All About Cake (and giveaways too!)

Candied Cotton from the book Mix It Up!

Today it is all about cake!  Last week I promised you some “cake-y” fun and today is the day.

Two great blog hops have kicked off this week and I am excited to be participating in both of them.  My dates for each hop happened to both fall today so you are getting two times the cake fun and two times the giveaways…what a great start to a Wednesday. =)

Up first, is the Mix It Up blog hop.  This is a brand new Moda All Stars book compiled by Lissa Alexander featuring quilts that can be made using Cake Mixes.

Mix It Up! book

Carrie Nelson is the brain behind Cake Mixes.  If you aren’t familiar with Cake Mixes, you might enjoy reading this blog post about the book and Cake Mix Papers.  You are gong to enjoy using these papers if you haven’t all ready.  If you are a fan of triangle paper or triangles on a roll, you will enjoy these as well.

Candied Cotton in Sunnyside Up

Candied Cotton is my contribution to the book.  I used Sunnyside Up fabrics for my sample quilt.  It uses Cake Mix 10 along with a print layer cake as well as a solid layer cake.  The nice thing about using cake mixes is that you are ready to start sewing as soon as you have your supplies–just dive right in.  Cake Mix 10 is fun in that you get to make HST’s and 4 patches.  Candied Cotton finishes at 54″ x 63″.

I mocked up Candied Cotton using Sugarcreek fabrics below.

Candied Cotton in Sugarcreek. Note: the quilt will be much scrappier when actually made as I didn’t take the time to recolor each individual patch.

And, keep reading as I have a giveaway including a Sugarcreek Layer Cake, two Jr. Grunge layer cakes, Cake Mix 10, and a copy of Mix It up.

My giveaway goods

The next blog hop that kicked off this week is the Jelly Filled quilt parade.  This is a book all about jelly roll strips written by Vanessa Goertzen.

Jelly Filled Quilt book

The cake theme continues as I get to talk about the Cake Box quilt from Vanessa’s book.  This is Vanessa’s Cake Box quilt as seen in the book:

Cake Box Quilt from Jelly Filled

You can read more about this quilt (as well as the other quilts in the book) and get fabric specifics for Vanessa’s quilt on this blog post.  

I really liked the pinky coral that Vanessa used so I decided to use a similar color in the block that I made for my quilt.  It is one of the prints from the Sugarcreek Wovens collection.  The prints I used for my block are from the Sugarcreek Prints as well as Wovens.

Cake Box block in Sugarcreek wovens and prints

These blocks are big!–at 28″ the quilt only requires 9 blocks total.  It is going to be a fast quilt to make.  I especially love how the block looks set on point–it would make a wonderful one block wall hanging.

Cake Box on point

PS…if you are ever stumped about on point math, this is a blog post to bookmark. PPS…if you have never mixed wovens and prints or are wondering more about wovens, this is a great post to read.

And here is what the completed quilt will look like in Sugarcreek fabrics.  I kept the center stripes consistent throughout each of the blocks as I liked that stripe so much.  It’s from Sugarcreek wovens.

Cake Box in Sugarcreek

I also have a giveaway for the Jelly Filled book.  Keep reading, I have just a few more things to share. =)

Sugarcreek Fabrics as well as Mix It Up! and Jelly Filled can be found in local quilt shops now.

Be sure to visit all of the Mix It Up blog hop participants for more great giveaways:

Monday – November 4:
Betsy Chutchian – Blog & Instagram
Susan Ache – Instagram
Martingale/That Patchwork Place – Blog & Instagram

Tuesday – November 5
Brigitte Heitland of Zen Chic – Blog & Instagram
Laurie Simpson of Minick & Simpson – Blog & Instagram
Moda – Instagram

Wednesday – November 6
Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles – Blog & Instagram
Brenda Riddle – Blog & Instagram
Corey Yoder – Blog & Instagram <–YOU ARE HERE

Thursday – November 7
Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill – Blog & Instagram
Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings – Blog & Instagram
Me & My Sister Designers – Blog & Instagram
Sherri McConnell – Blog & Instagram

Friday – November 8
Janet Clare – Blog & Instagram 
Kristyne Czepurk of Pretty By Hand – Blog & Instagram
Sweetwater – Blog & Instagram
Sandy Klop of American Jane – Instagram

And you can swing by Vanessa’s blog for the daily participants in the Jelly Filled Blog Hop.



Giveaway Time

And now for our giveaways…I have a Mix it Up! bundle of goodies to give to one lucky winner and a Jelly Filled Book to give to another winner.  To enter, leave a comment with your favorite kind of cake. =) (Due to shipping, this is a US only giveaway)  I will draw and announce the winner of each giveaway on Friday when I release the next Sunday Best Quilts Sampler Block.   See you then! =)

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540 Responses

  1. Charald Comeau says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate with peanut butter frosting.

    • Vanessa Marshall says:

      Oh, I love a good ooey gooey butter cake!!! Yummy!!!!

    • Maribeth Morgan says:

      My favorite is Red Velvet with a homemade icing that you cook a rue with flour and water, cool then add sugar, butter and vanilla!! No other icing compares!!

  2. Susan Smith says:

    My favorite cake is german chocolate or coconut with raspberry and lemon filling. These are both great giveaways and both are books I’d love to have. Thanks for the chance to win!

    • Janet Tucker says:

      My favorite is Boston Cream Pie, which is definitely a cake despite the name. Hoping to win, and love your blog.

  3. Deb Williams says:

    Gotta be carrot cake with lots of cream cheese icing!

  4. Stacey Hirsch says:

    I love making cake mixes – both the kind you eat and the kind you sew- LOL. My favorite cake is yellow cake with chocolate fudge frosting! So yummy!

  5. Cynthia R Hibbard says:

    White cake with caramel frosting. Yum!

  6. Roxanne Workoff says:

    I my favorite cake is an Oreo filled cream cake. It’s one of my most requested cakes for birthdays.

  7. Joanne says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate with mocha icing😋

  8. MaryB says:

    I love any kind of chocolate cake!! And, of course it has to have chocolate icing. YUM!!

  9. JoyceLM says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate sheet cake with cooked brown sugar icing (I’m in it just the for the icing). Thanks.

  10. Renie Morin says:

    My favorite is carrot cake with a cream cheese frosting.

  11. Selise Miller says:

    My favorite is chocolate cake w/ chocolate icing. Also licking the beaters that made the icing!!:)

  12. Karen anderson says:

    German chocolate cake. I seem to only make it in March though, as it is the birthday month for my husband and father and they both love German chocolate cake, and I only make it from scratch.

  13. Patsy says:

    That’s a tough one, but I have to say that my absolute favorite cake is coconut with coconut cream icing. Chocolate, of course, is a close second. Thanks for the opportunity to win these wonderful prizes.

  14. Katie Eich says:

    Cannoli cake

  15. Cathy Hawkins says:

    I love homemade Twinkie cake!

  16. My favorite kind of cake is angel food and German chocolate .

  17. Nancy Zimmerman says:

    Who doesn’t love cake! Chocolate cake with vanilla frosting is my favorite, but I never say no to any other cake! Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Sharon Cheyne says:

    My favorite cake is strawberry with cream cheese icing. My sons and two of my grandchildren always request it for their birthdays and some of their friends do too! Thank you for the chance to win😍

  19. Jacki D. says:

    Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a big glass of ice cold milk!

  20. Monica shean says:

    My favorite cake is homemade strawberry cake (today anyway- might be chocolate with whipped cream frosting tomorrow!)

  21. Carolyn Hightower says:

    Carrot Cake is my favorite

  22. Delores Thompson says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate with caramel icing.

  23. Kris Busch says:

    My favorite cake is angel food with confetti sprinkles mixed in! It’s so good does not require frosting!

  24. Suzanne Stephens says:

    My favourite cake has got to be coffee and walnuts ,my excuse is walnuts are good for you.The colours are lovely to nice for a quilt.

  25. Anne says:

    My favorite cake is Coconut cake

  26. Karen Johns says:

    My favorite cake is flourless chocolate cake that my friend makes!

  27. Sue H says:

    My favorite cake is Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting. So delicious!

  28. Gretchen Tipton says:

    Our family’s favorite cake is “wacky” cake. It’s a chocolate cake that is just mixed up in the baking dish. With 3 “holes” for the liquid ingredients and water poured over all, you feel like you’re making a mud pie! I make a caramel ( brown sugar ) frosting for it.

  29. Elizabeth Smith says:

    Spice cake definitely !

  30. Cindy James says:

    My favorite cake is a red velvet with cream cheese icing.

  31. Pam Schrader says:

    Angel food is the best!

  32. Kim J Kahanic says:

    My favorite cake IS a layer cake. Foodwise it’s Apricot Oatmeal.

  33. Chocolate cake with vanilla cream frosting

  34. Linda Liquin says:

    Although this is tough, I will go with spice cake with caramel frosting. Yum yum. Not sure that it is better than these cake mix recipes, especially candied cotton. Love it to pieces. Thanks for the giveaway.

