 11 projects.

  534. Patricia LAMBERT says:

    Always look forward to see what’s going on in Coriander-ville every Saturday. Congrats on the new place.

  535. Sylvia Martinez says:

    What a way to start you year. Happy creating in your new sewing room. My tip would be to read the intire directions before you start. Layout your material to mock up the design before you start.

  536. Jessica King says:

    I always tell new sewist/quilters to just keep trying, keep going, don’t be so hard on yourself. Our seams & points & bindings get better as we practice. I also recommend piecing with a thread that is similar to material of project. Cotton thread with cotton fabric, polyester thread with vinyl or pleather, etc. thanks so much for tge opportunity to win this giveaway

  537. Angela Miller says:

    A quarter-inch sewing machine foot was game-changing for me….and then I also discovered I could move my needle just a little to make a consistent scant 1/4” seam!

  538. Karla Padbury says:

    Hello and Happy New Year.
    I sew enjoy your cheerful videos each week!

    A tip I recently gave someone is to not get caught up in buying all the pretty things, all the tools, etc. This hobby can be an expensive one and for someone just starting out they don’t know what their style is yet, they don’t know if they will even enjoy the quilting process. Buy what is necessary and build as you go.

    Looking forward to watching more of your videos in the coming year.

  539. Nadine Merrick says:

    Tip – as you work thru your pattern, check off each step as you go. You never know when life will happen and interfere with your progress. If you check steps as you go, you will always know where you were at when you come back to a stalled project.

  540. Sherry Morrison says:

    To a new quilter I would suggest taking a beginning quilt class if offered in your area. There are many quilting tutorials on You Tube that are so helpful also. I think a good tool to invest in is a blocklock ruler to square your blocks. I love your video tutorials and your wonderful, generous giveaways. You are so kind! Have a great New Year!

  541. Meredith Nelson says:

    Happy New Year! I always look forward to your Saturday videos.
    My advice to a new quilter would be….. If buying a new high quality machine is not in your budget, I would recommend finding a good quality used machine. Many quilters upgrade to the newest models and sell their used machines. I would much rather have a high quality used machine than a low cost/ low quality new machine.

  542. Becky says:

    I was a new quilter not long ago. The best tips I found were on Fat Quarter Shop’s You Tube site. The older videos have a lot of tips for beginner quilters trying to cut and stitch those perfect pieces for beautiful quilts. Those videos helped me out so much in the beginning.

  543. Mary Kay says:

    I hope to start building a good stash of fabric, just can’t afford it! 🙂 My advice to new quilters is to soak up all the information you can from websites & YouTube. There is so much good info! And don’t put a restrictive timeline on making a quilt. Allow yourself plenty of time so you can TAKE your time and not get overwhelmed. 😊

  544. Linda says:

    Happy new year Corey. 2025 will be a great year! I plan to do more quilting and my first project is your lamb quilt I finally got the colors I like and I’m ready to start. My advise to a new quilter is take your time enjoy and nothing is wrong if you make a mistake your friend is jack the seam ripper. So get a good one . If my mistake isn’t that big of one then I continue on. Then when I give it away it’s a one off a kind lol

  545. karengraham8276 says:

    What an amazing giveaway! That would be a dream come true for whoever is the lucky winner. We are doing the same UFO challenge with our guild this year! I might just do yours also – since I have sooo many UFO’s! Thanks for all your videos and chats! I always look forward to them.

  546. Karen S Potts says:

    My favorite new thing in quilting is the Laura Star iron lift system. Quilt Blessing to everyone. pottsks@cox.net

  547. Robyn Miller says:

    My tip is to “measure twice and cut once”. Put a piece of washi, or other tape, beside your measuring line helps a lot, and adding a weight (small dumbbell or large can of tomatoes) at the end of the ruler helps with ruler slippage as you near the end of your cut. Love your energy and enthusiasm. Happy 2025 to you and your family.

  548. Kim says:

    Wow! amazing giveaway! My tip, take your time, sew at your own pace and enjoy it!

  549. Mary Ann Lafollette says:

    My tip is to enjoy the process and don’t get caught up in thinking you need to get everything perfect and make quilts like the professional designers.

  550. Tracy Strobel-Logsdon says:

    My favorite tip to a new quilter is just love the process and do your best. We all sew at a different rate of speed or technique so enjoy the process of others and never compare your process to theirs. If it brings you joy you are doing it right. You will learn from every stitch and project. Keep going and smile 💚😊

  551. Beth Archibald says:

    One thing I like remind new quilters is to start with a simple project and to know that it won’t be perfect right away. Things will get easier as you practice. But beware! Quilting is addictive! Pretty soon you will be wanting to make all the projects. Have fun!

    Your barn quilt pattern is great! Thank you for opportunity to win such a generous giveaway. I hope your move to new house continues to go smoothly.

  552. Connie says:

    Hi Corey,
    A good tip I feel is good for a new quilter is to not become a “fabric hoarder” as well as not to think you need to purchase every ruler you see someone use. Don’t be afraid to start your journey on learning to quilt and really pay attention to the process.

  553. Dale Rushton says:

    My suggestion is to give yourself some grace. Perfection is not the be all/end all. Enjoy the process and celebrate as your skills improve!

  554. Betty Bridwell says:

    I would tell a new quilter to first, take time to make sure you seams are 1/4 “, or the entire quilt will not go together nicely. Another is to have a sharp, and keep it sharp, rotary blade cutter, and a nice ruler that doesn’t slid. I talk about quilters select rulers, they are worth the money and saves lots of fabric mistakes or movements from sliding rulers. And of course, take time to measure right, I do not like to waste any fabric cause it is expensive. If you want to be a quilter, then take your time and do it right, then you will have a project you will be proud of….BettyB

  555. Gail says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to watch YouTube videos. So much helpful information is available. Thank you, Corey!

  556. Margaret Bergen says:

    I don’t have many tips, I feel like I will always be a beginner myself. I would encourage anyone to not give up and not focus on the little imperfections and missing points of seams that don’t match. In the end it’s not very noticeable. I would also encourage good quality sewing tools, they make the world of a difference. For me it was the rulers, and rotary cutter. Also just have fun! And use the pretty fabrics, it took me over a year to get the courage to cut into Apricot and Ash and not instead of a pile of beautiful fabric I have an amazing quilt top. There will always be new beautiful fabric to buy! Great video today, and such a generous giveaway.

  557. Norina says:

    You are so generous! What a wonderful giveaway. My favorite tip for a new quilter is measure twice cut once and checked your 1/4 inch seam.

  558. Barbara says:

    I would encourage every new quilter to get acquainted and support your local fabric store. We all order online but our local shops need our support too and there is nothing like seeing pretty fabric person. Plus the staff are usually so helpful so can help you pick out fabric or answer any questions. And you can take your finished top or project in for some oohs and awes.😊And no, I don’t own or work in a quilt shop😂. But I have seen several go out of business and don’t want to lose any more!

  559. Betsy Penzone says:

    A tip I would share with a new quilter would be to just enjoy the process and not worry about being perfect.

  560. Sandy says:

    My favorite tip (among dozens of others) would be to join a local quilt guild. Besides meeting/working with so many like-minded quilters, you’ll learn & gain so much information about quilting practices as well as life-long friendships!

  561. Janet Ehrlich says:

    Love this give away. I would tell new quilters to be sure they have an accurate 1/4 seam. If that is not accurate your block will not be accurate.


  562. Joan says:

    My tip is to not be discouraged if your first quilt isn’t “perfect.” Keep going and you’ll be surprised how much you learn through mistakes. And, really, all the quilts you see have imperfections. Mine sure have.

  563. Sharon says:

    I’d say start simple, have fun, don’t worry about things being perfect at first, and make projects that you love.

  564. Julie G Bosdachin says:

    Hi! Happy 2025! My very first quilt was in 1985 in a class over an 8 month period. The new version of that is a quilt of the month. It’s a great way to jump in but to take it slowly. You get fabric selection ideas, cutting, sewing tips as well quilting. My first QOM was with Sugaridoo (Ireneduring Covid. I chose that one because of the different techniques she taught. Now I’m hooked on QOM from all different artists.

  565. Linda Halloran says:

    Thank you for sharing your quilting skills with so many! I plan to organize my WIPs as you suggested. I ned to start a list of unfinished items and what needs to do completed. You are so generous with your give always and this one is certainly at the top!

  566. Lori Maze says:

    Hi Corey and Happy New Year! My best tip is to stop when you are tired. I know I tend to want to rush when I get tired, and that’s when mistakes happen. I remind myself that the project will still be there when I’m feeling refreshed. 🙂

  567. Laurie Wegener says:

    Happy New Year and I love your patterns! My best tip is to start with small projects. And don’t point out mistakes to others unless you want the critique. No one else will ever know. I’ve been quilting over 30 yrs and some of your patterns challenge me. But it’s a good challenge and I love them all.

  568. Wendy Cound says:

    I started spray basting my quilts last year and this was a big game changer for me. I had struggled with quilting on my domestic machine but the spay basting makes it so much easier. Wish I had known about it ten years ago when I started quilting. Thanks Corey for the great giveaway. 🤓

  569. Cindy Crist says:

    I would tell a new quilter to enjoy the process, be sure of your 1/4 in seam and show them the ways to check it. Get the best the sewing machine you can but stay within your budget. You can always upgrade sewing machines.

  570. dorsic says:

    My favorite tip is measure twice, cut once! There is nothing more frustrating than cutting a width of fabric and then realizing you cut the wrong width and don’t have enough fabric left to cut the correct width. Living in a rural area most of my fabric is purchased online, so then there is at least a weeks delay waiting for more fabric to arrive.

    I am also looking forward to your works in progress challenge and will definitely be joining you in selecting one item per month to complete! Great idea!

    Also loving all the fat quarters being given away! I always enjoy watching your videos! Thanks!

  571. Tammy Burgoon says:

    My favorite tip is: take your time and enjoy the process of quilting. Once we start putting demands on our time, it tends to be less enjoyable. Quilting is an art, not a race.

  572. Kim says:

    Thank you for your beautiful fabric, quilts, and patterns. I look forward to Saturday for your video and I so enjoy your cute personality and all the inspiration. The favorite quilting notion in my sewing room is my ‘un-picker’ that fits on my finger. I love it.

  573. Janice Sayre says:

    I love your quilts and fabric. The barnstar patterns are my favorite right now because they are so small and quick to complete. Thank you!

  574. Kerry Bobin says:

    Practice 1/4 seam seam allowance before you jump into a special project with fabric fabric.

  575. Elizabeth says:

    Some of the best advice I received is that the most intricate looking patterns still break down into smaller squares.

  576. Margot Austin says:

    My advice to a new quilter is the take your time when cutting your fabric pieces so that each piece is accurate and make one block first before cutting all your fabric for the entire quilt. And enjoy.😊

  577. Karen says:

    I love your videos. I am just finishing up my first flannel baby quilt and am looking forward to your flannel line coming out this year. Thanks for sharing your day with us!

  578. Michelle says:

    Best advice, start small, maybe with a kit so that everything is all together and coordinated. Visit a guild or your local quilt shop to see if they have a workshop or class. Get good quality tools, ie rulers, they will last a lifetime. You don’t need a ton to start with, mat, rotary cutter, and a large and small ruler, like a 6 x 24 and 8 1/2 x 8 1/2.

  579. Donna Lawson says:

    Thank you for the video today and chance to win a giveaway. I would tell a new quilter to be familiar with your sewing machine and get use to the functions. Then find a simple quick and easy pattern for beginners. Don’t fret and don’t fear; have fun!!!🤩

  580. Max says:

    My favorite tip is there is NO quilt police and don’t point out your errors to other people.
    Enjoy the journey.

  581. LORI CROSS says:

    Such a great video today.
    Moving is both rewarding and stressful…namely trying to get that sewing studio packed. That is when you truly realize just how much you have (or need. lol)
    Sew glad that you are willing to part with these twelve beautiful fat quarters from The Fat Quarter Shop. They will definitely make a huge and appreciated addition to anyone’s fabric stash.
    Happy New Year to one of my favorites!

  582. Kathryn Jennings says:

    Take your time and go at your on pace. All you really need is a sewing machine, thread, cloth and a ruler.

  583. April Troxell-Cravens says:

    Happy New Year Corey! I have never won anything, but if you’re going to win, win big! What a superb giveaway. I’m up at 6am every Saturday to watch your video with my coffe. Love everything you do! Aloha from Hawaii

  584. Gail Nash says:

    You are not only one of the most talented quilters in the industry, you are also very generous with your giveaways. How you can proceed with your Saturday videos while in the midst of a move is amazing! Happy New Year and congratulations on your new home!

  585. Ruth Keimel says:

    My tip is the same as many others. Perfect is not the goal ! A finished project that you can use is the winning result! When you look back many years later, you realize that you were actually better than you thought you were at the time ! Keep at it- you will surprise yourself!

  586. Gwen Johnson says:

    The barn stars are beautiful , love all the colors in the giveaway.

  587. Alena Dixon says:

    Hello! What a fabulous giveaway.
    I have started using a quilt journal and found that very helpful in knowing what projects still need to be finished or quilted, the size and dimensions. Or even knowing where a particular quilt went, if I gave it away, etc. It also helps me know how many projects I actually finish for the year and if I’m skacking or not. Haha!
    I enjoy all the Saturday videos!

  588. Teri Swift says:

    Best advice for first time quilter is live the experience , don’t be perfectionist. That will come with time

  589. Sally Bell says:

    Since I’m a fairly new quilter I really don’t have many tips but am certainly enjoying reading the tips from others. I guess mine would have to be, just jump in and try. What a fabulous gift this would be to win. Thanks for the opportunity.

  590. Anita K. says:

    My best tip is don’t be afraid to be bad. It’s part of the process to being great!

  591. Deb says:

    I sometimes struggle sewing straight 1/4″ seam. I like to use guide with an edge. This have really improve my piecing.

  592. Megan Russo says:

    Thanks for the weekly videos. I always enjoy listening to them. Very excited for the Fatquarter shop 2025 mystery designer block of the month using your Abloom collection (which I love). Happy New Year and good luck with your move!

  593. Andrea C Bault says:

    What a generous giveaway! My tip would be to nor be afraid of new skills…learning is good. Plus, when organizing fabric, bundle the fabric with the pattern you envision using it for. So many time I have forgotten what my inspiration was. I’m working on that step right now.

  594. Candy Newman says:

    My advice to new quilters is to find someone who will encourage you and never listen to the naysayers. Quilting is a process which should be enjoyed without pressure, go easy on yourself too. We all make mistakes no matter how long we have been quilting. Enjoy the journey!

  595. coolxylophonee818ad62c9 says:

    Lots of great tips here. I would add to organize your digital files right from the start before you get overwhelmed. I’ve got folders with both patterns and inspiration pics for fat quarters, jelly rolls, flying geese, scrap quilts, EPP, mysteries, you name it. That way when I’m looking for a FQ friendly design for example, I can easily see my options all in one place. Thanks for the chance of this great giveaway!
    basaran (dot) family (at) rogers (dot) com

  596. Crystal Jordan says:

    Hi Corey. This is a great giveaway! My tip is don’t be afraid to just start. Don’t get so caught up in it having to be perfect and you can’t use the fabric. Just start.

  597. Trish P. says:

    My tip to a new quilter would be to take a hands-on class. Nothing like an in-person event to get your feet wet. Also invest in great rulers (Quiter’s Select), change your machine needle and rotary blades regularly!

  598. Carmen says:

    Love that pattern! Might grab that to make one of my grandbabies’ quilts! I’m a fairly new quilter and I would say a great tip is to get into sewing groups on facebook and ask questions! We learn from each other and I have learned so much lately but asking questions! Have a great day!

  599. Amy Green says:

    My best tip would be to let go of the idea of perfection when you first start quilting. This is something I struggled with at first. Letting go of that idea and just enjoying the process and new techniques was the greatest gift to myself.

  600. Ellen Altman says:

    Saturdays are my favorite because of you and the sunshine and inspiration you always give us! I forgot about the Moda blockheads pillow pattern, I will definitely make one with Starberry!!! Oh my goodness, what a generous giveaway! Thank you so much! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  601. Kathy L says:

    I would love to win this giveaway! It’s my birthday month and this would be a fabulous surprise! I’m currently working on getting my stash fabric in color order and my sewing room organized. You have a great idea for unfinished projects. I’m slowly working through them. Most get stuck at the border or binding stage. Numbering them and choosing a number to work on is brilliant!

  602. Hannah So says:

    Hello! My quilting tip is youtube! Finding a channel that makes sense to you, someone who can motivate you and someone you can learn from is invaluable! I am completely self taught from YouTube. Whenever I lose my quilting bug or need inspiration, I watch my favorite YouTube channels (like Coriander Quilts) and I find a good motivating video! I learn so much from listening to other quilters on their videos too!

  603. Joni Fotheringham says:

    I spent several years dabbling in quilting after years of garment sewing. I struggled with getting 1/4″ seam right and lots of perfectionism. What got me over the hump and absolutely addicted to quilting was, after shoulder surgery, just sewing scrappy strips together with only my left hand! No worries about being perfect; just grateful to be sewing. I sashed those colorful blocks with solid black and that is a very happy quilt! So, that would be my tip for beginners. Thanks for all you do, Corey. I love your Saturday videos and look forward to seeing your new space all set up.

  604. Pam Peterson says:

    My tip for a new quilter is start with something easy and small, like a baby quilt or throw. And, enjoy the journey, keep trying new things and don’t expect perfection. Corey, you are so generous and of course I would love to win the FQB package. Thank you and look forward to seeing videos in your new space. Happy New Year.

  605. Stephanie says:

    Finished is better than perfect. Have fun.

  606. Mindy Q says:

    I love your barn star block series. They are perfect wedding gifts that I like to coordinate with the colors chosen for the wedding. I’m missing #6 so glad that’s the $5 pattern this month!

  607. Joline DeVos says:

    Dont’ be afraid to cut the fabric. Get good rulers and a good rotary cutter. Join a quilt group/guild. Quilters love to share their knowledge and experience.

  608. Darlene says:

    I try to sew everyday. Even if it is only 15 minutes. So if you lose your Sewjo, this is a great way to get it back. You can always spare 15 minutes and you usually sew longer! Love your videos, Cori!

  609. Eirikr Trybjorn says:

    My best tip: think about the WHY you are making the quilt. How much stress for perfection might be warranted for a quilt to enter a show is going to much different than for a functional picnic quilt (or a baby quilt that is expected to get actual use). Don’t overstress.

  610. Lianne Smalley says:

    My tip is to follow through and finish what you start or you’ll end up with a bunch of UFOs!

  611. Cindy Bryce says:

    What an amazing give away. I teach quilting at our local community college. My advice is to enjoy, skills will come as you continue quilting so don’t get bogged down with mistakes. We all make them!

  612. Kristine Wood says:

    My tip is don’t strive for perfection. It takes practice and I’ve seen absolutely beautiful quilts that were not “perfect”

  613. Sherri Lefmann says:

    Hello, I really enjoy the videos. I recommend to a new quilter to learn her personal style with favorite colors and skills needed before making an investment in materials that will not benefit them later on her journey.

  614. Linda McHenry says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to focus on getting that first quilt finished! So many wonderful fabrics and patterns can be a distraction, but having your first project done is great motivation to keep going!

  615. Terri Swisher says:

    Hello, I’m in love with your fabrics. We have a fairly new quilt shop in our area. I know a couple of the gals running the shop. I introduced them to your fabric and even asked if they would carry your starberry line and then they did. I’m really hoping they will be carrying the Abloom this coming year. Happy new year.

  616. diana johnson says:

    Take time to cut accurately! Don’t rush through a pattern, take your time to read through it first. Invest in good tools the first time because it will save you money in the long term. Start with the easy stuff first. Remember it is supposed to be fun and relaxing!

  617. Detta Dunnagan says:

    The tip that I have and have to remind myself often is don’t be too hard on yourself. Progress over perfection. Creativity is rewarding. Create something beautiful today!
    I love your videos, patterns and blog. Thanks for the encouragement you give others by your positive attitude.

  618. Rebecca Sanchez says:

    My best tip-don’t stress about mistakes you can quilt those out! Each project is unique to you!

  619. The very first thing I would suggest to a new quilter is to purchase a cutting mat a square quilting ruler, a 6×12 and a 6 x 24 ruler. A rotary cutter and some extra blades. That’s really all you need to get started. Learn to make a 9-patch, a 4-patch and a 1/2 square triangle.

  620. Shannon says:

    I am new to the quilting world. I love to watch your videos to gain knowledge about quilting. Your quilts are so inspiring and always make me want to jump right to making one of your quilt designs.

  621. Esther R says:

    My tip is that accurate cutting and trimming as you go along will help make sure everything fits together and aligns the way it should. Also, go slow (it’s not a race) and have fun. Your style will emerge quickly and the addiction is real…

  622. Eshelle Bennett says:

    For me the best thing I ever did was watch quilty YouTube vids from different makers. My first vid was Melanie Ham. From there I explored more makers and took a trip to Walmart to purchase a basic Fiskar kit of cutting board scissors ruler set and the supplies from a MSQC simple pattern. This was in 2019. I discovered the amazing Coriander Quilts, FQS, and Primitive Gatherings and my world opened to an obsession I mean hobby and love of quilting and more. I still today spend my free time learning and loving YouTube vids from all the great makers and Cory you are always my Wake Up Watch. Thank you and your family/team for all the tips tricks patterns collections and cheerful joy. Can’t wait to see the new house completely moved into. ❤️❤️

  623. Charlotte A Poe says:

    My advice would be to start small and with a free pattern (ex. placemats, mug rugs, wall hanging). This will introduce you to patterns, cutting and squaring up projects so you don’t get overwhelmed.

  624. Laura Hills says:

    My biggest tip is…..to just start! 😊 Our fears of trying something new hold us back too often.

  625. Diana Jordan says:

    Don’t worry about “perfect.” I have an outdoorsy delectable mountains where there’s a small piece of a block with a bear with 3 heads. (Didn’t have egg fabric to finish s s o used smaller pieces to make a bigger piece.) It’s not noticeable (and I didn’t see it until the quilt top was finished.). I laugh every time I see it. Also, it’s supposed to be fun…if something in your pattern isn’t working and you’re starting to hate it…use a different block, change the border or whatever, until you like it. Unless you’rea professional, or entering a quilt show, enjoy the process, but if the colors suggested don’t suit you, pick something you DO like. My first quilt class I took was crazy quilting. (I’m mainly self taught.) I liked my fabrics, but the instructor and other attendees did not. So they kind of brow beat me to add “sparkle.” I added the fabric someone suggested. When I look at that wall quilt, you know what fabric I still HATE? The “sparkle” fabric.

  626. Kate says:

    Happy New Year! Definitely joining in on your WIP-along! I have a plethora of projects that need to be finished!

  627. Tina Ouka says:

    Thank you so much Cori for all you share. Just wanted to say one of the best tip I could give someone is to watch you for inspiration. YouTube can be a great teaching tool for those starting out and wanting to learn about quilting. I’m currently working on your pattern Joy Filled and in the finishing stages of sewing the rows together. It was a true joy to make.

    Also, what a very generous giveaway you are doing. Someone will be truly blessed to receive it.

    Happy New Year
    God Bless

    Tina O

  628. Linda Clay says:

    What a great giveaway. My daughter and I have started making lap and small quilts for Hospice. We currently have 6 ready to drop off. Hospice was so good to my mom and our family a few years ago, it just feels like a good way to give a little back. Thank you for the videos, they are lots of fun.

  629. Roxie Fonohema says:

    If you get discouraged, don’t give up, just take a break. A day or two can make a huge difference.

  630. Gretchen says:

    Wow! What a fabulous giveaway! My advice is to take your time measuring, cutting, & sewing as accurately as possible & to not be afraid to make mistakes. Find a great teacher either in person or online & you will be on your way to fun & creative quiltmaking.

  631. Sandy says:

    What a generous give away.
    Quilting is a great hobby. I express to new quilters to enjoy the process, perfection can be a goal but the quilt will be loved whether or not it’s perfect, just as we love our imperfect family and friends.
    Thank you again for your happy, encouraging video. I like your idea for works in progress, that should certainly help ger a few more projects completed this year.
    Happy New Year! Enjoy your new home!

  632. Gail Nash says:

    Oops! I forgot to leave my quilting tip! I have a farmhouse dining room set with 6 ladderback chairs. I have no more room to hang or display my quilts in my small home so I’m now utilizing my ladderback chairs as six quilt ladders each holding a quilt! Works for me!

  633. Luella says:

    Choose a simple pattern to begin with and a color palette of fabrics you LOVE, so each time you look at it, use it, etc. it will encourage you to “MakeMore”!
    Thank you Corey for all you share.

  634. Paige Murphy says:

    My favorite tip is to remind people to pin. If you want everything to line up perfectly, it really is the way to go!

  635. McKenzie Aiken Crisp says:

    Love watching your videos. You are a joy to watch. I cannot wait to see your new studio!
    Happy New Year

  636. Jeannie Simon says:

    Fantastic giveaway!! My tip to a new quilter is to not start multiple projects!! I’ve got way too many that need to be finished because I love quilting so much and want to try it all!!!

  637. Terri McCluskey says:

    Hi Corey,
    What a generous gift for someone to win. I would so enjoy all of tose fat quarter bundles. My tip for completing WIPS is to keep a list and document every little progress, so you can see what you are accomplishing. I use a quilt journal type of book from FQS, and have a Lori Holt one. I like checking off each aspect of each project. Its so fulfilling to see each step as it is completed. Thank you for getting us organized at the start of the year, or at least getting us thinking about it. Love your fabric, video’s and all of your life that you share with us. Happy New Year and God bless. Terri

  638. KJ says:

    Wow! What a beautiful giveaway! I love to watch your videos. I have always loved to sew and piecing helps me express it in a different way. Happy New Year and good luck with your new house!

  639. Linda Oates says:

    Fun and Generous giveaway! My tip for a new quilter is to have fun but remember to label and document every project. You will be so surprised how much you accomplish.

  640. Nancy Barnes says:

    I would tell first time quilters to not worry about perfection, take a beginning quilt class, dive in and have fun. Perfection will come as you continue to sew new projects!

  641. Andrea Wilke says:

    Hi Corey. My tip for a beginner quilter would be a my straight stitch machine by Juki it made such a difference when I started using that made me happier. Thanks.

  642. Connie H says:

    I would love to receive these beautiful fabrics. Thank you for your generosity and happy quilting to whoever receives them!

  643. Ellen Thompson says:

    Your enthusiasm is contagious! Thanks for your generous giveaway.

  644. Tracie says:

    I think the thing I would teach a brand new quilter is how to easy slightly mismatched sized blocks together using the feed dogs. It takes time to get the seam allowance on lock down and being able to ease will make those first few quilts less stressful.
    Thank you for your YouTube channel.

  645. Sherry Staples says:

    My best tip for a new quilter is to be yourself. Take your time, enjoy the process, don’t sweat the mistakes, it’s not important to be perfect, it’s important to have fun and be proud of yourself and what you have done. Don’t let others confuse you and make you second guess yourself. You are in control of the journey.

  646. Lynn Swegle says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to take your time and enjoy the process. Always remember that it is not a race.
    I am going to try your idea with my UFOs. 2025 is going to be my year of completing pprojects!
    Thanks for your videos.

  647. Melissa Ragland says:

    My tip would be how to cut strips perfectly straight without a bow in the crease. Even when I think the fold is perfectly straight it isn’t always. I run a ruler into the crease and smooth the fabric tightly to make sure there will be no curve in my strips.

  648. Theresa says:

    What a beautiful pattern and it looks great in other colors. My tip is to initial and date your finished quilts. Either by hand or on your machine.
    New to quilting and of course I would love to receive the giveaway! Happy 2025!!

  649. Meg Puccio says:

    Hello, I am still new at quilting and I learned the hard way. My first quilt was made out of flannel fabric and I found several things that I should have done.
    Don’t make a flannel quilt as your first quilt. If you must, then starch it, as it creates a lot of fuzz, and the long arm quilter will not be ripping her hair out when she has to quilt it. Make the blocks a little bit larger as even a scant quarter inch seam doesn’t help with the final dimension of the block, and you can always trim the block to the correct size but you can’t add fabric that you don’t have.

  650. Judith Perl says:

    I tell new quilters to just enjoy the process, take your time and you will learn the most relaxing hobby in the world! Thanks for such a great giveaway, so generous of you.

  651. Tracy says:

    Love your happy energy! This year I’m using a planner with small quilting goals I can work on. It’s only been a week, but I’ve been able to get some sewing in daily! 🥰

  652. Kelly Holtz says:

    I always tell new or experienced quilters to take it slow and enjoy the process. Thanks so much for all you do for the quilting community. I’m looking forward to seeing you in your new space.

  653. Priscilla Gadel says:

    My tip for new quilters is to take advantage of as many beginner classes as you can. This will help you to find your favorite techniques, tools, etc. and will also allow you to find many new quilting friends along the way.

  654. Debra Hansen says:

    Happy New Year Corey, loved the video and I will be joining you in the WIP challenge. My tip would be to start with a smaller project ( throw or wall hanging) and take a little time to sew each day. It’s surprising how much you can get done in just 20 minutes.

  655. Marie says:

    I am a very new quilter! I’ve enjoyed reading all of these tips! I’ve just learned how to do a flange binding and it’s a game changer! Especially if you don’t really care for that portion of finishing. Thank you for your wonderful videos. Good luck with your move and Happy, healthy New Year!

  656. Angie Arviso says:

    Hi Cory!! My sewing tip to someone new to sewing is to wash your red fabric in cold water before your use it, because that color could “bleed” fun onto the adjacent fabric.

  657. Katherine Nail says:

    What a generous giveaway. I find I have more success if I read thru the pattern from start to finish before I start. This way if I don’t understand a step I can ask questions, from the designer or from quilt groups.

  658. Linda Jennings says:

    I would love all those fat quarters. I would share them with Comfort Quilters guild. We make a lot of quilts for donations to different charities.

  659. Paula Sturgess says:

    Love your barn stars and the colors of fabrics are wonderful. For some one just getting into quilting just enjoy and watch videos,you learn so much.

  660. Tori W says:

    My advice is to just jump in and start. Also, quilters are great helpers. Ask questions. You will be hooked

  661. Roxie Fonohema says:

    There are a lot of free patterns for beginners on YouTube, and heaven knows how expensive it is to get started!

  662. Margaret says:

    My best tip is to start small. Make it manageable so you don’t get discouraged.

  663. Joy A. says:

    My best tip would be try start with small projects so you can finish and feel confident and build your skills!
    Small wall hanging or baby quilt!
    One of Cory’s barn star patterns!!

  664. Judy Enfinger says:

    My tip for first time quilters is to find written instructions for a quilt that has videos showing how to cut and sew together. Learning how to sew a scant 1/4” on your sewing machine is also beneficial. Good luck and happy sewing!

  665. Jolene Hampton says:

    Tip for a new quilter: organize your scraps as you go. They can become overwhelming. Thanks for opportunity to enter this generous giveaway! Good luck to everyone!

  666. Terri Hartly says:

    Thank you Corey for all the helpful information and for sharing your talent and knowledge with us. I look forward to your videos every Saturday! Not to mention what a generous giveaway!!
    My tip to a new quilter is to sew what you love and not to compare yourself to other more experienced quilters. I have found quilting is most rewarding when your own self comes through either with fabric choices or a simple addition to the design, etc. And most importantly have fun! There are so many wonderful people in the quilting world to learn from (Corey, Kimberly from the Fat Quarter Shop…). Surround yourself with people who inspire and support your creativity. 🙂

  667. Anita Scheftner says:

    My tip is try the way the maker/designer suggests for fabric placement in the quilt top. You’ll soon learn how color placement works and doesn’t work. And above all, have fun!

  668. Lauren Eberhard says:

    What a very generous give-a-way! I always enjoy your videos and the ideas you share. Happy New Year of quilting goodness and God bless all our quilting in 2025.

  669. Carol Truitt says:

    I tell beginners that if they make a “mistake” to step back 5 feet and take a look. If it doesn’t bother you, leave it be. Enjoyed the video, and what a great giveaway.

  670. Bobbie Guy says:

    My favorite tip is to slow down and take your time. Quilting is a wonderful journey. You tube has lots off tutorials for new quilters. Take advantage of these. It will make a huge difference in your learning curve.

  671. Anne Klein says:

    Love your Christmas backdrop and every quilt in it! My advice to a new quilter I to start with a simple pattern such as the Turning Twenty. They have big squares and the whole quilt can be made from 20 fat quarters.

  672. Magda says:

    My tip is this, be kind to yourself and don’t give up. Mistakes will happen (even if you are a seasoned quilter) learn from them and continue learning and trying new techniques. Remember, Finished is Better Than Perfect.

  673. Anna C. says:

    What I need to learn (and maybe others can benefit also)…in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

  674. Amanda says:

    My favorite notion has to be flawless Magic spray starch. It makes my piecing soooo much more precise.

  675. Diane Domenic says:

    You have been an inspiration. I love your studio setups. My goal is to move from one room to another this year. I cannot imagine one house to another. Your video today was as enjoyable as all previous. You are very generous in your giveaways. Fat quarters seem to be my go to. I also appreciate the different color bundles. I hope to join a subscription in the future. Good luck to everyone who enters. Fingers crossed! Thank you so much for all you do.

  676. Cheryl W. says:

    My tip is there is really only one “rule” for quilting and that is the 1/4″ seam allowance. Everything else is a technique and can usually be achieved in more than one way. So if something doesnt work the first time, try again.

  677. Jennifer Lloyd says:

    I Love watching your videos and hearing all the tips and tricks you share with us all. I have a daughter that is just starting a family and while walking her through some of my favorite tips tricks or tools that I wish I had when I was her age 23 learning to making quilts etc for her baby the top two are
    Watch videos and find who teaches in a way that makes quilting easier for you and take time to watch them
    I was sewing and quilting for over15 years before I found out about a design wall that has changed my world
    I would Love to win the beautiful fat quarters.

  678. Cindy LojasFlagg says:

    Love your color palette they are so pretty can’t wait to make your barn star blocks

  679. Paula Weeden says:

    What an amazing gift to someone. Hopefully me! My tip for a beginning quilter is if you find the perfect fabric for a particular pattern put the pattern with the fabric. Or pin a note to the fabric with the pattern /project listed. I’ve used fabric forgetting it was intended for another project then had to source the fabric again or settle for a different fabric. Thank you for sharing you time and talents with all of us. 💞

  680. GAYLE WADE says:

    Start with something easy. with colors you like. watch videos they are SO helpful.

  681. Jessica L says:

    I would tell a new quilter that their quilt doesn’t have to be perfect to keep them warm. We all have to start somewhere.

  682. Tammi Neese says:

    My bit of advice is to start small as far as with patterns, fabric and rulers. Get what you need for something that excites you, then slowly build on what you have. It is easy to become overwhelmed in the beginning, so dive in a little at a time. Also some of my tried and true favorites are: Aurifil thread, creative grids rulers, can’t live without my stripology ruler, and fabric! Especially Corey YODER FABRIC! I have been buying it all for years and years now!

  683. Joy Dickson says:

    My tip is don’t try to do all the projects you see, nor buy all the tools. Pick one or two projects, that way you won’t get overwhelmed. And as for the tools, it’s tempting to buy all the shiny things, but you really only need a few rulers, a rotary cutter, cutting mat, etc. That being said, my favourite notion is the Stripology ruler. You can do a lot with it.

  684. Erin Lenz says:

    A tip I would share is to try different methods to find the one that works for you. I tried several ways to sew an accurate 1/4″ seam before I found the one that worked for me and my sewing machine. Thank you Corey for your blog and youtube videos. I enjoy them immensely and look forward to whatever you have to share for the week. 🙂

  685. mary A gray says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be, choose one small project, buy just enough fabric for that project, then decide if you really want to continue with this hobby/lifestyle, if yes go for another project. Basically start small you don’t need every tool and gadget when you are just starting, think about what tools and rulers you might need and what function each of them supply.

  686. Wynema says:

    My tip is to starch your fabric, it does make a difference.

  687. Tracy Coleman says:

    That is an awfully generous giveaway!! I plan on working on my many WIPs so I can start purchasing more fabric. Thanks for sharing and your generosity..

  688. Diane Hall says:

    I think that for a beginner quilter my tip is to watch beginning quilting videos or take a basic class before starting.

  689. Katherine says:

    A suggestion for a new quilter would be to join a quilt guild or find a couple of quilting friends who would help to support your quilting journey. The encouragement and answers to questions about quilting projects can be a great way to keep quilting a fun endeavor.

  690. Rose Roberge says:

    Would love to enter your giveaway. My recommendation to a new quilter would be to start with a smaller project. It’s not as intimidating that way.

  691. Mona Tyner says:

    My tip is to press press press. Yes its an extra step but so necessary to have better seam matching

  692. Janet Veres says:

    I’m a lifelong sewer but I’ve only been quilting for a couple of years. If a new quilter has a quilting guild nearby I strongly recommend joining. You can learn so much from members with years of experience and advice to share.

  693. Hi, like your YouTube channel.. you have such talent & to give away the fabric bundles will bring joy to someone. I’m gonna try this year to make barn quilt patterns ..wish me luck!! Take care

  694. LeeAnn Williams says:

    Quilting tips from a newbee-finished is better than perfect! If you keep a record (pictures) of each project you will see so much progress. I’ve been quilting for almost 2 years and the growth is evident. Thankful for the community that leaves so much good advice in videos that give great tips (win win)!! I’d Love to build my stash with the Fatquarter Shop bundles you’re giving away. I would see some donations quilts happening 💜🩷

  695. Tammi Neese says:

    Oh my goodness! That is almost exactly what I just said!

  696. Bev Neuenschwander says:

    My tip – Never stop learning. There are so many available resources and instructors to learn from. Take advantage of all you can. We can always learn something new.

  697. Debbie says:

    When I first started quilting, I was given a tip that many have shared here already, don’t worry about it being perfect, your skills will improve as you go. I also would suggest taking as many quilting classes as you can, it helps to learn new techniques and hear how others may make the same block with tips you didn’t know. I really enjoy your videos and your positivity when you talk about other quilt and fabric designers. You are a great inspiration and role model!

  698. Nancy-Katharyn McGraw says:

    Thank you for your enthusiasm and love to share with others. The very first way I instruct new to quilting & sewists: practice stitching using the un-threaded machine by stitching sraight lines across lined notebook paper or graph paper. Then to practice on unlined paper to get used to stitching a line 1/4″ from each other line!!!

  699. My tip is to keep working on the project. Sew a bit everyday, change the layout, make it smaller. Finished is better than not finished. A table runner or smaller quilt is better then another item added to your QFO pile.

  700. Susan says:

    I’m currently teaching my niece to quilt and she sometimes gets frustrated with herself when things don’t look perfect. I always tell her that it doesn’t have to be perfect and will share my own stories and projects with her that weren’t so perfect. I always say just enjoy the process and learn from your mistakes as you go!!

  701. Beverly Sutphin says:

    What a crazy good giveaway!! I am so excited for your move and a new home/studio…very exciting to start new in 2025! My favorite thing is simply my rotary cutter. No particular brand. I have used many.

  702. Micki Turk says:

    I would tell a new quilter there is no such thing as perfect. Enjoy the whole process of creating something beautiful and useful. A good rotary cutter, ruler, mat and seam ripper are a must.

  703. Julie S. says:

    What a beautiful bunch of fat quarters! I love your Barn Quilt patterns. You are so creative and I am happy that you get a new space to feed that creativity! I hope you get lots of time to use it.

    • Julie S. says:

      My tip is to take pictures of the quilts you make and keep notes on who they go to. I have lost track of so many of my creations over the 45 years that I have been creating for others!

  704. Andrea Ahlin says:

    Hi Corey! Wow what an amazing giveaway! My quilty tip is read the pattern twice before starting to a new project, especially the cutting instructions.
    I enjoy your Saturday morning videos and I am very excited about your sherbet flannels coming soon. Happy New Year!

  705. Diana Jordan says:

    P.S. I love your videos! I have several of you books and many patterns. Working on your turtle quilt in Oh Happy Day for a couple of baby quilts. Enjoyed meeting you years ago in Berlin during the Ohio Amish quilt shop hop. So glad you design fabric and make a comment every year for them to use your fabrics!

  706. blazekeenf475d69dd2 says:

    The tip that helped me most is that nothing is ever perfect and that’s ok, so don’t stress. As a perfectionist, that has helped me immensely! beckyloshnorth@gmail.com

  707. Michelle Chumney says:

    My best tip is to start with smaller projects like tables runners or pillows. You get a finished project sooner, immediate gratification.

  708. Sue says:

    My advice is to enjoy the process. This will take longer than you think it will so work until you get tired and then resume the next day. It is a marathon rather than a sprint.

  709. Beth Seniva says:

    This is my year to finish WIP’s and UFO’s.
    I think I would advise a new quilter to choose a small easy project, Enjoy the process, and see it through to the finish. It always feels so good to complete a project!

  710. BRIDGET HURST says:

    If you’re a new quilter, don’t be discouraged by mistakes. Embrace them and know that mistakes will lessen as you gain experience.
    My most beautiful quilt was made with the Holliberry collection. Love Corey’s fabrics!

  711. Katy Eimers says:

    Happy New Year Corey. Looking forward to the block of the month starting this month. Not sure if I am supposed to cut my fabrics before the first episode but will look on the blog for clarification. Good luck on the move!

  712. Ruth Plowman says:

    Buy good fabric! It makes your quilting look better and is easier to work with!

  713. Gay C. says:

    Hi! I enjoyed your video today. I think my best tip is to practice sewing a quarter inch seam. It is the basis of all quilts. Another is to invest in the best tools you can afford. What a beautiful giveaway this time. Thank you.

  714. Anne says:

    Thank you, Corey, for all of your beautiful fabrics and patterns! And thank you for these videos. You always are so positive and refreshing to watch.

    I too, need to be more accountable. I tend to write down UFO’s at the start of every year. I did fairly well last year with completing things on my list. I finally have knitting UFO’s caught up, so hoping I can do the same with quilting/sewing projects.

    Happy New Year and happy moving!!

  715. Erin Sedlacek says:

    Start with fabric that you love as that makes sewing with it that much more fun!!!!

    Happy New Year and best of luck as you continue your move!


  716. Rose Crean says:

    I recommend the Moda Love wall hanging free pattern because it’s a perfect one for a beginner quilter. I made it using one charm pack of Corey’s Flower Mill fabric and it turned out so pretty! It’s super easy and a very satisfying quick finish. It can be given as a baby quilt also!

  717. Shannon R says:

    My tip-dont quit! Its a wonderful hobby and great therapy! Thanks Cori!!!

  718. Geany Soares says:

    I still get sooo excited about fabric and new designs that I want to sew them all! I believe there’s no wrong or right way to approach sewing and creating. Thank you for the Saturdays videos I appreciate you ♥️

  719. Carrie Shorthouse says:

    My tip is to let starch be your best friend! I have been quilting for several years and just started to starch my fabric before cutting. It has made such a difference in my accuracy. My projects look so much better with this technique!

  720. Nishele says:

    My tip for a beginner would be to watch videos for each step of the process (perhaps a quilt a long). However, it depends on what type of learner you are. I learn best from videos. For example, when I wanted to learn binding, I watched Corey’s videos and that made all the difference for me. For notions, buy the right rulers. They make a difference in finished quilt blocks.

  721. Marcia says:

    My recommendation for new quilters is to square up blocks as you complete each. Saves so much aggravation trying to assemble quilt when the pieces don’t match up properly, especially when smaller pieces within the blocks. After sewing garments with 5/8 inch seam allowance, wasn’t prepared for the effect of accuracy (or lack thereof) with the 1/4 inch quilt seams. I know it’s just math but found out the hard way on my first quilt.

    Enjoy your Saturday videos and looking forward to next fabric release. Thanks for your generous fabric giveaway. Hoping that I win!

  722. Marilyn Arzie says:

    My best tip is to not be hard on yourself. Enjoy the process. Not everything turns out perfect but with each project you’ll improve. Have fun!

  723. Janice Andrucyk says:

    Giveaway for January 2025! Please include me for the moda bundles. Love your videos, blogs, patterns, books and fabrics!!!!

  724. Maryann Gyorki says:

    My tip ,have fun, don’t stress. Read that pattern over before cutting, trust me I know. My greatest joy is giving a quilt to someone. Especially when they have no idea it is coming!

  725. Jennifer Nordick says:

    My tip to a new quilter would be to just go for it and do something you love. Done is better than perfect!
    What a generous giveaway, Corey! Happy new year!

  726. casuallyad276ff37b says:

    Your videos are wonderful!!! Really learn a lot from you and enjoy seeing all your beautiful fabrics and quilts. Happy New Year!!!

  727. Hi, like your YouTube channel.
    You are very talented
    And the fabric give away will bring joy to someone.
    I’m trying this year to make barn quilt pattern.. thanks & take care

  728. Terri says:

    My favorite tip is to buy the 1/4 inch tape to mark your sewing machine. THEN-check to see if your needle lines up directly in the center of your feet. (Two of my machines were off center which meant my quarter inch feet didn’t give me an accurate quarter inch seam.)
    Line the center line of the tape with your needle for an accurate quarter inch seam.

  729. Nancy C Rue says:

    Many times my blocks especially square in a square flying geese or even half square triangles do not come out with a crisp point. I have tried using foundation paper for the piecing. I like it perhaps you would also.

  730. Hi, like your YouTube channel.
    You are very talented
    And the fabric give away will bring joy to someone.
    I’m trying this year to make barn quilt pattern.. thanks & take care

  731. Sheryl Phipps says:

    My advance to a new quilter would be “don’t be afraid to start”. Whether it is just cutting some squares and sewing them together or buying a pattern and following the instructions, just start small and give yourself grace.

  732. Ilona Bancroft says:

    My favorite color is yellow. I would give these to my daughter, she makes donation quilts.

  733. Chloe Watts says:

    Hi! My tip would be to make as many quilty friends as you can. It’s a wonderful community and most people are willing to share knowledge with you! You never know the friendships you’ll create, or the things you might learn. 🙂

  734. Sandie Emig says:

    This is a fantastic giveaway! Thank you! My tip is to occasionally buy fabric that is outside of your normal comfort zone. Often that unusual fabric makes a statement you weren’t expecting.

  735. Jan Scheel says:

    I think a journal is a good way to keep track of your stash especially if you have kits and fabric stored in different bins or places.

  736. Donna says:

    One of my favorite and most used notions is the Stripology XL ruler. It has really helped the accuracy and speed of cutting for a lot of projects.

    I really enjoy your videos and love your fabric collections and patterns!

    Happy New Year and good luck with your move 🙂

  737. Dawn Nygren says:

    That is a great fabric giveaway! My tip would be to invest in a good ruler and rotary cutter right away. The more accurate your cuts, the easier and more precise your sewing will be!

  738. Barb Swing says:

    My favorite tip is to use whatever block of time you have to make progress on your project. Even if it’s only 5 to 10 minutes, it’s amazing how those little bits of time step you forward to getting your project completed.

  739. Ruth says:

    My tip would be to read the pattern first and if you have any questions. You can ask the proprietor or one of their assistants about anything you did not quite understand before cutting into your material. The other hint I like is to take painters tape and mark your quarter inch line on your sewing machine. Several layers of the tape works well.

  740. Sharon Shulsky says:

    The best tip and advice is to not quit because you get overwhelmed…walk away and come back, measure twice cut once, and challenge yourself. One of the best thing I did was a block of the month with my sister that was way outside of my comfort zone. It was a great learning experience and a huge boost to my confidence.

  741. SUSAN G MCDONALD says:

    My first time to view your Saturday video…beauftiful quilts and great information. And, to top it all off a fantastic, generous give away!!! Best of luck with your move and looking forward to the mystery BOM and future videos.

  742. Sandra Kruger says:

    My advice to a new quilter will be “measure twice, cut once”
    Love watching your videos. Your backdrop quilts are stunning… Always wish we can have a white Christmas, but its summer here😉 in Sunny South Africa.

  743. Jody Murphy says:

    Corey, Thank you for your positive and inspiring videos! I hope your move goes smoothly. My main tip I give to others who are considering the craft of quilting, is to take a beginning quilt class. It is a
    great way to learn the basics.

  744. Donna M. says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to learn precision techniques, but don’t stress out when things don’t come out perfectly. Part of being a good quilter is learning how to fix/fudge/redo things!

  745. MARY CAIN says:

    My tip is for first time quilters. If you’re going to have a professional long arm quilter do your quilt, start with a small one. The cost won’t make you faint.

  746. Mary Wasson says:

    My tip is to cut your project out and divide it into little 15-30 min sewing sessions. Bag into baggies or use felt boards or just a long strip of batting with your planned sewing blocks layered ready to sew. You will be surprised how fast doing a little sewing here and there you can get a quilt top done!! I love me some Corey! I am finishing the last Moda blocks using the Peachy Keen and Bluberry lines following Corey’s selections! The fabrics are just beautiful. Hope to be done soon! Thanks for your sharing with all of us and love your enthusiasm; it inspires us!!

  747. Belinda Kinmon says:

    My best advice for a new quilter, there is no perfect quilter, we all make errors that somehow turn out okay.

  748. Paula Winston says:

    Happy 2025 and good luck on your move. Big endeavor but so worth it when completed. My favorite notion is the 2 1/2” x 6” Creative Grids ruler or 2 1/2” x 8” MSQC ruler. So handy for both trimming smaller precuts and blocks.

  749. Karen Adams says:

    Hello Corey! Thank you so much for all of your fun videos. I also love all of your fabric lines. Hoping for many more videos to watch this year! Best wishes.

  750. Margie Falgout says:

    My advice is one block at a time, it’s not so overwhelming when you break your quilt down in blocks. I never let a quilt pattern deter me from trying to accomplish what I can do.

  751. Diane says:

    As a newer quilter, I have found the videos to be super helpful and I enjoying listening while sewing. Corey, what a generous and delightful giveaway. Someone will have lots of fun with all that fabric.

  752. Dot says:

    Love your videos! I would tell a new quilter to square up each block completed. Made a big difference for me, much happier with my results!!

  753. Mary Jo Febus says:

    My favorite notion is Aurifil thread and Quilter Select rulers, can’t go wrong. Corey I am also looking forward to your Mystery 2025 block of the month. I love your fabric and patterns.

  754. Dawn Arellano says:

    Wow Cory, what a generous giveaway, great stash builder!

  755. Rosalind says:

    I would tell a new quilter to get to know their machine and have a quarter inch foot. Practice making small projects like a quilted placemat or baby quilt.

  756. Susan says:

    I made Deerly Loved. One of my favorites. Love your barnstar patterns.

  757. RANDI says:

    Great Video Corey! My tip for a new quilter would be get an iron that you will love. I have been through about 4 in my 8 or so years of quilting. My beloved Rowenta that never failed me in pressing clothes was not a good fit because it’s just too darn heavy for all the constant pressing piecing requires. The next couple I bought were popular with quilters but either took up too much real estate on my pressing space or had the spit ups 🥴. I now have a cheap Black and Decker and use a spray bottle and my piecing looks great!

  758. Merrill Sanders says:

    My tip for a new quilter: Don’t be hard on yourself, enjoy the journey of learning. Learn to laugh at your mistakes and know that a seam ripper can be a good thing that can fix anything, not a tool of defeat.

  759. Rebekah Barnes says:

    My tip is have some fabric set aside that you can use to practice making a block before starting on a full project so you can have some practice before hand.

  760. Paula Benoit says:

    I would recommend reading the pattern all the way through twice and familiarizing yourself with any new vocabulary or techniques. Follow the pattern step by step, paying attention to directional prints, and measuring twice cut once.

  761. Heather says:

    Thank you so much for all the wonderful videos and tips!

  762. Danielle Fortin says:

    To a new quilter, I would say first : choose what you want to do with the fabric you want or like, preferably something easy. Second : find a tutorial or someone to learn or help you (you can always ask me if you want). Third : take your time and enjoy the process !

  763. Katherine ("Katie") Morvay says:

    I love your patterns and fabrics, Corey! Thank you for sharing your creativity with us. Good luck on your move. My favorite tip is to always press after each step in making a block so you can ensure that the block will measure correctly. I just finished the Spring Brook Blossoms quilt for my granddaughter and her husband, making the borders larger so the quilt would be appropriate for their king size bed.

  764. Renee Whalen says:

    Thank you for such a generous give away! My tip for a new quilter would be to start with a small project with simple blocks (one of your barn star quilts may be a good choice). It’s more important to focus on accurate cutting and a quarter inch seam allowance. However, don’t stress when blocks don’t turn out perfect as most times no one else will notice.

  765. Denise Turk says:

    Hi! Love the $5 Barn Star pattern. I have the whole collection! Happy New Years to everyone!

  766. CYNTHIA PITTS says:

    My sympathy on your moving process, but I’m excited to see your new space. My tip is, if you buy a kit, by the backing that goes with it at the same time, and store it together.

  767. Cindi Pander says:

    I look forward to your Saturday videos. The barn star quilt is beautiful. I’m going to have to go over to the Etsy shop and check them all out as I need something in a bedroom that has empty walls since my daughter moved out and took all the artwork off the walls. I have been working on reducing my stash and using scraps for the past few years, so it is time to start building it back up again. The fat quarter bundles would be a perfect way to start. Thank you for your beautiful designs and patterns. You are an inspiration to us all.

  768. Peggy Young says:

    I love Barnstar 6 & I have the Peachy Keen to do it with. I love your videos & chatting with you.
    My tip is that I use the Quilt Journal Planner I got from Fat Quarter Shop to keep track of quilts in progress & quilts that I plan to do in the near future & the different stages. ie: pattern or fabric purchased. Or if it is in a project box waiting to go. Thanks for this great opportunity for the fabric bundles. It sure would be nice to add it to my stash to complete some quilts.

  769. Elaine Mallett says:

    Always enjoy my Saturday mornings watching your videos with a cup of coffee! Thank you for your time in putting all these videos together! My tip is try to be accurate in cutting your fabric. It makes it so much easier to keep that illusive quarter inch seam accurate and putting the quilt together!
    Happy quilting!

  770. Beverly says:

    Those fat quarter bundles are truly an amazing giveaway to start 2025 with lots of quilty goodness. I like to advise new quilters to do 2 things; first, each new quilter needs to go at their own pace without worry about what others (especially those with experience) are doing, and second, before taking on a project really look at the individual blocks in the project they are considering and break them down into their individual components to determine if they are ready to tackle new challenges or would feel more comfortable with a simpler undertaking. I believe in encouraging every new quiltmaker and helping them ensure their own success is an important part of that.

  771. Toni Jones says:

    Corey loved your video today as always. So excited for you and your family.moving to your new home. I moved alot as a child, military family, so I know how stressful the move can be. When my husband, sons and I moved into our dream home, I packed the whole other house myself, that was an experience, We had movers move the boxes and heavy furniture,(piano!). I just purchased the fabric for your Mystery quilt along with FQS, so excited to start the project, I’ll be a bit late to the party though, major surgery in 10 days but I I will be watching online and wishing!
    My best advice to a new quilter is two part. Always measure twice, cut once; there are rarely perfect quilts but they are all lovely, so strive to reach the finish line, and don’t stress for perfection, your skills will improve with each quilt.

  772. Vicki Raub says:

    When I first started quilting, I had a full-time job and a family to take care of – quilting was my therapy. I’m now retired, but it is still my therapy. I enjoy the creative process. While it can be challenging at times, it is very rewarding to see a project come together.
    Tips – I have learned over the years that sometimes errors and fatigue go hand in hand, so we need to know when to turn off the machine and call it a day. As always, give yourself some grace as you learn, skills develop over time. Don’t be afraid to try new things, quilting is a learning process with new tools and techniques being developed all the time. Finally, we all have different ways to achieve the same goal – to complete a project. Do it the way that works best for you and makes you happy. Enjoy!

  773. Kim says:

    I love the colors in the barn star quilt

  774. Cheri While says:

    Hi Corey, my tip for new quilters, relax and enjoy the process! And it’s best to finish and it doesn’t have to be perfect. I look at it as practicing my piano lessons. Practice does make perfect! Love your weekly videos. Happy New Year!

  775. Jan Williams says:

    Corey, You are always so bubbly, authentic and generous. I LOVE your fabrics and appreciate your Saturday morning videos. Tip for beginners; allow yourself lots of grace for learning and making ample mistakes. This will allow you to enjoy the journey. Thank you for your generosity in this amazing giveaway!

  776. Renee Wilson says:

    I am a new quilter and began with a block of the month. I learned a lot. I had taken home economics in high school so I am comfortable sewing but I wish I had taken a beginning quilting class. I did not realize that I needed to square blocks and once I learned that it made all the difference in my piecing. Enjoy the process.

  777. Shawn Rick says:

    In my years of quilting I have learned the importance of a quality seam ripper. If you need your seam ripper, you are probably feeling frustrated already. No need to add to the frustration with bad seam ripper. My favorite is the Clover seam ripper.

  778. Lois says:

    Beautiful quilts!!
    Great questions answered. Did you hear a kerplunk while making this video? Well it was my jaw hitting the floor when you showed the Giveaway WOW, I want to win that’s awwwSome

  779. Tammie Hall says:

    My best advice to new quilters is making sure your 1/4” seam is consistent through each project. I have learned this the hard way in becoming good friends with my seam ripper!🤪

  780. Carol Sue Thurman says:

    My tip would be to start small. Pick a pattern equal to your quilting level and a realistic goal so you do not get over whelmed and quit.

  781. Youtube is a wealth of information. Watch a tutorial on a beginner quilt and take your time with the process. I recommend using precuts like a charm pack or a layer cake for your first quilt because fabrics are coordinated and will look wonderful. Happy Quilting!

  782. Jeri Voyles says:

    How big is this quilt? Thx

  783. Mary Jo says:

    My tip is if you are trying a new block do a practice one first. The giveaway fabric is beautiful and generous! I love the quilt barn pattern and the colors. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year.

  784. Pam Wilhelm says:

    I love your videos! They inspire and encourage me to keep learning. Such a generous giveaway! I could definitely put that to good use. Happy New year to you and yours!

  785. Susie says:

    Happy New Year to all of us crazy people who buy fabric, cut it apart, and sew it back together! My grandkids are confused on that concept.
    For anyone new, good lighting is so important. I love my OTT light that can swing over my cutting table then back over my sewing machine.

  786. Laura P says:

    I loved the video today and the $5.00 pattern. For someone just starting to quilt my advice would be better done than perfect. I’m getting better the longer I quilt but I made a lot of mistakes at first. I learned by joining a quilt group and asking a lot of questions.

  787. Karen Cote says:

    Wow, that’s quite a giveaway! Thank you for being so generous! Tip: remember that you are your own worst critic. The old adage – if it looks ok from that back of a galloping horse – is totally true. Don’t be critical, just keep going and trust the process!

  788. Tresa Jeppsen says:

    My tip is to always starch and press my fabrics before cutting out and check that my 1/4 inch seam is correct.
    Thanks for a fun inspiring video

  789. Cara says:

    Very exciting give away! My tip: if in doubt, change your needle and rethread your machine

  790. Teresa Aikens says:

    Hello, what a great give away.. Would make my retirement quilting more wonderful. I would tell a new quilter to relax. Enjoy the fabrics, and be kind to yourself. Use the 1/4 inch foot.. if not try to stay consistent with the seams. Weather here today feels like -37 with the wind chill.. so I am staying warm in my sewing room.. Thank you for the chance to win your give away..Teresa

  791. Patti says:

    My tip is watch Cory Yoder. Her advice is valuable. Frist off she puts you at ease. Your going to make mistakes, its okay. There is no quilt police unless your putting you quilt in a contest. Make it your way. Everybody approach making quilts differently. I pick the fabric first, I swear it talks to me. Others will pick a pattern. Best Tip is be you!

  792. Cheryl Viaille says:

    My tip would be, just do it. You don’t have to have ALL of the knowledge and ALL of the gadgets. What a simple video and just try it.

  793. Wendy Reser says:

    Tip: Don’t stress that your blocks aren’t perfect! The person you are giving the quilt to will never see that they are not perfect! 👌
    I would love to win the fat quarter giveaway! It’s so fun to give people quilts!

  794. Sharon S Phagan says:

    I would tell a new quilter to read the pattern a couple of times If you have to get a yellow highligher to mark size of block and any thing you think is important even thow Ive been quilting a long time I do this because of things that has happen to me

  795. Maggie Preis says:

    As a newish quilter myself (my 2 year anniversary is in March) I think my advise would be to just not be afraid to try new things, take classes, join a guild this is a great community everyone is so happy to give advise, tips and encouragement!

  796. Lily Foss says:

    Hi Corey, Thank you so much for your wonderful videos. All the colours of the rainbow fat quarter bundles how sweet is that? Looking forward to see who wins the big bundle. Thank you so much

  797. Bobee McCaughey says:

    Wow, first YT of 2025 and it was a blockbuster, barnstar pattern, WIP which for me will be the Idyllic pattern in Buttercup and Slate which got stalled and will probably need more than one month.

    My tip is simple and one I still have to be mindful of is to make sure you finish the very end of the seam with the same care to keep it straight and 1/4″ consistency. I seem to have a tendency to veer off to the right maybe just a thread but it will keep you from your crisp points…and easy to correct if you just keep the eye on the seam to the end.

  798. Donna Cunningham says:

    Dear new quilter, You’re going to enjoy this new learning process. Be sure and ask questions and use the internet for help. Seasoned quilters are a friendly group and enjoy helping others. You’re going to be so proud of yourself after you’ve accomplished a block and then a quilt. Kudos to you for giving it a try.

  799. Kay says:

    First of all I would like to say how much I love your videos and look forward to them every Saturday! And your fabric is amazing!!
    I would tell a brand new quilter to be patient and have fun. Like with anything new you learn, practice will improve your skills. Don’t get frustrated, just have fun and be proud of what you have accomplished! You will see that each block you complete will be a little better than the last:)

  800. Debbie in AZ says:

    One thing I always tell new quilters Is that almost every quilt goes through an ugly stage. Just know that it happens and then keep on going. By the time it is quilted and the binding is on it will be beautiful again!

  801. Tresha Cottrill says:

    I would love to win the fat quarter bundles. They would make some beautiful scrap quilts!

  802. Debra L Wilson says:

    My encouragement and advice to new (and experienced) quilter is enjoy the process and finished is better than prefect.

  803. Bobye Bickel-Risner says:

    My favorite tip or quote is “Finished is better than Perfect”. Even watching you tube the quilters are not too concerned about perfect. In the long run it’s the love we put into our quilts.

  804. Shelia Nelson says:

    Happy Saturday!
    What a lovely and generous thing to do! Those fat quarters are beautiful!

    I do have a tip for beginners. Begin with something easy and build on your skills. This advice helped me tremendously! Also, read your pattern through and highlight the steps, then check them off as you complete them.

    My favorite quilting accessories are a hot iron and my wool pressing mat.

    Everyone have a great day,

  805. Priscilla Lancaster says:

    I look forward to your videos every Saturday morning. I too am from Ohio.

  806. Jonell sayles says:

    WOW, what a wonderful giveaway !!! It would make the winner have a SU.PER.CA.LI.FRA.GIL.IS.TIC.EX.PI.A.LI.DO.
    CIOUS. Day!!! Thank you!!!

  807. Marlene Clark says:

    I’ve been quilting for sometime now but, still very much enjoy going to a class. Why take a class? To glean information. Learn new techniques for block building. Learn you were using a tool wrong or it has a secondary purpose. Share some laughs. Make new friends.

