Block Heads 3 Week 1
Welcome to Block Heads Round 3! I am so excited to be kicking off another awesome round of this fun quilt along.
I participated in the last two rounds of Block Heads and they have been such a treat. It is so much fun to make the weekly blocks and to see the quilts that everyone is making.
This is my round 1 quilt which, gasp, still needs to be quilted. =)

Block Heads Round 1 quilt
And, this is my second Block Heads Quilt:

Blockheads 2 quilt
If you are new to Moda Block Heads, it is a free, sew along hosted by Moda Fabrics. You don’t need to sign up to participate. The blocks will be posted each Wednesday to the featured designer’s blog. This week, that is me. =) I will have a complete list of the designers, in order, at the bottom of this post so you know where to head each Wednesday for the next block. The block will also be posted on Friday of the same week to the Moda Block Heads Facebook group if that is more convenient for you.
This is the first round that you can choose your block sizes. All of the patterns released will include multiple sizes so you can really make the quilt your own. Because of this, yardage requirements will vary from person to person. I suggest starting with a favorite fat quarter bundle or working from stash fabrics. You can add extra fabrics throughout the year as you see fit. I know I love a reason to pop by my LQS. =) If you are using a single background, buy several yards. I always have 9900-200 (Moda Bella Solid in Off White) on hand by the bolt because I use so much of it!
For my blocks, I am planning to use Canning Day (which hits local quilt shops next month):

Canning Day Fabrics coming out February 2020
And Sugarcreek (both wovens and prints) which is in shops right now:

Sugarcreek prints on the left and wovens on the right.
I am also planning on making the 6″ blocks–because of this, I will be focusing on user the smaller scaled fabrics in these lines.
I haven’t nailed down my layout for certain, but this is where I think I will probably land:

