Letting the Cat out of the Bag

Moda Boxes


I’ve been keeping a bit of a secret over the last year and boy has it been hard to keep to myself! =)  If you follow me over on Instagram or Facebook you’ve seen a little bit of this secret leaking out.   I snagged these pictures from IG as I haven’t had a proper chance to take any “real” photos.

Just over a week ago, two wonderful boxes of Moda goodness arrived on my doorstep filled with fabric and a lot of excitement ensued.  I have gotten wonderful boxes from Moda in the past but this one took the cake:


That is my name, alongside Moda Fabrics…eep!

Guys, Moda Fabrics introduced me to fabrics.  I very vividly remember the designer and the first line of fabric that I sought out back in the day of dial up internet.  I picked up what I could locally and then spent hours looking for more online–and we all know how slow going that was in the dial up days!  Plus your phone was busy for long periods of time as you looked for fabric…surely I’m not alone in this memory! =p

To say I am excited to have a fabric line with Moda would be an understatement and I can’t wait to share more about it with you all very soon!


I’d love if you’d follow along with me over on facebook or IG (lmsshabby) the first letter is a lowercase L.  I tend to post more on those spots than here when I am busier.  Although, I’ll definitely be sharing more here when I get the go ahead!

Happy Monday!

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69 Responses

  1. Carla says:

    Congratulations! Looking forward to sewing with your fabrics

  2. Diana Nelson says:

    How exciting – Looking forward to seeing what you create.

  3. Pauline says:

    Congratulations Corey…how exciting for you and all quilters like me that love your designs and Moda fabrics…a perfect partnership. Thanks for the sneak peek…looking forward to playing with your fabrics. Happy stitching, Pauline

  4. Gai Butler says:

    Such exciting news. Congratulations Cory! Can’t wait until all is revealed.

  5. Tiffany says:

    What?! No way, I can’t wait to see more!

  6. Betty Harden says:

    Breathlessly waiting fir the grand unveiling. I too love Moda fabric as well have a great admiration for you. You are my person. Congratulations…….way to go!! You deserve this honor.

  7. Heidi says:

    Congratulations Corey! I am so excited for you! Yes, Moda introduced me to fabric as well. I love your style and can’t wait to see your fabric collection!

  8. Karee says:

    Congratulations!! Fab news!

  9. Karen Seitz says:

    Yay! I know I told you that Moda designers seem to be my favorites, so this does not surprise me! I know I will love the entire line. Can’t wait to see it!

  10. Kathleen O'Grady says:

    Congratulations! That is so exciting. I am not totally surprised, after following you for a while and seeing the wonderful stuff that you create. You have so much talent and an eye for colors. I think it would be so amazing to have a line of fabric, good for you!!

    • Corey says:

      Thank you so much Kathleen!–It has been such a fun process. When I started sharing on my little old blog I had no idea where it would take me…and honestly still don’t know where I’ll end up with my love of making. =)

  11. Marcia R says:

    So proud of you Corey! I KNOW I will like it!

  12. Mama Spark says:

    OMGosh Corey, this is so exciting!! Congratulations!!! I am so thrilled for you.

  13. Laura says:

    Congratulations!! That must be incredibly exciting! I’m so happy for you and look forward to seeing your fabric line!

  14. Kathy Colton says:

    So Excited for you and I can’t wait to see your line of fabrics…. it will be great for you and for us quilters….

  15. Sherri Gibson says:

    I can’t wait to include YOUR selvage in one of my next selvage projects!

  16. Lynne Tilley says:

    Oh boy, oh boy, we can’t wait to see it. So very very happy for you!! Waiting in anticipation!!!

  17. Barb says:

    Fantastic news, looking forward to seeing what you create with your first range of fabric for Moda. Congratulations ! 🙂 Barb.

  18. Jennifer says:

    How exciting! Congratulations!

  19. D Kirk says:

    How very exciting! Looking forward to seeing your fabric line. Congrats!

  20. Mary says:

    Woo Hoo….happy times!!

  21. Hildy says:

    Congrats!!! I love Moda fabrics they are my favorites:-)

  22. JudyCinNC says:

    Very excited for you – congratulations !!! Please keep posting here as there are those of us out here who follow and support you, but we do not/will not Facebrook, Twitter or Instagram. Sorry JC

    • Corey says:

      Thank you Judy! I’ll certainly keep posting here. =) However, when the blog gets quiet, I usually try to pop up quick pictures on IG or Facebook because it’s such a quick fun way to share!

  23. So totally excited for you!!! Congrats!!! Can’t wait to see you and your fabric at Market 😉

  24. charlotte m. says:

    Congratulations. So very exciting. You were the first blog I ever found and followed about 5 years ago when I discovered quilting blogs. I feel like I grew my quilting wings a bit with you. Can’t wait to see more. Also, what was that first line of fabric you sought out? Can you tell us?

    • Corey says:

      Oh that is wonderful to hear Charlotte!–I have loved getting to know people via the internet over the years. It really kept me sane when I was at home caring for my girls when they were younger. And that first line of fabric, boy, I am going to be dating myself…came out in 2002 I believe and it was Folk Art Christmas 3 by Robyn Pandolph. Oh how I adored that fabric line!

  25. Jill says:

    Congratulations! I can’t wait to see it!

  26. Alesha K says:

    Congratulations! Look forward to your new fabric line.

  27. Mary says:

    I love the colors – at least what I can see on those slivers of fabric. You better show us the rest of the bolt soon – please!

  28. Deb Johnson says:

    I am SO VERY PROUD OF YOU HON!! You are truly talented and what a fun ride watching you soar! Way to go hon! I can’t wait to see it and BUY SOME~!! Congrats! Hugs, Deb

  29. Vickie says:

    Even the little snippets are lovely! Congratulations. Can’t wait to see more of your fabric line.

  30. Outback Crafter - Debra says:

    Congratulations. How exciting. I will be looking for LMS fabrics.

  31. Jeneta says:

    Oh that is so EXCITING!! I can’t wait to see your fabric line (and what you have made from it, judging by that last photo!). Perhaps you could do a blog post or two about how you went about designing your fabric line?

  32. Pauline says:

    Squeal! How exciting for you- what a wonderful new adventure you seem to be on!

  33. Peggy says:

    I would like to find the Mimosa Windham Feedsack Fabric you had on your site. Any idea where I could purchase some?

  34. Celine says:

    Congratulations I’m sure your fabric line is stunning. I hope I’ll be able to score some as I live the selvages in the picture above already!

  35. Lynn says:

    That is wonderful news. How exciting for you. I look forward to seeing your fabric line.

  36. Amy says:

    Congratulations! I am so excited for you.

  37. Congrats on your fabric line. Can’t wait to see it.

  38. Debbie says:

    Very cool! Look forward to seeing more.

  39. Quillow says:

    I don’t do facebook; or any of those; no time

  40. Jules says:

    I can’t find you on IM 🙁

  41. Jules says:

    That should have been IG

  42. Patsy Cruxton says:

    when do we get to SEE the fabric???????

  43. jamie says:

    congratulations on that big box of happy fabric!! that’s got to be an amazing feeling!

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