  808. Susan Bewley says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! My advice is to start small and work on the quarter inch seam allowance accuracy. Don’t forget to measure the finished block! And all will be smooth sailing.

  809. Jane McNaughton says:

    Two tips for new quilters…find another quilting friend who will be an encouragement, and secondly take pictures of your journey— mistakes and everything!. First quilts are fun to look back on in years to come.

  810. Cathy Kendig says:

    The colors in the giveaway are beautiful and inspiring! As a newly 2nd time quilter (started more than 35 years ago and then life got busy), I love all of the creative grids quilting rulers – now everything comes out the right size. I also love how there are now fabric collections which take the guess work out of what will look good together. I am surprised at how much I love to quilt and the creativity I have when picking fabrics together to make my projects.

  811. Anna Oconnor mcclure says:

    My tip is to have fun! Don’t over think, jump in and enjoy your sewing journey.

  812. Becky G says:

    Happy New Year! My tip for a new quilter would be to figure out that 1/4″ seam allowance. I made all kinds of goofy quilts by not following this advice. It makes a world of difference!

  813. Darla Grimm says:

    Thank you for your wonderful YouTube videos. Love sharing my Saturday mornings with your show. My tip is always measure twice and cut once. I also often make a trial block with scraps before using fabric from a kit. Then the trial blocks can become a bonus scrappy quilt. Happy quilting! Would love to win this generous giveaway!

  814. Kim Fuoco says:

    Hi Corey, I have been watching your videos for a few months and just love your style of quilting. Love Love the Barn Star pattern, and really appreciate the mock-up of other fabrics .Thank you for sharing with us all.

  815. Joyce says:

    Corey, I enjoy your videos and look forward to Saturday mornings to see what new excitement and encouragement you bring! My advice for new quilters is to learn all there is to know about your sewing machine. This will alleviate frustration in the middle of a project. Be patient with yourself and know that you will be using a seam ripper on a fairly frequent basis especially in the beginning. A basic skills book helped me so much as did videos on you. Mostly, enjoy the process! Quilting is a wonderful obsession!

  816. Christy Flowers says:

    I suggest that new quilters fist learning basic sewing. For example, if they have never used a sewing machine they may want to take a beginning sewing class or watch online videos. If they are already comfortable sewing I recommend starting with a table runner. My first piece was a table runner with strips from a jelly roll. Very easy to complete and feel successful while learning to stitch a 1/4 inch seam, sandwiching the layers and binding.

  817. Bev Wolters says:

    I always enjoy your videos. Please keep it up in the future.
    Congratulations on your new home and studio. You must be thrilled. Great fabric bundles to give away.

  818. Sandra Whitman says:

    Be easy on yourself and start with something very easy-a four patch baby quilt for example. From there you can just improve with every project. Also-find a great community and learn from them, whether it’s in person or on line. Happy quilting!

  819. Rose says:

    To new quilters I would stress the fact that the iron is your best tool…Press your fabrics before you cut pieces, and always press you pieces at every step, and before joining the blocks to make your quilt top. Enjoy the process!

  820. Sharon Jones says:

    Don’t be too hard on yourself when your quilt doesn’t seem perfect. Most of the time it is only you that knows where the mistakes are. Let it go. Everyone else only sees the beauty of it.

  821. Kelly says:

    I’m a beginner and have made four small quilts. A tip I’d like to share that has helped me is to remember who you’re making the quilt for. The recipient will always LOVE that you took the time to make something special for them. Skills and techniques will get better with each project as you learn from “mistakes”, but the joy you have when creating a quilt for someone will always be with you and grows enormously when gifted.

  822. susan430 says:

    I just love your Barn Star Quilt series! The best tip I can think of is to change your rotary blade often. It will make your life so much easier. And, to enjoy the process!

  823. Paula says:

    What a generous giveaway! Congrats to the lucky winner!

  824. Dortha says:

    What a generous giveaway. Love your blog and your videos. I would tell a new quilter to learn as much as she or he can from others. Whether it is in person, quilt guild, on line , all these have some good tips you can use and some that you won’t .

  825. DEDY R SLACK says:

    My advice to any new quilter is to read the pattern completely before you start cutting. Quilting is learning processes and you can be awesome if you take your time and follow the pattern. Happy quilting!

  826. Patricia Ritter says:

    Always start your project with a sharp blade in your rotary cutter and replace the needle in your sewing machine often. Also, use easy to follow patterns like Cory’s.

  827. Ann says:

    My tip would be to keep trying
    Don’t give up
    It won’t the perfect. Just keep trying
    A lot of people want their quilts to look like everyone else’s and they have been sewing for years
    So don’t give up

  828. Karen Bennett says:

    My tip would be to find a tutorial for an easy quilt. Try to to be to hard on yourself and enjoy the process.

  829. Manon Ehlers says:

    My best tip to a new quilter….would be don’t be afraid to ask question quilters are very eager to help a new quilters and you can’t get lots of knowledge from them.

  830. Roxanne Taylor says:

    Hi Corey, I look forward to Saturday mornings watching your videos and having my coffee. You are always so inspiring, just what I need to get some sewing mojo! Those fabrics are stunning, I would love to win those!

    I have only been sewing/quilting for 4 years and the #1 thing I would tell a new quilter is to watch videos about sewing the perfect 1/4″ seam and practice it with small projects, it is the foundation for everything you will sew. Start with small projects like mug rugs or hot pads, then move on to table runners, then bigger projects. You can see things finished and you aren’t spending a lot of money on material while you learn.

  831. Carol Mendoza says:

    Oh my what a wonderful surprise to give away! My tip is be consistent with your stitching on a project. As long as each seam is a consistent width, it will be great! Love your videos and good luck on the move to such a wonderful space.

  832. ggtomlin says:

    Your videos are a delight to watch. Thank you for sharing your talent! The fat quarter bundles are amazing. My tip for beginners is to take your time and enjoy the creative process.

  833. sublimeclearly9f351dd30e says:

    My husband doesn’t start his Saturday until he takes time for your programs. He loves your fabric and patterns, and so do I.
    Thank you for your instruction and gorgeous smile. =)

  834. Donna says:

    Hello from Alaska. I would love to win the 180 Fat Quarters. I am a beginner quilter and this would be an awesome way to build my stash!! Look forward to seeing your new sewing studio in your new house. Happy New Year Everyone!!

  835. Jane says:

    To any quilter make sure to read the pattern thoroughly, check the web site for corrections, gather your tools. Dont be afraid to ask for help.
    Would love the fat quarter bundles. My goal is to use up my Corey Yoder fabric this year. And I am missing some peice that would be helpful.

  836. Jana Robertson says:

    I know the videos are a lot of work, but I enjoy them so much. HAPPY NEW YEAR in your new house. 💕

  837. Kathryn Longley says:

    My tip to new quilters is to read through the directions before beginning a new project. I read the directions completely at least once. If I am confused by any of the directions, I can think through to figure out how to do that part. It works better for me to have a really good idea on how to construct the quilt before I sew any seams. When I start cutting fabric, it seems like I have had a practice run before I begin!

  838. Cecelia Tobely says:

    Don’t go crazy buy every tool and a bunch of fabric and patterns. Start out with only what you need for your first project to see if quilting is something you would enjoy doing.

  839. C Bender says:

    My advice: don’t be afraid to ask questions and it’s always fun sewing with friends!

  840. Rose Draeger says:

    Thank you for your weekly videos! I really enjoy watching them. My tip is to use a soft mascara brush to give the bobbin area a quick clean. It’s amazing how much lint you can clean out. Would really enjoy your giveaway!

  841. Mary says:

    My suggestion for a new quilter would be to go to a local quilt shop and take a class. The staff can steer you toward a beginner friendly class. I have found quilters are among the most friendly and giving people around. A new quilter could not ask for a more supportive environment to start out in.

  842. Jane Grew says:

    Hi I think my favorite tip would be just enjoy the journey. Small steps at a time. Love your videos

  843. Mary Wilkerson says:

    Thank you for keeping us motivated! Love your fabric lines!

  844. Terri S says:

    My tip to a new quilter is enjoy the process and pick an easy first project! I love the Jelly Roll Race pattern because cutting is minimal, no having to choose fabrics, it’s quick (your quilt top is finished in one day!), and it’s fun! Also, use a quality thread and there will be no breakage and frustration. 😊

  845. Rizwana Qaseem says:

    Hi Corey. Love your fabric. Love your designs. Watching your video is the first thing i do on Saturday morning. It gives me great inspiration to do some quilts stuff. I am considerably new quilter and learned from all the videos you post or other quilters post. As a beginner i learned a lot from you and MY TIP is to be not afraid of Quilt Police, quilting is an art and we all are creating something perfect or not so perfect.
    I hope reading this will encourage some of us to keep quilting despite the negative comments of people around you.

  846. Kaye Plumlee says:

    My tip is be kind to yourself and master a1/4 inch seam. I enjoy your videos and would love to win the fat quarters.

  847. Beth Tourtellotte says:

    My favorite notion are triangle papers. They help so much with accuracy.

  848. Priscilla Lancaster says:

    What I would tell a new quilter is have patience with yourself. Every day of sewing is a learning experience. Have fun with it. Enjoy the journey.😊

  849. Sherry Banks says:

    I absolutely love the bundles from The Fat Quarter Shop. This is an awesome giveaway! I am new to your videos and blog but am so glad I found it! That’s for what you do!

  850. Karen Krone says:

    I do have a new quilter in my life. Its my Granddaughter Julia (13). My advice to her is to pick a simple pattern and find the fabric colors she loves. I suggest using a color wheel. She loves looking at all my stash. If I win this Im going to give her this box so she can start her very own stash.

  851. Jane Mason says:

    I love your videos and your fabric lines. This give away is so generous.
    I can see the joy you have in the thought of sharing it with someone. It shows on your face.
    My tip for a new quilter is don’t just buy random fabrics with no plan as to how you will use them. At first just buy for each project. Your stash will build as you go but a having a ton of fabric with no plan as to how you will use it can be overwhelming. Build your stash with a great deal of thought. As your skills evolve your taste in fabrics will evolve as well.
    This way you hopefully will not end up with a bunch of fabric you no longer want to work with.
    Remember progress is better than perfection.😊

  852. Karin Hanson says:

    The tip I would leave is to embrace colors a creativity! Also embrace your iron when it is off 🤠

  853. Melanie says:

    Whenever I chat with someone who has never quilted and they say “I have always wanted to learn to quilt!”, I always tell them to take a beginner quilt class. The local shop in my town has a wonderful beginner quilt class and many other classes. Thank you, Corey, for your wonderful videos! I look forward to them every Saturday!

  854. Ann Rickel says:

    What a fun and generous give away! A good tip for new quilters is to be kind to yourself. Enjoy the process and reach out to more experienced quilters for advice!

  855. Alyson DeVries says:

    I’d love to be considered for your give away.
    My number 1 piece of advice is, it is better to finish a project than for the project to be perfect. We all improve our skills the more we do it, enjoy yourself!

  856. Paula Christiansen says:

    So many good tips! Youtube has been helpful. Find a quilting friend
    Take a class.

  857. Carol Ramsey says:

    Corey, I can’t believe how generous you are!! My tip to a new beginner quilter would be to watch quilters on You tube, not only to learn new skills but also to be really inspired!

  858. Val Mayle says:

    My plan for this year is getting 1 wip completed every month! I plan on starting in January since I have 3 ready to go.

  859. Charlotte J Thornley says:

    I recommend finding a friend or community to quilt with, online counts! Block of the month challenges are both great ways to gain new skills and have some accountability for completing projects. What a generous giveaway you are running this time! Congratulations to whomever (whoever??) wins!

  860. Paula Blackburn says:

    Oh gosh, so many tips to share, it’s hard to just pick one. But buying only what you need to begin with such as one quilt pattern, only enough fabric to make that pattern, and the tools needed to make the pattern. Read the pattern all the way through before making any cuts. Measure twice, cut once! Accurate cutting and piecing will make this journey more enjoyable as well as something you will want to continue doing.

  861. Montse says:

    Hi! I can only say that my best friends when I’m sewing are a seam ripper and lots of patience. Happy New Year, and lots of luck everybody.

  862. Carol Allar says:

    For a first time quilter I would recommend getting the best notions you can afford. If you take care of them they will last you forever. The only tool I can think of that you would replace frequently is Jack the ripper( seam ripper)! As you quilt you will find what rulers, rotary cutters you prefer.

  863. Judy Zablosky-Werts says:

    My tip ; read your pattern several times. make a sample block first, then don’t be afraid to change it.

  864. Lillie Guitreau says:

    My advice to new quilters is don’t be too hard on yourself. It takes time to learn everything and your sewing is not going to look like someone’s who has been sewing for a long time. Relax and enjoy the process.
    Thank and I enjoy your blog and YouTube channel.

  865. Gerrilyn Burchwell says:

    Happy New Year!I enjoy your videos. My Mom and I also have a little conversation about your videos. I hope your move goes smoothly. Are you staying in northern Ohio? I live in southwestern Ohio, I’m thinking about retiring in northern Ohio. I hate our long summers and mild winters. I love snow and cold weather.

  866. Jan says:

    I would tell someone to use fabrics you really like, and just begin. Believe you can do anything, because you can! Your fabrics always inspire me Corey!

  867. Jan Moran says:

    I love your generosity to the quilting world. My tips would be to iron out any wrinkles in your fabric before cutting and finger press each seam whenever possible.

  868. Lana Chaney says:

    Enjoy the creativity of sewing, exploring and trying new techniques. One of the added advantages of quilt making are the friendships of other quilters . We love to encourage others and be supportive.

  869. Amy Kollasch says:

    Just start. Don’t worry about not knowing everything before you start. You are going to get better as you go. The more you do it, the better you get. You don’t need all of the fancy things to make a quilt. You don’t even need a sewing machine, but they do make it easier, and are handy. Speaking of sewing machines, you don’t need the fanciest machine with all the bells and whistles either. A used one that straight stitches will do just fine. Just start, you will be just fine 🥰

  870. totallycollectione50153b564 says:

    My tip for a new quilters is don’t be afraid. We all started at the beginning, not fully understanding what we were doing. Your seam ripper will be your best friend. Ignore those who tell you it’s not perfect! I can guarantee their first attempt wasn’t either. I learned to quit from my aunt , who never owned a sewing machine. Her stitches weren’t always perfect, but they were always sewn with love.

  871. Dianna bennett says:

    Love all your videos and helpful hints
    Didn’t know there was a way to fold quilts until last weeks video
    Would love to win. Happy sewing and moving


  872. Mary says:

    I would say to make one block before cutting everything for whole quilt.

  873. Jane Auxier says:

    My advice for a new quilter is to try to find a small group of quilters that meet on a regular basis. You can get so many ideas from your fellow quilters and the older quilters can help the newbies. What a generous giveaway! I see my chances of winning are pretty slim as there are so many people who love your patterns and fabric and YOU!

  874. Norma E Tulloch says:

    To new quilters: do NOT underestimate the need for pressing.

  875. Barb Seely says:

    My advise is dont let the fabric take over. Its so easy if you love fabric to buy some here and there for no purpose. Over the years you have a stash you will never sew in two lifetimes.

  876. Jill Ann Yoerin says:

    The tip for a new quilter from me is to give yourself credit with whatever you try. Learning something new has challenges but it also can be so rewarding. I love the idea of choosing a project to work on and maybe complete each month. I am going to that as well. Best of luck on your move to your new home.

  877. Carol Mullins says:

    Corey, you are such an amazing person, so willing to share your time and knowledge with all of us, and your fabric lines are wonderful. I would advise a new quilter to watch some videos, but the best way to learn is to do it. So what if it’s not perfect right away, it will get better the more you do it. (Please be advised thought that no matter how long you sew, it seems we all still make stupid mistakes occasionally, but that’s why we have seam rippers. Don’t be discouraged, you can still make it right.) Enjoy the process and there’s such a wonderful feeling when the project is finished and you know you did it.

  878. Kym Thompson says:

    As a fairly new quilter myself, my tip would be take your time and enjoy and have fun with the process. Thank you for your videos and your generous giveaway!

  879. Linda McNabb says:

    The best tip I have was given to me in a beginning quilting class. The idea is to cut a small piece of fabric from your project and glue to paper with information about the fabric. Then write when the project was begun and who it is for. Take a picture of your completed work with the date. As years go by you’ll be amazed how much you have accomplished. Fond memories.

  880. Barbara Read says:

    Hi, Cory! I think pressing your fabrics before cutting them and pressing the seams as you construct your block is very important in making a good quilt. Barn Star 6 is my favorite barn Star design! I know you are so excited to be creating in your new studio. I’m looking forward to seeing the ideas you come up with. I’d love the fq bundles to live in my stash! Beautiful fabrics to see, feel and sew!

  881. shinysublime8a4ad40c1a says:

    Corey, I love your videos. They are so helpful. My advice to a new quilter would be to watch lots of videos and to not stress out. Usually we are our own worst critic. Enjoy the experience and know that the quilting world is full of wonderful people ready to assist a newbie.

  882. Karen Dougan says:

    I always share two pieces of advice….. 1)practice the 1/4” seam so you don’t get frustrated. 2)Enjoy& treasure watching your growth in this super fun craft. Quilting is such a great therapy, skill builder, and friendship maker.
    Thank you Corey for all you do for our community. Best wishes on the move. 🤗

  883. Peggy says:

    Thanks for all your videos. I’m so impressed that you did a video in the midst of moving!

  884. Hi Corey. Love your weekly videos. I’ve learned so much. I’m a long time seamstress, but only a recent quilter. I’ve always been a “seat-of-my-pants” kind of sewer, but quilting is so different. What I’ve learned about quilting is that everything has to be precise. I measure, measure, measure…before I cut, at each step of the assembly and at the completion of each block. At this point I’m only tackeling small-sized quilts to donate to charities. Each one has mistakes, but most probably not noticed by anyone but me. My advice is to enjoy learning from each new project and don’t get hung up on the perfection.

  885. Peggy Sego says:

    What a give away! My tip: there are multiple ways to make a block such as a half square triangle or fling geese. Try each one and decide which technique works for you.

  886. Debora Miller says:

    My tip is to read the pattern carefully. I have made so many mistakes because I did not read carefully. Enjoy the process.

  887. Melodi Taylor says:

    After completing my first full year of quilting, I think a seam ripper can be your best friend. It’s nice to have one on hand that is sharp. And remember to try new things, finished is better than perfect. Thank you for your Saturday morning videos which I look forward to watching. And fantastic is an understatement for the gift-away. Wow! Thank you for your generosity!


    Happy New Year! My tip would be to read the pattern all the way through first, and don’t stress over small mistakes – you’ll improve with time. It’s supposed to be fun, not stressful.

  889. Jane says:

    Something I found to make an enormous difference in my quilt blocks is to use a wool pressing mat and a dry iron when pressing seams and blocks. These prevent stretching and blocks that are misshapen.

  890. Kendra Gribble says:

    How neat are those sew colorful bundles?! I didn’t know they existed. My top tip for someone new is to not buy 1/4 yards off the bolt. It’s too skinny and often cut crooked. Buy yourself fat quarters or half yards at min. I found when I was new that all those 1/4 yards I bought were hard to use and I ended up with a lot of waste.

  891. Phyllis Sekerak says:

    I love your videos and patterns. I have most of your fabric lines. Thy are always happy colors. You have the cutest personality ❤️

  892. Sharon Robinson says:

    It seems most of the great tips have been said. But my tip would be to not to stress on making the quilt absolutely perfect. Most people that see your quilt will have no idea what the pattern or the blocks are supposed to look like. They will not know your mistake in most cases. Enjoy the process because life has plenty of stresses without stressing over your hobby that is suppose to be fun. There’s so many wonderful tips listed from reading your chart well, sharp cutters, to fabulous rulers. Also, pick a pattern that fits your skill level. It is frustrating to try to do a pattern that is way too advanced or complicated. Start easy & build up.

  893. Lynn Dolezal says:

    Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice. Other Quilters will help you out with all your questions.

  894. Tricia Mevec says:

    My tip is to have patience with yourself. Look for video’s geared for beginners.

  895. Debbie says:

    My tip would be to buy a pre-cut quilt kit to begin your quilting adventures. Choosing a BOM that can keep you on track and has videos / instructions online would be great support.

  896. Angie says:

    Enjoyed your 1st video of the year!! Can’t wait to see your new studio once you get moved!!

    My tip is to watch videos on you tube for beginner quilters if you do not have classes you can attend at your local quilt shop. Best of luck and happy learning!!

  897. Nancy Shoffner says:

    As a new quilter myself, I would recommend starting out with something small, read the directions thoroughly and most importantly, make sure your cutting is accurate. Enjoy the process.

  898. Cindy says:

    Thank you for sharing your time and talent with all of us.
    As a new quilter myself, the best tip is measure carefully and check your quarter inch seams.

  899. Sherri Hunnicutt-Palfrey says:

    My favorite things are a great sewing machine,good mini iron, wool pressing mat, rotary cutter with fresh blades, music(movie or audio books) and great friends who share their love of quilting with you. I often call friends and family and use that sewing time to video chat while sewing. Corey thank you for all your wonderful ideas,patterns and fabrics that go along with feeding our creativity.

  900. Lisa says:

    Hi Corey, please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!

  901. Lisa says:

    My tip for new quilters would be to take a variety of classes. It’s amazing what you can learn not only from the teacher, but other students, as well.

  902. Helen Barnhart says:


  903. Shelley says:

    My tip is to use a good cutting mat, ruler, and learn to cut well.

  904. Diane Hopper says:

    I would love to win that bundle! January is my birthday month! These past 2 years I really tried to use up my stash and could use a new restart.

  905. Barbara Thomas says:

    I know as do many people, what generous folk quilters are but the giveaway you are having now is pretty fantastic. Thank you for the help that will give some lucky quilter!

  906. Sue K says:

    My tip would be that is ok to change a pattern. Don’t be afraid to make it your own!

  907. Star Raymond says:

    Hi Corey! I’m new to quilting and am enjoying your channel and upbeat attitude! I have joined a sew along to learn the basics of quilting and am really enjoying it. I signed up for Fat Quarter Shops 2025 Mystery Designer block of the month, after I saw your beautiful Abloom collection is being used! I’m really looking forward to it! Thank you so much for a beautiful and very generous giveaway!

  908. Helen Barnhart says:

    I really love the idea of the bar block Quilts!

  909. Dianne Smith says:

    I love the barn star pattern. It will be perfect for the baby quilt I need to make.

  910. Cheryl Ferback says:

    I love several of your lines of fabric. Last year it was Starberry….I kept buying and planning several “quilt kits” that I put together with your patterns and Starberry. My tip is start with small projects like wall hangings or smaller to learn quilting. Then you will progress to larger quilts as you learn the quilting techniques. My largest I’ve done now is a 90×90 bed quilt. The first line of your fabric lines that I bought was apricot and ash. Beautiful.

  911. Melanie Roche says:

    Loved the video today. I just ordered fabric for your upcoming BOM and am really looking forward to it. Love the idea of the WIP challenge. I think that may help me move so things along. Thanks for the inspiration!

  912. Sharon Lantz says:

    Thank you for all of your helpful hints. I love watching you!

  913. Monica Beltre says:

    I would love to win the giveaway. I do have a question I absolutely love all your shirts and sweaters that’s you wear that has the sewing theme on them, where do you get them from? Also congratulations on your new home as well I am so jealous of your new sewing space it’s gonna be epic. Happy sewing.

  914. Yvonne Allegood says:

    Start with a simple quilt pattern for a baby quilt or table topper and fabric you love.Enjoy the experience and have fun. We were all beginners at one time. Love your videos Corey.

  915. Martha Anderson says:

    My tip is… just start your journey! I started to try learning how to quilt in 2019. I just learned to make garments that I could actually wear and enjoyed it so I thought I could learn to quilt. After trying for months I learned I disliked it so I stopped. I have two girls and grew up in a home with three sisters so when I found out in October that I would be promoted to a grandmother I vowed I would make a quilt for my grandchild. When I found out that precious soul would be a grandson I was so excited to just try again. I found videos on how to cut, organize pieces, sew 1/4 and all other help videos because I was on a journey. I learned to make all his burp cloths, and a swaddle and made him three quilts tops that I learned to quilted myself. I also made my eldest daughter a quilt for the baby shower that had fabric that was chemistry themed since she majored in chemistry. To my surprise my grandson Daniel who is now 4 loves to play, snuggle under and look at his quilt every weekday he’s with me. I have been blessed with two granddaughters one from each of my daughters and their husbands (my granddaughters are 3 months two weeks apart). I have had the pleasure of making them each three quilts each with burp cloths and a swaddle blankets. I also made my younger daughter her first quilt with a kit from the quilt store which I gifted at the baby shower. It has been one of my favorite journeys that I am very blessed to have started.

    Martha San Jose, California

  916. Deanna Seely says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to buy everything you need for one project, then finish it before buying the next project. This comes from someone who has bought more projects than I will ever finish.

  917. Janet Johnson says:

    I think it is ok to have many WIPs. That way if I am want to move away from piecing, I can machine quilt or cut more fabric or get binding ready. Looking forward to seeing all you accomplish this year and all I can accomplish this year.

  918. JenH says:

    Hello Corey and everyone, As a new quilter my tip to other new quilters would be to watch the plethora of quality quilting tutorials available from amazing quilters like Corey (Coriander Quilts) and others. There’s not enough time in the day to watch the amount of content out there. When I’m working on a project and I get stuck, I just search up the quilting dilemma and bam there’s a video with the solution. Thank you for all the wonderful quilting content out there. I’m starting my quilting journey late in life but I know it will be worth it.

  919. Lorie Williams Corbitt says:

    I would recommend a wool pressing mat to a new quilter. It really made my least favorite part of quilting (ironing) faster.

  920. Ruth Burris says:

    Hi Corey, my advice to new quilters is stay organized, give yourself some Grace, no one is perfect and you will improve your technique with practice.

  921. softlyhopefulef1c915f50 says:

    My best advice is to just take your time cutting your fabric. Measure twice cut once. Keeping your seam 1/4 ” or at least be consistent on your seam allowance. Enjoy the process!

  922. Mickey says:

    The prize is a great way to introduce lots of new fabrics to the stash! Nice, clean updated prints and colors!
    I always struggled with pulling coordinating fabrics for quilts until I splurged and bought a line bundle; then all the guess work was done for me and I got to enjoy the putting together part right away.

  923. Claudia says:

    Start with something small, table runner or baby quilt. Always read the pattern to the end before you begin to cut fabric. Always remember that quilting should be fun and relaxing.

  924. Sue Miller says:

    I love the barnyard quilt. Ordering it next. As a tip for a new quilter, you don’t have to be perfect. Just have fun

  925. AMY says:

    Quilting is such a great activity. It provides opportunity to be creative and develop friendships. I would hope that new quilters don’t rush, are not critical and enjoy the process.

  926. LeeAnn Marcotte says:

    My favorite tip is the obvious…measure twice, cut once! I have learned to read the pattern first to familiarize myself with what has to be done. Remember, it’s a marathon not a race!
    Thanks for sharing your fabrics with us!

  927. Carol B. says:

    Start with a small and simple project. Also, choose fabric you absolutely love!

  928. Christa Harrison says:

    Hello Corey! WOW, WOW, WOW!!! You said it was a “Pretty Good Giveaway”– Let me tell you it is an AWESOME Giveaway. Anyone would be in Fabric Heaven to get this. As to new quilters (which I have only been sewing for about a year now)– Making sure that your cuts are accurate, nest your seams, and don’t rush. I find if I take my time to do things correctly it helps out so much. I am still learning and love every minute of it–you could say I am obsessed with it. Also thank you for taking the time to answer my question from last week–much appreciated.

  929. Tammy says:

    What a beautiful giveaway! One notion I could not live without is a rotary cutter. I also love wonder clips, such a great clip for sewing bindings on. I love your videos and cannot wait to see your new space in your new house.

  930. Kelly M. Estrada says:

    My tip is, don’t try to be perfect and learn from your mistakes.

  931. Camelle says:

    You are an inspiration.

  932. Angie/sweetbabies00 says:

    Wow what a giveaway! You have the sweetest attitude. I enjoy watching your videos

  933. Melissa R says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be Measure twice and cut once. Another is if you keep messing up, walk away make a cup of tea or something and give yourself grace. Thanks for always being supportive Corey, I look forward to your Saturday videos.

  934. scrumptiouslyoriginalfe473e2313 says:

    My tip to a new quilter is to start with good tools and pick a project that isn’t too big. I think finding someone to teach your or take a class are other great things for a new quilter.

  935. Diane Pelley says:

    I started learning to quilt when we were all locked down because of Covid. I barely knew how to sew, let alone quilt. I watched tons of YouTube creators and took the plunge. Because my only source was YouTube, I thought I needed every ruler, notion and high quality fabric. It was very overwhelming and expensive. I bought way too many things that I barely use. My best advice to a new quilter is start with the basics. No need for all of the fancy stuff until you are sure of what you need the most. Definitely don’t buy quilt shop, pricey fabric in the beginning. But most of all, enjoy the process!

  936. Kathy M says:

    I have only been quilting for two years. The thing that helped me the most was signing up for a mystery quilt block of the month. The man who hosted the QAL posted a demonstration video each month. John shared lots of tips and I learned so many techniques! I enjoy your Saturday videos and cheerful fabric lines!

  937. Wendy Culmer says:

    My tip is: take your time. Read the instructions start to finish before cutting fabric. Concentrate on your 1/4” seam to ensure consistency. And most of all, enjoy your process for each step and before you know it you will have made a quilt.

    Thank you Corey, I love watching your videos. Happy New Year and good luck with the move.

  938. Carol Barton says:

    I would tell a new quilter to not be afraid to ask for help. Quilters are generous people and are always ready to help. Also don’t be concerned about being perfect, you will get better with time,just enjoy yourself.

  939. Patricia Craven Taylor says:

    I see your blog post has exploded with the contest of winning all this lovely fabric today. I totally get it! Thank you for having your wonderful Saturday morning shows, like I said it’s more fun than the old cartoon mornings with cereal and milk. Good luck with the rest of your move. Love your backdrop! And thanks for all you do.

  940. Anna Venardos says:

    Find like minded quilting friends who support and lift you up to quilt with. The right way is your way and having fun. Don’t turn it into a chore and don’t let anyone tell you your way is wrong. If you can’t see it 100 meters away riding horse then it is perfect.

  941. Marta says:

    Hi, Corey
    Your Saturday videos make my day. Can’t wait to see your new studio.
    Love Marta

  942. Betty Larks says:

    For a beginner quilter, I would recommend using a pack of charm squares and make a 4 or 9 patch quilt. This way they will learn the perfect 1/4″ seam and only sew straight lines.

  943. YouX says:

    Great video Corey, I love the $5 pattern of the month! That give away is awesome too!

  944. Anne Mullis says:

    My favorite tip is for a beginning quilter to choose a pattern which has the most clear & concise instructions as possible. There are many patterns with larger, straight lines, meaning no curved seams available. Also, don’t allow anyone else to bring you down about points, corners, or seams not being “wonky”! There are NO quilt police, and you can always tell them it a design change!

  945. Cindy says:

    My tip would be to put a quilt label on your quilt. 🌵🙂

  946. Alex says:

    I tell new quilters that they shouldn’t worry about mistakes. They are part of the learning process and you can almost always work around them!

  947. Cheryl Sanders says:

    My tip is to start a simple record of the quilts I plan to make. This can be a simple notebook or fancy journal. If I have the pattern and fabric, I list everything (pattern, fabric requirements for the blocks, sashing, binding and backing). That way I know that I have everything to make that particular pattern. I also keep track of when I started and the steps completed. It is satisfying to look at my notebook when the year is over.

  948. talentedthoroughlyb85d453cbe says:

    Seems weird to be able to give a tip since I have only been quilting for about a year. However, I started my first quilt 50 years ago but kept putting off “till I had more time”. So 50 years later, I finally said, the time is never going to come so just do it! My tip would be not to wait and give yourself the joy that quilting and sewing can bring. And secondly, watch wonderful people like you and learn everything you can. Don’t be afraid to take a chance with something you love.

  949. Kathy Lewis says:

    Those fat quarter bundles are so inspiring!
    My advice to a new quilter is never stop learning! Find a mentor, watch videos, take classes, and find techniques that work for you! There’s always more than one way to do things.

  950. Rachel G says:

    I’m going to do the WIP challenge and your BOM for 2025! I’ve already started reorganizing my sewing space to prepare.

  951. Kendra says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be mistakes happen. It doesn’t matter what you’re learning, whenever you’re starting to learn something you will not be perfect and that’s OK. The pattern is just a starting off point. There’s always some way to fix something and quilters are always willing to help new quilters.

    Thank you for this amazing giveaway and for all the videos you do, truly amazing inspiration.

  952. Cindy Brown says:

    My favorite item is my stiletto, Helps to guide my blocks and keep things lined up. I we would say to remember it’s a creative process and take your time, you can always change it if you don’t like it. Thank you for your Saturday morning videos.

  953. Alex says:


    Corey, thank you for the videos. They have are part of my Saturday morning routine.

  954. MiChelle Jaggard says:

    My tip was to give them their name of 6 YouTube channels I watch that I think are great that have a beginner quilting series for free to follow. It will take them through threading the machine, tension, quilting tools, reading a pattern, cutting, 1/4 in accury, beginer patterns, blocks construction, borders. Finishes up with quilt sandwitch, squaring up a quilt, binding the quilt. Finally how to move on.

  955. Bonnie McGrew says:

    My biggest tip for a new quilter – patience & practice. You don’t just sit down & start sewing and get a perfect block the first time.

  956. optimisticcoffeec87b3ef0ba says:

    My favorite tip is every time you change the bobbin take a few minutes to clean out the lint. Another anti sewing problem taken care of in a short time. Love the give away, very interesting selections.

  957. Liz Thibodeaux says:

    My tip to a new quilter is enjoy the process and don’t be too hard on yourself.

  958. Kim Gettman says:

    Slow down and enjoy the process that is the best part of quilting ❣️

  959. Emma says:

    I love watching your show and of course all the quilts.

  960. Charlotte Hodges says:

    I advise new sewers to start with an easy pattern and take your time, don’t rush. Always measure two or three times before cutting.

  961. Daon says:

    Hi Corey friends! I am a long-time quilter and fabricaholic! I would love to win the Sew Colorful giveaway to add to my stash! Whenever I think I have enough fabric, I seem to need just one more piece that I don’t have in my stash! A tip to new quilters would be to strive for accuracy. You will be more pleased with your outcomes if you take your time and produce quality work, instead of trying to rush through just to get to the finish line. I starch, steam, and flatten with clappers. I think this improves accuracy dramatically!

  962. Theresa says:

    A generous giveaway. My tip, give yourself grace. Put the type A personality in a drawer. Enjoy the process, and see how much you learn over time.

  963. Denice says:

    My favorite tip is to watch YouTube! I learn so much from all the quilters there.

  964. Lois says:

    My tip would be that scrappy is always beautiful

  965. Debbie Babcock says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to quilt with a friend! Check your local library to see if they have a class. My mother and I attend a guild group at a local church. The group is very friendly, inspiring and glad to help!

  966. Heather Feeney says:

    I just love your barn quilt patterns! They fit perfectly on my quilt hanger in my living room 😍. My tip to new quilters is to not stress and enjoy the process! Also, sew what you love and always try new blocks and techniques.

  967. Waunita Butzer says:

    This fat quarter giveaway is fantastic. What a generous giveaway and I’m sure anyone who quilts would be absolutely thrilled to receive it. Thank you for your video’s. I really enjoyed watching them.

  968. Doras Trussell says:

    My best word of advice I can offer is to not get frustrated and not to be too hard on yourself. Also, if you make the same mistake twice, put it down and walk away. Thank you for the opportunity of winning the fabrics.

  969. Ruth Coleman says:

    Love your videos! So much great information.
    I would tell a new quilter to let their personal creativity take over. There is so many techniques you can use to make your own quilt. Just enjoy it. You will never be bored.

  970. Ann Ouellette says:

    My favorite tip is…. and i am sure you will hear over and over is “measure twice, cut once”. When you put that rotary cutter in your hand and you are doubting yourself go back to your pattern and re-check your cutting instructions.

  971. Karin says:

    I would tell a new quilter to slow down and enjoy the process. You don’t need a lot of notions. A mat and cutter plus I like the 12.5 x 2.5 and the 6.5 rulers and use them the mots

  972. Pat Hibbard says:

    Tip is to make sure to sew a straight line ❤️❤️ and to square up your blocks to the smallest one. Makes the piecing the blocks so much easier! What a generous giveaway!

  973. Ginny League says:

    Tips for beginners: 1. find a YouTube video that you can sew along and go with a simple pattern. This will allow you to hit rewind, pause, etc. 2. Find a local quilt shop, take one of the classes they offer, the support you’ll receive is amazing. 3. Hit Subscribe and follow a couple of Quilters. You will benefit from the varying approaches, techniques and styles. 4. Be patient with yourself, give yourself grace and enjoy. You will hear all kinds of advice. One that I recall is to not point out or highlight your mistakes on a finished quilt. People will not see the imperfections they will admire your creation. Enjoy and have fun!

  974. Val Gagnon says:

    My tip is take your time and enjoy the process. It’s not a race.

  975. Stacie T says:

    What a fun way to start off the year with your video. I wonder how you will read all these comments, but your give away is golden. 😳😂 Just starting my second quilt ever. My first quilt was finished a years ago with a jelly roll. Trying to be brave and work on number 2. 🙏🏼😊 Blessings

  976. Rett Lew says:

    My tip is to make ONE block first, to see if you like it & can master the techniques. If it seems to complicated for you to do an entire quilt, just do 2 more & create a tablerunner instead!
    If I may make a suggestion, please put the comment window at the TOP instead of having us scroll through over 800 others?

  977. fantasticpersonaae3952706b says:

    Good afternoon, Thank you for these wonderful uplifting and encouraging videos. I am pretty new to quilting and find your blogs and videos very helpful, technically and for my spirits. Those fat quarter bundles would be a great addition to my new quilting journey. I am also planning on participating in your mystery block of the month this year. It will be a great way to practice my new quilting skills and to be a part of an online community. I am sure all you do is a lot of work. I appreciate your every effort. Best wishes in your new home!

  978. Debbie Babcock says:

    PS: Mom and I look forward to watching your videos every week! We are very excited to start your 2025 mystery quilt! Your fabric lines are beautiful and fun!

  979. Debbie Kochick says:

    Love your videos, patterns and fabrics. My tip for new quilters is to pick an easy pattern to start, use scrap fabrics for a test block before cutting into your new fabrics. Use sharp blade in rotary cutter, keep your machine clean, measure carefully and double check your measurements. Debbie

  980. Laurel Besher says:

    Oh, what a give away. Love my Saturday mornings with your video.

  981. Maria says:

    When I started this journey of sewing quilts I was overwhelmed where do I start. I have since gotten in youtube videos and look how various people did their processes and various sewing gadgets that went along with the process. I can say for me personally, take a deep breath, open your mind to different processes and enjoy the ride.

  982. Kathy E. says:

    I would suggest to a new quilter to enjoy the process of learning and not expect perfection…maybe ever! Watch youtube videos (like Corey’s) to learn the basics and then move on to more detailed aspects of this awesome hobby!

  983. Brenda Hofeldt says:

    My tip for a new quilter is make friends with lots of other quilters and ask lots of questions especially about designers who sell patterns. Many direction/pattern writers do not make it easy to understand, so others experienced will designers and pattern writers will guide you into pattern makers that are easy to understand, like designer Cory Yoder and Coriander Quilts!

  984. Robin Brown says:

    I love the grey X print fabric. My tip is “measure twice, cut once”.

  985. ssjemsteele says:

    Wonderful video and Happy New Year! A friend who was a quilter suggested I quilt to help with the grief after my mother passed away (I had young children at the time and she passed way too young!). I sewed costumes for a community theatre group at the time so I had “skills” … 25 years later quilting is my passion! To New quilters …. There is no quilt police! Choose fabrics and patterns you love! Cut carefully; sew a very consistent 1/4 inch seam, press, press, press and square up block
    components/finished blocks as you go. That being said .. it generally all works out! Have fun!!!!

  986. Debra Robinson says:

    Start with precise cutting and seams-it will make for a beautiful outcome.

  987. Kelly Maher says:

    My tip for any quilter is to slow down and enjoy the process, even when you may have to rip out stitches. Only it’s messed up real bad….because most times nobody will even see the mistake you thing is huge. Lol

  988. Paige says:

    My tip came from my quilting mentor – “if you can’t see it from the back of a galloping horse as you go by it’s good to go!” So, take your time, enjoy learning new techniques and realize you’ll get better as you do more.
    Love this giveaway! I’m finishing up 6 quilts this year so I’ll have room for all those beautiful fat quarters.
    Thank you for all you do and share with us.

  989. Martha Payne says:

    I have a few tips, both of which I am working on…1) don’t skip the pressing, it makes a big difference (thank you for including pressing instructions in your patterns, Corey;) and 2) complete your projects. I get such a sense of satisfaction when I finish a project; you would think that would make me finish more, but there always seems to be something shiny and new to distract my attention. Thanks for the videos. I look forward to them and good luck with your move.

  990. Krista Wells says:

    Fabulous giveaway! My tip would be to start small – learn the basics first. And most importantly, have fun!

  991. Donna J says:

    My tip….do what works for you. Though the quilting police may not approve, make your quilt your own. All quilts are beautiful and a finished quilt is better than a perfect one.

  992. Traci Watson says:

    Hi Corey!
    I’m a new quilter and haven’t yet finished my first quilt! Still learning by also working out of a sampler book that will one day be a quilt…I hope. 😳🤣
    I love your designs and fabrics and would be tickled pink to win such an amazing stash builder of rainbow glory!
    Thanks for the opportunity and all your wonderful content.
    God speed and peace in your move!

  993. Paula says:

    My advice would be to start with a very simple pattern, Tahoe your time and just enjoy the process. Oh and get that pretty fabric!

  994. Paula A Fischer says:

    I’ve spent years making quilts, wall hanging, pillows, bags, and so many other projects. I realized recently when I visited a quilting friend that I have never really sewn much just for me. She has so many beautiful quilts and fun seasonal decor pieces in her home! So I’m now making quilts I’ve always wanted and keeping them for myself.

  995. Janet Fitzgerald says:

    For me, the quilt I made over-and-over was the log cabin. It’s a great “easier” beginner-friendly pattern. Mistakes will be made, and I view mine as a learning process.

  996. Kathy Stone says:

    Hello Corey thanks for the opportunity to win the fat quarters. I was recently given a rotary cutter which had a ball bearing center. I can’t tell you what a difference that makes when cutting. I’ll never use another type of rotary cutter.

  997. Roberta M Bertola says:

    I would tell a new quilter to measure twice, cut once. And then always square your blocks.

  998. Ilene Martin says:

    One of my favorite tools in my quilt studio when I need to rip a long seam is a $10 pair of hair clippers. It’s way faster than my seam ripper.

  999. Rachel Fallon says:

    Being new to quilting, my tip would be the Fat Quarter Shop’s Ultimate Beginner Quilt Series. It was huge to help me get started inland each episode was full of great tips!
    I am super excited to be joining the Cali & Co Mystery QAL and Abloom BOM🎊 Thanks Corey for such beautiful fabrics, great patterns, and your enthusiasm for quilting!

  1000. Debbie says:

    My tip would be to just relax and enjoy the process. I was so tense and uptight when I first began quilting, wanting everything perfect! Pick something simple to start with and just have fun!

  1001. Robyn says:

    Hello Cory! I look forward to your Saturday videos! It’s a great way to start my weekend. I am so excited to see videos from your new studio. I too am doing a WIP system this year. I am also taking January to just organize my sewing room. My room is going from a spare bedroom into a quilting/craft room. I am excited to get this done. Heading over to get the $5 pattern. Thank you! Have a Blessed day!

  1002. Kathy Gerhart says:

    My tip to a new quilter is to be patient. Take your time and enjoy. I recently taught my sister to make her 1st quilt. She did exactly what I said to do.
    My favorite tools, can just pick one. A clapper for pressing seams flat. And the next would be my Martelli Rotary cutter. I wish I had this cutter when I 1st started(too many years ago).
    I just have to say WOW to the box of goodies you are sharing? Beautiful!

  1003. Sharon Rubin says:

    Wow! What a fabulous giveaway! You are very generous. As far as tips to a new quilter, I emphasize the need for consistent seam allowance. It’s so easy to end up with a wonky quilt otherwise. Ask me how I know! I use tape that shows a line for the needle and lines 1/4” on each side to help keep my seams straight. Another tip is don’t worry if you make a little mistake. You will probably be the only one that notices.

  1004. Wendy says:

    My tip is to have fun and not to worry about what anyone thinks.

  1005. Sarah Tromble says:

    My tip would be to take your time and really focus on the 1/4 inch seam. Its good to take breaks and to not try to finish it all in one day.

  1006. JULIE BLAZEK says:

    Thanks for another fun video, Corey!
    My tip: Done is better than perfect! Nothing feels better and is more motivating than a finished project that you can look at and enjoy and know that you did that!!! Also, pick a project and/or fabric that you LOVE! That excites you to use it! Finally, HAVE FUN!

  1007. Debbie Marcotte says:

    Hi Corey! Great giveaway…thank you! I love the monthly wip challege…great idea. I will do this too and I am looking forward to joining your mystery quilt along. My tip for a newbie would be go slow on buying fabric when beginning. Those scraps add up quickly!

  1008. Patti Seeman says:

    A favorite tip: change your machine’s needle often. That makes sewing so much smoother. Also change the blade in your rotary cutter for the best cuts.

    Your give away is very generous and kind. What an amazing way to add to someone’s stash. Thanks for offering it up.

  1009. Sally Shaw says:

    Sally Shaw Thanks Corey for all your great shares! My tip, take the time to iron your fabric before and as you go, it makes things so much easier to go together! Took a bit fir me to truly “get that”!

  1010. Linda A. Mee says:

    Love your patterns. I have made almost all of the Barn Star quilts. Good luck with your move. We are also moving in June – according to my husband we bought a new sewing room and a house came with it. 😉

  1011. dazzling940fa6be30 says:

    I just placed an order for the barn star and added dearly loved to my shopping card. Do you know if there are any kits left for dearly loved? Please enter me into your giveaway.

  1012. Margaret Harris says:

    I love all your Barn Star patterns!! 😍 My advice to a new quilter is finished is better than perfect! I obsessed way too much over trying to make sure everything was exactly right and if it wasn’t I would start over. I wasted so much fabric and time struggling with this until I finally realized that when a project is finished it really doesn’t matter that it’s not perfect. Chances are I would be the only one who noticed the imperfections anyway!

  1013. Candace Zivic says:

    It’s old advice but always relevant- “ Finished is better than perfect “ When I first started quilting I stressed and ripped out so many stitches that I was ready to quit. Not anymore, if I can’t see the flaws from 6 feet away no one else will. Enjoy the process 😁

  1014. cathy k says:

    My advice would be to have fun and enjoy the process. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and you will learn from your mistakes. Happy New Year and enjoy your new home.

  1015. Paula says:

    Hi, Corey! Your Saturday videos are always a lot of fun. Thanks so much for the great giveaway! I have been quilting a couple years now and was always so critical (and still am sometimes) of my work. My advice to new quilters is to relax and enjoy your journey. We all improve in all types of skills with the more practice we get. Quilting should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, so try not to put pressure on yourself. And never point out your mistakes. Ha ha! Typically, the recipient of a gifted quilt is not a quilter and they won’t even notice or care about what you might consider a flaw.

  1016. Joyce says:

    My tip is to watch lots of tutorials. I have picked up so many great tips and have been able to keep improving my quilting. There are often many ways to do each task, so you might find one that works better for you. I love the Barn Star quilts, and I am excited to try some of them soon.

  1017. Heidi L says:

    My tip is to not give up – keep trying and to find tools that really make sense to your brain ! Thanks for all you share with us !

  1018. Stefani Perez says:

    I so look forward to new videos from you! This morning you said something that kind of ‘shook’ me. It was something like “what to do with projects you’re probably never going to finish”. The thought has never occurred to me that I might not be able to make everything I have lined up!That said, I’ll definitely be joining in on the Wednesday works in progress. I have quite a few ready to be quilted….and I’m still learning how to do it myself on my JazzII. I think 2025 is going to be THE YEAR I get it all together and find my flow. I have so enjoyed your videos since i found you late in 2022 while taking my whole life into consideration after my mother’s unexpected death.

  1019. Garnalee says:

    Hi Corey. I love your videos always filled with great information. Great giveaway. My best tip is to read the pattern carefully,MEASURE TWICE, reread the pattern, measure twice again and then cut.

  1020. Linda Blundy says:

    I would first recommend if possible to find someone to mentor you. If not possible watch utube tutorials. Become familiar with the quilting lingo and don’t get discouraged with mistakes- we all do them! Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway!

  1021. Melissa K Boyle says:

    I am very new to quilting with a veteran quilting sister as my mentor. She has been my inspiration and cheerleader. I highly suggest finding someone to be your person that you can ask questions and discuss projects with!

  1022. Cheryl Boyer says:

    When trying to enter the wonderful world of quilting, I would recommend starting with a small project–one block that can be made into a pillow or table topper. That way you can go through the whole process (piecing, quilting, and binding) working on any areas that may need some additional attention. Then, with confidence, you can move on to bigger items.

  1023. Lana Stewart says:

    My number one tip to a new quilter is to nest seams and poke a pin in them! I would also advise to watch quilting videos for inspiration! Thank you, Corey, for this awesome giveaway! Happy New Year!

  1024. Ginny Reminder says:

    Dear Beginner Quilter, Keep a sense of humor. Your seams may not match, points may disappear, Go ahead and finish the project. Love it ! You are on a journey, enjoy it. You will keep improving with every block. Little girls like to get small doll quilts. That is great for practice. When do we graduate from the “beginner” title? Smiles!

  1025. Marilyn Knilans says:

    I love your idea about works in progress. As I sorted through my sewing space at the end of the year, I found many ufo’s! Some only needed a few minutes of work to complete them. I’m going to try your suggestion to more them on to a new life! My resolution is to try to pick up after every project or weekly. Which ever comes first!

  1026. Diane R Wilkinson says:

    I started using a ham to iron my open seams. Ironing seams open is frustrating when the tip of the iron doesn’t do a good job. Laying the seam on a ham helps because it has a slightly curved surface and does a better job then ironing on a flat surface.

  1027. Windy Parton says:

    I love the Wishes quilt. It is so beautiful done with the dark background. But all of your quilts are beautiful. They inspire me so much. Thank you for all the hard work you put in them for us.

  1028. Nancy Matheny says:

    Wow. Thats a long list of comments. Thanks Core y.

  1029. Pam Ward says:

    Love your videos. Such a gracious giveaway. Thank you Corey
    Happy new year! I will try to participate in your monthly task of doing something with my WIPs

  1030. Linda says:

    My tip is to keep your machine clean and in good condition 😊

  1031. Terri Schultz says:

    Beginner quilters need to understand how important an accurate ¼” is! Using a sharp blade on your rotary cutter, using an accurate ruler, and learning how to iron your seams flat are all helpful in making a perfect block.

  1032. Julie Parker says:

    Great show. Good luck with your move. It’s a lot of work, but a great time to get organized. Happy New Year!!

  1033. Elizabeth says:

    Hi Corey. I would say always try something new even if you think you it may too hard for you to do. It just may turn out that it isn’t as hard as you think. It may turn out to be something you like to do.

  1034. Celia E Ambrose says:

    Before you start sewing your pieces, fill several bobbins to have on hand. Check bobbins area for lint and clean it first. Have a new needle inserted correctly. Keep sewing machine manual handy if you need to look up other things.

  1035. Robin says:

    Lots of great advice here for new quilters. Mine would also be, pick a beginner project. Don’t worry about perfection in the beginning. Remember the more you do the better quilter you will become. Slow and steady wins the race. Thank you Corey for being such an inspiration and so generous to all of us.
    Thanks Robin

  1036. Adela Wiley says:

    The one tip I can give someone new to quilting is to continue to learn, take classes, view tutorials online, you see a block you like or are interested in make a sample of it, if you still like it make it into a runner or wall hanging. Try working on the block for a small project. Runners are a great place to start. Just keep learning and keep reading, or watching the process. There are so many great teachers out there and step by step instructions. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the rules. Your quilt or project, just be consistent. Have Fun most of all..

  1037. Rita Stoneking says:

    I love to watch your videos. I try to clean my sewing room up a little while I watch. Usually do more watching then cleaning. Congratulations on your new home.

  1038. Jenny Goss says:

    Love you videos! My favorite tip is to keep trying new things. Find a new designer or fabric line to keep things new and exciting! Happy New Year!

  1039. Denise Pardue says:

    Remember to relax and be patient with your progress. Don’t compare your work to other quilters. You will enjoy the quilting process and have more and more confidence.

  1040. Christine Ruffatto says:

    As a beginner quilter, don’t rush to buy tons of fabric just to build your stash. Be thoughtful about what you purchase and make sure you have enough to complete a pattern you have in mind. Find designers like Corey that inspire you. I look at my stash now and see lots of fabric that I’ll probably never use. I will be going through it to donate to our quilt club.

  1041. Cheri says:

    My tip is to use diagonal seam tape by cluck cluck sew for an accurate quarter inch seam and avoid having to draw lines on your fabric. Thank you, Corey for your Saturday videos. I always look forward to them! Your giveaway is so generous. Someone is going to really enjoy those back quarters!

  1042. Janell Vincent says:

    My favorite tip for beginners is to practice your 1/4” seams. It is so important for quilting success. Also if you can get a mentor to lead you on your journey, that is a blessing.

  1043. Barbara Klein says:

    Giveaway. If I couldn’t find a use for each color group, I am sure my church quilting ladies would be happy to receive this great fabric gift.

  1044. Carolyn French says:

    My best tip is starching fabric and press every seam as you sew your blocks will be crisp and points are right on. Makes sewing blocks together easier. Loved the show today and the addition of the color club would be wonderful many of those colors I never lean toward.

  1045. PAM JONES says:

    As a new quilter, start with a beginner pattern or block & practice. Get comfortable with measuring, cutting, sewing accurate seams and trimming to size. thanks for opportunity to enter giveway

  1046. Vicki Isenhour says:

    My advice to all quilters is take classes and make quilty friends and go on retreats. Being with other people who quilt is fantastic and very rewarding. They will inspire you and help you and teach you and become your besties.
    Quilty friends are the best!

  1047. Patty McDaniel says:

    When I first started quilting one of the Best Tips I heard was to Always “Measure Twice so you can Cut Once”. It’ll keep from wasting your wonderful Fabric. God Bless you

  1048. Bonnie Stephens says:

    I would tell a new quilter, when you finish your quilt top and are not happy with it’s look, donate the quilt to a charity that works with kids. They are always happy to get quilts. Start again. You have learned a lot through the first one!

  1049. Mary Elizabeth Tinnirello says:

    Hi, Corey!💕 This giveaway is insane! I’m a new quilter myself, so I’m enjoying reading all the comments. My tip to new quilters would be to watch lots of tutorials. Maybe join a guild if there’s one in your area. 🌸

  1050. Jaylene B. says:

    My advice would be to press your seams as you go. It makes your blocks come out flat and accurate.

  1051. Judy Sauer says:

    The FQ giveaway is SO exciting. I love the colors and my mind is racing with ideas for how to use them should I win the drawing. 🤞🤞I hope so! Thanks for considering me. May 2025 be your best year ever!!

  1052. Wendi Lucchesi says:

    I am returning to quilting after some time away. I would love to win those fabrics. Also enjoying all the tips. I am participating in the 2025 Mystery Block of the Month and can’t wait to start!

  1053. wanda crabtree says:

    Do the kind of quilts you like, not what someone else tells you that
    you should. Enjoy the ride.

  1054. Suzie says:

    Wow. Busy busy
    Oh encouraging us to begin on new projects. Out with the old and in with the new
    Love your energy Moving and quilting. You are a task master.
    You keep us going. Thank you for all the energy and encouragement.
    Love your patterns and fabric. You fabric is fantastic colors and prints and how they all coordinate. Your new fabric are wonderful
    Thank you for all you do. Thank you.

  1055. Julie says:

    Have fun, and keep 1/4 seams.

  1056. Laura Frazier says:

    First thing is to give yourself time to build skills.
    Next, give yourself grace with your piece, it doesn’t have to be a masterpiece.
    Next, step away for awhile and let creativity build.
    Don’t always search for a pattern, there’s ideas everywhere, your home, nature, paintings.
    Next, Do you, if you like big and bold, do it!
    Lastly, always have white thread on hand and never drink wine and quilt,
    I’ll keep that one for myself!!!

  1057. Ellie Barstad says:

    Corey I so enjoy your videos. You are always so upbeat and cheerful as are your fabrics. I would love to have the fat quarter bundles. I have a great grand niece that loves all the colors. That was her response when I asked what her favorite color was. She has out grown her baby quilt which is now being used by her new baby brother. Those would give me the rainbow of colors needed for her new quilt!

    Hope your move goes smoothly and that the weather cooperates as much as possible in January.

  1058. Leigh Throckmorton says:

    My advice to a new quilter is to join a local quilt guild. You will find inspiration, encouragement, tips and tricks to enhance your experience level, and amazing new friends.

  1059. Lori Archuleta says:

    Hello! My tip is to remember that everything is made with love. Give yourself some grace. Keep a list of projects in progress and a wish list, that gives me focus and reminds me what needs attention.

  1060. Sandra Michaud says:

    Find an easy, small pattern with just a few colors so you can lean the 1/4 inch seam and find quick success.

  1061. Christi Franks says:

    My tip would be to hold off on buying all the tools, rulers, gadgets, and notions until you’re sure you want to continue warning because it can be very expensive to buy everything all at once.

  1062. Tamara Boeker says:

    Hi Corey happy new year! My tip invest in a rotary cutter and replacement blades. Don’t hesitate to change them. Same applies to you sewing machine needles.

  1063. Ruth Bilderback says:

    So many great beginner tips! My tip is to not rush in building a fabric stash. Learn what fabric styles and colors bring you joy before you buy too much. Having said that, WOW, what a giveaway prize. So many beautiful fat quarters to add to a stash.

  1064. Veronica Johnson says:

    When I first began quilting. I found a lady who taught me how to make pillowcases. She said if I could learn to sew a straight stitch, I would be able to learn to quilt and she could teach me. Over the years I have continued to go back to her and others to show them the new things I had learned or wanted to learn.

    I have found the quilters in my journey, are the most encouraging people, and are as excited about my successes, as I am. Don’t be afraid to open up to other quilters and let them help make you a better quilter.

  1065. Katrina Atkins says:

    My tip would be to sew the quilts that inspire you. I have found that if I have the passion to sew a particular quilt, even if it’s intimidating, I not only (eventually) finish the quilt, but I learn new skills and have greater confidence. Just take your time, enjoy the process, learn new skills from all the beautiful quilters (like Corey) on YouTube, and show yourself the grace that you would give to someone else.

  1066. Carrie McDowall says:

    My Number One comment for new quilters is to make sure you have a decent machine in working order – spend the money to have it tuned up – nothing is more frustrating and deterring than a machine that is not working properly – sometimes you can think it is you when it is the machine. Oh and I would highly recommend a 1/4 piecing foot with a flange.

  1067. Betty Laxson says:

    Corey, I love your enthusiasm for quilting. My tip would be to enjoy the process, step away if overwhelmed and don’t go overboard buying all the fabric – you need time to sew it too and then the next fabrics come out! You have wonderful fabric lines and so happy for your new flannel one! Please make sure to let international quilters know if you would ship the giveaway internationally.

  1068. Tamara Kemp says:

    My favorite tip is to be intentional. Label your projects and put them in order of priority. I love your new space and can’t wait to see it decorated ❤️

  1069. Lori Austin says:

    Practice using your rotary cutter and find out which brand of rulers work best for you. Also, finished is better than perfect!! Don’t stress over getting things “perfect” (enjoy the process and creative time).

  1070. Kathy Maxwell says:

    Such an awesome giveaway! ❤️
    Also so many great tips from everyone.
    My favorite notion is my rotating mat. Makes much better use of time.

  1071. Teresa says:

    New quilters, never be afraid to try new things and ask for help when needed! Thank you for the Barn Star pattern , it’s perfect for the baby quilt I need to make this month! And I will be joining you in getting some of my unfinished project done…

  1072. Kathleen Wilson says:

    I look forward to your videos, you inspire me and get me motivated. I love your fabrics and patterns. My UFO list is made. I made room in my work room just for these projects. No excuses! Thank you again for your fun videos!

  1073. Nicole Simon says:

    Hi Cori, sure enjoy your video. Love the Barn quilt. Will be ordering it. Good luck with your move and looking forward to seeing your new set. My tip is not to get too overwhelmed with different quilting projects, this is my new year resolution. I want to do too many projects at once. Need to keep it down to a few at a time. Thank you for all your help.

  1074. Nancy Priegnitz says:

    Love your starberry pillow. Good luck on your move.

  1075. Lorena Covarrubias says:

    My biggest tip to a new quilter is to have FUN and not worry too much about getting everything perfect right off the bat. Quilting becomes more accurate the more you practice. The first project is always cherished because of its imperfections and for the lessons it teaches us! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win your very generous giveaway!

  1076. Terri Stradinger says:

    Thank you for such a generous giveaway! I would tell a person that is new to quilt making, to use YouTube for help. You name it, there’s a tutorial for that! So many tutorials.

  1077. MANDY LASETER says:

    My tip for those new to quilting is to take a class for beginners. Also, don’t get wound up because you don’t have a stash. you can look for fabric at quilt stores that have a bargain area, estate sales, and garage sales,

  1078. Beka L says:

    I absolutely adore your barn star patterns! Can’t wait to see what new things you have in store for us this year!

  1079. Melody Brown says:

    When I get overwhelmed with my projects, I just tell myself done is better than perfect !!

  1080. Marianne says:

    Trying to give myself the gift of GRACE 2025. As you said life gets in the way sometimes with quilting. Other things need attention 1st. But, with that being said, this past year I taught my 10yr old granddaughter (Rosalie) to quilt. To take her mind off other things. Sewing is great therapy. And when she saw your giveaway …all she said was OMG, OMG.

    Thank you for your generosity.
    Hope you have wonderful things happen in 2025 +++

  1081. Gayle Kaup says:

    I would encourage new quilters to use your local quilt shop as a resource! The people there are always willing to help you out with your questions and projects. They are very knowledgeable! And support them with your business! Small businesses are the backbone of our communities. Amazon is not going to donate to the band fundraiser but local businesses most likely will!
    My favorite tool right now is my Karen Buckley scissors…awesome!

  1082. Sherri says:

    Use the best thread you can afford. This saves so much frustration at the machine! 😊

  1083. Susan says:

    My best recommendation to a new quilter is to invest in a 1/4 inch presser foot for your sewing machine. It was life changing for me.

  1084. Leslie Owen says:

    Number one tip is dont compare where you are in your journey to someone else’s journey. Everyone is at a different spot. Also, a good stiletto/stitch ripper is invaluable. 😉

  1085. Vicki P. says:

    My tip for a beginner is to start with something easy so you can familiarize yourself with the tools and the process. If you set yourself up for success you will be more likely to continue with a hobby that can potentially bring you many years of enjoyment.

  1086. Wendy Link says:

    ❤️❤️❤️ I love to saturate my fabric in starch. It’s a game changer for better results.

