It may be just be possible…

that my fabric organization, or lack thereof, needs an overhaul–otherwise known as “You might be in need of serious fabric organization when….”

1.)  You find that you actually own some of the Kei dots that you have been lusting after hidden in with the kerchief girls that you knew you had but, hadn’t seen for awhile:

2.)  This is one of your dining room chairs.  Perfectly functional, right?

3.)  Your piano has become a great storage unit–no worries, there is plenty of room in the piano bench for the sheet music–oh, wait!–I should totally clear that out to store more fabric!
fishies like pianos
4.)  You consider fabric a decorating basic and use it to show off your Pottery Barn tables to perfection.
5.)  These are the “organized” sections of your fabric collection.
Sigh…sigh…I do believe I have some work ahead of me.

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5 Responses

  1. jdthersh says:

    Who needs Jeff Foxworthy?! That's just plain funny! 🙂

  2. Barb says:

    Wow, you have an amazing fabric stash!

  3. Cristin says:

    Dang I'd kill for half that amount of fabric 🙂
    Have you considered buying a larger house? 😉

  4. Little Miss Shabby says:

    No joke Cristin–that's probably the way to go!–LOL =)

  5. angela says:

    I just found your blog and was cracking up at your list! My dining room chairs look just the same, and my fabric IS organized in the china hutch it took over. I also ordered some full moon dots in orange, only to find a half yard of them in a pile a day later!

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