Am I the only Dork?
Am I the only person who can sew together a whole stack of blocks before realizing there is no thread in the bobbin?–That whole stack up there—no bobbin thread…grrr. Super annoying, right?!? I felt a little bit better after chatting with a friend who has done the same thing–her idea of a low bobbin alarm was genious….I wish my machine had an alarm…I must admit this isn’t the first time I have encountered this problem.
I had just complained to Ryan about how unproductive I had been today….waiting in the Doctor’s office from 11:00 to 12:30 before even leaving the waiting room tends to make for an unproductive sort of day. I thought I would sew up a couple blocks…you know, be productive….well, that didn’t work out very well. Now, I can add another 20 minutes of unproductive to my day…unless poking needle holes in fabric makes me productive LOL! =)
On a happier note, I have this lovely stack of fabric:I am hoping to turn them into something fun. Hopefully, utilizing bobbin thread this time. =)
I picked up the two bottom fabrics from Fresh Squeezed Fabrics this week. They are from Anthology’s Bryant Park collection of fabrics. I had just been itching for a reason to purchase them. When the collection came out, they immediately caught my eye–so glad to have them added to my fabric stash. =)
Here’s to days of bobbin-full sewing! =)
Ha ha ha! I do that all the time, it is so frustrating!
Nice stack! Sounds like Nice Rack! Ha! I have done that before. Try sewing quilt block pieces together but some of the backwards!
You’re definitely not the only one! And apparently some machines DO have a low-bobbin warning…just not mine… 😉
Haha!!!!! I have done that SOOOOO many times!!!! lolol 😀
I did that so many times before I got my new machine. The only down side to the bobbin alarm is that is stops your sewing. Not a big deal unless you’re free motion quilting! I almost always have to do a bit of ripping/correcting where the bobbin runs out.
Aren’t you glad you’re not alone! (she said, raising her hand as well).
You are not alone! We’re all dorks apparently!
Been there, done that, got the holes in the fabric, lol. What’s even worse is when it’s on something that took ages to pin & you’ve carefully removed all the pins as you simply put needle holes in the fabric. I’ve long dreamed of a sewing machine with a bobbin alarm.
Been there, done that. I especially hate it when I’m sewing a particularly tedious piece and finally finish to find I didn’t sew anything 🙁
Thanks for the laugh!!! It is good to know other people do stupid stuff too! 🙂 I love your new fabric!
lol…I just did that last night and it was while I was sewing in a circle with dozens of pins that had been carefully placed. I pulled it away from the machine to discover about 1/4 of it was not actually sewn. I had to repin it all and start again. And I even knew that the bobbin was low and STILL forgot to check!
Yup, I’ve done that! Usually not again for a long time though! Oh yes, nice stack..lots of my favorites!
Three things:
1. Amen to the bobbin dorkery.
2. I am itching to buy that yellow+grey bryant park floral fabric featured in your last photo.
3. Doctor’s waiting rooms are what hexies were invented for!
Oh yes! I have definitely done that! What a relief to hear that others do it too!
What a lovely stack of fabric. I would have never thought gray and yellow would be so pretty together!
I did this just yesterday, thought I had sewn about 25 pairs of dresden plate petals together, and discovered I had actually sewn 2 1/4 pairs. Maddening!
Hi everyone! I too like to sew with ghost thread.
A sure fired way to beat the unpicker though. Keep smiling, just call it a practice run ; 0
I have done that once or twice and it is so frustrating. I love the new stack of fabric… can’t wait to see what you do with it.
Debbie K
Oh my gosh I am afraid to say how many times I have done that!! Love your yummy fabrics!
Ah! As they say..”May your bobbin always be full”!
sounds way to familiar…but, all I could do was laugh and be glad that I am not the only one and reading your comments tells me that “we” are not the only ones…lol!
Beautiful fabrics!! And you are not alone on the bobbin. I just did it today. :o)
My machine has a low bobbin warning, but sometimes it is so annoying. It warns you when the bobbin is low, but you can still sewing another few inches before it actually runs out. So, if it gets low a few inches before the end of the seam, I want to keep sewing, knowing that it will last, but the machine stops and beeps at me every three stitches!! Takes soooooo long to sew the last few inches of the seam.
And I love that stack of fabric, the grey and yellow really set each other off. I’m digging that colour combination at the moment
Bwah hahahha…. I have added a section to my site called dummy quilter on blog, that is one of my dummy quilter things… I consdier myself you know reasonably intelligent, but I do some very silly things quilting!
