Q&A Friday (Formerly Wondering Wednesday)

Canning Day Fabrics–shipping this month
Welcome to Q&A Friday–I’ve decided that is the new name/time for what was previously Wondering Wednesday.
I felt like combining Wondering Wednesday with my Block Heads post on Wednesdays made for such a long post. This way, I can keep the two separate which should make the posts nicer for you guys as well. So…to answer some questions:
First up, I have been getting asked when the Sweet Day packages are going to be shipping. If you ordered one of these last fall, the wait is almost over. Canning Day is shipping this month (and it looks like it will be shipping soon–they will take about a week to arrive to me once they ship). Once the fabrics arrive, these packages can start going out.
If you pre-ordered one of the packages, look for your invoice to arrive for the remainder of your payment on Monday. I’m so excited to start sending the Sweet Day packages out to you guys. =)

Canning Day Greens and Yellows
Next Question:
Suzi Elliott asks: “Will you be teaching anywhere in the Midwest in 2020. Is there a schedule? Also, have you ever thought about your own YouTube channel?
Tabitha Cornwell asks: “…I’d love to know about any quilt classes or retreats you participate in nearby.”
Susan McAlpine Wade asks: “Corey, do you have a 2020 teaching schedule? I sure would love to take a class from you!”
These are the open to the public events that I have on my schedule for this year. I do not plan to take on any more teaching engagements for this year aside from what is listed (note: if you are a guild or private event that I am visiting, I have not included those in this list) and I am taking a step back from teaching/speaking next year. =)
February 22 HomeGrown HomeSewn, Cincinnati Ohio ( The class has sold out but standing room may be available for the trunk show–call if you are interested!)
May 27 Lone Star Quilt Shop, Mt. Hope Ohio (the details for this event have not yet been finalized)
June 17-20 Quilters Attic Retreat, Ashton, Idaho
June 24-27 Shipshewana Quilt Festival, Shipshewana, Indiana
July 23-26 Quilters Revival Retreat, Nashville, Tennessee
August 20-22 A Quilters Gathering, Berlin, Ohio
September 11 & 12 Fabric Obsession, Medina, Ohio
October 5, Among Friends Quilt & Sewing Center Tour (tour leaving from Louisville Kentucky and visiting the Holmes County area of Ohio October 3-8)
And to answer the second part of Suzi’s question…I have thought about my own YouTube channel. =)

Ribbons All Around Quilting by Kaylene Parry
Next Question:
Dori Bockbrader says: “I’ve been noticing the quiting on your quilts. Who does your quilting and is it possible to contact that person?–or don’t they take “outside” jobs.
Answer: I work with a few different long arm quilters. Kaylene Parry has done a lot of my recent quilts. David Hurd is another longarmer that I enjoy working with. For custom quilting, I enjoy working with Rebecca Silbaugh.
Whenever I am introducing my patterns for a particular fabric line, I try to also mention who did the quilting. If you ever wonder about any quilting you see on my quilts, don’t hesitate to ask about a specific quilt if you don’t see it mentioned. I am happy to share that information.

Gingham Stripe from Flower Mill. One of my favorite binding fabrics!
Next Question:
Linda asks: “Where can I get that gingham stripe, I’ve never seen it before? We only have Joann’s and Hobby Lobby.”
The gingham stripe in the photo above is from my Flower Mill line of fabric which came out in 2017.

Diagonal gingham stripe
I released a diagonal version of Gingham Stripe with my Sunnyside Up line which came out in 2018.
My fabrics lines are manufactured through Moda Fabrics so they can be carried by any shop that carries Moda Fabrics. I don’t often sell fabrics in my Etsy shop, but I did add just a couple 1/2 yard bundles of the Flower Mill Gingham stripe fabric for those looking.

