Moda Blockheads Round 5 (Group 2): Block 25

Today I get to share another block that I have designed for you! Plus, I made a pillow using the block and we filmed a video talking about how to turn the block into a pillow. So many fun things today!

The block that I have designed for us this week is this Bordered Star block:

You can download the free block pattern here. 

I made the block for my quilt in the 6″ size using Peachy Keen and Blueberry Delight fabrics. And, I also made the block in a 12″ size using Starberry fabrics and turned it into a pillow:

I really like how my pillow turned out. If you want to see how to make your own pillow using this block and see all of my Moda Blockheads blocks so far, be sure to watch today’s YouTube video!

You wouldn’t know it by looking at it, but this pillow put up quite a fight getting made…it was a feisty one! LOL =) (watch the video to see)

Thanks so much for stopping by! Have fun stitching up your block! Corey

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19 Responses

  1. LM - The Hawkeye Quilter says:

    Thank you; especially love the Starberry pillow! At first glance it looked like you lined up printed cross hatch lines in the star points and body of the star in the pillow — then I enlarged and saw the lines were quilting lines. 🙂 I initially thought, “OMGosh! Yeah, not doing that.” Abundant blessings to you!

  2. Helen says:

    Such a fun block, Corey! Thank you!☺️

  3. Sue H says:

    Sweet block and a great one for patriotic colors!

  4. Hilary says:

    Thanks for sharing all the “mishaps” that occurred. I feel better knowing that I am in good company. When doing a project from a video I watched I always think – doesn’t this happen to them, and then I realize it’s probably just edited out with no mention of it. I love the new block pattern and thanks for the idea of turning the blocks into pillows. I have been thinking of “refreshing” the couch and chairs in the living room and this is an easy and simple way (?) to do that.

  5. jatshaw says:

    Nice block! Maybe I’ll try it.

  6. Annie RESSAN says:

    bonsoir Corey. je vois qu’il n’y a pas que les amatrices de la machine a coudre qu’il arrivent des mésaventures .voila pourquoi je travaille a la main. j’aime beaucoup l’oreiller et je vais peut-être essayer j’ai des blocs solitaires. merci de vos conseils .Annie

  7. Linda Janovitz says:

    Hi Corey, I really like this star block !! I tried printing it BUT it kept coming out bigger than a normal page size. I even changed to a smaller size and it never changed, darn it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Corey says:

      Thanks so much Linda! It’s frustrating when technology doesn’t work as we’d like it to. If you can’t quite figure out what settings to change for your printer to get it to print the right size, you might have luck taking a screen shot and then printing that.

  8. Shirley says:

    Hey Corey, thanks for the pattern on the pillow. It looks fabulous. I am making four of the Deerly loved quilts with your Starberry fabric for my family girls. They are going together so fast even though it has all those stars!! I am amazed. Looks like I need to make 4 pillows to go with these 4 quilts!

  9. williamsrn2012 says:

    Corey, I love that pillow you made using the block. I am not much of a black person in decorating, but it is great. I will probably make one or two. My adult daughter loves pillows.

  10. MargaretAnn says:

    Corey, thanks for the pillow idea, it’s a great way to show off a favorite block. Yours is beautiful. I’ve had frustrating days with a machine occasionally, too. Sometimes I just walk away for awhile. Thanks for the great video.

  11. Sherry G says:

    I’ll use this pattern to make a Christmas pillow with black background with small red cardinals fabric and red trim. Perfect. Thanks!

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