  35. Sue Heisler says:

    My favorite cake is pound cake. I love cake without icing. Also coffee cake and angel food cake. And I love the quilt cake mixes and what you can do with them. Carrie Nelson is so clever to have thought of these!

  36. Lois Stimax says:

    At this time of year, I crave pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting, with chopped pecans sprinkled on top.

  37. Marianne says:

    Has to be chocolate cake with chocolate icing although I’d never refuse carrot cake, or red velvet, or even a decent white cake as long as it had chocolate icing!

    • Kelly C says:

      My favorite cake is either carrot or hummingbird cake…or maybe it’s just the delicious cream cheese frosting.

  38. Pauline Gudas says:

    My favorite cake was my mother’s chocolate miracle whip/mayo cake with a homemade white frosting

  39. Cathy says:

    I love a good Coconut Cake! Give me that sugared coconut on top of a good cream cheese frosting! Yum!

  40. Janet Wilcox says:

    My favorite is anything coconut; Italian cream, German sweet chocolate, and the coconut cake with coconut icing that my bestie makes.

  41. Becky says:

    Lemon Bundt cake. Heaven. 😊

  42. Cheryl says:

    White cake with white frosting and some vanilla ice cream to along with it is my absolute favorite!

  43. Sandy Allen says:

    I love red velvet cake. There is just something about the red color and cream cheese icing that is so good!

  44. Becki GIlchrist says:

    This is kinda like picking your favorite child! But….two day old pound cake that is toasted and slathered in butter “takes the cake”.

  45. Tricia Roszkowski says:

    Every cake is my favorite, but Black forest cake and tiramisu made with real coffee, are my guilty pleasures!

  46. Suzanne Yerks says:

    Wow that’s a hard question to answer, but I’d have to say coffee cake. My grandmother made a walnut coffee cake shed bake in a coffee can ( when those were metal) and she would mail them to folks right in the can.

  47. Melanie says:

    My favorite cake would have to be a Snicker Bar cake. Love your fabrics and patterns!

  48. Char Ferraro says:

    Pineapple upside down cake!

  49. Diane says:

    I love your colors! Please pick me

  50. Lana Stewart says:

    My favorite cake is a white bakery cake with white icing! Runner up is a fabric layer cake, of course! ❤️

  51. Dorian says:

    Great patterns! Thanks for some lovely eye candy and great prizes. My favorite cake is angel food with strawberries and whipped cream 🙂 I love summer birthdays!

  52. Liz Horgan says:

    I love a good birthday cake!
    Great blocks and great giveaways–thank you!

  53. Sherry Hodgdon says:

    My favorite is chocolate pudding cake. Yum!

  54. Paula Cady says:

    My favorite is Snicker Bar Cake. It is best warm from the oven but it is delicious cold too.

  55. Debbie Camp says:

    Lemon Bundt cake with lemon glaze. (I tell myself that the lemon makes it healthy.)

  56. Pat says:

    Ooh, it’s like picking your favorite child! I love lemon and coconut, but I guess my favorite cake would be the German chocolate cake that I make from scratch. I make it for my husband’s and youngest son’s birthdays. 🎂

  57. Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting – hands down. And Cheesecake Factory’s Ultimate Red Velvet Cheesecake kicks it up a notch – so good!

  58. Beth Simone says:

    I’m always torn about my fav cake because my brother in law makes a very simple but very delicious yellow cake with milk chocolate icing that is so delicious and connected to so many family gatherings memories. BUT, my husband always buys me an ENTIRE coconut cake from a local tremendous bakery every year on my birthday, which we eat half of, and then freeze the other half and get it out a couple of months later and eat it again. It’s just as delicious fresh and out of the freezer. I love cake!

  59. JulieKoch says:

    I am always a lover of a yummy cupcake with filling. My daughter makes a lemon mascarpone that is amazing. Thanks for your Wednesday posts!

  60. Margie says:


  61. Terri Cady says:

    My favorite cake is lemon with lemon cream cheese frosting. It’s especially nice in the summer, like having a glass of lemonade.

  62. Krin Warr says:

    Strawberry or chocolate.
    I like to try out new cake recipes. I recently made a lemon poppy seed cake with raspberry frosting for my daughter’s birthday and an orange almond cake with blackberry glaze for a friend’s birthday.

  63. Susan R says:

    Not easy to pick one favorite cake! I love a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting the most, but spice cake and caramel cake are close behind! Always enjoy these posts. Thanks for the chance to win!

  64. Cindy says:

    Pound cake with strawberries and whipped cream.

  65. Carol Bartlow says:

    Chocolate cake is my favorite. Thank you.

  66. Chris Eckardt says:

    My favorite cake is my moms Carrot cake made with pineapples and with cream cheese frosting! It’s hard to have a favorite cake – I love white coconut cake, German chocolate cake, almond cake, ………..

  67. Debbie Robbins says:

    My family grew up with yellow cake and chocolate frosting so this cake reminds me of home!

  68. Lynn Howell says:

    My favorite would have to be coconut!

  69. Shirley says:

    I love cake! So my answer is any cake that is homemade and sitting in front of me. 🙂

  70. Brenda mclaughlin says:

    I love pineapple upside down cake. Yummy

  71. Margot says:

    My favorite cake is a Ghirardelli chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting … it’s not only tasty but quick and easy to make.

  72. Linda Taylor says:

    My favorite cake is a family recipe chocolate cake with chocolate peanut butter icing.

  73. Vicki Waltz says:

    I love carrot cake with lots of cream cheese frosting. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  74. KathleenBoden says:

    It’s hard to choose which cake so I have to say I have 2 favorites that I make. These are both made in a Bundt pan. Chocolate cake with rich Ganache poured over it and Apple Spice cake with Caramel glaze poured over.

  75. Anna Gentle says:

    My favorite cake is Coconut! My grandmother always made one at Christmas.

  76. Bonnie Scanlon says:

    Lemon cake is the very best followed by angel food with any kind of berries!

  77. Alicia Key says:

    Red Velvert but that cake Margot describes above sure sounds great! I love Ghiradelli chocolate!

  78. Diana says:

    I love red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. And as far as sewing cakes, layer cake and cake mix papers are awesome!

  79. Nancy Khu says:

    I love a moist chocolate cake with white frosting.

  80. Janet G says:

    I have two, both involve chocolate!
    Chocolate chip cake and Texas sheet cake. Both are easy to make and always satisfy the chocolate craving.

  81. kiminalaska says:

    I love my mom’s carrot cake.

  82. Dana Flanders says:

    Yellow cake with chocolate frosting

  83. gailss1 says:

    Wow…who doesn’t love cake…and all kinds but Lemon is my favorite! Oh, hope you were asking about the eating kind…..if not then all kind of cake mix that Moda has :))))

  84. Nancy says:

    Flourless chocolate cake with the melty goo in the middle!! Mmmm gooo…..

  85. Judy Chastain says:

    My favorite cake is a homemade “apple dapple cake” from Christie Jordan at SouthernPlate. It’s outstanding! I also love cake mixes. I made a cake mix quilt with Sundrops; it’s by far my best ever triangle quilt.

  86. Linda Stone says:

    Who doesn’t love cake! Hard to pick a favorite but I think if I could only have one flavor it would be
    German Chocolate. Like most others, I love all cake!

  87. the academic stitcher says:

    I love any kind of cake that has lots of icing. 😊

  88. Beury says:

    Chocolate cake with white icing:)

  89. Mary says:

    My very favorite is Chocolate Zucchini Cake, with a little powdered sugar on it. Yum!

  90. Carolyn Yannayon says:

    Carrot cake….definitely!
    I also have a Cake Mix Recipe 2 to mix up soon. 🙂 Thank you.

  91. Karen Dellinger says:

    Greetings! Pineapple upside down cake.

  92. Jennifer Jaanini Heaton says:

    My favorite is one my aunt makes all the time. It’s a blend of 3 cakes. Regular moist yellow cake with a cheesecake and strawberry shortcake toppings. It is AMAZING!!!

  93. Laura b says:

    Wacky cake with peanut butter icing

  94. Gail says:

    My favorite cake is Bonnie Butter Cake from the Betty Crocker cookbook (older ones like the ’60s editions).

  95. Patty reott says:

    I love Boston cream pie Don t know why it’s called pie. It’s a cake fabric layer cakes can use them so many different ways

  96. Missy Reynolds says:

    Anything with chocolate and peanut butter!

  97. Pat Dudek says:

    I love any chocolate cake with a slightly tangy raspberry filling or sauce over the top along with a bit of whipped cream.

  98. Kim Jenkins says:

    I love Hummingbird cake, a layer cake with banana, pineapple, coconut and nuts in the cake layers and cream cheese icing. It is decadent, but oh so delicious!

  99. Paula Pierce says:

    Strawberry cake with strawberry frosting….my mom made this as my birthday cake each year! Absolutely delicious!

  100. Cherri says:

    Other than layer cakes 🙂 I love carrot cake. I like to tell myself that it’s good for me because it has carrots in it!

