
Finally, on month 12 of the Ringo Pie bee I have made a block that I am happy with!  Amy  went with a camera/film theme for her month–truth be told, I have been intimidated with this theme since I found out about it.  Seriously folks, I was thinking I was gonna have to paper piece a vintage camera or some such thing and I knew it just wasn’t gonna come out.  So, when I hit upon this whole polaroid idea I knew it was something that I could do.  I am so pleased with how this block turned out and I hope that Amy loves it!

Let’s revisit my Ringo Pie Blocks from the last year shall we? =)

October 2010–theme: Collections.

November 2010–theme:  Desserts

January 2011–theme:  Doors


February 2011–theme:  Union Jacks

March 2011–theme:  Beginnings(this was another favorite of mine)

 April 2011–theme:  Kitchen

May 2011–theme:  Letters/packages

June 2011–theme:  Summertime

July 2011–theme:  Design Classics

August 2011–theme:  Quilts on the Line
(this was my month!)  I’ll share those blocks with you soon–they are a.m.a.zing!!

Setpember 2011–theme:  Christmas

Ringo Pie September

And of course October 2011–theme:  Photography/Film

This bee has certainly been a trip!

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34 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    I think the photo blocks are brilliant. Wouldn’t this be a fun way to make a modern type I-Spy quilt?

  2. Jill says:

    This is so fantastic! And Chris’ suggestion for an i-spy quilt like this.

  3. Greta says:

    Woman, what are you talking about! I can’t believe you said finally you made a block you like. There are so many great blocks that you have made for this bee. I still LOVE that new begings block so much, it’s so sweet and simple, and perfect.

  4. Nancy says:

    I love the Ringo Pie blocks – they are so creative! The polaroid block would make an amazing quilt!

  5. Oh my gosh this block is incredible!! You are so creative to come up with that.

  6. Alli says:

    Your polaroid block is so cool! 🙂

  7. Jacey says:

    I know your Polaroid block has been making the rounds on pinterest. It is incredible! I’ve really enjoyed peeking at all of the amazing Ringo Pie blocks this year. So inspiring!

  8. Sarah@SewMe says:

    I think your polaroid block is so clever and the rest are amazing too! You should be so proud of yourself!

  9. daisy says:

    I am totally in LOVE with the polaroid blocks!

    daisy, of Lazy Daisy Quilts Podcast

  10. Lauren says:

    So Cute! I love the Polaroid blocks! So clever!

  11. gina f. says:

    i think all of your blocks are amazing! The polaroids are my favorite… i want one…. i don’t know what i would do with it but it is so cute!

  12. rosa says:

    I love your blocks, ringo pie is my favorite

  13. Michelle says:

    I love your blocks — they’re all gorgeous! And those polaroids are so cute and clever.

  14. Karen Wilson says:

    Now all you need to do is embroider some “scribble” under each photo, the way those polaroids always had something written on them like name or date!

  15. Colleen says:

    This so rocks! I love all of your blocks but the polaroid is genius!

  16. Jane says:

    I love all your blocks. You’re very clever!

  17. Ariane says:

    I love all your blocks! They are all amazing!!!

  18. marybeth says:

    Brilliant! So very clever!! Well done.

  19. randi says:

    your polaroid block is amazing! i simply love it!

  20. they are all cute and creative. LOVE the polaroids!

  21. Cherise says:

    The polaroid block is amazing! How cleaver! Thanks so much for sharing it! 🙂

  22. CitricSugar says:

    Polaroid fussy cuts! Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

    I love seeing the ingenious things people come up with when given a theme and a nudge…

  23. nicke says:

    such an amazing block! and such an amazing group.

  24. Eva-Marie says:

    I love them all, but especially the poloraids! Unique in one word!

  25. What a wonderful block, I LOVE it!!!

  26. Briana says:

    Love the polaroids! What a great idea. And I love all your others, too…so it’s not “finally” from my viewpoint.

  27. Bridgette says:

    You have incredible skill! These blocks are like amazing.

  28. lindo, lindíssimo
    adicionei como favorito!!!!

  29. Shannon says:

    I love all of your blocks. The picture block is so creative. I love it!!

  30. Melissa D says:

    Your blocks are all fantastic, but I am most in love with the Polaroid! You inspired me to use your design in a quilt I am making with solids. I love the way these blocks look! Thank you for sharing and the inspiration!

  31. April says:

    Just found the Polaroid block on Pintrest! Love it!! I think I might try to do this for my little guy’s nap quilt that he’ll bring to preschool. I might try to print pics of family. Super cool block, thanks for the inspiration!

  32. Auntie Pami says:

    Love! My first thought was I spy, one of my fans. 2.5 inches? Wow

  1. April 27, 2012

    […] 5. This cute polaroid block. […]

  2. July 12, 2012

    […] of Stitched in Color (above) has a bunch of these little gems made up into a quilt.  And maybe Amy of Little Miss Shabby started the whole craze, with her invention for her Ringo Pie […]

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