Moda Blockheads Round 5 (Group 2): Block 20

Happy Wednesday and happy Blockheads day! Our block today, Spinning Star, is brought to us by Lissa Alexander…Moda Lissa! =) Isn’t it a pretty one. =)

You can download the instructions for Spinning Star here.

This block is going to require a bit of attention to the piecing. My biggest tip would be to look twice at your left/right point units and then look again. It’s so easy to add the triangles to the wrong sides of these blocks.

My second tip is to be as fussy or as not fussy as you want to be about lining up the meeting of the triangles as well as the star center. I gave myself permission to not worry too much about how those points came together.

This is another 6″ star pattern added to my stack of blocks. They are shaping up so nicely!

Have fun sewing up your Spinning Star block! Corey

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6 Responses

  1. Karen Patterson says:

    Love your videos.I was so excited to see you and your family last night at the restaurant in Baltic.Thank you for helping the new quilters.Have a blessed day.

  2. Beverly says:

    Your quilt blocks are so pretty. I look forward to seeing your finished project (or projects) when you put them together.

  3. kewagner7d65629885 says:

    Beautiful block… great tips!

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