  101. Sue Immel says:

    favorite cake german chocolate cake 🙂

  102. Patti Rojec says:

    My favorite cake is a layer cake, in a beautiful fabric line of course. But if the oven is involved, it would have to be spumoni; a chocolate cake with almond, peppermint, and rum cream filling.

  103. Teresa says:

    My favorite cake is a Salad Dressing Cake. It is a chocolate cake my Aunt Virgie used to make.

  104. Tammy says:

    We have a great banana cake recipe, with cream cheese frosting : ) This is a generous giveaway — thank you for the offer and the inspiration!

  105. Melisa Williamson says:

    My favorite is butter pecan cake with buttercream frosting. Yum!

  106. says:

    I would have to say Hummingbird cake is one of my favorites! So happy I was introduced to your blog by FQS.

  107. Becky Caskey says:

    chocolate cake with raspberry filling!!

  108. Cocoa Quilts says:

    My favorite is Cherry Chip,, no nuts, please!

  109. Red velvet w/(pink)almond icing. My Nanny always made this for me, when I was a kid. I have her recipe and make it all the tine. It always makes me thinks back, and cherish her.

  110. Donna says:

    I have never “met” a cake I did not like!

  111. Johanna Lovering says:

    Chocolate for me!

  112. Marcy says:

    Cheesecake…New York 1st rule, chocolate, turtle, white chocolate raspberry, etc…love them all!

  113. Jennifer says:

    Definitely chocolate cake!

  114. Robyn J Williams says:

    My favorite cake is one my Great-grandmother made. Raisin Cake. Its also called depression cake on the raisin box.

  115. Andrea Hickman says:

    Chocolate cake with chocolate icing courtesy of Ina Garten’s cookbook! Especially if my husband makes it and I don’t have too!

  116. Italian smooth as silk cake is my favorite. I don’t eat many sweets but when you’re gonna indulge make it a good one <3 yummy cream cheese frosting with coconut and pecans for the win lol

  117. Kellie Warren says:

    My favorite is angel food cake. My grandma made it for me for my birthdays growing up. It’s not fancy, but it’s just fine for me.

  118. Elizabeth W. says:

    Red velvet for sure!

  119. Cindy Emmons says:

    My favorite cake is pumpkin strudel coffee cake especially this time of the year 😋

  120. Nancy Parker says:

    I love warm chocolate lava cake, when the center oozes as I cut into it. Perfect with a delicious cup of coffee!

  121. ninarowan59 says:

    My favorite cake is Cheesecake which is really more pie-like, Still, it is my favorite,

  122. Nancy Fitzpatrick says:

    Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting is my favorite. I would love to win this prize

  123. Tammi Williams says:

    German chocolate! Then any type of cheese cake.

  124. Bonnie says:

    It would have to be a buttery golden cake with decadent buttercream chocolate frosting. Three layers would be divine.

  125. Terri McBride says:

    In Gartens raspberry cheesecake sooooo good and perfect for Christmas as it looks so festive.

  126. Ljstemmy says:

    I love German Chocolate cake!

  127. Jayne says:

    I love chocolate cake with chocolate frosting!

  128. rhona45 says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate, and the icing too!

  129. Carole S. says:

    Nigella Lawson’s clementine cake. It’s gluten-free, and I make it with agave nectar or other unrefined sugar so it’s healthy-ish. My mouth is watering now!

  130. Renea Yarolim says:

    My husband makes THE best homemade chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Thanks for the generous giveaways.

  131. Heather Johnson says:

    I love a good cake! Spice cake with cream cheese frosting is my favorite!

  132. Kathy Bertsch says:

    Homemade German chocolate…but I like any cake 🎂

  133. S.M. says:

    My favorite cake it Poppyseed Cake which I have recently converted over to gluten-free and sugar free. 😋 It is comprised of three layers of vanilla poppyseed cake, filled with homemade vanilla pudding and walnuts, and finished by drizzling vanilla icing all over it. Now, please excuse me. I have the sudden need to bake this cake!

  134. Joann Bauer says:

    Pumpkin roll! My aunt made the best one!

  135. Betsy S. says:

    Either plain angel food cake or spice cake

  136. Veronica Moen says:

    We often had cake for desert when I was young , but we always had angel food cake when someone had a birthday so I grew up thinking it was called “Birthday Cake”! My favorite cake has to be a toss between Birthday Cake (for the memories) and mocha chocolate with peanut butter frosting ( for the meld of flavors); either served with a great cup of coffee.

  137. Lisa R says:

    My favorite cake is one from my childhood called Kentucky Jam Cake. It’s a spice cake made with blackberry jam topped with a caramel frosting that’s positively divine.

  138. Pat Nichols says:

    My favorite cake is the old time Crazy Cake with homemade fudge icing that my grandmother used to make. The cake has a little distilled white vinegar in it which gives it a deeper taste!

  139. Jane Eilderts says:

    Growing up I always requested Strawberry Pop Cake for my birthday cake. I still love that cake all these years later!

  140. Jennifer B says:

    Chocolate icing on chocolate cake is my favorite any time!

  141. Jennifer Buttry says:

    My favorite cake is white wedding 🎂

  142. Susan Rothbauer says:

    Wedding Cake! We’re planning my son’s wedding 😊

  143. Nancy says:

    My favorite cake is called Black Magic cake. It’s a great chocolate cake. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  144. Roseanna Jakubowski says:

    Oh goodness, I love all cakes. Especially layered cakes with cream cheese icing. Yum. Thank you for the chance to win.

  145. Mary Lindberg says:

    White cake with gooey chocolate frosting.

  146. Cailey Bergstrom says:

    Dutch oven upside down cake with vanilla ice cream!

  147. CHRISTINE ELKIN says:

    My favorite cake is the butter cake that my grandma used to make. She passed away several years ago but she had shared her recipe with me beforehand. We have it at all our family holidays and get togethers and it always brings her close.

  148. Jacqueline Celestine says:

    red velvet cake!

  149. Hyeyoung Thompson says:

    My favorite cake is yellow cake with fresh whipped cream and fruit, especially berries.

  150. Vickie Graveline says:

    My favorite is yellow cake with chocolate frosting, my Mom would make it for me at every birthday.

  151. Sharlet matak says:

    My favorite cake is hard to decide but I think I like yellow butter cake with homemade chocolate icing the best. You can’t go wrong with the basics!

  152. Janet Vance says:

    Love Cake!!!….but if I have to pick one it would be mint chocolate.

  153. Heidi Lehnig says:

    Spice cake with maple frosting 🧁

  154. Becky says:

    Carrot cake with cream cheese icing….Yummy!!

  155. karlasal says:

    Definitely a layer cake!

  156. Irene says:

    Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting!

  157. Janette Luehring says:

    german chocolate or boston creme pie!

  158. Peggy Benzin says:

    Carrot cake – rich and moist with that delicious cream cheese frosting. NO raisins allowed! 😉

  159. Deborah says:

    My favorite is Humingbird Cake; crushed pineapple, banana & pecans are some of the tasty ingredients. By the response to this blog I better get busy & sample some of the cakes listed… just like fabric I want them all!!

  160. Jody Watkins says:

    Texas sheet cake! Thanks for all of your beautiful fabric!

  161. Cindy Baird says:

    My favorite is Italian Cream Cake with cream cheese frosting!!

  162. Leann Stepp says:

    My favorite cake is banana cake from my Grandma Wagner’s recipe!

  163. Toni Shrader says:

    My favorite eatable cake is: yellow with chocolate frosting. My favorite fabric cake is: ANY…love this concept as it makes sewing and quilting so much fun!

  164. Gloria says:

    I love chocolate cake with vanilla frosting!

  165. suzi elliott says:

    Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Icing is my all time favorite!

  166. Linda Jennings says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate with chocolate frosting and naturally the cake mix you sew.

  167. Melinda Armstrong says:

    My favorite cake is Better Than Anything Cake. It is traditionally called better than “sex” cake. 😊. Mixed company never agrees with that title.

  168. Peggy B says:

    Coconut cake AND German chocolate cake

  169. Karen says:

    Pound cake with fresh strawberries

  170. Kerry Linklater says:

    I love Pumpkin Spice cake with brown sugar frosting. Thanks for the chance to win this great prize!

  171. Leslie Hassmann says:

    I’ve yet to try a Cake Mix quilt pattern but my favorite chocolate confection, passed down through generations, is WACKY CAKE! Thought to originate from WWII as a result of rationing of scarce items. No eggs, milk or butter are used 😉

  172. Denise Miller says:

    I would never turn down any kind of cake but my favorite would be Texas sheet cake!🎂🍰🧁

  173. Thank you for the giveaways. Favorite cake chocolate… frosting.

  174. nancyf18 says:

    Lemon cake with Lemon flavor Italian buttercream icing

  175. Jenifer Spencer says:

    Ice cream cake…of course!! 😉

  176. Jolie T says:

    Chocolate cake 🎂 always!! Enjoy your blog and videos!!

  177. Pam Haffner says:

    Love! Love! me some Red Velvet Cake! The chocolate flavor is hiding underneath that beautiful red color. Dress it up with some candy cane chips and now it’s a Christmas Cake.