Potential Block Heads 3 Lay Out
Once I’ve decided for certain, I will give yardage requirements for the finishing as well as cutting instructions should anyone wish to make the same lay out. This lay out will use 49 of the 56 blocks that will be released. This is a great option for me because sometimes my weeks get away from me!
And now, without further ado…this weeks block is Star Chain:
The pink is one of the wovens from Sugarcreek wovens and the gray is from Sugarcreek. My background is 9900-200. I really like a “chain” within a quilt and you also see that reflected in the lay out I am considering.
Now, a quick note and a bit of advice about the block pattern. I made two attempts at sewing this block…my first attempt went a little bit south, accuracy-wise. =) For my first go, I followed the pattern instructions which include a fair amount of piecing using trickier measurements and triangles. And my block didn’t turn out as accurate as I prefer.
When we turn in our block patterns for Block Heads, we don’t have to write up the instructions (which is amazing!) so sometimes the block construction might be a bit different than our usual techniques.
When I remade my block the second time, I used the stitch and flip technique for those trickier portions of the block. I’m providing an additional PDF which outlines this change to the original pattern (as well as cutting guidelines for the different sized blocks) should anyone else also wish to make this change. I was much happier with my accuracy going the stitch/flip route. I know we all piece differently and have our own preferences so you can choose which method you prefer.
Star Chain Optional Stitch/Flip Piecing
If you are unfamiliar with stitch/flip piecing, this reference from the last round of Block Heads goes over various piecing techniques you might find helpful.
And here is how the Star Chain block will fit with the lay out I posted above:
I will be posting my blocks each week and I hope that I will see you back here again next week. I am combining sharing my blocks with my weekly “Wondering Wednesday” posts where I answer my readers questions. It has quickly become a favorite of mine (as well as all of you!). To read some of my previous Wondering Wednesday posts, check here.
I also post regularly on Instagram @corianderquilts and I’d love to see you in my Facebook group! Thank you for reading!–see you next week.
Moda Block Heads Round 3 Designers (stop by on the dates listed to get the weekly block pattern):
1.15 – Corey Yoder
1.22 – Sherri McConnell
1.29 – Betsy Chutchian
2.5 – Jan Patek
2.12 – Brigitte Heitland
2.19 – Lisa Bongean
2.26 – Lissa Alexander
3.4 – Laurie Simpson
3.11 – Vanessa Goertzen
3.18 – Stacy Iest Hsu
3.25 – Robin Pickens
4.1 – Janet Clare
4.8 – Jen Kingwell
4.15 – Joanna Figueroa
Love the first block and your choice of fabrics and colors…thank you for getting us started off!
Thank you so much!–And thank you for sewing along! =)
Not that you haven’t done enough for this round of blockheads but will you be doing coloring pages as you did last year?
I am not planning on doing the coloring pages for this round.
Love your layout,
Thank you so much!
Love your block and layout!!
Thank you so much!
Thank you! I enjoy the Blockhead Designers and really appreciate ALL the time and creativity you put into your blocks and designs and providing us free access. I’m a confident beginner quilter and I am able follow your instructions perfectly. Of particular importance, thanks for providing additional sizes. I love the layout because I’m just working with on point method and love it. Thank you again, your blog is wonderful!
Thank you!–I am so glad that you visited today. This is always such a fun quilt along. =)
I love Sugarcreek and Wovens together in all of your patterns. Can’t wait to begin quilting. Thanks so much for your designs and inspirations.
Thank you so much!–I have been having so much fun with Sugarcreek as well. =)
Thanks for providing an easier way to do this block!! You are the best. Can’t wait to get started!
You are so welcome!
Thank you for the beautiful block!
You are so welcome!–thank you for sewing along!
Your fabrics are always BEAUTIFUL and brighten any gloomy wintery day in Iowa. Thankyou!!
It looks beautiful but I can’t print the directions. The PDF prints the picture but not the directions. Thanks!
page two
Hmmm…I’m not sure why that would be. You might try printing from a different device?
Such a pretty block! Thanks for going first and getting us started!
Such a fun January kick-off for weeks of fun sewing in the future!
will you be making a coloring sheet for each block as you did for blockheads 2?
I will not be.
Do you know if anyone else is?
I haven’t heard that anyone will be.
I love your block. I am still trying to decide about doing this as I have several projects that are needing to be completed. I did blockheads 2. I always check your posts so I think I will copy patterns for now and catch up later. It will motivate me to finish them. I am enjoying your Goodness Grows in sew sampler box.
Thank you so much! It seems there are always so many fun sew alongs going on and it’s hard not to join them all! I am so happy you are enjoying Goodness Grows–I have been having so much fun seeing everyone working on those blocks. =)
I’ve never sewn using the woven fabrics. Do you cut and sew as usual or is there a different trick/step. I saw your line in wovens at my LQS but I was afraid because they feel so thin that I’d ruin it.
So many people wonder about sewing with wovens! I did a blog post recently answering some of the questions I’ve received about them. You might find it helpful:
I’m in! Corey I love this layout!! This is what sold me and I will use sugar creek!!!!
I love a “chain-y” sort of lay out!–so happy to have you joining in. =)
For piece F of the stitch and flip directions, we need 4 (not 1), right?
That is exactly right Amy. =)
I love your layout. Will you be sharing the layout as well?
Yes, I will be! =)
Here we go again – I love a good quilting adventure! Thanks for the lovely block, and I am keeping your layout in mind. I really like it!!
It is a quilty adventure!–and you are right, they are fun! =) So glad to have you joining in!
Wonderful! The challenge to myself is to use my Deb Tucker rulers to make all the units for these blocks this year. Allison C Bayer, Plano, Texas
That sounds like a fun challenge!
What a delightful block to kick off BH3! I do love a challenge. One question: I just read your blog about using wovens and you mention washing in HOT water. Do you really mean hot? I am amazed. If you really mean that, I will have to try it on a project. It is good to think I may not have to be quite so cautious. Now, to go make your fun block.