Moda Bella Solids
And the last question for the day:
LeAnne says: “I love all your beautiful fabric and patterns! What Bella Solid white do you use for your projects?
Answer: I have started including a white on white print in each of my lines that will work perfectly with each fabric line. For Canning Day, it is this adorable little white sprig fabric on the left (it’s the same print as the one third from the left):

Canning Day Whites
In Sugarcreek (which came out this fall) it was a pretty little ditsy flower print (you can see it nicely on the larger Beholden quilt block):
And when you are not looking for a white on white print but prefer a solid, Moda Bella Solid in Off White (9900-200) is the white that has matched all of my fabric lines starting all the way back with Prairie.
Thank you so much for all of your questions. =) If you have asked a question and I haven’t yet answered it, I’ve got a running list I am working off of. If you have another question or a follow-up to something I answered, feel free to leave it below!
Happy Sewing and have a wonderful weekend! Corey
A YouTube channel?!! Yes!!!! I can’t wait for your new fabrics to ship. I have them on pre order, and I’m so excited to get them.
I love how many of your fabric lines play so well together. It makes using up leftovers super easy. But I am still in love with Pepper and Flax. Will you ever create another line in that color palette?
Good Morning! I love your fabric lines. I’m in mid Florida. Do any of fabric lines ship to any shops there?
I love your idea of a you tube channel!! love all your fabrics and anxiously awaiting my sweet day package!!
Oh pleeaassee start a youtube channel. I watch you all the time on FQS you are the best teacher
Love your Q & A posts. So informative. I also love your fabrics. The colors are so pretty. I was looking around your blog. I have been following you for years now and I smiled to see you still have Birdie Stitches on a tab on the blog. That was one of the very first Quilt Alongs I ever did. I gave it to my grandson, who was 5 at the time, because he helped me choose the embroidery floss colors and so thought it made it his.
Corey, please, please, please do a YouTube channel! You are so great on video, and we all learn so much from you. Ah, the burden of being so inspirational!!! Thanks for all you do to help us be better quilters and to bring us the best patterns and fabric to work with.
i believe the bella solid number is 9900/200….not 2000
Oh goodness–you are right–that last “0” was supposed to be the right side of the parentheses–but I must not have had the shift button down. =) Thank you!
Hi Corey, I love the yellows and greens from Canning Day and look forward to adding them to my stash. And thank you for including the Bella solids that match your lines, past and present it saves a lot of searching time. Have you posted them somewhere so they can easily be found by those wanting to know? It seems to me redundant and unnecessary to see the same question (which white do you use) come up regarding Bella solids over and over when you could be answering more interesting questions.
And I also vote for a Corey youtube channel 🙂
Thank you so much Debbie! I did a rundown of the solids I used in each fabric line here: https://corianderquilts.com/wondering-wednesdays-week-2/ I am always happy to answer these questions as they come up–I know (hopefully!) there will always be people new to my fabrics and my website that will be looking for this information so I am going to make a tab at the top of my website to help people out with these questions. =)
What is a Sweet Day package, I probably need one.
The Sweet Day packages were pre-orders sold in the fall, but you can read more about them here: https://corianderquilts.com/sunday-best-quilts-sampler-block-2/
Haha — I completely forgot about the Sweet Day package! I ordered one and what a nice surprise to be reminded to look forward to it!
Hi Corey,
There are so many prety florals in all your fabric collections. Are you going to release a “favorite” floral collection hopefully soon?
You have a reference to the Quilter’s Gathering in Berlin, Ohio in August of 2020 but I am unable to find any information about it on a website. Would you direct me to the website where I can get the details?
Also, thanks so much for the wonderful content on your blog!
If you click the name of the event in the pink writing in my post, it will take you to the Facebook page. The most up to date info is listed there. They do have a website: https://www.quiltersgatheringinberlin.com/ but is has not been updated to reflect this years event.
I love Canning Day, it’s my favorite so far. I bought a f/q bundle and I’m going to get those aquas and pinks extra. Thank you so much for this beautiful bundle.
Thank you so much!–that is so nice of you to say. =)
I would like to know how to sign up for the subscription box