Goofing Off

Nicole's Fabrics

My blondie fondie decided today was a good day to test mommy’s patience…I can’t blame her though–she woke up this morning and the first thing that she told me was “my mouth hurts”–aka..I have a sore throat.  It’s accompanied with sniffles and sneezes…and a bad temper.  I knew it was risky taking her out to run a couple errands but there were a couple things that I had to do(Chloe has a soccer game tonight followed by Awana so my evening is pretty full) and I thought I was up for the challenge….I was not.

She looks rather innocent doesn’t she?…do not be fooled.  After our frightful trip back home filled with houdini-like trying to escape from her car seat(I may or may not have told her the policeman would come if she unbuckled herself—I know, I know….one of those proud mommy moments), she went right up to bed where she fell asleep within 5 minutes and has been sleeping away for almost 2 hours.  Note to self:  No errand running when Elonie has a cold…lesson learned! =p

Anyhoo–after laying her down I decided to have a little fun playing with some fabric–I have a million other things I should be doing but fabric is always a great de-stresser.

Nicole's Fabrics

My sister Nicole is going to be taking my upcoming pillow class & I had told her if she liked she could choose her fabrics from my stash.  This past Sunday we had a b-day party at our house for my mom and we chose the fabrics for Nicole’s pillow.  She didn’t originally know what color theme she wanted to go with but she mentioned that she liked french script & aqua–so that’s where we started–with those 2 script fabrics–then we added in some other aquas and greys.

I decided to play with the pillow layout a bit so I could see how many 5″ squares of each fabric I need(I told her I’d cut them for her).

This is the original pillow:

And here’s a little mock-up of Nicole’s pillow.


I think it’s going to be really pretty when it’s finished!

Oh, and by the way Elonie has woken from her nap–I got her settled in with a little milk to drink and some Super Why(my girlies get special tv privileges when they are under the weather) and she is in a much better mood!

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15 Responses

  1. margaret says:

    I love the colors Nicole (and you) picked.

  2. gorgeous pillow!!! i just finished my very first quilted pillow last night! SO FUN! I’m also struggling with my sick little guy – SO NOT FUN!

  3. Karen says:

    Lovely fabrics, and I love the original pillow!
    Cutie patootie little one, too! Have a good evening… Karen

  4. Suzanne says:

    I have been tending a 3.5 yr old with a nasty head cold and a temper too. You got alot more done than I ever could.

  5. Diana Nelson says:

    So pretty – Colors are my favorite.

  6. Angela says:

    Ahhh…today my girlie woke up with a horrible cold and it’s been similar around here. I too made the mistake of attempting an errand with her….let’s just say I didn’t hang around the store. 😉

  7. H2Ogirl says:

    Oh my this is lovely! I’ll have to use these colors together for sure

  8. randi says:

    i love that stack! so pretty!

  9. Tiffany says:

    Can you tell me what those lovely script prints are called? This is a gorgeous bundle!

  10. Gorgeous stack of fabric! Glad Eloni is feeling a little better and your sister’s cushion is going to look great!

  11. Karla Schuamcher says:

    I am so glad to hear that I am not the only mother who has used that line. Your daughter is beautiful, I hope she feels better soon. Your pillow is gorgeous.

  12. my 2 year old is getting his last molar in and yesterday was so terrible that i nearly sold him to the circus.
    that fabric stack is gorgeous. i must ask what that gray flower print is, fourth from the top. i love it.

    • Corey says:

      Molars are the worst aren’t they!–I hope he is feeling tip top soon. Elonie is still a little under the weather–nothing too major & she’s been sweet as can be. Maybe she just needed to get it out of her system! That grey print is from the line of fabric “Come Quilt With Me”.

  13. Jean C. says:

    Hope that your little Hodini stays in her car seat…. you both your sakes…
    a little one managed to pull that here in Utah, and mom didn’t know she had…. she got outta the car and was run over… I know a mom’s worst nightmare! Make her seat belts tighter!!! Or get one she can’t do the straps/buttons on… so sad.
    On a much lighter note…. the fabric’s your sis is using are beautiful… sooo
    pretty… have fun with the class!

  14. Beautiful fabric stack!

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