  1087. almostcrispyc88c388da0 says:

    My newbie piece of advice would be to always square your blocks. It makes putting everything together so much easier! Also, be patient with yourself. You’ll be making beautiful quilts in no time!

  1088. Jodie G says:

    Start with smaller projects, for example barn star quilts or table runners. Try different methods for block pieces, such as half square triangles or flying geese and decide what methods make the most sense to you and how you process and get the best accuracy.
    Lastly, keep a list of tools and notions you would like to add to your supplies. Share your lists with loved ones around Christmas and Birthdays. I find that my family really enjoy supporting my hobby.

  1089. Christine Quirion says:

    My favorite tip for a new quilter would be to be consistent, don’t worry too much about the “perfect” 1/4 inch – just be consistent, use the same sewing machine for the whole project and work on it everyday so it is not forgotten. 😊

  1090. Marion says:

    Thanks for the videos. The recipient of the fabric bundle giveaway will be blessed by it, whom ever they are.

  1091. BONNIE says:

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter your Fat Quarter colors giveaway!!!

    When encouraging a new quilter I would encourage them to use ETSY…like your shop but especially for Fabric lines that aren’t newly released. I have done this to find backs from lines almost sold out and it has come in handy!

    Take Care Corey!!!

  1092. Patti Wobig says:

    What an awesome array of fabrics!! Good luck with your new place. I would suggest finding a friend or guild to hang out with. Being with others that understand our enthusiasm for fabrics is essential for me.

  1093. Wanda P says:

    I would say to a new person just starting out. Don’t worry if it not perfect the first time you start sewing. It takes practice, though even a season quilter has the seam ripper handy. Every time I sit down to sew, that little sucker gets used, lol.

  1094. Judy DeLaet says:

    Hi Corey, Thank you for your videos and all you do. I really enjoy them and especially that they are on Saturday!! My tip is…use the pretty threads!!! It makes it so much fun!!!

  1095. April Cheatham says:

    Happy New Year and thanks for the giveaway! My tip is to just start and learn as you go. Maybe things won’t be perfect but that is how you learn!

  1096. Shelyn says:

    Hello Coriander, my name is Shelyn Godman. I’ve been following you since 2022. I know you by FQS Kimberly. Ever since I’ve been following your YouTube videos and had learn so many things from you. You’re such a god teacher. I love your fabric line so so very much! I had bought all your new fabric and some patterns, and looking forward to make the Bountiful Quilt soon.

    Here are some of my tips. a key sewing tip for beginners is to always check your measurements and test your stitches on a scrap piece of fabric before starting a project, ensuring you have the correct settings for your chosen fabric and that your seams will look as intended; always press your seams as you go for a clean finish. Happy new year and stay safe everyone! Shelyn

  1097. teacozyrc@yahoo.com says:

    My favorite tip for someone new to quilt making is to start simple. Try using precut 5-inch squares right out of the package. Practice a 1/4 inch seam and nesting those seams. Get the basics down first. Future quilt projects will go much easier.

  1098. Stacy says:

    Thanks for your weekly video. It’s always a great way to start off my Saturday! My advice to new quilters is to learn to love the process just as much as the product. When I first started quilting, I was always in a hurry to get the project done so I could move on to the next thing. Now I purposefully try to slow down and treat each step like a meditation— relax and enjoy each part of the process. Happy New Year to all!

  1099. Elaine says:

    So many awesome tips!! Just reading them is a wonderful treat. Your videos are a delight!!

    My tip is just take it slow – breathe – take a break- be generous and gentle with yourself – this meant to be enjoyed!!

  1100. Linda Wagner says:

    I would definitely advise a new quilter to use a quarter inch foot. It’s a game changer. What a fun give away. Thank you.

  1101. Susan Holdaway says:

    What a great fabric giveaway! I look forward to your Saturday morning videos. Thanks for sharing with us! My tip is to find some quilting friends in your community. It’s fun to sew together and swap ideas!

  1102. Nancy Crivaro says:

    My tip is to pick colors that you love for your project – take your time and give yourself some grace.

  1103. Marcy White says:

    For new quilters I recommend using a hand weight at top of long rulers when cutting and get a quarter inch sewing foot.

  1104. Katja says:

    Hi Corey, what a coincidence. My coworker just asked me to show her how to make a quilt. I’m planning to do a simple 4 patch alternate with a big square for her first quilt. I have spare sewing machine, so we will be able to sit side by side and I can sew the same project simultaneously . She will be able to watch and then implement.

  1105. Tammie Pfeiffer says:

    For go to quilts, I love to just sew rows of charm pack squares together or make a jelly roll race quilt. Quick easy. I watch everything I can on YouTube and Facebook!

  1106. Sherry McConathy says:

    For a new quilter, YouTube! I get so much information and inspiration! Thanks, Corey, for your YouTube content and for the amazing giveaway. And I can’t wait to start the new year journey of WIPs with you.

  1107. Kim Alley says:

    My favorite tip is to watch lots of You Tube videos from good quilters. You will get loads of useful information and tips.

  1108. Jennifer Williams says:

    I am very new to quilting so instead of advice, I would say my favorite notion is the magnetic pin holder. It allows me to focus on stitching straight as I remove my pins.

  1109. Sue L says:

    My favorite tip would be to just enjoy making the project and don’t worry about being perfect. It’s okay to break the rules
    some time. Be proud of your finished project.

  1110. Donna T says:

    Favorite Newbie Tip I wish I would have understood – Perfection is not a goal, instead it is something to strive for but something NOBODY ever obtains…this hobby is meant to be something enjoyed and to learn from. Okay, and one small “you don’t need to buy a bunch of stuff (rulers) if you like this hobby” and “life gets in the way for everyone, so don’t worry, you will get back to it” thrown in for myself also.

  1111. Myra Williams says:

    my best tip for less experienced quilters for small stitch and flip corners is to use glue to baste the corners. Only put glue in the area above the drawn line. Align those edges and when dry .. sew. Helps with really small sew and stitch blocks.

    love your videos. Working on your snowman blocks.

  1112. Pat says:

    Any new skill takes practice. Enjoy and give yourself grace!

  1113. Teresa Kornegay says:

    Hey Corey! I have two tips actually YouTube videos to start off with and then find a quilt shop where you can take a class that one on one attention with an instructor is amazing. You also can learn a lot from the other people that are taking the class. And what an amazing giveaway that is so generous of you. Someone is gonna be very happy person!! congratulations on your new house!

  1114. Kathy says:

    My tip is to enjoy the process! There are no quilt police. You will quickly become addicted to this hobby

  1115. Cynthia says:

    My neighbor wants to start quilting and wanted to make a kingsize quilt. I advised to start with something smaller and simple so she would not get descouraged in the middle

  1116. Hey Corrie, Happy New Year!!!, thank you for your vids and generosity— my tip as anew quilter is use a notebook to keep focused on goals and supplies needed and an inventory of fabrics ect. It can get a LOT!!! overwhelming.

  1117. Judy R says:

    Love watching your videos. Also love your fabric designs and patterns. I make some the barn star patterns because I hang them in a few spots at my home. I have learned a lot of quilt tips and suggestions on your videos and others that I watch.

  1118. Linda Kosfeld says:

    My tip to new quilters is to try to stay organized; notions, fabrics, thread, and works in progress. Find a place for everything and put things away where they belong.

  1119. Elizabeth Williams says:

    I’d recommend picking a project that isn’t too big in size. Take some time to get to know your machine if you are new to sewing. Invest in some good quality thread and fabric. I went too big with cheap thread and fabric on my first quilts. And I had some big struggles. Thankfully, sewing is a skill everyone can learn. Every day you sew, you get a little better. I went from being just awful at sewing to making fairly advanced blocks in about 6 months. Fingers crossed on this giveaway. I’m a stay at home mom on a budget and would love to build up my stash with all those gorgeous fat quarters.

  1120. Hillary Lilly says:

    My advice would be to just buy the basics – a good 6 x 24″ ruler, 45mm rotary cutter and mat. then start on a small project, ie a pillow or a barn star wall hanging, something manageable so you don’t get frustrated and put it down never to come back to it and also to make sure you enjoy this process before investing your life savings which is easy to do. The second thing I would say is enjoy the process – “Finished is better than perfect”. I have made a lot of quilts over the years and I have NEVER had someone return it because something wasn’t perfect. I made my son a QOV and it was close to queen size with 6″ star blocks and one of the blocks I sewed the legs on upside down on one block and never saw it until it was on my design wall and we were selling our house and the picture the realtor took of my sewing room, there it was sticking out like a sore thumb. It already had the borders, etc, just needed binding. My son never noticed and actually no one else ever mentioned it. I chuckle every time I go to his house and see it thrown over the back of his recliner. Welcome to quilting, maybe your bobbins always be full and your needles sharp.
    Happy New Year to all, may it be happy, healthy, and prosperous.

  1121. Susan Salo says:

    My tip is to read ALL the directions of the pattern first to get an idea of the flow. Then read EACH step carefully before picking up the cutter! Ask me how I know…..

  1122. I just love your weekly videos and updates Corey. I’ve been quilting forever and I always remind new quilters to enjoy the process, don’t seek perfection. Proficiency comes with repetition so be generous and kind to yourself 💖💖

  1123. Bj says:

    I would advise a new quilter to watch a lot of quilting informational videos.

  1124. Debra Lynn Holster says:

    A small group of us have formed a facebook group and we are doing a UFO challenge this year. I’ve just starting watching you and I absolutely love your videos. I was doing a little organization in my sewing room and came across some of your fabric. Thanks!

  1125. Cynthia Raasveld says:

    My best advises to a new quilter be patience with your self your skills will grow o e project at a time. I found I learned lots doing quilt alongs. I am excited to join the Block of the month, I will be using peachy keen fabric.

  1126. Kim OConnor says:

    My tip would to be sure to keep a sharp blade in your rotary cutter and to go slow to avoid mistakes. Wow, that’s a lot of fat quarters. Definitely a stash builder. Thank you for the Saturday videos!

  1127. delightfullybe65645a0d says:

    Just watched your BIG Giveaway, $5 Pattern of the Month, and 2025 WIP Challenge. Oh my word! How exciting is this giveaway!!!!! That is 168 FQ’s. Be still my heart. Wishing you the very best in your new home and hope that the move goes smoothly. Thank you for all of your videos and lovely patterns. I have a binder for Coriander Quilt patterns ONLY. So excited to use the Patched pattern which I just purchased & downloaded. May this New Year bring you much joy and many blessings.

  1128. Sonya says:

    I would say take the time to figure out 1/4”. I didn’t at first and scrapped a project I set a side and came back to because of the trouble matching the seam allowance I started with.

  1129. Sandy Spurgin says:

    Something I learned along the way I would encourage a new quilter to start – or even a quilter with some experience…..keep a journal, a notebook, a cocktail napkin, etc of your projects. List all the pertinent info, such as pattern, fabric choice, etc, and your thoughts after you have finished the project. Looking back on that group of notes will tell you alot. You will probably be surprised!

  1130. Patricia Gottshalk says:

    Wowzers! The give away is a glorious beast I would love it but my heart says it should find a home with a new quilter. That way they will have a full box of crayons to play with.

  1131. idagatfield says:

    My tip for new quilters is to watch Corey Yoder’s Saturday videos!!! She always links to “how to’s” and is so kind and graceful with all of us!!!!

  1132. Cathy Alvis says:

    My tip is to invest in the Acorn Precision Pressing tools. The pressing pen is the best thing I have found after 20 years of quilting for helping seams lay perfectly flat.

  1133. stellarexpertcc5fceb0c4 says:

    Great video today and what an awesome giveaway. Thank you. My favorite tip I would give a new quilter is–don’t focus on the whole quilt, as it can be overwhelming. Instead, focus on each section of the pattern instructions, it will all make sense in the end. And if that person needed more advice, I am always willing to help out.

  1134. Mary Nance says:

    My best advice is to not worry so much about perfection. The oldest quilts you will find had seams that never exactly came together. It’s all about the journey.

  1135. Suzanne Lanzilllo says:

    I started quilting years ago prior to computers. I learn best with visual instruction so videos are helpful. There are so many great instructional videos out there for beginner quilters and experienced! If you can sew a straight line you can quilt! Having fun is what it’s all about! Happy quilting!

  1136. Trish says:

    My favorite tip is to take a black/white picture of the blocks to make sure the colors/tones are evenly placed. I’ve found this so helpful to doublecheck how I’ve laid out blocks! Thank you for this amazing opportunity!!

  1137. Michelle says:

    Well, I am that newbie quilter so not sure I’m qualified to give any tips lol. However, I’ve definitively benefited from the following: 1) reading/watching social media to learn the lingo as well as how-tos from more experienced quilters, 2) spending time trying to visually break down quilt images into their individual blocks to learn pattern construction (yeah geometry!), and 3) having friends who are mentors. Also, I don’t get upset when I mess up – that’s what my seam ripper is for! It’s like having an eternal second chance.

    I decided to teach myself to sew and quilt after losing my mom a few years ago. She was quite the seamstress (but not a quilter) so spending time at her vintage Singer makes me feel connected to her. Since basically starting from scratch in a very isolated headspace, the community aspect I’ve found with quilting has been such an unexpected blessing.

    Thank you for your generosity! Have a fabulous day.

  1138. Joan Elkins says:

    Corey, I fell in love with your color choices years ago on MSQC before I knew who you were. It was a nice way to be introduced to an accomplished quilter, fabric and pattern designer. I am thankful for that and all that you have provided. My tip would be to practice accepting compliments on your projects, it is a hard thing to do, but willl make you happy and even excited to create more. Sometimes it is all you need to keep going ewhen you have lost your ‘mojo’. It becomes fun to encourage others in their creations.

  1139. Diana says:

    Tip is to focus on their quarter inch seam for piecing or with quilting freemotion to keep practising even if it is only 10 mins a day.

  1140. Sue says:

    I’m teaching my 6 and 8 year old granddaughters how to quilt this year. My tip to them is to keep your fingers away from the needle while sewing. We’re not going to the emergency room this year! They love bright colors and your fabric is just what they like.
    Happy New Year and sew safe

  1141. Joyce Wilson says:

    My tips for new quilters is mostly use the Kiss principle – Keep it simple and small. Look for videos that are tutorials and have all of the measurements needed. Don’t spend a huge amount. Maybe make a table runner that is mostly squares and rectangles, and just buy basics like a cutting mat, rotary cutter, and a rectangle ruler that is fairly long, like 24 inches by 6 across. Be very careful cutting so you don’t cut yourself.

  1142. Carol says:

    First I want to thank you for your beautiful fabric lines and creativity ways to use your fabric in quilts. My most helpful tip is to always check your 1/4” seam allowance. Be care how you press your blocks and be okay with making mistakes. Thank you and Happy New Year and enjoy your new home.

  1143. Amy Aguiar says:

    I so enjoy your videos and of course your fabric and patterns. I love my quilters select rulers and 80wt para-cotton-ploy thread for piecing. It was a game changer for me. Congratulations on your new home and have a wonderful New Year.

  1144. Karen Storey says:

    My advice is enjoy the process and make some Quilty friends to share with!

  1145. J Holmes says:

    Quilting is fun but is also labor intensive at times. Take breaks, be kind to your mind and body. Step away, have a snack and stay hydrated. Sometimes a break or fresh eyes can make all the difference if you’re feeling frustrated or “making mistakes”.

  1146. Roxie says:

    Corey, Happy New Year! I love your fabrics, patterns and Sat. You Tube videos. You are so sweet to give away so much fabric! I would love to have those rainbow fabrics! My tip for beginners is watch YT quilters. There are so many good teachers on YT.

  1147. Jenny Strahley says:

    My tip is to take pictures of finished projects and document the info like the date and fabric line for example. Keep information in a journal or digitally.
    This is a fantastic giveaway, Corey.

  1148. Cheri Eiduke says:

    Hello, I found you through the FQS. I came to your YouTube page when that contest was going on where you had to get quilt parts from different designers.
    A tip might be … less is more. Invest in good quality notions over the cheep ones. They end up in a landfill and your money with them

  1149. kcfauna says:

    Hi Corey!
    My tip is threefold.
    1-take a class. Great way to learn and get encouragement from everyone in class
    2-practice the 1/4” seam and find what foot or device works best for you
    3–Always close the blade on you rotary cutter!😄
    Have a wonderful day! Thank you for all of your insight. Love your Saturday videos and all your designs!

  1150. Laura Hawkins says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to enjoy the process of being a MAKER. Don’t worry about being perfect. Your skills will improve over time.

  1151. Sharon Krulitz says:

    I just recently discovered you and your You Tube videos. Loving them and your fabric collections. Looking forward to purchasing some and using them. My favorite quilting technique is chain piecing, it saves so much time.

  1152. Kathy Marshall says:

    My tip would be to iron seams and then measure your block so that you know it is the correct finished size. Then your rows and final quilt will be more accurate. Thanks for all your wonderful videos!

  1153. Jackie Belton says:

    Love your videos and all that you do Thanks

  1154. Kathy Burns says:

    Hi Corey. Thanks for this fabulous giveaway. My favorite tip to a new quilter would be to make what makes you happy. Take your time, watch a lot of videos and then select fabrics and patterns that feel fun for you.

  1155. Darlene Treague says:

    Thank you Corey for your sunny disposition and beautiful fabrics and patterns. My advice to a new quilter would be to find something to make that calls to their heart, and to choose fabrics that they are drawn to. When I first started, I had my Mom’s Workbasket magazines and fabric that was on hand and I did my best. It didn’t necessarily call to me and I got discouraged. It is tremendously helpful to watch videos that are available as they can be a great visual aid. Never give up, don’t be too hard on yourself and try again! You can do it!

  1156. Edwina Smith says:

    I sure enjoy your Saturday videos! I am definitely getting your $5 pattern this month.

  1157. M’Liss says:

    Looking forward to seeing your completed new studio. How fun for you to be working in a new space!

  1158. usually0e1a1b2f3a says:

    I love your videos. My tip would be to be precise in your cutting and sewing.

  1159. Debbie Greenfield says:

    Enjoyed your video this afternoon as I pack away Christmas decorations. I’m feeling inspired to do a bath quilt but first plan to make your sheep quilt. If someone is new, I just say start small and easy so you feel accomplished. Then gradually learn new techniques… and find quilting friends! Happy 2025 and Happy Quilting!

  1160. Linda Smith says:

    My tip is relax and enjoy the process. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and if there is a point missing or some mistake, no one will really notice! Have fun! Each project is a learning experience!

  1161. Cindy Uanino says:

    As someone who has been quilting for just over a year, don’t let the pretty fabric intimidate you! Just start sewing! The more often you sew the better you will be.

  1162. Marsha Sterk says:

    Great blog and video! My advice to a new quilter is perseverance – don’t be afraid to ask for help from a not so new quilter. I was so afraid to ask for help when I started and was so afraid to show my work to anyone…but when I started to ask for help and advice, things got way better! So thankful for those who were so patient and kind to me when first beginning to quilt!

  1163. Wendy says:

    my very best advice to a new quilter is… The right way is the way that works for you. There’s a generally dozens of ways to accomplish most tasks in quilting and whatever it takes for you to get an accurate and result that you want is the right way to do it.
    So take advice from many different quilters all who have different ways of accomplishing the same goal, try them out and use the one that works for you!

  1164. Paula Collins says:

    My tip is: I take a used paper towel roll & roll up my inter facing and store it in, & mark on the outside what type it is
    Can’t wait to see your new quilting and your new line of fabrics for 2025
    Thanks for your videos

  1165. Renita Tanski says:

    Happy New Year to all of you in the quilting world. My tip to a new quilter would be #1–be kind to yourself. It takes time to learn all the skills to start quilting. Infact, there is always something new right around the corner to learn. Remember, there are NO quilting police. #2–pravtice a consistent quarter inch seam. That quarter inch seam is your friend. #3–get involved with a quilting group. Quilting friends and mentors are always a good thing. #4—ENJOY THE QUILTING PROCESS!!

  1166. Barb Craft says:

    Love your Barn Star Quilt Patterns. I’m currently working on one of my favorite quilts of yours. A Very Coriander Christmas with your Holliberry line. I could sure use some pointers on how you got all your sashing pieces to line up. I’m struggling but determined to figure it out.

  1167. DeeAnn LaLuzerne says:

    My tip for a newbie is to start SIMPLE! Choose a pattern with just squares or rectangles, such as a Disappearing Four Patch or Disappearing Nine Patch. This will allow you to practice cutting with a rotary cutter, nesting seams, and keeping a 1/4″ seam allowance. Once you get those things mastered, adding in more complex blocks will be a breeze!

  1168. Debi Hoover says:

    My favorite tool is the bloc-loc ruler to help square up half square triangles. They come out perfect every time. I love watching your videos. Would love to win as this is my birthday month and I will be 60 on 1/12.

  1169. Diane Miller says:

    When I was a new quilter, I obsessed over my corners and points not being perfect. That can be a real “downer”. My advice is to do the very best you can do in cutting and sewing 1/4” seams and then just admire how much you improve with each block you complete. Don’t worry about anyone pointing out imperfections. Most non-quilters don’t notice minor imperfections, and quilters already have experienced your level of challenges. The fabric “gift-away” is going to be great for some lucky person.

  1170. Carol Niewinski says:

    My tip is keep organized and keep an inventory of your fabrics, precuts, patterns, rulers, thread,etc. I used to have to go check if I had a certain pattern or ruler when watching quilting shows. I didn’t want to purchase duplicates. Just keep a notebook and you can check off items as you use them up. It makes it much easier when looking to purchase to finish any project- like coordinating fabrics for a beautiful panel you had to have, etc.

  1171. Sheila M says:

    What a great way to start 2025!

    • Sheila says:

      My suggestion is to only buy what you need to make the project you have. I purchased too much and then ended up buying different varieties of the same item later when I found out what I actually liked.

  1172. Julie Hruby says:

    My tip is to make your quilt your own. Use the tools that work best for you and follow the blogs that support you the best, like the Coriander Quilts Blog. Each quilt tells a story!! Make it your story!!

  1173. pat debroeck says:

    You don’t have to be perfect just enjoy the process.

  1174. Faerie Pabich says:

    My tip is don’t be intimidated or afraid to start…every black, no matter how complex it seems, is a series of steps that you can practice and accomplish. Make a trial block, or two or three…the more you make, the better they get. Then go and have fun!

  1175. Jessica says:

    As a new quilter (I’ve been quilting for 2 years, but I still feel like there is SO much to learn!!) learning to use my ruler instead of my cutting mat to measure and cut has been very helpful. 🙂

  1176. Fran Sakelarides says:

    Oh Corey what a very generous giveaway. My tip is to start small. Make some small projects to get your feet wet. They can be less overwhelming and so gratifying when you have accomplished a quick finish.

  1177. Camellia Lamana says:

    Hi Corey. I really enjoyed your video today and I’m anxious to see your new sewing studio. You are one of my favorite fabric and pattern designers. I have many of your patterns and fabrics, and have made several quilts from your designs. I look forward to your videos and have learned so much from you. What an amazing collection of fat quarters! You are so generous to share with others. I really love quilting, and my advice to new quilters is to take your time and just enjoy the process. If you cut your fabric accurately and measure each unit of the quilt blocks before sewing them together, it will really help to have your blocks turn out beautiful. The main thing is to just enjoy what you’re doing and don’t stress over mistakes. The more you practice, the easier it will get and your projects will get better each time. Thanks again Corey for all you do to help the quilting community.

  1178. Lori Walter says:

    Corey, I just started watching you. Love your videos! What a generous give away! My tip is whenever you lose your sewing mojo, clean your sewing space. It always works for me to get my creativity going again.

  1179. Danielle B says:

    My tip is to try new things! Quilting is (mostly) just straight lines. If you can sew a straight line , you can make those intricate quilts you’ve been admiring. They might take longer but you’ll build your skills and be so much more confident but if you don’t step out of your comfort zone, you’ll never know what you could have accomplished.

  1180. Trish says:

    Wow, what an amazing prize! My tip would be to start with something small like a placemat or coaster. Thank you!

  1181. Cheryl Fukunaga says:

    My tip for everyone is my favorite quote by Helen Hayes – “The expert in anything was once a beginner. “

  1182. Mona Lisa Bigelow says:

    With a cup of tea and joining you on Saturday morning is a great way to spend the morning. I love the barn star quilts and plan on making each one. I would encourage new quilters to enjoy the process and not be to critical of your beginnings but embrace the journey. The recipients will enjoy and be delighted. They will not be critiquing your work.

  1183. Maria Wells says:

    When speaking to new quilters I suggest to watch YouTube videos to learn awesome techniques. I’ve learned so many tips, even after quilting for 20 years. Love today’s episode, Corey. Going to order the Barn Star pattern.

  1184. Trina Smith says:

    As an beginning quilter myself, I would advise anyone to watch your videos. I’m not good visualizing color choices – yet. Your patterns are beautiful, fabrics are soft and colorful, and they engage me into wanting to make them. Your sale patterns are a great way to get started on a budget and make lovely keepsakes or gifts.

    Happy New Year, Cori.

  1185. Michelle Polston says:

    I look forward to your Saturday posts! Holy moly that is a big box of beautiful fabric. Moving in January can’t be fun but how exciting to set up a brand new sewing space!

  1186. DawnAtTheLake says:

    My favorite tip is to exercise ergonomics in your studio. Get your cutting table high so you don’t have to lean over it as much or dangle your head over it. Use a good chair with good support. Ergonomics as a tip isn’t just one thing to do, but all kinds of things to do. We all have to take care of ourselves especially when doing repetitive motions or sustained activities.

    Thank you for making this giveaway available. I’m moving my studio from downstairs to upstairs and it has been all consuming. I don’t know how on earth you’re managing a full house move and keeping your sanity! BRAVO!! 🙂

  1187. Jodee Blue says:

    I would love to win the colorful fat quarter bundles. My tip is this is not a race to finish just relax and enjoy the process.

  1188. scrapguru3834 says:

    Thanks for being so uplifting and inspirational!

    My first tip is to learn to love and enjoy something about each aspect of the quilt making process. That way your projects don’t get stalled in a non-favorite stage.

    My next tip is to invest your time and money in projects that bring you joy. You are the queen of your own quilting universe. If you love it, embrace it!

  1189. jayneyfoster14 says:

    my tip (that I have made a rule) now that I’ve been quilting a couple of years, is to take the time to square up the blocks also the smaller parts of a block like flying geese and half square triangles that sometimes make up a larger block. It makes it easier to put everything together to get a great finished block.

  1190. Brenda M. says:

    My tip is to not be too hard on yourself when you are first starting to quilt. Have fun and be proud of your work. There are a lot of quilting groups to reach out to with questions. And know that each project will teach you something new.

  1191. Aileen Campbell says:

    My tip is not to be afraid try something new! It helps build confidence but don’t be too hard on yourself

  1192. Dorothy Schreyer says:

    WOW! Winning would be amazing! Have been sewing since 4-H days, quilting since my early 20’s. Most definitely the advice I would give someone new to sewing/quilting; slow down, read your pattern and have fun! But, remember you are your own worst critic!!

  1193. Kim Boepple says:

    Oh I need to win this fabric stash giveaway. My favorite thing right now is triangle paper! Makes half square triangles so easy.

  1194. Charlotte McCleery says:

    My very best tip I can pass along is be SUPER CAREFUL with your rotary cutters. Close the blade when not in use.DONT put it down until you are sure it’s closed and locked. Te damage of a rotary blade on your skin can be catastrophic. Rotary cutters are a wonderful tool but like most tools, if not handled carefully, they can be harmful.

  1195. June Wrogg says:

    Corey, I’m amazed you can do all this and be moving!!! Love the Barn quilts in all the colors. Thrilled you still have the holiday quilts up, so cheery. My tip is enjoy your project, no time limits, take time to get to know your sewing machine, practice on scraps. Length, width and tension is so important to a great finished project and will help you not get frustrated along the way. So practice 🙂

  1196. Rose Clearwaters says:

    So many great tips from your viewers!! I am planning to sew with a new quilter this month and will use a lot of the tips. Joy and no stress is my tip.

  1197. Dawn Cooper says:

    My favourite tool is the Clearly Perfect Slotted Trimmers rulers for trimming half square triangles. Cuts the trimming time in half.

  1198. Karen says:

    I am still loving the holiday quilt backdrops! No one is judging here! Tip for beginner quilters: once you start to cut your fabric for a project, continue to use the same ruler throughout your cutting. Rulers can differ up to 1/8″.

  1199. Kim Lantz says:

    I just love your quilts and have made several of them. Good luck on the move and look forward to seeing your new space! Your giveaway this month is beyond generous!

  1200. Marion M White says:

    My best tip for new quilters is be kind to yourself. Compliment your good work. I love diagonal seam tape. It saves so much time. Quilting is so fun!

  1201. My tip is to not listen to the quilt police. They have tripped me up more than once. Trust your instincts! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  1202. Vinette Makal says:

    Don’t be afraid. Watch videos, read blogs, learn from quilters at your church, consult your quilty friends, go to classes at your local quilt shop—whatever works for you. Don’t let perfection stop you. Learn as you go. Have fun!

  1203. irene rybak says:

    Love your channel! Your Christmas quilts are so beautiful!
    My tip is enjoy the process , take chances and don’t compare your progress and projects to others

  1204. SHERRY K JAYNE says:

    My tip for a beginner is …….never expect perfection, it will come with time. Just enjoy the process of learning and perfecting your skills. And if you can afford the higher prices tools, they are worth the money. When I started, I wasted a lot of money on cheap rulers, blades, etc.

  1205. Jean M Gerretsen says:

    Overcome your fear of cutting fabric. Yes, you might make mistakes, I certainly have, but the more you do it, the more confident and precise you will become.

  1206. Jan Vincent says:

    One of my favorite finds are the Primitive Gatherings binding needles. Makes hand sewing the bindings so much easier! It’s fun to read all the comments, and the giveaway is a bonus!

  1207. Sharon Featherstone says:

    My quilting tip is you are always learning something! Be open to new ideas and be patient with yourself. Don’t be afraid to mess up. Lastly, enjoy the process.

  1208. Sandy H. says:

    My tip to a new quilter is to trust yourself to select the fabrics that you love and don’t worry about making a mistake – you will get better over time. Each quilt you make will have its own personality and it really is true that each quilt has a story. That is what I love about quilting the most.

  1209. Nancy Olson says:

    So many great tips shared, I would say, take your time and enjoy the journey, the fabric, and your quilts

  1210. Char Greene says:

    My tips for new quilters. Remember it’s only fabric and it’s only thread. Took me a while to remember that. Oh and don’t buy every ruler you see.
    Enjoy and have fun.

  1211. fantasticboldly4bd5d3a83c says:

    My advice to someone new to quilting is to get a piece and fabric you don’t care about and practice folding the fabric to cut with a rotary cutter and ruler. I feel there is nothing scarier or more frustrating than cutting into your good fabric and not be confident with your skill of using a rotary cutter and ruler.

  1212. Cheree Hull says:

    Thank you for the opportunity at such a fun giveaway! If we’re giving tips, mine would be to not sell yourself short. I understand it’s important to be kind to ourselves but we shouldn’t let that keep us from challenging ourselves and/or always giving our best! As they say: If at first you don’t succeed try, try again!

  1213. Barb Brooks says:

    My tip for a new quilter is have fun. Learn as much as you can and do your best, but mostly have fun and make the items that you want to make. Enjoy the journey.

  1214. Rachel Tucker says:

    I am fairly new to quilting. At first when I started, I didn’t understand what WIPs were and why someone would have them. Well, it did not take long for me to realize that as quilters we sometimes get every excited or hypnotized by fabrics. I mean there are so many awesome things you can do with these beautiful fabric collections. You start one project and another one and another one and another one. Soon you have so many projects, in different stages of completion all over your sewing room and beyond.
    I started getting plastic containers to organize the projects. Clear so I can see what’s inside. I will put everything I have/need for that one particular project in the container. That way I can just pick a container/project I want to work on. Also, can really keep me in check, when I see that I have way too containers stacking up.

  1215. Maggie says:

    Start with a smile, relax, believe in yourself and then read the pattern. Gather what you need, put aside some me time and make a start on the project. A little bit everyday and before you know it, you will have a great finished project you can enjoy.

  1216. fyneenuf says:

    My advice to new quilters is to take a beginning quilting class, if possible. Not only will you get instructions and help, but you will meet your first group of “quilty” friends!

  1217. Jila Castillo says:

    Happy New Year! My tip would be to follow quilters, through their books, websites, social media and determine what projects get you excited to quilt. Once you are excited about a quilt/pattern, you will want to learn, but remember to have fun and enjoy the whole process!

  1218. Cynthia Prater says:

    Wow thank you for being so generous in all that you do. I continue to learn through your videos. My tip would be to not overwhelm yourself with voices that you must have this or that “expensive thing or gadget”. Remember quilting is an age old craft when there were not modern advances. Go in like a sponge and soak it all up and use what fits you and most of all your budget and above all enjoy the process.


  1219. Deborah Steiner says:

    Hi Corey, I LOVE your videos! Every Saturday I get my coffee and sit to watch it. PLEASE ENTER ME IN THE FAT QUARTER GIVE AWAY! That would be wonderful.

  1220. Jana says:

    Hi Corey! Loved the video today and thank you for this amazing giveaway! Also Happy New Year!

    My favorite tip for a new quilter would be to be careful to use a very scant seam allowance when sewing jelly roll strips together, as they don’t exactly measure 2.5″ in width. I recently made a Christmas tree skirt in your Starberry fabric using a jelly roll (with June Taylor’s quilt as you go batting) and my pieces were cut out from strip sets using the provided template. When I went to cut the pieces out, I noticed that my strips weren’t matching up to the 2″ lines on the template. I thought I had done something wrong, so I tore apart all my strip sets and started measuring them and realized, because they’re cut with pinked edges, some of the width is lost, by as much as a millimeter or two. Therefore they needed to be sewn with a very scant seam allowance. My second attempt was better, though not perfect by any means. This is probably something that most people already know but I didn’t!

    • Jana says:

      And, I wanted to add, when just starting out with sewing and quilting, one shouldn’t worry about doing things perfectly. Enjoying the process is more important, and I’ve found that the more you sew, the better you get at it (as with most things). Watching videos to hone your skills is extremely helpful as well.

  1221. Lori Ann says:

    Hello All! Thank you Corey for your weekly vlogs. I enjoy the Q and A portion very much. And thanks for the patient explanations that you always give. Love love the Barn Star patterns so much! TIP: I have two…….find a vlog or two that you enjoy and watch them for tips and info on how to improve a technique. Join a guild or a retreat to grow your confidence and skills as well. Very valuable IMO.

    Corey…continued positive organizing vibes sent your way as you continue your move!

  1222. Tamara Millage says:

    Two things I’ve learned the hard way is the importance of ACCURATE 1/4” seams and the difference between pressing and ironing. How to best press seams would be a third piece of important wisdom.

    Thank you, Corey, for all the guidance, inspiration and wisdom you share. Can’t wait to start the mystery BOM sew along… I learn so much from you. Also, thank you in advance for the beautiful fat quarter bundles! 😉

  1223. Sharon Kenney says:

    What an amazing give away! Always love your shirts…just a bonus in your videos😊Happy new year to all ❤️

  1224. Karen L Fitzsimmons says:

    I would recommend for them remember to enjoy the process!! There is much to learn and many wonderful rewards to your efforts! This is a wonderful hobby! ENJOY!

  1225. April says:

    My tip is to start small and don’t stress about it. Just have fun.

  1226. Deb says:

    I am a newbie with a small budget so I went looking in my house for what I could use for a clapper , I found a wooden cutting board it’s a great weight has a handle and it covers a pretty good size block ! As for a tip I would say after ripping out the seam for the third time just turn the machine off and go do something else ( ask me how I know ) !

  1227. Laura Ramos says:

    Corey I love spending Saturday mornings with you! I made your Wooded Whimsey pattern with the Starberry line and loved how it came out, so much so, I bought another Jelly roll to make it again, but bigger. I recommend a 2 1/2” outer border in background fabric to save the star points when putting on the binding. So happy with this quilt!

  1228. Tamara Millage says:

    And sweet blessings over your move and your new home!

  1229. Kathleen Lopes says:

    I really enjoy your videos and tips. I did purchase the bundle of quilt patterns from the background in your studio. I have been admiring them during the holiday season but didn’t have time to go to the Etsy store and purchase them. They will be a great set of quilts to put into my collection of winter quilts to complete and start up this new year. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  1230. Deborah Steiner says:


  1231. Lisa Buckner says:


  1232. Kellie Curtis says:

    To a new quilter, I would tell them make sure when you iron it is flat. There is such a difference from my first project to where I am now. I love the idea of working on my WIPs. Thank you

  1233. Susie says:

    Oh my gosh! One lucky quilter will win all of those beautiful fabrics! Maybe it will be me, maybe not. One way or another, I have benefited from watching this YouTube video because my day has been made more cheerful by spending time with you Corey. Thank you.

  1234. DawnAtTheLake says:

    I made a comment already but didn’t realize I’d need to use my WordPress email account to verify the email. So sorry for any confusion. With this comment, I’m providing to you my WordPress email. I don’t see a way to make a second WordPress account. Any way, Good luck with the move! My other tip beyond the one for implementing ergonomics into our studios is to use hand weights, barbells, for holding rulers and fabric in place. This takes the pressure off our joints, and you have more accurate cuts.

  1235. Linda prather says:

    Hi Corey, I’m working on reorganizing my sewing room so I can get more done more efficiently. I want to do some qayg quilts to use up soooo many scraps I have. My tip to beginners is just jump in and enjoy making something beautiful to treasure or give to friends and family. I would love the fat quarters to add to my stash. Thank you for being so generous! Happy New Year!

  1236. Trina Ware says:

    My quilting advice for a new quilter would be to take the time to get accurate seam allowances. With slight differences it skus each block and can cause challenges in putting the blocks togethe

  1237. Donna Weir says:

    My tip is to join a block of the month club and interact either in person or online. We meet every third Saturday in person and we have a Facebook page just for the members. You get to ask questions, share your blocks and build your skills.

  1238. janice E thompson says:

    Have fun and don’t let anyone rain on your parade. All quilts will hold the love you put in them and the hugs are pretty nice too

  1239. Cindy Wersal says:

    Hi Corey,
    Wow! I do not know how you do it all. Making videos. Designing fabric lines, creating patterns, being a wife and a mother. Then a move on top of it all. Where does all that energy come from? Your videos have been instrumental in helping me get into quilting. I have only made two crib quilts. They are beautiful. Not perfect. The recipients of my baby quilts were thrilled to get something hand made. When I decided I was going to tackle making a quilt. Small as they are. I set my goal to have it completed in plenty of time for the baby showers. That’s my tip. If you are afraid you will get started but not finish it. Allow yourself plenty of time to complete it. But make yourself finish the gift. While not perfect, it was made with love. That always shows through.


    HELLO AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! My favorite tip is to just enjoy the process and know that each time you sew you get a little better. My favorite tool the the clover seam guide. It sticks anywhere and I recently made a Jacob’s Ladder quilt using this tool and every seam was “perfect”. I get so much joy from your Saturday morning videos. I love your Saturday videos and your fabrics and patterns. I would love to know where you got your wonderful shirt. It look so cozy… I love some of the comments. Would love to get in on the give away…regardless your smile and enthusiasm is infectious. I am searching or Apricot and Slate and wonder of you have access to it. I have your book and there is a specific quilt I want to make with that fabric. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers !Thanks so much..

  1241. Tracey says:

    Hi 😃 what an incredible and very generous giveaway!!! I would tell a new quilter to relax and enjoy every part of the journey, don’t stress about not being perfect….there is no such thing as perfect anyway and have fun!!!! Also, practice the 1/4”. This is such a fun and rewarding “hobby” and quilters really are the best friends. Thank you Cory for all your inspiration!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  1242. Gina says:

    I would suggest that a beginning quilter get a good set up tools, rotary cutter, mat, and the select rulers. I have found that using the select rulers that don’t slide on the fabric has helped with the confidence of beginning quilters.

  1243. colorfulimpossiblydeddd6d28b says:

    Corey, that is a beautiful barn star quilt pattern. I love the photo, and your cat on top of the barn. Thank you for a chance to win your very generous give away.

    My tip to a new quilter would be to enjoy the ride. You will make mistakes and that is OK. It’s just part of the learning process. I used to take every single little thing apart if it wasn’t perfect. Now for example I am more relaxed about a seam not lining up perfectly. If it really bothers me I’ll fix it. Or if the mistake ruins the quality of the quilt I will fix it. Another tip when making a new block if possible make a practice block from scrap fabrics you have on hand instead of the fabric you will be using for the quilt. If you make a mistake and ruin the block it’s OK. You could save the practice blocks and make a quilt from them, or make a table runner, pot holders or even placemats.

  1244. Lisa Buckner says:

    My advice is to take time and make sure your cutting is accurate and you keep a consistent seam allowance. Thank you Corey for your videos, look forward each week to your videos.

  1245. Patty Williams says:

    Thank you for your beautiful videos! Love all the background quilts❤️ Oh my, such a wonderful box of fabrics!! Many blessings in your new home 🏡

  1246. Jessica Heronemus says:

    What a giveaway! ❤️

    I love your WIP challenge. It’s a great way to get the year started. As far as a tip goes, I pick 9 projects I am “allowed” to work on at a time. These range in size and difficulty and I find 9 is the perfect number to keep me moving forward without getting bored or frustrated. When one is finished, I’m allowed to add another. They can be new starts or WIPs. AND, I always keep a list of my finishes so I’ll know what I have accomplished during the year.

  1247. Debra Leonard says:

    Thank you for your inspirational videos. This is such a wonderful give away! This is a great way to start the new year.

  1248. Cindy Bell says:

    What nice giveaway! My advice is to remember that we quilt for enjoyment. HAVE FUN!

  1249. Yvonne says:

    Take your time and do your best to keep your seams consistent at a quarter of an inch. Your quilt blocks will all comes together beautifully when you do.


    Hi Corey- I just commented and got one of you fabric line names wrong – it is Buttercup and Slate I am looking for. I have Apricot and Ash and several of your other lines. Is Winterberry still available? Thanks , Nancy

  1251. Jinnie Wickeraad says:

    I love your videos. You are so very generous with your giveaways. I really hope I can make progress on my WIPs this year. I struggle to even get time to go in my sewing room.

  1252. Natasha Kime says:

    What a wonderful give away! My tip is don’t give up you get better at skills every time you use it.

  1253. Peggy Henzman says:

    Hello Mrs. Corey. Happy New Year.
    I watch you every Saturday. Your channel is one of my top 10🤗. I love this month’s pattern. I will be looking forward to making it. My husband and I just built a new barn. Like most quilters, I grew out of my sewing room and excited to grow my favorite hobby. I would love to have the fabric give away, but I think I would rather see it go to a new quilter who is just getting started to add to their own stash.
    Just mainly wanted to pop in and say hello. If you are still in Ohio, bundle up and keep warm. (I am originally from Indiana and now live in Pensacola, FL)
    Take care, Peggy Henzman

  1254. Before I begin a new project, I take 10 minutes and clean up my work space. Empty trash, put away books and patterns, clean and oil my sewing machine. Put away rulers and clean off my cutting mat. It just takes 10 minutes but it helps me SO much!

  1255. Lois A Pfiefle says:

    The first thing I always tell new quilters is we were all new once. We all are still learning and we all make mistakes. Enjoy the process and don’t be afraid to ask questions! My best tip is to always buy the best you can afford. You get what you pay, whether it’s a sewing machine or supplies or fabric.

  1256. Donna Potts says:

    What a beautiful giveaway! I have so enjoyed watching your videos and seeing your beautiful fabrics and patterns. I can’t wait to order the $5 pattern for this month…love the Barn quilts! Thanks for the inspiration.

  1257. Cheryl Eye says:

    My tip for new quilters is to try every technique and have fun exploring the world of quilting. It’s addictive!

  1258. Mary L Heinecke says:

    I love your cheery attitude when you talk quilting and fabric. It is so contagious and inspirational. Thanks for the motivation.

  1259. Elisabeth Reay says:

    The best tip I received as a new quilter was to sign up for a beginner sampler quilt class at my local quilt shop. I learned various techniques from an experienced teacher whose tips and hints gave me confidence and have stayed with me ever since.

  1260. Kell Harrell says:

    My tip is just do it! Get started this year!

  1261. ginagrowe says:

    I tell new quilters to invest in quality of what they can afford be it a machine, notions, fabrics or classes. Sewing machines should be tested and think about what options would make it easier to sew then compare brands.

  1262. Christina Clark says:

    Take pictures of your finished quilts. I give most of mine away and don’t remember some. I love looking back at older quilts and seeing the progress I have made. I know it has to have been mentioned countless times but that just stresses the importance of ,trim your blocks and using an accurate 1/4 inch seam. Putting the quilt together in the end is a breeze when all your blocks are trimmed and accurate.

  1263. Donna Aylor says:

    Always read the pattern before Starting your project. As you cut your project be sure to label each section to help decrease confusion when you begin to sew your project.
    I always enjoy watching your videos and would love to win the fat quarters. This is a super nice giveaway.

  1264. laurie golden says:

    Very generous giveaway. Love your videos. My must haves are my Karen Buckley scissors and my creative grids rulers

  1265. Elizabeth Marie Johnson says:

    Good morning, Corey. I am very impressed with your giveaway. While I am submitting my name to win it, I will be pleased for whoever does win it. I love your fabrics and patterns. Keep up the good work. Elizabeth Johnson.

  1266. Susan Fisher says:

    My tip is to take the time to square up each element of a block so everything will fit together nicely.

  1267. Vicki O'Neill says:

    My most helpful hint is we are the our own worse critic. Be kind to yourself. Finished is better than perfect!❤️

  1268. Charald Comeau says:

    First I want to say thank you for the giveaway. Very generous. My tip would be to take your time and enjoy the process. Happy New Year.

  1269. Wanda Hall says:

    Wow, you have a lot of friends!!! My favorite quilt tip would be to load up on binding clips! I love those things!!! Happy New Year!

  1270. Jamie R Breeden says:

    Love the fat quarter giveaway! I use that type of bundle to make Children’s Hospital quilts. My tip to a beginner would be to find a mentor, a quilt guild, or take a class teaching the basics. Videos are great, but nothing is as good as in person help.

  1271. AllieOops! says:

    I’m a newish quilter myself, but I would say, don’t expect perfection, but go for progress instead. We will never attain perfection but over time you will see an improvement and broadening of your skills. Try new things, try different techniques. I love glue basting, other people hate it. Be open-minded and think outside the box, put your own spin on things and don’t forget to enjoy the process!

  1272. Amanda D Sedivy says:

    I can’t wait to see your new space Fat quarter shop has some pretty cool clubs.

  1273. Sammi J says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to experiment once you’re comfortable with your 1/4 inch seam. Try other people’s process, iron open.. try new techniques see what feels right to you. There will be a lot of people saying “it’s done this way” but if it works for you, that’s the way you should do it. Thanks for the chance at this awesome giveaway. 💜

  1274. Michelle Beaubien says:

    As a very unorganized quilter my best tip is: buy a few boxes of 2 gallon zip lock bags. As you collect patterns and pick up fabric, group them in ziplocks until you have all of the fabrics you need to complete your quilt. I have several projects waiting to be completed with all of the fabrics together and I don’t need to hunt for anything.

  1275. Ginger Bradley says:

    I can’t wait to see your new studio!! Your giveaway is quite generous – what an amazing stash builder!!

  1276. Kim Butler says:

    My tip to anyone is: Just make it your own!! You can change colors, fabric, and alter patterns if you like. Just make it your own. Have fun!

  1277. Brenda Cordts says:

    Where did you get that black shirt/sweatshirt you had on in your first video of 2025 with the colored quilt stars on it

  1278. Pat Zalewski says:

    Being a recent quilter with little experience, I would tell a beginning quilter to start with a simple pattern for a small project, take advantage of all the wonderful tutorials out there that can model each step of the quilting project, and give yourself grace. If something seems too hard or a mistake is made, look for help and become friends with your seam ripper. Don’t be afraid of walking away for a day or two to restore your enthusiasm for your project.

  1279. Michelle says:

    My tip is the quilt pattern usually gives you enough fabric if you make a mistake. Don’t put off cutting into your fabric because you’re new to quilting and scared to make a mistake. Just follow the pattern and highlight which size you are making to avoid errors.

  1280. Jan Scott says:

    After having made quilts for everyone I know I am devoting 2025 to making quilts for charity. I would love those fat quarters to be the basis of my future donations for raffles and prizes. So my advice to quilters is to indulge your passion and always find an outlet for the love you can give to others.

  1281. Lori G. says:

    My best tip for a new quilter is: Just know that it will all be okay. In the end, it will be exactly what it’s supposed to be.

  1282. Constance Inman says:

    My tip is to watch alot of sewing videos. You can learn a lot from many people who sew.

  1283. Virginia says:

    My tip for beginners is to have fun, most mistakes can be fixed and if they can’t be fixed don’t point them out. Only you need to know it was a mistake and not a design opportunity.

  1284. Kathy Dockham says:

    Hi Cory,
    My advice to a newish quilter, especially one that has a busy life with family, working, and other adulting hurdles. Don’t get frustrated when you can’t do all the fun makes, and sew alongs you see on social media. I can’t even begin to count all of the binders full of printed projects, that I’ll never do. Because, there are new ones dropping every week from another maker.
    Pick one or two simple projects at a time that are doable in a reasonable time frame for you.

  1285. Barbie Wright says:

    My tip.. go slow and don’t be afraid or ashamed of mistakes.

  1286. Nina McKinley says:

    My tip is to purchase small shoebox size plastic totes with lids for your scraps to store them and to also organize them, I did this and it has helped me a ton.

  1287. Barbara Cotterman says:

    Advise that I would give is “enjoy” and make every quilt a blessing to someone.

  1288. Phyllis Rosenberger says:

    My tip for a new quilter is two fold. Buy good quality products especially thread and fabric. Then watch you tube. Love your videos every week. Good luck in your new if’s! Can’t wait to see the new studio!

  1289. Pam M says:

    My tip is to start on small projects like mug mats, placemats and table runners. Develop your skill in accurate cutting and consistent seams.
    Also, take advantage of lessons provided in YouTube videos.

  1290. Katie Naylor says:

    My best piece of advice is don’t be hard on yourself. We are our own worse critics. Remember it’s. It doesn’t make a difference if you are a newbie or seasoned quilter. What really counts is the love we put into every project.

  1291. Vicki Wallace says:

    Happy NewYear to all!
    Read patterns carefully. If you don’t understand something, try to find answers online at pattern makers website as others may have same question.
    Measure twice and cut once is huge.
    Love your channel! Thank you for everything.

  1292. Martha Schwietert says:

    As a fairly new quilter I love to challenge myself to different patterns, even the ones that look challenging!

  1293. Ruth Lent says:

    Don’t worry about small mistakes or little mismatched corners. In 30 years who’s going to care? And when the project is completed, you probably won’t be able to find the mistake. Don’t let the little mistakes take the joy out of quilting.

  1294. Dina Wasser says:

    Congratulations on your move, can’t wait to see the new studio. Happy new year

  1295. Stacey Rice says:

    My advice is to not be too hard on yourself. If you cut off points or things don’t line up perfectly, try to enjoy the journey.

  1296. Carol-Ann Rogers says:

    My tip for beginners is: start with a smaller project and don’t expect perfection at first. Enjoy the learning process. I promise your work will improve with every project. Take advantage of all the free help You Tube video creators have to offer.
    Thanjs, Corey.

  1297. Genia says:

    Thanks for such a fun give away! I really enjoy your videos!

  1298. Tere says:

    My new favorite notion is the stripology ruler, what a time saver!! Advice i would give is the advise that a friend gave me a long time ago. “You are not making this quilt for the Queen of England”, (may she rest in peace) relax and enjoy the process.
    Love watching your videos, so many good tips!!

  1299. Tori Munyon says:

    My best advice is stay organized. I have 73 projects I either have kitted up or have started (of course that includes the BOMs I get) I have two journals because one wasn’t big enough. Another piece of advice is use a planner that has daily boxes you can write it and plan out what you’re going to work on each day.

  1300. Ginger H says:

    My advice: start small–table runners, wall hangings, and baby quilts are not as intimidating as bed quilts and give you some experience as well as aquick “win” or two! Be gracious to yourself…skills take time to develop and your hobbies should be fun, not stressful!

  1301. Gaile Walker says:

    My favorite hand quilting tool is the clover coin thimble. I love my rotary cutter and self healing mats.

  1302. Diane says:

    Thank you for the most generous give away!! It’s not just a big giveaway/ it’s a wonderful gift!

    My tip to a new or newish quilter is to avoid others who talk about “perfect.,,,” ( points, seams etc) Quilting should be fun !! It doesn’t have to be “perfect.” Of course, we all strive for accuracy and precision – and those are the ideas we should share. But not perfection!

  1303. Angela says:

    Always enjoy your inspiration! My favorite tool is a stiletto, helps move pieces in line while piecing. Love the barn quilts! What a wonderful fat quarter bundle😊

  1304. Vicky Hopper says:

    What an awesome giveaway!!!! My tip would be–there are no “quilt police”. It is your quilt so do it your way, learn as you go and enjoy it.

  1305. Doreen S says:

    My tip is to start out small. Make a mug rug or wall hanging before jumping to a large quilt. Also, use the colors and fabrics you like, you don’t have to use what the pattern calls for. Thank you Cory for your wonderful patterns and fabric lines.

  1306. Julie Michalzuk says:

    The best thing I did as a new quilter was invest $12 for a 1/4” foot. I’m better at matching my seams now as well as keeping consistent seams!

  1307. Shauna Newman says:

    My tip for beginner quilters is to start simple and master the basics before moving on to more difficult patterns…even if you are an experienced seamstress. Garment sewing is as different from costume making as it is from quilting.

  1308. Kim says:

    Newbie tip
    Practice makes perfect, but please do not strive for perfection as it takes the fun out to f quilting.
    When I look back on my first quilt. I love it so much still but I can see every imperfection and I’m OK with that. I was learning and I’m proud of how far I’ve come. I love quilting so much and I really appreciate you Corey for all of your tips and just your sweet fun personality I really enjoy your YouTube videos and your fabrics are fabulous. Bonus: monthly $5 patterns, thank you❣️

  1309. Carol Buckner says:

    My best tip is to make a practice block out of scrappy fabric. That way you can know if the pattern is correct or if you need to make any adjustments before cutting out fabric.

  1310. René Shamblen says:

    I would share the importance of accurate cutting.

  1311. Teresa says:

    What a generous way to start the year, the blues and reds (primitive gatherings Santa panel) would already have a place in my 2025 plan, the rest would definitely spark creativity, the greys would be my challenge. Best tip I got there are different ways to accomplish things in quilting, everyone uses tools and notions what works for their space and brain. Keep looking keep learning. Don’t give up

  1312. lindakqovgmailcom says:

    Thank you, Corrie, for continuing to do your weekly videos even while moving!! And you’re still smiling!
    My tip for a new quilter is to start slowly when you visit the quilt shop. For instance, don’t buy all the rulers available until you know what type of projects you’ll enjoy the most. Join a quilting group to watch how they work together and learn from them. And most of all, don’t judge your work against others. Don’t look at your mistakes (because there will always be some) and for heaven’s sake, don’t point those little boo-boos out to others. Enjoy the process. It’s great therapy when all around you things are stressful.

  1313. Sara Beaudoin-Cook says:

    Thank you Cory for a wonderful Saturday video. January is an amazing time to get ourselves organized and not be too hard on ourselves either. Piecing blocks is joyful and fun.

  1314. Sherry Lewis says:

    This is my first time finding your youtube video and blog. 🙂 I think the Ribbons All Around quilt is so pretty.

  1315. Tracy Parsons says:

    My tip pick a pattern that you will love because if you really don’t like what you’re making you may get discouraged and never finish. So have fun with it.

  1316. Darlene L. says:

    I love your weekly videos! You are always so upbeat and positive! I can’t wait for the Cali & Co. Block of the Month to start. I have my fat quarter bundle ready to go!

    Thank you again.

  1317. T Black says:

    Your gift-a-way is the most generous I’ve seen! My quilting tip is to sew only what brings joy, even if it means quitting a project in progress. This will keep you inspired and motivated. Happy New Quilting Year!

  1318. Carol Smith says:

    My best tip for a beginner is to connect with other quilters. Joining a guild or friendship group is a great way to learn from other quilters.

  1319. Cheryl says:

    I have enjoyed your channel and your quilts. My advice to a new quilter is don’t stress, enjoy the process. A seasoned quilter told me once if someone can’t see your mistake when driving by, don’t stress learn from your mistake. What a fun giveaway! Thank you

  1320. Colleen Gale Francis says:

    Hello! My suggestion to a new quilter would be to take a class at a local quilt store. They will help you learn to use the rotary cutter, follow a pattern and press the seams. Plus many more helpful skills. Even though I was a clothing/ home decor sewer I found quilting to be very different. My first project was a table topper. I was very proud of it and I was also hooked!

  1321. Alicia Winters says:

    My advice is to not be afraid to try something new!! You can start as small or as big as you want. The fabric and quilting community has grown so much. There are lots of videos and the patterns are written so well with pictures that help.
    You don’t have to have every tool, fancy sewing room, or brand new machine. Just find what you love and that makes you happy. My sewing room really is my happy place. I can just go and create whatever I want. It’s nice to have something to show for my efforts in the end.
    Thank you Corey for all you do to help us!

  1322. Brenda Kohl says:

    Happy New Year and New House!

    My favorite tip is: Give your sewing machine a ‘Spa Day’ each week. Cleaning, brushing, dusting, oiling and a new needle weekly (Bernie’s Spa Day is Monday) has made a huge difference in the stitch quality of my work, but also has allowed me to get to know my machine really well.

    I have lots of UFOs that I want to finish. The idea of numbering twelve of them, drawing a number and completing that one, has made the possibilities of completion seem manageable (event before I begin). So count me in as someone who will be trying to complete UFOs with you monthly 🧵

    Thank you for ALL that you share!

  1323. Darci says:

    Love the fabric you have shown. As a beginner myself, I find the if I take the time to pin, iron my quilts seams work better.

  1324. Sandra Whitenack says:

    Happy New Year Corey!

    I love starting my weekends with your update! I am totally in on the works in progress plan for 2025. Great idea! Thanks for passing along the year’s worth of fat quarters. What a great stash builder that would be. Good luck as you finish up your move. So much work, but how fabulous the new space will be when you are settled in!

  1325. Vanessa says:

    What a gorgeous box of fabric! One of my favorite pieces of advice is “finished is better than perfect” for myself or anyone.

  1326. Judy H. says:

    I enjoy your Saturday videos and I was so happy to hear your name & fabric mentioned at length on the Fat Quarter Livestream yesterday! I am looking forward to getting my hands on your new fabric line, Abloom. Beautiful ! My tip to a new quilter would be to start simple. Choose fabrics you love and a simple pattern and enjoy the journey. When you get stuck or uninspired, there are so many quilting friends on social media to help you out.

    Corey, thank you for the very generous giveaway. Someone is going to be very happy!!

  1327. Amy says:

    I don’t know that this is so much a tip as an observation . I sooo understand the moving and had hard it is. We moved after 30 some years. It is so hard just moving without having to move a business such as yours. My mind has trouble wrapping around that. We had owned our own business(not a quilting business) for many years in our home then moved to an official building, and then over the years and 2 children moved to a larger building and a new home closer to the new business. All along I had been sewing and going to craft shows. But gave that up to help in in the business that created our living. Now after 40 years we are retired and I am able to start learning to quilt. It’s an interesting journey . I knew that I wanted to learn how to quilt. But didnt know where to start. Through trials and errors I feel that I am making some headway , but need to focus on the end…….a fully quilted quilt. My goal for this year is to use my Grace quilting machine ( I need to learn not to be intimated by it) and finish my 4 quilts that have been folded on my counter !!!! I have done meandering on my Grace Quilting machine, but want to learn how to do the automated. That is my goal. I will keep on learning how to expand my knowledge of quilting, while I learn how to use my machine to its full capacity! But through your knowledge and encouragement that comes through each week on your blog I feel that I have a cohort to follow that knows the path I need to take. Thank you Cory for sharing you insight each week🤗. Amy

  1328. Kelly Byler says:

    Happy New Year Corey! This is a fantastic giveaway! I love watching you on YouTube, love your fabrics, love your quilts! I’m especially fond of the barn stars! I hope your move goes smoothly and you enjoy your new home!

  1329. Lyn Fackenthall says:

    My advice for a new quilter. Enjoy the process, use that good fabric you splurged on, take your time, seek advice from the community of quilters near you, sew what makes you happy, push your limits, be bold and go bright!

  1330. Carol Paine says:

    My tip for a beginner quilter is to start with a simple pattern and work yourself up to more complicated ones. Get started with some basic tools. Sewing machine (of course) cutting mat and rotary cutter. 3 1/2x 18 ruler and maybe a 2 1/2 and 5 inch square. Buying tools as you need them for your projects. Work slow and know your first projects won’t perfect but they will get better.

  1331. Marilyn Nebel says:

    Marilyn: Happy New Year Corey ! I love watching your videos. I would tell a new quilter to pick a beginner pattern and start there. Finding a quilt guild would be helpful to a new quilter also. Just be patient and allow yourself to learn ! PS: I love the Plaid Sheep shop 😊

  1332. Janell Miller says:

    I love your videos. I have been quilting for years and have several of your patterns. Your woolly sheep is hanging in my hall right now!
    I am looking forward to seeing your new studio when you get moved in.
    Please enter me for the fat quarter give away.

  1333. Nicole E Scott says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to use fabrics that make you happy and excite you!

    I’m excited about your UFO project. I need to do that, too.

  1334. Denice Yates says:

    My tip for. A new quilters would be: go with your heart and pick what you are drawn to, not what other tell you is required. It is your work, it should make your heart happy!

  1335. Michelle Miller says:

    Live your videos, can’t wait to see your new studio. My top, start with a small project, but most important try and get an accurate 1/4”, and work on your pressing skill

  1336. Karen Brunette says:

    A tip I would share is don’t fall into all the gadgets as must haves ,build slowly and purchase with purpose

  1337. artisticmysteriously90ee4a5094 says:

    Hi, Cori!
    My tip for a beginning quilter is to start with a small, easy project such as a pillow cover, a table runner, or wall hanging. And then, build up your skills with progressively more complicated projects. Don’t overlook those block-of-the-month programs where you work on one patchwork block at a time. Some of those are instructional as well as fun, especially when accompanied by videos. Also, join a quilting group or guild if there is one in your area. You’ll meet quilters of every level of experience, learn from them, and be inspired.

  1338. Barbara Marshall says:

    I love your videos and appreciate the time and effort you put into them. I also enjoy the tips and tricks you share. Your experience helps me learn and gets me motivated to try new, sometimes hard, things!

  1339. Elaine Mast says:

    Love your weekly podcast! Advice for a beginner – work on accurate cutting and accurate 1/4″ seam allowance. It will save you many headaches and “unsewing”.

  1340. Marcia Mahoney says:

    Pre- cuts are great for beginners. Thanks for the giveaway.

  1341. Deborah A Chamberlin says:

    Happy new year Corey! I look forward to your videos each Saturday. I love the barn star 6 in those blues. My advice to a new quilter is to definitely utilize the resources on the internet or find a friendly quilt shop locally. These are tremendous helps!

  1342. Nancy Tyler says:

    Best advice….take a class at a local quilt shop. You not only are building your skills/knowledge, you are building your community/tribe. The folks who work in the shop and the people in your class will become some of your best resources and quilty friends!

