Tagged: Violet Craft


Abundance of Geese

Welcome, welcome to all of the new followers who have found LMS!  There is still lots of time to enter my giveaway–it’s a good one. =) I just finished up my Be Purposeful quilting...


Sunday Stash

I realized I hadn’t shared a Sunday Stash in a long time!  These are last weeks acquisitions(all purchased from Hawthorne Threads) which will be made into flying geese blocks for the Be Purposeful Bee....


Friday Happenings

October was Rachael’s month in Bee Purposeful.  She chose a fun aqua/navy chevron block.  My stash of navy fabric is in bad shape so I picked up the domino dot fabric and the stitch...


Chevron Fun!

Do you remember earlier this summer when I made this journal cover for a friend?: Well, she asked me if I’d be interested in making a cover for her daughter’s bible.  I was excited...