Moda Blockheads Round 5 (Group 2): Block 21

Square Burst is our block for today. It’s brought to us by Stephanie of Fancy That Design House & Co.

I’m so happy with the way this block came together. I made mine in the 12″ size. After counting up my blocks, I found I still need some blocks in both sizes…but we are getting so close to finishing up this sew along. =) Have you kept up? I am always (mostly) so thankful that I need to stay on top of making my blocks so I can post them every Wednesday. It sure does keep me accountable. Although, yesterday when I was hurriedly making my block, I wasn’t as thankful as I could have been that I needed to make it. =)

You can download the Square Burst PDF pattern here.

Happy Sewing! Corey

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2 Responses

  1. Sherri Meindertsma says:

    Hi Corey. I just love your Peachy Keen fabric line. It is so fresh and springy. Love, love, love it! I like your other lines also but Peachy Keen is my favorite!

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