  178. Esther G says:

    Pineapple upside-down cake or strawberry cheesecake

  179. Christy says:

    My favorite cake is banana with buttercream icing!

  180. Pat White says:

    I love homemade pound cake with caramel icing!

  181. Rose says:

    It’s a toss-up for me… Italian Cassata cake or any kind of cheesecake!

  182. Ruth Ann says:

    My favorite cake is German chocolate that my mother made.

  183. Sharon Browne says:

    Cheesecake for sure!

  184. Debbie Myers says:

    My favorite cake is cinnamon swirl coffee cake

  185. Becky says:

    My favorite cake is Danish Layer cake. I grew up in Racine, WI; home of danish bakeries, Kringle and Danish Layer Cake.

  186. Gretchen Biery says:

    My favorite cake is a three layer walnut cake with pecan frosting and dough maple leaves baked on top. Lovely to look at – delicious to enjoy!

  187. Sheri says:

    My favorite cake is devils food cake! You can’t beat the chocolate overload with that goodness :).

  188. Diane P says:

    Any Cake that I can eat. If I had to choose one , I’d pick a New Years Cake I make for my family. The recipe I use is a light citrus flavor with powder sugar sprinkled on top. It is not very sweet or fancy but my sons love it and when we cut it on New Years Day we always have so much fun seeing who gets the coin.

  189. Koye Hendrix says:

    My favorite is German chocolate cake. I would love to try a cake mix as I really like triangles on a roll. I love all of your fabrics. Thanks for. chance to win.

  190. Linda says:

    Favorite has to be New York Cheesecake. Thank you for the chance at all the gifts!

  191. Diane Mitchell says:

    I love chocolate cake with lots of frosting.

  192. Ann West says:

    I absolutely love red velvet cake. Thanks for the opportunity!

  193. Susan says:

    The following are tied for my favorite cake: Angel Food Cake, Strawberry Shortcake, and Cheesecake.

  194. Teri says:

    My favorite cake is carrot cake.

  195. Paula COLLINS says:

    I like a rich & moist chocolate cake with a rich chocolate frosting or a Black Forest Cake 🍰
    Well, you must know us quilters we would probably eat any & all cakes 🧁 🍰!

  196. DebMac says:

    Bunt Kuchen, a type of pound cake. I always made it for my father for his birthday as it was both of our favorites. He always said mine was better than my mom’s.

  197. Sally Williams says:

    Chocolate of course 😊

  198. My entire family loves my family secret – Pistachio Cake – I make it for everyones birthday! I just finished my first Cake Mix Quilt it was so much Fun!!!!!

  199. Kristie M Michalowski says:

    I love homemade Cheesecake!

  200. Brenda says:

    I love cake. Lemon is one of my favorites. I also love layer cakes and jelly rolls from Moda! Thanks for offering such great giveaways.

  201. Patti Young Clutter says:

    A little carrot cake with a ton of cream cheese icing. Loved today’s blog and the links to the other blogs.

  202. Bonita Harms says:

    My favorite cake is a family recipe over 100 years old that is chocolate and contains sour milk. It is very moist and then frost the cake with my Aunt’s Chocolate chip frosting.

  203. My favorite cake is a regular white wedding cake with lots of decorating icing!!

  204. Nancy Boylan says:

    Chocolate chocolate Bundt cake. It is so yummy. It was a recipe my grandmother use to make. Chocolate cake, chocolate chips, chocolate pudding. Not fattening at all😆. Thank you for the chance to win one of these beautiful projects.

  205. Diana Bennett says:

    My favorite is a rich chocolate cake with REAL buttercream frosting

  206. Jaylene B. says:

    I love chocolate cake with lots of thick chocolate icing.

  207. Becky Turner says:

    I prefer a sweet cake other then a savory cake…vbg…

  208. Deb G. in VA says:

    My favorite cake is triple chocolate cake!

  209. Linda Hulen says:

    My favorite cake is triple chocolate. It is chocolate cake, made with chocolate pudding and chocolate chips baked in a bundt pan, drizzled with chocolate fudge frosting…..YUM!!!!

  210. Vicki L Spurling says:

    My favorite cake is the depression era Wacky Cake with vanilla marshmallow frosting.

  211. Danette says:

    I’m a cake lover period. However, if I had to choose, it would be chocolate. Thank you,

  212. Virginia says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate crazy cake (you mix in the pan) with a cooked custard frosting.


  213. Charlotte Platt says:

    Hi Corey,
    My 1st reply didn’t go through, so I will try again!! When you have a giveaway, you are so GENEROUS!! Thank you for the opportunity to win!!🤗🤗. My very favorite cake is carrot cake, and the more shredded carrots in it, the better!! Of course, it must be iced with cream cheese frosting!! I cannot tell you how many years I made this for Easter when our kids were little, topped with the green coconut “grass”, and jellybeans!! YUM! Charlotte Platt ❤️

  214. Autumn Cogdill says:

    I most enjoy a homemade vanilla pound cake with freshly canned peaches! It’s the ultimate taste of summer & a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side truly takes this dish over the top!

  215. Jocelyn says:

    I love vanilla cake with coconut frosting.

  216. Jaclyn Manderewicz says:

    I love red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting!

  217. Anita Vaughn says:

    My mother in law used to make a yellow cake in a 9×13 pan and poke holes in it. Then make fudge to the soft ball stage and pour it over the cake. Yum! I remember eating it for breakfast when I was pregnant! Still would! Thanks for the giveaway!

  218. Robert Nelms says:

    Chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Thanks for the great giveaways

  219. Clyda says:

    I can never say no to cheesecake. Always so good!

  220. Kim Bonner says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate cake with chocolate icing. All chocolate!

  221. Wendy Benton says:

    I love spice cake with butterscotch frosting, yummy!

  222. Cheryl Baker says:

    I’m a fan of angel food cakes – and I love to make them too!!

  223. MaryAnn Mairs says:

    I love a sherry/orange bundt cake with orange peel in the icing.

  224. Vinette says:

    My favorite cake is strawberry—the one made with strawberry Jello, but carrot cake is a close second.

  225. Jan Dudley says:

    Thanks for the chance to try a cakemix and great fabric. I love good ole fashion chocolate cake! Yum, Jan Dudley

  226. Joyce Carter says:

    My favorite cake is Coconut cake. Thank you for the chance.

  227. lorilehnhof says:

    I love a “crazy” cake. This is a homemade chocolate cake with no eggs. I is an old family recipe with vinegar and baking soda as the leavening. It is very moist and yummy to the max 👍👍

  228. Stephanie Feador says:

    My favorite cake is date-nut cake from a little hometown bakery in Berea, Ohio. It tastes like a flavor explosion in your mouth…so delicious!

  229. Becky S says:

    Chocolate cake is my favorite! I love your Candied Cotton quilt. Thanks for the fun giveaway.

  230. Maggie Kriz says:

    I love banana cake with chocolate frosting! It’s been my favorite since I was a kid.

  231. Kathy says:

    Sour cream pound cake is the best! ❤️😋

  232. Paulette says:

    Chocolate cake with a cream cheese frosting! Yum!!

  233. Karen Eddy says:

    My favorite cake is Italian Cream Cake. YUM!

  234. Mylissa says:

    Chocolate cake with fudge frosting or red velvet

  235. Lynette says:

    My favorite is a Chocolate Berry Pound Cake. Especially good at Valentine’s Day. Sweet raspberry spreadable fruit mixed with sour cream chocolate for the cake and a raspberry cream and butter spread.
    I wish I could add the photo!
    I have the jelly fill book but would love any of the fabrics!

  236. Melanie says:

    My absolute favorite cake is from our local bakery. It’s an old fashion white wedding cake with “lardy” frosting!

  237. Linda Rinehart says:

    I’ve been gluten free for 30 years & love a good chocolate cake with buttercream frosting….😋

  238. Laura says:

    Boston Cream Pie! Definitely a cake even though “pie” is in the name! The Der Dutchman Bakery makes the best ones!

  239. Juri Strong says:

    My favorite cake is carrot cake or pineapple upside down cake!

  240. Cara Otto says:

    Hi Corey, my favorite cake is a family recipe for
    lemon pound cake with a raspberry topping, delish!

  241. Jodi Watson says:

    Glazed Chocolate Zucchini Cake!! Divine!! Thank you for the chances!

  242. Pam says:

    Love the “Cake” and “Jelly” patterns! Hope to win

  243. Gwen Adams says:

    Casada cake. Strawberries yum.

  244. My favorite cake is lemon pound cake with homemade egg custard…yummmmm! These giveaways are some of the best ever…thanks so much for a chance to win either one!

  245. Brenda says:

    My favorite cake is yellow cake with chocolate chip frosting.

  246. Kimberley Rose says:

    My favorite cake is German Chocolate with the coconut pecan frosting. Your giveaway looks AWESOME!

  247. Carol Grayshock says:

    My favorite cake is a 20 egg, 3 layer coffee butter walnut family recipe cake that we only make for special occasions.

