Sewcialites Block 15 and video

Week 15 of the Sewcialites Quilt Along brings us this pretty block…and a fun video I made sharing all of my blocks so far.

Our block this week is brought to us by Lori Holt.  The name of it is Genuine…aren’t the names of these blocks so fun as they are released each week.   I really like how it sparks such positivity. =)

I made my block using Spring Brook fabric which will come out later this month or into February.  The light gray is Moda Bella solid in the color Etchings Stone.

You will find the free block pattern available on the Fat Quarter Shop Blog here and just a reminder all of the blocks released so far can be found here as they are released.

I have also put together a little video for my YouTube channel where I have shared all of my Sewcialites blocks so far.  Photos are great for showing details but in videos I can share so much more.  I hope you will take a peek at the video here.

Happy sewing and have a wonderful weekend! Corey

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7 Responses

  1. Patti Mac says:

    Oh I loved your cute 3-inch blocks. They are so tiny and perfect!

  2. Penny says:

    Hello Corey. I’m wondering when your new line, Spring Brook, will be released? I’m planning to make the Starry Gingham quilt. Not sure which colorway I’ll use, but any one I pick will look great. Even though I’m not making them I love seeing your Sewcialites blocks and your Moda Blockhead blocks.

  3. Penny says:

    Well, darn. I didn’t read far enough down the blog post. 🙂 I’ll watch for Spring Brook in the next couple months.

    • Corey says:

      =) Yes–I would expect it in February. It’s scheduled for January so we may see it yet this month but the fabrics have been running a little bit later than scheduled.

  4. Vicki Hoffman says:

    Hey Cory,
    About 13-15 years ago, I met Lisa Yoder, a dear young woman who mentored me at Cummins in Mpls. She told me that she had an outstanding sister or SIL who is a well known quilter. I wonder if she was referring to you? I told Lisa that I’d just started quilting and was enjoying myself immensely. That’s when she mentioned you(??). I read that she died later and I was shocked and saddened by the news. I extend my sympathy to you and your family. Lisa was dynamic, smart and a warm, lovely person.
    I just listened to your video and it struck me that your energy and enthusiasm are similar to hers, so I decided to check the possibility that you are the person she mentioned.
    Keep up the good work! If I’m barking up the wrong tree, just ignore me…

    • Corey says:

      Vicki–Thanks so much for reaching out to me. =) I don’t believe that I know Lisa but she sounds so lovely and someone that I would have liked to meet. You speak so highly of her and I’m sure your friendship was much appreciated. I extend my sympathies to you and your family!

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