Pay it Forward Friday Giveaway

*Comments Closed*
So, how fabulous are these owl fabrics?!?  They are from Tina Givens new line Opal Owl & I think they are just the cutest things ever.  I purchased a FQ set from Whipstitch Fabrics on Etsy but, when they arrived I knew I needed more than a FQ set.  So, I purchased a 1/2 yd. set and these little lovelies will be headed to one of you! =)
The colors in these fabrics are just amazing & Opal is just so stinkin’ cute.  The aqua/green colorway above is one of my favorites but, I think they are all great.  I think I need a fussy cut owl quilt–how cute would that be?
So, if you’d like some Opals of your own just leave me a comment.  There’s a catch though–since it’s a Pay it Forward giveaway if you win you’ll need to do just that.  You can have a giveaway of your own, help your neighbor lady weed her flower beds,  etc….you get the idea.
For additional chances to win:
~leave a 2nd comment if you are already a follower
~blog about this giveaway & leave a comment letting me know you did
~become a follower and let me know you did
Aren’t they cute?
I’ll leave the giveaway open thru next Thursday, Aug. 12 & announce the winner on Friday.

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179 Responses

  1. Molly says:

    Love it! These are adorable and I would LOVE to have them. I don't have a blog to do a giveaway, but if I win I will definitely pay it forward in my neigborhood.

  2. Molly says:

    I am a follower of this blog already

  3. Genevieve says:

    I dont have a blog either, but I'll definitly pay it forward.
    I am so behind in my fabric hoarding, I just moved and didn't know Tina Givens had a new line out. and it's SOOOOOOOOOOOO me!
    gcpepe at hotmail

  4. Anna says:

    Those are very, very sweet! I love PIF's – count me in! Btw – I was at my LQS yesterday and noticed they still have some Flea Market Fancy … is it normal that I about fell over? :o)

  5. Anna says:

    Also – I'm a follower!

  6. Vickie says:

    So wonderful – the fabrics and you!! 🙂 If I win, I will pay it forward by sharing these fabrics for my two sisters, who share a sewing studio with me. 🙂 Then together we can brainstorm some fun ways to use them.

  7. babiesdoc says:

    The owls are very cute
    I would definitely pay it forward–I think by cutting and giving out bags of 2 1/2 squares to the few co workers I have led into hexagons

  8. Vickie says:

    I signed up to be a follower (but you have been in my google reader a long time)

  9. Amanda says:

    I don't have a blog 🙁 YET
    I will for sure pay it forward. I'm sure my friend would love a date night with hubby…baby free.

  10. Amanda says:

    I'm a follower too!

  11. Ashley says:

    OH! My sister has been enthralled with owls lately and it would be wonderful to make something for her out of these! Thanks for the chance.

  12. Ashley says:

    I follow you.

  13. Simply Geometric says:

    Those owls are great! They would make a perfect gift for my mom, who just graduated from college with an advanced degree. You're never too old/young to learn 🙂 I would pay it forward by doing something fun for my daughter's preschool since I don't have a blog or shop. Thanks for hosting the PIF!

  14. Susan says:

    Love the Owls! And your idea of Pay It Forward!

  15. allsewnup says:

    These fabrics are so stinkin' cute, I love 'em!
    Please include me in your giveaway. I'll be PIF for a sweet lady in our town that will need her house cleaned after her relatives leave next week. My fingers are crossed big time! BTW, Friday the 13th just happens to be my birthday!


  16. Mary on Lake Pulaski says:

    Those owls are the cutest. Yes, I would love to do a giveaway if I win these owls!

  17. Mary on Lake Pulaski says:

    Yes, I'm a long time follower!

  18. allsewnup says:

    I'm a follower of your's already.


  19. live a colorful life says:

    These are so cute. I would definitely have a giveaway. I have much fabric (too much) to share…

  20. live a colorful life says:

    You are on my blogroll–love your blog!

  21. Kelly says:

    ohhh I was just looking at these! I love them and I'd love to pay it forward too!

  22. Kelly says:

    I'm a follower!

  23. Mama Spark says:

    OMG. I saw these recently and fell in love with them! Thanks for the give away I have the perfect pay it forward thing too!

  24. Mama Spark says:

    I follow you on my Bloglines and have for some time.

  25. Kristine Hanson says:


  26. Kristine Hanson says:

    I "follow" 🙂

  27. Emily {Creative Chicks} says:

    I know which fabrics to giveaway if I win…

  28. traceyjay says:

    so cute indeed! 🙂 I think I might have to pick some up for myself.

  29. NorahS says:

    These are so cute! We love owls at our house!