  1343. Jeanelle G Guilbeaux says:

    My tip for new quilters is not to stress over perfection. You’ll get better at it as you go and you will be so happy to finish that first project! Our quilt guild had a “bring your first quilt” day and I was so glad to point out all of my “mistakes” and learn that my mistakes weren’t as bad as some of the other quilters 🙂

  1344. Debbie Trapp says:

    Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see your new studio. One piece of advice for new quilters that I have to remind myself of, and I am a beginner for sure, is when you see a quilt, remember that quilt went together block by block, not always, I do realize. But when a pattern looks very difficult, that helps to look at it that way, for me anyway and takes some of the anxiety about trying a pattern. I do enjoy your videos and look forward to seeing you. This give away is amazing, the winner should be very happy!

  1345. Terry Crawford says:

    My advice to a new quilter is just do your best and everything will be beautiful. There is no right or wrong in quilting it is for fun.. Enjoy your Saturday videos. Thanks for all the work you do to produce them.

  1346. Sheila Hryclik says:

    What a wonderful prize! So generous! My tip would be to practice practice practice to work on accuracy.

  1347. Sew Little Timers says:

    My favorite tip to a new quilter…
    Be patient, you will make mistakes, and that is ok. When I first started making quilts I bought extra fabric so that even if I made a cutting or sewing mistake I had enough fabric to get that cut or sewing right. And you will get better as you sew more.

  1348. Mary Kay Relich says:

    My tip for new quilters is to find fabric that you love a pattern you enjoy and you will love making your project! I look forward to your videos each week! Thanks!

  1349. Sue Washinger says:

    Love your fabrics Corey! The color stories are so divine.

    My best tip would be to practice your 1/4 seam constantly! Stop and measure to make sure you are not watching the needle! Practice makes perfect. If you don’t get it right. Resolve to unsew it and try again. You won’t believe what a difference a tiny bit here and a tiny bit there makes!

  1350. Annette Humphrey says:

    Love your beautiful fabrics and patterns. I am currently making a quilt using Peachy Keen. I also made a Christmas Quilt using Starberry. Love your Saturday posts. Thank you for sharing your talents, tip and tricks with all of us. You’re awesome!

  1351. Shawna Smith says:

    My piece of advice would be to put on something relaxing to listen to. Measure at least twice to cut once. But most of all enjoy the learning process

  1352. Jackie Willis says:

    My tip is to use a small black light flash light to tell the right and wrong side of your white on white fabric. When I received mine I found all kinds of backward blocks. Loved your shirt also.

  1353. Christy Scales says:

    It is wonderful getting new quilters. I have taught both my daughters & also 4H kids how to quilt. Practice always helps and not trying to speed through. It is such a good feeling to create!

  1354. Margaret Roberts says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be to purchase a quarter inch foot for their machine. It really helps to make you sewing more accurate. Have fun sewing and be warned, quilting is addictive!

  1355. Cindi says:

    My tip for beginners would be to watch you every Saturday!

  1356. Jane Myhre says:

    What a generous giveaway!! Anyone who wins the Sew Colorful bundles will be so blessed. I love your barn star quilts. I would tell new quilters to enjoy the process of learning and creating. Thank you Cory for all you do.

  1357. Lisa Ceniceros says:

    I always look forward to your Saturday videos. This is a VERY fun, generous, and amazing giveaway! Someone is going to get some happy mail very soon! Thanks, Corey!

  1358. Katherine Matau says:

    My favorite notion is my rotating cutting mat. The advice I would give is don’t be afraid of making mistakes, we all make mistakes because that is how we learn and grow.

  1359. Brenda Samuelson says:

    I’m new to quilting also. I have learned an accuracy in cutting and 1/4″ seam are important. I have also figured out there are no quilt police and you can simply follow your own vision and do what makes you happy. It’s your quilt. Would love to be entered in the sew colorful giveaway. This would help me start a stash to pull from.

  1360. Kiyomi says:

    Wow, what an amazing giveaway. I have promised not to buy fabric in 2025 until I use up a good percentage of my scraps and stash. Winning wouldn’t count, right?? 🙂

  1361. Marjorie Roach says:

    What a wonderful colorful giveaway. I would use that bunch of fabric to get some ladies in my area started with simple blocks and simple quilts to build their confidence in sewing/quilting.

  1362. Michelle Solberg says:

    Happy New Year! Thank you for your amazing videos. I can’t wait to start the 2025 BOM using Cali and Co.

    Advice I would give a new quilter is to be kind to yourself. Do not compare your points to anyone else’s. Enjoy the process and give yourself grace. This is an amazing hobby that you should enjoy.

  1363. Jeanette Withrow says:

    My tip for new quilted would be just buy pre cuts to begin purchasing, because your stash grows so fast. Also, enjoy the process. Thanks for video

  1364. Paige Baldwin says:

    My tip is to give yourself grace and know that you won’t master quilting overnight! I have been quilting for ten years and it seems like there will always be a new technique to try or new skill to learn. That’s what I love about quilting!!

  1365. Judy Krueger says:

    If you find a fabric grouping you love and don’t know what pattern you want to use then buy a fat quarter bundle. You won’t be sorry!

  1366. A Clark says:

    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity! Looking forward to your new space! Advice to a new quilter is just get started…sometimes the process is intimidating or overwhelming but once you start it gets you more excited for the project-so just go ahead and start! Happy New Year!

  1367. Sylvia J Fletcher says:

    I would tell a new quilter about starching fabrics for piecing. It has been a game changer for me. My piecing is much more accurate. Also to take a class at a local quilt shop or to follow along on you tube quilt along, or come on over to my house and let’s do it together!!

  1368. spooky84e417cab0 says:

    Corey, what a kind, creative, generous person you are. You are a delight and I am looking forward to beginning your BOM in 2 weeks.
    One of my pieces of advice is to make sure you sew with a consistent seam allowance. Quilting is like putting a puzzle together. You want all the pieces to fit.

  1369. Gloria Haney says:

    Wow! You are always so kind and generous.

    To the new quilter – be patient with yourself. Your first quilt won’t be your best but it may be your favorite. Enjoy the process, learn as you go, and keep practicing. The improvements will wow you when they come.

  1370. JoAnne McCune says:

    JoAnne McCune. I would tell someone who wants to start quilting to take a beginners class. I would also tell them that there is more than one way to do things. I would tell them to buy Creative Grids rulers. They don’t slip. Thank you for your videos. ☺️💕

  1371. Shallyn Treviño says:

    I’m a few years into quilting but my advice is take every class you can, local quilt shops normally offer them and you’ll learn so much from other people in the process of making new friends. It turns a mountain of skills into something fun and possible to attain. I always enjoy this channel, so thanks for letting us be a part of your process, Corey, and Happy new years!

  1372. Karen Seedig says:

    My best advice is to keep sewing. Everytime you make something it will be a little better than the last. Also find a YouTube video about quilting and follow. My favorite tool is the purple thing! Love Corey’s materials too!

  1373. Jadelyn A Alvarez says:

    My tip would be – invest in multi-use things – like a ruler that will do more than one thing. and overall – just have fun. done is better than perfect.

  1374. Melissa Wriglesworth says:

    My tip for new quilters is to make a sample block first. When I first started I would become frustrated with certain parts of the block and not finish the quilt. Making a sample block helped me learn from my mistakes and in creased my skills. I didn’t like making flying geese for a long time. Now with practice, I find them no problem. Just keep sewing. I love your fabric and quilt patterns. Keep up the good work.

  1375. Suzanne says:

    I enjoy your videos so much and appreciate your joyful spirit.

    I thought of about 15 tips but the one I will share is. . . When you start making several mistakes in a short amount of time, stop and walk away. You will only become more frustrated. Take a walk, or start a load of laundry, fix a cup of coffee, look out the window. . . 10 or 15 minutes away makes a difference. Now if you have stayed up late and it’s 1:30? Go to bed. 🙂

  1376. Christine VanHemel says:

    My tip for both new and seasoned quilters is to watch the varied talents of the many YouTube quilters, and you’ll continue to learn and be inspired in your own quilt journey.

  1377. Nita Reynolds says:

    My advice?
    Choose smallish simple project (potholders, table runners, baby or kid’s quilts) in colors you love.
    Take your time, read instructions (several times!) and enjoy the process!
    Frustrated? Don’t be! Step away & ask questions (Facebook is chock full of quilters ready to answer!).
    Remember: it’s a supposed to be a fun, enjoyable hobby!
    Warning, though—it’s highly addictive!

  1378. Jennifer Lee says:

    My tip for new quilters would be to learn from others, but know that there isn’t a “right” or “wrong” way to do things. Enjoy the process and be patient with yourself if you’re just starting out. No one does anything well when they’re first learning something, so enjoy each step of the really fun journey!

  1379. Tina Nelson says:

    I enjoy watching your upbuilding videos and want to thank you for sharing your time with us. I’M a farely new quilter. Started during covid lockdown. My tip to share with new ones is, the excitement can get to you and you can tend to overbuy on notions such as rulers. You really only need two. Focus on getting a good sewing machine. Think about what you want your journey to be. Don’t be hard on yourself. Enjoy the learning process and take breaks and have fun.

  1380. Valerie Meadows says:

    I would advise a new quilter to start with a layer cake and make a quilt with HSTs. Use the tape to put on your machine with the three lines to stitch a 1/4 inch. Be patient and know you will make mistakes. Finished is better than perfect. I love your channel and your fabric!

  1381. Sharon Malicsi says:

    Such a great giveaway! Love all of your patterns and fabric, it is all so beautiful!!

    My tip is to flip blocks over to see your points when necessary. You can easily sew around the flying geese triangle or any triangle to keep your points!

  1382. Virginia Gorham says:

    My advice to a new quilter is start out slow and enjoy the process. Make simple patterns that usually involve squares. Arrange them in different color arrangements and see what you can design. Don’t for get to use dark, medium and light fabrics.

  1383. Kathy Musgrove says:

    Hello from Alaska. Quilting is a great thing to do by yourself and with others. In fact I’m meeting up with a couple of friends to have a hen party and sew tomorrow. We share techniques and projects and have all grown through these meetings. Find another who enjoys what you do. It makes sewing a bit funnier to laugh through the learning you do. Also……”if you are riding a horse at 30 mph and looking at your quilt as you move and can’t see the problem, then there is no issue with whatever you thought was a problem “.

  1384. Beth Jones says:

    I’d tell a new quilter to make what you Iike with fabrics you like. Have fun with it. Ignore the quilt police.and, of course, watch Corey’s videos!

  1385. Marlene Eich says:

    Don’t expect to learn everything there is to know about quilting the first time out. This is especially significant to those of us who were garment makers first. Don’t assume anything and ask plenty of questions. Quilters love to share their knowledge and will share heartily in your successes.

  1386. Marsha Robertson says:

    My tip to new quilters would be to document your journey. You’ll be pleased to see progress over your quilting life.

    Thanks for the generous giveaway

  1387. Jenny says:

    Thanks for the video. I have a few tips I would give to a new sewer/quilter. The importance of 1/4 inch seam consistently (1/4 inch foot helps greatly), sharp rotary cutters, good fabric. Most importantly though is Patience Patience Patience. 😊. One tool I use frequently (although it’s not specifically a sewing tool) is a pair of needle nose pliers. I use it to hold very small pieces of fabric to iron and to help turn pieces inside out. Works like charm. Thanks Corey.

  1388. Fran Brumfield says:

    For a new quilter, I would say to start small like the Barn Star. Try to find someone who quilts that you can ask questions to. Take it slow and enjoy the process. Whatever you make will be beautiful. Corey, I love watching your Saturday videos and can’t wait to start my Cali & Co block of the month.

  1389. Dianne R. says:

    As a new quilter I wish I had known beforehand that I did not need every ruler made. Invest in quality pieces and make sure you cut accurately. Measure twice, cut once.

  1390. Elayne Lofthouse says:

    I am fairly new to quilting. My recommendation for beginners is to
    Sew with fabric you like! Choose colors and designs that appeal
    To you. And I found that making a pattern as simple as a rail fence was a great boost to confidence. Quick and easy patterns for your first quilts helps to attain confidence.
    Thank you to Corey for your enthusiasm and lovely quilts. Your Barn quilts would be great for beginners

  1391. Nancy Turner says:

    My advice for is to take a beginner class to get familiar with your machine and the sewing tips that are offered. I am speaking from experience. You Tube has helped me alot in the learning process. Love your material!

  1392. Vicky Hines says:

    I think the first piece of advice I would give a new quilter is to give yourself grace. You won’t conquer this the first quilt. There is a learning curve and mistakes will happen. Second piece of advice I would give a new quilter is invest in a quality seam ripper. It will be your best friend as you forget to give yourself that grace and get down on yourself for making mistakes.

  1393. Sheila says:

    WOW, what an amazing giveaway. My tip to new quilters would be to make sure you start off with a sharp needle and a lot of pre-wound bobbins. Nothing worse that running out of them in the middle of a project. I will be doing your Cali & Co BOM and can’t wait to start. Happy New Year and Good Luck on your move.

  1394. Bobbi Jo Underwood says:

    I would suggest a small project such as a mug rug or placemat for a beginner. I have already made the $5 barn star pattern in this video, and I want to make more. Your giveaway would really help with that. I love all of your fabric lines.

  1395. Amy M Jolly says:

    I love your videos and need to do something to get my WIPs under control!!! A tip I would give to a beginner is to start with a simple pattern and not to buy so many tools that you get overwhelmed!

  1396. Rosie Hanefeld says:

    My favorite quilting tool is my ironing mat and cordless iron. They go hand and hand. I would love to win your giveaway

  1397. Patricia (Pat) Wynn says:

    I believe the best advice I’ve gotten is to slow down and enjoy the process. I’m a “hurry and finish it” gal. When I finally had enough of my blocks not quite squared and had way too many off kilter blocks, I decided to slow it down, cut it right, hit your 1/4″, press and the results have been amazing. With that said, boy what I could do with those fat quarters!!

  1398. Jaclyn Moylan says:

    One tip would be to let new quilters know that perfection does not exists. As an admitted perfectionist, I’ve had to realize that in quilting it can be debilitating and make quilting, not so fun. Just have fun and I doubt our friends and loved ones would ever return a quilt that has a mistake or two. Happy Quilting!

  1399. Joan Yoder says:

    I have three things a person should write down being honest with themselves. 1) What attracts me to quilting? (e.g., the patterns, the fabrics, “the power tools”, the processes). 2) Do I want quick projects to make? Or, am I willing to invest more time and perseverance? 3) are you willing to start out with minimal equipment or are you looking at all the quilting glitz available today?
    My quilting journey started when I was 16. I hand embroidered a piece of fabric with a 32 inch cradle, baby, and button hole flowers. I wanted to make a baby quilt. If I had known then what I know today, it may not have been completed. Don’t get discouraged. Thre are great videos, other quilters and shops in our world today. We’ve come a long way as quilters from hand piecing, hand quilting, and cardboard templates. Just decide how deep you want to jump in. The water is great! Come along! P.S. I’ve been quilting for 56 years and I’m learning something new all the time!

  1400. Christine Medina says:

    What a wonderful giveaway, Corey. My tip for a new quilter is to use lots of pins. Precision is so important, and pinning helps keep your pieces aligned, and helps with keeping the proper seam allowance. Clips can be useful also.

  1401. Georg says:

    My suggestion for someone new would be to not over buy in the beginning. And I only use Creative Grids rules because they don’t slip.

  1402. Carol Ann Remmick says:

    My tip is watch video’s, listen, read and relax and have fun.

  1403. Penka Stoyanova says:

    I love the idea of the WIP review and decision making at the beginning of each month. I do have a problem with finishing projects, so hopefully this will work for me. Your giveaway is very beautiful and generous, Corey! Happy New Year

  1404. Lynn Reiten says:

    The best tip is to be patient, with yourself and the process.

  1405. Sarah P says:

    I’m a newish quilter (started last March). Biggest things I learned are get a 1/4 guide, practice with it on scraps, watch lots of videos, and don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s ok if you need to seam rip or redo something.

  1406. Cynthia DeVoll says:

    My tip for beginners is don’t be scared but brave go slow and watch the 1/4” seam allowance. I love your Saturday morning videos! Helps keep me motivated! Happy New Year!

  1407. Samantha Parker says:

    Wow 🤯 what an amazing giveaway!

    Now that the holidays are done I can’t wait to clean my sewing space up and have a new fresh work space. Its seems to get so crazy and messy while working on those last minute projects.

    I look forward to your upcoming project, fabrics and new space.

  1408. Jane Noble says:

    My favorite tip is to enjoy yourself during the entire process. Deep breaths and patience with oneself

  1409. Donna Koenig says:

    I would encourage a new quilter to take a class at a local quilt shop. Learn good techniques for pressing, cutting, sewing a quarter inch seam. Then watch videos on YouTube and view quilts in Pinterest to develop the style of design you are drawn to investigate. Consider joining a quilt guild. Take classes. Try many techniques. Go slowly when buying fabric.

  1410. Laurie Spencer says:

    For a beginner, I would suggest a baby quilt or small lap quilt to start. After that, you’ll be hooked!!

  1411. Cynthia Driscoll says:

    I tell new quilters that the finished unit size is more important than a perfect 1/4”. As long as there is enough seam allowance, and the units are the correct size, they will fit together. Give yourself some grace. Learning a new skill takes time and practice, and besides that, nobody is going to look at the inside of your finished quilt.

  1412. Linda Ivey says:

    Just have fun when you are sewing. If you sew something wrong just rip it out and do it again. No matter how long anyone has been sewing we all still something wrong. Just have fun. Thanks so much for the giveaway. Love the fabric.

  1413. Kim Kingston-Durgin says:

    What a wonderful giveaway! The fabrics look delightful. Thank you. I hope your move goes well.

  1414. Jenny Hayward says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to pick a pattern that speaks to you and choose fabric you love and jump in. Enjoy the process. My first quilt would not win any prizes but I love it. I learned a lot and it made me happy working on it. I wold say that’s the goal!

  1415. Amy Hofner says:

    My favorite thread is 50 wt. Aurifil thread. It works wonderfully for piecing quilt blocks.
    I love that you take the time on a Saturday morning to make these videos and answer questions. Your fabric lines are so lovely.
    Happy New Year.

  1416. Christine Loder says:

    My tip for new quilters would be to make sure you measure your 1/4 seams for accuracy. And using sharp rotary tool to get exact cuts. Also have fun, we all make mistakes don’t be hard on yourself. Enjoy it!

  1417. debra brown says:

    I still beginner stage. Made my share of mistakes in cutting out my patterns. Have learned a lot. I still need to work on color combinations. Really enjoy your videos

  1418. Elaine says:

    A tip I would like to share with new quilters would be to enjoy the process! Quilting allows us to be creative while making useful items. It truly opens up a whole new world, especially with so much information available through the internet (YouTube and Face Book, etc.). You will have lots of new friends!

  1419. Kathleen says:

    I really enjoy your Saturday videos. As a fairly new quilter myself, my tip would be to direct them to my favourite content creators such as yourself! I learn so much from all of the tips that are shared….especiallyby participating in a QAL & watching a project come together.

  1420. Jennifer L Moss says:

    Unsewing is not a crime or a sin. If you have to do it so you can sleep at night, then do it.

  1421. Laura Viaene says:

    My favorite thread is Aurifil 50 wt. It is so low lint! My advice for a new quilter is not to expect perfection and buy the best tools you can afford. Make connections online or in person with other quilters to really learn new techniques (and some old ones!).

  1422. Marilyn Hershberger says:

    My suggestion for a new quilter is to choose a simple pattern and always remember that finished is better than perfect!

  1423. Debbie MacMillen says:

    Corey love your videos very inspiring Looking forward to your mystery block of the month this year

  1424. Joyce says:

    Looking forward to the WIP challenge as well as your 2025 videos, posts, patterns, new sewing space and all things Cori.

  1425. Diana L Willis says:

    What a fun career you have. Where do you get inspiration for your fabrics? Their beautiful. Do you dream up a quilt pattern first, then design fabric or fabric first then quilt design? Thank you for all your time you give us quilters and $5 pattern. You are so talented.

  1426. Joann Huettman says:

    Corey! My lucky day when I found your videos. I have several of your barn quilt patterns. And that cute little sheep! Appreciate you!

  1427. Diane Zayonc says:

    My piece of advice would be – be kind to yourself about your skills. A little patience and time will help improve your skills. Remember we were all beginner once.

  1428. Carla Renee says:

    Hi Corey – Thank you for your upbeat videos and tips. Always love seeing Tiggs making guest appearances. Looking forward to the mystery quilt this year! Happy New Year!

  1429. Sally C. says:

    Ironically I was just talking to a young neighbor that wants to learn to quilt. I was telling her how not to stress over points or perfect matching in the beginner but to buy some fun fabric and let it shine. I told her people won’t notice as we notice things. I am going to suggest your January $5 quilt pattern. I think it will be a great pattern learning several different but not too difficult blocks. Thank you Cori for your beautiful fabrics, patterns and generosity! Happy New Year!

  1430. Madeline Cornwell says:

    Hi Corey
    I enjoy your Saturday mornings so much! Have decided your new Barn star is going to be my first project for 2025!! My advice for a new quilter would be to measure, measure every step, and have good rulers!

  1431. Alexa Perez says:

    Love this💕advice- keep the seam ripper handy- it can all be fixed so just do your best

  1432. Christi Carpenter says:

    My comment to new quilters is to try different techniques. Foundation paper piecing, traditional piecing, applique and so many others. You will find your niche and then the sky is the limit. I love applique and recently discovered the long stitch hand embroidery binding technique and love it. I’ve been wanting to make a windmill quilt and the color bundle on the giveaway would be perfect. How awesome to have all those colors and fabrics at your fingertips to play with. Such fun!! Good luck to all.

    • Susan says:

      My tip: Don’t give up!
      YOU are more capable and talented than you think. I tell my bestie this all the time. Generous giveaway, thank you!!

  1433. Ann says:

    Wow, what a great giveaway. The best tip for me was given by my husband. If I make more than two mistakes in a row doing my sewing/quilting time, step back and take a break. It definitely s works for me. Also just being patient with yourself and have fun.

  1434. Michelle W says:

    What a beautiful giveaway to start the new year. My favorite tip for newbies is to buy for the project until you get comfortable with choosing fabrics. That being said, if you fall in love with a particular fabric that (especially from a collection) taht might be hard to find after the season is over, buy at least 2 yards (ask me how I know). Looking forward to seeing your new studio.

  1435. Margie Braach says:

    I love your videos. My advice to quilters is to enjoy the process.. and make what you want to make!

  1436. Annette Holder says:

    Hello, I would love to win the fat quarters! Tip for someone new is to jump in with both feet. We learn from our mistakes. My favorite Barnstar is all of them. 🤷‍♀️ can’t pick just one…

    Annette Holder

  1437. Debra says:

    Happy New Year, and Happy Moving Corey! I guess my tip would be “pressing matters!” My first few quilts I didn’t see the need to press – but now I do!

  1438. Dianne Sanders says:

    Thanks for the giveaway- you are a very sweet person.

  1439. Cynthia Allender says:

    Just wanted to let you know, I really enjoyed your show. I like how you let us know what colors go with the fabric line. It’s so hard shopping online to match colors and my local shop may not carry all of the colors. Thank you!

  1440. scotty4me39 says:

    My favorite tip would be to read through the pattern completely before starting a project to make sure you understand it. A tool I love is my rotating cutting mat. It is great for trimming block parts and small blocks

  1441. Sara Casper says:

    Colorful and very Beautiful box of fabric! My advice is to slow down and enjoy the journey. The journey is where you learn and practice new techniques as you grow in quilting. You can paint a rainbow with that box of fabric.
    Thanks so much for all you do. Excited for the start of the mystery sew a long.

  1442. Gloria J Johnson says:

    Oh my gosh…..this Barn Star quilt is the first one in a while that really speaks to me. And, that variety of fat quarter bundles would be fabulous to use in that and so many other quilting projects! Thank you, Corey, for your generosity in sharing your knowledge with all of us.

  1443. Linda R Sabo says:

    Hi Corey, my tip would be to pick a beginner friendly pattern and fabric you love. You would be able to overlook the mistakes if you love the fabric and practice, practice, practice the 1/4 inch seam. Love your cheery videos on Saturdays and hope the move goes as smooth as possible.

  1444. Karen A says:

    My best tip would be to relax and enjoy this wonderful hobby!

  1445. nyyfaninne says:

    Quilters are always welcoming new quilters and are a wealth of knowledge. Watch as many quilting videos as you can. There is more than one way to piece a quilt. Find your way!

  1446. Kathy Clayton says:

    Looking forward to your works in progress challenges. Maybe it will help me get some of my UFOs out of my sewing room and into being used instead of taking up space. I think the best advice I would have for a beginning quilter would be to buy the best machine you can afford so you won’t be frustrated with a machine that drives you crazy. Get a good ¼” foot that works with your machine and enjoy the process. Do not expect perfection but learn as you go and each time you sew you will be a little bit better. What a great give away for some very lucky person to win. Thank you Corey! Looking forward to sewing with you in 2025.

  1447. Jan Belanger says:

    I agree with all the wonderful comments made so far from so many experienced quilters. As a quilter who gives most of my quilts away to various charities or as gifts, I would recommend making a coordinating pillowcase to go with the quilt especially if you plan to gift it. For example, recipients (with cancer) have told me that they take their quilt with them when they go for treatments. The pillowcase is a great way to carry the quilt. I wish someone would have told me to keep a record of the many quilts that I have given away. I am now taking a picture of each quilt I make, noting the pattern and fabric that I used.

  1448. Mandy Adams says:

    I would tell someone new to quilting ‘measure twice, cut once’ this has been invaluable to me. I would also say to have a scrap project to sew alongside your chosen project as those scraps soon get out of hand!

  1449. Peg H says:

    My tip is to start with a precut, such as a jelly roll; make a simple design as to practice an accurate 1/4 inch seam, and press your blocks well. Plus, use a good quality cotton 50 wt. thread.

  1450. Carol Wolff says:

    Start with a few good tools: a rotary cutter, a medium-sized self-healing mat, a 6”x12” rotary cutting ruler, and some thin sharp pins. Cheap tools make the work difficult and less enjoyable. A fun notion to have is a Purple Thang. It’s a great multi-purpose tool.

  1451. Jan Stetson says:

    My favorite tool as it is with other quilters is the rotary cutter along with wonderful rulers! So much easier than cutting out patterns with scissors like we had to do in the past. Just have fun and enjoy the opportunity to create new beautiful quilts and challenge yourself with new patterns and techniques on scraps 🙂 Thank you so much, Corey, for this opportunity to win this wonderful box of fabrics!

  1452. Yvette Borden says:

    Thank you so much for the opportunity for your giveaway. I can’t believe the generosity you are providing the winner. my tip to a new quilter is don’t be afraid to try something do it. There is no quilt police just enjoy the process and if you don’t do it right the first time just keep trying. The goal in Quilting is to have fun. Enjoy yourself and relieve stress

  1453. Love the fabric you are giving away. I would tell new quilters to not be intimidated by your mistakes. As long as you learn something new from each quilt, they will get better with time.

  1454. Kathy Yarbrough says:

    Hello, Corey! Girl, you are killing me here! I adore color; and these are absolutely beautiful and I would love to have them in my stash.
    My tip to a new quilter would simply be, Enjoy! 😊, as quilting is such a relaxing, peaceful, enjoyable and rewarding hobby! Accuracy, in cutting and sewing, will come and get better with each project.

  1455. Jennifer Cendejas says:

    My favorite tip is
    Don’t be scared to try any pattern you fall for , if you love it try it and just do it , you will be great at it . It make take a few tries but you can do it ❤️

  1456. Elizabeth Cozza says:

    Great show today! I love your fabrics

  1457. Fancine says:

    Hello – My favorite tool is my sewing machine! I had an old sewing machine that I used for years. I finally got the chance to upgrade it and I love it! It is a straight stitch no muss no fuss!

  1458. Amy Hanby says:

    My best advice to a new quilter is don’t compare yourself to other quilters. We all have something to give and we are all creative. This is supposed to be fun, so have a few laughs with it. My second advice is to move. Do not sit all day quilting. Take breaks and take care of your body. And my last piece of advice is the person with the most fabric does not win. That is a big myth. When you have fabric stuffed to rafters you don’t know what you have. And it can become overwhelming. Now having said that if I win the giveaway I do have plenty of room for fat quarters. 🤣 And I do use fat quarters for all kinds of projects and quilts. Happy Quilting

  1459. Sher Rau says:

    Take time when choosing fabric and enjoy what you buy. You’ll find you enjoy the process of sewing your quilt top at every stage.
    Your give away is a beautiful array of fabric and color. Whoever is fortunate to receive your box will be in a totally delightful new year mood!

  1460. Renea says:

    Hello, this is my first time commenting on your blog… I truly enjoyed your YouTube Video and loved the 2025 year challenge and plan to participate :~) My tip for a first time quilter would be to try and keep your sewing area clean. I have had many times where I’d like to sit down and sew and yet my space if piled up with stuff and so I just walk away :~(

  1461. Gail says:

    My tip is to try and enjoy the process and not worry about perfection. I am really looking forward to seeing your new quilting space. I so enjoy your videos and purchased the $5 Barn Star you made available today and Barn Star #4. I make mostly charity quilts now that I’ve managed to design, make give away quilts to all my friends and family.

  1462. BETH says:

    My recommendation for someone who is just getting started quilting is, to join in on a block of the month program. They are so much fun, and you learn so many new skills. When I first started I would do a sample block first to work through the process, then do the final block. The first few blocks were a little messy, but after figuring out the processes and fine tuning my skills they looked better.

  1463. Jennifer Braat says:

    Amazing fabric. Would love to make more beautiful quilts. A new quilters should try and master the 1/4 in. seam allowance. Then their quilts will be more accurate with perfect points.

  1464. Sandra Famuliner says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to start with a kit for beginner quilters. Pick one with colors you love and easily read directions.

  1465. Sharon King says:

    My tip would be to join your local quilt guild. Everyone will help you and encourage you. You will find like minded people and develop great friendships.

  1466. Susan K-S says:

    My quilting tip is to enjoy the process. You should love and enjoy what you are doing! And once you are finished, don’t point out your mistakes!
    Thank you, Corey, for your uplifting quilting spirit!

  1467. Shirley Steinbeck says:

    What a fun giveaway!! My tip is to try different methods of piecing – like making flying geese, half square triangles, square in a square in all the different ways. Then figure out which works best for you because what works for one doesn’t always work for everyone!! And try the project that looks hard, because it may not be hard – it just looks hard!!

  1468. Rena Withrow says:

    I have to stay organized or I’m lost. I can’t always get back to project as soon as I’d like (never) so I leave last block worked on under presser foot to remember exactly where I was at

  1469. Joy G says:

    One of my favorite tips for brand new quilters is pay attention to what quilts you really love when you see them and follow those designers. I saw your & Sherri’s book Sunday’s Best and loved the cover quilts. Ever since then I followed both of you. I know I enjoy bright happy fabrics and am drawn to them over more sober prints. This helps you focus on what you love and not get pulled in so many directions – Oh and finished is better than perfect!

  1470. virtual25f46d076c says:

    My tip would be is to have fun! And finish what you started, you’ll be very proud of your accomplishment! Quilts are all labors of love. ❤️

  1471. Jennifer Gunn says:

    Good afternoon/early evening. I am new to your Youtube channel but am liking what I have seen. I like your sheep pattern especially because my family raised sheep until my second year in college. I have 9 siblings and want to make a quilt for each of them. I figured I would use their favorite color in the blocks (one for each sibling). Big project to have completed by the end of this year. I am starting early so that I can hopefully complete it by Christmas.

  1472. Christa Pauley says:

    My quilting tip is start small. It’s easy to get caught up in all the beautiful fabric, notions etc and then feel overwhelmed…or not good enough to use special fabric. I Love your videos and your beautiful fabric lines. You are so fun and down to earth. Thank you for all the tutorials and the patience you take explain details. Be blessed in your continued success.

  1473. Sew many blocks says:

    Favorite tip to give someone new to quilt making: have no fear. This is a learning journey and every step is a building block even if a seam ripper is involved.
    Go and go! Happy 2025 building blocks to quilt roads!

  1474. Andrea Landell says:

    My best tip for a new quilter would be to take a learn to quilt class at your local quilt shop. It started me off with a good foundation of the whole process and a lot of good tips.

  1475. Helen McNenly says:

    Great video as always! Tip for new quilters, stop when you are tired! That is when the mistakes happen!

  1476. Debbie Lamprecht says:

    Hi, Corey. I love your videos, patterns and fabrics. Congratulations on your move. You are so generous with your giveaways. I have been sewing and quilting for many years. My tip for a new quilter would be to enjoy what you are doing. Don’t be so concerned about perfection. You may see the flaws but people who do not quilt will just see the beautiful product. Work with fabrics and patterns that you love.

  1477. Victoria Foley says:

    My favorite tip for a newbie is learning to sew an accurate 1/4 inch seam. It will save a lot of heart ache.

  1478. angela bolinger says:

    Thank you for the generous giveaway and all you do for our quilting community❤️. My tip is this : finished is better than perfect. We are too critical of our work and it often keeps us from enjoying what we do. Enjoy the journey❤️

  1479. Sue Buckley says:

    My tip would be to invest in a good sewing machine. Since you will spend a lot of time using the machine, a good one will make your time more enjoyable. There is nothing worse than fighting with your machine while trying to learn a new pattern or technique. Test out several till you find the right one for you. It will be worth every penny you invest.

  1480. Lynn Ehrmantraut says:

    Happy New Year – almost settled in my new home, so had the luxury of watching you while I cut fabric for Project Linus! My advice for a new quilter is to find a local shop for a lesson or two AND a community! Also watch amazing programs like yours to explore styles of quilting. I’d love the give away bundle for our Linus group.

  1481. Carmen M Maldonado says:

    Hello Corey, i loved the barn quilt and I bought the digital copy. I always buy your fabric collections. I love the Saturday videos. My advice for a new quilter would be to always study the pattern first. Then when you start cutting, measure twice and cut once. Also take breaks and don’t get discouraged if you make a mistake ,put the project down and come back to it. ❤️

  1482. Karen Kiely says:

    I hope this is the right place to place a comment for giveaway! My tip would be ALWAYS, ALWAYS square off each and every block. What a mess if you don’t!

  1483. Sarah says:

    What a generous give away! My tip for beginners is to always start with a test block. It might seem like wasting fabric, but it’s a confidence booster and lets you see where any tricky bits might occur. Use fabrics that you don’t really like for this purpose if you don’t want to waste the pretties – or use the pretties and make a test block sampler quilt when you have enough blocks, or you can use them as a physical block library.

  1484. Linda says:

    Tip/advice: Michelangelo didn’t come an artist overnight. It took time.
    The more you work at it, the better you will get.

  1485. Joan Martin says:

    Find fabrics that you love to make your projects. This will making the learning process more enjoyable. Sometimes new quilters start with ugly fabrics because they don’t want to “waste” good fabrics until they are more experienced. But a quilt takes a lot of time and energy and deserves the best fabrics…and so do you!

  1486. Nancy says:

    Wow Corey! How exciting! This will definitely be nice to add so many colors to anyone’s stash.
    You’re a talented designer & I love watching. Wishing you a wonderful 2025!

  1487. Becky says:

    My tip is that if you’re a little beyond beginner stage and want to put your own stamp on your quilt, patterns like Corey’s cute barn stars make a great center for a medallion quilt. Choose a couple complementary blocks as pieced border rows and you have a beautiful, individual quilt! What a generous giveaway, thank you!

  1488. kristy engel says:

    Thank you for your videos, I’m new to quilting and I enjoy your patterns.

  1489. Judy B. says:

    Hi Corey! My tips for a new quilter is before beginning a project read the whole pattern, double check your measurements before cutting the fabric, and enjoy your creative journey. Thank you for the very generous giveaway!

  1490. Sharon says:

    My tip is to use a 1/4” foot on your sewing machine to get accurate seams, which will give you much better results for a great quilt finish. Takes the guesswork out of the sewing process.

  1491. Elizabeth D Digianantonio says:

    Corey I would buy any friend new to quilting a stripology ruler and a good rotary cutter

  1492. Carla L'Huillier says:

    My tip would be to use a stiletto when making your blocks – This has been a game changer for me as my hands can’t always get where I need them as I get older. It has made my points so much better, my sewing neater and makes it alot easier to sew over the “bumpy bits” – I wish I had discovered this years ago. 😃
    Thanks – I love your videos Corey – they are my Sunday morning watch (I am in NZ)

  1493. Crystal Casteel says:

    Hello Corey,

    Happy New Year! This is an awesome give away. Thank you so much. My advice to a new quilt maker would be that learning to cut accurately and pressing accurately is as important as learning to sew and accurate quarter in seem allowance. Also to just keep practicing.

  1494. Diane Himes says:

    Your videos are absolutely wonderful as are your fabric collections. I just love your color palettes. My tip is to press, press, press. And as much as I dislike squaring up, it is the secret, in my opinion, for flat blocks that fit together as they should. Thank you for all you do. This giveaway is a dream come true. What an addition to someone’s fabric. collection.

  1495. Janet Hug says:

    Hi Corey, thank you for your generosity and beautiful quilting designs. I enjoy seeing your videos. The videos are always a ray of sunshine and inspire me to get sewing. As a rookie quilter, and having just completed my first year of quilting, although a lifelong garment and home dec sewist, I would tell a new quilter to take a class, if possible, and work on a small tablerunner project or something similar to learn the quilting skills in a quick to finish project. I took a quilting class, and learned all of the basic skills of quilting and applied them with making a three block tablerunner. I learned fabric selection, proper tools and usage, sewing machines, best safety practices, cutting fabric – straight of grain, WOF, etc, quilting terminology, measuring, piecing, pinning, quarter inch seams, squaring up, measuring for borders, sandwiching layers, quilting our tablerunner, and then learned various binding techniques. That class set me on a successful path to making nine quilts in my first year of quilting. I also made a t-shirt quilt. I also made your Jolly bar Picnic Quilt. It is a perfect summer quilt. I am so proud of my quilting class tablerunner. I would tell a newbie, take a class, be patient with yourself, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect. Quilting is an artform and just have fun making something that makes you happy. Happy New Year, and Happy Moving!

  1496. Elena B says:

    Thank you for the amazing giveaway, Corey! My tip would be to not worry about building a stash right away. Complete a few projects and the stash will come over time with the scraps!

  1497. Kathy Carroll says:

    My best tip would be to sew slow and learn how to set your up your needle and check for a quarter in seam. The quarter inch seam is the foundation for good quilting. Practice, check by sewing three 1.5″ x 5″ pieces and checking to make sure they en up 3.5″ wide. If not, learn to move your needle or use a seam guide. Sometimes a different foot will make all the difference
    .Taking time to do this is valuable! And enjoy the process! Mistakes are fine. Make friends with a good seam ripper. Clover is my favorite.
    Thank you Corey for the wonderful giveaway. I coet those every month but can’t afford them at this time
    . Whoever receives tgem.will be a lucky person! Thank you for your wonderful videos also!

  1498. Tania Untalan says:

    My tip is to clean your machine and change your needle regularly. Practice the 1/4 inch seam.

  1499. Tawnya Cheuvront says:

    My tip to new quilters is pick fabric you love and learn how to sew a 1/4″ seam. You can build skils with each quilt, pretty fabric keeps you making quilts!! Thank you so much Corey for your YouTube videos. I look forward to watching them each Saturday.

  1500. Rhoda L Hatter says:

    I look forward to seeing your weekly video. I have a fairly new quilter and always try different techniques from all the designers. My tip is to take your time and measure twice before cutting. You may be surprised how your mind drifts from piece to piece. Thank you Cory for all the talents that you share with us. I wish you and your family the best for 2025.

  1501. Ingrid Tinsley says:

    My tip is that if you are working with small pieces or blocks you will get better results if you starch all your fabrics, and use a small stitch length, so that way you can press your seams open.

  1502. Shari Wallin says:

    I can’t wait for the WIP Challenge. It helps to be accountable to someone even if it’s virtually. My tip for new quilters is to remember if you’re sewing/quilting you will at some point be ripping(unsewing). Embrace those challenges and know even seasoned quilters have dates with Jack!! (Jack the Ripper!)

  1503. Danielle H. says:

    Hi Corey! I just learned about you from our local quilt shop, the Beehive Quilt Shop in Wellington, KS. They shared a video today about your Mystery BOM for 2025. Looking forward to participating.

    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

    My tip…I struggled with perfect cuts (squares, rectangles, diagonals) until I purchased the Stripology ruler. It was a game changer for me and my other family members. There are also Stripology books with great patterns using the ruler.

  1504. Jacki Brophy says:

    Hi Corey! I love your videos. My tip for a new quilter is; stary with a smaller project, like a baby quilt, or toddler throw. The first thing you make doesn’t have to go on your bed!

  1505. Michelle Hueston says:

    Hi Corey! What a a wonderful giveaway. My favourite tip would be to read all of these favourite tips and to recognize that no quilt is ever perfect and we are our own worst critiques, enjoy the process and love what you do, that keeps it fun.

  1506. Linda Ties says:

    I got a count of 180 fat quart! Wow! That’s a lot of fat quarts. 😂. I’m looking forward to getting started on the Cali & Co mystery quilt. I just opened my fat eight bundle & was going to get everything starched up and ironed. Just wondering if we will be using every one of the fat eights in the bundle? I can hardly wait to get started. Thanks so much for doing this mystery quilt Corey. Hope your moving goes smoothly.

  1507. janjanw00d5d8ee22 says:

    Wow, that’s a lot of comments! I really do like the magic pins with the light blue rubber tops. I have old fingers that don’t like to pick up the pins like they used to. The light blue ones are thinner than the purple (they feel like stakes). I also have started slanting my pins as it doesn’t distort the fabric so much, of course I remove them before I sew over them! Yikes.

  1508. karenpatriquin6392d5e0f2 says:

    So many good tips. My tip to a new quilter is, don’t go crazy buying all the fabrics you see that you love. Buy for a project and see if you like the look or style. For example, I like a controlled scrappy look rather than a traditional scrappy look so I buy a precut (layer cake, fat quarter bundle, charms squares, etc.) of a fabric collection I love as well as yardage from the same collection for background, borders and binding. Also, just have fun with it!

  1509. Pattie Brucker says:

    I so enjoy your YouTube videos I learn a lot and love every fabric you have designed !!!
    I have a few kits/patterns of yours to start !
    Need to retire to catch up ! Love your giveaway from today’s video wow what a giveaway !!

  1510. Kathy Buker says:

    Buy the best quality tools and quilt shop fabric you can afford. Practice on cheaper fabric to get comfortable with tools and 1/4” seam allowance. Find some quilting friends and take a beginner class. Have fun!

  1511. Kathy Hyatt says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to buy a kit beginner friendly, jolly bar with a pattern, or a jelly roll, watch the you tube video that goes with it and sew, sew, sew. The more you sew, the better you’ll get!

  1512. Ann says:

    My tip is to sew and quilt for yourself. There are no quilt police and you’re the only boss of your creations. Take classes and join a guild to meet like minded quilters.

  1513. Kimberly D Justus says:

    First, good luck in your move. I have moved many times and understand the challenges. Second, thank you for the opportunity to enter your give away. I have been looking at the fat quarter shop monthly bundles on anothet channel. They seem so beautiful. Thank you!

  1514. Christie Schepers says:

    So excited for your new studio! Moving is such a chore but it does give us an opportunity to let go of things. Love spending time on Saturday with you. You are such an inspiration for me. I just bought EQ8 and learning how to use it. I love your barn quilt patterns and may use some of those to try and whittle down some of my stash. I have 11 siblings and would like to make each of them a quilt. The barn quilts will be perfect. Thank you so much for all you do!!!

  1515. Ingrid Tinsley says:

    My tip is that if you are working with small pieces or blocks you will get better results if you starch all your fabrics, and use a small stitch length, so that way you can press your seams open.

  1516. Karen says:

    My favorite advice given to me, is to pace yourself. Each quilter is an individual artist and take pride in each new step in your own quilting journey.

  1517. joannelwilsonf5dd579497 says:

    I love your videos. You are very generous to have such a beautiful collection of fat quarters for your first 2025 give away. Thank you.

  1518. Michelle Hayes says:

    Just wanted to say thank you for having a video while you are moving. I look forward to learning something new every week.

  1519. Christina says:

    My advice for a new quilter is to buy one brand and shade of white for all your quilts that use white. That way your scraps always match.

  1520. Lorraine Barron says:

    I love your videos they are great. What a beautiful barn quilt. Those fab quarter bundles are to die for ,they are so so beautiful.

  1521. Ida Mae Rypkema says:

    My best tip is to put one third water in a spay bottle and one third white vinegar. Shake. Use to remove creases in fabric.
    Thank you for the generous give away.

  1522. Lisa McCoy says:

    Thank you Corey for the giveaway! My tip would be to practice your 1/4” seam allowance. That will be what helps your blocks align properly. Next do not worry about a stash, it will come so quickly. BUT as you get a stash buildup, decide on a system to deal with them up front. I so wish I had done that. I am slowly taming mine. Good luck!

  1523. Sandy M says:

    Happy New Year! My tip for a new quilter is to always read the pattern and make a test block first, so you can see how it goes together and if you made any mistakes you can figure out what you should have done. It really helps you develop a plan of attack for the whole quilt/project. Bonus notion tip: the batting scissors by HandiQuilter are awesome and worth every penny!

  1524. Sally Noel says:

    My tip is don’t ever let someone tell you what your doing is wrong. There are many ways to do things. You do YOU!

  1525. Pamela Kay Stout says:

    Thank you for your blog. My tip would be to carefully check your quarter inch before you start a project, and also change to a 50 wt. thread. It makes a real difference in accuracy.

  1526. mysteriouslystarlight95f3187ca7 says:

    My advice is not to worry if all the seams don’t match. Start with a simple pattern for a smaller size quilt.

  1527. Pat says:

    What beautiful things could be made from the colorful fat quarter sets! Endless possibilities…. and a generous offer. Thank you for sharing this bounty!

  1528. Cathryn M says:

    My tip is: slow and steady wins the race

  1529. Peggy W. says:

    Hi, Corey, My tip to someone new to quilting is to always find joy in what you’re making. As you mentioned in your previous video when you talked about the quilt police, some folks think it’s ok to say negative things about how you quilt and the choices you make. Whether it be how well you pieced something together, what colors you chose, what techniques you used, how you did your binding, etc. But quilting is about what makes you happy. Keep that in mind and it will be a lifelong journey of joy.

  1530. Keturah Nowak says:

    My best tip to a new quilter—-the quarter inch seam matters!!! Ask me how I know! :0)

  1531. DIana Rose says:

    Love the new mystery BOM but think I will use Peach Keen which I haven’t used yet as I’m on a fabric diet. Jave to use some of what I have.

  1532. Heather says:

    Hi Corey,
    Thank you for being so generous. I would suggest joining a guild. A great way to meet like minded folks and participate in workshops.

  1533. Deb says:

    My tip to someone starting out would be to watch videos or take classes, you can learn so much from the instructor or fellow quilters.
    Find the techniques that work for you!
    Thank you Corey, for another great giveaway!

  1534. Sara Hoff says:

    what a great giveaway! The best tip I have heard is “done is fun!”. Sometimes I get caught up in all the minutia and just have to remember to get it done!

  1535. Lisa says:

    I love my ergonomic rotary cutter. I find that I can really see what I am cutting.
    I also i an have a wipe board with a list of current projects. The listing will also have a clue as to where I left off.
    It’s satisfying to make changes to the board by updating the status.
    I also have your $5 patterns of the month. It is one of my favorites. I would love to make it in any of the color of the month giveaway packets from the Fat Quarter Shop. I am a frequent flyer there.
    Happy New Year!!!

  1536. Gail S says:

    New quilters need to know that there are no quilt police, and it is okay to do things differently than the pattern or deviate if they want.

  1537. D. Mahoney says:

    Thank you for all you do for the quilting community. My tip to new quilters would be give yourself some grace. Things are not going to be perfect the first time. We have all been there. It takes practice and time.

  1538. Lisa R Cobb says:

    Hey Corey! From upstate SC here!! Happy New Year! I really enjoy your videos – thank you so much!!
    My advice to new quilters is to first, enjoy. I go too fast – or rather, I have too many projects that I want to gift at relatively the same time that I rush throug . Im gonna take my own advice in 2025 – and take it slower enjoying the process.
    The second thing – I have finally realized the actual look I prefer in quilts. Sounds silly. But I love all the colors, and many different styles. But i finally realized what I prefer the finished quilt to actually look like to exude the feelings that make me feel the best about it.

    Anyway. Thanks for a chance at all of that fabric! Someone is going to have a HUGE addition to their stash for sure!!! Good luck to all!

  1539. koalaelegantec75d4aa96 says:

    What a thoughtful and generous give-a-way. The 18th of January is my 70th birthday. I started quilting just in 2024 and could really use such a stash!!!! Thanks for your encouragement and tips on quilting!

  1540. Janet Fiess says:

    Your idea of the Works In Progress challenge is great. I am certainly joining you. Your patterns are beautiful.

  1541. Tina H. says:

    There are so many tips to give. One is, just because one thread is touted by many, find what works with your machine. Believe it or not, I use Coats and Clark (sometimes labeled as Dual Duty). My machine for whatever reason does not like Aurifil and I hear of so many using it. Your giveaway is so overly generous. I would be happy to split it with a couple of other people. And lastly, I’ve often wanted to comment on your YouTube opening…it is so constant, graphic is great, along with the peppy tune.

  1542. Judi says:

    Always great video! Fav tip: slow down, it doesn’t have to be a race. Oh, and read the directions allllll the way through! Lol

  1543. Bretta says:

    My tip would be to invest in a walking foot for machine quilting lines and for attaching binding to the quilt. It keeps your fabrics neat and straight and makes a big difference in thw finished look of the quilt.

  1544. Grace Dessellier says:

    That is a high level giveaway, very generous! I love the barn star blocks, someday I hope to get some made.
    A tip for new quilters- just enjoy the process. It is a journey that only gets better.

  1545. Terri B says:

    My Oliso iron. A good iron, and knowing how to press, can make a less than perfect block so much happier.

  1546. Michaela Hughes says:

    I’d say as a new quilter my advice would be to avail yourself of a quilting community and ask questions! I have found veteran quilters to be so helpful and so full of knowledge, I’ve never been steered wrong. My favorite tool right now is the Stripology ruler. Love your videos, can’t wait to see the new studio!

  1547. Catherine Barnes says:

    Hi Corey,
    My tip from someone who has been quilting over 40 years, is to cut accurately, perfect your 1/4″, buy the best materials and sewing machine you can afford, and have fun. It is not a race. Find a group to sew with.
    Quilters are the most generous folks I know. Most likely the recipient isn’t a quilter and will be thrilled that you cared enough to make them something. Every day you sew, makes you better.
    That giveaway is stupendous!!!

  1548. Penny W Huck says:

    I love your sharing videos, Corey. Thank you for taking the time to do them. I’m excited to see your new studio all put together. My tips for a new quilter is to always read through the entire pattern before beginning the quilt and to start with something that teaches you a specific technique. You then begin to build your skills.

  1549. Maura Green says:

    Thanks for all the info in today’s video. It’s wonderful seeing all those gorgeous quilts in your beautiful fabrics and hearing you talk about them. A tip from a quilting teacher that’s helped me is to enjoy the process and just work through any little issues that rise up as best you can. Don’t get too worked up about them 🙂 Best of luck with your move!

  1550. Vicky Collier says:

    My tip for new quilters is to use a 2 lb. hand weight to hold your ruler in place at the top when cutting fabric. My 24” ruler is easier to keep accurate with the weight on it.

  1551. Kaye Mood says:

    What an incredibly generous giveaway. The best tip that I can offer to new quilters is read the pattern through before you begin cutting.

  1552. Debbie B says:

    My tip would be only buy fabrics you love. You will love any quilt you make from fabrics you love!! By the way, I love the fabrics in the giveaway! Thank you;D

  1553. Trisha Miles says:

    My favorite thing for quilting is starching my fabric it makes all the difference in the world!

  1554. Stephanie Seeger says:

    My tip: Become very familiar with grain of fabric: bias, length of grain, cross grain. It’s very important to know about grain in quilting because it makes a huge difference in quilt accuracy and your success as a quilter.
    Love the new Barn Star design, especially in the blues!

  1555. sandra winkles says:

    HI Corey, what a wonderful gift. My advice is to pick a pattern you like that is not very big. Buy the fabric amount it tells you. Check your 1/4″ seam and enjoy. I have been quilting for 20+ years enjoying it still. Best Wishes in your move and upcoming year.

  1556. Charlotte Green says:

    Hello Corey! I have never done this before hope I am doing this right. I enjoy watching your channel on YouTube. Looking forward to seeing your new studio.. my tip is do not be in a hurry when you sit down to sew. Just take your time and your sewing experience will be a pleasure to do.

  1557. Amy Williams says:

    Hi Corey,
    I have been quilting for a while but had to stop due to two strokes. The one thing I can remember is how to quilt, I still have problems but try. The colors are great and would be fun to sew with them. I try to make things every year for Christmas but they tell me quilts. That is hard sometimes but I do try. Your colors would be great. I have been using scraps.

  1558. Tracy D says:

    Love your fabrics and quilts!! Today’s $5 block is beautiful! I have taught a class or two to beginners. There are basic tools I think they need to learn before working on a project. Two of the most important are a rotary cutter and a ruler since this process can make or break your quilt before you even get started.

  1559. Melanie Evans says:

    My tip would be to take a beginning piecing class to get the basics down. Good and accurate tools help you be as accurate as you can be. Lastly, don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all a learning process.

  1560. Katina H says:

    Wow! Great giveaway!
    This is first my tip. If you want to learn to quilt then take a Beginner’s Quilting Class. Preferably a Sampler Quilt and preferably in person. This class will teach you several different blocks, several different methods, and terminology that you will need later. It also gives you the opportunity to ask questions and to learn from the questions other students will have. All this will build your confidence!
    This is my second tip. Join a Quilt Guild!

  1561. Michel says:

    Hi Corey, Wowzers what a great assortment.
    After many years of sewing, I have learned finished is better than a work in progress. Enjoy the ‘ride’ and take a break if you are feeling frustrated. When you come back, things will be better.

  1562. Laurie Dietz says:

    Another great & helpful video! I just love tuning in!
    A helpful tip might be to cut & get your binding ready at the same time you finish your project & then store them together so you don’t accidentally use your binding fabric for a different project.
    Happy quilting!

  1563. gleaminghonestlyb2a4dc21a5 says:

    Hi Corey — my best tip for a new quilter is to master the 1/4 inch seam and measure each unit before you put it into the block. Once you can do that consistantly, the mojority of your issues dissapear 😉

  1564. Sheri McGill says:

    My best piece of advice is accuracy! Never stop working on accuracy. Even if it means getting all new, high quality rulers and cutting tools.

  1565. Vicki H says:

    I love your videos! My tip would be to not get discouraged as you get better with every project that you do.

  1566. Delia “Lucy” Mendoza says:

    Hi Cori, i still remember your kind and supportive words from 2 years ago to this beginner quilter, I’ve learned so much from you, I’m now sure you are one of the most kind and humble fabric designer in this industry, always guiding and supporting. Although I don’t always make comments to your Saturday videos, I always watch them, either early morning or at end of the day, just like today, from today’s video I’m going to join you on the accountability tasks, because as a new quilter I’ve done lots of piecing waiting to be finished, and I love the not pressure accountability, because as you said, some times life happens, and I do have a full time job as well.
    May life continue to bless you and your family and the New year brings health, happiness, love and lots of beautiful creations to share with all of us. God bless your kind heart! 🙏🏾

  1567. Catarina McNamara says:

    I really like the Barn Star series and how you mention all the techniques used during the process. It makes the projects very approachable.

  1568. LINDA A MILLER says:

    Corey, I often teach new quilters, and my favorite notion for new quilters is Glue Baste It, or any washable glue that is good for holding fabric together without having to use pins. I do often pin pieces together, but lately, especially when snowballing corners with small pieces, I find my preferred method is to glue the right sides together. It holds very well, and the pieces don’t shift or get out of alignment. I find my sewing is more accurate this way, and my students respond well to it. Thanks for your interesting videos. I enjoy them so much. Good luck with your move!!!

  1569. Patti says:

    Happy January, here’s to a smooth move!
    My tip is a sharp seam ripper.

  1570. Karen D-921 says:

    My best tip for a new quilter is finding the 1/4 inch seam. It’s not just at the quarter inch mark — you have to account for fabric and thread thickness. Measure your unit and ajust if you need to. You’ll be so happy that you did 😉

  1571. Peggy Lipscomb says:

    For the new quilters, I love creative grids rulers.
    It was kinda hard for me to find the comment spot, not too technically inclined. 😆
    Happy New Year and enjoy setting up the new studio!!!

  1572. Kelly Hamlet says:

    That is a very generous give away!my biggest tip to new quilters is to go easy on yourself. You’re learning a new skill and learning takes time. Give yourself some room to make mistakes.

  1573. craftinggranny says:

    What a beautiful and generous giveaway. My tip would be to start with smaller projects that use squares and rectangles, gradually reducing the size of the pieces. Once you have achieved accuracy in cutting and piecing, add some triangles. And above all, enjoy yourself.

  1574. Elizabeth A Callins says:

    Never sew when your agitated.

  1575. Laura Kozak says:

    Hello! My favorite tool is the By Annie stiletto. I love that thing.

  1576. Joy says:

    Happy New Year! 😊 My tip to a new quilter has been to make a baby quilt. Sometimes just the size of a project can be intimidating and then they never try.

  1577. Michele Haughton says:

    Love your videos, I learn so much from watching you. I would love to start building my stash!! Thank you Corey♥️

  1578. Nancy says:

    I love hour videos. It is so nice of you to have giveaways. I have made several of your quilts and your fabrics.

  1579. inspiringee1f44de53 says:

    My tip would be …the most important things in making a quilt is your 1/4″ seam. The second is pressing your seams. The third enjoy the process. It’s a wonderful hobby!

  1580. Kristine Davis says:

    My tip for a beginner quilter is to start simple and don’t stress if things look a little wonky. If you have questions then search on YouTube for beginner quilting videos.

  1581. Paula Gibbons says:

    My tip is after you attach the binding to one side of your quilt give it a good press outwards. When it is turned over and you are ready to finish attaching it, the binding lays so much smoother. I have just started do this and I recommend giving it a try.

  1582. Nancy Lepard says:

    I really enjoyed today’s video! I’m loving the Barn Star 6! Maybe because Tiggs on top of the barn showing the quilt was so cute!!
    My tip for a new quilter would be to double check your measurements before you slice into the fabric. Ask me why that’s my tip!😂 I’ve had to make quite a few new cuts because I didn’t double check! Thank you Corey for your great inspiration and providing us with beautiful fabrics!!

  1583. Laurie says:

    I would say. Watch your 1/4” seams. Even a needle width or 2 can make a difference. And Jack (the seam ripper) is your best friend. Bonus tip: one block at a time, then the quilt will come together quickly.

  1584. Dawn Burnell-Powers says:

    I began quilting during Covid and taught myself through the wonderful videos like yours. Everyone suggested “use your stash”. I had none and the stores were closed. I did not know what to do. 4 yrs later, I have a bit of stash 🙂 My advice…Stash will find you. You don’t have to go looking for it. (I’m in Canada, but have a US shipping address.)

  1585. Heather S says:

    How generous of you Corey! My tip would be to give yourself grace along the way. Sew 20 minutes every day and you will be a much better piercer after a few months, and just keep that up. Enjoy your new hobby and welcome!

  1586. Misty says:

    Happy New Year! Great blog post and video on YouTube. My tip would be to always check twice measurements twice before cutting. 😊 Congratulations on your new home. 180 fat quarters for a lucky person is amazing 🤞🏼

  1587. Barbara says:

    Happy New Year Corey!
    I am a novice quilter BUT I do have two tips to offer:
    1. Identify with a fabric and pattern designer that fills your esthetic and design dreams. Follow their social media, watch for their new fabric collections and new patterns, learn from their videos and tutorials.
    2. Find a local quilt shop that fits you, make friends with staff or the owners. I learned so much from shop owner in Vacaville, CA and miss that shop since moving back to Ohio.

    Happy quilting friends!

  1588. Barb Crowe says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to change your needle often! Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!

  1589. Becka H says:

    I’m a new quilter myself so I don’t really feel like I’m able to give specific quilting tips yet, but the best tip I’ve gotten about any kind of crafting is to just try it. Don’t try to be perfect or get it “right”, just try the new thing you want to try & be kind to yourself as you learn something new. Thank you Corey for the wonderful blog & videos, I’m learning a lot and having so much fun doing it!

  1590. cindy says:

    enjoy your videos. would love to win the fat quarter bundles.

  1591. Nancy Norman says:

    Another enjoyable video–thank you! One thing that has helped my accuracy is to finger press a block before going to the ironing board. This gives me a first look to make sure I didn’t chop off a point or mismatch a seam, and it makes the the pressing easier too.

  1592. Cheryl Martin says:

    Hello, I love watching your videos and I have made a lot of your patterns and I think your Christmas fabric line Starberry is absolutely gorgeous I have more fabric from that line than any other line of fabric out there. Thank you for Sharing your videos, and for all your tips. Wishing you a happy New Years!

  1593. Aleesha Allred says:

    Thank you for another great video. I love that you always answer listener questions. I love your Christmas quilts any time of year. What a great bundle!
    Always stay creative.

  1594. Nancy Finney says:

    I am a new quilter and also a perfectionist, which is difficult being new at this craft. My tip is to not give up and keep open to learning different ways to do things. I found this youtube channel and find it so helpful and positive. I can’t wait to read through these comments! Thank you!!!

  1595. Teri L Jordan says:

    Thanks for an interesting video. If I was to give a tip to a new quilter it would be to find a friend that quilts, too. I love watching quilt videos but I do better when someone shows me in person. I’d love to win the fat quarter bundle. What a great addition to my stash that would be.

  1596. Sara says:

    Happy New Year!! I don’t know if I have a favorite tip, but take it slow and be patient is practical advice. Also, don’t spend a lot of money on anything. Most stuff out there isn’t necessary and being able to afford fabric is more important. 🙂
    Thank you for your generosity and good spirits. I look forward to your videos every week. Kimberly said in her live, on Friday, that she’s seen the BOM and said we will love it. I can’t wait for that to start. I loved the last one.

  1597. Dana Hinson says:

    I would tell a newbie to either take a class to make a small project with a good teacher or find a friend who could do that with you. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the process!

  1598. Heather says:

    I would tell a new quilter to not compare their work with anyone else’s. Do your best. Your best will just keep getting better

  1599. Lorraine says:

    My tip would be to enjoy the process of each quilt block you make. It is important to be patient and take your time in sewing. I love to just go in my sewing room and even if I have 20 minutes I can sew a block and enjoy making it then before you know it you have enough blocks to put together for a quilt.

  1600. Susan vv says:

    my advice to new quilters is to take a class. If there’s not one in your area, zoom is great. a friend who’s willing to help you out would be nice too.Having someone to answer your questions is

  1601. Sherry says:

    My Tips would be measure measure and measure again then cut. Enjoy making your project you will make mistakes nobody is perfect. But when you finish your project you will stand back and think ok that’s not so bad.