  248. Lori M says:

    My favorite is Carrot Cake!! LOOOOOVE it!! 🙂 Thank you too..for chance to win your Give-a-way! 😀

  249. Cathy says:

    Cheesecake and Moda cakes!!

  250. Susan Elizabeth Ewald-Mandel says:

    love love love carrot cake cheesecake!!! my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

  251. Laurie Benson says:

    I am definitely an Angel Food gal. Just plain….no frosting or glaze. Simple is always better.

  252. Cara Salanga says:

    My favorite is chocolate angel food cake with cocoa frosting.

  253. Ginny McFarland says:

    My favorite is chocolate of any kind with penuche icing!

  254. Wendy says:

    Since it is harvest time, I will choose pumpkin pie cake as my favorite. Otherwise it is my home made carrot cake. I love Moda layer cakes too!!!

  255. Susan Du says:

    Chocolate cake has been my all time favorite since childhood.

  256. Rebecca S. says:

    Mmmmm…cake! I love white cake with almond frosting. Coconut is a close second.

  257. I’m more of a pie person unless cheesecake counts. If I’m going to eat cake, I love it to be carrot cake.

  258. Edie Mattern says:

    I ❤️ Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting! Thank you for all the inspiration!

  259. Carol Kuse says:

    My favorite cake is Donna’s Chocolate Cherry Cake. Chocolate cake with cherry pie filling and a fudge frosting. So good and so easy. The best kind of recipe! One from a good friend.

  260. Paulette says:

    Carrot Cake

  261. marcella says:

    Chocolate with peanut butter frosting!

  262. JennyH says:

    Carrot cake is my favorite.

  263. Jackie Walker says:

    My favorite is Italian cream cake. It’s scrumptious!

  264. Janet T says:

    German chocolate cake!

  265. Ida Brandon says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate. Thank you for a chance to win Mix It Up and would love to try these. Also I love your pattern.

  266. Christine Weld says:

    I’m from New York, so cheesecake is the winner for me! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  267. Tammy Mabry says:

    I just LOVE cake. All cakes. Equally. 😃

  268. Faerie Pabich says:

    Hmmm….red velvet or hummingbird or good old fashioned pound cake. All are delicious!

  269. Will quilt for Red Velvet!

  270. Constance says:

    Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting and your candied cotton cake quilt!

  271. Sherri L Gibson says:

    Cakes with Chocolate and Coffee…or…Cakes with Coffee and Chocolate…OH MY!!!

  272. Laura Lane says:

    Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting!

  273. DEB WORTHMAN says:

    Love angel food cake.

  274. Michelle says:

    BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! What a great present (my birthday is Sat, Nov. 9th) these give always would be😉….we will be celebrating with chocolate cake if you would like to join us Corey!!!

  275. Vickie Olsen says:

    I don’t like Chocolate, so for me it’s a Vanilla Cake and Cream Cheese Frosting.

  276. Denise Driscoll says:

    My personal favorite cake is a chocolate sour cream cake with no frosting, just a light dusting of powdered sugar.

  277. Sally says:

    Gingerbread is the best cake. Even better when I have candied ginger to add in!

  278. Barbara says:

    Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. So great for fall!

  279. Jen says:

    I like red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting with a cup of strong coffee

  280. Nicole Worthington says:

    My husband makes me a gluten-free coconut pound cake for my birthday every year. It’s awesome!

  281. Vicki Fite says:

    My favorite cake is white cake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream on top! In the winter, I have a wonderful old recipe for applesauce cake which is a great recipe for this time of year (very tasty).

  282. Roxanne Hougardy says:

    How can I choose, German Chocolate or Red Velvet mmmmmmm

  283. Brenda Ackerman says:

    My favorite cake is scratch homemade Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting! I am glad to have discovered your blog. I am enjoying it a lot and thank you for all you put into it! Have a fantastic day!

  284. Cindy Whittaker says:

    Definitely carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. And a layer cake in Sugarcreek!

  285. Evelyn Haupert says:

    I love yellow cake with chocolate frosting! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  286. sharon says:

    I love all cake esp chocolate varieties, but, even though it sounds weird, My fav is Costco white with cheesecake filling.– it is really inexpensive, big and easy

  287. Lana Holder says:

    My favorite is chocolate cake with chocolate icing!!! I am so excited about this AWESOME giveaway! Thank you for such a generous gift!

  288. Erika says:

    My favorite cake is lemon with vanilla frosting!

  289. Clara says:

    It’s so fun to see the variety in the fabrics chosen. My favorite cake is German Chocolate and I use my bundt pan to make serving easier. Thanks for the chance in the giveaways, Corey.

  290. Linda Douglas says:

    My Favorite is German Chocolate Cake with Pecan+Coconut Frosting! YUM!!!
    Thanks for a sweet giveaway !

  291. Anna Blake says:

    Cake? Don’t think I have a fav. Now for my birthday my Mom made me homemade banana pudding!

  292. Lisa Brininstool says:

    My Grandma made a caramel cake with a fudge like caramel frosting so good!
    I’m also a fan of just plain white wedding cake

  293. Evelyn Ware says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate with chocolate icing and of course a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

  294. Kathryn Laposata says:

    I make a great banana cake.

  295. Janet P says:

    My favourite cake is angel food cake with lemon curd/whip cream icing that my mother makes. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  296. Marilyn says:

    Always a chocolate cake with fluffy white frosting. What a great giveaway. Thank you.

  297. Pam says:

    I like cheesecake 🤩. I guess that’s a cake right? Enjoy reading your posts and seeing your fabric in beautiful quilts

  298. Wendy Laird says:

    My favorite cake which we grew up making is Chocolate Wacky Cake. My grandmother taught us to make this cake and I love it hot out of the oven with vanilla ice cream. : ) It brings back a lot of memories.

  299. Diane Magnuson says:

    I guess it’s considered a cake (or possibly pie), but either way, my favorite is anything cheesecake!!!

  300. I make a wonderful chocolate cake with Kaluha liquor mixed in and it is a family favorite. What a super giveaway, thanks so much.

  301. KatieQ says:

    My favorite is chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Of course, I would be happy to eat any homemade cake that I was offered.

  302. Becky says:

    I love vanilla cake with dark chocolate frosting. Thanks for the giveaway!

  303. Judy Dobbins says:

    Black Forest Cake, or chocolate cake with chocolate frosting that uses brewed coffee as the liquid.

  304. Pegg Brown says:

    A white Wedding Cake is a favorite here!

  305. Kimberly Weller says:

    My favorite cake is simple. A white cake with chocolate fudgy frosting. However my husband’s fav is spice cake with cooked brown sugar frosting. A tasty treat to be sure!

  306. Kerry W says:

    Sour cream pound cake! I love it so much – I had it as my wedding cake!

  307. Lois Oberg says:

    My favorite kind of cake would have to be Angle Food. My mother always made one, from scratch, for everyones birthdays.

  308. Alicia Giroud says:

    My Favorite cake is Walnut Cake, my Grandmother made all by hand in her farmhouse kitchen. So many good memories!

  309. Lora Whitfield says:

    Did someone say cake?! I wouldn’t turn my nose up at just about any cake but my two favorites are Chocolate-Caramel Cake and Texas Sheet Cake! And now I want to bake…

  310. I love a white cake with raspberry filling and cream cheese frosting!

  311. Becky says:

    My favorite cake is Coca-Cola cake with rich chocolate frosting.

  312. Michelle Taylor says:

    Layer cakes are my favorite kind of cake unless ice cream cakes count!

  313. carol thomas says:

    My favorite is a Black Forest Cake – from scratch, home made icing. I haven’t had one since childhood but my sister and I talk about how good it was. Now I settle for chocolate box mixes. Still good, still provide the memories.

  314. Terrie Ruiz says:

    i love CAKE !! My very favorites always include berries and cream cheese, but I am also a fan of anything chocolate and toffee sure doesn’t hurt !! Sweet tooth much 🙂 Thankyou so much for the chance, LOVE your block !!

  315. Carla Flood says:

    My favorite cake to bake is Italian Cream. My family always requests it for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I also enjoy using the cake mix papers for making quilts ❤️

  316. Rhonda Campbell says:

    I love AALLLLL of the cakes!! Seriously, I’ve never met a cake I didn’t love, but my favorite might be either carrot cake with cream cheese frosting or a lemon pound cake with lemon glaze. It’s hard to choose!

  317. Lori Smanski says:

    My favorite cake is hot Cherry Carnival. My mom made this for everyone of my birthdays until I got married. Then my wonderful husband took it over. And when we started having kids, they helped dad bake. I haven’t had one for years because I cant do regular flour and sugar anymore.
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  318. Phyllis Marshall says:

    Thank you for this great giveaway! My favorite cake is a rich chocolate cake with a vanilla buttercream frosting.

  319. Kathy Gombis says:

    Homemade buttermilk chocolate cake with with vanilla icing! My grandmother’s recipe!

  320. Michele Raiola says:

    For a store bought cake, it would have to be a chocolate cake filled with strawberries and bananas with whipped cream. For homemade, I love a good old fashioned coffee cake.

