Happy Scrappy Baskets Quilt {a new quilt pattern}

Happy Wednesday Friends!  Can you believe that we are in December?  And it’s a Blockheads day–and I have some fun to share with you!

As you know (or maybe you don’t) I have opted not to do any applique blocks for this round of Blockheads.  So, I have been designing alternate blocks for anyone else wishing to forgo applique.  Now, it must be said, I love applique and if you have never tried it, I encourage you to!

The week, our applique block is brought to us by Jan Patek.  It is a beautiful appliqued basket block.  You will find the pattern for the applique block on her site.

In keeping with the basket theme, I have designed the Happy Scrappy Basket block for this week’s alternate block.  I used a scrappy mix of my fabric lines.  That wonderful basket base fabric is from Pepper & Flax–isn’t it a wonderful basket fabric?

And, I couldn’t stop at just one basket block:

I made a whole quilt of baskets!  I fell in love with the way my fabric line Strawberry Jam, played with Vanessa’s line Lollipop Garden & Joanna’s line Chantilly when I saw them together at Fall Market.  These are all lines coming out in the spring.  Here’s a photo I shared on Instagram a couple weeks back with all of these lines mixed together:

I mean, seriously, if that is not sherbet-y goodness, I don’t know what is!

If you would like to make one block for this week’s edition of Moda Blockheads, you will find the block PDF here:

Happy Scrappy Baskets Block

Or, if you’d like to make a whole quilt of baskets, I have the quilt pattern available in my Etsy shop as a PDF pattern.  The quilt finishes at 68″ x 85″ and can be super scrappy or with careful cutting can be made using just one layer cake, background fabric, and basket base fabric.

I am itching to make this version featuring Sunnyside Up & Strawberry Jam fabrics.  That basket base fabric is from Sunnyside Up and I am loving it!

Note:  the block construction to make the complete quilt is different from the one block pattern so as not to have as much fabric waste.   If you looked at the Happy Scrappy Baskets block piecing and were concerned about that over a large quilt, no worries.  I don’t mind a bit of waste for just one block but didn’t want that much fabric waste over a larger quilt!

Today, through this weekend, the Happy Scrappy Baskets quilt pattern PDF is available in my shop for just $5.

And, thank you so much for weighing in on my coloring page question.  It is nice to know that these pages are being utilized. =)

Happy Scrappy Baskets Block Coloring Page

Happy Sewing!




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5 Responses

  1. Laura B says:

    Oh goodie. I love love love Baaket blocks

  2. Alycia Maurer says:

    Hi! Thank you for the alternate block pattern. Also, I appreciate your coloring pages. For the alternate block, the coloring page link goes back to the pattern and not a coloring page. Thought you’d like to know.

  3. Raylene says:

    Thanks Corey! This is Scrap happy! Loving it!

  4. Sarah C Yoder Parker says:

    This is my favorite of this years blocks! I know it will bring so much joy working on it through the winter dreaming of end of winter and the flowers of spring. Scrappy heaven.

  5. Cathy Burk says:

    All these fabrics together is just the best!!! Love it!

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