Wondering Wednesday Week 10

Sunnyside Up & Canning Day
Happy Wednesday and welcome back to week 10 of Wondering Wednesday.
Before I get too far in to today’s question(s), I have a question for you guys. Next Wednesday, the 15th, round 3 of Moda Blockheads kicks off. I’m excited to share block 1 with you right here. So my question is, would you rather I focus strictly on the Blockhead block each Wednesday and move my weekly Wondering Wednesday post to another day? Or do a combo Blockheads/Wondering Wednesday each Wednesday? Let me know in the comments.
So I’m starting off with the following question (we’ll see how long it takes me to answer as to how many other questions follow):
blee1977 wonders: “I’m always wondering how people get in the business, and where to go to publish your patterns in the beginning. How do you separate yourself from the crowd that is trying to do the same thing? How did you first get your fabric designs to someone who could, and would, actually print them? I have so many questions about how to start getting my ideas out there…”

Canning Day Fabrics coming out February 2020
Answer: This is probably going to be a long and meandering answer. =)
I started my blog June 4, 2009 as a way to share the quilts and quilt blocks I was making. You can see that very first blog post here. I started sharing the quilt tops and quilt blocks that I was making and that was mostly what I shared.
Sharing just these little tidbits on my blog led to my starting to contribute projects to books. The first book I contributed to was Sew To Swap in 2011.
This quilt was my largest contribution to the book using my scrapbuster block tutorials that I had designed for a couple quilting bees that I was participating in (you can find the block tutorials here and here:

Stashbuster Quilt
2011 was also the year I had my first quilt tutorial on Moda Bake Shop, Sunny Trails:

Sunny Trails Quilt
The tutorial is available here.
This led to more tutorials on Moda Bake shop and more contributions in quilt books, including Moda’s Sweet Celebrations book. In February 2012, I had my first quilt pattern published in American Patchwork and Quilting…you can read more about that here.
I so enjoyed making and having that first quilt in a magazine that I submitted another design to McCall’s Quilting, Triangle Toss, which was in the May/June 2012 issue (quilted by Angela Walters):

Triangle Toss–McCall’s Quilting May/June 2012
Two different fabric companies, P&B Textiles & RJR Fabrics, saw this design in McCall’s Quilting and reached out to me to see if I’d be interested in working with them to design patterns showcasing their fabrics. I worked with both of these companies for a number of years designing quilt patterns.
In 2014, my first book came out, Playful Petals:
The fall of 2014 was when my youngest daughter started Kindergarten and I was debating whether I wanted to transition from being a stay at home mom to working outside the home. With encouragement from some of my friends, I decided to try my hand at fabric design. Prior to becoming involved in the quilting world, I ran a successful appliqued children’s clothing business using my hand drawn art. Being able to utilize those skills with my love of quilting to design quilting fabric seemed like it could be a lot of fun.

Prairie Fabrics
In June of 2014, I submitted a fabric collection to Moda Fabrics. They accepted it within two weeks, Prairie came out in 2015 and I have been designing for them since. When Prairie released, I also launched my quilt pattern line Coriander Quilts (Corey and her quilts). And, I now release new quilt patterns with each new fabric line.