  321. Debby Warthen says:

    I LOVE cake! Almost any kind, but especially a good carrot cake with cream cheese frosting! Thanks for the giveaway! I never thought about putting the grunge with Sugarcreek. Inspired!

  322. Linda Gail Schoenbaum says:

    Ooh, I like lots of cakes! Fabric and food! LOL Guess the food cake favorite would be carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. A new recipe for an apple dapple cake in a bundt pan is very tasty, too. Enjoy your posts and giveaways. I am learning so much…

  323. Pam Shannon says:

    I love carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. I also like the cake mixes and cupcakes

  324. Wanda T says:

    Hershey’s chocolate cake with chocolate frosting is one of my favorite cakes. Yum!

  325. Judy Vandervort says:

    Devils food cake made from scratch with 7 minute frosting, or Texas sheet cake, along with my homemade vanilla ice-cream.
    It is fun to sew blocks/quilts from the cake mixes…… Awesome giveaway !

  326. My favorite cakes is German Chocolate! When I graduated boot camp my mama made me three!

  327. Lynda H says:

    I used to make a fresh apple cake – it was wonderful. Haven’t made one in a very long time, need a bigger crowd to eat it, not something for just one!

  328. Mary K says:

    My favorite is an old recipe from Joy of Cooking – 1234 cake. My grandma always made this when we were kids and frosted it with buttercream frosting. Yummy!

  329. Kari Lundell says:

    FQs and charm packs

  330. KRISTIE says:

    Chocolate fudge with chocolate chip toppings, but really I like them all!

  331. Laurie T says:

    My favourite kind of cake is “layer cake:! Lol Any layer cake will do!

  332. Gammy T says:

    My favorite is a Carrot cake with all kinds of mix-ins; pineapple, apple, and pecans-with a decadent cream cheese frosting, of course!

  333. Hannah wetterstrom says:

    I LOVE cake. Vanilla with buttercream frosting from a bakery is my favorite. If we are talking a box mix, then I love Rainbow Chip!

  334. Gail McKay says:

    Thanks for the giveaway. I love to make and eat chocolate chocolate chip cake with butter rich icing and vanilla ice cream.

  335. Beverlee Stilwell says:

    I love Lemon Cream Cake!

  336. Debi Estleman says:

    Cheesecake–or, for “real” cake, carrot cake with lots of cream cheese frosting. Basically, you could throw some sugar on a block of cream cheese and I’d eat it like cake! 😉

  337. Brenda Hulsey says:


  338. Polly Perkins says:

    I am gluten intolerant but have not found a good reciped for one. I guess I just know how really good a made from scratch cake is from real flour. I love Sugar Creek so am hoping I can win and get a yummy substitute for real cake.

  339. Janice Kohnke says:

    My favorite cake is scratch chocolate with chocolate frosting!!!

  340. Maurine Johnson says:

    My favorite cake is Texas sheet cake. Although I really like yellow cake without frosting too!

  341. Terrie says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate, with marble a close second.

  342. Susie says:

    I love a good carrot cake!!

  343. Luann says:

    My favorite cake….hmmm…..cheesecake, layer cake, Patty cake

  344. Terri H says:

    I love German chocolate cake with coconut pecan frosting!

  345. Debbie Gehlken says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate! And layer cake for quilting

  346. Katie Harland says:

    Drooling after reading about all these cakes. Yum!!!

    One of my favorite cakes is a chocolate cherry cake with chocolate fudge frosting.

  347. Pam says:

    Dark chocolate cake with cream cheese vanilla buttercream topped with candy red hots (cinnamon imperials from Brach’s). I make it every year for my birthday and never again until the following year. So yummy!

  348. Lisa Ackerman says:

    Spice cake with cream cheese frosting, reminds me of fall no matter when I eat it!

  349. Lorraine says:

    My favorite is black forest cake, although I don’t make it very often. Yum!

  350. Kristy A Soard says:

    Well of course my favorite cake is a Moda Layer Cake because I am not allowed to have chocolate or sugar or spices due to a medical condition. However, let’s just say I were to sneak a bite of a delicious cake……it would be New York Cheesecake…just saying if!!!

  351. Allison Evrard says:

    Carrot cake is my absolute favorite, but chocolate is right up there near the top of the list.

  352. Tracy says:

    Red Velvet all the way! First because it’s red; second because it has cream cheese frosting and who doesn’t love cream cheese; and third because it is soooooo moist and dense!

  353. Martha Fast says:

    My mother’s Red Velvet Cake with a cooked icing is the best tasting cake I’ve ever eaten. Notice I put it in capital letters-it is that good!

  354. Traci slomba says:

    My favorite cake is canolli cake and since I’m not a baker, I use a devils food chocolate cake mix from a box and put canoli filling in the middle. My grandma understands my poor baking ability since I am I goid cook!

  355. Tina says:

    That’s an easy answer!
    It’s a German cake, consisting of some sponge cake, filled with whipped cream and chopped nuts, and covered with Marzipan, a German almond paste.
    It’s soooooo good!

    Thanks for the fun give away

  356. Lori George says:

    I love German Chocolate cake! Yum! 😊

  357. Rosemary Nasralla says:

    I haven’t met a cake I don’t like! But I love tiramisu, carrot cake and cheesecake.

  358. Doris stclair says:

    My favourite is red velvet. Can’t get too much chocolate! Thanks C orey. Great give away.

  359. Larine Dunham says:

    My favorite cake is a Irish Cream Chocolate Chip Cheese Cake! Yum!! Great part of the Holiday season and coming soon!! Great Giveaway, all the projects looks so fun, too many projects and too little time to do them all. ….

  360. Kathy E. says:

    I am a lifetime cake lover and will eat most any flavor, but my favorite is a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a ganache filling. I’ve made this cake only once and ate half of it myself!

  361. Maria Naville says:

    My favorite is yellow cake with fudge icing… Yum!

  362. Karlene says:

    Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting is my favorite, although chocolate is right up there too.

  363. Vickie Bell says:

    Believe it or not I am not a fan of cake.I can always pass up a piece of cake but not a piece of pie(fruit pie is the best!!!… apple, peach, blueberry,etc.). My husband loves chocolate cake with white buttercream icing.

  364. Lori says:

    My favorite is chocolate with peanut butter frosting

  365. Stacy E Crundwell says:

    If it is baked…German Chocolate..ALL DAY LONG. But once in awhile you pass that freezer know you look…those boxes with the pretty pictures of cakes on them!!! By the time you open the dethawed doesn’t look like that photo! Once in awhile I get a craving…Coconut! I NEED…not want…NEED a Coconut cake! LOL

  366. Micaela Tice says:

    I absolutely love a moist lemon cake with a raspberry filling!

  367. Jackie says:

    Chocolate cake with sea foam frosting my grandmother made for birthdays

  368. Susan S says:

    I love German Chocolate Cake and always order it when it’s an option.

  369. Doreen says:

    Does strawberry short’cake’ count?😁

  370. Sara Lindstrom says:

    Chocolate cherry cake with chocolate frosting will always be my favorite! 😉

  371. Jennifer Crouch says:

    I absolutely LOVE Layer Cakes!!! So versatile!!

  372. Linda Dompierre says:

    My favorite cake is a coconut cream cake. I use Coco Loco and it is so rich and yummy.

  373. Brenda G says:

    My favorite is a fruit cocktail cake that my grandma used to make. It had a scrumptious coconut frosting! I haven’t made it in years.

  374. Lisa says:

    Nothing better than made from scratch buttermilk chocolate sheet cake

  375. Lynda Gordon says:

    I love white cake with buttercream frosting!! 😋

  376. Jan Wisor says:

    I love love love Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting.

  377. Deborah Nelson Heinle says:

    White wedding cake – no frosting!

  378. Tara says:

    Chocolate! Not too picky…anything chocolate 😁

  379. Suzanne Tiehm says:

    My very favorite kind of cake is German chocolate, with carrot cake as a close second. 🙂

  380. Cindy says:

    Since I can’t eat cake I will share my favorite cake is a layer cake! I am never disappointed using a layer cake. Happy scrappy

  381. Diane Nagle says:

    My favorite cake is white wedding cake with fresh strawberry filling and fluffy frosting garnished with strawberries. My mouth is now watering! Love the new book!!! And paper mixes, and your fabric lines. 🙂

  382. Amber Iseman says:

    I love chocolate cake with lots of buttercream icing!!!

  383. Becky Bynum says:

    I love double fudge chocolate cake!

  384. Melinda says:

    My favorite Cake is Red Velvet with cream cheese icing !! It’s so wonderful 😊!!

  385. Cindy Berry says:

    My favorite cake is carrot cake with cream cheese icing…thanks for the chance to win your giveaways.

  386. Ashley Warren says:

    My favorite cake is a simple chocolate cake with marshmallow frosting. Thank you for the giveaway!

  387. Rhonda Mcdonald says:

    Devil’s Food with dark chocolate icing.

  388. Shannon C. says:

    Spice cake!