  30. Karen H says:

    Very cute! I love it!

  31. NorahS says:

    I am already a follower of your blogging goodness.

  32. traceyjay says:

    and definitely a follower here! 🙂

  33. Val Miller says:

    sooooo cute! I love them.

  34. Val Miller says:

    … and I am already a follower.

  35. angela says:

    They are Adorable!!

  36. angela says:

    And I already (stalk) follow you 🙂

  37. SummersDesigns says:

    These are so cute! Thank you!

  38. SummersDesigns says:

    already a follower ♥

  39. Zip It Zippers says:

    Just became a follower! Lovely blog!

  40. Becky says:

    I'm a new follower and hey, today's my birthday so I'm feeling lucky. 🙂

  41. amber says:

    I would love to win and i would also love to pay it forward.

  42. amber says:

    I am a follower

  43. twin fibers says:

    Those are cute!

  44. twin fibers says:

    and I am a follower! 🙂

  45. The Pink Fawn says:

    I would love to use these to spruce up my elderly neighbor's place with new quilted kitchen accessories. These owls would brighten her day!

  46. The Pink Fawn says:

    I follow you on my blog!

  47. webmailaddress2 says:

    What a thoughtful giveaway, and I love the cute fabric!

  48. webmailaddress2 says:

    I follow your blog via google reader. Love it!

  49. Mel @ Studio MCA Designs says:

    Great fabrics! Would love to pay it forward!

  50. Mel @ Studio MCA Designs says:

    And I'm following you now…

  51. Chancy says:

    Such cute owls! I want!

  52. Chancy says:

    Oh, and I already follow!

  53. Gale Yawn says:

    I am a follower of your blog

  54. Flaun says:

    Definitely need this in my stash.

  55. Flaun says:

    And I'm a follower. 🙂

  56. Gale Yawn says:

    This fabric is really so cute. I've been an owl person all of my life with a ginormous collection. I really need me some Opal fabric to make a quilt for all my owlies. Hope I win. Oh, I will definitely pay it forward by making another charity quilt.

  57. Kendra says:

    Owls are so in and one of my favorite things lately! 🙂 thanks for the fun giveaway…

  58. Lindsay says:

    What a great idea. I can think of a number of ways to pay it forward. I had seen these little owls on another blog and was dying to know what there were and where I can find them… now I know!

  59. Wendz says:

    These owls are full of character and I'd love to win them. I'd also love the chance to pay it forward. Thanks for the chance to own some of these.

  60. Kirsty says:

    Soo cute. Love that aqua colourway too.

  61. Kirsty says:

    And I'm a follower!

  62. meri_drake says:

    What a wonderful and generous idea! I'd love those owls and I'd love to pay it forward!

  63. meri_drake says:

    Oh, I'm a follower,too…

  64. jdthersh says:

    LOVE your pay it forward giveaway!!! I'm sure your Momma is VERY proud of you! = ) Always enjoy seeing what your up to!

  65. Jodi says:

    I love the owls!! Pay it forward….absolutely!!

  66. Lisa says:

    I really really really really really really want these 🙂

  67. peaknits says:

    Adorable! I will gladly pay it forward if these little cuties come to live with me!

  68. peaknits says:

    I am also a follower through bloglines:)

  69. Marcia says:

    I follow you. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  70. Marcia says:

    If I win some Opals, then I agree to pay ot forward by helping a neighbor. Thank you for this giveaway. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  71. sara says:

    i follow also, so so cute!!!

  72. A.S.K.-P. says:

    I am a follower.

  73. A.S.K.-P. says:

    I would LOVE ANY of these! My Gramma LOVED owls and these remind me of her.

  74. little grubs says:

    Love the idea of pay it forward. The fabric is just gorgeous and I would love to be in with a chance of entering the giveaway. Many thanks. x

  75. Pam says:

    Ohhh they are the cutest!! I used to collect owls in the 70's …gosh I just gave away my age 🙂

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  76. Pam says:

    I'm a follower via Google Reader and love your blog 🙂

  77. Stephanie C. says:

    I love the idea of paying it forward!

  78. Stephanie C. says:


  79. chloeandme says:

    oh my goodness! The owls r so cute! Thanks for a chance to win and great idea of pay it forward!

  80. chloeandme says:

    I am a follower…love your blog!

  81. Annabelle says:

    these are so darlin'. i am glad i am a follower through google, these little owls popped up and had me smiling.

  82. Jessica says:

    Love the pay it forward idea! and the fabric is beautiful!

  83. Jessica says:

    I am a follower too!

  84. Jeannette says:

    I am a follower!