Too funny….yup…I’ve sewn without bobbin thread more than once. I’ve even sewn when the top thread ran out and I didn’t notice. I don’t think I’ve ever sewn a stack of blocks without thread though! That is too funny. I used to have the low bobbin warning on my Pfaff and if you open the bobbin door (it is below the sewing surface) you can sew to the end without stopping every few stitches. So I’d open the door and then promptly forget that I was almost out of thread and I’d run out anyway. More than once I might add.
Well, is it even more dorky to HAVE a bobbin alert on your machine but routinely ignore it (just one more seam…) and THEN realize you sewed a whole lot of nothing?
I love those yellows and greys!!
I have never done an entire stack of blocks but I have done a good stretch of a long straightaway. SOOOOO frustrating. I think the Bernina 800 series might have some alarm or such but seriously, I don’t think it should be that tough. I would even love to have it alarm when the bobbin is ALMOST empty. I so hate to be doing some gorgeous topstitching and then find out I can’t make it to the end. I usually tear that all out and do it over. I don’t need a thread cutter – I would gladly give up that (and probably a half dozen other features I can’t think of right now).
I know exactly how you feel. I get so caught up with feeding in those blocks and get really excited when the pile builds up on the other side of the machine. Then you suddenly realise that they aren’t falling quite right – DOH!
Nope, definitely not. I once sewed together 100+ pairs of half-square triangles only to learn I ran out of bobbin after the first pair. That quilt never did see that border.
I do that all the time! Especially if I’m chain piecing. Last night my bobbin thread ran out at exactly the end of a seam. I actually went and shared the good news with my boyfriend 🙂
No, you are not the only one and I certainly don’t think you are a dork. I have done that a number of times – oh for a bobbin thread alarm! For all that we pay for our machines, you would think they would have one!!! Love the fabrics too
Yep, done that.
I call them my imaginery lines, I just did a whole line of quilting with no bobbin thread, I also wish my machine had that alarm!
Not a whole stack of blocks, but definitely enough that I felt really foolish when I realized the last 15 didn’t get sewn because I ran out of bobbin thread!
No, you are not alone! In fact, I can claim to be a super-dork because last week I sewed the bottom of my quilt to the leaders on my long arm because I ran out of backing fabric and didn’t realize it. It’s one of those things you keeping looking at saying “did I really do that?” not quite believing you were that stupid. Bet I don’t repeat THAT for a while – LOL! Those fabrics are awesome!
I am floating in the same boat 🙂 I have lost count of how many times I have picked up my pieces to head to the iron only to have them fall apart. Double Grrr!!! I love the idea of a low bobbin warning 🙂 And I love your fabrics, they will make up something stunning for sure!!
great to know that there are other ‘dorks’ out there and they admit it! love your post today and that fabric is wonderful.
Been there, done that, although not with a whole stack of blocks. It usually just takes one or two blocks for me to realize what’s going on. Here’s to a more productive day!
Love those fabrics…and my machine has a low bobbin beeper….I have such a love/hate relationship with that thing. But I have another machine that has no beeper and I wish it did! I guess I am never satisfied!
Been there, done that. And i have a drop-in bobbin so I can even easily SEE it!! Grrr. Love the yellow and grey stack you have there!
Count me in the dork club! I just did that very thing. I was sewing rows together, got through three pairs…. no thread in the bobbin. I thought these fancy sewing machines could at least tell you when the bobbin is gone.
NO!!! I do it all the time! I can also go through a few blocks before I realize the top thread wasn’t there either! LOL It may take a while, but I can fix it!
Nope. I am a dork too. Often.
I get so irritated when I do that!!
Stack of fabric is lovely 🙂
UGH for that kind of day! Hoping things are going better now.
been there.. done that on the bobbin!
the low alarms sometimes work.. dust is the enemy
It’s nice to know there are alot of us dorks out there. Thanks for sharing all your great things and thoughts.
Oh man, I hate when that happens. Just happened to me yesterday while sewing a cardigan for my husband’s BD. It was stretchy knit material too; when I was done stretching and sewing the band on or sew 🙂 I thought I discovered I had run out of bobbin thread and had to do the stretchy thing all over again. Crap!
The problem is the low bobbin alarm…. forget telling us when it is low —- just tell us when it is empty …… what do you do with low bobbin alarm….. ignor it….. sure am not going to change it with 16 inches of thread still in there…..
One good thing about putting holes in fabric….. there will be no ripping out needed…..