  389. Alice McFarlane says:

    My favorite kind of cake is any kind, but if I have to pick a favorite I would say a chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Yummy!!!

  390. carmen mullins says:


    My favorite cake is carrot cake! Hands down! 🙂

  391. Melanie says:

    Chocolate cake, for sure, and even better with chocolate frosting! I always requested this cake as a child, and still love it!! Yummy, yum yum. I suppose I should add that “layer cakes,” the fabric kind would come in close second. 🙂

  392. Tammy Roberts says:

    Chocolate cake with German chocolate icing!! Thx for the give-a-way!!!

  393. Lysa Arismendez says:

    I love angel food cake and then adding whatever fruit on top, usually berries.

  394. Lorraine Sutherland says:

    Black Forest cake is my favorite.

  395. Carol Samuelson says:

    Grandma’s molasses cake…..yum!

  396. Susan Lane says:

    Milk chocolate cake with white buttercream frosting and of course a fabric layer cake.

  397. My favorite cake is Angel food with a chocolate frosting. This is what my Mom made for all of our birthdays and what I still love come birthday time now.

  398. Rebecca Sherman says:

    I love chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

  399. Judy says:

    My favorite cake is Angel Food with fresh strawberries!

  400. Claire says:

    My favorite cake would be a Victoria Sandwich with cream and strawberries!

  401. Cheryl Keown says:

    My favorite cake is Mississippi Mud cake.

  402. Carol says:

    Love your Cake Mix quilt! My favorite cake to eat is Cheesecake with Cherries on top.

  403. Deirdre O'Riordan says:

    Definitely rum cake!

  404. Jeanne L Hoerr says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate cake with white frosting. The best!

  405. Aileen says:

    Pineapple upside down cake yum

  406. brenda seth says:

    my favorite cake is a simple white cake…I am not too fussy about the frosting, but the cake MUST be a white cake!

  407. Christi says:

    I love carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. My favorite.

  408. Heather Hanzlik says:

    Ice cream cake is my favorite!

  409. Melody Cox says:

    Lemon blueberry cake with buttercream frosting YUM

  410. Rebecca Stevens says:

    My Apricot Brandy Pound Cake.

  411. Jan Lewis says:

    German chocolate!

  412. Pam Patterson says:

    I love lemon cake with lemon glaze

  413. Pam Seaberg says:

    Chocolate, is there any other kind? Not for me.

  414. Cynthia Denlinger says:

    My favorite cake is a moist chocolate cake with butter cream frosting.

  415. Michelle Smith says:

    White cake with buttercream and raspberry filling!

  416. Love all the quilts! Angel food for me. 😉

  417. Jamie Finley says:

    Cheesecake for me!

  418. Pam says:

    In my grandmother’s last year of life, she surprised me on my birthday with a red velvet cake. Since then it’s been my favorite cake because of the lovely memories. And of course I love any kind of fabric layer cake! Thanks for the chance to win!

  419. Rita says:

    Fudgy chocolate cake with home-made chocolate frosting!

  420. Valerie Kubat says:

    My favorite is Hummingbird Cake!

  421. Nona says:

    German chocolate or a really good fudgy chocolate cake.

  422. Robby H. says:

    My favorite cake is definitely dark chocolate. I recently learned to make a mocha Italian buttercream icing that is definitely going to be the sweet “icing on the cake” next time I make a chocolate one.

  423. Michelle Hahne says:

    A basic chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting! But it can’t be dry

  424. Cheryl says:

    My grandma made an applesauce cake with raisins from scratch that was wonderful!!! It’s my favorite.

  425. Susan Shaffer says:

    Fig preserves cake with buttered rum sauce for my favorite fall cake. I do like cake mix recipes for layer cakes.

  426. Leigh Ann Prange says:

    Red velvet &/or carrot cakes with cream cheese icing from SCRATCH!!

  427. Kristen says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate.

  428. Pam Suther says:

    Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting!!

  429. Lee Ann says:

    It’s basic, but so good…a moist yellow cake with a fudgy chocolate frosting. Yum!

  430. Barb K says:

    Chocolate cake with a thick fudge icing.

  431. Shelly Kieffer says:

    My favorite cake is carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Maybe I like the frosting the best

  432. Debora Buskey says:

    Coconut cake with lemon filling

  433. Ashley says:

    I love chocolate cake!

  434. My favorite cake is an Italian Wedding cake.

  435. Denise says:

    My favorite kind of cake is a cupcake! 🧁 😉

  436. Loriann Fish says:

    If I have to choose… Today I choose carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

  437. Teresa W says:

    Chocolate Kahlua Cake with drizzled chocolate glaze icing

  438. Jodi B says:

    My 16 year old daughter makes me this almond cake with a raspberry buttercream frosting for Mothers Day every year, it is my favorite. She decorates the top with swirled flowers it not only beautiful but it taste wonderful.

  439. julie says:

    Mmmmm, Chocolate Cake-Pudding, a treat from childhood. Warm from the oven with a big scoop of ice cream on top. Decadent!

  440. Gretchen says:

    Carmel cake with Carmel frosting.

  441. Neena Kirsch says:

    My grandmother always made me my favorite cake when I was growing up: white cake, fluffy white frosting and marschino cherries on top! I haven’t had one in years….now it is all I can think about, lol.

  442. Deanna Wheaton says:

    Texas sheet cake…Yum-o-licious!

  443. Deb Girotti says:

    This is an easy one…..I’ve had it every year for my birthday since I was a little girl….Peter Paul Mounds Cake. Love all the coconut goodness between the layers.

  444. Susan N OLER says:

    Absolutely the best cake ever..Crazy Banana Cake. You have to try it.

  445. Tina Stout says:

    My favorite cake is definitely carrot cake with buttercream frosting. But also definitely cheesecake. Oh, and spice cake, definitely. I can’t decide!

  446. Linda S. says:

    Chocolate cake is my fave

  447. Tammy says:

    Besides layer cakes :-), my favorite cake is red velvet with cream cheese frosting. Yum! Thanks for the giveaway!

  448. Karen N. says:

    Definitely chocolate cake!! Especially German Chocolate cake!! My mom makes the best frosting… canned frosting for us!! =:) Absolutely in love with Candied Cotton!! So pretty!! =:)

  449. Judi says:

    Chocolate is my kryptonite so it’s chocolate cake! I make these chocolate cupcakes that you drop a cream cheese mixture with mini chocolate chips in the center of the cupcake before their baked. As they bake the cream cheese mixture is heavier so it sinks into the center. They are so moist you don’t need any frosting! They are so yummy. Your post has made me hungry! I wish I had some cake to eat! 😂😂

  450. Pam Reim says:

    Coca-Cola Dark Chocolate Cake with my Mom’s Witches Chocolate icing!!

  451. Linda Valentino says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate with seven minute frosting that my mom used to make for my birthday each year.
    My second favorite cake is all the mixes that Moda comes up with!

  452. Rita Mulvey says:

    Plain pound cake or a strawberry shortcake

  453. Lisa says:

    My favorite cake that I’ve ever had was malted chocolate with a toasted marshmallow filling and a white frosting! But really, I’ll try any. 😊

  454. Angelique says:

    My favorite cake is Italian cream cheese…hands down!!!

  455. Brenda says:

    chocolate cake…..almost any kind of chocolate will do!

  456. Beth N says:

    It kind of depends on whether we’re talking about a cake to make or a cake to eat. For eating I’d say a Key Lime Cheese Cake. For making … a German chocolate cake with the pecan/coconut top

  457. Misty A. says:

    I love all cake! My sweet momma makes an amazing homemade German chocolate cake complete with the homemade pecan coconut frosting! It is truly Devine.

  458. Michelle A says:

    This time of year, one of my favorite cakes to make and share with friends is a pumpkin/chocolate chip bundt cake. So yummy!!! Other times of the year, a sweet indulgence for me is red velvet cake!

  459. Amanda Best says:

    My favorite cake is red velvet!

  460. Tammy O says:

    I love all cakes. I guess the top of the list is mom’s Kentucky jam cake. Which will be made thru out the holiday! Thanks for the give away!

  461. Melissa Siegel Lautermilch says:

    Oatmeal cake or red velvet with homemade frosting would have to be my favorites.

  462. Kyra Franz says:

    Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting!

  463. Laura says:

    Chocolate cake drizzled with peanut butter frosting.

  464. My favorite kind of cake is a Lemon Meringue Cake. Whenever i serve it it’s always a hit!
    I have never tried using cake or cupcake papers to sew with but would sure love to try!

    Thanks for a chance to win your awesome give away!

  465. Maureen Fry says:

    My mother made a wonderful gingerbread cake with a boiled frosting! Loved it!

  466. JennyM says:

    My favorite cake is the one you set in front of me. Ha! Today cheese cake with a strawberry topping sounds yummy! Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.t

  467. Joan says:

    My favorite cake is anything chocolate!! With chocolate icing. Would love to win your giveaway..

  468. Rita Nichols says:

    My favorite cake is carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

  469. Kalen says:

    Pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting!