  85. Jeannette says:

    I like the owls so cute, great idea…it will prompt me to post more on my blog :))

  86. charlotte says:

    what adorable owls!!! love, love, love this fabric (:

  87. charlotte says:

    i am a follower (:

  88. Peggy says:

    I have always had a special place in my heart for owls so I just love this fabric. I would gladly pay it forward if I win. Would it not be wonderful if everyone in the world live by the "pay it forward" philosopy!

  89. carmel says:

    beautiful fabric!
    thanks so much!
    i would do a fabric giveaway as well if i won!

  90. carmel says:

    im already a follower

  91. carmel says:

    and i blogged about it on my sidebar

  92. nanotchka says:

    These little owls have "fussy cut" written all over them! Want to get my hands on these cuties! Thanks for sharing! would be happy to pay it forward!

  93. nanotchka says:

    Just signed up to follow your blog! Great job!

  94. highwaycottage says:

    Oh man they are cute owls!! Does it count if I was already planning a giveaway? Hope so, though I have a whole bunch of things to give, so I can spread the love.

  95. highwaycottage says:

    I'm a follower too 🙂

  96. Tess says:

    I can see some babysitting coming up if I win, to give some friends some much-needed time out! beautiful fabrics, love them.

  97. Tess says:

    just became a follower too

  98. Kati says:

    What a fabulous idea. I love that fabric.

  99. Kati says:

    I'm a follower.

  100. Christine says:

    Ohhhh…sign me up! These are toooooo cute!

  101. Lucia says:

    Oh, love these little owls. So cute!

  102. Lucia says:

    And, I already follow your blog.

  103. Elena says:

    Oh, these are so cute! I could hold a giveaway on my blog.

  104. Jennifer says:

    So cute! I am having a giveaway on my blog {} right now and raffling off two of my quilts to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). I'm hoping to raise $3500 for LLS through this and a couple other fundraisers.

  105. Jennifer says:

    I already follow you 🙂

  106. Terri says:

    I would love to win these goodies. I have lots of pay it forward things I can do 🙂

    I am a follower as well 😉

  107. {BrianaArlene} says:

    Love the fabric. Thanks for the giveaway, and I would be happy to "pay it forward"!

  108. Jolene says:

    Oh I do love these owls!

  109. Jolene says:

    And I am already a follower.

  110. ninironi says:

    Love this fabric. This is the first time I've seen it and now I HAVE to have it! Thanks for the chance to win.

  111. ninironi says:

    I'm also a follower

  112. Willa says:

    Well, no blog for giveaway but my pay it forward is sending a painting box to a friend about to travel. It is compact and fits on a tripod so that her month long trek can include painting. Her pay it forward is helping a mutual friend that is 7 hours away from me.

  113. love.sewn says:

    owls are so in right now! they are so adorable…i especially like the nonchalant look of the owls. its precious. hope i win 🙂

  114. love.sewn says:

    im a follower

  115. love.sewn says:

    and i also subscribe to your blog. thanks for the giveaway!

  116. Linda Gilli says:

    I love the new Opal line! I am planning a giveaway for next week on my blog for my pay it forward!

  117. Linda Gilli says:

    I became a follower!

  118. Erin M. says:

    I'm working a shift for someone at work who needs the day off.

  119. Linda Gilli says:

    I posted your giveaway on my blog

  120. Hooptee says:

    OH so adorable! I've never seen that fabric, but LOOOVE it!

  121. Hooptee says:

    I am also now a follower. That's right, I'm not a leader, just a follower. Can't wait to see more of your work!

  122. Erin says:

    These guys are darling! Thanks for the chance to win!

  123. Erin says:

    I'm a follower :]

  124. Stacey says:

    Oh Sew Cute! I am a follower and I just put your wonderful Pay it Forward on my sidebar. I am also great Tina Givens stationery fan. A girl can never have too many notecards. I will "Pay It Forward" a cute set of Tina Givens owl note cards to a very luck winner who leaves me a comment on my blog too. How does that sound? Thanks so much. Happy Quilting.

  125. Deci says:

    If I win, I'll donate some nice bibs to the local senior center.

  126. Deci says:

    I follow.

  127. Carly says:

    Fabulous fabric! Great giveaway!

  128. joonzeboo says:

    i'd love some of those opal owls. i agree, the green & aqua colorway is also my favorite.


  129. joonzeboo says:

    i'm already a follower (or rather, a subscriber). i use google reader.


  130. joonzeboo says:

    i blogged about your giveaway @


  131. joonzeboo says:

    i am a follower.