  1602. Adonica Grissom says:

    My suggestion would be to slow down and enjoy the process. I’m almost 2 years in and at first I felt like I needed to hurry to complete a quilt but not now.

  1603. Ceil says:

    My favorite tip is to make each block as if you were making it to be a sample to show someone. So don’t rush, take your time to enjoy the process, and you will end up with a quilt that you will be proud of. New quilters sometimes feel that it’s all about getting it finished but it’s really all about the process. Love what you’re doing and you will love the result and want to complete your project!

  1604. Patti Dagg says:

    My tip is to measure a couple times and cut precise.

  1605. Sheila Holbrook says:

    My favorite tip for a beginner quilter is to never point out your mistakes when showing your quilted projects to your family and friends. If they are not quilters themselves they will not notice any small oopsies and will just admire your efforts.
    Also, I find it helpful to only buy fabric to use in a project rather than the all too tempting buying of fabric because it is pretty. My OCD alerts my anxiety that there is fabric in the drawer that there are no projects lined up for! My last tip is as a beginner don’t worry about having a fancy sewing machine. You just need one that is in good working order. You can always upgrade as your skills progress and your budget allows. My first machine was a 1970s Singer I bought from a friend for $25.

  1606. affable65f91e69d2 says:

    My tip would be to jump in. When I was ready to begin my first quilt, I laid the fabric out, smoothed it, measured it, then smoothed it again. I was afraid to cut it! Take a deep breath and dive in.

  1607. Charlotte Pitton says:

    Happy New Year! I am so excited to get to quilting again after the holidays. So many quilts to make with 6 grandchildren so the giveaway would be greatly appreciated. We spent the holiday in Hawaii and I discovered Discount Fabric Warehouse in Kona and Hilo! So much Hawaiian & tropical print fabrics for those of you who enjoy serging your own swimwear.
    Happy Quilting everyone!

  1608. Ann Olsen says:

    My tip, don’t stress over something that doesn’t look perfect. In the bigger picture, the quilt will look great. Not all my points come out perfect, some seams don’t line up perfect. My quilts still look amazing and it makes me feel good that I have accomplished something wonderful.

  1609. Kim says:

    My tip for new quilters is to rly try to cut precisely and have an accurate ¼” seam. That is the basic foundation of accurate piecing. Also, square up each unit as you go along. Finally, sew with fabric you love bc, for me, that makes the experience even more delightful! 😊

  1610. Donna Ekren says:

    Hi Cory! My tip would be, keep a journal of the quilts you make. Include the recipients name and the reason for making the quilt. Include pictures, you’ll be glad you did!

  1611. Mary Gurtler says:

    Oh my gosh, all those luscious matching fabrics. How generous of you to give the packets away.
    My tip is to use a thick strip of moleskin to guide your fabric as you sew and define your quarter inch seam.
    Don’t use the edge of your foot in the beginning as it may not be a true quarter inch or scant quarter if needed. You can move the moleskin where you need it.
    Enjoy unboxing your studio and you may find long forgotten treasures.

  1612. Lisa Marie says:

    I would say my best tip is to take your time. Don’t worry about keeping up with anyone else, you need to figure out your own pace.

  1613. Karen Migliaccio says:

    My “newbie” tip would be to: “Take a deep breath and enjoy the journey. It is never perfect but you will improve with time….and- don’t point out your mistakes!”
    Corey- best of luck in the move.

  1614. Julie says:

    My best advice is to spend time sewing every day! Even if you can only spend 10 minutes of sewing per day, you will make progress on your projects and get more finished.

  1615. Maggie says:

    Hi, love your fabrics. My favorite notion would be my wool pressing mat.

  1616. Terri Jocham says:

    Thank you Corey for everything you do for us!
    My tip for new quilters is know that your quilts will not be perfect no matter how long you have been doing this. I am a perfectionist and although my quilts look beautiful they are not perfect. There will always be a seam a little off, the block size might be a little too small or too big, etc. Know that you are working with fabric that stretches. Which leads me to the dredded pressing. Don’t be heavy handed when pressing. I have distorted many a block by ironing my seams and the finished block to much. I finger press those seams and set my iron down to press. I have had good luck with that.
    Good luck in your journey in this beautiful art!

  1617. Meghan Ross says:

    I am a new quilter, so I’m not sure how much wisdom I have to share. I did find the Ultimate Beginner Quilt videos and pattern by Fat Quarter Shop to be a great way to get started! Each block is different and helps you to learn different techniques.

  1618. Nancy Matheson says:

    Best advice I have is to be nice to yourself 🥰 You’re trying something new so allow yourself baby steps. Don’t say anything to yourself you wouldn’t say to a friend.

  1619. sandra dane says:

    I do love your videos I always love your fabric amazing

  1620. Nedra Richardson says:

    My tip is to slowdown, take your time learning the basics, and enjoy the process. If you feel yourself getting frustrated or tired, set your project aside and cone back to it refreshed the next day. I love the barn quilt!

  1621. Theresa says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be to relax and have fun! And also to measure twice and cut once! Love the barn star quilts – getting my $5 pattern today! Thank you Corey!

  1622. Anita Noland says:

    My advice is have a machine you are comfortable with. Many hours are shared with a reliable machine!

  1623. Paula DiMattei says:

    My tip for a newbie quilter is to enjoy the process. Don’t fret over “points that are cut off” or “seams that don’t match”. Pick the fabrics that you love and don’t worry about what others think about your choices. The most important thing is that you have fun! Perfection is overrated. A finished quilt that you made is satisfaction and fun.

  1624. Lesli Joe says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to slow down and really perfect your accuracy – getting a 1/4” seam and cutting out fabric. Once you have that – you can do anything!

  1625. Sue R says:

    Hi Corey,
    My tip is to use painters tape to mark your quilting lines. I’ve only been quilting for about 18 months but this was a tremendous help to me.

  1626. Tina C says:

    Happy New Year to you and your family! I’m so looking forward to what you will create in this new year. My favorite thing to do for a new quilter is to give them a set of fabrics, backing and batting to make quilt as you go table runners or placemats. It’s a great way to learn, the 1/4″ isn’t dire and it’s a great opportunity to learn binding on a smaller scale. It makes tackling a quilt a little easier when you can start small. The fat quarter packs would be perfect to give with those sets to continue to pay it forward.

  1627. Cheri Duman says:

    The best advise that I have for new quilters is nobody is perfect. Have fun and enjoy the process.

  1628. Marsha Anema says:

    My tip to a new quilter would be to sign up for a beginner sampler quilt class at a local store. Learn a new technique each time. Be patient, show yourself grace, and have fun learning. Small is good!!

  1629. Annette Ackley says:

    Enjoy your Sat. videos. My tip would be is to take your time. Do at least 15 min. a day sewing or just going into your sewing room. Not everyone is perfect, I know I wasn’t perfect, but the more I did my 1/4 inch seam. I got better at it. Try doing blocks you never thought you would do. Try new techniques as you become more confident in yourself. It is the only way to learn. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help someone has the answer. We have all been there at one time or another. Can’t wait to see your new set up in the sewing studio.

  1630. Janet E Brown says:

    Thank you for your generosity. Suggestion for new quilters – work on projects that interest you. Always be willing to learn. You will make mistakes and learn from them. You’ll do better next time.

  1631. Deborah E Kortyna says:

    Thank you for all your videos and blogs. I learn something useful from each one. Love your cheerful Christmas backdrop and all the patterns are beautiful.
    Advise to a new quilter: Love your machine and treat it as your best quilting buddy. Mine was my grandmother’s and it is still helping me quilt and sew even though it doesn’t have all the “bells and whistles”.

  1632. Laura Heineck says:

    I started this hobby one year ago. I think there are many things that can be difficult to control as a new quilter. One of the hardest is how to organize and store the different supplies and fabrics. It seems very quickly there is an accumulation of so many different items that need a place. The place needs to be efficiently stored yet very accessible when needing to use. Thanks for your videos and I cannot wait to see your new studio!

  1633. Lori Wells says:

    My tip for a new quilter is practice until you find what works best for you- how do you get a 1/4” seam? It varies from one quilter to the next AND give yourself the patience and grace needed to learn! Mistakes happen and you have to roll with them!
    Happy New Year Corey and thanks for the giveaway opportunity! It’s a rainbow 🌈 in a box! Congratulations on the new home and your new studio!!

  1634. MARY DREWES says:

    I’d love to the fat quarter bundles to make more charity quilts – thanks for sharing your bounty!

  1635. Robin R Meador says:

    Happy New Year! I finally got my fabric for the mystery quilt! Excited to start! I enjoy your Saturday videos. Good luck with the move!

  1636. cindie pitz says:

    what an incredible giveaway!!! A great stash builder for any quilter! Some of my favorite notions are Clover fork pins for precise pinning intersections and investing in a quarter-inch presser foot. Lastly, be patient and know each project is a learning experience

  1637. Joanne says:

    What a generous person! My advice is to enjoy the process, even the mistakes as you usually learn most from them. Just have fun and let your creative side free.

  1638. ReMe says:

    Wow! I really wanted to read all the comments but there’s so many! My top advice would be to say… “There’s no quilt Police!” Thank you, love your videos!

  1639. Ann says:

    How generous of you share this wonderful gift. My advice is to be gentle with yourself, go slowly and keep going.

  1640. Debbie says:

    I always enjoy working with new quilters, the best advise I send to them is to not be intimidated by the works of others, they were all new at one time and we all know how to use that seam ripper! Be patient, and always challenge yourself!

  1641. Margaret Johnson says:

    Happy to enter the giveaway, but also excited for the WIP Challenge. I am certain I can come up with 11 projects in varying stages of completion, and this is a great way to tackle them. Thanks for lovely fabrics and patterns and all of the encouragement and inspiration!

  1642. Mindy says:

    Be patient with yourself. You don’t have to be amazing right away. Mistakes will be made, and that’s part of the process. ❤️
    Also, start with a precut if you’re insecure about choosing coordinating fabrics, like I am!

  1643. Jane Samaniego says:

    I read through so many great comments and idea: practice getting your 1/4 inch seam is out there for a reason. I made my mission after many years of quilting to improve that step last year and I am so much happier with the quality of the final project as a result! However, I recently sewed a bunch of leftover practice blocks of various shapes, patterns and sizes together for the fun of it and the whole freedom and wonkyness of it was a blast. So two fold advice to a beginner quilter is practice your craft but don’t worry if it is not perfect. It is supposed to be a fun hobby!!!

  1644. thingdecaffeinated9aebd30b0f says:

    My tip is to work on your accuracy, and not so much your speed. The speed will come. That said, have fun and enjoy.

  1645. Susie says:

    Such an amazing giveaway! So nice of you. I’m making my niece q quilt with one of your older collections. I can’t remember the name right off but I’m excited to finally do it!

  1646. Joannne Oosterhouse says:

    My advice is to starch the fabric really well before cutting. It’s so much easier to handle when sewing.

  1647. Jennifer Stinson says:

    Oh my goodness what an amazing giveaway! Love your videos! My advice would be to just enjoy it, don’t let the quilt police dampen your joy, you do you and block out the rest!

  1648. Laurie Bass says:

    My tip would be to read your pattern completely before starting a project! I always want to just jump in and start but have to make myself read the pattern through then I can start. Thank you for all you share

  1649. Ann Southall says:

    I newbie tips are continually practice, enjoy practicing and the process and most importantly don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect. You will get better with every block or thing you do. Making sure you cuts are accurate and the using good 1/4 seam will make everything work out better than you realize. Enjoy the process.

  1650. Sandra Stagge says:

    Hi Corey–I also moved this year and am setting up my new sewing space so can totally relate 🙂 I am also of the mindset that finished is better than perfect — though am trying to improve my skills to minimize those “imperfections” 🙂 Thank you for the generosity in sharing your craft and creativity!

  1651. Letha says:

    Tip for new quilters. One block at a time. If you make a mistake don’t let it get you down. grab that seam ripper and try again. We learn from our mistakes no one is perfect.

  1652. Melissa says:

    My favorite tip is to use binding clips instead of pins! I know it’s a bit controversial, but I also don’t get stabbed as much 🙂

  1653. Cheryl Littmann says:

    My tip would be when your mojo is on the Fritz just take scraps and sew anything. Even a semi pile 4 patch will bring a smile to your heart. Before you know it a table runner is born

  1654. Lisa Lyona says:

    So many great tips! The one tip that has helped me is starching my fabric. That is a game changer for me.
    Thank you, Corey, for making your weekly videos. I always look forward to seeing what you have new for all of us. Hope all of you have a blessed 2025!

  1655. Kelly Hicks says:

    my tip would be that your quilt doesn’t have to be perfect. Just enjoy the process and mixing the fabrics up and the finished product will always look great!

  1656. Janet Ploghoft says:

    I enjoy listening to your blogs while I walk every day. I learn so much and enjoy looking at new patterns and fabrics. My advice to a new quilter would be don’t get overwhelmed by all the possibilities. Just pick a pattern and some fabric and get it done.

  1657. Valerie Ruhlig says:

    Wishing you a Happy New Year in your new home. Enjoy your fabrics and videos.

  1658. Vickie Manning says:

    My tip to a new quilter would be to not go out and buy all the rulers and gadgets you see like I did. You will find out what you need as you get going and build your stash slowly with good fabrics. Oh and practice that 1/4 inch seam. It makes things much easier to put together. Watch videos to learn new techniques and all the new fabric lines coming out. Thanks Cory for all your videos and support for new quilters.

  1659. Sewhappy17 says:

    Thank you for all that you do for us! Love your videos…My helpful tip is to remember that you can’t finish if you don’t start. And my favorite saying is finished is better than perfect!

  1660. Donna in Alabama says:

    My tip especially to new quilters DO NOT let the “Quilt Police” get into your head. They will kill your joy and enthusiasm. Enjoy YOUR journey and learn as you grow. Constructive advice is helpful as long as it is encouraging. Don’t think you should be perfect from the get go just enjoy the process and the art of quilting. Baby steps are still steps. Quilting is not a cheap hobby so only buy what you can afford at this moment.

  1661. Kim Carter says:

    This is a very generous give away.
    My tip would be, wait to make that 1st quilt!
    Practice cutting accurately, especially if you’ve never used a rotary cutter & practice that 1/4″ seam.

  1662. Cathy Palmer says:

    My tip would be to start small like with a table topper, and just have fun. It is always great to have a quilting partner. Mine is my sister.

  1663. PATRICIA kay GEISHIRT says:

    Thank you for the giveaway. Love your work

  1664. Renae H. says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be to use a 1/4″ foot on your sewing machine and to start with a smaller project and don’t worry about perfection. Enjoy your project.

  1665. Melinda Harmon says:

    Love your videos! My best tip is YouTube and your local quilt store are your friends. You can usually find an answer to your questions at either place.

  1666. Felicia Hollander says:

    My tip to a newbie quilter would be there are no rules. Get your creative juices flowing and have fun. You can be your worst critic go easy on yourself and trust the process.

  1667. Karen Marie Diamond says:

    Love all your videos, if I were to win the fabric, I have a couple of barn star patterns that would work nicely, thanks for the offer

  1668. vickie mone says:

    Hi. My tip/advice is to ‘measure twice and cut once.’ I totally enjoy my hobby. I love the feeling of accomplishment when I finish a quilt. It is rewarding. Also makes me keep myself organized. Hopefully watching your videos will keep me on top of my WIPs. Keep me encouraged to complete more. Thanks.

  1669. Karen Marie Diamond says:

    My tip, try the mesh bags that are popular now, they hold your project pieces nicely

  1670. Karen Uhrik says:

    Congrats on 2025 and moving into a new home. Always love your videos!!! That is an amazing monthly fatquarter assortment giveaway!!! Looking forward to your upcoming sew alongs!! Thank you🥰

  1671. Shari Robles says:

    My tip is to learn to use your rulers to cut accurate pieces. Also practice the 1/4th inch seam. Join a sew along with videos or take a beginning class at your local quilt shop. Enjoy!

  1672. Connie says:

    I take my time measuring and cutting. It is easy to make mistakes when you rush.

  1673. Jenny says:

    I absolutely loved the Starberry Fabric! I made the Christmas Sheep and love it!

  1674. Caroline Pryor says:

    Happy New year! My top tip for quilting would be to remember that there’s no quilting police. Do what works for you and enjoy the process.

  1675. Glenna H. says:

    Love the different color variations for the Barnstar pattern and the WIP challenge fo4 2025. I have several projects I would like to finish this year.

  1676. Teresa Ann Rathburn says:

    I have brought a sister in law and best friend into the quilter’s world this past year. The best advice I could and did give is to enjoy the process! Relax, nothing is ever perfect, we always have “Jack” and to keep the 1/4 inch seam allowance. Oh, and to measure twice and cut once!
    I have been thinking about how I can get my WIP’S organized to get them done. Time to start marking in the new planner! Can’t wait to see your new studio.

  1677. Kaylene LeMar says:

    Wow, what an awesome giveaway! My tip would be read the pattern several times and when you think you understand it, go ahead and read it one more time!

  1678. Josie Loya says:

    Love all of your beautiful quilts and patterns. I think as a first time quilter my advice is to be willing to learn from others an practice.

  1679. Gayle Burchette says:

    I discovered Corey on a trip to Millersburg. OH….what a great find! I really enjoy checking out quilt shops on my travels and have founds lots of info and ideas this way. to new quilters, I would suggest finding a network:: quilt shops ,guilds or friends who can help you over the jumps along the path of learning. We all have our strengths and weaknesses so having someone who will help you is immeasurable.

  1680. Carmen Lyon says:

    Thank you for another great video and another great $5 patte. 😊Barn Star 6 is just beautiful in the Peachy Keen, but I think it would be just as gorgeous in Abloom. Getting sew excited!

    I’m a new quilter – since February 2023 – and I’d tell someone who is just starting their quilting journey to not be so hard on yourself. There is a learning curve, but enjoy it and be proud of every accomplishment no matter how big or small. Oh, yes! watch YouTube quilting videos.

  1681. CHERYL SKILES says:

    Hi, Corey! My tip for my 3 granddaughters, ages 9,10, is to take your time(I regulate their speed to “turtle” on the machine, and follow the seam guid tape to stay lined up.this helps them to keep in mind the quarter inch seam concept. Then I am teaching them to chain piece! They are making charm squares quilts!

  1682. Lynda108 says:

    Hi Corey! The best tip I would give a new quilter would be to get some diagonal seam tape for your sewing machine. This was a real game changer for me. Not only for half square triangles, but I really love how it makes my 1/4 inch seams accurate even when just sewing regular straight seams. Thanks! ❤️

  1683. Connie says:

    When I started making quilts, I liked watch videos of other quilters and their tips for sewing up blocks and other tips they share. A quarter inch foot is a must as a lot of projects use a 1/4″ seem. Have fun!

  1684. Marge says:

    Loved your video today and can’t wait to see your new studio. Agree that sometimes just taking a break from a project then revisiting it later helps get things moving. Your giveaway is very awesome.

  1685. Linda meinders says:

    Thank you for offering a giveaway.
    Corey thank you for all your videos you provide to us and know that your fabric lines are wonderful.

    I would say that my tip for a new quilter would be perfection is not as important as a finished quilt. Know that everyone makes a mistake now and then so look past that and you will have confidence in all you do and the perfection you are looking for will happen.

  1686. Michelle Renee Crumpley says:

    I would tell a beginner not to be afraid of making an ugly quilt. Experiment. Use those odd fabrics. The finished product doesn’t have to be a perfect piece. It’s the process that is what works. Every thing you make is going to teach you something. If you mess up don’t be afraid to cut it up into something new. I seam ripper is my best friend. In fact my best friend gave me one with my name engraved on it.

  1687. Cindy Tracy says:

    I really like using my design boards for laying out my quilt pieces. It was a big help organizing my pieces for Cory’s Sheep pattern. I check and double check as I sew pieces together to make sure I am sewing them together in the right order. It helps to lay the pieces out on the board the way they should go in the block.

  1688. Ginger Savage says:

    Fantastic giveaway! My tip would be to always doublecheck your measurements before cutting fabric … then measure twice, cut once!

  1689. Casandra Finlay says:

    Shorten your stitch length! Most machines have a preset stitch length at 2.5, but shortening the length could save your blocks. For example, as you sew blocks together, sometimes you find that you might have to “fudge” the fabric to get the points to line up, or the seams to match. That might lead to a less-than-1/4-inch seam allowance. If your stitch length is at a 2.5, when you complete the quilt and wash it, blow outs (busted seams) are more likely to happen.
    I’ve lowered my stitch length to 1.2, which is micro stitching, but I have a super fast machine.

  1690. Marilyn WK says:

    My tip is to learn how to clean and oil your sewing machine, to do that at least once a week or how often the manufacturer recommends, and to take it in for regular service by a professional. If you treat your machine well, it will be there for you when you want to sew. It’s your BFF after all!

  1691. Kim says:

    How incredibly generous of you! That is an amazing prize for the giveaway, I had wanted to be a part of that program, but was not able to.

    My favorite tip is to notate what you buy for each project somehow. I can’t tell you how many times inspiration hits in the middle of the night. I order fabric and when it arrives a week or so later, I can’t remember what the plan was for that fabric.

    I have been using a free online database program called airtable (not affiliated) to keep track of my projects, purchases, thread, books, and patterns, etc. This helps also prevent duplicate purposes because I can check my inventory when I am l shopping as there is an app for my phone.

  1692. Patti M says:

    When I was in a class at my local quilt shop I was stressed about not being as fast as some of the seasoned quilters. The teacher reassured me it was ok. She said it wasn’t a race and don’t worry about what someone doing. It gave me the confidence to stay in the class and finish my project.

  1693. Loretta Smith says:

    My tip would be to start with a simple pattern, maybe one that has a video for it and don’t be afraid to ask other quilters questions. Friends can help you a lot. Thank you Corey for the amazing give away!! I love watching all your videos.

  1694. Mary A Springer says:

    It’s nice when things work out perfectly but when they don’t, don’t give up. Finished is always better than perfect

  1695. Renee Vandal says:

    Favorite tip is that perfection is overated. Have fun! Happy New Year to all!!

  1696. Susan says:

    Thanks for the video and $5 pattern, and what a great giveaway! I think my best tip is to relax and have fun, enjoy the process. And if you do have a project you just don’t want to work on then give it to a friend or donate it!

  1697. Robyn says:

    I would recommend to keep sewing and watch lots of YouTube videos. Just don’t give up! Best of luck on your move 😊

  1698. Pam L says:

    Hi Corey! I just enjoyed yet another of your Saturday videos and like many others I look forward to them every week. I cannot believe you are still doing so much while getting ready to move! We moved four years ago and I still don’t have everything arranged the way I would like in my sewing room, but am so thankful to even have this space. I look forward to seeing how you get yours set up. What a generous gift of the fat quarters! Anyone here would be lucky and appreciate such a fine box. You are a rockstar!
    My tip to a new quilter would be to take your time cutting and find that sweet 1/4″ seam. I love using Diagonal Seam Tape but there are many ways to mark the measurement. Happy New Year and Happy New Home!

  1699. LeAnne K says:

    My tip is to choose a project that looks interesting to you and jump in! Don’t worry if every block doesn’t turn out perfectly and enjoy the accomplishment of your first quilt! Also, find some fellow quilters to support you and cheer you on.

  1700. yoyopattycakeshotmailcom says:

    Wow! What a fantastic giveaway! My favorite tip is to starch your fabric before cutting. It makes it so much easier to cut and sew accurate seams.

  1701. Roxanna Owen says:

    I am sure to make all the rulers I use for a project are all the same brands. The calibration of other rulers/templates may not be the same. This 12-pack of FQS samplers is most generous. I know that out of 1,720 responses to your give-away that I have no chance of winning. But wanted to share my tip.

  1702. Julia Turner says:

    My tip to new quilters is to take your time and enjoy the process. Don’t put a deadline on your projects until you get a little further along in your quilt journey.

    I am so excited to see your new quilting space!

  1703. Patsy Mellen says:

    Great video as always! My tip is be as organized as possible. My sewing room is an absolutely disaster! I need a personal organizer. Haha!

  1704. tanyaterbrock56 says:

    Hi Corey Thank you for your video. I watched while sewing some blocks together this afternoon. I enjoyed it and would like to be entered in that wonderful giveaway !!!!!

  1705. Theresa says:

    My tip is measure twice and cut once.

  1706. charlotte smith says:

    When I first started quilting. I watched many videos and decided on a jelly roll quilt. I would say that having a good cutting mat and a rotary blade cutting tool are essential.

  1707. Felicia Ross says:

    My favorite notion is the Martelli cutter.

  1708. Sheryl K Rathge says:

    My suggestion to a beginner is to take as many classes from a local quilt shop as you can! And the very first one should be a Rotary Cutting Class. The second most important thing is to master your 1/4”, there are so many people out there that doesn’t realize just how important this is! Then start the beginner’s classes they offer. Once you feel more comfortable, start taking other more advanced classes and you’ll be a great quilter before you know it!

  1709. Marcy H says:

    My advice to a new quilter is, it’s okay to make mistakes and not be perfect. That’s what makes every quilt unique. Also get a 1/4” foot, it’s a game changer.

  1710. Dawnetta Burns says:

    Stay excited about your new hobby, but remember to save some of those quilts for your own home😍.

  1711. Debbie Doman says:

    My tip for new quilters is to perfect your 1/4” seam. What a generous giveaway Corey!

  1712. celticdoxies says:

    Great prize.
    My advice to a newbie–don’t get sucked in buying tons of gadgets. Invest in a few quality tools–good ruler (Creative Grids my fav), rotary cutter/blades/mat, Aurifil thread. You can make tons of blocks with basic tools.

  1713. Rhonda G says:

    Hi Corey! I love your videos and you do such a good job! I am new to quilting and enjoy your tips for the novice. Thank you for the opportunity to live in your quilty world!

  1714. Lynn Scroggins says:

    This is such a generous gift to some lucky person! My tips would be 1) not to buy every ruler you see. Find a quality brand you like and buy one or two that may be used several ways. For example one that is 6.5 inches by 24.5 inches to cut width of fabric strips and a square one to help you keep your blocks square. 2) cut accurately. It is so hard to recover if you aren’t accurate from the start. 3) use whatever tool you need for accurate 1/4 inch seams. Be it a 1/4 inch foot or a ledge of tape, it will save you so many headaches!

  1715. Jackie Gee says:

    The best advice I can give to a new quilter is to make sure that all your cuts are accurate. So many times, more than I want to admit, I cut something just a tad too small, and of course, we all know the outcome. Although rotary cutting is time-consuming and tedious, it’s probably the most important step in assuring that each piece, after you stitch, is the size it should be.

  1716. Barb says:

    My tips are to work on sewing a consistent scant 1/4 inch seam and to measure your piecing and blocks while working on the quilt.

  1717. Brenda S Dunham says:

    My tip would be to get yourself a little notebook and right down your machine settings for either a quarter inch or a scant quarter inch and your stitch lengths. When you turn your machine on the first thing you do will set it for whichever qtr inch setting that you will be using along with your desired stitch length.

  1718. Tonya Leininger says:

    I just recently found your videos and I love them so much! I like to have your videos on in the background while I work on my Wensleydale Quilt. Your giveaway is so generous and lovely. Whoever wins will be really happy. My advice to a new quilter would be to ignore the “quilt police” and make however makes you happy. As long as you are making something beautiful, who cares what other people say. Happy New Year!

  1719. Bernice Poole says:

    Happy New Year! Winning that gorgeous fabric would be a great way to start the year and build my stash. Being pretty new myself to quilting and learned from YouTube, my tip to another beginner is to RELAX, BREATHE and be PATIENT. Mistakes happen to the best and can be fixed or left as a design element. Quilts are made with LOVE NOT PERFECTION! If you can’t see it when walking by neither will they.

  1720. Leslie Hassmann says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to start out simple. Choose a basic pattern using pre-cuts such as charm squares and get accustomed to sewing a quarter inch seam allowance & pressing directions. Love your new barn star pattern!

  1721. Laura Ruthruff says:

    Hi Corey… First thing is I just love all your fabrics. So pretty!! I can’t wait to see your new studio. Good luck with the move
    My tip to a new quilter is to keep your sewing area neat. When I lay a ruler down, I find it frustrating when it disappears under a pile of anything I’ve thrown down over it.
    Happy New Year!!!

  1722. typhoongeneral7a2a6b2217 says:

    Just purchased Barn Star 6, hope to use the fabric if I win in a couple of your barn stars. Thank you!

  1723. Paula Releford says:

    I enjoyed your 1st 2025 upbeat as always video. I also liked that your holiday backdrop was still up. I usually inch my decorations away so I don’t get sad when they are all gone.
    I think my advice to a new quilter would be to “relax and enjoy the process” pick colors that make you happy and a pattern that isn’t too complicated that you can finish in a shorter time frame. Try to do a good job but don’t try to be perfect. If you are too hard on yourself you won’t have fun. Your skills will improve quickly and you will have a wonderful new creative hobby.

  1724. Lucy Lai says:

    Thank you Corey for a fabulous giveaway!
    My advice would be to make something small like a wall hanging or a mini quilt. It is small enough to practice seams, cutting, different techniques, binding and will finish faster. You can be proud of what you made and get excited about starting the next project.

  1725. Kelly Babjak says:

    Please use the best products that you can afford, practice, practice, practice! It will all come together, just keep trying! Would so love to win your give-away Corey! Thanks

  1726. Marie Eddins says:

    I think your Barn Star Quilt is a great place to start quilting. Not only is it a small size which allows you to finish in a shorter amount of time, you have also designed several basic techniques that make for learning and practice.
    Wow! Thanks for such a super giveaway!

  1727. Joan C Shipp says:

    My tip to new quilters is when shopping for rulers, stick with the same brand because when you are brand new to quilting the rulers can be a bit confusing ( they all look a littLe different)

  1728. Diane Gibson says:

    I just finished “cleaning” my sewing room so I could begin some new projects. 2025 will be a busy quilting year, friends celebrating their 50th (I just ordered Cali & Co), grandson graduating high school; grandson getting married…all in May and June. I started to make my WIP list plus projects to do. Of course while cleaning I discovered some projects in there plus some very nice fabric I had forgotten. I also have enjoy machine embroidery so there are some projects there. Thank you so much for your video’s and patterns.

  1729. Gail Palumbo says:

    What an amazing giveaway! It’s very generous of you!

  1730. spiritedsunflower69 says:

    My tip took me quite awhile to learn myself. You should never compare your quilting to some one elses. We all are on different paths with our quilting journey. It so hard not to get discouraged when you see some ones quilt that looks perfect on the web.

  1731. Joanne Mollerus says:

    New quilters: if your favorite fabric gets “sold out” no matter where you search, have no fear…new fabric lines (which you’ll love just as much!) are always in the works, and there are soooo many talented fabric designers. Also, you will definitely benefit by chatting w/experts at your local quilt shops, by watching online tutorials, and by constant practice at the sewing machine. You become more informed the more you read/watch others, and you become a better quilter w/each project (finished or unfinished). 🙂

  1732. Linda R says:

    I’m fairly new in the quilting world and my tips would be 1) Best Press your fabric. It cuts and sews so much easier and nicer and 2) Measure twice and cut once! Fabric is expensive and especially if you’re doing a three yard quilt and don’t have any extra. I always double check myself, especially when I’m using my Stripology rulers!

    Love your barn star 6 pattern and your tip to join more together to make a bigger quilt!

  1733. Kelly Robbins says:

    I’m new to quilting and love Corriander Quilts. I jumped in with both feet a year ago and have been hooked since then. My tip would be to read the instructions, find some cute fabric and get started. If you mess up don’t sweat it. It just makes your quilt unique. Just enjoy the process.

  1734. C P says:

    Love your work in progress challenge!

  1735. Suzanne Richard says:

    My best advice is sew, sew, sew! The more you sew, the better you get.

    • GiGi says:

      My tip would be to use your camera. It helps so you can remember the blocks arrangements; shows you where you left off; helps to see different arrangements and color combos; these are just a few hints for using the camera.

  1736. Jean Guck says:

    Thank you for positive enthusiasm. It brightens my day. Best quilting advice: Just keep quilting!

    Jean G

  1737. Becky Bunke says:

    I would suggest that a new quilter join a quilt guild or take group classes in person at a quilt store to make friends in your local quilt community. I’ve found it very helpful to have some one who is experienced to ask questions of when doing a project.

    Thank you for a great video today. I’ll be picking up your Barn Star pattern. Good luck with you move.

  1738. Stephanie Facemyer says:

    My tip would be …. Take your time, HAVE FUN!! Remember that finished is better than perfect! 😊

  1739. Jane Macchioni says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to purchase quality fabric… Moda is my favorite.

  1740. Carik B, says:

    My tip would be it you hit a quilting slump take getting back into quilting slowly. Don’t try to push yourself too hard. I have been out of quilting for a while due to back surgery for a collapsed disc and just getting over that and took a tumble and ended up with a compression fracture of a vertebra. I can now start quilting again but have to do it slowly, in other words time myself so I don’t work too long at a time, 15 to 30 minutes max before I take a break, but first I need to get my sewing room in shape. I like to make quilts for charity to get rid of some of my fabric that I have accumulated over the years but I have never had the color bundles that the fat quarter shop does though I think they are lovely but never felt I had the money to buy them. Would love to win them so I could make some patterns I want to make but most of them would probably go to charity.

  1741. Christine Huff says:

    I like a BIG eraser to clean the fuzzys and things on your cutting mat!!!

  1742. Denise Nathanson says:

    My tip for beginning quilters is that there are tools that will help you to sew a quarter inch seam and not all of them have to be purchased. Also squaring up your blocks may be time consuming but your quilt will go together much easier if you do.

  1743. Deborah L Powell says:

    For new quilters, take your time, read the pattern over several times. Don’t be in a hurry. Remember , the tortoise won the race. Sew slowly, pin, and mark seams carefully. And have fun, and be proud of yourself. Deborah Powell

  1744. Kathleen Dettore says:

    My tip is be mindful of changing out your needles and rotary blades. It really does make a difference. Don’t let and old rotary blade ruin your beautiful fabric, it’s a god practice to change out your needle after 6-8 hours of sewing.

  1745. Francie G says:

    Happy New Year!! And congratulations on your new home!!
    The give a way is an awesome stash builder. My advise to a new quilter… when you start a project, clean and oil your machine, change your needle, as well as the blade in your roller cutter. Always check with your machine manual for needle size and suggestions on brands. As far as thread, I perfer to use Aruifil. I like to wind at least 2 bobbins, making sure the thread in the bobbin is the same weight as the upper thread, this helps prevent thread breakage, knotting and skipped stitches. Which can be very discouraging to a new quilter as well as an experienced one.
    I also recommend reading the pattern a couple times before beginning. And my last piece of advise, relax, and enjoy the time you have for quilting, you will be amazed about how all things come together in a beautiful piece of art called quilting.

  1746. Wendy Kozuback says:

    I really enjoy your weekly videos and love your fabric lines. Looking forward to seeing your new studio.

  1747. Janice Gripp says:

    I love your fabric lines! I have used your Starberry in a quilt and have signed up for the 2025 designer mystery quilt using your new fabric! I would love to win those beautiful fat quarter bundles that you are giving away! ❤️

  1748. Kim Hinze says:

    I’m currently working on a Wooly Stars quilt, so my tip would be to go ahead and buy the ruler you want! I first started out with just a basic square ruler a few years ago and now have learned that it is worth buying rulers of various sizes! The 2 1/2 ruler is my new favorite notion….if I could only stop loosing it! Lol.
    It’s 2025…eat the cake, buy the rulers and enjoy life!

  1749. Marne Corbin says:

    Started quilting 1 year ago and I made #194 Jelly Sticks as my 1st ever quilt.
    For new quilters, what I have learned is to iron my material BEFORE I cut it. I also learned to measure the precuts (pinking edge) to see if the measurement is from peak to peak or valley to valley.
    One of my favorite notions is my stripology ruler. It took a little bit to get used to it, but highly recommend!

  1750. Rhonda Patrick says:

    Enjoy the Journey, Don’t sweat the small stuff (scant quarter inch seams). Buy the best quality fabric and tools you can afford. Don’t limit yourself, your skill will improve as long as you continue your craft.

  1751. Lisa Palmer says:

    I am very new to quilting and have only a very small stash. Those fabrics would really help me out! My tip is that when you get frustrated with your project, walk away for an hour or so and then you can come back not so overwhelmed. I find that my brain works on the problem I am having when I am away and I can resolve my issues much more easily by taking a break!

  1752. Natasha Ennis says:

    Wow, what an amazing giveaway. My favorite tip is to just keep at it, don’t get discouraged. Take pictures along the way so you can see your improvements.

  1753. Rebecca Wilson says:

    I can relate to this question directly since my 25 year old daughter had decided she wants to learn to quilt. My best tip to a new quilter would be to be patient with the process and yourself. You won’t be able to learn everything in one day. Also, don’t be critical of your work. It is all art and is a reflection of your quilting journey.

  1754. Nelva Bohannan says:

    Love to watch you on Saturday. The highlight of my morning. Love the giveaway. My tip for new quilters is to try to join a quilt guild or go to a local quilt shop to find a group to sew with. That is how I started and I learned so much from the wonderful group of ladies there. Hope your move is going well Corey! Take care.

  1755. Tessa Hill says:

    I think my tip would be to not stress over being perfect. I almost didn’t start quilting because I was intimidated by the precision that people kept talking about. But I started watching one sweet quilter who had tutorials on basic blocks & she shared her own mistakes and said it’s ok to not be perfect. And after that I had the courage to try.

  1756. Garilyn says:

    Practice and measure your 1/4” seam. Then enjoy the process. A finished quilt Is better then fabric sitting.

  1757. Tonette Southern says:

    My best advice is to find a quilting buddy. Fast. He/She will become your best friend for life.

  1758. Angela says:

    I love watching your videos. Good luck with your move. I think my best tip for new quilters is to not be too critical of your own work. You will improve with each quilt. And, remember, you don’t have to point out little mistakes you made. No one needs to know. Mum’s the word.

  1759. Donna Pond says:

    My favorite notion is the Creative Grids Stripology ruler. I have two sizes and both are time savers.

  1760. Peggy Carper says:

    I’d love to make all of those quilts in the background
    I love Christmas quilts but I can use those fat quarters
    Up for birthday gifts.
    Happy new Year

  1761. Nancy says:

    My tip would be enjoy the process. Don’t stress over perfection. What a generous giveaway! Let ve your you tube videos.

  1762. Debbie P says:

    New quilters need to just have fun with the learning process and realize that no one is perfect. Each time you make a quilt, you learn!
    I have a lot of favorite notions but my go to is my Bloc Loc rulers when doing HSTs.

  1763. Marge Fuccione says:

    My tip would be to make sure you square up your block at every step of the way.

  1764. Brenda Lockard says:

    I agree with the Sidelock ruler. It really helps me cut wof Yardage

  1765. MICHELLE Krueger says:

    Wow,what a lovely giveaway! My tip for a new quilter is to invest in a few nice rulers. Accuracy begins with good cutting. And enjoy the process! I love every step of the process. Each time you sew it gets easier and more fun. Enjoy!

  1766. Kim Bonner says:

    My advice to a new quilter is to join a quilting guild &/or a quilting bee. Also take classes at your local quilt shop & watch lots of you tube videos on quilting. Have fun!

  1767. Bronwyn Batts says:

    My biggest moment I share is don’t get stressed when quilting, it’s supposed to be fun and relaxing. Remember”it’s only fabric” take your time and enjoy the process.

  1768. Sandy says:

    I would suggest planning before purchasing fabric, I know it’s hard lol but that would be my advice for a new quilter. I’m so looking forward to the Cali and Co sew along. I love the fabric and yes I got extra with no specific plan.😆

  1769. judee says:

    I really look forward to your weekly YouTube videos-your smile is contagious, and I very much enjoy your patterns. Sounds like your move is coming along slowly but surely! Enjoy this new year in your new home.

  1770. Sonja Dennin says:

    Hi Corey, I just love your Saturday videos! My tip is take photos of the quilts or projects you make. Almost all my quilts, table runners, quilted pillow covers, and so on are gifted to family and friends. I am so excited that is done and ready to go to its new home and I forget to take a photo. I have had to call them and ask for a photo of the gift. Too many times to count! Thanks for having such a great giveaway. Can’t wait to see you in your new space!

  1771. Judy L B says:

    My advice to new by quilters is to try to find a quilt guild in your area if you can. Even a small group will be able help you achieve your goal and become a better quilter. Be patient with yourself and be kind to yourself. Rome’s wasn’t built in a day and quilts aren’t (generally) either.

  1772. Kelli Horger says:

    Best advice for a newbie would be to start small, Mug rug, pillow, table runner. Then expand your size and skill set gradually.

  1773. Charlotte R says:

    Hi Corey!
    Thank you so very much for this wonderful giveaway. I think the one thing I would tell someone learning to quilt would be to take your time. Just relax and enjoy creating something beautiful, but don’t forget to sew an accurate 1/4” seam! 🙂

  1774. Paulette says:

    Corey I have followed your blog since before YouTube was a thing. Don’t you agree the rotary cutter of any sort is the best. I remember quilting before they were a thing. I have had many life changes. Caring, giving, loss of my husband and now a new life with a very dear man. Recently finally getting my mojo back I took a fall, messed up my left hand, wrist and arm. of which I am a lefty. I was ready to get back into quilting and I know I will be busy each day doing what I can even though the pain from my injury hinders it. I would love to win your give a way for the incentive to carry on this wonderful Craft of art, design and the self-healing it gives. I love your youtubes, blog and want you to know how much they mean to me.

  1775. Karen Gudith says:

    Thank you for the beautiful and generous giveaway! My tip to a new quilter is to start small and have fun! Take time to enjoy the process. 😊

  1776. Lorie Blum says:

    My advice to a new quilter is don’t fret about things being perfect. I saw others say the same thing. It’s just so true! Just keep going and it will turn out beautiful.

  1777. Alisha says:

    Be kind to yourself. Enjoy the process. Take breaks when needed. It’s like putting a puzzle together. One piece at a time. Purchase a colorful seam ripper that you will enjoy using.

  1778. Anne says:

    My tip(s) are to strive to grow your skills, take classes and watch instructional videos, enjoy the whole process from planning to binding, and lastly, celebrate your successes.

  1779. My tip to a new quilter would be to maybe start out with a Block of the Month that is good for beginners. You would get good help and not get overwhelmed.

  1780. Andrea says:

    I’m still pretty new to quilting but it has been helpful to remind myself to let go of perfection and enjoy each step of the process. I learn so much with each project and just try to keep improving my skills. Also, if I like it, it goes. When buying fabric outside of a precut pack, I can get hung up on how it all will go together but if it appeals to me, that’s all that matters.

  1781. Debbie Blaxton says:

    What an awesome give away! I love your fabrics, and watching your videos. I am just getting backing into quilting, I need lots of refreshing . Thanks for all you do for the quilting community.

  1782. Pam Ahlvers says:

    Hi Corey! There is a total of 180 fat quarters. I would recommend a new quilter find an established mentor if possible, start taking classes and join a guild. You would be amazed at what a new quilter can learn that way.

  1783. Laureen C Muhr says:

    I so enjoy your shows on Saturday. Something I wish I new as a beginner is the importance of squaring your blocks. As far as a notion I couldn’t live without my seam ripper.

  1784. Kathleen says:

    I squealed out loud a little when I saw this generous giveaway! My tip is always – do not over think, over research, or over learn. Just start. Read a couple instructions, watch a couple videos and then just do the thing! I have often and easily confused myself into inaction with too much information.

  1785. Kaitlin Petersen says:

    My number one tip is to pin, pin, pin!!

  1786. Julie Martin says:

    I love watching your v videos Corey! One thing I would tell a new quilter is to find quilter friends and watch videos. That helps so much.

  1787. Mary Usner says:

    Here’s my tips: Follow instructions to the T, make your 1/4″ seams as accurate as you can, and enjoy the Journey! Making quilts are Labors of Love and are heirlooms.

  1788. Jessica Secrest says:

    Hi, Corey,
    My advice to new quilters is not to stress. Enjoy the process. Experiment with whether you like to work with starched or non starched fabric. Do you like to press to one side or open. Everyone has their own preferences and its whatever fits you that matters. Enjoy the creativity of making a quilt and how wonderful it is to have something useful in the end.
    Are you moving to a new home in the same county or elsewhere.
    All the best to you.

  1789. Linda Nahler says:

    My tip for new quilters is to use good quality thread so you will have greater results and far less problems with your machine. I love all the barn star patterns and enjoy your weekly videos.

  1790. Christine Paradis says:

    First my tip, There is no Quilt police. Do your best and totally ENJOY the process.
    Second…as lots have said WOW Corey what a beautiful gift to share with a lucky quilter. I dont imagine winning as m in Canada but I will keep trying.
    I love your videos, your inspiration is so real. Thanks for the fun, the $5 patterns and for being you.

  1791. Liz Ginder says:

    Just finished watching your video. I make it a point to tune in on Saturday. I enjoy listening and learning from you, thank you. My tip would be, “Just Do It.” I’m always worried about how my quilt(s) will turn out and I’m always pleasantly surprised. Good luck finishing up your move.

  1792. Mary Suzanne Arndt-Kettler says:

    My favorite tip for a new quilter is to be kind to yourself. Keep practicing by making quilts and your confidence will grow!

  1793. Karen Miller says:

    My tip would be to start with one block, quilt it and then turn it into a pillow. You’ll feel great about finishing something without getting overwhelmed as you learn the different steps of quilting.

  1794. Michelle Ellison says:

    Finished is better than perfect!!
    Square up those blocks before sewing quilt together. Also don’t be afraid take the time to pin for accuracy!
    Love your podcast!

  1795. Sheri says:

    My tip: Search Youtube for what you are struggling with. There may be a different method that clicks with you better than what you’re trying.

  1796. Mary P. Smith says:

    I’ve just recently found your blog & you-tube. I love your fabrics. Thanks for sharing

  1797. Robyn Esterholdt says:

    I so look forward to your videos every Saturday. I have been quilting for about 2 years. I have research a lot through YouTube videos to teach me how to quilt and I always look to your videos. Thank you for always sharing. Couldn’t do it without people who shares their wonderful talents through their video’s.

  1798. catdutifullyc6826987db says:

    Happy New Year Cory and Family. Enjoy your new home! The best tip for beginners in my opinion is to watch lots of videos. And join a sewing “b”.

  1799. Bessie says:

    Thank you for your encouraging videos. You are so kind to offer such a wonderful giveaway! I would say my best tip for a new quilter is to start with a simple pattern & tell them “You can do it!”

  1800. Mylissa Gholson says:

    Hi Corey! Thanks for the chance to win such a fun box of fabrics! My tip to new quilters would be to invest in a Bloc-Loc 6 1/2” ruler. It’s my favorite go to item. Have a bless new year!

  1801. CHERYL SACCO says:

    My tip is your first project should be easy so you can enjoy a success. Don’t worry about perfection. What a generous giveaway. Thank you

  1802. Judy Ducrou says:

    I have received my fat eight bundle to do the 2025 QAL, looking forward to that so much. I have the pattern for this month $5 dollar pattern looking to complete this one this year!! I would love to add to my stash with the FQS bundles, I have purchased some of them when I need a particular colour in my stash. Thank you Corey I always look forward to your videos each week, they are very informative and fun….😍❤️💕

  1803. Joan Ferner says:

    My tip to new quilters would be to measure carefully and go slow. Those 1/4” seams are so important, but having fun is the best part about quilting.

  1804. Sue Coleman says:

    My advice for new quilters is quilt with a friend! Building the bond of strong friendships through a love of stitching. Nothing better!! This retired teacher is stash building and planning to teach beginning quilt classes at our local community college.
    Love your videos Corey. I always learn something from watching you.

  1805. Tammy Kelley says:

    My advice to a new quilter is “Pinning is not a bad word. It will help to keep everything lined up to match points properly.”

  1806. Beth Foust says:

    Wow , what a generous giveaway! . My tip would be to buy a bolt of white background. You can use it for several quilts. The extras you have from the first quilt you can save and use the scraps for another quilt. This saves money as well as wasting fabric. I like to use every bit up that I can. I enjoy watching your videos every saturday.

  1807. Linda S says:

    My tip would be to find or make a new friend who quilts. You might do that through taking a quilting class or by asking friends and neighbors if they know anyone who quilts. Friends are great to ask questions of and learn from. It’s also fun to get other people’s ideas on your projects or a problem you’re having.

  1808. I am new to the site so hope I have commented in the correct place. I really enjoy your videos, and the fat quarters you showed today were beautiful. My favorite notion is poke-a-dots sticky thimbles. They are a game changer and I love them!!!

  1809. Shelia Wood says:

    Hi Corey! My tip a new quilter would be to go your LQS and talk with people there. I have found that quilters are some of the friendliest and sharing ladies I know. Surround yourself with people who uplift each other. Never be afraid to ask questions. I always tell new quilters, there are no stupid questions, as I have ask them all.

    I love the videos! I look forward to watching each week. Thank you for sharing with us. Have a wonderful week!

  1810. Shelly Edwards says:

    My tips are: creative grids rulers, a good rotary cutter and a 1/4 ” foot. The best beginner class I took the instructor said ” your machine likes to go fast. Only you know your mistakes and it doesn’t have to be perfect” she has 8 children so didn’t mess around. my first class was a perfectionist and made us rip everything out and I was so stressed and did not enjoy it. The second class has made me love quilting for the past 21 years! Watching Creative experts like Corey and Fat Quarter Shop and Lori Holt has added a new spark to do what you want with your project❤️

  1811. Linda Johnson says:

    My advise to a new quilter: 1. Have fun & enjoy the process. 2. Buy the XL Stripology Ruler as it will become your favorite tool.

  1812. Amy Miller says:

    My best tip is to work on your basic skills before moving to more complicated projects or patterns. Saves a lot of frustration. And I have learned really great fabric doesn’t need a complicated pattern. Enjoy the process and don’t be too hard in yourself. Even if it’s not perfect, it’s still a quilt!!!

  1813. Terri Adkins says:

    I tell newbies to take it slow and don’t rush. The journey is fun part. Feeling rushed makes it feel more like a job than a beautiful hobby…..The end result is always rewarding, but the journey is just as exciting.

    ====and may you always have a sharp rotary blade!=======

  1814. Nancy Fahlgren says:

    my advice to a new quilter is go with what excites you and what you feel you can do. Hopefully you know a quilter that can help but there’s always YouTube tutorials.
    Corey, what a generous giveaway!
    I’m planning to join you in the Getting the WIPs done! My plan is each of the Saturdays that you pick a WiP to finish I’ll pick one from my WIPs for each month. Hopefully there will be a few less WIPs in my craft room come January 2026.

  1815. Trish says:

    I love your videos, patterns and fabrics. I’ve got to say, I’m jealous of your studio/sewing space. Mine is tiny and I share it with a home office! Definitely needs some clean up. Thanks for your inspirations,

  1816. Kim Wright says:

    Love your videos! I like to keep my mini iron with a small ironing mat next to my machine so I can press every seam as I piece. Also- I recently serviced my machine for the first time in about 20 years! Money well spent! She purrs like a kitten now. 💕

  1817. Toby Mercer says:

    My beginner tip is to check to be sure you are sewing a 1/4 inch. If you aren’t, you quilt block will be off. Thank you, Corey, for this generous give away.

  1818. Michelle Gregerson says:

    You do a great job in pattern writing which makes it so much easier for beginners. I was helping a beginner quilter with one of your patterns and with your written directions she was pretty independent. I look forward to your videos every Saturday. Thank you for all you do for the quilting world.

  1819. Frances H says:

    My tip or trick I wish I knew when I first started was about nesting seams and making sure you even the blocks . I spent so much time tearing apart the pieces and redoing.

  1820. Kathleen Guggenmos says:

    When teaching someone to quilt I like to tell them to relax and have fun! Accuracy is important but if you’re not enjoying the process it’s too easy to give up.

  1821. Jennie Hermanson says:

    My tip is you don’t need a fancy machine to quilt. Make sure you sew a quarter inch seam and pressing it’s important. Start with an easy block and finished is better than perfection.

  1822. Donna Sieben says:

    Hey Corey. I have recently found your podcast and I really enjoy them. I am joining in on the Bom and looking forward to more weekly videos.
    I guess I would tell someone starting out to relax and enjoy the learning process. Also learning a consistent 1/4” seam allowance helps too.

  1823. Linda Mc says:

    My newbie recommendation is to find a beginner class at your local quilt shop or learning extension in your community. I was an experienced clothing sewer when I jumped into quilting and did not appreciate some of the specifics and differences that are important to quilt creation. The beginner class I took gave me a great foundation for success and prevented me from learning some things the “hard way” via failures. AND remember, nobody is perfect — no matter how long we have been quilting.

  1824. Suzi Cafran says:

    Corey, I truly do wish that you were moving next to me, but realize that you need to be by your family! Love all that you create and design! My tip for new quilters is to try to enjoy the process, but if you have any problems do NOT be afraid to ask for help…. Enjoy the process and it’s okay to make mistakes …..

  1825. Tina Weigel says:

    take time to trim or square up units as you sew your blocks together, makes big difference in how your final block comes together

  1826. Danielle Taylor says:

    I tell newbies to jump in and enjoy the process. Most of us don’t enter quilt shows so have fun.

  1827. Donna says:

    Giggle at your mistakes.
    “Oh, jeez, I can’t believe I did that.” On that same thread, develop ZEN with “Jack the Ripper” (seam ripper). Apply patience and caution to boo-boo piece – don’t wanna make a hole.
    If frustration or aggravation tries to rear its ugly head –> walk away – have a cuppa.
    Enjoy YOUR creative process.
    Happy Stitchin’

  1828. Marliss says:

    My tip would be to enjoy and don’t over Think toO much you can learn a lot from the fabric and pattern designers on you tube

  1829. Patricia Anderson says:

    Remember that all quilters make mistakes, don’t give up, just keep quilting & enjoy!

  1830. Teresa L Ayars says:

    My first thought was to give the a tool like the little purple thang. It is great for poking out the seams on sew and flips. It also keeps fingers away from your presser feet and needle. Winning the fat quarters would be fantastic

  1831. Jill Henige says:

    My favorite notion are my quilters select rulers. They have a great nonslip coating and the lines are fine

  1832. Susan Marie Patterson says:

    I would say invest in 1/4″ foot for your sewing machine and rotor cuter, that there are lots of way to do things, watch lots of videos. I have been quilting for awhile now and always learning more from the videos!!! I love your fabrics, thank you very much for all you do!!!

  1833. Karen Fulkerson says:

    Wow, what a fantastic giveaway. My tip would be to take your time, start small and simple, use the colors you love so you don’t get board, pin and iron. Thank you Corey for such a generous giveaway and wonderful video’s, I look forward to Saturday mornings with you! 🤩

  1834. Mary Edelen says:

    I’ve been sewing for many years and the best advice would be to read your pattern thoroughly and to take your time.

  1835. Sheila OBrien says:

    My favorite new quilter tip is to READ the pattern all the way through, before you start cutting fabric and sewing! Bonus if the pattern designer has a video to watch!

  1836. Jeanne Williams says:

    Hey Corey! Love listening to your voice whil I’m sewing in my space! I have Starberry fat quarter bundle and I just want to say still haven’t cut into it yet! But I want to when the right pattern comes along! Hope I get to win ur super duper giveaway! Congrats on new house and big studio! Watch u next time 🤩

  1837. Jennifer B says:

    My tip would be: Don’t be afraid to mix it up. Everyone wants to make the same thing with all the same fabrics. How do we all learn to be different if all the quilts look the same? Mix: fabrics, designers, etc. No one is perfect, and neither are our quilts! Have fun with the quilting adventure!!

  1838. Regina Garcia says:

    My #1 tip is – it is ok to make mistakes. Most mistakes are only seen by you and not the recipient not others. My favorite tool is the rotating mat – it saves a lot of time and inaccurate cuts since the fabric and the ruler are not being moved/reset.

  1839. Susan Murray says:

    My tip is to watch video tutorials on Youtube. I had no idea where to start when I began my quilting journey 2 years ago. By watching videos, I learned about different sewing techniques, how to use a rotary cutter, how to sew binding., how to use the various tools of the trade, and so much more. I wouldn’t be at the skill level I am now if I had not watched the many talented people on these videos. (One being Corey Yoder.) I am thankful for all of them.

  1840. Cathy Russell says:

    Love the giveaway – would make alot of comfort quilts that our guide would donate to the different organizations in our area – example – Ronald McDonald house. My tip to a new quilter is to have all the essentials available before sewing. Plus it never hurts what you can learn with working with other quilting friends They are the best!!!

  1841. Linda Casias says:

    Corey I must tell you how much I love your barn star patterns. I’m thinking of making a star for each month to hang on my wall. I desperately need more seasonal quilts to decorate my home.
    My tip for new quilters is enjoy the journey. Know that every quilter has been where you are right now. You will build your skill level with every quilt and its unfair to yourself to compare your skills with other quilters. So have fun learning with each quilt, figuring out which techniques work for you, your color pallet, which fabrics/designers you love, and enjoy the journey!

  1842. Adriana says:

    I love watching your videos. I am a new quilter, picking up lots of tips and advice from your videos and this blog. What a great giveaway!!! Thank you for the chance to enter.

  1843. Vicki Denis says:

    I’m a new quilter so I spent a lot of time watching tutorials. It got confusing with everyone’s different technique. So I sat down and tried a couple of different ways and settled on what felt comfortable to me.

  1844. Roseanne Carr Atkinson says:

    My newbie tips are, enjoy the process, there is no such thing as quilt police, don’t limit yourself, always try new things. In quilting every day you’ll learn something new.

  1845. Debbie Rucker says:

    I enjoy the Saturday videos. Feels like a sit down and chat visit. My tip would be it is the journey and not always the Destination even in quilting. It may not be the project itself but your time, creativity, and your learning journey.

  1846. sheryl drake says:

    Hey Corey!
    Thank you so much for all the great videos over the years — they are so inspirational, and I love your fabric collections! Such beautiful colors, patterns and a joy to quilt and create with!

    A couple of tips for those of us teaching the next generation of quilters –

    1. Try to teach with simpler but very patterns that don’t need a ton matching intersections. I like to teach using large 1/2 square triangles with 10in pre-cuts.
    2. If someone I know is wanting to learn I will make a “kit” for them with some basic instructions or an easy pattern with a picture, fabric, batting and thread. The goal here is something they like and easily achievable – a wall hanging, table runner or other smaller item.
    3. Make sure the thread selected works well with the machine they are using to avoid unnecessary frustration. I had an old Kenmore that worked well with coats and clark types of threads, but my higher speed Juki loves aurafil (or maybe I love it – LOL).
    4. Keep it fun and give lots of praise along the way!

    I’d love the FQ bundles as well for some of my kits!

    Thanks again for everything you do for our community!

  1847. Emma Pituley says:

    Coming from a millennial point of view, I would tell folks just to give it a try! It’s a beautiful hobby to help reduce stress in your life!

  1848. Susan McAuliffe says:

    What I would share with a new quilter is learn the basics and don’t stress out on perfection. Enjoy the process. You will improve with each quilt you make. It does take time.

  1849. Kristina says:

    Thank you for such an exciting giveaway! My tip is one I also have to remind myself of: Don’t let the fear of not being skilled enough keep you sidelined. While videos and tutorials are invaluable, the best way to learn and to improve your skills is by jumping in with both feet, er, hands, and to (allow me to borrow a phrase) Just Do It! 😀

  1850. Linda Cyr says:

    Such a wonderful giveaway! I also love the idea for the WIP challenge and think I will try that as well

  1851. Lisa says:

    Corey, thank you for a very generous give away. I would tell a new quilter to try a kit. A kit gives you almost everything you need for success, typically a pattern and coordinating fabrics some even come with backing and binding so all you have to do is cut and you’re ready to sew. Hope your move goes smoothly, can’t wait to see you in your new space.

  1852. Flow Goff says:

    I have only been quilting a year. My suggestion is to slow down. Don’t be in a hurry. I am still working on my 1/4 in seam.

  1853. Liz Anderson says:

    Hi Corey, thank you for your wonderful videos. Love hearing quilter’s questions and your helpful comments. Also, thank you for your very generous giveaway. My tip to a quilting newcomer would be to take your time and enjoy the journey.

  1854. Christine Denstaedt says:

    My sewing advice is to clean as I go so, when I’m done with the project, the sewing room is ready for a new project right away. First thing I do is make sure to have several small trash cans within arms reach so cut threads, fabric snippets, and other miscellaneous waste is quickly done away with. Second thing, I put things away in the same place so I don’t waste precious time searching for stuff.

  1855. Rose Gaona says:

    Hi my tip for a newby is there are no quilt police you do you if you like it it must look good but if you feel there is room for improvement then practice , practice, use what you have and don’t feel pressured by anyone. I never discourage a quilter .

  1856. Jackie says:

    Wow, what a generous giveaway! My advice for a new quilter would to be buy the best fabric you a can afford and do the best you can. When you know better do better. Everyone has to start somewhere so just start!

  1857. What an excellent giveaway! I love your videos and enjoy watching every Saturday. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.

  1858. Pam says:

    TY for the opportunity for this generous giveaway❣️
    My tip for new quilters is pick a ruler brand and stick with it for the best accuracy in cutting. Use the rulers to measure your. Cuts whenever possible – not the cutting mat.

  1859. Mona Pendleton says:

    Wow! What a generous give away and wonderful way to start the New Year! Thanks for sharing all your quilting knowledge with us all! As a beginner myself, I would suggest to anyone beginning, to enjoy the process, choose fabrics and patterns you love! Don’t skimp or you likely won’t finish what you started!

  1860. Cindy Stambaugh says:

    My suggestion would be to ask questions… lots of them. There is no one way to do anything. What works for one doesn’t work for another so don’t feel like you can’t or you messed something up… try it a different way.

  1861. Joanna says:

    I /am/ a new quilter, so I’m looking forward to reading all the tips. My tip would be to just do it, and keep going. The more you do it, the better you’ll get.

  1862. Kaye Garner says:

    My best tip for beginners would be to piece or cut or quilt something every day, even if it’s just for a short time. Doing something every day is a sure way to get better faster. Thanks for the videos.

  1863. Tina Zumwalt says:

    When I first started quilting, I was frustrated by my ruler slipping when cutting with a rotary cutter or drawing lines. I didn’t want to invest a lot of money trying out different rulers when I’d rather spend it on fabric! I found that the plastic medical tape that has ridges works great. Placing small pieces in a few spots on the back of the ruler gave me just enough traction. Happy Quilting!!

  1864. KATHY TANNER says:

    My tip would be to just start!! When I decided that I wanted to start quilting, I began collecting fabric like crazy. I was kind of intimidated when I thought about getting started actually cutting and sewing. After about 2 1/2 years, I finally made my first quilt, a throw quilt for my granddaughter. Then the holidays came and I got busy and quit. I have just this weekend started working on my next quilt. I am enjoying the process.

  1865. Janny R. says:

    So many great tips. I would say enjoy the process, all of it, even the unpicking. Have grace for yourself, and laugh at every mistake. It will do you body and mind good.

  1866. Margaret LaVenia says:

    How generous of you to give away all of that in one bunch! I have been helping a newer quilter. I showed her my favorite notions and told her to get a quarter inch foot if doesn’t have one with her machine and also to watch when buying rulers to notice that some are in inch measurements and some have a half inch added to them. Pay attention to which ruler you are using before cutting your fabric!

  1867. Karla says:

    HI! Fun video and the giveaway is fantastic. Best with your move!!

