Backdrop Bundle #2 Update

This is an out of the ordinary, quick Wednesday afternoon blog post. =)

The 5 pattern Backdrop Bundle is nearly sold out. These have sold quickly! Thank you to all who have purchased. =)

There is only one more Paper pattern bundle available to purchase. Because the Paper bundles will be sold out once that final bundle sells, we are switching the YouTube set to feature new quilts for Saturday’s video. The PDF version of Backdrop Bundle #2 will be available to purchase through Friday, February 7. On Saturday, Backdrop Bundle #3 will release and #2 will be retired.

I wanted to let you all know this info in case you were interested in purchasing this bundle while it is still available. =)

You can shop Backdrop Bundle #2 here.

See you all Saturday! Corey

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12 Responses

  1. Joyce L Daniels says:

    I finally got the February pattern to print but it charged me a 2nd time. Very frustrated.

    • Corey says:

      Hi Joyce!…I looked up your orders over on Etsy. You placed two different orders for the Hello Friend pattern. You ordered one on February 1 and one on February 4. I cancelled/refunded the order that you hadn’t downloaded. If you ever encounter a problem when placing an order from my Etsy shop, just send me a message and I’ll get you taken care of. =)

  2. Andrea C Bault says:

    Hi Corey…happy Wednesday!āø These fast sales show you are well loved and offer something that appeals to a lot of people. Well-done!

  3. Delores Rast says:

    Love your new sew Corey!!! Iā€™m happy for you and your family that you got a new house!!! Thank you for all you do!!!

  4. Mary Baldassin says:

    Will bundle #3 be different from bundle #2? I was fortunate to get a paper bundle of #2 but curious to what #3 will be. Thank you

  5. Lisa Drapela says:

    Sew happy for you! Iā€™m glad I got my order in šŸ˜Š

  6. Deb Keller says:

    Hi Corey. I just happened by the blog, and lo and behold, there was a post! I decided not to go for the bundle this time as I already have Like a Charm and Barn Star 8. I am eagerly awaiting Bundle #3! I just love your videos – they always make me feel happy. See you Saturday!

Hey Friends!--I'd love to hear from you. =)

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