Ok, so…I wash all of my clothing laundry on hot…darks, whites, and one load of greens/reds. And I don’t change my settings to wash quilts. You might not be as aggressive of a user of hot water like I am and might prefer not to wash on hot. I know you wouldn’t be alone!
Corey, I really love this block. And the fabrics you used are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing and for the pattern.
Thank you so much!
Love your layout… what size will the finished quilt be?
As pictured, it is 54″ x 66″.
Do you think 2 charm packs and some yardage of the backround fabric (I’m using all Sunnyside Up) will be enough for the whole blockhead 3?
No–the suggested requirements are to start with a fat quarter bundle plus yardage of background.
Hello Corey, this is my first Blockhead quilt and I’m really excited. I’m trying to learn about all types of blocks in my quilting journey. I was trying to work out if your block is classified as an 8 patch? Thanks so much!
Yes, it would be an 8 unit block. =)
Thank you
I decided 2020 is the year I do my first BH, and finally, FINALLY, use some of my beloved (and extensive) Anna Maria Horner stash. I love your layout design took.
That is going to be wonderful Cindy!
I’m so excited to participate in BH3. I love your block and can’t wait to make it this weekend. Thanks
Have fun sewing!
When you mentioned the 1st piecing difficulty I had thought of another way to piece the block but realized it would put a seam where you obviously hadn’t planned one. Lo’ and behold! That’s your second method! Love it! but–I’m gonna have to try the 1st way just to …well….”TRY”! Love the block!
That’s what I did–tried the first method–sometimes it comes together like I want it to but it’s nice to have another way to do things if it doesn’t!
Im downloading stuff all morning and went to Coreys sight, clicked on download PDF and guess what will not download?!?!?! Got any suggestions
It says Im not connected to the internet or site which obviously not the case
If you are still having trouble, you might try downloading it from the Moda Block Heads facebook group once it is added to the Files Section today (Friday) and see if that works better for you. =)
I have to order background fabric and want to use your layout for both and want to plan accordingly. How much fabric to I need so I can order My fabric all at the same time
Once I have the cutting instructions figured up, I will figure the yardage and post all of that information on my blog.
Can someone please tell me if there are YouTube videos on blockhead Quilts?
As of right now, I am not aware of any.
Material is gorgeous, love those colours & seeing the layout visually awesome!
Thank you so much!
First time blockhead- long time fabric lover! Im going to have to get my hands on your newest lime- defeating my “lets try to use what you have on hand” goal for 2020. Oh well!
I love your layout. Thus far I wamt to mimic it! Before I cut out block 1 (which is already pushing me out of my comfort zone) will you have yardage and cutting for thr layout only in 6″ blocks or the 8 as well. Im intimidated by the 6″….and the 8″ but 12 would be JUMBO!!!
See you again in a few weeks for sure (and before then I hope!)
Hey Lisa!–so glad to have you for this round of Block Heads! I will be posting the instructions for the 6″ size using this lay out.
Thanks so much for block #1 it is so cute. I have not chosen my fabric yet and love your new collection that is coming out. This is my first Moda blockheads so I am taking my time choosing my block size and fabric. This is going to be so much fun.
Thank you so much for joining in!–it is going to be a lot of fun. =)
Thank you! Your block turned out so cute.
Thank you so much!
just heard of your site and it sounds wonderful…sewing along with you. Is thIs site called Moda Block Heads Round 3?? and is this the very first Block??? Confused because when I saw 3 I thought I had missed 1 and 2.
I am so glad you are sewing along! Moda Block Heads is a sew along hosted by Moda Fabrics. Each week, a different Moda fabric designer will be sharing the weekly free block. This block is week one of the third round of this quilt along. Moda Block Heads has been taking place for a number of years and this is the third quilt we are making. So you haven’t missed any blocks on this quilt–but there would have been two previous quilts that you weren’t aware of. =) If you are not already a member of the Moda Block Heads Facebook page, I suggest you join. It is a wonderful resource. I linked to it in my post above. Sherri McConnell of A Quilting Life will be sharing block number two on Wednesday this week (1/22/20) so be sure to visit her site for the second block of this quilt on that date.
Dear Corey, Love
your block but I have a question. On the stitch and flip I’m doing 8”F is 2 1/2” G & E are 1 1/2”. Do you have a hint or an example from Blockheads 1 because I’m not sure how to sew them together to fit. I see all the blocks on line and they look great so it must be me.
Be sure to check out the resource I linked to right underneath the PDF’s for more information on the stitch & flip method. Also, if you need further help, if you google “stitch and flip” method you will find great tutorials (both picture and video) that you might find helpful!
Finally able to sit and make this block. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I want to thank you, Corey, for your suggestion for the alternate flip and stitch method. It certainly made things flow quicker and more accurately. Smiles and blessings.
I was looking at the directions for stitch and flip from the link you’ve provided. I haven’t started sewing D and E together because if I do as the method states, It seems I will lose my points in the seams on the outer edge of the block. I am doing the 8″ block. Should the E squares be 1/4″ shorter?
Nevermind. I see what happens when you stitch it together!
Hi Corey! I love your block. This is my first Blockhead quilt. I am nervous and very excited! I appreciate your time in preparing the second set of directions because we all piece differently. I do have a couple questions? When making the flying geese units (from blocks d and e, from the 12 inch block )what are the unfinished size? Also when making the square in a square block (using e, f, g, ) what size should the unfinished size be if I am making the the 12 inch block? Thank you for your time and I hope I asked the questions correctly! Have a blessed week! Thanks