  1868. Lisa Drapela says:

    I would tell them, practice makes progress, practice on scrap fabric, remember it’s only fabric. And, my favorite notion is my little dust buster vacuum. After sewing, I vacuum all the lint from my machine and all around my sewing space

  1869. Marissa Sherman says:

    What an amazing giveaway! My tip for a newer quilter would be: don’t get caught up in being perfect. A lot of historical quilts have imperfections, but are still cherished.

  1870. Marla Pavelzik says:

    Thank you Corey for the chance to win this giveaway. Those fat quarters would be so awesome to receive. You are so generous.

    My advice to a newbie would be to remember to have fun! Take your time and enjoy the process. You will learn from your mistakes. And, no question is a dumb question so please ask if help is needed.

    Congrats on your new home and studio. Hope you enjoy for many years to come.

  1871. Mary Napier says:

    My best tip….measure twice cut once…double check measurements before cutting. Especially if you don’t have extra fabric. I’ve made plenty of mistake or read my ruler wrong!

  1872. Judy Juhl says:

    My advice would be to start with something small like a table runner or wall hanging.

  1873. Michelle Wilson says:

    My best tip for a new quilter is pick up a magnetic board for your quilt room. I have all my quilting ideas posted….sort of like a vision board.
    Also a peg board for all your rotary cutters, rulers and scissors….what a difference having everything in one spot!

  1874. Barb says:

    My tip is to not feel that your quilt, blocks, stitching – or anything – needs to be ‘perfect’. Don’t let social media dampen your quilting spirit! Always remember, your work is beautiful!

  1875. Krissy Fossmeyer says:

    My tip is to myself! I’m a new quilter and have told myself, “just get started!” I’ve wanted to learn to quilt for years and have decided that the time is NOW! So… this is my year! I’m going to do it!

  1876. Nancy DeCoste says:

    I truly love to watch your videos so informative

  1877. Pam L says:

    Really look forward to the Saturday video. One tip for new quilters would be to figure out your machine and do what it takes to get an accurate 1/4″ seam. That could be purchasing a 1/4″ foot for your machine. Or my favorite, using diagonal seam tape.

  1878. MaryLou says:

    My newbie tip: read through the pattern before doing anything. Then, don’t be afraid to ask questions – quilters are friendly humans!!

  1879. Linda Gonzalez says:

    I would say to keep track of your fabrics and put it together with the pattern you’ll be using it for-I have ordered fabric for a specific pattern and then forget for what pattern it was for!!!!

  1880. Melissa Britton says:

    Hi Corey!! I love everything you do!!! Your new studio looks AMAZING!! I would tell a new quilters, that don’t stress over making it perfect, only God is perfect!! Have fun, and enjoy the creativity!!

  1881. Amy Williams says:

    My tip is to measure twice cut once. Always take your time. I’m so excited to see who wins the giveaway

  1882. Caryn McConnon says:

    My best tips would be to sign up for a quilt class, you can learn so many great tips and tricks from others. And just keep finishing, you will get better the more you sew. Start simple and go from there, it’s an awesome adventure!

  1883. Sandy Fisher says:

    I appreciate your videos and all that you share. I have purchased so much of your fabric and love your patterns. I have been quilting for over forty years and still learn from you and get inspired. I have quilted many of your free patterns as well and thank you so much for your generosity. Your giveaway is an exciting opportunity for the winner. If I had to share one tip, it would be to find quilty friends. It is so valuable to get close to other people to share this journey, help each other, ignite your creativity, and remind you to have fun.

  1884. Jenelle Koball says:

    My tip for new quilters is to dive right in! Get that 1/4 inch seam consistent, watch videos and realize you’ll always be learning something new that will help you along the way.

  1885. Cindy Small says:

    A good habit to get into is pressing as you go.
    Sometimes finger pressing is adequate as the block is constructed, but a final pressing before squaring or putting the quilt top together makes a big difference in how the project turns out. Love your Saturday morning videos! Good luck with the move and enjoy the new sewing/filming studio!

  1886. Beth says:

    I think we quilters are too hard on ourselves….we all complain about our points not matching, we need to step back and let them disappear from view…look closely at the quilts from our role models, their points don’t match any better than ours do but we declare them perfect because we see them properly from more than an inch from our nose….embrace your skill level and take the time to learn and do the best you can, it’s not a race and improvement will come with each attempt……

  1887. Roxanne Olson says:

    Just looking at your Barn Star quilt pattern, I would recommend that to a beginner quilter. It is a smaller size to start with, uses larger pieces and also so many basic blocks that will be used over and over again in future quilts. Just take your time with each part and it will be quite the accomplishment when completed.
    Thanks for your videos and teaching moments, love learning from you and am looking forward to your new BOM.

  1888. June white says:

    HI my tip for newbies like myself would be to make as many bonus blocks as you can with your leftovers from the project you just finished, that way you control scraps and get beautiful bonus quilts for charity or gifts. also your giveaway is ASTOUNDING wow to win such a gift would be a major thing for a newbie to start a decent stash thanks for your generosity Corey.

  1889. gijane279-Liz says:

    Corey, First of all great video as ALWAYS!!! Secondly thank you for the opportunity to win such a great prize!
    My ADVICE to new quilters is: There are NO quilt police, enjoy the process and if something is not going the way you think it should step away for a few moments then come back to it. It’s a journey…

  1890. sandytyson says:

    I would remind a new quilter that all of us were at her place at one time, and like any skill, you learn by 2 things: Practice, and good teachers. Start with something simple with no triangles, and learn to match seams and stitch a straight 1/4″ seam. Then learn any way you can. Take a class or watch the millions of tutorials online. It’s so much easier to lean from someone who knows tricks to make it easier than to try to figure it all out yourself! Don’t give up! The reward of a hand made quilt will be worth it! Corey, thank you for the amazing, mouth-watering giveaway! I make a lot of rainbow colored kid’s quilts for donation, and that boost to my stash would be amazing! Hoping your move goes well!

  1891. LMSG says:

    Love your Saturday videos. Just started watching.
    My advice to beginner quilters is to jump in if you have the desire to quilt. I started almost 14 years ago but was forced to learn quick because my mom signed me up for a retreat (she also paid for it! Thanks Mom). Many in my family were already quilting so I was a bit intimidated but so glad I started. We all quilt differently which is fun to see how we interpret colors, patterns and how we design our quilts.

  1892. Lyssa says:

    I am so happy to have found your blog and your YouTube channel. I decided to take up quilting approx 2 months ago to learn to make a tshirt quilt for my daughter. Since I have been learning I have fallen in love. I have several of your patterns and look forward to making many new fun projects.

  1893. Allison D says:

    My tip is to enjoy the journey and do not compare your self to other quilters and their projects. Instead focus on what made you happy your quilting process and focus on what worked for you. Maybe it was the cutting or color choices or your quarter inch seam that that turned out better than you expected.

  1894. Bobbi M Brunson says:

    My advice is that if things aren’t working out, ask for help. Quilters are very generous souls &love to share. Thanks for your generosity, Corey!

  1895. Nyasha Jones says:

    My tip for a new quilter, and for myself, is, “Be willing to be bad, so you can get better.” I often feel like we as newbies, want to be as perfect as the people we watch, and that takes time and patience.

  1896. Lisa O. says:

    My tip would be to try a pattern you like. Don’t worry about the labels “ beginner, etc…” just go for it!

  1897. Kathy Naylor says:

    Hi, Corey! I love to start my Saturdays watching your videos. Your happiness is contagious!! My tip for a new quilter is to use pins. I like making sure everything is as lined up as possible before I begin to sew. It doesn’t guarantee perfection, but I find it helps.

  1898. Christine Herman says:

    Hi there! Love the videos and patterns; I always look forward to Saturdays and a new video 🙂 My tip is: Don’t try to do all the projects you see that you like! You will get overwhelmed very quickly and end up finishing nothing. Put your attention toward one or two projects that you love.

  1899. Janice Sharp says:

    Hi Corey! You hade such great information and your fabric and patterns are beautiful! My advice to a new quilter would be to keep a photo journal of your projects. I find this helpful when considering colors, patterns, etc. It will also chart your progress as a quilter (especially if you use that zoom on the camera);).

  1900. Kristy Vunesky says:

    The tip I would give new quilters is enjoy the process and don’t fret about making mistakes. Just have fun! What a generous giveaway you are doing. thank you! You are always so sweet 😊

  1901. Alex Rowe says:

    Happy New!! Favorite notion hmm there are some many awesome to choose from. Creative grid rulers, basting tape, foundation paper, etc. I would say enjoy the process of making a quilt top. Have fun with all the beautiful fabrics. Great giveaway

  1902. Maria Griffin says:

    Hello Corey! Bracing for the snow coming our way, brrrr! My favorite tip for a beginning quilter would be to make sure to use sharp rotary blades. It makes cutting less of a chore than it already is.

  1903. Diane Madison says:

    My tip is to always starch your fabric before beginning your project. This has helped me with accurate cutting and piecing.

  1904. Connie I Hatch says:

    My advice is to take the time to square up your blocks. It makes all the difference in putting the blocks together and the over all look of your finished product. My favorite nition is my BlocLoc ruler.

  1905. Anita Maxwell says:

    As a beginning quilter, I would start with a small project that has large pieces. Remember that your first quilt will not be perfect.

  1906. Jennifer Richardson says:

    Thank you for your great videos. My tip to tell a new quilter is relax and realize that finishing a project is better than setting it aside because you think it’s not perfect. Continuing to tackle something is how we learn and improve.
    This is a great giveaway and we are grateful that you are so generous. So excited for you as you get moved and get to enjoy your new space.

  1907. Schelly says:

    My tip for new quilters is to enjoy the process of putting together your blocks and always remember to square them up to the correct size. Also there are no quilting police and every mistake is actually a learning opportunity or a new block design in the making.
    Thank you for your wonderful videos and for this awesome giveaway

  1908. mclemens10 says:

    Such a generous giveaway. Thank you. My tip for a new quilter is to try to sew a pre-cut kit for their first project, to see if they like the process before making a big investment in tools. My sister was new to quilting this past year. I had a precut tumbler quilt in my stash. She made that and was hooked!

  1909. Tonia Smit says:

    Love the cat on the roof! My tip would be to press not iron. I have learned the hard way when I distorted my blocks. Enjoy the process!

  1910. Bonnie Lovett says:

    I always share with new quilters that it is a wonderful idea to purchase a rotary cutter, a couple rulers and to take an introduction to quilting class to get started in their quilty journey. Thank you Corey for designing such lovely fabrics. I always seem to be drawn to your designs. Happy new year!

  1911. Pat Blood says:

    I think one of the best pieces of advice that anyone ever gave me was to be patient with myself. Although I had been garment sewing for years before I started quilting, I made mistakes. I’d rip, re-sew only to find that I made the same mistake again!! yikes!! Don’t beat yourself up…….just stop…..take a breath and breathe.
    Also may I say that this giveaway is the best ever! Twelve monthly packages of the fat quarters is incredibly generous.

  1912. Christa Haymon says:

    I love your new barn start quilt pattern. The blue you showed on the video is my favorite! Thanks for sharing your expertise with all of us.

  1913. Jill Auxer says:

    My tips are to pin for accuracy in your piecing and to use a tailor’s clapper for super flat seams.
    Corey– love your Saturday morning burst of quilty fun. Thanks for the weekly inspiration!

  1914. Linda Blain says:

    My tip is to square your blocks at each step and then also square the final blocks before sewing the rowsm. Everything goes together so much more easily.

  1915. Patti Marques says:

    What a generous giveaway!! As a newer quilter myself, my advice is patience and learn from your mistakes. With each quilt you will get better❤️

  1916. Jeannie Tews says:

    As a newbie myself, I can’t say what my favorite notion might be but I’m excited to read what everyone has to share!

  1917. Kim Andrews says:

    Loved your video and just bought your Barnstar 6 pattern. I plan on making it very soon. Can’t decide to make it with the Peachy Keen or the Spring Brook. Might have to make 2, or 4 and just make a huge quiilt. Another to add to the other 8 that need to quilt.

  1918. Belinda Terrell says:

    I look forward to watching your videos each Saturday! My favorite notion is my Creative Grids rulers!!

  1919. Lisa Price says:

    Wow! What a fantastic give away!!! My favorite notions are a good pair of small sharp pointed scissors, a wool pressing mat and a sharp seam ripper! My advice to a new quilter is take things slow and easy. Have patience and learn from your mistakes. Quilting isn’t a race and you get faster with experience.

  1920. Annette says:

    My advice is be patient, read patterns through before starting, choose fabrics that speak to you, cut carefully, test your quarter inch seam and if you make a mistake unstitch it and try again!

  1921. Christina says:

    My advice to new quilters would be “do what you love” and “ask an experienced quilter for help”. Also, get the basic materials: sewing machine, mat, ruler and a roll cutter. That’s it. Thank you for the lovely give away chance.

  1922. Debbie Wedgworth says:

    My favorite tip is to be kind to yourself. Also, I get the best results if I starch my fabric.

  1923. Clara Chandler says:

    My favorite notion is a very sharp tool to rip out stitching when an incorrect stitch is made. Then, using the very shar pins, Join the pieces together correctly. Never be hesitant to correct an error.

  1924. Virginia Vestris says:

    Hi, I’m new in this journey and my tip would be : there is a wonderful community of talented quilters all around the world who passionately share their know- how, knowledges, easily accessible on You tube. It’s a treasure for those who want to learn from the basics to more advanced techniques, so take advantage of it , subscribe , you will never be alone.

  1925. Susan Kaiser says:

    I recommend that you take different classes and try different types of quilting. Don’t get hung up on the projects being perfect. Enjoy the process.

  1926. Marina Abad says:

    What a wonderful giveaway!

    My tip is to keep quilting simple. Wonky straight line or simple S curve waves. The quilt will look good with simple quilting, you don’t need fancy designs.

  1927. Sue Pfeiffer says:

    Favorite Tip, there’s two of them: 1 practice, practice, practice getting an accurate 1/4 inch seam; and 2 a good press technique is important! Thanks for all you do!

  1928. Susan Lewellen says:

    My tip for a new quilter is take a beginning quilting class at your local quilt shop where you can learn lots of valuable information and meet other people. After all, one of the best things about quilting is making friends with people that have a similar interest.

  1929. Rosemary Zagrobelny says:

    I would recommend to a new quilter to have sharp pins and an extra new rotary blade on hand to change out if yours gets a little nicked.

  1930. Cherie Matthews says:

    My tip would be to start with a sew along. I think they are great for motivation and support as you all tackle the same project together.

  1931. Shona says:

    Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway!
    My biggest tip would be to use the internet! There is so much information out there that is readily accessible to learners.

  1932. Teresa Fisher says:

    Corey I couldn’t agree more January is a great month to get organized and to complete those unfinished projects, I know I have a few LOL. What a great giveaway. I love all your fabrics and enjoy watching your tutorials. Thank you and Happy new year.

  1933. almostlollapaloozaf248475758 says:

    My tip would be to not buy to much fabric as you start. Buy only enough for the quilt you have in mind to start with. Buying a lot of fabric is very expensive and can be over whelming. Ask me how I know . Debbie Wood

  1934. Diana says:

    My tip would be to just start! Pick something you’re excited to work on and enjoy it. Perfect the quarter inch seam and nesting and you are good to go.

  1935. Brenda says:

    My advice is to have fun. I like to do small projects between the big ones to feel the accomplishment of completing something. And I love giving away many of my projects.

  1936. Karen says:

    My favorite notion is a good ruler that works with my brain. I would tell a new beginner to take it slow and remember sewing is a skill that takes time to learn. Also squaring up is very important.

  1937. Carollyn D Gantz says:

    Corey, I look forward to the Saturday videos! Such great content…….and that’s just what a beginner quilter needs! There are lots of You Tube videos out there for beginning quilting and yours is one I would recommend.Thanks for all you do for the quilting community.

  1938. Patrice says:

    I love rainbow quilts a plan to make at least one this year.

  1939. Linda Rose says:

    I am an experienced quilter and still make mistakes. Some I leave, some I fix. My advice, as others have said, finished is better than perfect. I have that saying framed and on my wall as a reminder for I get frustrated.

  1940. Lucy says:

    What a WONDERFUL and thoughtful giveaway!!

    Enjoy the processes, don’t be too hard on yourself if your blocks are wonky, learn to chain piece on those multiple blocks, and use 1/4″ presser foot.

  1941. Betty Futch says:

    Hi Corey, I enjoy our “visits” every Saturday. Thank you for taking the time to share ideas, knowledge, inspiration, and tips! I would tell a beginner quilter to join a guild and find tutorials on YouTube to get more familiar with the world of quilting. Build a quilting community where you are located and find a great local quilt shop! Also buy a quilt kit! The guesswork of choosing fabrics and patterns can be overwhelming at first. Find a quilting buddy for help and encouragement!

  1942. Kathryn says:

    So many things I wish I had taken heed of! My tip would to be to work to your own level of perfection and not that of someone else. Enjoy the process and please yourself, not others.

  1943. Michele James says:

    What a great give-away! I love your videos and look forward to a quiet moment when I can watch and enjoy. I love the fat quarter bundles as there are so many times I just need to find a specific color and don’t have time to shop outside of my stash. This would be a true blessing. I like to have several donate quilts on hand and make baby quilts for our church. These would come in very handy. Thank you again for your weekly visits. Happy New Year.

  1944. Karien Polachek says:

    As I started quilting and embroidery again the acorn starch has become my new best friend. Also one project at a time is less overwhelming than having ten projects that you can’t find the time to get done.

  1945. Sandy Cole says:

    My tip is to get connected with other quilters – take a class (online or in person), join a sew along, join a guild. You’ll get inspiration and motivation to keep going, lots of fun, laughter and friendship.

  1946. Dona Spaw says:

    You aren’t kidding… what a fantastic giveaway! Put my name in the prize-o-matic!

  1947. Susan N says:

    My tip for beginners would be to participate in a Block of the Month program. It’s a great way to build skills!

  1948. bwpower6f35d69814 says:

    Hi Corey, I look forward to watching your video every Saturday. Your fabric and quilts are beautiful.
    My beginner tip would be to always have a sharp blade in your rotary cutter……it makes a world of difference.

  1949. Kathy Lambert says:

    Love your Saturday videos. Great giveaway also. Love your “Get-er-Done. We’re doing that in my quilt guild as a challenge to have quilts ready for out show in August. What would I tell a new quilter. Have fu, enjoy the process and do what you like It’s your quilt make it how you want.

  1950. Sandy says:

    My tip for new quilters is to enjoy the process. Don’t rush, don’t stress. Listen to the hum of your machine, admire the beauty of fresh pressed blocks, even the ones that aren’t perfect. Let quilting ease your mind, not cause more stress.

  1951. Suzanne Yerks says:

    What a super giveaway!!! I can tell how excited you are about getting into your new space. We are all excited for you too! My advice for a new quilter is to keep your project organized. Project boxes to keep things all in one space so things don’t get scattered, design boards to lay out your blocks to audition fabrics, then bring to your machine to sew have been game changers for me.

  1952. Brenda Beck says:

    Thank you for doing the weekly videos! I learn so much from them. As a new quilter myself, my tip(s) is relax and have fun. Don’t be hard on yourself. Don’t give up on it. You will make mistakes and that’s okay. Keep going! Learn as you go. There are a lot of people sharing/teaching quilting tips and techniques on YouTube. Find a few people who know what they are doing and watch their videos and learn what works best for you. Enjoy yourself!

  1953. Whitney says:

    Such a beautiful pattern and a wonderful giveaway! My number one tip for beginners would be to just keep going. Quilting can be frustrating and tedious.. but once that project is complete, there’s such a great feeling of accomplishment! We all start as beginners and imperfections add character!

  1954. Susan Leclerc says:

    My tip for better results is to “starters” and “enders” (folded fabric scraps) at the beginning and the end of chain piecing. Quick, and a thread saver.

  1955. Judy Modica says:

    After the completion of a project, change your needle (machine or hand sewing), rotary blade, and clean your machine bobbin area. It’s a great way to set yourself up for that next project! I also like to vacuum the floor and put all of my tools back where they belong when a project is completed.

  1956. Louanne Clabough says:

    As a fairly new quilter, my advice would be to start with a fairly simple project so you are not completely overwhelmed. Find a friend or acquaintance who quilts and use them as a resource, or watch YouTube videos. And, purchase a little more fabric than the pattern calls for so you have a “cushion” for when you cut incorrectly, because you will at some point!

  1957. Julie W. says:

    My best advise to a new quilter is relax and enjoy the process. It’s okay if points aren’t perfect and, finally, finished is better than perfect. Thanks for producing such upbeat and cheerful videos, Corey.

  1958. Melissa Bult says:

    I would recommend getting into the habit of cleaning your machine, changing your needle and your rotary blade between each quilt! It will make your life so much easier!

  1959. Kim Darling says:

    There are as many opinions about the right way to do something as there are quilters. Find what works for you and tune out the rest of the noise.

  1960. Terri Bissinger says:

    Love your blog. So much inspiration that sometimes I don’t know where to start. Love your videos. So much good advice in the comments. Would love to win the fat quarter bundles.

  1961. Lisa Cox says:

    As a new-ish quilter who learned garment sewing first, my #1 tip is that it matters how you press your seams! I started out pressing everything open and had a horrible time getting everything to line up. Now, I press to the side mostly and press open when needed to reduce bulk or if a specific pattern directs and have a much easier time with getting everything to line up.

  1962. Laura Payne says:

    My favorite tip would be for every new quilter to have a design board-either make one or buy one!! Laying out your pieces makes it so much easier to get accurately pieced blocks!

  1963. Jacqueline Spivey says:

    What a lovely giveaway! Love your videos! Going to do your WIP challenge because I have SO many! One of my many tips for a beginner is to start with a simple pattern. You will learn as you go.

  1964. Heidi says:

    I have had the joy of introducing two nieces and a cousin to quilting in recent times. As a first ‘play’, I set them loose on my remnants (which I cut into 2.5” squares) choosing their favourite colours. I encourage them to align and sew pieces together. They have fun chain piecing, sewing pairs together, then mini blocks…creating larger cloths from the little pieces (which I then help them into using to achieve an end product of their choosing). They have fun & learn much. I share some different techniques as they sew until they find what best works for them, my focus includes encouraging consistency of seam size.
    If I were to give a tip to a new quilter, I would advise trying Lori Holt’s seams-so-easy guide – attaining a steady 1/4” seam is I believe, an essential skill in quilting.

  1965. mamonews says:

    Corey, first and foremost thank you for the WIP challenge. I love to start the year with my lists. Get ‘er done, wanna do’s, challenges, etc. You will hold me accountable. My best tip is enjoy the journey and along the way try to corral your scraps. I did the scrappy irish chain with you and have begun preparing for a second. Blessings.

  1966. Karen says:

    Firstly Thank you for your Saturday videos.
    My advice for someone starting out would be to find a small project and fabrics That really inspires you, and have fun with the process.
    Don’t worry or stress over the perfection of the finish project.
    Also I like a nice pair of thread snips at my machines , instead of a pair of scissors. Have fun with it.

  1967. mpat Braman says:

    Hello! Some days just give yourself a few minutes in the sewing room. Once you start you’ll find you’ve been in there for a few hours. It’s so fulfilling to see your project come to life. Enjoy the process.

  1968. Tena Wolfe says:

    My Tip would be In January clean and organiseret Your room.

  1969. Lorie Shay says:

    Wowzers! This giveaway is a doozey! I would tell a new quilter to practice your 1/4 inch seam allowance and as you go check your block sizes to make sure all is accurate. Your WIP challenge is a good one! I tried that last year and didn’t make it too far… maybe this year I will do better. Thanks for the inspiring videos!

  1970. Sarah McTimmonds says:

    Corey, I look forward to Saturday morning coffee and your video while my husband sleeps in! Such a wonderful way to 😌 relax. I would advise a new quilter to keep a paper and pencil record of pattern, fabric, thread, quilting design, batting, etc for each quilt. The new quilter will create her own reference library and, thru the years, she will use it often!

  1971. Sherri Oxley says:

    There’s no replacement for accurate cutting and using that perfect scant quarter inch seam allowance for getting a good result in piecing quilts.

  1972. Marie Magee says:

    I would recommend perfecting the quarter inch seam and watching the teachers on Youtube who teach and inspire. Thank you Corey for being one of them.

  1973. Donna Hamill says:


  1974. Kamaile Gengler says:

    My tip for a new quilter really would be to just enjoy the process, relax, sew what you love, and roll with imperfections.

  1975. Stephanie Fulton says:

    My tip for new quilters is perfect your 1/4” seam and recheck from time to time; thickness of thread and weight of fabric will make a difference; have patience and enjoy the journey. Love the fat quarter bundles!

  1976. Laura says:

    My best tip is just sew. Don’t worry so much how accurate everything is that will come. Just enjoy what you do

  1977. Julie Richelderfe says:

    My advice to a beginner would be to master the quarter inch seam!

  1978. Marcia Lexer says:

    My tip would be to have your sewing machine in good working order, tension and the right sewing foot can make a difference.

  1979. Diane Marie Kraemer says:

    Pressing is not an option! Please learn the difference between pressing and ironing – it’s a game changer. I’m a little old lady, and I have my machine on one side of the room and my ironing station on the other, which forces me to get up and move. It might take longer to get something made but it’s so much better for me to keep moving.

  1980. Michelle Myers says:

    Happy New Year!
    I cannot wait to see your new studio setup after you get all moved in!
    What a wonderful giveaway. Such beautiful fabrics and a great stash builder!
    My tips for a new quilter are:
    Start with one brand/set of rulers and use only those rulers while making your project.
    Set a timer to ensure you get up and move around, this also gives your brain a rest so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
    Join a local quilt guild. Guild members are a great wealth of knowledge and are always willing to help!
    When I decided to start my quilting journey, I watched a lot of YouTube videos. I personally jumped in with the “Go Big or Go Home” mentality so I started with an intermediate project that had a lot of challenging blocks. I was so nervous but I just took my time. I was also doing smaller beginner projects when I needed a mental break!

  1981. kds2mny says:

    Thank you for sharing you ideas and time with us, most Sunday morning I sit with my coffee and watch your video for the week. You are always so inspiring ❣️ I’ve been quilting for about 5 years and have no family or friends that do any form of sewing so I’m completely self taught. YouTube has been a great resource to find people like you who I feel “fit your nitch”, everyone has a different style or way of learning. You do a great job so thank you again. When I started I fell into a SAL frenzy where I had to do them all, only to find ( I work full time) that I couldn’t keep up. So I’m trying to relax – be aware of what I can actually finish and be mindful of what I take on and not just start things to be part of something. Looking forward I am scheduling WIP time and selecting new projects with a critical eye, ie… Do I really like a pattern or skill that it requires, do I have the time, and really just put thought into each instead of jumping right in. I see people mentioned a tip…. I mentioned a few above but the game changer in my sewing/precision has been starching my fabrics – my points come together, my 1/4″ is better and my end results are now something that I’m really happy with. I would love a rainbow of fat quarters to help build my stash❣️

  1982. Pamela says:

    I enjoy your videos. I’m new to quilting, only for about 2 1/2 years. I have learned many things from YouTube, especially your videos. My tip is to deal with your scraps as you finish a project. I try to cut pieces into usable squares and strips and store them in plastic bins. I use ziplock bags in each bin to separate special, seasonal, or like fabrics. I find that if I do this after each project it helps me find inspiration as I’m sorting fabrics with out getting overwhelmed with a massive pile of scraps. It’s not easy to motivate yourself to get it done, but I always regret not dealing with it on a small scale. I would simply LOVE to win the fat quarter giveaway. I belong to a group of ladies that meet once each month at our local library to make charity quilts. We share ideas and fabric. This giveaway would be a tremendous gift to our group. Thank you for sharing.

  1983. Leigh Phillips says:

    I absolutely love your barn quilt patterns! I am fairly new to quilting myself but if I were giving a tip to new quilters it would be to believe in yourself. Take your time and just start the project you want to make. Sometimes new patterns can be intimidating but if you just take your time and enjoy the process the end result will be amazing!

  1984. Victoria says:

    A suggestion for new quilters- keep up with using scraps. I make table runners or mug rugs with scraps. I’m designating 2025 as the Stashbusting Year- shopping from my stash- finishing projects.

  1985. Rachel Summy says:

    Corey, my tip would be to just start! Find a project that you want to make and do it! Personally I’ve learned so much over the years to improve piecing and finishing but just having passion to sew is the start to making a quilt!
    Thanks for ALL you do for the quilting community!

  1986. Kari L says:

    my favorite tip is to be sure to square your blocks after every step! 2025 is the year of using my stash

  1987. Kimberly Green says:

    Hello I’m newish to quilting. I love your fabric lines the colors you use really fit with me. I am planning on doing the Bom with you this year just waiting for my fabric to arrive. My most treasured tool is my left handed martelli rotary cutter. Before I found it I nearly quit quilting after my first try because I could not cut straight lines with the normal cutters.(no one told me about flipping the blade for lefties) so .. the left handed cutter was a game changer. A tip i would share that has been helpful to me is that if your looking for fabric remember etsy. I’ve always had great experiences and have found fabrics that would have been impossible to get from my LQS. It seems that most are small businesses and I like to support them. Plus it convenient to have it mailed right to your door.
    Have a blessed week!

  1988. Judy Graves says:

    My tip is to use a hand weight when cutting fabric. Just put it on top of your ruler!

  1989. Sara Reinelt says:

    love the Barn Star 2 in such pretty colors! Definately on my lists of “to do’s” for 2025. Thank you for all you do.

  1990. Patty says:

    Corey, I really enjoy the videos, patterns and especially, the fabric! I can’t wait to see what you have planned for 2025! My tip: Don’t give up, you can do it! Ask questions, quilters are so helpful. You will be so proud when you finish!

  1991. Jinny Robinson says:

    Corey, I love your Saturday videos I look forward to sitting down Saturday and relaxing to see what you have up your sleeve! Your barn star quilts are my favorite patterns, I plan on doing them in different holiday fabric so that I can change them out each month! so keep them coming.. My tip for a beginner would be to pick an easy pattern that you know you will finish so that you don’t get frustrated. Can’t wait to see the new studio and Happy New Year!

  1992. Kathleen Z says:

    One thing I didn’t do enough was measuring each block before going on. Amazing how a little bit off adds up. I finished the project and did a better job on the next. Thank you for your wonderful videos. Happy New Year!

  1993. Doris St Clair says:

    the best suggestion would be, take your time and enjoy the process. not only is it more fun but you’ll find out that you make less mistakes. so, use jack the ripper less. so, less stress and more fun.

  1994. Fran Noyes says:

    Wow , what a great giveaway to start a new quilting year! Thanks for your videos, I learn so much from them. I would recommend Taking your time and ensuring that 1/4” seam, good lighting (as I’m aging🤣) and pinning when when necessary. Happy New Year!

  1995. Cara S says:

    My tip for beginners i to start with a simple 9 patch using fabric that you love. it will jumpstart your piecing skill, without being boring.

  1996. Sharon Horton says:

    1/4 inch seam is great but consistency works too. Don’t be afraid to try something new.

  1997. Pat Wahl says:

    Use all of the lighting you have room for: ceiling, machine attachments, free standing etc. Better results if you can see what you are doing. Pat

  1998. Katrina Thennis says:

    My tip would be to clean up your space as you go along. I get overwhelmed with a messy workspace and sometimes put off working on a project because I can’t face tidying up before I can start.

  1999. Leslie Byrnes says:

    I really enjoy watching your videos. My tip would Be to make a practice Block first before cutting all your pieces.

  2000. Reba says:

    Take your time, try your best and enjoy what you’re doing practice quarter inch seams

  2001. Miriam Sellers says:

    Enjoy the process! Quilting is such a wonderful connection to those who have gone before.

  2002. Lisa C says:

    There are so many great tips already. I think that the quarter inch seam is a big one. It will help ease the frustration of pieces fitting and letting your block come togethter more easily. There are so many gadgets and feet to help you perfect your quarter inch seam. Try some and see what works for you. And practice. Practice doesn’t have to be boring though. Choose some beautiful fabrics that call to you and just get started. Its a wonderful craft/obsession. 🙂

  2003. Diane Thompson says:

    I am fairly new to quilting, what has helped me is the videos that explain the process and keeping a 1/4” seam allowance.
    I made your Deerly Loved pattern, it’s adorable! Thank you!

  2004. Becky Marzano says:

    Ooooh, these are great comments! If I could add anything it would be to make it personal. Slip in that scrap from your old prom dress, or your grandma’s apron, or your first tablecloth. Tuck in hearts or stars or quirky little trees where they’re unexpected. I like to add a monogram block and a paw print to my samplers. You will love your quilt and others will too when you let it tell your story.

  2005. Janet Sokoly says:

    My tip would be to start with a small project like a baby quilt and work through every part of the process learning as you go. You will have a finished quilt to be proud of and you will know if quilting is for you! If you continue on make sure you document your journey. It is easier to keep up with your finishes as go – six years into my quilting life, I wish I had done this.

  2006. Michelle Rutkowski says:

    My biggest tip for new quilters is to be kind to yourself, enjoy the process and do not look for perfection. I share with them some YouTube channels that I find helpful, those that teach you to sew a quilt, pick fabrics, and that I just enjoy because it is a mix of things. Then I just encourage them to jump in! Once they do their is no turning back!

  2007. Sue D says:

    One of the things I learned when I was beginning quilting was to go slow and don’t take too many shortcuts. Take your time and do the little things and enjoy the process. And don’t compare yourself to others. Keep going and you’ll be surprised at your progress!

  2008. Joanne H says:

    Tip for new quilters, Read some blogs and tutorials or Watch some how to videos on YouTube and get some hints, then just have a go. Each quilt you learn more and your skills will improve.

  2009. Mary Jane Hoshaw says:

    Exciting giveaway! I’m pretty new to quilting – I wish I had waited on bigger projects and used smaller projects to hone my skills and better develop a feel for combining colors and fabrics. That said, it’s probably best to dive in with something you really love and you can always use the seam ripper! Thanks for continuing to share great content.

  2010. Terry Grolemund says:

    Wow, what a list of followers you have and I understand why. Your videos are so uplifting, encouraging and full of helpful information. Thank you for all you do to inspire us.

  2011. Theresa Roush says:

    My tip is to take your time when cutting (slow down); accurate cutting is essential for a perfect start for all my projects. Thank you for this giveaway!!

  2012. Elena says:

    I suggest to start with a sew along so you can follow a schedule and videos on what to do and organize how to tackle the quilt

  2013. Joanne H says:

    My tip for new quilters. Take the time to read some blogs or tutorials or watch some how to youtube tutorials, then just have a go. Your skills will improve each with quilt and just enjoy the process.

  2014. Robin Klossner says:

    My tip for new quilters. Practice 1/4″ seams to avoid future frustration and have fun!

  2015. cactusranch3 says:

    As a new quilter, I watched a lot of videos. I really learned alot from watching different quilters sewing their quilts.

  2016. Darla McHugh says:

    My tip is to enjoy every step of the process. I found that when I was trying to rush through one step to get to my favorite part was where I would be more likely to make mistakes. So , take a deep breath, enjoy each step, learn from each step, give yourself much grace and then enjoy your beautiful creation.

  2017. Judy Moore. says:

    Enjoy your journey and don’t sweat the small stuff. Nail that scant 1/4″ seam down whichever way makes you feel comfortable. Cory, Have a safe and happy 2025. Thank you for your generosity and inspiration. I enjoy your Saturday videos. I keep learning something different from you, or refresh old knowledge.

  2018. Mary C Fletcher says:

    I would suggest to take your time and enjoy the process. Quilting is a very enjoyable hobby and should be fun and relaxing. There are no rules, adjustments are your own unique variation. Above all enjoy the process.

  2019. Beverly Heller says:

    I like pressing with my woool mats and clappers.

  2020. Merri Lynn says:

    My best tip would be learn on your machine how to achieve a 1/4” seam and be consistent. Also keep a supply of sewing machine needles and replacement rotary cutter blades. Enjoy your fun new passion.

  2021. The barn quilt I really like I also like the quilts on the shelf. They are folded do well. I would like to learn that technique. Thank you.

  2022. Carol says:

    My tip is start with a small simple pattern/lap or baby size/ and don’t panic if all your points don’t match. Enjoy the process, watch videos, ask questions of other quilters and have fun!!

  2023. Jill says:

    My tip is to start with a simple pattern and fabric that you love. This will allow you to learn cutting, 1/4″ seam, and ironing techniques before moving to harder patterns. Since you loved the fabric you will like the project even if it isn’t perfect.

  2024. Lindy B says:

    My tip for new quilters is to not buy too many rulers until you learn which brand you prefer or which you will actually use. Most of the time you will use the same ruler over and over again while others gather dust. Also, do a few small projects to learn and get a sense of accomplishment

  2025. FranB says:

    My tip would be JUST DO IT! I’ve been quilting for a while and none of my quilts are perfect. In the beginning my blocks were always a 1/4 inch smaller than expected but I just went with it and my quilt was just smaller LOL. I still just “move on” because it is fun and not one person I have gifted has come back and said my points were cut off or my block was too big or small. I will say to make sure you have a good 1/4 seam allowance or even more – some of the earlier quilts I have made are already starting to have broken seams because I didn’t pay enough attention. Happy Quilting!

  2026. Linda K says:

    My tip is to just jump in and take it slow. Do some experimenting on small projects trying to perfect your seam allowance and just using the tools. As you progress you will know what you may want to try differently or what new tools you might want to try. Just have fun!

  2027. Patty says:

    Hello and Happy New Year!
    I so enjoy your Saturday videos and the holiday backdrop is so beautiful, it is fitting to enjoy it longer 😊
    I will be participating in the unfinished projects sew along with you; I agree added accountability helps.
    The giveaway is amazing and will make many projects to donate.
    Blessings for your new home and studio!

  2028. Pat Moffitt says:

    My tip is to listen to the ideas of others and try their ideas. You never know which ones will work for you.

  2029. Marla Hanks says:

    Good tip is having a 6″ x 24″ ruler (or 5″ or 6 1/2″-mine is old & is a 5″), sharp blade in the rotary cutter & square up your blocks as needed. I never squared when I started & it really will make a difference!! Take your time & most said-if you get frustrated-walk away.

  2030. Debi Pickens says:

    My tip is remember to enjoy the process of learning and don’t be critical of your progress.

  2031. Dawn Randall says:

    My tip is to have fun! It’s not a race or a competition so slow down and enjoy the process of creating something of beauty. I love seeing my project come together and know that I made it to the best of my ability!

  2032. Colleen Jergens says:

    My tips would be to cut accurately and measure the 1/4 seam to be it is right on. These are the foundation of the quilt and if they are off it can make things difficult.

  2033. Kelly Bronn says:

    I have learned so much about quilting techniques by participating in quilt along projects that offer video tutorials on You Tube. Your quilts are beautiful and I am eager to try your Barn Star 6 pattern in the blue colour scheme!

  2034. CHRISTINE C PEARL says:



      My tip, which didn’t happen above, would be to get into the habit of labeling your quilts, especially for the newbie quilters. Now that I’ve been quilting for over 40 years, I realize the value of including that information. It can be as short as your name and year, or very detailed. I’m now in the process of adding labels to a multitude of quilts, and it sure would have been easier to label them upon completion.

  2035. Barbara Hand says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to give yourself grace above all else. You are going to make mistakes and become best friends with your seam ripper and that’s ok! Keep going and you’ll get better and better every day!

  2036. Rebecca Papadopoulou says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to use the best quilting cotton fabric you can afford, and though we always aim to have an accurate 1/4 inch seam, try not to get too hang up about it. Get going, every hour you sew you are that bit better than before, and if you end up with loads of practice blocks, choose them all the same size so they can be made into a lovely quilt.

  2037. Bianca White says:

    My favorite tip for new quilters is to use quality cotton fabric for quilting. Don’t make the mistake to “save” on inferior material or non-cotton. Using stretchy or inferior material will be frustrating for beginners to work with, and will discourage them from quilting. It is worth investing in high quality material.

  2038. Annette Ellis says:

    I tell new quilters to show themselves some grace. Learning a new skill takes practice and time and with quilting you will get better with each project. Also you do not need to invest in all the fancy gadgets until you know you love this hobby. Corey praying this year holds many special occasions to make wonderful memories in your new home and quilting studio.

  2039. Gail Stewart says:

    My tip is if you are taking a break from sewing and finding it hard to get back to it, start by cutting a few projects to have ready to go for sewing. These can be small to medium to large projects. Then I can just sit and sew sew sew!

  2040. Jennifer Rea says:

    My tip would be press your binding in its final place after it is stitched on your quilt this eliminates the need for binding clips or pins if your hand stitching it down. Flange binding are an excellent choice as they are machine stitched being more secure. Thanks for your videos and all that you do for us quilters.💕

  2041. Connie Prichard says:

    The best tip I ever received was to starch the fabric before cutting. It will help prevent any fraying on the edges and any color bleeding will show up immediately. It takes some additional time and slows me down from hurrying into a new project. I enjoy the process of making the quilt so much more. I tidy my quilting area on Saturday morning while watching Coriander Quilts. As soon as the program is over, the newly acquired inspiration starts the sewing again. Corey, thank you for sharing all the wonderful information.

  2042. Lora Parker says:

    Wow! What a generous human you are! Tip for beginners would be to just try it, whatever “it” is. My first project I reupholstered two couches bc I didn’t know any better…I didn’t know that I needed both a bobbin and top thread…we learn and grow.

  2043. Erlene Errea says:

    My tip is to start with a simple pattern and and perfect the quarter inch seam.

  2044. Karen Lantron says:

    If you are a new quilter, I suggest you start with a simple pattern. If you try a difficult one to begin with, you may get frustrated and totally quit and I wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the fun!

  2045. florence donohue says:

    I still have the first quilt I ever made from the 70’s and I still love it with all its imperfections. I still love the calico fabric I used from then and wouldn’t change a thing. My tip is to choose fabric and pattern you love, then don’t worry about being perfect.

  2046. Deb says:

    Good morning Corey from snowy central Michigan. I would love to win your giveaway! After quilting for 29 years I’ve recently been purging fabric and patterns. After I complete that I’m going to empty the room for a new paint job. I’ve recently found a group of mature women living in a low income housing that has started a quilting group. These ladies have been making charity quilts. I have been giving them my loved fabric and if I won your contest I would donate the fat quarters to them. Thank you for all the motivation you give me and thousands of other quilters.

    PS. I will be participating in your challenge and mystery quilt. Take care.

  2047. Jennifer Yang says:

    My tip is to skip charms and layer cakes and cut from yardage or fat quarters. The pinked edges and inconsistent sizing of the smaller precuts are not a new quilters friend.

  2048. Carol Walker says:

    My favourite tool is the stripology ruler. It has changed my strips from wobbly to perfect every cut. I so enjoy watching your videos each week

  2049. Sylvia Truesdale says:

    My tip would be to practice sewing a straight line on scrap fabric. Get the feel of the speed of their sewing machine. Maybe start with sewing squares together. Most of all just have fun.

  2050. Rita Koontz says:

    My tip(s) would be to figure out what works for you – starch vs no starch; making a test block on something you have never done; perfecting that 1/4” seam; squaring up each section as you go; following through until that last stitch has been placed. Sometimes these perfectionist habits cause people to lose the joy of quilting – sometimes it’s the lack of these habits. Do what brings you joy and peace and never stop learning!

  2051. TERESA FOISTER says:

    Hello, love your patterns and videos. My tip is to start and finish one project at a time.

  2052. Cheryl Stanberry says:

    Hello! I watch and enjoy your videos, but I’m not one who normally comments. Your great giveaway has inspired me! The advice I’d give a new quilter is to relax and make it fun! Choose an easy and quick project and sew with a friend. (Preferably one who has experience quilting.) Remember, a consistent seam allowance is your friend! Thanks for all you do to encourage and support the quilting community! 🙂

  2053. Sharon Coleman says:

    My favorite tip to new quilters is the importance of pressing. It is key to making good squared blocks. Thanks for the chance at the wonderful giveaway.

  2054. Sandy L says:

    So many great tips! Mine is enjoy the process. If it looks difficult, just break it down block by block.

  2055. Bonnie Fogdall says:

    I love the barn star patterns. They are so fun. My quilting tip is to ensure you accurately cut your fabric. It makes sewing pieces together much easier.

  2056. Lyn Yoder says:

    What a fabulous, generous giveaway! My tip: a cellphone or tablet camera is a great quilting tool. Snap a picture of fabric combinations and block layouts. Somehow a picture reveals contrasts, colors, and repetitions in a different way. Plus, the final layout picture can be used as a reference until everything is sewn together.

  2057. Cherry Vigil says:

    I would tell a new quilter to take your time. The more you sew the better you will become. Enjoy the process. You will be amazed at what you can do.

  2058. Sariah coffey says:

    My advice is to just relax. There are no quilt police and nothing needs to perfect.

  2059. Mercedes says:

    Just go for it! It doesn’t have to be perfect, as you make quilts your skills will grow

  2060. Niki Storey says:

    Thank you so much for the giveaway opportunity, what a wonderful selection of fabrics! You were right, it is a good one! Advice for a new quilter would be to watch videos to help with technique, don’t stress if it isn’t perfect, and enjoy the process! I would also mention to take photos of completed quilts to keep for future inspiration! 🙂

  2061. Debbie Martin says:

    My tip for newbies is to READ THE DIRECTIONS! I have been retired for 7 years now and sew something every day. Looking back, I wanted to get the pieces sewn together, not trimming each block to size. Needless to say, my first endeavors were somewhat skewed. Take the time to trim each block as it is completed. And of course PRESS.

  2062. Jackie Wilson says:

    Hi Corey, I love watching your videos. They help me keep moving as I watch them during my treadmill time in the winter months. This giveaway seems so very generous. What a great win to have all these beautiful color fabrics added to your stash. And I may have to change my subscription at FatQuarterShop from Sew Sampler to Fat Quarter bundles. My Quilty friends all have different YouTubers they enjoy watching and you are one of my favorites I share with them. Hope your moving is going well and can’t wait to see your new backdrop in the new studio space.

  2063. Carolyn M Reisnour says:

    Good Morning,
    I so enjoy your videos! I am a relatively new quilter and am totally addicted to the whole process of quilting. My advice to a new quilter is to be patient. I also would recommend finding a church group with a quilting mission. You do not have be a church member or be affiliated with the particular faith to join. I go to one that has been so welcoming. Great support and help when needed. Of course watch videos. My favorite tools – it’s hard to choose – probably my Martelli rotary cutter and their nonslip rulers.
    Keep up the amazing work you do and Happy 2025

  2064. Stacey Prall says:

    My tip is to give yourself grace. If your block or project doesn’t turn out just right, keep going. I promise it isn’t as bad as you think. You will look back on this project soon and be proud. And you will learn so much that you take into your next project.

  2065. Lorry Perusi says:

    Love your patterns and fabric lines! Wow, what a great giveaway! My tip would be to make just one block from your pattern first before making the others. It allows you to check your measurements and make sure your units are facing the correct way, etc. Then you can keep the block in front of you while completing the rest of your blocks. When I make all the blocks needed, I lay out the blocks in the order I want them and take a picture of it, so if i need to stop, I can refer back to it for easier completion.

  2066. Lana says:

    My tip for new quilters is to start with a small easy project and remember it does not have to be perfect! Completing a project is very satisfying and will get you hooked! Have fun!🙂

  2067. Rebecca says:

    My tip is to just start and not worry too much about how it will turn out. Quilting takes practice and that means starting!

  2068. Debi Friesen says:

    A highlight of my week is watching your Saturday videos! One of my favorite tools are the Bloc Loc rulers. What a game changer!

  2069. Yvonne Gill says:

    My best tip is when trying to get a consistent seam allowance, don’t watch the needle. When starting out, we tend to watch the needle and not look where the edge of the fabric is and that can tend to lead to sewing crooked and not getting a consistent seam allowance.

  2070. Andrea Sayer says:

    Great video! Looking forward to the bom this year. For a new quilter my advice is find a mentor and follow their advice. In person is best but YouTube videos are very helpful too.

  2071. Vivian Wellman says:

    My tip is to always double check all your measurements before cutting! Ask me how I know.

  2072. Mary Kelleher says:

    My best tip for New Quiltre’s Is to take a sampler class, either offered by a quilt store or someone that is teaching out of their home. That is how I started quilting and it gives you the opportunity to learn the basics while also creating a wonderful first sampler quilt. It hits all the basics of quilting and is fun and enjoyable, especially if you take a class with other ladies. You can also watch YouTube videos .they are great source of information, but I would not start my quilting there as there are many questions when you first start out.

  2073. Susan Frost says:

    What a beautiful giveaway! I think my best advice would be to work on your precision, always be challenging yourself with new techniques, start with small projects like table, runners, or pillows or table toppers

  2074. Corinne Baker says:

    I don’t really have a tip but I love to quilt and watch your channel. I just love to see fabric and think about what quilt I want to make.

  2075. Robyn Fender says:

    My tip for new quilters is to be patient with yourself and not expect perfection right away. I love my first quilts with their mismatched seams. They remind me of how hard I tried and how far I’ve come. Thank you for the cheerfulness of your fabrics and videos!

  2076. Carol G. says:

    I think my favorite tip is to make sure you have a comfortable sharp rotary cutter. I love your top you wore in this video. Thank you for all your tips.

  2077. Amber N. says:

    I learned a lot on my first quilt! First always check to make sure that you are using a 1/4″ presser foot and your seam allowance is 1/4″. My presser food was 3/8″ or 5/8″ and it messed everything up.

    If making a quilt with lots of seams, pressing makes all the difference. Pressing is different than ironing.

    Don’t wing measurements if making a pieced quilt.

    A new sewing needle and a rotary blade make all the difference in the world.

  2078. Crystaldee says:

    Great giveaway! My tip: Find fabric and a pattern you love. Don’t worry about how difficult it is. The joy will pull you through. There is a fix to almost any mistake.

  2079. Karen says:

    May seem like an obvious tip, but measure twice, cut once!

  2080. Shannon ROYER says:

    Love the videos and am excited to see your new studio!

    My favorite tool…. rulers! LOL 😆 I just have a weakness for a good ruler that does the job at hand with less stress and accurate results.

  2081. Kaye Hlavaty says:

    My tip is for new quilter is to find your tribe. Either through a guild, YouTube or Facebook.

  2082. Barbara J Hauck says:

    Love your videos! My best tip is to clean the sewing machine after every 5 bobbins.

  2083. delectably00105eb47e says:

    My tip is for how I sign my quilts. For me if I dont want to create a full label I use my sewing machine which I can create a string of words from the alphabet and stitch onto my binding that gets sewn into my quilt. It is there forever. I keep it short, stitched with love by me, for (if I know name at the time), and year. Thank you Corey for you generosity of time and sharing your quilting knowledge.

  2084. Jennifer Elliott says:

    Good morning! My tip to a new quilter is to have a dedicated quilting space. If you have to get your quilting out and put it away every time then you won’t do it. Thanks- jennifer

  2085. Kathleen A. Guenther says:

    My best tip for new quilters is to make a running list of fabric and patterns that you’ve purchased so you don’t repurchase unintentionally.

  2086. Tanna Crow says:

    My advice to new quilters would be to relax and have fun. Everthing does not need to be perfect. Do your best and enjoy the process.

  2087. Cyndi Holland says:

    New to your blog and channel but am really enjoying all of it. Some great things going on. Thank you.

  2088. Adams says:

    I love the Barn Star 6!! My advice would be to slow down and enjoy the process!

  2089. Jaclyn says:

    My favorite tip is to be brave and remember you’ll ALWAYS be learning and changing as a sewist. Don’t wait for someone to come along and tell you your label. You’re a quilter already, do what you want!

  2090. Karen Burgoon says:

    Happy new year. My best tip is to starch your fabric. Really helps with keeping things from going wonky with working on bias like 1/2 square triangles. Measure twice, cut once. Enjoy your blog and podcasts.

  2091. Debbie says:

    Wow! What a giveaway! Love your videos and would love to win the fat quarters.

  2092. Kathleen Stoppelmoor says:

    My advice for new quilters is to not fixate on perfection. Like any new skill perfection comes with time and practice. Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the process!

  2093. Colleen Kechter says:

    My best advice to a new quilter is practice getting your 1/4 inch seem right. That make everything go smoother! Also just be you! Others might try to influence your style, but you be you! Enjoy the process!

  2094. Andrea Morgan says:

    Things I wish I knew when I started quilting…1) measure your seams after sewing to ensure you’re sewing 1/4”, it will save you headaches of things not lining up. 2) quality rulers cost more but are worth every penny – not all rulers are created with an accurate 1 inch measurement. **I learned #1 & 2 the hard way – wasted money and fabric** 3) enjoy and document your progress 4) take pictures and convert to black & white to show your saturation of colors in your fabrics 💕

  2095. waviapam says:

    suggestion for new quilter is Patience Patience. Read pattern directions completely before starting project. Reax have fun!

  2096. Cyndi Holland says:

    So I realized that I was supposed to give a favorite notion or advice…I love my antique iron-alwasy hot and heavy!

  2097. MichelleWhiting says:

    Happy New Year Corey! I love your designs! My favorite notion would be my bloc loc hst rulers- a game changer

  2098. Marcy Lindsey says:

    My suggestion to anyone new would be to learn your machine. They all have so many extras and sometimes we don’t know there is a way to make things easier. My example is using the laser light for half square work. Take your time and enjoy it! There is no perfect way….practice practice practice!!!

  2099. Lydia says:

    Thanks for all your cheery videos! A tip I give to new quilters is to just go for it! If you can follow a cooking recipe, you can follow a pattern step by step.

  2100. Pam M says:

    So thankful for your inspiration, products and practical advice! My tip is start super simple. A pattern with large pieces and simple squares is a good start.

  2101. Celeste says:

    Thank you, Corey for what you do for the quilting community. I love all your videos and have a ton of your patterns. You are a true blessing to the quilting Community. Quilting is my therapy and love every aspect of it for any new quilter. This is never a race. Enjoy the process.

  2102. Alicia says:

    Hi Cory,
    I am unable to add my comment to your blog for the drawing.
    Is there a character limit?
    Thank you

  2103. DOROTHY G. HANSON says:

    Best tip is just start doing it and start with something easy. Quilt beauty is not based on difficulty of the pattern but on value and color choices. A simple pattern in the right fabrics is stunning.

  2104. Nancy leavitt says:

    My tip is to find a great group of friends and quilt together if you can, so you can share tips and advice and cheer each other on!

  2105. Kathryn K Anderson says:

    Thanks for the fun video. You are absolutely one of my favorite designers!

  2106. Michele Stevenson says:

    My tip is make sure you cut exact and use your 1/4 inch seam, go slow and easy, it is not a race.

  2107. Judy Johnson says:

    My tip-Enjoy the process and use a sharp rotary blade.
    Happy New Year!

  2108. Dee Collson says:

    Congratulations on your new home. Looking forward to seeing your new studio! My suggestion is to watch the Coriander Quilts video every week. So inspiring ❤️

  2109. Donna Kluck says:

    WOW, so many great quilting tips. The comments in this blog post are really fun and informative to read. My tip for beginners is to start with a good quality fabric you love. Press fabric before you start cutting, your seams as you go, and your blocks before squaring. I think your Barn Star #6 pattern would be a good beginner pattern to start with. The quilt size is manageable with pieces that are not to small, there are a variety of skill building quilt blocks to learn, and it can be used as a table topper, wall hanging or baby quilt. Love your videos and excited to enter your giveaway. Looking forward to your next video and your new studio.

  2110. Barb Silva says:

    My best tips are to watch videos, only buy the basic tools at the beginning, only buy fabric you love, and to not expect your first blocks and quilt tops to be perfect. Quilting is a journey and everyone’s pace is different. Embrace your own creativity and have fun!

  2111. Tina says:

    I would suggest to a new quilter not to compare your work with others, it is a learning process and you will improve with practice. Enjoy it!

  2112. Joanne says:

    I really enjoy enjoy all of your videos. My advice to beginner quilters is to watch tutorials on You Tube, start with a simple pattern and just have fun with it. Finished is better than perfect. You’ll get better as you go. Thank you, Corey, for the amazing giveaway. Good luck to everyone!

    • Janet Rogers says:

      I’m fairly new to quilting, I find it a great way to relax. My best tip is to read the entire pattern a couple of times and follow it. I have spent many hours unpicking because I put something together wrong. Also dont forget to buy your fabric for the back. It’s not easy when you don’t get around to sewing a few years after the initial purchase. I’d love to win the fat quarter bundles.

  2113. Linda Coburn says:

    My tip is to make a block first to have as a master . It will allow you to try out techniques and color placement. It’s also nice to have a block to follow.

  2114. Gayle Wolken says:

    I use a thin line of school glue (with a not iron) to hold my binding in place before I sew it.
    This has been a game changer for me.

  2115. Jodie Vee says:

    My favorite tip for new quilters is to join a local guild and/or get involved with a quilting bee, it’s awesome to make friends and have the opportunity to learn from others, explore different styles, techniques and participate in projects together. And Quilter’s by nature are a generous bunch, not only sharing their experience and knowledge but also excess fabric and tools. Our guild always has a free table every month, we all enjoy it, but it’s especially nice for new quilters. They can pick up great fabric, patterns, and all kinds of helpful goodies to experiment with, build some stash, and learn for free! Not sure if there is a guild in your area, ask your local quilt shop or google quilt groups or guilds in my area.

  2116. Jean Craig says:

    Amazing giveaway 😃. My advice is to make a small quilt using a charm pack!

  2117. Merriha L. Hartman says:

    That is such a awesome gift to give away. i hope i win.

  2118. Cindy says:

    Thank you once again for your inspiration talents and generosity. I took your advice on finishing work in progress. Yesterday I finished a small Raggy quilt kit that I have had for three years, but I was more excited at finishing cutting the Raggy quilt that I have been working on for over 15 years. I’m not quite sure why it took me this long but I am glad that it is done. Thank you for your blogs and your YouTube videos . I have enjoyed the Saturday Morning videos and I even have my sister watching them now too.

  2119. Jo Ann Simon says:

    My suggestion for a beginner quilter is have faith in yourself, take your time and enjoy the process to the end. There are great videos you can watch with many tips you can use.
    Celebrate your achievements and look forward to more projects with amazing results.

  2120. KAREN BARRIE says:

    My favorite tip to a new sewing Quilters is change your machine needle often. I have a small case with my machines needles in it. On a piece of paper I mark the date I changed the needle and size. So if I don’t sew for a week or so…I know how long I have been sewing with it.
    Many times I will change the needle several time when sewing on a top.

    I also precut a project and group all the threads and notions I will use during the creation. I will also put fresh needles in the gathering…this keeps me changing the needle for perfect stitches

  2121. Cheryl says:

    My tip as a new quilter is to watch lots of videos and listen to the advice of the quilters who’ve been doing this for a long time. So glad I found your videos.

  2122. Bridget says:

    I really love your barn star patterns!
    I would recommend that new quilters take the time to press and straighten fabrics before cutting. In addition, pressing and trimming blocks will make the experience of quilting more enjoyable. For those who don’t feel confident in choosing colors use a color wheel. It will help to boost your confidence!

  2123. Penny Lane Landrum says:

    My favorite tool is not for the actual quilting. It is my graph paper notebook I carry everywhere. I am often inspired to sketch out ideas that I would like to try when I get back to my sewing room.

  2124. Mihaela Moreno says:

    It’s not a race, enjoy the process. Even if you sew ten minutes a da it makes a big difference in your outlook and mental state. May the 1/4th be with you.

  2125. Tammy Hartman says:

    Corey. Thank you for your lovely fabrics. On the January 4 2025 giveaway my favorite tip would be the Stripology ruler and a good 1/4” foot. Accurate cutting and seams are the key. Happy new year🎆

  2126. Ashley M says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to make something smaller and find fabric you love! Take your time and enjoy the process! I have recently been more mindful of the fabrics I’m purchasing and not rushing to get a top done.

  2127. Michelle Witham says:

    Happy New Year! Good luck with your move I hope it goes smoothly for you. My tip to a new quilter is watch lots of Youtube videos and join facebook groups where there are a kazillion of amazing generous individuals happy to help and support you along your quilting path.

  2128. Lynda says:

    My advice for a new quilter is to start small. Try different types of blocks, different methods of making blocks in other words, explore to find what works for you. Always make a sample block, even with scrap fabrics, just to see if you enjoy the process or want to make multiples.

  2129. Megan L Ridenour says:

    As a new quilter myself (1 year in!) I would say my best tip is something I’ve been told may times by others- A finished quilt is better than striving for a “perfect quilt”. Quilt for the fun of it, not necessarily the perfection!

  2130. Kaye Wright says:

    Happy 2025, Corey! I’m excited to see your new studio. My tip is to find the machine setting and foot that will make a seam so that your fabric is 1/4” less. Use that setting consistently.
    Also, watch corianderquilts videos for the most positive tips!
    What a lovely and generous giveaway!

  2131. Marsha says:

    Looking forward to WIP 2025 finishes, trying to make this a finish it year! New quilters tip, make a workspace for yourself. I have moved many times in my 50 years and having a spot to go to everyday and create my projects has been wonderful!

  2132. Connie von Thun says:

    My advice is to work on one project at a time and only buy what you need for that project so as not to become overwhelmed. I am fairly new to quilting(three years) and have quite the stash and list of projects that are either started and not finished (WIPs) or things I want to make and have patterns and fabric for that project but is still waiting for my attention. 😉

  2133. Pam Isaacs says:

    Measure twice, cut once. And don’t forget to press! My favorite tool is my curved tip, spring hinged thread snips – they make it very easy to trim threads as you go. Great channel!

  2134. Cathi Woods says:

    Hi Corey! I have 2 tips for new sewers, 1. If you’re going to sew, you’re going to rip! Buy a good, comfortable seam ripper and name him Jack ☺️. 2. When I see a minor mistake, I remind myself “it isn’t going to Paducchah!”.

    Looking forward to starting your BOM, and definitely getting my WIP’s in play!

    Thank you for all you do to bless the quilting community! Would love to be a winner in one of your giveaways! Have a blessed move and stay warm!!

  2135. Ellen Lytle says:

    My tip would be to take your time acquiring the tools and not just buy the lowest pricing things out there. There are so many great tools but some of them cost more and take more time to learn how to use well. Also, start with kits! Most importantly – have fun! It should be fun!

  2136. kraftykat1969 says:

    My best tip is to take beginner quilt classes at your local quilt shop if you are lucky enough to have one nearby. It’s also a great way to meet your local quilting community.

  2137. Evelyn Scott says:

    My favorite thing to tell a newcomer to quilting is to sew for enjoyment, not perfection. Improvement will come the more you sew. Enjoying the art of sewing will bring you many hours of pleasure and excitement in the many things you create. It’s like putting a puzzle together with fabric.

  2138. Lisa P says:

    Learning to web piece really makes putting patchwork squares together very easy and fast!

  2139. kraftykat1969 says:

    My best tip for beginning quilters is to take classes at your local quilt shop. It is also a great way to meet the quilting community in your area.

  2140. Aggie Strieker says:

    My tip would be to read the pattern several times before beginning to cut or sew. Understand it. If u don’t understand it ask questions. Good

  2141. Tina says:

    Hello, just started following you! You are great inspiration! Happy New Year! One of my favorite notions is my magnetic pin cushion that turns all the pin heads facing the edge for easy safe grabbing!