  470. Cheryl Gherna says:

    I love carrot cake, but I do like to “mix it up”.

  471. Krissy Butorac says:

    Is there a bad cake? LOL! German chocolate with coconut frosting is my favorite and my mom always made it for my birthday growing up so it’s very sentimental too. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  472. Cheryl Wirth says:

    Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, oh so yummy!

  473. Lori T says:

    I have never tried a cake mix but would really like to I just make a choice. I really like your quilt so maybe you have made my choice. Can’t wait to try it.

  474. Kathy says:

    My favorite cake is carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

  475. April Lopez says:

    While I truly love a good chocolate cake I my favorite cake is Spice Cake with cream cheese frosting. Mmmmmmmm

  476. charlotte m. says:

    My favorite cake is a dark chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I makes an appearance at most family birthdays.

  477. Joyce says:

    I always asked for angel food cake for my birthday while growing up. There was something gentle about all that fluffy sweetness. Now in quilting, I prefer a layer cake!

  478. Bev Johnson says:

    Love love ALL of this! Favorite cake would be German Chocolate 🥰
    Bev from Oregon 🎄

  479. Linda S says:

    Great give-away. It’s got to be chocolate!

  480. Susan Kerkendall says:

    Red velvet cake is my favorite.

  481. Carlyn Sullivan says:

    I consider myself a true chocoholic. So chocolate cake with chocolate chips and chocolate frosting.🥰. I’m enjoying reading your blog.

  482. Alana Lerwill says:

    I love a lemon crepe cake that is actually layers of crepes with lemon mascarpone between each one with a lemon glaze frosting & raspberries on top. The only thing better than eating cake is sewing with a layer cake. 😀

  483. Judy Lynn Zei says:

    Love the book! Coconut cake for sure!

  484. elin pittman says:

    I love ALL the cake flavors. I have never met a cake I didn’t like. Better if you bake your own. Currently testing vegan recipes. Yum! 🙂

  485. Linda Gillespie says:

    Pina colada cake which is a white cake with white frosting and coconut and pinapple on it SOOOOOOOO GOOOOD!

  486. Paulette says:

    Portillo’s Chocolate cake!! But if there was a chocolate chip cake, that would be the one!!

  487. Melanie says:

    I’m not a big cake fan, but never pass up a slice of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Yummy!

  488. Sherry says:

    Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting has always been my favorite

  489. Barb Onken says:

    My favorite cake would be a fabric layer cake. Angel food cake is my favorite to eat.

  490. Carol G says:

    My favorite cake is Carrot Cake. I also love the Cream Cheese Frosting. Would love to win this giveaway. I have never tried cake mix papers.

  491. Cathy Melancon says:

    Oh my!! I am on a diet and all this talk about cakes and cupcakes is making me want some!!! I love carrot cake with a not too sweet cream cheese icing!! Divine!

  492. Dana Bartlett says:

    So hard to pick a favorite, but I think a yellow cake with chocolate frosting! Your quilts are just beautiful.

  493. Jane Taylor says:

    Good Morning, Hands down… my favorite cake is Carrot Cake with “not too sweet” cream cheese icing! This luscious cake graces our Thanksgiving and Easter table and glows brightly for many birthday celebrations! My mother made it before me so every bite calls up memories of my youth and growing up. Our family has dubbed it “Eating Our Veggies” Carrot Cake!!

  494. dondim says:

    I used to love cake. Then I got a moderate wheat allergy. I enjoyed some gluten free cake pieces until my gall bladder started dying. I am three weeks out of my gall bladder removal. I hope to be able to enjoy cake again! For now I love seeing cakes–all kinds of cakes. I love being healthy again! That is better than eating cake and getting sick. So I will sew layer cakes and be joyful. Thanks for your gorgeous fabrics and quilts that never make me sick. Your use of colors is always a delight, though not to my budget. Oh, how fun to laugh!

  495. Kelly Mousley says:

    Raspberry cheesecake with chocolate cookie crumb crust. It’s to die for.

  496. Chrystal says:

    I love cake. Spice cake with Cream Cheese Frosting is always a special surprise 🙂

  497. donnawt says:

    My favorite cake is white with chocolate frosting. And by the way, my husband makes it for me.

  498. Marguerite Guinn says:

    Without a doubt my favorite cake is angel food! My grandmother made the “bestest” angel food cakes – and always from scratch with her homegrown eggs!

  499. Janis T says:

    I love vanilla cake with caramel frosting!

  500. Kathy R says:

    My favorite cake is either Carrot Cake or Strawberry Cake. Cream cheese frosting on anything is wonderful!

  501. Renee says:

    My favorite cake is lemon with a lemon pudding filling in between the layers and topped with lemon frosting. I love anything lemon flavored. Yummy!!

  502. Glenna Denman says:

    I love coconut lemon cake, takes a little time to bake but SO worth it! Thank you for these offers, I also love your patterns and fabrics.

  503. Robin H says:

    I love chocolate cake and cream cheese frosting with oreo cookies mixed in.

  504. spierssusan says:

    Chocolate Fudge cake with fudge icing! Yum! Love all these pretty fabric colors!

  505. says:

    My favorite is gooey butter cake. It is so rich and yummy.

  506. Paula says:

    Thanks for sharing these awesome patterns. A fabric layer cake is my favorite, but angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream is the best food!

  507. Helen L says:

    my favorite cake is carrot cake with pineapple, raisins, walnuts and coconut in it, with, of course, cream cheese frosting!! 🙂

  508. Sharon S says:

    Texas hot cocoa cake. Thank you for the great giveaway.

  509. Maxine Reisenleiter says:

    Well, I was going to say my favorite cake was chocolate, but now that I’ve read JUST A FEW of the other references to cakes, I’m not so sure. I seem to love a lot of the same cakes that others do also. Don’t they sound good!

  510. Colleen C. says:

    My very favorite cake is vanilla chiffon, with white chocolate Swiss buttercream & orange zest icing. There are also fresh berries in between each layer & on top. It is like the best vanilla & orange ice cream cup ever!

  511. Linda Stanley says:

    My favorite is angel food cake with strawberries. My mom made it for my birthday ever since I can remember. It’s almost like eating cotton candy for adults. Please enter me into your contest.

  512. Kathy Harris says:

    My favorite cake is angel food with strawberries and whipped cream.

  513. gijane279-Liz says:

    honestly pick one favorite cake… close to impossible but if I have to pick it’s my moms German Chocolate cake. Thanks for the chance to win

  514. Margaret says:

    Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Can’t get better than that. However, there’s nothing wrong with spice cake and cream cheese frosting, or angel food filled with strawberries and topped with whipped cream. I’m pretty sure I’ve never met a cake I didn’t love.

  515. Kim says:

    Sweet noncaloric giveaway!! ❤Hummingbird cake is my favorite cake because I can eat it for breakfast and not feel too guilty because it has fruit in it. 😉

  516. Katy Aanenson says:

    My favorite kind of cake? Oh boy. They’re all so good! Today I’ll say white cake with buttercream frosting. Tomorrow it will be carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, and the next day probably chocolate cake with caramel frosting. 😉

  517. Sheila Fernkopf says:

    I love chocolate cake with homemade chocolate frosting. I also like my homemade angel food cake without frosting. So much better than a mix. Thanks for the great giveaway – I would love to make your quilt. 🙂

  518. Alice says:

    I have never met a cake I didn’t like and I haven’t seen a quilt from this book that I haven’t loved.

  519. LISA RIFE says:

    My Great-Aunt Ede’s Texas Sheet Cake.

  520. Carla Jones says:

    Most definitely Key Lime Pie!!!

  521. Marie Eddins says:

    My favorite is Italian Cream cake. This is a fab giveaway ~ Thanks!

  522. Diana says:

    A good old fashioned Texas sheet cake. Yummy!

  523. ToniAnne Potter says:

    My favorite is carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Mmmmm, I don’t remember when I had it last but I want a slice now.

  524. Linda Kosfeld says:

    My mother’s made-from-scratch chocolate cake and chocolate frosting.

  525. Jeanne Riley says:

    Red Velvet cake is my favorite!!

  526. I’d have to say I’m a bit of a plain Jane belie I love the old standard yellow cake with homemade chocolate icing.

  527. lee says:

    I love coconut cake!

  528. Dianne Mann says:

    Definitely carrot cake! It’s like a blast to the taste buds in every bite.

  529. lj says:

    Chocolate chocolate chocolate!

  530. Frankie E Key says:

    My favorite cake is a Key Lime Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting.

  531. Sue Kirk says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate with chocolate frosting.

  532. All cake is good. Chocolate is the best!

  533. Black Forest cake was my childhood fav but hummingbird cake and carrot cake appeal to me now!

  534. Shari allen says:

    My favorite cake is chocolate pudding cake. It has a gooey fudge layer on the bottom. You serve it upside down so gooey layer is on top. It’s very easy to make and my kids love it. My favorite quilt is the square dance blue and white quilt.

  535. Mary Jo Brunner says:

    When my mom’s sister would visit it was a chocolate cake with the best seven minute white frosting!!!

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