Holliberry Fabric Collection
You just saw my newest fabric line yesterday, Holliberry. This is my 10th fabric line and it comes out in July.
A couple tips I have:
- Don’t be afraid of what you don’t know. With the resources available to us online, we can learn anything we want to. I didn’t know how to do any of this when I started. I didn’t start sewing until after I got married. I didn’t know quilt math, I didn’t know how to design a quilt, I didn’t know how to write a quilt pattern, I didn’t have any experience with computer quilt programs or illustration programs. All of those things can be learned. You can learn through online tutorials, books, classes etc.–you just need to have the willingness to spend the time and do it.
- Don’t expect to learn all of these things overnight. And don’t think that you need to. I was so fortunate to be able to build my knowledge piece by piece. I started with figuring the math on a quilt block that I wanted to make, which led to figuring out the math on a simple quilt and then several more. I decided Electric Quilt would be a great resource to help me design quilts…it sat in a box for probably a year until I read through the book and started going through the tutorials on how to use the program. The first patterns I wrote up were written in Microsoft Word and the illustrations were made in Electric Quilt. And I learned and improved as I went.
- If you think it might be fun, give it a whirl. I started blogging because I thought it would be fun. I thought it would be fun to have a project in a magazine so I read the submission guidelines each magazine has online and submitted a project. I thought having my own book would be fun so I submitted a book proposal. Same goes for a fabric line. The worse thing that happens is that it doesn’t get accepted. And then you can either try again or focus in another direction…in my mind, you aren’t out a thing but time for trying something out. And if you don’t try, you’ll never know if you might have succeeded.
So, I’m probably going to call that the only question for today!–it took a fair amount of time to answer. I have a lot of other information on this topic that I am happy to share so if you have more questions or questions on anything I said, don’t be afraid to ask and I can answer them during a future Wondering Wednesday. And don’t forget to weigh in on the question at the top of the page!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Wow, you’ve been a busy girl since your marriage. Your answer to this question is filled with so many interesting tidbits, and gives so much insight into your creative process. Little did I know how the name “Coriander Quilts” came about(probably the only quilter who didn’t). Clever, clever. I’ve followed you and your fabric lines and patterns for several years purchasing some of each group. Love them all. Your new Holliberry is icing on the cake.
You have answered a question I have always had about how a person starts designing for the different fabric producers. I think I would rather have the block post and the Wondering Wednesday post in the same post.
I say both in one post! Start out with the Blockheads 3 info and then go into the Wondering Wednesday info. Super excited about Blockheads 3 starting up again. I am really going to try to keep up this year! Love your new Holliberry collection!
Loved the explanation of Coriander Quilts. Very clever. My thought on the Moda 3 plus Wondering Wednesdays is this: Whatever is easiest for you!! You know us quilters are adaptable!
Thank you so much Corey! You’ve inspired me to follow my dreams. I will be retiring in June and have a secret desire to start a business selling quilts and patterns. In answer to your question – share the quilt block with the Wednesday question, your fans can’t get enough!
I agree with everyone above–put both items in the same post. Thank you for the time you put into this.
You must sleep with your eyes wide open!
Good morning! I am going to break with previous comments … I prefer that the posts are separate so that when I go back later and search, each thread is easy to find and read on its own. I also like posts that are short enough to read when I have a few minutes here and there (over breakfast, waiting for pasta water to boil, etc). Those are my preferences … but I wouldn’t be upset if you combined. Have a great Wednesday!
I agree with Margot. My thoughts exactly.
I agree with a previous post that it would be great to have the Blockhouse post followed by your wonderings post. I hope the Blockhouse posts will be easily printable as I can’t always keep up. Thanks for your posting. Very interesting!
Love your Christmas line coming out later this year! Wow – you are soooo talented and lucky you could combine your many talents! I’d like to know how do you balance your time with a business, family, personal projects, instagram… the list goes on and on. I can’t imagine and I’d love to know how to balance and get things accomplished! Thank you!
I agree with Becky G… whatever is easiest for you will be fine with me!
I am so excited to try a Moda Blockheads & cannot wait for your first block!!
I would prefer moving Wondering Wednesday to a different day. It does not have to be alliterative. Thanks.
You are thoughtful to ask your readers what they prefer. I agree with Becki that you should do what is easiest for you, but since you asked…. How about switching to a Thought-Sharing Thursday or Wondering Monday and have the Blockheads on Wednesday? I joined Blockheads 2 a few weeks in, and others who start late may appreciate being able to find older posts all on one day.
I wouldn’t mind if the Blockheads post and Wondering Wednesday were combined. Wondering Wednesday sounds better than Thoughtful Thursday! 😂 I have a comment/question prompted by today’s post. Designing quilt patterns may be possible for the average quilter, but I think you’re downplaying your talent by saying anyone could design fabric. I think that would take a lot of artistic skill…even with the help of computer programs, right? Another question for you…how often do you get to sew with fabrics other than your own lines? And who are some of your favorite fabric designers right now? Thanks!
I like the idea of separate posts. You could move the “wondering” questions to Thursday. I am enjoying those questions so I don’t want you to quit answering them. I really appreciate all the links you insert in there also—like to previous tutorials that I don’t know about. I just started reading your blog about a year ago so clearly I am behind. If it suits your schedule better however, to keep these two things together then I’m sure everyone will adapt, including me. :c)