  2142. Mitzi Lantz says:

    Hello there are many good tips here. my tip is to move the needle to the right 2 clicks if possible Start with squares and half square triangles. There are several beautiful quilts that can be made. Always measure twice and cut once square up blocks continuously Thank you for this opportunity

  2143. Sharyn Hutchinson says:

    Your Barn Star quilts are some of my favorite. My tip for a new quilter would be to take a beginner class. I use so much of what I learned in that class to this day.

  2144. Tammy R says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be to ENJOY the process. You will certainly get better with practice but don’t stress about it. I would worry about my seams/back and my wonderful long armer said those were our little secret – just like the secrets your hairdresser keeps 🙂

  2145. Tammy Shreve says:

    Finished is better than perfect. Like anything worth doing you get better with practice, keep working on it and learning new things.

  2146. Marion Sparago says:

    My tip is for practicing free motion quilting. I sandwich two fat quarters together with batthing and practice my free motion quilting. Then I can take the resulting quilted piece and make a bag or pouch out of it!

  2147. Kelly E says:

    What an amazing give away! I’m SO looking forward to your 2025 quilt along and the release of A Bloom.
    My tip for a new quilter is to first make a test block and only cut out the fabric pieces to make the first block. This way you can make sure you’re able to understand the instructions and execute in creating the block. Plus, it affords you the opportunity test your fabric placement before you’ve cut all of the fabric for the entire quilt. I’m one that tends to change my mind and sometimes I don’t always interpret pattern instructions correctly. Creating a test block helps to flush out any misinterpretations of instructions and play with fabric choices.

  2148. Kelly Bohl says:

    As a quilter I struggle with getting accurate cuts . I started starching my material and it has helped me a bunch. I use Best Press and when cutting I read carefully and measure very carefully and cut slowly as not to let my ruler move. It still happens but a great improvement. No matter how accurate you cut, it will never measure out. At least for me it doesn’t.

  2149. Helen Scherzer says:

    Hi Corey, I hope you are well. Good luck with the rest of the move! I am a beginner quilter but not afraid to tackle most in piecing a quilt. I am having a good time learning everything. I am in a couple block of the month groups so I truly am jumping right in. I will offer the best advice given to me so far. Purchase good quality tools, like rulers scissors and rotary cutters, the best that you can afford and take all the time you need to measure cut and sew there is no hurry!

  2150. powerfulhappily2d3bfcc13c says:

    Hello friends! I’m new to Coriander Quilts and have really enjoyed going back and watching videos and reading blog posts! It’s like a wonderful, happy, exciting rabbit hole that I don’t want to come out of! LOL! I’ll be excited to start my very first BOM in a couple weeks with Corey doing the Cali & Co. 2025 Mystery BOM! – hoping that it gets me to spend more time in my sewing room filled with more fabric than I’ll maybe ever use! I love precuts, and making simple and fast tops in many color schemes. I should search from stash-buster quilts to start making a dent! I’m excited to learn more about Coriander Quilts, the giveaways (this first one blew my mind! How exciting for whomever is the winner!) and more about the beautiful patters that will be available! Thank you all for sharing these are so much fun to read! Happiest of New Year wishes to all!

  2151. Tommye Tosh says:

    Thanks so much for the videos, the fun giveaways, and especially the barn stars. I have 9 of them … well I have the patterns. I plan to make them this year. My advice to new quilters … Forgive yourself. Imperfect projects are what make them personal and handmade. No one else in the world will make a quilt exactly like you do and that is wonderful. Mistakes? Cut off points? Don’t worry about it. Your projects are uniquely yours and the perfectly imperfect. Mary Poppins said “Practically perfect in every way.” That’s how I think about my projects.

  2152. lanettesusann says:

    Wow talk about the ultimate giveaway! Happy New Year wishing you much happiness and joy in 2025!

  2153. NancyL says:

    Make sure and cut your fabrics carefully using a sharp blade in your rotary cutter and a good quilting ruler; measure twice (at least) before you cut. Have fun and don’t be too hard on yourself!

  2154. Toni K Hagan says:

    Amazing giveaway! My advice (I tell myself this all the time), don’t be so hard on yourself. Enjoy the process! Have fun and don’t worry about being perfect. Worry takes the fun out of it.

  2155. Carol Stoner says:

    As a fairly new quilters, my best advice is just go for it. Have the mindset of, “Of course I can do this!”.

  2156. Mary Peralto says:

    My best suggestion to any beginner interested in quilting would be to binge on videos of several different quilters and then go and do you with all their knowledge.

  2157. Kim says:

    WOW What a fabulous giveaway. My tip is to find a quilting buddy. Love your Saturday videos.

  2158. Lyn V says:

    My advice to a new quilter is start with a small project and take baby sreps.

  2159. Michelle Koehler says:

    For newbies, get to know your machine and practice your 1/4″ seam.

  2160. Donna Hanneman says:

    I did not begin quilting until I was 60, I took a class on that birthday and it was the best gift! Old dogs can learn new tricks. My favorite quilting tool is the half square trimming tool. Thanks for you time in making your videos. And thanks for your generosity.

  2161. Karen Jones says:

    My tip is to try to be consistent with your 1/4″ seams, try to see straight & press, press press.
    Happy New Year 🎊

  2162. Debbie Cloud says:

    Love your videos and your always positive attitude! Looking forward to how you put y9ur new sewing area and studio together in your new house.

  2163. No matter how your first project turns out KEEP IT! You can look back on it and see how much you improve over time. Remember we stumbled a lot before we learned to walk!! You got this!!

  2164. Maryanne Richards says:

    My favorite tips are sew with fabrics you love and don’t let someone tell you your background has to be white. Everyone was a new quilter once and the best thing is to be kind and generous with praise.
    Thank you for creating such beautiful fabrics and patterns and fun videos. Happy New Year

  2165. Linda Blackstock says:

    Thanks Corey for another great video! I am so excited to take part in the 12 months of working on my work in progress and getting them completed. Such a great idea you have.

    Mike quilting tip would be to measure twice cut once.
    Please enter me in your giveaway great prize it is!
    Thank you for your

  2166. Carolyn M Reynolds says:

    Advice to a new quilter– take the time to establish your perfect scant quarter inch seam. It will save you many headaches. Seam together 3 2.5 inch strips. Press (always press — another good tip) and measure. If the pieced unit measures 6.5 inches then you are perfect. If not, then adjust your seam width until you get the perfect 6.5 inches.

  2167. Aubrey, Christy says:

    Thank you for your videos. I love watching them for inspiration. I think I will get that barn quilt pattern. It looks so doable.

  2168. Kate says:

    My tip to beginners is….
    Read your pattern through carefully
    Make a practice block first out of scrap fabric
    Follow pressing recommendations
    Measure twice cut once
    Know and practice your quarter inch seam for accuracy.
    Have fun..keep it slow and you’ll do fine.

  2169. Judy B says:

    i am a new quilter ( or will be soon, i just finished a six week sewing class. ) my tip is to take a beginner quilt class at your local quilt shop. our hop will be using a Pat sloan book. excited to get started!

  2170. Bethany Huenke says:

    My tip is to start simple and work your way up to more complex projects. You’ll master the basics with practice before tackling more difficult skills. Thanks Corey for the fun new things on this week’s video!

  2171. Sheryl says:

    Thank you so much for all you do!
    My tip would be to not stretch or pull when pressing your seams and blocks. I also love my wool pressing mat.

  2172. Sue Revero says:

    I am a fairly new quilter and so grateful to have found your videos and also line of fabric and patterns. As a new quilter to another new quilter I would say have grace with yourself and enjoy the process. Also exact 1/4 inch seams make such a difference. Measure your needle center point to the edge of your foot so you know where to lay your fabric. It is never perfect in my world though. Thank you so much Corey!

  2173. Sherry says:

    Hello. I not only tell a new quilter but also remind everyone…. including myself….you got to try. Don’t let everything you look at discourage you but rather motivate you. Try and fail? No, try and learn. Then, try and succeed….repeat as necessary.

  2174. Vanessa King says:

    Happy new year!
    What wonderful give away!

  2175. Teresa St.Clair says:

    My advice to a beginner is to start with a smaller project such as a baby blanket, wall hanging or table runner using simple blocks. The best notion for a beginner is a quilty friend nearby to help with questions, instruction, and encouragement!

  2176. PEGGY STREBY says:

    LOVE your videos. My current favorite notion/tool is the spinning mat I received as a Christmas gift. Love your fabrics!

  2177. Kim A says:

    I would love to win that fat quarter bundle! I am currently getting ready for Cali & Co BOM!

  2178. Nancy J Shaner says:

    I think an important thing to learn is accuracy. Cutting and sewing. Have patience with yourself and realize it takes practice.

  2179. Rhonda says:

    Hello as all the others have said read instructions Enjoy the process slow down not a race I love the stripology ruler a sharp rotery blade… Thank you for your generosity

  2180. Barbie Jo Bonnett says:

    I am a novice quilter. I have 2 tips. One is to join a quilt guild to be inspired and learn new techniques. Several of the quilt shops near me are no longer in business so not too many classes available. Second tip is to buy kits from a well known quilter or quilt website. They provide great instructions and many of the fabric decisions are made for you. I can get easily overwhelmed by the many gorgeous lines that are available to us.

  2181. Jeanine Hamada says:

    Hi Corey,
    Thank you for the generous giveaway. My tip for beginning quilters would be to take a beginner’s quilting class.

  2182. Patti J says:

    Hello! Firstly, Thank You for your time and efforts to always bring us enjoyable and educational videos. I always look forward to your content. If I have any advise for the new quilter? Relax, and enjoy the process. Take frequent breaks, stretch, and look after yourself. Perhaps, most importantly, do not stress if results are not perfect. Once quilted, the small imperfections are not obvious. Fabric is very forgiving, and we need to be just as forgiving too.

  2183. Kathy says:

    Corey, I always enjoy your videos. My tip for a new quilter is to make a practice block first if possible.

  2184. Jeanette Friscia says:

    My favorite quilting tool would have to be the “Folded Corner Clipper” ruler by Creative Grids. It has so many uses that it sits on my sewing table right by machine on a rotating mat always. I use it to make binding and to make precise 45 degree angle cuts for many types of commonly used quilt blocks like half square triangles and any time I have to cut a corner like for snowball blocks. Once I found it, I wished I found it sooner because it saves me a lot of time and makes me look like a accurate quilter so I’m sharing the secret hoping to win this generous amazing giveaway

  2185. Cheryl A Cawley says:

    My favorite tip is starching your fabrics before cutting, it has improved my peicing immensely! Thank you for your videos!

  2186. Bobi C. says:

    Find a lovely beginner friendly quilt kit (one that is on sale). All the fabric plays well together so the stress of choosing fabric is eliminated. Over time you will learn what you like, what fabrics work well and in the long run you will not waste time and money building a stash you will never use. Thank you Corey for sharing your creativity!

  2187. Michelle Bridges says:

    Corey, I love your videos and will be buying the Dearly Loved and possibly the entire backdrop package. I absolutely love your fabric lines and looking forward to Abloom Designer Mystery. Would love to win the fabric giveaway, that would start the year off right!

  2188. Nicky Amidon says:

    Thank you Corey for having your Saturday videos. I enjoy them and hearing the questions of other’s. My tip to a new quilter is be careful acquiring a stash. Before you know it, you have more fabric than you know what to do with. Try to focus on 1 project at a time to get the feel for the process and take your time. It’s not a race, enjoy the process.

  2189. Sharon J Judkins says:

    What a great giveaway! My favorite tip would be to just enjoy the process! So many times we get caught up in the need for perfection that we forget to just have fun!

  2190. Lori Davison says:

    HI Corey: my tip is always learn something new.. and have fun!… thank you sew much for all you do for us.

  2191. Judy Doan Fargo says:

    I keep a list in a small notebook of the rulers I have in an attempt to keep from buying duplicates. Also I’ve heard of an app that lets you scan the ISBN code on your books to create a list of books you have. Take a photo of the quilts you have. You can leave notes about whom you want to bequeath them to when you pass on.

  2192. Barb Tatera says:

    A good tip for a beginner is to pick a small, simple pattern. If you start with a baby quilt it doesn’t take forever to finish and then you feel good about completing a project! Plus, then you can go buy more fabric for the next project! 🙂

  2193. Jan says:

    Hi Corey! First, Happy New Year & congratulations on your move! My tip for new quilters is to be sure you sew with an accurate 1/4” seam allowance. There are a number of ways to achieve this from using your machine’s 1/4” foot to using a magnetic seam guide to sticking a small pile of sticky notes like Post-Its on your machine. Remember, as you sew, so shall you rip. 😉

  2194. Rhonda Barton says:

    Hello fellow quilters, this is such an awesome opportunity to start a fabric collection. I have just started quilting, I made a puff quilt for my great-nephew coming in February and just fell in love with it, so my fabric stash is woodland creatures. I made some quilted pot holders and placemats. Making an entire quilt is overwhelming but so exciting. Being a new quilter myself I am still learning what are staples to quilting but the advise I would give to my fellow newbees (get it, play on words – quilting bee) listen to the quilting queens, they have so much knowledge and are a kind community and love to pass it on and to try everything. I just got a new sewing machine for Christmas and cannot wait to start on some projects. Thank you Cori, you make my Saturday morning coffee.

  2195. Colleen York says:

    Happy New Year! Tip for beginner quilter – use fabrics you LOVE (like Corey’s)! As always, loved spending time watching your video. Thanks for the $5 monthly quilts – great way to add to my pattern collection of must-do’s!

  2196. Melissa May says:

    Hi Cory! I love watching your show. I am planning on doing the UFO each month! Great idea!

  2197. Juli Bramble says:

    Work with fabric you love not fabric that needs to be used up. Life is too short!

  2198. Debbie Varney says:

    Wow! What a fun and generous giveaway! My favorite tip is to keep a quilt journal. Take a picture of every quilt with info of who it’s for and any other information about why you made it.

  2199. Pam Royster says:

    Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to your new fabric line In Bloom and really enjoy watching your videos on Saturdays. I’ll be joining you creating the 2025 mystery BOM. Hope you pick me to receive the box of fabric. Thank you for the fantastic give aways.

  2200. Ruth Campbell says:

    I really enjoy your videos and look forward to them each week. I also really like your Barn Star quilt series.

  2201. Felicia Franklin says:

    Well, I am a new quilter…my tip would be don’t get intimated! It’s only fabric. I know that sounds crazy but I get so intimated that I don’t start. Find a designer you like, follow them, read their blogs, watch their videos and find one of their beginner patterns.

  2202. Donna says:

    My advice for a new quilter If you need help and don’t have a nearby quilting buddy, the internet is your friend! I have relied on internet YouTube Quilters who provided just the tip or trouble shooting I needed! If you are having a problem, someone else has had the same one most likely, and you will find help on YouTube.
    For a specific new quilter tip, finding a ruler brand that works for you is key to cutting accuracy, which leads to block assembly accuracy. I am left handed and have tried most all the brands and finally found that Creative Grids rulers work best for me as a left hander with how they are labeled. And even better Creative Grids has recently released a number of their best seller rulers in a fully Left handed version so we can read the numbers left to right (and not always have to read backwards). I have found using the left handed ruler versions has increased my cutting accuracy AND the speed with which I can quickly make those cuts without checking and double checking when using the regular rulers. So if you are a left hand quilter, I recommend Creative Grids rulers. Thanks to all the Quilting guru’s (Corey Yoder, Kimberly Jolly, Lori Holt, Jenny Doan, and many others; your blogs and videos keep me inspired and your tips along the way have continued to improve my skills. I thank you all so much!

  2203. Becky says:

    Don’t expect perfection…accuracy improves with time and practice. Use fabric you love, sometimes the fabric makes all the difference in a quilt. And don’t be afraid to try new techniques and ask questions of other quilters. Happy New Year to all.

  2204. Susan N. says:

    I am beginner level quilter and my tip would be to enjoy what you are doing and not worry about the quilt police. Stop if you get frustrated and come back to it later. Taking a break allows your brain to reset.

  2205. PEGGY AYERS says:

    I would suggest to the newbie to make sure all your cuts are true and to use an accurate 1/4″ seam. Corey you are a very generous gal to be giving away these fabric packs. I would love to win this giveaway. Have a wonderful New Year!

  2206. Terah N. says:

    My tip would be to have fun choosing fabrics that you just love to look at or enjoy the feel of (softer cottons vs. stiffer cottons). The more you love what you’re touching and looking at, the more likely you will be to finish it and enjoy it in the end. Happy quilting!

  2207. Nelda says:

    Hello. Awesome giveaway! I look forward to seeing more of your videos in 2025. My advice to a new quilter would be to get confident and consistent with your quarter inch seam allowance. Practice. Measure. Practice.

  2208. Kelly Lousen says:

    I’m about to approach my one year anniversary of when I started quilting and my number one piece of advice is that the charm of a quilt is that it is made by hand, by a real human, by you! Try not to set a goal of perfection. Little mistakes tell a story behind the making, they remind us we are all learning, and of the love you poured into each stitch as you made your amazing quilt by hand.

  2209. Trudy says:

    I used to hate making half square triangles until I discovered the Bloc Loc rulers. They are the best tools for half square triangles.

  2210. Mary Delia says:

    My tip is set aside plenty of time for your new favorite hobby!

  2211. Melinda McIntyre says:

    Corey, thanks for the super sized giveaway! Lovely fabrics! My tip to a new quilter would be to watch A lot of instructional YouTube videos. I started quilting during the Covid shutdown and watching you, Kimberly Jolly, and other wonderfully talented quilters really helped me. And new quilters should definitely consider starching their fabric. I was shocked what a difference it made in my accuracy. Also, my favorite notion is the Clover White Ergonomic seam ripper. I find it easy to handle and its very sharp!

  2212. Teresa Spong says:

    My advice to new quilters would be to just have fun with it and enjoy the process of learning!

  2213. coffeetranquile689f4f07e says:

    best advice for first time quilter: practice 1/4″ seams on scraps then on strip sets to ensure accurate seams.

  2214. Renae says:

    My tip is to find classes and watch videos then have fun learning the process. Perfection isn’t necessary

  2215. Debbie Long says:

    Thank you for a chance to win this beautiful bundle of fabrics. My tip would be a couple of things. Know your machine and your quarter inch seam. Don’t get discouraged and have fun!

  2216. Barbarann Parkhill-Capper says:

    I just started watching your channel about a month ago. I enjoy seeing all of your quilts and tips. My tip for new quilters is to start with an easy pattern and be proud of what you accomplish. It takes time and practice to achieve this craft. And you are always learning no matter how long you have been quilting. Enjoy the process.

  2217. Michelle Fason says:

    I love all your fabrics and quilt designs! My tip is to measure twice and cut once Take your time in cutting.

  2218. Lyn Hoenig says:

    My hint to the new quilter is don’t stress just have fun and try new things.

  2219. Pat Gossett says:

    My new favorite notions are Flatter for getting flat seams and Grippy for making rulers not slip. Both items are by Odif.

  2220. Charlotte says:

    Advice to a new quilter would be to start with a simple pattern, ask many questions, we’ve all been there. Quilters love to share their experience with you. Buy/save for a cutting mat, rotary cutter, and a basic ruler (6 x 24) to start with.

  2221. Sheri A. says:

    My advice is to strive for accuracy in cutting and in your 1/4″ seams. It makes putting the quilt blocks together easy when everything lines up perfectly.
    Find your favorite brand of ruler and buy only those because the markings will read the same and you will be less likely to make a cutting error.

  2222. Annette J. Jarosz says:

    Hi! I have just started quilting again now that I have retired. I have also just found your You Tube videos, which I have been enjoying! I am so excited to get started on your mystery quilt block. I heard about it from my local quilt shop. I still have so much to learn and find your videos very informative. Thank You!!

  2223. Lianne Sterkel says:

    The best thing I ever did as a beginner was taking The Ultimate Beginner Quilting tutorial led by Kimberly Jolly, Fat Quarter Shop. 12 follow along video tutorials resulting in a fully completed quilt after creating 9 blocks, backing, binding and straight-line quilting. I love that quilt and the sense of pride and confidence it gave me.

  2224. Cathy Larmer says:

    So many great tips for a newbie! I would just add: Leave room for surprises. Sew weird fabrics together with no finished project in mind. Find out what YOU like, and break all the rules. You never know what cool new thing you will discover!

  2225. Debbie Prince says:

    My tip is take a quilting class no matter your skill level. Quilting is different from garment construction.

  2226. Stephanie says:

    My advice would be to give yourself grace and enjoy the process as you learn. Everyone makes mistakes, and it is ok if you have to “unsew”. Also, clean your machine frequently! She will appreciate it. Local quilt shops and guilds are an excellent resource, and fun to be involved in.

  2227. Deb W. says:

    this give away is spectacular….enough fabric for a years worth of seasonal quilts…I just have a hard time getting into my sewing room, hopefully your wip program will help me some…

  2228. Carrie Mayer says:

    So many good tips have been suggested! My tip would be, if you find your ruler slipping, find a way to stop it. If it didn’t come with non slip dots or non slip backing, add them. I love Handi Grip, but there’s Grippy (spray) and other adhesives. If you can afford Creative Grids or Quilter Select rulers, definitely do so. But, don’t accept the frustration and safety risk of a ruler that slips.

  2229. Tricia Westin says:

    A fourth of an inch is important not just a suggestion. Take the time to set your sewing machine up to sew 1/4 inch. Practice by running a few scraps through to be sure you are sewing at 1/4 inch. Then begin. You will have a lot less stress trying to line up blocks and seams.

  2230. Ramona Ressler says:

    I would tell new quilters to get the best 1/4 inch you can measure after every seam. To see that your block is the correct size. Take your time and relax have fun . Any errors are origanallity in you quilt. Love your fabric.

  2231. Barbara S says:

    Thanks so much for this incredible give–away – and happy moving to you!
    My tip would be to invest in good rulers that don’t slip. It doesn’t matter if you add grippy dots or buy the QS or Creative grids ruler – non-slip rulers were a game changer for me!

  2232. CINDY Rux says:

    That Deerly Loved moose will be missed in your videos when you put Christmas away! I love your videos and your quilts.
    Thanks for the chance to win the amazing fat quarters in this give-away.

    • CINDY R says:

      That Deerly Loved moose will be missed in your videos when you put Christmas away! I love your videos and your quilts.
      Thanks for the chance to win the amazing fat quarters in this give-away.
      My tip is to always have a sharp rotary cutter blade, even if it seems like you just changed it, change again if it’s not cutting well..

  2233. Cheryl says:

    When I first started quilting I didn’t realize how important good rulers and rotary blades are for accurate cutting. My tip is to purchase high quality rulers. I have found Creative Grids are the best and they last years. Never use two different ruler brands when cutting fabrics for a quilt. It may not seem like it, but those teeny weeny tiny differences matter when you start piecing the blocks. Thank you Corey for the inspiration and I’ll be sure to join the WIP along because I have many I need to completel.

  2234. Emily says:

    My tip is to learn your quarter inch seam on your machine. Once you learn your quarter inch it will make piecing so much easier.

  2235. Kirsten says:

    Advice for a new quilter, give yourself lots of grace and enjoy the journey.

  2236. Belinda Jones says:

    My advice for a new quilter is to buy the best quality 24 x 36“ cutting mat and rotary cutter you can afford. The best tools make all the difference and these two are indispensable.

  2237. Leta says:

    My best tip is to stick with one brand of ruler when you first start. I had everyone saying you need this one or that one. They should be all the same but sometimes the measurements are a tiny different and that really makes a difference when you use two different brands in a single pattern. Thanks for all your tips. You have such a precious way of explaining tips. I have all your barn patterns and that is my plan to get them made this year. This fabric might help me fill in with some of the fabric I have to make the barn quilts.

  2238. Margie Gschwendtner says:

    I was surprised to see all the packages of fat quarter that Cori is giving away!!! Love all the colors! My tip for beginning quilters is always buy quality fabric from your local quilt shop or online shops like The FatQuarter Shop! Never buy from discount store if you want your quilts to last a longtime.

  2239. Sharon Tefft says:

    My tip for a new quilter is allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them on your quilting journey

  2240. eclectichappily1176cd3e04 says:

    Best advice: slow down and take your time. Don’t expect to be as fast and those you watch and learn from. Best tool: there are SO many, but a good rotary cutter along with good rulers are crucial. I REALLY like my Quilter’s Select rulers and am so thankful to have a 6×24 ruler. Thank you, Cori!

  2241. Sheila Hixon says:

    My hint for a newbie would be to square up each block as you go. This way you’ll know is your quarter inch seam is off and can ajust. Your quilt will be square and you’ll be happy.

  2242. Brenda says:

    I love watching your videos! You are so pleasant. Thank you for all you do to encourage all to love quilting.
    If I were to tell someone new a tip, it would be to enjoy at journey. With each project you learn.. Don’t stress and have fun!

  2243. Deanne Spataro says:

    Love the Saturday videos!! My tip for any new quilter is to be patient. Nothing was perfected in a day. Quilting is a journey, we are always growing!!

  2244. Lori Hudson says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to just go for it. If you see something you like then just do it. There are tons of videos to help you. If you really like it you are more likely to stick with it. My favorite notion right now is my wooden clappers that my husband made me. I have them in several different lengths.

  2245. Becky Roper says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to practice that 1/4 inch seam. don’t let your self get overwhelmed, practice makes perfect.

  2246. Charlene says:

    Wow! What a terrific giveaway! Thanks for the change to win!
    My tip is to give yourself the freedom to fail! Paraphrasing from Lyric Montgomery Kinard, we aren’t born knowing how to read Shakespeare, so don’t expect that your first quilt will be “perfect”—whatever that means for you. We all learn and improve through experimentation, challenging ourselves, and failure. And that’s okay!

  2247. Peggy Marcel says:

    I am a new quilter and love your work! I can’t wait to get started on one of your projects!! Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us!

  2248. Melissa says:

    My tip would be to work on getting that 1\4 inch seam and don’t fear the quilt police. Do what makes you happy. Quilting is for the pleasure of creating something with needle and thread.

  2249. Cindy Wilkinson-Claggett says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be don’t be in a rush. Slow down and enjoy the process. Even after over 50 years of sewing, I am still a slow quilter.

  2250. pioneeringf9742fd253 says:

    I love the videos and everything you share. I think my advice for a beginner is to find a mentor who will give you inspiration and guidance on learning to quilt. It took me years to learn how to make hst, fg and qst…no mentor but trial and error with scrap fabric. I will finally retire in spring at age 73 and I am looking so forward to sew as much as I can. This give away would give me a wonderful start on my retirement sewing adventure!

  2251. Jane says:

    Wow the giveaway is awesome. I am new quilter I have made a couple of baby quilts for friends. Tip: it ok to take apart and redo your quilt its not a failure. But a learning experience its fun creating something. Smile while you sew it relieves the tension in your shoulder.

  2252. Rebecca Lovin says:

    I would tell a new quilter to pick a pattern that you love, maybe a small one such as a table runner or crib size and jump in. The skills will come as you work and completely finishing that project will give you great confidence going forward. Use youtube as a learning resource. Thanks Corey for great patterns and videos.

  2253. Wendy P Ellison says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be to try quilt as you go techniques. It really is encouraging when you can complete a project from start to finish.
    Thank you for your great patterns, fabrics, and videos!

  2254. Anne D says:

    A tip I would like to share with a new quilter would be to enjoy your time sewing/quilting and don’t get disappointed if you feel you don’t measure up to others. You are doing what you enjoy, so enjoy the process! Your skills will get better with time — just enjoy each moment!

  2255. Sandra Garcia says:

    I consider myself a new quilter as I have only completed 4 quilt tops via Block Of the Month. My advice though is to join a local BOM to learn new techniques at an affordable price.

  2256. Nancy Wisniewski says:

    For anyone new to quilting I would recommend the “All-in-One Quilter’s Reference Tool.” Not only is it a wonderful source of information for new quilters, but a great place to write notes to yourself and keep printouts of techniques you only use occasionally. And remember, there is no such thing as quilt police. Happy quilting.

  2257. Gayle Arnold says:

    I tried to register for your give away but never any luck after going to your blog it brings up every video etc,but cannot see to register to win.Thanks,also waiting for 2025 instructions,have all my material ready.lovebyou Gayle

  2258. Lisa Rogers says:

    Best advice I could give is to use a 1/4 inch foot on your machine!! Accuracy really has helped me when piecing blocks!

  2259. April Hughes says:

    Question: When you were starting out, how did you decide what to make? I’ve been watching your videos for the last few months along with other creators. I want to make it all. Not sure how to select a starting point/ project. I will pick my Juki up in a couple weeks and I can not wait to begin!

  2260. Connie says:

    I enjoy your videos very much . Love your patterns and tutorials. I can’t wait to see the new studio and sewing room all setup.

  2261. Lindsay Grandinetti says:

    I think the best advice to give to new quilters is just to go for it! You will get better with time but don’t be afraid to work on a project because you don’t think you can do it. Oh, and always pin your seams 😂

  2262. Lydia Steele says:

    Hi there! I’m new to watching your videos and thought this was a wonderful and generous giveaway!
    My tip(s) to a new quilter would be:
    Read through the instructions before starting. This is especially important when it comes to cutting fabric. I also think that watching a YouTube tutorial is helpful as well (there are so many great ones out there! Take your time in cutting and sewing. Measure twice before you cut once. Start with a small or beginner friendly project and give yourself some grace. We all started as a new quilter and some of us (me included), are still learning and working on improving our sewing and quilting skills.

  2263. Janelle Gassert says:

    My favorite piece of advice from a seasoned quilter was this. When quilting your quilt using the free motion method, do not be concern that your design is exactly the same through out the quilt. When you see the quilt as a whole on your bed, no one is going to inspect each block to see any differences. To many people get quilters freeze and never finish their tops. You do all that work and then you are afraid you will make a mistake. Just do it and let someone enjoy it.

  2264. Abby says:

    My advice for a new quilter is to enjoy the journey. With each new project, your skills will improve and your confidence will grow.

  2265. Suzy Vieyra says:

    My advice to new quilters is to watch a lot of YouTube videos! Join a sew along project using a kit at first. This is exactly how I learned just a couple of years ago and now quilting is my obsession!

  2266. Judi Sigler says:

    I kind of relate to you moving to a new house/studio. I didnt move to a new house but i moved my sewing room to my daughter’s bedroom. She got married in October and I cry whenever i go to her bedroom and see it empty. So to stop feeling this way, i decided to move my sewing room to hers. It was quite a lot of work but after almost 2 months (yes 2 months! With all the business of Thanksgiving, Christmas and getting the flu), my new sewing-quilting space is ready!

    MY tip for those who are new to quilting is to watch/listen to different quilting videos while you are working on a project, this is very good way to learn. You will learn a lot of tips and tricks by doing this. Also, dont get discouraged easily, practice practice, practice. Don’t be too hard on yourself. And most of all, enjoy the process and enjoy the knowledge you get from every new project, either by trying on a new skill or by making mistakes and learning from them.

  2267. chaosswagef37195f07 says:

    My favorite tip to a new quilter would be to invest in Quilters Select Rulers as they do not slip when cutting fabric

  2268. Linda Friend says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to start small and simple. Get your feet wet and see where the process takes you.

  2269. Terri Bowles says:

    My tip is to find people who love quilting too. My friends and I are always willing to learn and laugh together. We encourage each other too.

  2270. Lisa says:

    My suggestion would be to use the best thread you can afford. It will make your life so much easier in the long run!

  2271. Linda S. says:

    I love your videos. My tip would be to take it slow and don’t be too hard on yourself. Finished is better than perfect!

  2272. carol thomas says:

    My advice to a beginner quilter is to “breathe,” relax, and enjoy this creative process – quilting. A new quilter has “you tube” to watch, google searches on how to, and take lots of pictures to capture that very first special quilt.

  2273. Laura Arnold says:

    Hi Corey! I have just started watching your Saturday videos this past December. You are very knowledgeable and inspirational. My husband asked me to make him a yellow quilt. I’m using Buttercup & Slate. How fun! As far as my tip goes, I have two. First, check you 1/4 seam. This is a game changer. Next, try to relax your shoulders while sewing and take breaks. Happy sewing!

  2274. Brenda Chauvin says:

    Tip for new quilter.
    The best beginner Quilt pattern would be one that you do not have to nest or align matching seams. My favorite is the turning 20 Quilt pattern.

  2275. Alicia Schultz says:

    When I was starting out, I would have loved the stripology ruler!! It’s expensive but great for cutting quickly and accurately, the square one is great for squaring up all sizes of blocks

  2276. Linda says:

    I love Creative Grids rulers and would recommend them to a newbie.

  2277. Sue Sharp says:

    My best tip for a new quilter would be never underestimate yourself! Each new “try” builds your skills, and with enough “trys”, you’ll soon be an experienced quilter! Don’t be afraid, dive right in there…and good luck!
    Corey, thank you for all your amazing work and generosity! Happy New Year to all!

  2278. Jay Palmer says:

    My tip is to work on a project with fabric that inspires you. It doesn’t have to be the easiest project but something that will motivate you.

  2279. Perri Ann Kaufman says:

    I would tell a new quilter to enjoy the process, your quilt doesn’t have to be perfect! Try new things, watch videos, pick colors that bring you joy! I learn something new with every project which is part of the joy.

  2280. Kimberlie Buffington says:

    My best tip for a new.quilter is to use a half square triangle ruler to square up and trim dog ears before pressing open! Saves me soooooo much time!

  2281. Kim Booth says:

    I just got to catch up with yesterday’s video. I know chances of winning anything are slim to none, and I rarely ever post, but I really enjoy your videos and I love your fabrics. I have been sewing, or quilting for about 4 years. My best tip is don’t stress over it! You can trim, snip or stretch until it fits! Nothing of mine seems to come out to sizes that are supposed to be, but my quilts always come out a-ok anyway! Enjoy the time you spend creating!

  2282. Lorraine Sutherland says:

    I would also recommend take your time and enjoy the experience. Carefully execute each step: cutting, trimming, sewing, and pressing . The end result will be fantastic. If you need to line up seam, poke a pin through the seams of each piece you are matching up. Thanks for the videos. I can’t wait to see your new studio and start the Cali & Co QAL.

  2283. Ashley Blailock says:

    My tip would be to not stress with perfection. That comes with practice and just doing.

  2284. Jackie Koenig says:

    For a new quilter, my tip would be to give yourself grace. I look back at some of my first quilts that I was sure were just horrible, and years later after several washes, I admit I am impressed that they don’t look like my imagination remembered. The more you quilt, the better you get!

  2285. Kerry says:

    I would start small with a table runner or baby blanket. Something small to feel successful.

  2286. My tip to a new quilter is to choose projects that you will enjoy. Listen carefully to all those other quilters as they chit-chat and find a mentor that makes you feel good!

  2287. Susan Ott says:

    I’ve only been quilting for a year, but the best advice is advice my two quilting sisters gave me. Don’t try to have everything be perfect and just get your quarter inch seam perfected! I’m loving it so much, and my husband bought me a new machine for Christmas.

  2288. Vikki says:

    My tip is to use a good quality thread to help avoid tension issues. I like Aurifil. Happy New Year and thanks for the contest opportunity!

  2289. Diane Osborne says:

    My favorite tip would be to press from the front when pressing seams to one side. If you do not press completely flat you can lose up to an 1/8 inch in your overall block finish.

  2290. Barbara McCormick says:

    My tip is to give yourself grace. Learning it’s never perfect but love the process.

  2291. Christine Garcia says:

    Hi everyone, my tip for a beginner quilter is to quilt with a friend who has done it before.

  2292. Mary says:

    For a new quilter, and for any quilter, I suggest joining a group of other quilters – in a guild, a class, retreats, wherever you can – and you will learn so much from others and have fun in the process!

  2293. Laura Swensen says:

    When making half squared triangles and the pattern says cut 2 7/8th I say cut 3” draw your line point to point sew each side of the line. Then cut on the line press and then square up. That way all your half squared pieces will be prefect. The other way may not turn out do to 1/4” seam may be to small or to big. Works prefect every time.
    Thanks for a chance of the fabulous giveaway!

  2294. Gwen LaBeau says:

    Purchase a few fat quarters in your favorite color, pick a few that contrast for background. Use these to cut out a trial run of the pattern you will make of each block, use these for a memory sampler quilt, of your quilt journey. They give you a feel for what it takes to construct your block, it lets you check your skill level and to find if you enjoy the pattern, before totally committing to the project.

  2295. Hazel Duvall says:

    Even though I have been sewing for a few years now, I still consider myself a new quilter. So thanks for all the advice, Corey I love all of your videos and most all of your quilts. I definitely love all of your fabric. Thanks for all you do.Happy New Year!

  2296. Becky Elsinger says:

    I have really enjoyed reading all the helpful tips in the comments. I have picked up a lot of great ideas and tips. Corey, love your helpful and inspiring videos. thank you for the generous giveaway. Best of luck on your upcoming move! My tip is to have a lint roller by your work area to clean up all your stray threads.

  2297. Heather Higgs says:

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway. My tip is to read your pattern closely before cutting. I hate to waste fabric!

  2298. Carol Fernandez says:

    I love your fabrics. I am hoping to perfect my EQ8 skills and make a Beautiful Day quilt. My best words of wisdom to new quilters is to continue learning and trying new techniques.

  2299. Linda Ponader says:

    Thank you for the time you gift to us thru your videos! Thats my big tip for new quilters, watch the videos, get inspired, and take in the wonderful tips given! Remember quilting is fun!

  2300. Jessica Boudreau says:

    My tip to a new quilter is to quickly find a guild or quilty friend that can answer questions- because there will be questions. Do not be afraid to ask questions. And make sure they understand guilds are for all skill levels- you do not have to be intermediate or advanced in skill to join. Thank you Corey for a fun video and the excitement to quilt in 2025!

  2301. Elaine Williams says:

    my advice for a new quilter would be to have fun, enjoy the journey, and learn from others. I can’t wait to see your new sewing space and I do appreciate you doing your YouTube’s when it’s such a busy time for you.

  2302. Rita Herzberger says:

    Happy New Year and Happy New House. Thank you for being so generous. I love the fabric you will be giving away. I always look forward to your $5 pattern of the month. I didn’t buy this months because I already have it. Sew cute. Have a great week. I hope you are not getting hit with all the snow that has been predicted. I’m in Columbus and we are getting snow right now.

  2303. Karen Elder says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to have a plan for your scraps and deal with them as soon as you finish your project so that they don’t get out of hand. Great giveaway! Thanks, Karen

  2304. Amanda L Shipley says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to not go crazy buying all the things! You can get so overwhelmed, so quickly.

  2305. Brenda Pasterniak says:

    Thank you for offering such a great giveaway! I’ve been teaching my grandson’s girlfriend how to sew on a sewing machine. I told her about the 1/4” seam allowance, and that it was important to try to get it as close as possible, but not to fret too much about it. It will get better with time and practice!

  2306. Elizabeth Heer says:

    The best tip I could give a newbie is learn to press your seams properly so that your block is the correct size. I actually still struggle with this.

  2307. Amy Wynkoop says:

    Don’t be afraid to try new things. You may find that you like to do a lot of different things or prefer to only do certain techniques.

  2308. Terri Bishop says:

    I learned to quilt watching all the lovely quilters who shared during covid.

  2309. Brenda Lynam says:

    My tip for quilters is to not only read the pattern first, but visualize the process in your mind before you cut into your fabric and start sewing. When I started quilting there were no videos or online instructors, what a tremendous revolution has occurred in quilting! Thanks Corey for all you bring to us! Would love to use the color bundles for my Linus quilts this year.

  2310. Maryjane Baker says:

    My best tip for new quilters is not to be afraid to try new things. Even if it doesn’t always turn out perfect keep practicing.

  2311. Gloria Berndl says:

    What a generous soul you are – tips for other quilters and a chance for a giveaway. My tip is to start documenting your quilting journey. Notes on your projects, dates, recipients, machine settings, fabrics, favorite pattern, designers…all of it! take pics!

  2312. Merry Shervey says:

    I enjoyed this video and the box of give away is amazing. Thank you for sharing! Quilting has become my passion in my retirement, making mostly baby quilts for friends and Pregnancy centers.

  2313. Alice says:

    I think it’s important to enjoy the quilting process. it is OK to take your time, and don’t be too hard on yourself.

  2314. Janet Hovey says:

    Hi Corey, thank you for your fun videos! I love watching! It’s my birthday this week and I would love to win! My tip is to practice being accurate with cutting and piecing. Start with easy 9 patches and build on that.

  2315. Kelly says:

    One tip I have for a new quilter is to keep learning. There are many different methods for most quilting skills. Find the methods that work best for you.

  2316. Sandi Beglin says:

    My first quilt was a strip race quilt. Super easy and fast! Plus it game me confidence to try other quilts using patterns.

  2317. Natasha says:

    My tip: make a practice block first. You make sure you know how to make the block. And you can get a bonus project from the practice blocks.

  2318. Tabatha V. says:

    Give yourself grace. Quilting has many ways to do things. Find the path and method that works best for you. While many strive for perfection, give yourself the grace of learning and doing your best. Completing your projects is more important than achieving perfection. This giveaway is amazing!

  2319. Shannon A says:

    I’m new to quilting so I have enjoyed reading through some of the responses. My daughter and I are hoping to make a quilt together before she heads off to college.

  2320. NancyLofgren says:

    I would love to be considered for the colorway give away this month. Such a generous gift! Thank you! One of the techniques/sklls I wouldI would share with a new quilter is using the Creative Grid Folder Corner Clipper Tool to apply quilt binding. I love this method and tool. I initially learned about in by watching a Krista Moser tutorial.

  2321. Susan Bouvin says:

    My favorite tip is to just start! It helped to make a plan then execute that plan!!

  2322. Shirley says:

    Hi Corey! I am teaching my 4 year old granddaughter and 9 year old great niece to quilt. My advice to them is to get that quarter inch seam correct and that will give them an accurate start to having everything matched up. ( right now, I am doing most of the cutting for them ). I hope they can both put a quilt in the fair this year!! Perfect practice makes perfect, but enjoy the process. Oh I wanted to say that when I joined in with you before on getting those unfinished quilts done, I got something finished every month. I was so excited to get some of those quilts finished up. Thanks for that advice from you! I will join in this year too to get some of my quilts projects finished up too….looking forward to finishing up 12 more quilts!! and I also got those 4 reindeer quilts (dearly loved) finished on time for Christmas. My family loved them!

  2323. Terri S says:

    What a great giveaway. My tip is too take classes, join a quilt guild. Be inspired but not intimidated. Enjoy the process and your skills improve as you keep making quilts. Plus, simple is OK, the fabric does a lot of the work. Find what you like to make.

  2324. Maria says:

    The tip I would give is to use blue painters tape on your ruler to mark what size you are cutting. If I’m cutting a lot of 3” squares I mark my ruler at 3” to get a visual of where to position ruler. Love your blog and videos.

  2325. Sandra K says:

    My tip for a new quilter….. don’t jump in the deep end…. Try sewing a simple block! Find a friend or a YouTuber you would like to follow! Just be patient!

  2326. Georgia Calderon says:

    I look forward to your Saturday videos and can’t wait to see the new studio! One of my favorite tips is to not watch the needle but instead to watch the edge along the guideline as it is feeding in.

  2327. Nicole Morton says:

    My tip would be to make sure and be patient and precise with your cutting. Everything will be more challenging if your cuts aren’t correct!

  2328. Jane Choe says:

    My tip: Enjoy the process. From pattern and fabric selection, to the final binding stitch there’s always something to learn and challenge you
    Have fun and enjoy the process.

  2329. Christi says:

    My favorite notion is my brass seam ripper. My favorite tip is find a seasoned quilter to learn from. Someone who has lots of patience. She will tell you what quality supplies you must buy. She might have extra she would loan you. Bad habits are hard to break so don’t learn any. This is a hobby that isn’t supposed to be painful but it should be fun.

  2330. Mary Slinko says:

    My favorite notion is the Clover open adjustable metal thimble. I have tried so many different thimbles but this is the one that i find to be the most comfortable. My best advise to a new quilter is that no matter how advanced or difficult a pattern may appear, they can all be broken down to very simple steps. Don’t give up!

  2331. rjsuess says:

    Corey – I love your videos, patterns and fabric! Looking forward to seeing your new space. Thank you for offering the giveaway- you are very generous!

  2332. Kathy Malloy says:

    Something I have learned is to try to use the best fabric you are able to afford. It really does make the project come out more accurate when peicing. (obviously based on being accurate when cutting) LOL. Also, keep trying different things, practice does make getting better. Corey, thank you for adding another Barnstar pattern to your $5 pattern of the month. I have been adding them to my pattern stash. Also what an amazing giveaway. So generous.

  2333. Jodie Korpus says:

    Thank you Cori, you are very generous giving away some of you fabric stash. Can’t wait to see your new space, I also have many projects to finish so I will be joining your game. Thanks for all you do!

  2334. Lora Olson says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to start with something small and simple. The first thing technique to practice is the 1/4″ seam allowance. Once that is mastered then you can do any quilt.

  2335. Kim Tamok says:

    My tip to a new quilter would be to master your 1/4 inch seam. Take your time, enjoy the process, and be proud of your makes!

  2336. Paddy Honey says:

    My favourite tip to a new quilter is, enjoy the process! Don’t be overwhelmed with doubt, trust your judgement and don’t be afraid to ask questions. And remember, there are no mistakes, only design choices.

  2337. Diane says:

    My favorite tip to a new quilter is to join a quilt guild. There are many experienced people there who are willing to help.

  2338. Susan E Fawcett says:

    Love all the beautiful quilts around you looks so cozy. I would love to be the winner of those fabrics to make a starter quilt with.

  2339. Susan Fawcett says:

    New to quilting myself, so I am going to say get good machine thread to use and a 1/4″ seam guide. Love love to win those fabrics to make my first quilt with.

  2340. Deborah says:

    I’m a newer quilter and my tip would be to try glue basting your quilting project. It really works and makes basting a dream.

  2341. crafty2a9374a625 says:

    The tip I can give is, Love what you do, and have fun doing it.

  2342. Ruth says:

    My favorite tip is that at first you want to keep every magazine you have or get from a friend when they are done with it. But you can’t store it all. Tear out the pattern you want and slip it into a plastic sleeve and put into a binder. Your binders can be sorted by size of quilt or by seasons such a Xmas, Fall, Spring etc. or even techniques…..like applique, machine and or hand. It is a way to keep from the magazine what interests you. Of course remember to recycle the remainder of the magazine. If you don’t find something you like pass it onto a friend or you local guild

  2343. Melissa Keichline says:

    My tip would be to always measure twice before you cut. I’d love to win all the beautiful fat quarters. Thank you !

  2344. Heidi Thatcher-Miller says:

    My tip is to start out knowing that the act of sewing is only part of making a quilt. There is a lot of pressing, cutting, then sewing, and then pressing, trimming, and sewing on repeat until the top is finished. But it is worth it in the end.

  2345. Mandy B says:

    BRAND new quilter here, I just finished my first quilt top. I am totally self taught through watching videos and reading blog posts, but I have wanted to learn for the last decade and finally took the plunge to figure it out.
    I linked up with a dear friend that is an amazing quilter to learn how to quilt it together. I think this would be my biggest advice as someone self-taught and just starting out. Quilters are very very welcoming and want to help you succeed! Ask the questions and for help learning when you get stressed or stuck. So glad I found your blog, I will be spending the next week reading through all these fabulous tips to try to learn more about:)

  2346. Lura O Alsalam says:

    Great video with a plan for those WIPS. I am doing that too. My suggestion for all quilters is use a design wall. It can be as simple as a piece of flannel taped to a wall. A straight on view of your blocks/design is so rewarding. Thanks for your giveaway and all that you do for us.

  2347. Donna Boyd says:

    I would say to any new quilter, to learn cutting, 1/4″ seam allowance and pressing first and then build on those skills with each quilt. Embrace the mistakes as a learning lesson because you will quickly move on from them as you learn and gain confidence. Everyone does things differently so use the techniques that are best suited for your sewing style. Don’t be afraid of a challenge and lastly, have fun! OMG!!! What a fantastic box! Oh, the things I might make with all those fat quarters! You are very kind to offer this lovely viewer gift.

  2348. Elaine says:

    First, I love watching your videos and envy of your new quilting space. My favorite notion is the Lock Block ruler for half square triangles. It makes squaring up a block so easy.

  2349. Nancy says:

    What’s the point of learning to drive if you never get to your destination? Commit to learning the entire quilting process. It takes a lot of patience and humility, but the end results are worth it!

  2350. Jane says:

    Great video to start off the new year and an amazing giveaway! Thank you for sharing!
    My advice for a new quilter would be to buy a simple kit of something that you really love!
    Don’t overwhelm yourself with to much fabric. Your more apt to finish something if you enjoy what your working on and the simplicity to be able to finish the project! Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

    • Becky Renner says:

      My best advice is don’t give up. We all started somewhere. With each project your skills will sharpen. And you learn something from every project. Even if it’s small projects, just keep going!

  2351. Kerri Westbrook says:

    This is my first video to watch of yours! I am so excited to have found you on your youtube channel. I was watching the latest Live Video from Kimberly Jolly and she mentioned your videos. I immediately went over and “subscribed” to your channel! I always love all your fabric and designs! The best tool I would recommend is the Sewing Edge purple reusable strips to help achieve an accurate 1/4″ seam. What a wonderful and generous gift you are giving!! I look forward to watching all your videos and good luck with your move!! Happy Quilting!

  2352. Elizabeth says:

    For a beginning quilter I would suggest the diagonal seam tape by cluck cluck sew. It definitely helps not having to draw all those lines on your fabric.

  2353. Michele R says:

    Happy New Year Corey. I loved the first video of 2025! An important first tip for a new quilter is safety first: get in the habit to always close the blade on your rotary cutter when you put it down, since you need all your fingers intact to enjoy this wonderful new hobby. Have fun and enjoy the process.

  2354. deb adrian says:

    what a cute barn star pattern! you did it again!
    The giveaway is outstanding as well
    my tip would be to check out corey yoder videos first to see if they fit your learning style More than likely that will start your journey In the rare case it doesn’t find someone you connect with in person at a local quilt shop or guild
    mostly just start quilting and be kind to yourself as you learn

  2355. CHRISTINE ELKIN says:

    My tip for new quilters is this: it’s about CONNECTION not PERFECTION! These quilts that we make connect us to others. It’s a labor of love. It’s not about perfection. Relax and let it bring you joy!

  2356. Lisa d. says:

    Thanks for the chance to win! I’d highly recommend the Quilter’s Select rulers for a new quilter. The lines aren’t too thick and the nonslip coating is very helpful.

  2357. Sue Downey says:

    Love your videos. Can’t wait to see your new space. One of my favorite tools is the seam tape that you can put on your sewing station. It has saved me many hours of marking lines for HSTs.

  2358. Janelle Christensen says:

    Tips for a new quilter are read through a pattern first and to practice the 1/4″ seam allowance. Thanks to you for your beautiful and easy to read patterns.

  2359. Nancey Malcom says:

    Hi! My advice would be to invest in a great rotary cutter, dive in and never look back.

  2360. Judy Morrison says:

    Master accurate cutting and a perfect 1/4 inch seam. I started with easy quilts and didn’t realize how important this was until I started my 1st complicated pattern.

  2361. Kathleen says:

    Always find your videos provide honest & practical information Corey. I’m a fairly new quilter & recommend two tips. Take a deep breath & dive in. Things don’t always turn out as perfectly as you see on videos by experts in the field, but that’s OK. Be brave & creative while appreciating that this piece is your best piece at the time.

  2362. Patricia Hallberg says:

    My tip to a new quilter is – if possible, take a beginning class at your local quilt shop!

  2363. Nancy says:

    Oh gosh that box of goodies sounds amazing. The advice I would give is to have patience. As you see everyone stitching along and you feel like you are still on step one. You are learning to measure,cut,1/4”seams,piecingetc. It is a lot to absorb all at one time. Of course Jack aka seam ripper becomes your friend. 😂

  2364. Kimberley says:

    My advice is to enjoy the process — don’t get overwhelmed with too many “must do’s” when you start a project. Quilting should be FUN and creative, not a chore or job. I always LOVE the beginning of a new project, but it’s hard to keep the excitement alive when you’re finishing up and just want to start something new.

  2365. klsmcarr says:

    Happy New Year! Love my Saturday mornings coffee with you! Advice for new quilters is to join different quilt a longs. I’m amazed at my quilting growth as a beginner over the last two years as I sewed along with various projects. And I don’t worry about perfection… a few lost points here and there is ok by me. I’m the only one who even notices. My quilts are made and gifted with love so don’t need to be perfect.

  2366. Rachel Petersen says:

    Hi Corey, I’m a new viewer of your videos after a shout-out from Kimberly at Fat Quarter Shop. I love your fabric and your patterns and figured I’d love your videos too (which I do!!). My tip for beginner quilters is to invest in a quarter inch presser foot for your machine with a guiding paddle (not sure that’s the right term). This makes getting that 1/4 seam allowance SEW easy! I had a couple nieces over the other day (9 years old, one has never used a sewing machine before) and they sewed their own pieces with a perfect seam allowance with that easy guide on the presser foot! It’s an easy way to save some crooked-seam headaches.

  2367. lavelten says:

    Thanks Corey for the awesome giveaway! My tip is to make a practice block. You can decide if you want to make an entire quilt or turn the block into a potholder/hotpad and try a different block.

  2368. Nancy says:

    When my mom taught me how to quilt she told me to measure twice, cut once. And I always think that before I cut into my fabric!

  2369. Vera says:

    My favorite bit(s) of advice is to enjoy the process. Don’t rush. Read the directions through thoroughly and don’t fret! You’ll end up with a beautiful work of art and a sense of accomplishment. Put on some good music or an audiobook, sew to your heart’s content (but don’t sit too long!) and enjoy the process!

  2370. Dee says:

    Use good quality fabric, thread, & read the entire pattern before you start a quilt. (quality quilt shop fabric, aurifil thread & your patterns are my favorite ones) Using cheap supplies causes more frustration, more seam ripping, less accurate piecing & unhappy finished products, if they even get finished!! ❤️ ❤️ Thank you for all your helpful tips and videos! ❤️ ❤️

  2371. Pat Lightfoot (a.k.a. pat Strawhouse says:

    Hey, Corey!
    I love your warm, relaxed style. It’s like sitting down with a friend.
    I would suggest that new quilters be selective when purchasing tools and notions.m particularly high-priced items such as rulers. Don’t by a complete set of rulers. Try a variety of brands and or watch YouTube reviews and then only buy one or two that you’ll need for your first project. Specialty rulers can be great, provided you can use them for multiple applications. For example, the XL Stripology ruler was a game-changer for me! The accuracy and speed of cutting numerous strips, squares, etc. is amazing! Gudrun ash videos that include fabulous instructions on how to use her rulers.

  2372. Renee Corbin says:

    My tip is not to buy all the fabrics right away,,,I bought way to many to just start with.You don’t have to have them all to make your quilt!!!!

  2373. Suzanne says:

    Hello! What a wonderful giveaway!! My favorite notion that I always recommend is the fork pins from Clover. They hold your intersections together so well!!

  2374. Heidi Bretall says:

    I would advise a new quilter to pick fabrics that excite your senses! Working with fun fabric will keep you motivated.
    Also, start with a pattern that uses mainly squares and rectangles for easier construction. Let your fabric be the the focus. Technical piecing can come later.

  2375. Lynn Dee says:

    Happy New Year Corey! what a way to kick off 2025, with a hugely generous giveaway!! My best advice to new quilters (and even seasoned quilters like myself) is TAKE YOUR TIME, its not a race! For example, I am working on a quilt along with 6 inch finished blocks which means tiny pieces…so pressing is super important and than means pressing AND TAKING YOUR TIME to let those blocks sit under those clappers until those seams are nice and cool and flat!!! Wishing you the best of luck with your move and a very HAPPY, HEALTHY and QUILTY 2025!!

  2376. optimisticc5bf3602b7 says:

    My advise it to use some type of project tracker. This is key to know what projects you have going and it what stage of the process of creation each project is in. Fabric chosen, cut, pieced, assembled, backing have/or pieced, quilted/sent to longarmer….etc..
    We are creatives!

  2377. Karen Alarid says:

    Thank you for everything you do for the quilting community/family. After you to all your preparation always remember you can ask for help from a quilter even if you don’t know one go to a quilt shop and one is always willing to help. Most of all give yourself grace.. Enjoy the creative process. ❤️💕💜🧵🪡✂️💜💕❤️

  2378. Lalita Howell says:

    Hi Dear,
    My favorite tip is a video you produced several years back.
    On how to nest the seems of a pinwheel block. It is the best how to there is.
    Thank you for all you do for us in the quilting community.

  2379. Gwen M says:

    My best advice to a new quilter is to start with something simple and small like a table runner/topper or baby quilt. Get used to your machine and ¼”seam. Choose fabric you love or you think would be adorable for a new baby to give you motivation to finish. A completed project will give you joy and motivation to make another. My first quilt to try was something large and difficult and I still haven’t finished it. My 2nd attempt was a baby quilt that I finished and gifted in record time. BTW, I love your top, I have the same one! Happy 2025!

  2380. Stella Napier says:

    Hi Corey! I love your videos every Saturday . My advice would be to not stress, let it be fun. Get good fabric and tools. Watch lots of videos.

  2381. mindfullyb007c66fdc says:

    Love the site. My tip would be to use a metric measuring tape when measuring for borders. It’s much more precise than using inches.

  2382. rosa says:

    My tip is read all the pattern before to begin cutting and enjoy the process.It´s not a race, have fun playing with your fabrics-
    Thanks for the chance.Happy New Year

  2383. Lise Gagne says:

    Hi! My tip is the learn how to cut and iron accurately. Then measure each unit as you go, if anything is off correct it before getting too far in! I love how you describe the skills needed vs difficulty❣️

  2384. Laurie G says:

    One tip would be to start with a small project like a table runner or placemats. That way you can have a completed project and can decide if you love the process before buying a lot of supplies. I love every step in quilt making and if I win this generous giveaway you may hear me squeal all the way from Florida!

  2385. Kathy J Peters says:

    Corey, this giveaway is such a generous gift to a lucky winner! I would love it!

  2386. Rachel Pangrazio says:

    My tip would be to start with small projects – table runners, wall hangings, mug rugs. And just keep practicing. You will see your skills improve. That is what I did.

  2387. Donna m says:

    My first tip would be to be patient and kind to yourself. Everything takes time. Love your patterns.

  2388. Kimberly Glauner says:

    New to the site. Loved your comments about the 2025 WIP challenge. I have a couple quilts that got pushed aside for other projects and I would love to get those finished this year. Thank you!

  2389. DEBORAH R KELLY says:

    Good afternoon, Corey. I just watched Saturday’s video while grabbing some lunch. I am more recent to your videos and would like to praise you on the format, the clear manner in which you speak and explain different aspects, and of course of the infectious nature of your love of fabric, patterns and all things quilting. Absolutely delightful! Best of luck in setting up your new space. A challenge and an opportunity all in one.

  2390. JULIANA MENNER says:

    Enjoyed the video. The WIP Challenge is a great idea! My tips are enjoy the process and line up seams using the ‘push pin’ method. Thank you.

  2391. Crystal Day says:

    I have really enjoyed your videos and seeing your fabric lines which are beautiful. My tip to new quilters. Find a group that gets together monthly and learn from the seasoned quilters. That helped me so much when I was getting started. What a generous and beautiful fabric FQ giveaway. You can never have enough fabric. 😊

  2392. Brenda says:

    My tip is to build your skills. Start with sewing squares and rectangles on the grain before moving on to sewing on the bias.

  2393. Katie Spencer says:

    Love your videos Corey! Thank you for providing us with sunshine every Saturday! My tip for a new quilter is to not buy everything at once. Trust me, your sewing space will thank you and it is easier to work when you have room to move! Hoping you draw my name to win the gorgeous fabrics as my birthday is the 11th.

  2394. Shari A Tuttle says:

    My tip would be to give yourself grace. None of us are perfect, not even the most experienced quilter. So relax and enjoy your quilting journey. Thanks so much for the generous giveaway, what fun!!

  2395. Marcia Johnson says:

    Hi! I love your videos and fabric. Thanks for sharing your talent and also for sharing some of your fabric with us. I tell beginner quilters to start with a small project, like a tablerunner, and a simple pattern with no half square triangles. And then I help them do it. It is fun to help others learn how to quilt!

  2396. Rebecca Spain says:

    I would recommend going to your local quilt shop if you have one and see if they have a beginners class. If not You Tube is a great resource. Just remember to give yourself some grace. Your first quilt will not be perfect but it will be yours. Rejoice in the doing and the finishing and snuggle up in it.

  2397. Susan Friesen says:

    My favorite notions are my bloc loc rulers and my audition thread. I like to sew or make sewing plans every day.

  2398. Jana Barker says:

    I love watching your videos and get inspiration from your quilts. I am excited to start working with my Cali & Co fabric this year!

  2399. janet says:

    enjoy the new hobby, start beginner and soon you’ll be doing advanced

  2400. Connie German says:

    Happy New Year. My tip is like what you making. Don’t make something you do not like. Thanks for your videos and giveaways.

  2401. Tommie Huddleston says:

    Cory, love your jacket. Where did you find it?
    I think my one tip to any quilter would be to just enjoy your quilting. Every quilt is a new adventure, just like every day of life. I‘be been quilting many many years and every new quilt is a new adventure.

  2402. nancy page says:

    My birthday is January 18th….I will be 70 years old. I began quilting in 2024…newby here! I told my daughter that I wanted your Mystery Block Kit for my birthday, and YAY, the kit arrived Saturday and I am starching the fabrics today. However, with being a new quilter, the give-a-way prize would be wonderful….as I do not yet have a STASH….and I so want one!

    Thank you for your wonderful motivation, quilting tips and just the joy of a friendly smile on your Saturday you tubes…

  2403. Marilyn Wulush says:

    My best tip is to starch your fabric heavily. Accuracy is so important and starching will help with that in both cutting and stitching. But, don’t starch precuts, they will shrink. Wish I had know this when I started quilting.

  2404. Jewel Quilts says:

    So many good tips. I would add this. When making specific blocks for a quilt, if you are off, make another or two until you get a good one. If you get stuck, or really don’t like a block, skip it or change it. If you sew a block that you really love, make more. trial blocks that you do not want on the front may just look great on the back. I find it really helpful to use up as many scraps as I can on the back of that quilt project.
    Oh, all those fat quarters, I would love them. And use them! Probably the best give-a way I have ever seen!

  2405. Sarah Jane says:

    My tip is to check thrift shops and libraries for patterns and books so you can page through them for inspiRation

  2406. Sarah says:

    My tip for new quilters is to just keep sewing. Don’t get bogged down trying to make things perfect, especially trying to get all your points perfect. The quilt is going to look great after everything is sewn together and quilted. No one will ever be examining it and nobody cares but you. Everyone will just be amazed you made it! So keep sewing and move on to new more challenging projects and don’t worry if blocks aren’t as square as you hoped.

  2407. Gail A. says:

    Hey Corey! My best tip would be to have a great seam ripper on hand! Maybe even more than one! Thanks for all the great patterns and fabric! Love the Barn Stars!

  2408. Carol E Omer says:

    That is an awesome giveaway! Yes, the older I get the harder it is to deal with the cold and snowy days. My tip would be to buy a good rotary cutter, mat and ruler for cutting out your pieces.

  2409. MARY E ADAMS says:

    My tip would be to change your blade on your rotary cutter. I forget sometimes and fight with putting a lot of pressure on the cutter, mat and my arm. Then when I do it just glides through the fabric more accurate cuts. I am a WIP. Lol
    The giveaway is a gem. I would love to receive this.
    Cory, l love your videos and your fabrics hard to beat. Thank you for all you do. Congratulations on your new house and happy new year.

