Tagged: quilt block



Summer is flying by–it’s really about half way over in terms of when the girls head back to school.  Some days it feels like it’s zipping along and other days(those days that I feel...

Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Blog Tour

It’s that time of year again!–Time for the Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks blog tour.  I can’t believe that this is the 10th issue of this fantastic publication.  Quilty Pleasures is featuring great giveaways during the...


A Quilty Stitches Finish

I’m able to check off another item on my WIP list.  I put the last stitches into my Quilty Stitches cross stitch sampler just a couple weeks ago.  You’ll remember that I debated about...


Quilty Stitches Block 15

A quick google search brings up a myriad of “Spools” quilts in all shapes, designs and colors.  I think it is safe to say that the Spool Quilt block is a favorite of many...


Quilty Stitches Block 13

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  Our weather here was perfect–in the 70s all weekend long and beautifully sunny.  It was truly a perfect, weatherwise, 4th of July weekend. I spent a little...