Coming Soon!…Cali & Co. Mystery BOM + Matching Bella Solids

Good morning friends! Cali & Co. is starting to pop up in quilt shops. As such, I am sharing all of the matching Bella solids. You can see all of the matching colors in the graphic above. This blog post will also be saved under the “Bella Solids Matching Information” so you can reference it again in the future.

Cali & Co. includes a full rainbow of color and the matching solids are such a treat.

It is also time for me to share some more information about our upcoming Cali & Co. Mystery BOM that kicks off in 2025. If you missed out on that announcement (and the fabric requirements), you can find that here.

I will be releasing the first PDF block pattern on Saturday, January 18. On that day, the PDF pattern will be available to download here on my blog and the tutorial video will release during my regular Saturday video. New block patterns will release on the 3rd Saturday of each month. You can download and print the full calendar below.

Cali & Co. Mystery BOM Calendar

In today’s video, I am sharing a lot of information about the Cali & Co. Mystery BOM. This includes answering many viewer questions about the BOM that you might find helpful. You can watch the video here. I’m also sharing a couple Coriander Fun Finds (including another free pattern), and chatting about all of the quilts that I designed for Cali & Co., and going over all of the solid matches. There’s a lot of great info in there…I hope to have you watch!

Have a wonderful weekend! Corey

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20 Responses

  1. Carla says:

    Hi Corey,
    So excited for the 2025 BOM! I think you mentioned on your video this morning something about long piecing for this. My question is, will a fat quarter bundle of Cali & Co work instead of the fat eighth bundle?

    • Corey says:

      Yes, it would…a fat quarter bundle provides more fabric than a fat eighth bundle does. FQs are approx 18″ x 22″ while F8s (as they are cut in a Moda bundle) are 9″ x 22″.

  2. Pamela Emery says:

    Thanks for showing the Bella Solids. I Love adding the matching Bella Solids into the Quilt Patterns. I can add extra fabrics, it can make more options for the blocks, add borders. Or to have in my stash at all times.
    Thanks Again Corey

  3. Beverly says:

    First let me just say that I love your fabrics and patterns and look forward to your videos every time one posts. But today I want to thank you for the fact you always give us the info on matching solids. That’s great information to have for any project I may wish to make with one of your collections. My background fabric for the BOM has been patiently waiting in the sewing room and my Cali&Co fat 8th bundle is on the way. I guess you can tell I am looking forward to January. Have a great day and be well.

    • Corey says:

      I’m so glad you find that information helpful. =) I know it can be tricky to know the best solid matches especially if you find that you need to purchase fabrics online.

  4. Angel Baker says:

    Corey, Thank you so much for sharing the solids, that helps so much I was going to really have to search so you made it so much easier. I love the video but I am sitting on pins and needles (lol) waiting for the yardage to come out. I was hoping to go today. I will keep planning! Thank you again!
    Angel Baker

  5. Deb adrian says:

    i’m really looking forward to this! You have such a gift teaching and your enthusiasm is contagious! my daughter just opened a quilt shop in gypsum colorado and this was the first full collection she ordered! Only days until it arrives! can’t wait!

  6. Suzanne says:

    Hi Corey! I have a fat eighth bundle of Sugarcreek that I’ve been hanging onto and I’m wondering if it would be a good choice for this upcoming BOM. I think it was only 34 SKUs instead of 40, so I might have to supplement a little. Do you think that collection would work with what you have planned? I’ve always loved it and am ready to have a Sugarcreek quilt in my house. Thanks!

  7. Kathy Anderson says:

    Will we need solids for the mystery BOM for Cali & Co?

  8. Daisy says:

    Cali & Co. will be a fun quilt along. Thank you. My local quilt shop only ordered layer cakes and jelly rolls in the precuts. Will two layer cakes work, or should I order on line?

  9. Robyn says:

    So excited for this BOM to start!! i’m all set and using Cali & Co. my christmas present to myself!!!

  10. Kristina Baiamonte says:

    Hey Corey- we are going to be following your QAL this upcoming year at my local quilt shop. We’re trying to decide whether to meet on the release day each month around 9 or 10 am or the weekend after. Do you anticipate the releases happening early morning on each of the designated days? Or should we schedule our meet ups for the weekend after?


  11. Mary Melzer says:

    I’m confused as to where the solids that you recommend are used in the quilt

  12. Sally P says:

    Really looking forward to the 2025 Block of the Month. My quilt guild, “Pieceful Patchers” will be participating as a group which leads me to my quilting tip for beginners. Find a group or a mentor that will support your enthusiasm for quilting with constant ideas and suggestions. Best place to learn is from other quilters.

  13. lmcraig029 says:

    Hi Corey, So excited for this sew along. Love your fabric designs. Tried to download the schedule and it leads me to a download “Print With Wave” . . . . so downloaded, but then when I clicked the link to print again, my computer just went to the “Print with Wave” install command again. . .not the schedule to actually print. So frustrating. Hope I didn’t mess up my computer by downloading the “Wave” app . . . . wish I could access the schedule you provided.

  14. Patricia Craven Taylor says:

    Hi Corey. I’ve downloaded the block of the month finally. I’m doing the Riley Blake block challenge and I decided to join this too. I’m having surgery at the end of the month, but I think I can keep up and I need some small projects to space out between my larger quilt projects and this looks perfect. Thank you so much for organizing this. Really love your Saturday shows and your cheerful demeanor and all of your wonderful, wonderful talent!

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