New Fabric in the House

After three looong days of waiting (hee hee) I have some of Denyse Schmidt’s new line of fabric in my hot little hands.  Did you all know she had a new line of fabric available?…and guess where…at Joann Fabrics.  Now, I admit to being a bit of a fabric snob and most often will only purchase fabric from my local quilt shops, but seriously, look at these fabrics–and they are just as lovely in person.  The line has 21 prints total but these are my favorites..specifically these:

But, seriously, they are all pretty amazing…

I went up to Joann’s specifically looking for these fabrics and almost didn’t find them–they weren’t on the shelves yet.  Thank goodness Elonie had to make a bathroom trip because there they were–tucked back in the corner on a metal cart right beside the bathroom.  I never would have found them back there–feeling pretty thankful for my two year olds many potty breaks. =)

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22 Responses

  1. Amber says:

    I have mine being sent to me right now thanks to some wonderful blog friends since we don’t have a Joann’s here – can’t wait!!

  2. Trudy says:

    OMG! At JoAnn’s??? I live much closer to a JoAnn’s than any quilt shop, I can’t wait to check it out!! I love the colors and design. Thanks for sharing the news!

  3. Liz says:

    I’m curious how much they cost… but I don’t have a JoAnn’s or a quilt shop where I live.

  4. Ellyn says:

    ahhhh an excuse to go to Joanns! Just what I needed

  5. Chris says:

    Oh, they are pretty! What fun.

  6. Nancy Lee says:

    oh yes…i have made two trips so far..with coupons it makes it easy to go crazy…

  7. Too funny that you found them by the restroom 🙂 Score!!!

  8. I love that fabric!!! and at joanns!?!? thats awesome! As a struggling student/quilter thats about the best news I have ever heard!!

  9. CJ says:

    So wish that I had a JoAnns in this town!!!! Wonder if I can get my son to go to the one in his college town. 😉

  10. CJ says:

    BTW-your favorite prints are MY favorite prints from this new line.

  11. Those four prints are my favorites too! My friend went by herself to Joann’s because I was working–and got us each fat quarters of everything in stock on Tuesday. Then we realized–not NEARLY enough! so she went back on Wednesday and the dots were already gone!

  12. I too went into JoAnn’s just for these, had a bunch of 50% off coupons I was able to use, whoop whoop for only 5.00 a yard Denyse Schmidt prints, YAH!!

  13. I am headed there tomorrow. I hope they have it at my store. I NEED those dots.

  14. Quanita says:

    oh they are absolutely divine… I have never heard of JoAnn’s so we probably don’t have one here 🙁 *sobs hysterically*

  15. Sally says:

    I had seen a little bit of the buzz around the blogosphere in the last couple of days…so I took a trip to one of my JoAnn’s this evening (conveniently, my husband was at work so he couldn’t come along to “monitor” me).

    Anyway, this fabric feels so nice in person! I picked up just a couple yards, and I’m thinking I might go to another JoAnn’s tomorrow to see if they have any other prints.

  16. vera says:

    Love that fabric and all the colors, very pretty.

  17. Claudia says:

    these are so pretty!

  18. natalie says:

    Please, please. Purchase 4 yards of the bottom right fabric, and send it to me…it wasn’t at my local shop…

  19. Kristi says:

    I had the same experience – they were nestled in a corner and the sales ladies had no clue what I was talking about! They are very nice colors and patterns with a good feel – I have already gone over my budget for the month (actually for the whole year!) so I didn’t get any 🙁

  1. May 31, 2011

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