Marathon Quilting Session

I had been planning on machine quilting my quilt for Modern Relief Japan but on Sunday I thought…”hmmmm, I wonder if mom & I could bang out hand quilting this today?”  I gave her a call & she was up for it–so Chloe and I went scooting on over to Grandma’s house.  My mom has a nifty little quilt frame that works perfectly for these small quilts.  She also has a large quilt frame for larger quilts–on any given day she might have two quilts going at the same time–you might call her “the quilting queen”. 

 The quilt is a lap size quilt..I think it’s around 45″ x 60″ or so—hand quilting it wasn’t that huge of an undertaking.  We had the quilt in the frame by 12:30ish or so & we finished it up just after 7. =)  Much of the credit for the quilting has to go to my speed demon of a quilter mom, while we both quilted the same amount of time–I think she probably did about twice as much as I did–as I said “quilting queen”. =p

The hand quilting is done using Finca Perle Cotton in size 8 purchased from here.  Although word on the street is that my LQS is going to begin carrying this same Perle Cotton.  I sure hope so, it would be so handy just to be able to jaunt up the street to purchase it!

We quilted around each square in the quilt–we tossed around the idea of quilting in the center of each square but in the end opted not to.  I think this gives it a nice clean look and it really makes the fabrics pop.  Alternately, I used solid white for the backing just to show off the hand quilting on the back–the diamond shaped pattern it creates looks pretty nifty on the back.

I am hand sewing on the binding and the quilt should be finished very soon. =)

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55 Responses

  1. randi says:

    i love the hand stitching on this quilt!!!

  2. Molly says:

    I love the handquilting! It adds so much texture and color.

  3. Jocelyn says:

    Wow what an accomplishment! It looks fabulous. Great going.

  4. Cassie says:

    yay for hand quilting!!!!

  5. Karen says:

    nice – y’all quilt fast – I never get done with anything too fast because I put a lot of quilting in it. I need to get the baby quilt I have done in the mail to the magazine that was collecting them also.

  6. Barb says:

    Corey, your (and your mom’s) quilting is perfect! I love the hand stitches – they show off your lovely fabrics and pattern so well. You are inspiring me to learn to quilt by hand!

  7. Chris says:

    Beautiful! I wish we lived close enough to my mom for a quick quilting afternoon. How wonderful.

  8. Erin says:

    I love how you quilted this. It looks great!

  9. Wow! What perfect stitching, it’s gorgeous. Love the choice of stitch placement and colour, you’ve really brought that design to life.

    And congrats on your pillow going through to the final round in the Blogger’s Pillow Party!

  10. Kelly says:

    wow – that is amazing!

  11. Toni says:

    Your quilting gives so much texture and style to the quilt. Good job! I used to hand quilt with number 11 needles but gave it up years ago. I think I am going to get some Perle Cotton and embrace this fresh way of quilting. Super, super, nice quilt! Toni

  12. mary says:

    Looks fantastic!!!! Yay for quilting by hand!!!

  13. kelly says:

    LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! it is so dynamic.

  14. Debra says:

    The hand quilting is beautiful. i may have to try it sometime.

  15. Jeanie says:

    WOW! This looks SO great. I look forward to the final reveal:)

  16. Dawn says:

    Gorgeous!! Your stitches are so tiny and perfect! I just finished my first hand-quilted project, and my stitches were big, uneven, and my fingers hurt. I guess I need more practice! 🙂

  17. D Spack says:

    I love it! Love it Love it Love it. Really, what a great way to finish that quilt. I wish I could get that perle cotton here…

  18. Mimi says:

    Looks awesome!! Love the stitches – perfect!!

  19. chris says:

    It is absolutely gorgeous…the hand quilting really is the perfect touch to this amazing quilt!

  20. gina f. says:


  21. Rita says:

    This quilt looks great.. Terrific job.. I’m loving all I see with this type of hand quilting.. I think we are on to something!!

  22. Patricia says:

    Just love it. Really super gorgeous.

