Road Trip!

Yesterday, my mom and I made the trek to Fabric Shack.  It’s almost 3 hours from my house, a bit of a drive, but well worth it in my opinion if you love fabric.  My goal when I left yesterday was to stay under $50–that’s not to say I wouldn’t have gone over my budget if I “needed” to, but I was really hoping to stay under that number…and I did. =)  And I still ended up with a great bundle of fabrics.

Echo Fabrics

I picked up my favorite Echo prints (I already have the other mustard “dandelion” print).  I really like all of the prints in this line but, realistically, because of their larger scale I knew they weren’t going to be ones I was reaching for no matter how pretty they are.  So, I talked myself down. =p

Dear Stella--Yard Sale

I’ve had my eye on this Dear Stella print since it came out–I think it’ll mix perfectly with my vintage sheets.

Half Moon Modern

I picked up my favorites from the Half Moon Modern line of fabric.  Again, I stuck with the smaller scale prints–I adore those leafy prints–totally my favorites from the whole line.  The more quilts I make, the more I realize I am reaching for the blender prints–those that can be mixed well with many other fabrics–they might not have the initial panache that a large scale fabric has  but their versatility really makes them my go to fabrics.

Bespoken Fabric

And lastly, I picked up some fabric from Art Gallery’s Bespoken line.  I purchased it thinking how great it will work as binding–I do love a striped binding & this is a palette I work with quite a bit.

And, I made it home in time to enjoy some Skip-bo action with Chloe–I might add my day began with a rowsing game of Skip-bo as well. =p

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15 Responses

  1. Debbie says:

    beautiful fabrics….sounds like a fun day!

  2. Sunny says:

    What a fun day!

  3. picpic says:

    très beaux tissus une journée de plaisir heureuse pour vous

  4. Caty says:

    Oh gosh, I’m totally having fabric envy!! 🙂 GREAT bundles you picked up!!! 🙂

  5. Michelle says:

    I love the Fabric Shack. But I only get to buy online from them as I live in Florida! That would have been more than a 3 hour drive for me! LOL Love the fabric BTW congrats on staying under your limit you set. You are a better woman than me! 🙂

  6. sandra parsons says:

    Hi from across the pond! I love fabric shack and wish I could visit in person. Their prices are great and so is their service, and a bonus to us overseas customers is that we get half price shipping, which is just great! 🙂

  7. Love the dear Stella , Who is the maker .

  8. Nikki says:

    I am trying to buy more blenders as well! They really are a great way to round out a fabric stash. 🙂

  9. chris says:

    They look delicious, I’m planning already. Ohh wait they aren’t mine. Well can’t wait to see how you use them.

  10. @pril says:

    Looks like you had a great time. I love road trips. You chose some great fabrics.


  11. agoodyarn says:

    Wish I lived 3 hours drive from Fabric Shack. Great fabrics!

  12. Erin Hutchinson says:

    Great fabric, and I love Skip-Bo! Now that my kids are getting older, I need to stock up on all my favorite games. Unfortunately, my hubby doesn’t like to play games.

  13. carol fun says:

    Beautiful fabrics! Isn’t Fabric Shack the best?? I’m lucky enough to live only 30 minutes away and I marvel at your restraint. I rarely get out of there for under $50 – LOL – but oh what fun! Happy New Year!

  14. Krystena says:

    It’s amazing how much fabric you can buy for $50!! Here in Australia most quilting fabrics are $25/m (a metre is about the same as a yard…almost!), fat quarters are $5 (and more)

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