Wednesday WIP


What a busy couple of weeks it has been!  I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel sending my youngest off to Kindergarten but I am enjoying it more than I thought that I might.  The Kindergarten in our school district, prior to this year, was an all day/every other day Kindergarten.  We found out just weeks before school started that they were switching to an all day/every day Kindergarten program due to receiving a much needed grant to implement the program.

I am amazed at what all can be accomplished when the house is quiet and I am by myself.  So far, this has meant some serious cleaning time–what a treat to have uninterrupted cleaning time!  I have been catching up on podcasts as I work..Modern Sewciety & American Patchwork and Quilting Radio are 2 of my favorites.  BTW, do you have any favorite podcasts I need to add to my list?–I’m always looking for good ones!

Yoder Sign

Getting back into the swing of things and then tackling some household chores has left me with little time to work on my WIP’s.  I did finish up my Yoder mini quilt and it is now hanging above my kitchen sink just where I had in mind for it.  I used my faux piped machine binding technique that I shared a tutorial for here.  I love this technique, and so far it’s the only type of machine binding I haven’t felt compelled to rip out because of the way the back looked.

Corner Sink

Now to figure out some curtains for these windows.  I am the most indecisive curtain person ever!–I don’t even know how many different curtain options I have tried out on various windows–I’ll leave them up for awhile and then decide I want to change things out.  I like a lot of natural light so often I prefer windows without curtains/blinds that might block the light.

I have a few projects that I’m working on right now that I’ll be sharing with you over the next few weeks.  And I hope to get some more WIP’s banged out–I still need to add borders to the Metro Rings quilt and finish up the white stitching on Quilty Stitches.  But, what I really want to work on is this mini:

Future WIP

Those squares finish at 1/2″–it’s the cutest little pattern ever!  I’m thinking about using a little bit of my Cotton & Steel basics bundle:


I’d only need about a 5″ square from each fabric.  With such small piecing, I have to be careful about my fabric choices for this pattern.  I kind of want to dive right in!(and I just might) =)

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6 Responses

  1. dispack says:

    Mmmm love your stack of fabric! The YODER looks so great! I know what you mean on curtains!

  2. billiemick says:

    Enjoy a little of your free time…:) Love the fabric…wow.

  3. Sigrid Golnik says:

    I just love your ‘YODER’ sign. You have the perfect spot for it. I know what you mean about curtains. I have off-white lace-like, bit like bubble-like valance (from Sears) on my windows and love them, cause I can still look through, but it also adds something to the window. Can’t wait to see what you come up with – you always have such beautiful ideas!!

  4. Karen Seitz says:

    Your Yoder quilt looks great over the sink! And I wish my sink area looked as pretty and bright as yours does. I am also working on finishing up the white background stitching on my Quilty Stitches Sampler. I have parts of only 4 blocks left to go. I plan to make a small quilted wallhanging with it and was hoping to find some of that Joann’s fabric for the borders and backing. Which Joann’s is your local store? Here in Dayton I can’t find the fabric. Maybe I’ll make a road trip north!

  5. Marge says:

    Hi Corey
    I’m following you. Your work is great and very inspiring

    Take a look here , I have an idea of curtain for you..only a small voile cafe with Irish linen and draw-thread-work ..gorgeous in this kind of windows, filtering light and decorating at same time. Would be nice give you a hand !

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