  132. Leah says:

    I am in love with these. I wanted to get them to make a quilt for my daughter but she wanted elephants so maybe if I win I can make one for me. I will pay it forward some other way. I have to keep them for me. 🙂
    thanks for the chance

  133. Leah says:

    I am now a follower.

  134. Leah says:

    I blogged about it.

  135. Janet says:

    The little Opal Owls are adorable … can't you just see them in a bunch of snowball blocks?

  136. Janet says:

    And I just became a follower!

  137. Mrs. Darling says:

    I love those owls! Absolutely the sweetest little guys!

    I don't know how I have missed your blog before!

  138. Mrs. Darling says:

    I added you to the list of blogs I follow! I love your style!

  139. Annabelle says:

    Love the fabrics. Love the blog and am now an avid follower from right here in London … Will also blog about this comp … hope no one else will win though!

  140. Sandy says:

    Oh my gosh, I LOVE these! I am certainly down with "paying it forward" for the chance to get my hands on these adorable owls!=)

  141. renae says:

    I just want to give that fluffy owl a big cuddle! 🙂

  142. Gaile says:

    cutest. owls. ever! They are darling!

  143. SheilaC says:

    Those are the cutest owls I have ever seen!!!

    I would love to give them a good home 🙂

    Thank you for the wonderful give away!


  144. SheilaC says:

    I follow!


  145. Elizabeth D. says:

    Love these owls!!! What a great giveaway!

  146. Elizabeth D. says:

    And I'm a follower, too 🙂

  147. Lisa says:

    I'm a follower!

  148. Barb in Mi says:

    What a great idea to combine a giveaway with paying it forward! The Opal fabric sure looks fabulous! Thanks so much!

  149. SewLindaAnn says:

    I love it!! I'm going to pay it forward even if I don't win.

  150. SewLindaAnn says:

    I'm a follower already.

  151. sewfunbymonique says:

    I am so easily swayed by fabric~ if I don't win, I'm going to buy those cute owls!

  152. Vanessa says:

    I LOVE that fabric!!! I wanted to buy some of it but actually!
    I don't have a blog, but would surely find the way to pay it out.

  153. Vanessa says:

    I just became a follower!

  154. Duff says:

    Love the pay-it-forward-Friday idea! I'm ready to 'restore some balance' also! If I am the winner, I will have at least 2 charm packs to give away!

  155. Vesuviusmama says:

    SOOOOO cute, and Pay It Forward is a personal philosophy of mine, so I'll have no trouble following through should I perchance win. Thanks for sharing!

  156. Bingaling says:

    What a thoughtful giveaway…and those owls are so stinkin' cute!

  157. Kirsten says:

    My pay it forward will be to host a giveaway – I've been thinking about it for some time now! I love the owl fabrics!

  158. Kirsten says:

    I am now a follower! Loads of inspirations in your blog!

  159. oknonnie says:

    I am now a follower. Love the owls-my family calls them "ooglie-fooglies" – a term we picked up 40+ years ago in the black hills of south dakota. Now my 8 year old grand-daughter is starting to collect them, so a perfect pay-forward would be to send them to her! Thanks for the chance!

  160. Patty says:

    Those owls are so cute. Neat pay it forward giveaway.

  161. tatgurl says:

    WAY TOO CUTE!!! Love the owls, and the colors!

  162. tatgurl says:

    I'm a follower too

  163. MoeWest says:

    That has got to be the cutest owl fabric I've ever seen! I like the pay it forward concept too.

  164. MoeWest says:

    I'm a follower.

  165. choosinggrowth says:

    What a great idea! I love the pay it forward aspect. I made cookies and dropped them off at various offices nearby my department to celebrate the end of summer.

  166. Eileen says:

    oh, my goodness!! these are the cutest things going–for some reason i've fallen in love with owlies lately. just included them in a quilt for my brand new girlie girl (granddaughter) who's a month old. i would love to have more owlie material if for no other reason than to smile every single time i look at them!

  167. Eileen says:

    i'm a follower. have a great day!

  168. Katarina says:

    I love love love them. thanks for the chance to win

  169. Katarina says:

    love your blog so I just became a follwer 🙂

  170. karen says:

    What beautiful fabric -would love to win this one!!

  171. Lisa says:

    I could swear I left a second comment to say that "I'm a follower!" But I don't see it… and I can't let another chance to win this fabulous fabric go to waste!!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!!

  172. Joy says:

    Thanks for the chance to win – and to pay it forward!

  173. Joy says:

    I'm a follower!

  174. Lissa says:

    LOVE these owls! I wanted to order them the other day and decided I had spend enough! I will definatley pay it forward.

  175. Lissa says:

    I am a follower

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