  23. Jessica C says:

    I absolutely love how this turned out.

  24. So Corey, I just posted my FMF fancy quilt top and wondered about hand quilting, big stitch of course. I was planning on using ecru but now that I have seen your brown, I think that would be wonderful especially since my “connector” beads are brown. I know you looked at it on flickr. What do YOU think of brown? I love the looks of it on your quilt! And how lucky that you can quilt with your mom!

  25. kristin says:

    Oh, the hand-quilting really makes everything pop. How beautiful!

  26. Alisa says:

    It’s beautiful! That’s pretty quick to have it all quilted up. How big are your stitches? Just cause I’m curious…

  27. Carol says:

    Love your quilt — it’s so bright and happy looking!

  28. LOVE the quilt, and the hand quilting too :o)
    Happy sewing,

  29. madame samm says:

    This is both did a great job…I use Finca and Presencia threads…they are heavenly to use…and I must admit the cotton one…is what I am using now…it glides….I just purchased threads through Janes finally someone who had all the colors I needed….I am certainly going to rethink colors next time I am quilting my next quilt…you sew inspired me…

  30. Tracy says:

    Wow, I’m speechless! Stunning!

  31. LisaAnn says:

    I love your quilting! Very beautiful. It reminds me of sashiko, the Japanese stitching. So nice!

  32. maree says:

    Great Job to you Both..the Quilt Looks Fabulous!

  33. Cristina says:

    Hello , I am following the birdie BOM and i would like to know when it will continue.
    kisses from Spain

  34. Suzanne says:

    Beautiful hand quilting! I have a lot of work still to do on my modern relief quilt as well, but I think it will be machine quilted!

  35. elsa says:

    this is a really lovely, fresh quilt and love the stitching! great job!

  36. Beautiful! How lucky are you to have such a mom!!!

  37. I LOVE this quilt! The colors look great against the white in the first photo. I think hand quilting was the perfect decision. It looks like the squares are perforated (like coupons) and are ready to be punched out of the “paper” (fabric).

  38. I love the bright white with the bright colors. It’s such a beautiful quilt.

  39. Leslie Blanchard says:

    What is the link to the free pattern? Your quilt turned out great! Love the stitching.

  40. traceyjay says:

    it’s gorgeous Corey. ♥

  41. Your hand quilting is beautiful, nice even stitches! I like the dark thread, too, this looks great!

  42. Marisa says:

    What a beautiful quilt!

  43. beautiful job. You have inspired me to try the pearl cotton for my next hand quilting project. Now I just need to buy some.

  44. Great choice! I’m amazed at how speedy you guys are!

  45. charlotte says:

    Found the pearl cotton today at my local shop. Yay!! Can’t wait to try this.

  46. Rebecca says:

    This is an amazing quilt! You and your mom are fantastic quilters!

  47. Wow…love these photographs of your beautiful hand quilting! Very inspiring!

  48. Karen says:

    Your quilt is beautiful! Love that hand quilting. I assume that is a hand quilting frame in the top pic…can you tell us more about it? Is it a custom design? I’ve never seen one before.

    • Corey says:

      It is a quilt frame–it’s my mom’s–I don’t have a lot of info. about it. She actually has two different quilt frames and they are different from each other. The larger one I believe she said her Grandpa made if I remember correctly but I am not sure about the smaller one that we were using.

  49. amandajean says:

    it’s be-au-ti-ful!!!!

  50. Lei B. says:

    Your quilt is just beautiful. I love the way you hand quilted it. I have been afraid to jump to machine or hand quilting a top for the longest time, but after seeing this quilt it makes me realize it will be OK no matter how I finish my top. Your blog is such an inspiration. Thank you so much!

  51. Mary says:

    I browse the net quite a bit and it’s becoming rare when I’m THRILLED by a new quilt! This one of them, great, simple, stunning! Congratulations!!

  52. KimR says:

    This is beautiful! Love the quilting, the fabrics, the design, the clean look. Just gorgeous! Can you share the pattern name?

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