Moda Blockheads Round 5 (Group 2): Block 30

Here is a little before picture of this round of Moda Blockheads. I’m working on my after picture! =)

(Just a reminder, this is another 2 blog post day. The Cuddle Up Sampler post will go up at 10am EST)

This past week, I have been working diligently to meet a deadline that I have this week. My MBH blocks have been pushed to the back burner until after Friday. =)

Hopefully after Friday, I’ll have some time to work on sewing all of my completed blocks together. This summer has been such a busy one for us. We are in the stage of life where we have kids coming and going…a lot of going! =) I don’t share a lot about family life here on the blog or even over on YouTube for that matter. Chloe, our 19 year old, has been interning about 2 hours away since this past spring. She’ll be wrapping that up the end of this year. She’s popped back home a couple times with a group of her fellow interns. It’s been really neat to see how much this experience has stretched her. Her internship requires her to spend quite a bit of time serving the homeless as well as leading youth. She’s been given a variety of leadership roles and it’s been wonderful seeing her thrive in this environment. She’s gotten the opportunity to travel outside the US as well as within the US…it’s been such a great time of learning for her!

Our 15 year old, Elonie, has traveled to Costa Rica to serve for almost 2 weeks this summer with her youth group. That really stretched her! Now, today, she’s headed off to Florida for 2 weeks with my sister Nicole (you’ve heard me mention her in some of my videos!) and her husband. They have a 1 year old daughter, Olive, that Elonie has been babysitting several days every week since she was a newborn. Elonie and Olive have the neatest little friendship. That’s been neat to see grow over the last 18 months. Elonie is looking forward to hanging out with all of them…she and my sister Nicole also are quite good friends. =)

That leaves Ryan and I, again, home alone for another 2 weeks for the second time this summer. It’s crazy that we are already to this stage of life. =) But, with no kids at home to take my attention, I should be able to finish up some of these projects over the next couple weeks…MBH included!

Phew!…and with all of that said…you can find the PDF for block 30 below. It’s brought to us by Lynne Hagmeier.

Block 30 PDF

I hope you have fun stitching it up! Corey

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14 Responses

  1. Vicky says:

    Missed seeing a sample of this block in Color.

    • Corey says:

      I have all of the blocks I need for my quilt so I didn’t need to make one. Pop over into the MBH Facebook group and you’ll be able to see them. =)

  2. Lucy B says:

    Thanks for all that you do Corey. I always enjoy your blog posts and videos!

  3. Edda Katz says:

    Hi Cpry, I follow you on You Tube for quite a while. Can you tell me who is your distributer for Austria or Germany. I like your fabrics and would like to get it from here.
    Thank you! Edda Katz

  4. Debra says:

    Bless your heart Corey for continuing to do all you do in a busy world! Your inspiration and enthusiasm are always the best. Enjoy your quiet time! As always, will also look forward to your next post.

  5. Melissa says:

    Thank you for sharing about your family! I enjoyed knowing a bit more about you and your family. Your mother’s heart must be so proud of your girls. The empty nest stage was one of the hardest for me. That’s why I began to quilt. I have found such pleasure in making things for others and your wonderful tutorials and enthusiasm is so helpful. Thank you for all that you do to promote quilting. Your knowledge and wonderful spirit is inspiring!

  6. Teresa Geeslin says:

    Love hearing about your family and knowing that I am not the only one who has to juggle work, family and quilting.

  7. Cathy Belt says:

    I’m looking for setting suggestions for the BH5 blocks. Someone said that you had posted one suggestion. Where can I locate it?

  8. Kathy says:

    I love how you and your daughters give so much service to others! Your daughters are gaining much by sacrificing their time and talents in the service of others. They will go far in life – learning leadership skills as they serve. Thank you for sharing.
    Thank you for your great patterns and fabric, I’m always so happy with your lovely fabrics!

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