Moda Blockheads Round 5 (Group 2): Block 22

Jackie McDonald of Sweetfire Road brings us today’s Moda Blockheads block, Second Star. As you are looking at my block, you may be asking yourself, “Where is the second star?”. =)

I opted to skip the second star and make a single star which will work better in my final quilt layout. Jackie’s pattern has two solid patches and two Sawtooth Stars in her block design.

Each Sawtooth Star block in the 12″ block finishes at 6″. Because of this, and because we haven’t yet had a simple Sawtooth Star block, I decided to make just one of the Sawtooth Stars using the instructions from the 12″ block. My floral fabric is from Peachy Keen and the striped fabric is from Blueberry Delight. This is such a sweet addition to the other 6″ blocks I’ve made this round of Blockheads.

You can download the Second Star pattern here.

One final reminder about the May pattern of the month. This month it is Deerly Loved.

Deerly Loved is made using Starberry fabrics which are now in quilt shops. Now is the perfect time to grab this pattern for $5…the normal retail value is $14.95. You can purchase it here.

Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful day! Corey

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1 Response

  1. LM the Hawkeye Quilter says:

    Thank you!

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