I’d been wondering these same things. Thanks for the detailed answer.
Pat is so right about the artistic talent. As I was reading , I kept thinking that you must have an art degree. I can’t draw stick men very well so that part would be out of the question for me. I love your designs and the colors. They are so cheerful and pretty. And for Blockheads and Wondering Wednesday, I agree with the others as to doing what is best for you. Thank you for your sharing!
What a pleasure to know that I have been a fan of your fabrics since your very first line! I loved Prairie and every single one since. I agree with those who say do what is easiest for you!
You are truly amazing 😊
I would like you to focus on the BOM on Wednesday’s if possible. Thank you so much Corey.
I love looking at all the fabric choices people have made for BH3, however, I am not going to participate. So, I’d prefer separate Wednesday blogs. I could check out BH3 if I wanted but I would always like to read your Wondering Wednesday Blog.
You have an inspiring story. I feel like we are so blessed to have so many talented designers share so much of themselves. And on that note, I say do what best works for you and your schedule. I’ll be happy to read whatever you share with us.
I enjoy your Wondering Wednesdays. After completing my Blockheads 2, I would prefer the posts be separate. I was often going back to the Blockheads posts to look at examples and tips. Thanks for asking our opinion.
Separate and focus on one thing.
I love your fabrics you have designed! I’ve been a reader of your blog for many many years. I’ve enjoyed watching you “evolve”! ha Thanks for your creativity!
Also Corey…I’m interested in the Triangle Toss quilt. Can I read the instructions and pattern somewhere? Is it here on your blog or do I have to pursue through the magazine?
Although I have no urge to get a pattern or fabric design published/made, I have often wondered how my “idols” did it. I loved this information on your story and start and have to say that I, for one, am sooo glad you tried because I love your esthetic!
I love that your mom helps you with hand quilting. Beautiful! You always have fresh new ideas. Keep it simple and combine the posts. I do not participate in BlockHeads.
Nice post. Id love both in the same post. Ill be looking forward to Wednesdays! I also wondered how a person goes into pattern making, fabric designing, etc. And Im so ready for another Blockheads quilt. I did the Blockheads 2 one, and was so comforting. I lost my dear old dad and this was a blessing each week. Kept me going.
I just finished my lunch while reading this and nee to get back to work. I enjoy your blog and you have had some lovely fabric and patterns. What a wonderful experience and opportunity! I don’t participate in the blockheads, infact this year i’m going to try and quilt my stash and finish last years and the years before…UFO’s. But will continue reading–and catching posts on Instagram. thank you.
That was fun!! Interesting to have your quilting journey put into a time line for us. Would love for you to change Wondering Wednesday to a different day. Know that’s another day for you to publish, but I enjoy reading your blog and if we can get another day for a visit…all the better!! =:) Plus, there are always lots of blogs to visit and information to obtain from Blockhead posts. Looking forward to Holliberry too!! Excited to see your new patterns!!
Wow, I think your Sunny Trails was my introduction to your world… I need to find that fabric and finish it up!
I would like blockheads & wondering Wednesday in the same post👍 Soooo looking forward to blox lv 1….& it’s yours!!!!!
Thanks, Corey, for taking the time to tell this quilting-journey-story…so inspiring!!! Thank you for sharing your passion and talent in designing these beautiful quilting fabrics and patterns. I love your grit, and the way you always found a way to learn and grow! Sincerely, Jane Ervin Taylor
I have your first line and many more! Gotta love Corriander Quilt fabric and the patterns. Besides, I like the buggies❤️. I’m nervous about the quilt along as some block are more difficult. I have 5 flying geese rulers and have yet to make one with a good amount of a 1/4 at the top! And today Barbara Brackman’s block is a paralellelogram. So I will pick and choose and try to keep up. You can post anytime you wish I have no preference.
Thanks for sharing the story about what goes into the design of your patterns and fabric! Since I love Wondering Wednesday… you might consider doing two separate posts on Wednesdays? Maybe post the Blockheads in the morning and the Wondering Wednesday later in the day. That would make it easy for people to find their Blockheads patterns, and you’d also be able to keep the continuity of the Wondering Wednesday title. (I will admit that when I discovered your blog a few weeks ago, I specifically searched and read all of the Wondering Wednesday posts first!)
Personally I’d like only the Blockheads on Wednesday mornings & maybe have you do you Wondering Wednesdays, which I love, later in the day or on another day. I just love that Holliberry fabric line! Can’t wait! Moda is lucky to have you as a designer. Love the colors you use!
I started reading your blog back in about 2010 when you blogged as Little Miss Shabby. I have watched you grow your presence and business all these years and I do love your fabric lines. I have that Moda Bake Shop pattern that was your first. Great memories of that fabric line that you used for it. I don’t do the block heads, so I don’t care about that, but I was wondering if you think that there is still room in the business for the new makers that come along. I have watched the growth of the industry and I wonder if there is a saturation point to it and have we reached it yet. I remember when there were fewer fabric lines and now, I can’t even keep up. I don’t see many of them until they are gone. It would be a full time job. Just wonder what you think.
will you be teaching anywhere in the Midwest in 2020. Is there a schedule? Also, have you ever thought about your own YouTube channel?
I love all your beautiful fabric and patterns! What Bella solid white do you use for your projects?
What a story! It was so interesting to read about your journey. Maybe you should write a book on how to break into the quilting arts business. There are so many possible paths, but a common theme I have seen is that a lot of designers started with social media. I vote you combine BH3 block and Wondering Wednesday!