  2410. Karen Brown says:

    My advice is to find a mentor to answer questions and purchase a fabric bundle to make the process easier and a simple pattern. Then just have fun and try not to fret over inevitable mistakes!

  2411. SUE HORTON says:

    My favorite tip-Follow Coriander Quilts on YouTube. She has lots of great tips and patterns and instructions!
    Sue Horton

  2412. Shari Chapin says:

    Please add me to the giveaway ! Thank you for all you do – I love your videos

  2413. Cindy Berry says:

    Hi, Corey – for a new quilter my tip would be to take it one block at a time and not let yourself get overwhelmed. cmberry@lsu.edu

  2414. Elizabeth Evans says:

    My favorite tip is to play music when machine quilting. It distracts your mind enough to relax

  2415. Diane Cyran says:

    Invest in a 1/4 inch foot for your sewing machine. When I first started quilting I did not realize how important it was t have consistent seams.

  2416. seajdancin says:

    I love all your fabric and patterns..
    My advise to a beginner would be to start out small and work your way up.

  2417. sherry Maher says:

    Thank you so much for all your great patterns, fabric and for all you do for us. Your Youtube videos are how I start my weekend, and it’s a great way to start.
    Thanks again

  2418. shirleyjc38 says:

    I would advise all newbie quilters to have the confidence to make any quilt that they desire. Do not believe it when someone tells you, “that’s to advanced”! First of all, you need to be happy with the quilts YOU choose to make and you will learn so much in going through the process, just have the patience and confidence and it will turn out great.

  2419. Ann B. says:

    My favorite tip for a new quilter is to have a scrap, thread & waste bin on your sewing area for all that stuff that seams to find it’s way into every corner of your house. Thank you for the awesome give away.

  2420. Shari Arnold says:

    I’d tell a new quilter to do one of your barn stars. They aren’t too big to feel overwhelming and yet you feel like wow I made this

  2421. Angela LaPaglia says:

    Hi Corey.. My tip to new quilters is to breathe and enjoy thr journey

  2422. Melanie Dumas says:

    Hi, my recommendation to new quilters is learn to cut well and sew a good 1/4 inch seam. Dont buy all those gadgets. Buy a good rotary cutter and a good ruler. Take hints from experienced quilters.

  2423. Vicki Olson says:

    I am new to your quilting and your site, (through Fat Quarter Shop) and love it, I love your videos too. I have no hints but I guess if I had to say one it would be practice. Heaven knows I need to do a lot of it.

  2424. Linda says:

    My tip is to mark sure you have an accurate 1/4” seam at the start of every project. Take the time to get it right.

  2425. Karen Whalen says:

    Use lots of starch.

  2426. Kim says:

    Happy New Year, thanks for another great Saturday video & such a great giveaway! My best advice for a new quilter is to first master your 1/4” seam & start with a small, simple project.

  2427. Noelle Lutz says:

    Hi Corey – thanks so much for the great videos. You’re always so cheerful and sunny and your quilts are always so beautiful. My best tip for new quilters is just to jump right in – and try to have fun. I started my quilting journey with flannel rag quilts for my friends’ babies and dogs, so there was no pressure for perfection – just making something to be cozy and loved. 🙂

  2428. Lori says:

    I love your videos. They bring joy to my day. My recommendation to a new quilter would be to get a stripology ruler. It made me much more confident in my measuring and rotary cutting. Another thing to remember is that there are no quilt police. If your quilt gives you joy, than it’s perfect.

  2429. Barbara George says:

    I think the best advice for me to give a newbie is to not be afraid to step outside your comfort level. For years, the only quilts I made were geometric shapes-plain and simple. My quilting buddy challenged me a few years ago to do a BOM with her. She wanted to do Stitch Pink through Fat Quarter Shop and since we are both breast cancer survivors, I accepted the challenge. This was a real game changer for me. So find a designer who is doing a BOM and offers tutorials on each of the blocks. Corey Yoder, Sherri McConnell, and Riley Blake Designs all have sew alongs starting this month. Pat Sloan runs several throughout the year called block Wednesdays.

  2430. Shannon Sanford says:

    Quilting tip for new quilters would be to watch YouTube tutorials and practice 1/4” seams. Kimberly Jolly at Fat Quarter Shop has excellent short cut quilt videos perfect for beginners.
    Thank you, Corey! Happy 2025

  2431. Rose Taulia says:

    Thank you One Hundred and Eighty times Corey for your generous giveaway!! Congratulations to whoever ends up the winner of those so colorful gorgeous fat quarters!!!

    • Rose Taulia says:

      Oops forgot the tip… As a confident beginner, the one thing that helped me the most was taking a beginner class at my local quilt shop. 🙂

  2432. noisilycomputer4f7471199b says:

    I would share with a new quilter the 6″ Bloc Loc ruler is great the 1/2 square triangles. It really helps your accuracy when piecing those bigger blocks! And….just have fun and enjoy the learning process!

  2433. Donna Lambert says:

    I absolutely love your videos. My tip- practice those 1/4″ seems!

  2434. Jennifer Douglas says:

    I would suggest purchasing a quilt kit, an easy one that includes everything needed. When I first started, my first quilt kit was actually pre-cut; I just had to learn to sew 1/4 seam and read the pattern; it gave me confidence.

  2435. Mary Chapman says:

    My tip – Find a quilter or quilting group who is experienced and sew with them. Practice with someone who can answer all your questions. If you don’t have someone, watch Corey’s videos, join a quilt guild, or go to a quilt shop and sign up for free sew days or classes. I didn’t have anyone when I started and tried teaching myself. I didn’t get better until I found other quilters. This will give you peeps that understands your love of fabric and all things quilting. 🙂

  2436. Karen Lea says:

    You are so generous and so talented! I have learned so much from you.
    One of the hardest things I had to learn as a new quilter is that, “finished is better than perfect”. It’s important to enjoy the process and treasure the product. ♥️

  2437. Kayleen Leone says:

    My tip is to join a quilt guild or watch online videos to learn from others. A guild provides camaraderie with other people who share the same interest, while providing a network of talented folks from whom you can learn so much.

    Corey, I thank you so much for all of your teaching and information. You are one of the best communicators on social media!

  2438. Rebecca Jackson says:

    As a fairly new quilter I would encourage others to watch lots of YouTube videos, like yours. I learn so much from them, and it’s a good way to connect with other quilters. Learning to quilt takes patience, but it’s so worth it!

    • Vicky G says:

      I made my first quilt almost 30yrs ago and knew NOTHING about quilting. I learned as I went along. The one thing I would tell someone just starting out is don’t worry about the “rules”. Just experiment and see what works for you and what you enjoy. Don’t be afraid to try something new and just keep practising.

  2439. Deborah Carnes says:

    My favorite tip for new quilters is to learn to set and practice accurate quarter inch seams – makes assembling blocks so much more satisfying! Thanks so much for your tips, quilts, patterns, fabrics; love all of them.

  2440. Angela Knaack says:

    My tip would be patience and practice. Don’t beat yourself up if the first quilt isn’t perfect and don’t give up.

  2441. Stacy Thomas says:

    hi Corey, love your channel. My tip is take your time and remember, it’s never a race. Orange is my fav color

  2442. Rita McManigal says:

    Happy New Year Corey!

    My advice would be to take your time and enjoy the process. I am very excited to start the Cali & Co BOM.

  2443. Joan Bright says:

    My favorite tip is what Lori Holt says all the time, “you are the boss of your quilt!”
    Thank you for your videos! What a fabulous giveaway!

  2444. dazehonestly43a9dd8b2d says:

    My tip would be, give yourself some grace. Nothing is perfect. If it looks good let it go.

  2445. Laura Stratton says:

    My advice is to buy the best quality tools you can afford. A well made pair of scissors or rotary cutter will last for years and be comfortable to use and make good cuts. Cheap scissors and cutters tend to be dull, uncomfortable and make cutting hard.
    Also practice a lot before cutting into “the good fabric”. Accurate cuts and 1/4″ seam allowances make the final project look better!

  2446. Judy Zoll says:

    Watch numerous videos designed for beginners, then choose the one that is easiest for you to understand and fits the way you learn. Start with a small, easy project for the win. Thanks for your happy bubbly video.

  2447. Rosa says:

    My tip is to take it one stitch at a time. Meaning, enjoy the process. When you get overwhelmed step away. It’s about the beautiful fabrics and fun patterns.

  2448. Debra L says:

    Don’t stress about sewing a perfect block. I am always pleasantly surprised at finishing a quilt, even with all my mistakes. I love the tactile feeling of touching my beautiful fabric, hope you do too.

  2449. Jill Roux says:

    Find fabric that you love and enjoy seeing it turn into a beautiful quilt!

  2450. Karrie Steel says:

    Tieing a quilt is a traditional finishing method you can do and a great way to start

  2451. Elizabeth Ann says:

    Quilting is the most fun hobby I have ever attempted! My tip would be, relax and have fun. Finished is better than perfect! Thank you for all the fun videos!

  2452. diana lentz says:

    First thank you for your generosity. You are such a pleasure and inspiration to all.
    My favorite tools are a new blade in my Olfa cutter, a fresh needle in the sewing machine, quality thread (I learned a long time ago quality thread makes a difference).
    Thank you for doing Blockheads, It’s where I’ve learned to improve my quilting skills.

  2453. Colette Aarons says:

    I have scanned a lot of the comments. All very good. I would suggest good quality tools and a sharp rotary blade. It will save stress on your hand while cutting your fabric. 😊.

  2454. Joan Mitchell says:

    My tip would be to find someone to share your new hobby with – its always more fun and encouraging with a friend!

  2455. barbara says:

    My tip is use a brand new sewing needle in the sewing machine for every project.

  2456. Renee gladney says:

    I always tell.them to start with HST. If you can do a hst you can make just about anything. What an awesome giveaway. You can never have enough fabric

  2457. Coyne Schafer says:

    For a new quilter, watch a lot of videos. Find a good quilt store and a mentor who can answer your questions and encourage your journey.
    My favorite tool right now is the Bloc-Loc in trimming all my 120 HST.s

  2458. Kathleen Soman says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be take your time and enjoy the process. Use the
    Good fabric and finished is better than perfect.
    Thanks for all you do.

  2459. Serenity Puffinberger says:

    A nice sharp rotary blade is a must and taking your time helps too.

  2460. Michelle says:

    My tip would be to buy the fabric and patterns that makes your heart happy!! And it doesn’t hurt to have a quilting mom!

  2461. Lori Rankin says:

    Start small and enjoy the process. Even the pros make mistakes so don’t be hard on yourself.

  2462. Rhonda says:

    What an amazing generous giveaway. I did teach a young lady how to make a quilt and also both my granddaughters. My best advice to them and anyone starting out is to keep it simple at first. If you truly have the passion to keep quilting your skills will grow and you will get better and better the more you make. All 3 of those young ladies are still quilting today and have exceeded my expectations. Thank you Corey for all you do. I look forward to Saturday mornings.

  2463. Jean Beinemann says:

    Hi Corey, Thanks for all you do to encourage quilters on their quilting journeys! I encourage new quilters to enjoy the process. Take photos of your projects as they are completed and date them. Before you know it, you’ll be amazed at your progress and will feel grateful for the joy that quilting and quilting friendships have brought into your life!

  2464. Joan Daughtry says:

    My tip to new quilters is to practice your 1/4” seam before you begin. Also, find a community of quilters. Don’t get hung up on perfect, enjoy the process.

  2465. Halli Hilliard says:

    My favorite tip for a new quilter would be, “just keep sewing”. The more a person sews, the more confident they become. Keep trying new techniques, take classes and enjoy the process.

  2466. Tanya Wolfe says:

    Love your quilts My tip is never stop trying

  2467. Kristy Johnson says:

    I love your videos, Corey! My tip for beginners is to go slowly with one step at a time. Looking at a finished quilt can be overwhelming! But it is really just a series of small steps stitched together to make a beautiful whole. You can do it!

  2468. Michelle Lynn Evans says:

    My piece of advice for a new quilter (that I didn’t get told soon enough!!) is practice 1/4″ seams and measure them! It makes a huge difference in how the quilt blocks go together! and Thank you Corianderquilts for the upbeat videos!

  2469. carmen says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful and generous giveaway! Good luck on your move and I look forward to your next video. 🙂 Happy New Year!

  2470. Cindy Potter says:

    My best advice for a new quilter is to enjoy the journey. Your works won’t be perfect and you will want to buy every new collection of fabric you see. It’s okay to take it slow and take time to learn what your likes and dislikes are before you buy the whole store. Your skills and your love for your craft will grow with time and practice.

  2471. Stacie says:

    As a new quilter my advice would be to go slow and enjoy the process.

  2472. Terri B Roberts says:

    Thank you for the videos. My recommendation is to watch YouTube videos and tutorials. You can learn every thing!! But don’t be afraid to do what YOU like!

  2473. Ryan Horning says:

    Thanks for all your great fabrics, patterns, inspiration and social media content! I think lately my favorite sewing notion is a good book on Audible. 🙂

  2474. Lynda Brenner says:

    My newbie suggestion would be choose fabric you will really enjoy working with!! If you do it will make a difference in just how much you enjoy the journey. It help it to become a hobby not such a task. You are worth choosing the fabric the make your heart happy

  2475. Jan Sanders says:

    Thanks for this generous giveaway, Corey. My tip to beginning quilters would be to go slowly buying tools. Buy the best quality you can afford, they will last a long time. Finding what works best for you takes a bit of time but quilty friends, guilds and quilt shops can guide you in the right direction, so don’t be afraid to ask what others like and why to avoid costly purchasing mistakes. Also, watch Corey’s videos!

  2476. Carolyn Quick says:

    What an exciting and generous giveaway! My tip is start with something small and easy. Finishing a project is so rewarding. Thank you, Corey, for all you do to promote quilting. Love that you are a Buckeye!

  2477. Lauren Vanaman says:

    I would say start small with table runners or baby quilts. Practice that seam allowance and watch videos for technique, tips and tricks. And if possible find someone to learn alongside you. It will encourage and inspire you.

  2478. Vicky Thatcher says:

    Very nice giveaway! I’d loved your starberry fabric, I used it a lot n bought more before it sold out. I have to say I just bought a Sue Daley rotating circle cutting mat and I love it, so that b my favorite notion right now 😁😁❤️

  2479. Dee Beers says:

    Take pictures of the quilts you’ve done. Don’t forget to label your quilts. watch tutorials and learn the different ways to do the same thing, example is HST, you will soon find what works best for you. If your struggling, chances are someone has a tutorial on how to do it differently. Not everyone learns the same way.

  2480. Jennifer Hawe says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to sew for a few minutes every single day. I found that I do not need a very large block of time (although I often do this anyway) but once I started going into my sewing room every day at a certain time I found that I was much more productive and things moved along very quickly (instead of waiting for a block of a few hours at once like I had always done).

  2481. My tip to a new quilter would be to go slow and take your time. The best results come when you take your time with cutting, stitching, and pressing. My favorite tools are precise rulers for cutting. I use Creative Grids rulers because they don’t slide around and they have good, easy to read markings on the rulers. If the cuts are accurate and the stitching is accurate, the size of the pieces/squares will be accurate and the quilt will come together beautifully.

  2482. Linda Thornquist says:

    The best tip I can give to a new or experienced quilter is my New Years resolution of “Use It”! Use that fabric you purchased! Don’t leave it on the shelf (I know it looks pretty)! There will always be more fabric that catches your eye and interest! That fabric is going to look fabulous in a quilt! Use it!!

  2483. Angela Spalsbury says:

    I recommend anyone new to quilting to connect with other quilters for support and to learn from them. Thank you for your inspiring and fun videos, Corey!

  2484. kdgnkathy says:

    Tip for newbies is to give yourself grace and know you will get better over time. Enjoy the process and it will all come together.

  2485. Elaine Judd says:

    My advice for a new quilter is not to accumulate so much fabric and so many tools that managing it all cuts into your sewing time. Best tool? Buy and use a Klutz glove for rotary cutting.

  2486. Christina Gross says:

    Hi Corey! Thank you so much for your encouraging and uplifting videos! I would say my best tip for someone starting out in quilting is to just jump in and do it. Don’t let fear keep you from starting. Mistakes are a wonderful way to learn… Ask me how I know! Lol! And if at all possible, find a local community of fellow quilters. They are always ready to jump in and answer questions and help. I would say quilters are some of the friendliest people I’ve met!

  2487. Darlene says:

    It really is hard to choose just one thing to advise a new quilter! I think I would advice them to start small. Find a video with a simple quilt with no HSTs or flipped corners. Possibly just a charm square quilt. No cutting involved, no large outlay for fabric, just sewing and lining up squares. Basting glue is your best friend for get those seams to line up. DON’T start to hoard fabric. IT IS AN ADDICTION and yes you can have too much fabric (ask me how I know😏).
    Corey I love your enthusiasm, your videos are always a joy to watch.

  2488. Kyle Ann Crawford says:

    My favorite tip is find a focal fabric with multiple colors that you just love and then find tonal fabrics that coordinate with it to make your quilt. Sometimes that’s working within a collection, but it doesn’t have to be. Choose a simple pattern for beginners and enjoy the process.

  2489. Barbara J Boggs says:

    Just know there are NO QUILT POLICE! Take your time and enjoy the process. You are going to enjoy this quilting community.

  2490. Rachel says:

    Just start! I was intimidated by binding a quilt and after several YouTube videos watched- I just sat down at my machine and started sewing! Don’t be afraid to seam rip! Done is better than perfect! I would also say to pick a few projects that you love the pattern and fabric to start with. Sewing with beautiful fabric sure does make finishing up a project more fun!

  2491. LouAnn says:

    My best advice for a beginner would be measure twice cut once..

  2492. Cindi Schroeder says:

    Wow! That’s an amazing giveaway! My tip for a new quilters is to square up or trim each piece of the block as you go along and then square up and trim the block itself when you finish before putting it together. Love your videos and blessings to you and your new place. Happy new year.!!❣️🧵❣️🧵❣️

  2493. Sandy Smith says:

    I think back in 1990 when I began quilting, the best thing I did was to take a class. Now, there is so much that can be watched from home. I think watching someone instruct is really helpful, but doing the class made me not give up, but keep going. It also showed me many different looks for the same pattern. I still love that our local quilt store offers classes. I have made many quilts now on my own, but still am thankful for the begining help from quilt shop classes and evening adult ed at our local school!

  2494. Jackie Aragon says:

    Hello all, my thing for a new quilter is don’t be to hard on yourself as time goes on you will see changes in how you are doing. Watch lots of videos on quilting to learn new techniques

  2495. Patti Hallstrom says:

    My tip is when you are going through your WIP to be brutally honest about whether you still want to finish them. Sometimes our taste changes and we can pass a project on to another quilter, a guild, or even the thrift store.
    What an amazing giveaway! Thank you for the wonderful videos you provide each week.

  2496. Sue Boldt says:

    My tip to a new quilter would be to start with a simple quilt. Gain confidence in your sewing, then don’t be afraid to branch out and do things you never thought you could do. Most of all, ENJOY what you’re doing!

  2497. Rhonda says:

    Hmm, I guess a good tip to a beginner would be to check your stitches before you start sewing on a scrap piece of fabric to make sure they look right and you don’t have to make any adjustments or fill your bobbin.

  2498. Brenda Gates says:

    Good morning! Love your videos and your patterns and fabrics! The fat quarter giveaway has some gorgeous colors in it! It would make a lovely landscape quilt. Good luck on completing your move!

  2499. Juli Macht says:

    Happy New Year!
    Thanks for all you do, I love your Saturday YouTube video!
    Please enter me into the Fat Quarter Color of the Month give away.
    Thank you, Juli

  2500. Angela says:

    There are no quilt police, the more you sew the better you will learn. Enjoy the process!

  2501. Rebecca says:

    My tip would simply be to have patience and don’t be a perfectionist. Work with love and joy. 😊

  2502. Connie Fields says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to work on getting a good, consistent 1/4″ seam. After that. Measure twice. Read the directions again, measure again. Then cut. Don’t expect perfection! Even after you’ve quilted for years. Enjoy the process! 🧵🪡💚

  2503. Marilyn Malousek says:

    Having a quarter inch foot is a must as well as being consistent as you sew. Relax and enjoy your project.
    Love your blog!

  2504. Diana L Ripley says:

    Love Fatquarter shop’s monthly clubs! My tip: use your seam ripper as a stiletto. It saves on having extra tools around your work area. As always great video!

  2505. Jennifer Jones says:

    My tip is to find your style – from fabric to patterns, quilting on your domestic or long arm, following patterns to the letter or allowing for your own creativity and doing a little freestyling. Find what you love doing and run with it!

  2506. Jackie Granger says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to learn alongside a veteran quilter. This reduces the stress because you always have someone to help and also to encourage you to keep going when it seems difficult!

  2507. June Estapa says:

    WOW ! What a generous giveaway ! My tip is YouTube, YouTube, YouTube !

  2508. Debbie says:

    I agree with the comments for beginner quilters to start with an easy pattern. My first quilt was a rail fence quilt. Another tip is to start with a 24x 36 in cutting mat, a rotary cutter and a few basic size rulers. Add the specialty rulers as you find your preferred style of quilts. My other tip is to read and reread and reread the pattern directions from beginning to the end and then read the separate sections as you make the quilt. Pay attention to the cutting size of the block, those fraction numbers can be quite small with aging eyes.

  2509. Judy Royi says:

    H I Cory , I enjoy your videos every Saturday! What a wonderful giveaway- just like Christmas! ! My tip for a new quilter would be to join a sewing group or a guild and watch all the videos you can . It is supposed to be fun! I do love the creative grid rulers ……….. Happy New Year to all❤️

  2510. Cindy L Beamon says:

    As a new quilter, please know there are no dumb questions! You don’t know what you don’t know. Ask, ask and ask again! Find quilting friends and online groups and tutorials. Attend a retreat. Quilting is such a fun, creative outlet! Invest in a good machine. You won’t regret it. Happy quilting!

  2511. Judy Roy says:

    The last email , my name is Judy Roy

  2512. Brittany Fisher says:

    Such a great giveaway! My tip is to join quilt alongs. They are great for beginners to ask anything!

  2513. JanB says:

    What a generous giveaway! My tip is to find a group of like-minded sewists/quilters. The support and ideas are invaluable to progress and success!

  2514. Stacy Lajoie Edell says:

    My favorite notion is my cordless iron! It prevents the tangling of your fabric and your iron and it gets hot fast and has auto shut off. I love the Panasonic one. My best advice is enjoy the journey!

  2515. Victoria Stewart says:

    Hi Corey, this is such a great giveaway.
    Great videos too!

  2516. Kim Buchholtz says:

    Great Giveaway!!! My tip for new quilters is to find Wonderful Teachers on YouTube, like Corey Yoder, watch and take notes. Happy Quilting!

  2517. Rene M says:

    Favorite notion? That is hard! I’d say the combo: good iron, wool mat and wood clapper!

  2518. Judy Jacobson says:

    The Sew Colorful Fat Quarters giveaway is so extra generous of you. I enjoy all of your Saturday videos on YouTube / on TV. I have several of your patterns. My all-time favorite Is the wooly sheep one from a while ago. I have the pattern and all the fabrics, but I have not yet made it. Thank you for all that you do. I look forward to this year’s plan.

  2519. Donna Hayes says:

    As a new quilter, get to know your local quilt shop! They’re a great resource when you need advice. Learn to square up blocks as you go. This was my biggest mistake in the beginning. I love Corey’s Saturday videos and would love using this give away prize!

  2520. Julia K Cummings says:

    Hi, I found your blog via YouTube. I love your winter quilt designs from your newest lines of Christmas Fabric. My tip to new quilters is to try new things and see what type of quilting you like the most. I would love this prize to continue my fabric collection. It is an awesome gift/prize for anyone. Thank you for your work and videos.

  2521. Valerie Guthrie says:

    My tip is never be afraid to ask for help. Most quilters are more than happy to help you.. Enjoy the whole process. What a wonderful give away. I am drooling over all the beautiful fabric

  2522. Diane Enslow McCann says:

    I suggest taking a basic class to learn the importance of fundamentals such as 1/4 in seam, precise cutting and piecing and pressing. Thank you for todays video and good luck with your move. I just discovered you! Going to make the barn star quilt you showed.

  2523. Nancy Goehring says:

    My tip is to join your local quilt guild, participate in the meetings, and attend any workshops they offer. You will get to know wonderful like-minded people, and you will learn so much from the experienced quilters.

  2524. Jaime M Penney says:

    My tip is to have fun. Finished is better than perfect. I have fabric that I never wanted to cut, projects that I put away because I made a mistake, etc. It doesn’t matter! You’re sewing for yourself, not the county fair blue ribbon (okay, most of us aren’t…at first!) Have fun, practice and get it done. 🙂

  2525. Stephanie Hironimus says:

    What an amazing giveaway, Corey!! My advice to a new quilter is to take a class from an experienced quilter. It’s how I started & learned so much that I still use today (25 years later!)

  2526. Judy Grothause says:

    My tip is to not worry about the quilt police! Our grandmothers didn’t quilt everything perfect and yet, their quilts were beautiful. Find what works for you. Learn different techniques, but don’t stress about them. Learn why a technique is helpful, but in the end, do what works for you. Most people who will be using your quilts will just see a beautiful quilt–and they won’t know or care where you got your fabric or thread from, if you ironed it a certain way or if your corners didn’t all quite match up correctly.

    I would love to win the fat quarters to use for the charity baby quilts I like to make!

  2527. Nancy Plass says:

    Your videos are great. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  2528. Becky Rico says:

    Amazing giveaway. My advice for a newbie is slow down. Take your time. Find your quarter inch, press and square up.

  2529. Merri Rhodes says:

    My tip would be practice practice your quarter inch and it will come much easier to achieve.

  2530. Sara Granillo says:

    I’m a new quilter myself. Never give up. Keep trying and you’ll see the results with time. And you can try not to hoard fabric, but no guarantee. Just last December I used fabrics I purchased back in 2019. LOL. Thank you for the generous giveaway Corey!

  2531. Rebekah says:

    If at first you don’t succeed. Try, Try again. Perfect quilts are not made in a day or even…ever. Better to finish a quilt than trying to get points perfect.

  2532. Christine Bruce says:

    Such a generous giveaway, wow! My best tip to a beginning quilter is to get your quarter inch seam down pat, in whatever way works best for you. After that, have fun!!!

  2533. Janie says:

    My best tip is to starch all your fabric. It makes cutting so much easier.

  2534. Marilyn says:

    My tip for a new quilter is take a beginning quilting class. Ask your quilt shop if they will offer a beginner class. The Fat Quarter Shop has a free beginning quilting online class too. It’s definitely fun and worthwhile. Ask questions, quilters are usually very helpful.
    Thank you for the super giveaway Corey. Happy New Year.

  2535. Ana Batts says:

    I mostly hand stitch, and my best tip is to try lots of needles and threads. No amount of listening to what others like can replace trying them for yourself. Finding your favorite is a good investment in your craft.

  2536. Donna says:

    Oh goodness, I first didn’t notice Tiggs over the Barn Star photo!
    What an unbelievable fabric share! I have only 4yrs of quilting experience. My tip would be find some fabrics you like a lot, and try to find a pattern with a video tutorial.

  2537. Stacia says:

    What’s a beautiful selection of happy, colorful fabrics! I love using the Creative Grids Stripology Ruler. Cutting strips of all sizes is a breeze! Watching videos helps, too!

  2538. Martha Ann DeMarco says:

    Fairly new myself,about
    3 yrs.1 thing I need to learn and still working on is patience and precision.I tend to want to hurry and skip strps and that doesn’t work.

  2539. Paula DeLong says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be the importance of sewing with a 1/4 inch seam and as long as your projects make you happy , keep going! Don’t think it has to look just like it looks on the pattern cover—make it your own.

  2540. Becky Wilson says:

    Corey I love watching your Saturday videos, so much inspiration and information. Congratulations on your new home, so exciting! I can’t wait to see your new sewing space set up.
    My advice to a new quilter is to make what you love and don’t worry about it being perfect. quilting should bring you joy!

  2541. Lynn says:

    Hi, I guess a sampler quilt with different skill builder blocks might be my recommendation (applique, HSTs, flying geese, etc) and realize we’re all still learning…I’m having a hard time learning stitch and flip or easy corner triangles.😉 Also, my favorite saying “It’s about progress not perfection.”

  2542. Vanesssa says:

    As a relatively new quilter I would say
    Keeping the piecing clean and having patience with the whole process

  2543. Candace Koester says:

    My tip is to check out a bunch of different quilters on You Tube. Everyone is different and what clicks for someone may not work for someone else. I’ve meshed a few different techniques from different quilters and have my own style of piecing now.

  2544. Sarah Wells says:

    Thank you for an amazing inspiring video.
    Over time I have discovered that paying for quality thread is worth while

  2545. Linda Hilliard says:

    My favorite notion is my Olfa splash rotary cutter. I love the quick change system for replacing the blade. My tip to a new quilter is have fun and quiet your inner judgy demon

  2546. M. Gillespie says:

    My tip is to enjoy yourself. Don’t worry so much about a mistake. We learn from our mistakes and get better. Learning is fun, especially with quilting!

  2547. Scottie Hugghis says:

    I welcome all new quilters and encourage them to never compare their work to someone’s work. Only compare to the previous project you completed. That way a new quilter can see their improvement and be excited of the accompliment of a great finish which is so statisfying.

  2548. Lisa Glovitch says:

    My tip is don’t be afraid to jump right in and invest in a good seam ripper!

  2549. Vicki says:

    I would say read/study the pattern thoroughly before you begin 🙂

  2550. Leslie K says:

    When I was a new quilter, I didn’t have anywhere to take a class to learn the basics. I scoured the internet for bloggers who were so helpful (thank you SO MUCH, Corey) in teaching how to dive right in and give a pattern a try. I have been quilting for 10 years now and everything I have learned is from great bloggers who are so helpful.

    There are just too many “things” I want to make; it is sometimes overwhelming. Keeping a journal has helped me in keeping track of what I would like to make. The list changes constantly. I also keep a spreadsheet (sorry, I’m a retired math/computer science major) of all my finished projects….the pattern I used, all of the fabrics, how it was quilted, and any other details I can think of. I refer back to this info quite a bit (more than you would think!) and I can’t imagine not keeping track of each project.

    Just have fun with quilting! Try different organizational methods and find what works for you!

  2551. Sarah Aldrich says:

    I hope the move goes smoothly. Love the sew colorful box

  2552. Lesli Swearingen says:

    Change your rotary blade more often than you think.

  2553. Laurie Kinkead says:

    My tip is to join a local quilt group or guild in your area. You can search “quilt guild” “quilt shop” “quilt group” or “quilt class” near me. Have fun and enjoy the process!

  2554. Carole Brooks says:

    As anew quilter myself, my tip is to start with a manageable project so you’re not overwhelmed. Watching videos, especially from Coriander Quilts & Fat Quarter Shop are very helpful. This is a great giveaway, thank you.!

  2555. myersanne57 says:

    PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! I get fabrics from yard sales a lot. A lot of them are not something I would normally purchase so I don’t mind practicing with those. This helps with stitching as well as color coordination. Every once and a while, I create a beautiful square that was outside of my comfort zone.

  2556. Sharon Rhoton says:

    My tip is to USE that fabric that you think is too pretty to cut into! It can sit on the shelf for years where you never see it, or you can put it into a quilt/pillow/wall hanging and actually see and enjoy it!

  2557. Sheryl says:

    As an ‘established’ quilter of over 30 years I would suggest to someone starting out to remember the basics of how blocks are constructed. 4,5,6, or 8 sided mostly and 4,9,16,25 patch. If you look at a quilt, think of how it breaks down and it will help to not be intimidated and how to lay out your fabrics.

  2558. Cynthia Denlinger says:

    Best advice for new quilters. Learn to sew the 1/4″ seam & purchasing a foot for that purpose is very helpful.

  2559. DeAnne Swenson says:

    Have a good scissors, have a good friend and be patient!!

  2560. Becky Mosca says:

    Best advice for new quilter, You Can Do This! Really you can; enjoy the process. Know your sewing machine and it’s 1/4″ seams. All machines, thread and fabric are different. Before starting a project, stitch a practice block with your fabrics and thread you will be using. Start with 2 2 1/2″ squares, Sew them together, press your seams to the dark fabric. Measure your finished square. It should measure 4 1/2″. If it does, your 1/4″ seams is perfect. If not, make a few adjustments on your sewing machine and try again. Having a perfect 1/4″ seam is a game changer.

  2561. Esther G says:

    Don’t stress about doing things “right”. Figure out (YouTube) a way that works and enjoy the learning process.

  2562. Rose Y says:

    What an AMAZING giveaway!! My tip is, “sometimes done is better then perfect!”

  2563. Judy George says:

    My tip is to just get started! Have fun & don’t expect perfection-even after 20 years

  2564. Cindy D says:

    My tip is to invest in a good rotary cutter and to spend the extra money to replace the blades when they get dull. Cutting out the fabric can be time consuming, and you don’t want to be frustrated before you even start sewing!

  2565. michael j gearin says:

    My little novice, great grand daughter, is my best notion.

  2566. Barbie Gearin says:

    Thank you for this giveaway! Change your machine needle with each new Project

  2567. Regina says:

    My favorite tip to give new quilt makers is to purchase only fabrics you love because sometimes they stay with you a long time. Also to try ALL the techniques, doing something one way might work for you but trying a new way might just change your life 🙂

  2568. Gail Whitaker says:

    My advice is it just jump in and do it. It is so fun and the feeling of accomplishment is awesome. Thank you Corey for this amazing drawing!

  2569. fascinating9d3772f774 says:

    My advice would be to measure twice (or even more) and cut once. It is so easy to cut the wrong size if you get in a hurry.
    Love all of your fabric lines and will be using one of them real soon (Starberry). I really enjoy your videos! So helpful. Best wishes on your move!


  2570. Idella Wilson says:

    What an exciting giveaway! My tip for a beginner is to feel free to evolve as your tastes change.

  2571. Patty Jones says:

    Wow, Corey, what an awesome giveaway you are doing!! Someone is going to be a happy little quilter with this huge bundle. I am with you on winter, I am over it and ready to move into Spring with flowers popping up. : ) My tip for a new quilter is make it easy on yourself and choose a precut from a fabric collection you love because all the fabrics will play together nicely, and make sure your cutting and your 1/4″ seam are accurate as those steps both affect the outcome greatly!

    Thank you for the chance to win this bundle. Stay warm!

  2572. Sherry S says:

    Wow! What a fantastic giveaway! My tip is to keep trying for the perfect trifecta of perfect cutting, accurate 1/4” seam, and perfect pressing.

  2573. Kimberlie Denmark says:

    My tip would be to just start. Try a charm pack and sew it together. Practice helps and allow yourself mercy and forgiveness .

  2574. Michelle Favara says:

    My tip is to pick a pattern you love to start and to keep at it! It’s so much easier to stick with a project if it’s a pattern or fabric that you really love.

  2575. perfectsquirrel85e270bff4 says:

    Hello… I have subscribed to your you tube channel and now just joined you blog…I am very excited to see what 2025 brings and looking forward to more tips and colorful fabrics to add to my collection.

  2576. KATHY marie CARUANA says:

    Hi …I just joined your blog but have been subscribed for a couple of months on youtube…looking forward to seeing new fabrics, tips and projects for 2025.

  2577. Barbara L says:

    Love your videos! My suggestion would be to just start and have fun. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You are the only one that will notice the imperfections.


    Hi Corey,
    Looking forward to starting the Mystery Quilt Along

  2579. Annie Nagel says:

    Thank you for your generosity! My tip to a new quilter would be to “measure twice and cut once”. Also, don’t think you need hours to sew. Just work on projects here and there, whenever you can. You would be amazed at how much you can accomplish in 15-20 minutes of sewing. Enjoy the process!

  2580. AnnieB says:

    Oh My Goodness! One month of fat quarters would have been a generous giveaway, but 12 months!?! That’s over the top! Thank you so much. My piece of advice to a new quilter would be: Be patient with yourself. Your skill will improve with each new project. Your taste in fabric will probably change over time. It’s all good!

  2581. Lourie Cosper says:

    So many great tips!! Here’s mine…I have been burnt so many times by either not buying a matching backing that I wanted to use or a coordinating border only to return to find it has been sold out or impossible to find. So if you see something that you really want to have to finish your quilt, purchase it at the time you buy your fabric to make the quilt, you will be glad you did!
    Now if I had just purchased that FQ bundle of Holliberry when I saw it!

  2582. bravelymaker8b890d5eaa says:

    My favorite tip for a new quilter: If your block is not coming out the correct size, turn the block over and measure some of your seam allowances. A new quilter I helped had some seams at 5/8 inch, some 1/4 inch and some 3/8 inch. somehow her needle position was off OR she was not guiding the seam along the edge of the 1/4-inch foot. I helped her get things back in alignment and also showed her how to measure her seam allowance at the beginning of each sewing session by sewing three strips together and measuring her seam allowance and the finished block size. So rewarding to see someone become successful!!

  2583. Kathleen C says:

    My tip is to use sizing. It really makes a difference when piecing.

  2584. Michelle Sanders says:

    My tip is to Have fun! Just give it a try. You can always rip the seam or cut more fabric. And practice the 1/4″ seam, it makes your block come out better

  2585. AnneS says:

    Thanks for the chance to win! What an amazing giveaway. My best tip is to read patterns all the way through before beginning a project and to check that 1/4 inch seam periodically. I’ve been loving your videos!

  2586. Becky Berry Thomas says:

    I have been making quilts for over 35 years. One thing I wish someone would have told me years ago is that there are NO quilting police!!! Don’t stress over getting everything perfect such as seems pressed the right direction or points matching perfectly. Those things will come with time and practice. If I let myself stress over every little imperfection the fun and enjoyment of quilt making flies out the window and sometimes takes far to long to return.

  2587. Kyla Oberg says:

    My advice is there are no quilt police. If you want to do it do it.

  2588. Brenda M. says:

    Tips for a new quilter – have fun! Enjoy your new Art!!! I think one very helpful thing is to be sure you begin with a consistent 1/4 inch seam. Try using a 3 x 5 card (with lines) to practice those seams. Just use an old needle (and no thread) and practice until you find where you can best see that 1/4 inch on your machine. It doesn’t have to be about a special foot for your machine, but more about where your eyes rest as you sew.

  2589. Mary-Anne Bosward says:

    My tip is to always test your fabrics for bleeding before you start sewing… I learned that the hard way when after finishing 60+ 9 Patches, when I sprayed them with Best Press, many of the reds and golds bleed onto other fabrics. I had to take the quilt apart, and wash the blocks in synthrapol to eliminate the bleeding… My 6.5 inch blocks were now only 6 inches, and I had to resize the other pieces.

  2590. Brenda Stroud says:

    My best tip is to enjoy the process and don’t get hung up on perfection and comparison. I honestly look back on all my quilts fondly, appreciating what I learned in the process of making each one. Be yourself! Quilt what you like and how you like! You will have more fun!!

  2591. Jeanne R. says:

    My tips for beginner quilters is to watch as many, YouTube videos for beginner, take beginner quilting classes at one of your local quilt shop, don’t be afraid to ask questions— there’s a wealth of information out there and a wonderful quilting family always willing to help!! But most important is not to be hard on yourself when you make a mistake and to have fun!!

  2592. Dee says:

    I liked the holiday quilts you had displayed in the video! I hope it is not too late for the entry, as we had a bad ice storm and no power. I love Star quilts and the barn star ones!

  2593. Karen Ruggiero says:

    I can’t wait to see you in your new space. I watched your video with the tour and it looks awesome. So exciting. My tip is to clean up your quilting area after each quilt is done. I can’t work in a messy area. This way you don’t get confused as to what you’re using or doing.

  2594. Diane Downes says:

    Hi Corey! What a fabulous giveaway! I love watching your videos and am excited for your mystery quilt using Cali & co. The fabric is gorgeous! What advice would I give to a new quilter? Relax and have fun! There really are no “rules” just guidelines. I read so many comments from people about seams not being perfect, colors not right, in reality – who cares? If you love it, go for it! You will improve with time and figure out what you love about the process. This is fun stuff – not a competition – learn from the experts and your fellow makers! And one last thing – get the right tools for the job.
    Diane Downes

  2595. Cathy Hibbeler says:

    What a fabulous giveaway of yumminess! My tip for a new quilter is consistency and your iron is your best friend for pressing with a clapper.

  2596. Penny A Siemen says:

    I would tell them to enjoy the process and with practice you will get better at it…..just have fun

    • Lori Lewis says:

      As a “seasoned” quilter my tip to other seasoned quilters is to take that time to declutter and clean up your workspace occasionally. I loved my sewing space three years ago when I took over the never-used living room. Since then I had let it get messy, cluttered and it wasn’t the inviting, calming enjoyable space I had started with. I’m taking this month to get it back to an organized (well, more or less 🙂 ) space that I can walk in and start working on a project without having to move everything to clear a surface! Make a space you can enjoy!

  2597. Tina Booe says:

    My tip for a new quilter would be to finish what you start. One quilt at a time, start to finish then start another one. I have so many UFOs, I will be joining on your finishing UFOs this year and using what I have. Hoping to get some of them completed before I start too many more this year. Love your patters and fabric, they are always so beautiful. I have 2 of your patterns as UFOs right now and 2 more waiting in line to start.

  2598. AMANDA SCHOEPH says:

    A few tips: buy fabric you love, start with the basic notions and build as you learn. Create what brings you joy!! Happy Quilting.

  2599. Sue Notgrass says:

    My tip for a new quilter: Buy fabric you like. It’s ok to change out colors you don’t care for. I wish I had known that when I first started quilting. Trust yourself. You know what colors work for you. If you are not happy with the way the quilt is looking, it’s ok to change things up.

  2600. Jackie says:

    Hello! My tip is to have fun – it doesn’t have to be perfect, enjoy the process and enjoy! All the best for the new year everyone!

  2601. Margret M says:

    My tip to new quilters is to familiarise yourself with your sewing machine functionalities. Also, if you are not in the mood for quilting, sew something else. Bags, kids clothes, toys etc. Have fun 🙂

  2602. Jennifer Tucker says:

    Hello my tip to a new quilter is to get to know your iron well and use it at every little step of your quilt. Your iron is one of the most valuable tools you will use in your quilt journey!!!

  2603. Lisa G. says:

    Hi Corey, My best advice to new quilters is use fabric you *love.* It’s going to be a gorgeous quilt if you adore the fabric.

  2604. Susan Stark says:

    Practice your 1/4 inch seam. You can always move your needle position to get that perfect seam allowance.

  2605. Lauren K says:

    My first advice would be to jump in and get started with what you like, not what someone says you can do. If you want to jump into triangles and all things bias, then do it.

  2606. Debby Mast says:

    This is my first Saturday Video with you, and I am enjoying catching up on your past videos. I recently found you after joining Cali & Co BOM! Excited for that project.

    My tip- you learn the most from problems! I have to remind myself as a patiently work thru challenges.

  2607. Nicole says:

    I have two tips: go to a quilt retreat (it’s so fun to see sew many different methods and ideas) but don’t Buy every tool or notion they show you. Pace yourself!

  2608. Carol says:

    My tip for new quilters is to learn to press – not iron! Also, square up often. Thanks for the opportunity to win the beautiful fabric. I enjoyed reading all the tips.

  2609. Cathy McClain says:

    My tip would be to find a quilting mentor/partner/friend to quilt with. They are full of great tips, shortcuts and best practices.

  2610. Missy Heiser says:

    Give the same tip to new quilter that was given to me. You don’t have to spend your life savings to get started. I got a Singer sewing machine and a rotary cutter/ruler/cutting mat combo from Walmart. Then I found flat sheets from a thrift store. I’ve been on YouTube To look for beginners videos and have had a blast ever since.

  2611. Jennifer Christine Cendejas says:

    My advice is to keep going even if its not perfect, try several techniques to find what works for you.

  2612. Anita Doorn says:

    My advice to new quilters is to take your time and breath when you sew. Sometimes sewing can be intimidating. And that there isn’t anything as mistakes, they are happy accidents that make the quilt uniquely yours.

  2613. jeansullivantx says:

    Enjoyed you 1st 2025 video. Try a different quilting technique from time to time. If you see a pattern you like, just try to make a block or two. I will make a practice block before I cut all the fabric. If I decide it’s not for me, then I have saved time and material.

  2614. Sheila Newman says:

    My favorite notion is the seam ripper. All these years I have needed it the most :). Your video made me smile on a pretty bleak day. Love your energy and the beautiful fabrics!

  2615. Marilyn Kellander says:

    I would suggest to find a quilt guild to find community in. Quilters are happy to share ideas and advice and their expertise. YouTube is also wonderful company while your sewing.🧵

  2616. Cecilia McConnell says:

    Join a quilt guild. At my guild, I have made great friends, I learned so much, I feel encouranged and inspired. Also, buy fabric you like, you will love the quilt. Corey always have beautiful fabrics. 🙂

  2617. Linda Hill says:

    That is such a generous giveaway! So many beautiful fabrics. My tip to a new quilter is to remember it is not a race. Slow down and enjoy the process. Know the difference between ironing and pressing so that fabric doesn’t become distorted.

  2618. Paula says:

    Everyone offered great tips. I would suggest a new quilter (and experienced quilters) cut and make one block from the pattern (if possible). It allows you to check your accuracy with the quarter inch seam, if you like your color placement, and ask for help if something doesn’t look right. Secondly, if possible, call a local quilt guild or fabric store to see if you can get someone to mentor you. It is always good to start with good sewing habits.

    The giveaway is awesome. I’m slowly working my way through the Fat Quarter Moda fat quarter club and your fabrics would complement this stash.

  2619. Jan says:

    Thank you Corey and Happy New Year to you as well. For a beginner tip I’d say be friends with your iron – it doesn’t have to be top of the line but a good press with some steam if you like will make a big difference to your quilt blocks.

  2620. Lori Schroll says:

    Be very careful when using a rotary cutter. I knew several very experienced sewers that sliced their finger when they were cutting fabric. I thought how can that happen…until it happened to me.

  2621. Gloria M. Marchetto says:

    My hint is to take your time, start small and enjoy the process. Watch many YouTubers to learn the methods that work for you. There are no quilt police, never point out a mistake, only you will see it. The more you sew the better you get. Just enjoy!

  2622. Paula Moultrie says:

    Hi Corey! I want to thank you for your videos which I love. I learn so many things, especially when you answer viewers/quilters questions. I have been sewing for almost 60 years but only began more complicated piecing 2-3 years ago. The tip I would share is to starch your fabric. They are more accurate and I am happier with how the blocks turn out. Since I tend to be a perfectionist it also saves my sanity. I appreciate others advising to have fun and don’t stress too much and if you can do that it’s great.
    Good luck with your move!

  2623. Teresa Morriss says:

    Hi I am fairly new to quilting. I love your patterns and fabric. I found myself drawn to them before I even knew about Coriander Quilts. I have purchased several of your fabric lines and can’t wait to make the quilts. My biggest tip is patience. I would love to win this giveaway!

  2624. Karen M says:

    Hi! Investing in good cutting tools is my advise + have fun!

  2625. Brenda H says:

    I saw a quilt at my LQS made with Starberry and fell in love! I’m new to quilting, but my tip would be to read a pattern through several times before cutting anything! And to just jump in and try it.

  2626. Terri says:

    My tip is to have a “quilt buddy” if possible so you have someone you can share ideas with or gain knowledge from – The best part… You have an amazing friend in the end. along with a great project completed with memories attached.

  2627. Beth T. says:

    My advice to a new quilter would be not to skimp on fabric, thinking that choosing inexpensive fabric is getting “a deal” or saving money. Buy good quality fabric. I know it is expensive–if you can’t afford to buy much of it, make a wall-hanging to begin with. But if you use poor quality fabric you will have a more difficult sewing experience, your project will fade more quickly and will wear out sooner, and you someday be unhappy with your choice. Good fabric will make you happy throughout the quilting experience–cutting it, sewing it, seeing it when your project is completed.

  2628. Marichell says:

    New to quilting but I have made garments and bags. My tip would be to Read the Instructions. It’s always super helpful to understand what’s next.

  2629. Qltrgirl95 says:

    Use omni grid glow line tape or painters tape to set a perfect scant 1/4″ seam allowance guideline on your machine.

  2630. Tina L Cook says:

    If you purchase fabric for a project that you can not make right away, store it with the a note or better yet, with the pattern for what you wanted it for. Time tends to slip by and before you know it a year has gone by and you have no idea why you purchased the fabric.

    Cory thank you for the videos and sew alongs. I just finshed binding my Sunny Patches quilt and love how it turned out.

  2631. Mary E Hanke says:

    when will your etsy shop reopen – tried to purchase and it says taking a break. love your patterns and fabric lines.

  2632. Gina Deleveski-Hott says:

    Be very patient with yourself. Quilting is not a race, it’s a process for your enjoyment to share with friends and family. Always take a completed project to work or social group to show your talent and reap accolades for your hard work.

  2633. Alicia Estes says:

    You want to invest in good cutting supplies such as Creative Grids rulers and an Olfa rotary cutter and mat. Precise cutting will make your piecing much more accurate. Also, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Don’t be too hard on yourself! Do your best and enjoy the process!

  2634. Noreen says:

    Hi Friends,
    My quilting tip is simple but helpful.
    Have plenty of surface area to work,
    even if you have to set up a folding table.,
    to organize your piecing, or room to cut and Iron

  2635. Karen says:

    Love the barn star 6 pattern! Thank you for the chance to win all those colors

  2636. Colleen Miller says:

    My tip – Treat your machine right and it will treat you right. Make machine maintenance a priority. It’s not as fun as sewing but a malfunctioning machine ruins everything. Follow your manufacturer’s recommendation for oiling, including the type of oil your machine needs. Get a little pouch, fill it up with cleaning supplies – brushes, swaps, dental floss, a tweezer, etc. – and keep it right by your machine. Give it a good, deep cleaning on a set day at least once each week, depending on how much you sew. Your machine will be happier and you’ll lose less tim to troubleshooting.

  2637. Melissa Cox says:

    As a very new quilter my tip is to Just start. You will make mistakes but that’s the beauty of handmade. It is the love you put into it.

  2638. Erin Stratton says:

    I am trying to get over my phobia of cutting into my favorite fabric bundles so that is my new years resolution but as far as tips or tricks as a fairly beginner quilter get good rulers and good rotary blades and you will stack the deck in your favor!

  2639. Linda Green says:

    If you are new to quilting, I suggest cutting the fabrics for a single block and piece it. That way you can become familiar with the piecing process and you can determine if you are happy with your fabric/color choices before cutting yards and yards of fabric! Then you can make changes if needed.

  2640. Janet W says:

    This is a wonderful giveaway! Would be especially great for a new quilter. I have many tips for beginners, but the one that keeps echoing through my head right now is something that my original mentor told me – “If a mistake bothers you enough that you have to ask whether you need to fix it or not, you do.” It’ll be all you see from then on if you don’t!

  2641. Sandhya says:

    My tip would be to get a reasonably good sewing machine and rulers and enjoy the sewing journey

  2642. Marjorie Reynolds says:

    Happy New Year!
    My favorite quilting tip is to use the Clearly Perfect Slotted Trimmer for squaring my blocks. I enjoyed the video, thank you!!

  2643. Sally Place says:

    A tip I would give someone new to quilt making would be to use the same brand rulers (if possible) for cutting. Thank you for your show!

  2644. Julie Hayes says:

    My tip for beginner quilters is once you pick out the quilt you are making, watch videos of an expert quilter making the same type of blocks, for example, HST or flying geese. They will give you amazing tips! I wish I had known the tips before I made 100 imperfect flying geese!

  2645. Cheryl Jezak says:

    Load lots of bobbins before you start sewing and don’t worry about quilt police – they don’t exist!

  2646. Delana says:

    Corey, love your fabrics and enjoy your videos! My advice to a new quilter is start with a baby, lap quilt or table runner. Start with smaller projects not a king sized quilt. Take your time and enjoy the process. I would also suggest cutting one day and sewing on a different day.

  2647. Katherine P Schmidt says:

    My suggestion is to join a quilt guild

  2648. Shirley says:

    Well my best tip for a new quilter would be “pin”. It will help you learn how to butt seams, blocks turn out more accurate and lessens some of the frustrations that can happen with wonky blocks. And WOW, what a giveaway. Thanks for all your sharing of knowledge and wonderful Saturday morning videos.

  2649. Patty Smith says:

    My advice is that you don’t need all the notions and gadgets, but you DO need a few that will help you be more accurate. Awesome giveaway!

  2650. Kim Theisen says:

    My tips for beginners is to be successful at a consistent 1/4” or scant 1/4” and have patience!

  2651. Virginia says:

    My best tip is to carefully read the size piece you need to cut, and then measure twice before cutting.

  2652. Karleen E. Page says:

    I would advise a new quilter to learn Quilt As You Go (QAYG), because even lap size quilts are a challenge to quilt on a domestic machine and long arming is expensive! I don’t know how many quilt tops are languishing in my stash because of this. On my current blocks, I’m considering converting them to this technique. Baby quilts and smaller I can handle on my domestic machine, but the big puppies, no way! LOL There are many You Tube videos about QAYG. I don’t know enough about it to recommend a specific technique. But have fun with it!

  2653. Liz Cunningham says:

    Just start. Get two pieces of fabric and start to practice the 1/4 inch seam. Once you have that you are ready to go.

  2654. Julie Bannister says:

    Congratulations on a fabulous 2024! I cannot wait to see what you have in store for 2025. My tip for a new quilter is to just go for it! Your seams don’t have to be perfect and your points don’t have to match. My first quilt was a harder pattern than a beginner “should” try, but guess what–I enjoyed making it and it launched me into the world of quilting. It is FAR from perfect, but who cares? Dive in and enjoy the process!

  2655. Glenda Whitehead says:

    Thanks for the giveaway and chance to win. My tip is to iron or press each step. And to compare with others on social media… Thanks again Corey!

  2656. Cornelia Normann Petersen says:

    Oh my goodness, what an amazing, generous, giveaway. I think what I would like to encourage my newbie sewing friends to do is to watch videos from every available source. I could not have gotten to where I am without doing that. I don’t live near a big city. There are no quilt shops around me. Was able to take classes occasionally at a convention, but the videos are what has helped me build my skills and give me inspiration. Thank you Cory for yours.

  2657. Carole Poleski says:

    I would advise a new quilter to be patient and read all the directions completely through before starting to cut .

    I always enjoy your videos! the barn stars are beautiful in all colorways!

  2658. Bobbi j Danielson says:

    Thinking about each project as an opportunity to improvie your skills and enjoying the journey rather than expecting perfection.

  2659. Connie Schlagheck says:

    My favorite tool is my little 6 inch ruler

  2660. Tammi Reece says:

    As an unexperienced new quilter, the rotary cutter is my favorite tool. Making my first quilt years ago and cutting peices out with scissors deterred me enough to wait for the wonder tool. It makes all the difference for straight tidy peice work.

    • Chiara Aldridge says:

      My tip would be to give yourself grace. You won’t be perfect the first time, so be patient with yourself and try to embrace the mistakes!

  2661. Linda Burr says:

    My advice would be to use the best rotary cutter that you are comfortable with and change the blades when they stop cutting nicely. Always remember to turn your iron off when leaving your sewing room. Love all your videos and your sparkling personality.

  2662. Laura Blackwell says:

    My best tip for new quilters is start with a small project like a wall hanging or a kit with all the fabric included. It gives you a chance to get use to working with cutting and piecing techniques! By the way, I really enjoy your tutorials!

  2663. Joan Schuler says:

    My tip for new quilters is to get the 1/4″ seam down using tape or other products that will help. slow down and enjoy the process!

  2664. Melinda Clevenger says:

    Thank you Corey for sharing your talent in such a positive way. You’re very encouraging. If you are a new quilter what I had to learn was to relax and enjoy the craft. Give yourself time to learn what I takes to put a quilt together. It’s a journey, not a destination. Thanks again. Happy quilting!

  2665. Doris Adams says:

    What a generous giveaway! So colourful!
    My favourite quilting tool is my 1/4″ foot.
    My best advice to new quilters…..Relax and embrace the journey: keep on learning!
    Enjoy all your videos Corey.

  2666. Pati May says:

    Hello! My quilt tip to a new quilter would be to enjoy the process. You can have quality without perfection. Give yourself grace. Whatever you think is a mistake will not show after it’s quilted and washed. Love the journey!

  2667. Sandy says:

    Hello….I just recently found Coriander Quilts youtube videos, and look forward to new ones on Saturdays. My tip to a new quilter is to purchase a complete kit so you know exactly which fabrics go where. I also love the stripology ruler. Makes cutting so much more precise.

  2668. Ivy Hopkins says:

    SEAM RIPPER. I have learned that it is better to reach for my seam ripper and take 1 or 2 moments to make an adjustment than to just keep sewing. I can ignore some of my tiny mishaps but other mishaps I have found my eye will go directly to those in my finished projects. Then I find myself pointing it out to others which they probably wouldn’t of noticed on their own.
    (tip- don’t point out your mishaps, consider them an area of interest for the keen eye. LOL)
    & of course watch as many quilting videos as possible.

    Ivy H.

  2669. Janalee Anderson says:

    I would say don’t beat yourself up if it isn’t perfect. Remember you are learning to quilt.

  2670. Donna Cliff says:

    Hello – a friend recently showed me her magnetic bowl she purchased from a hardware store It secures the pins she uses for securing a quilt to her long arm machine. I purchased mine at Harbor Freight and keep it next to me machine.

  2671. Marissa Nichols says:

    The advice I would give is just to start. I waited so long because I was intimidated and to not worry about rules and just try. Also don’t worry about perfection.

  2672. Elaine Hadlington says:

    My best tip for a new quilter: Patience and be kind to yourself. It takes practice and there is no perfection! If you are happy with your work, thats all that matters!

  2673. Melinda Durrett says:

    I love quilting! The very best part is having your best friend that quilts too! Getting to collaborate on the each other’s quilts is the best! The tips I have are take your time! It is not a race. Recheck measurements before cutting. Don’t get discouraged if you have to rip a seem out. The finished quilt will warm your heart! Also all the imperfections truly makes the quilt your own! Imperfections make the quilt perfect!

  2674. Raylene Miller says:

    My tip for a new quilter is to master the 1/4 inch seam and enjoy each step as you go. Give yourself grace and be patient, it takes time to develop a new skill. And comparison is the robber of joy!

  2675. Joy Crossno says:

    My favorite tip for any one who is sewing anything…ha…is to buy the purple handle (large) Karen Kay Buckley Perfect Scissors. I have a pair at each of my sewing machines/serger/embroidery machine…and a couple at the cutting table. They are so amazing!!!!! Clean crisp cuts!!!!!! Thank you Corey Yoder for your beautiful fabrics! I am working on my collection!!!

  2676. Risa Dudley says:

    My favorite tip I would give a new quilter is to relax and enjoy the experience. You don’t have to be the same as a 20 yr vet. It will come with time and practice. I took my first quilting class almost 16 years ago. I still have my first sampler quilt and just noticed that I have a block upside down 😂. Seeing how my skills have changed and improved and how quilting has changed has been the greatest part of this adventure . Oh and join a group even if virtual

  2677. Deb Keller says:

    There is a trilogy of newbie tips I would share. Make sure to cut accurately, sew with a carefully measured ¼” seam, and press – don’t iron – your blocks. Most importantly, have fun!!

  2678. Chela says:

    Cutting accurate and an accurate 1/4” seam are my top tips. I also love heavy starch. Love your videos. Thanks for such an amazing giveaway!

  2679. quickly96a0939975 says:

    Happy New Year! My tip: don’t be afraid to ask questions. Visit a quilting group if you can. There will be someone happy to help you and share their knowledge. It certainly helped to boost my confidence when I started quilting. Happy sewing everyone!

  2680. Judith Campo says:

    My tip to a new quilter is to be fearless. If you find a pattern that you like and can read and understand the instructions, you can do it. You may take longer than the experienced person, but that doesn’t matter. Bottom line is, you did it and you should be proud of yourself. Happy New Year to all.

  2681. Peggy Johnson says:

    Since I am new to quilting, practice and you will get it.
    I can honestly say, just find an easy pattern that has a video with it. Use a 1/4” foot on your machine. Don’t give up. The most reward comes from making that first quilt. As you continue you will get better. I am learning as I go.

  2682. SpknTC says:

    Wow! What a great giveaway!! I love the ORANGE bundle! Can’t wait to see the studio finished. ps… need to figure out how to use my other sewing acct. LoL!! Cheers! ~M

  2683. Theresa Busby says:

    Really enjoy your videos! This is such a Great give away! My tip since I’m just getting back into quilting after retirement…a quilting buddy! Two minds are always better than one with sharing idea and help tips. Oh yeah, I am deeply in love with your sheep pattern!

  2684. Donnie Wood says:

    Just found your you tube channel and really enjoy it. My favorite tip is to keep learning and trying new blocks. I try with different colors and keep these “practice” blocks and hope to make a sampler style quilt from them.

  2685. Micki Burris says:

    I love to watch you and I have learned so much by watching Youtube! You quilters have given so many tips and tricks to help me along the way. One of my favs is the glue basting and of course chain piecing! Happy Quilting!!

  2686. Bridgette Friedman says:

    My mom always said that the 3P’s will make you a good sewist. Patience, persistence and pick (aka seam ripper)

  2687. Nicole Frazier says:

    I am so excited to follow along on this years BOTM!!!!!! Happy sewing everyone!!!!

  2688. Laura Hickman says:

    My advice to new quilters would be to find an organizational system that works best for you!!! Just because someone has a way that works for them, doesn’t mean it’s exactly right for you! Staying organized makes the process of quilting go much smoother❣️

  2689. jeanice Ruthford says:

    I love your blog. My advice to a new quilter would be have fun and enjoy yourself and don’t be afraid to try new things!

  2690. debra zaioczkowski says:

    hi Cori just wanted to thank you for sharing your time and talent all of us .the only think i can say to a new quilter is find the material that makes you smile and start there

  2691. Jean Boyd says:

    I watched your video earlier this week and almost forgot to comment on the blog. My goal this year to make baby quilts for church members. We have so many little children and new babies coming. Your beautiful Barnstar quilt patterns would a great go to for pattern ideas for these little guys. And of course, I could glad to take the beautiful fabric off your hands.

  2692. Brenda Landureth says:

    I use a lap table,no slip mat, usb light, to work on my hand work, crazy quilting and appliqué. Comfy chair with my feet up and everything I need.

  2693. Carol S Kauffman says:

    my advice to new quilters is to read the pattern thru until you understand what you need to do before you cut anything. If you need to, look at youtube or the creator’s website to find a tutorial to help you understand the pattern, Finally sew a practice block from scrap fabric to make sure you got it.

  2694. Shannon Chinn says:

    I am new to quilting. I am my mother’s padawan. If you are new to quilting take your time learning each skill and practice, practice and practice!! So, many new things to learn! Enjoy the learning process with your mentor!

  2695. Paulette Emerson says:

    Hi Corey,

    I love seeing all of your beautiful fabrics and patterns. I have been quilting for eleven years now and continue to learn from you! I really appreciate you sharing your talents with us. I currently have six large quilts in various stages of piecing. My favorite tools are spray starch and Doug Leko’s simple folded corner rulers. My tip for new quilters is square up each block you sew, as this will help with results. Thank you for everything! PJ

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