Wondering Wednesdays Week 2
Welcome to week 2 of Wondering Wednesdays. I am really enjoying this series and hearing your questions.
It’s opened up some fun dialogue and new topics! I had planned to answer several questions today, but as I got started on the first question–I realized that there was a lot of information to share so I am going to be focusing on just that one question.

Some of my favorite Bella Solids
Alicia commented: “I think it would be useful to have coordinating solids for all collections. I think this is something that is needed for all designers and all collections. Possibly be provided on the manufacturer web site where the designer and collection is showcased. I have seen a few that do this already, but not many.”
I agree Alicia!–coordinating solids are so helpful to know for any collection that you might be considering purchasing or that you may have purchased already. A peek into my sewing room and you will see that I really like working with solids. I buy them by the bolt.

Sewing Room Peek
The quilts that you can make with solids alone are so striking.
And they are equally great when mixed in with print fabrics.

Blockheads 2 quilt
Moda will sometimes include solids information with the collection info, but not always. Some designers provide the information themselves, but not all do. I wanted to make sure that you had easy access to all of my coordinating solids.

Prairie Fabric Collection
For my first line Prairie, I listed the solids information in this blog post.

Sundrops Fabric Collection
Sundrops used the same palette as Prairie, minus the pink and aqua. The dark coral in Sundrops does not have a match. 9900-128 Moda Bella in Stone is a nice coordinate for the light gray.

Lulu Lane Fabric Collection
Lulu Lane had these wonderful near solids that I used in place of solids.
But you would also be able to use the solids from the Prairie collection as coordinates.
These are the Flower Mill coordinates (Note: I don’t always include my fave white which is 9900-200):

Flower Mill Coordinates
And the Pepper & Flax coordinates (all bellas are 9900-(and then the number):

Pepper & Flax Coordinates
The coordinates for Sunnyside Up (all Bellas are 9900-(and then the number):

Sunnyside Up Coordinates
The coordinating solids for Strawberry Jam:

Strawberry Jam Solid Matches
And I just shared the Sugarcreek coordinating solids earlier this month in this blog post.
Many of these images were shared via Instagram which is a great spot to stay in touch with day to day happenings. I am @corianderquilts on Instagram if you’d like to stay in touch over there as well.
I enjoy working with Bella Solids and have never had trouble with inconsistent dye lots as I have with other solids. Many quilt shops carry Bellas so you can often match at least some of the shades you need in store. And you can always ask your local shop to carry a certain solid color. I don’t know how many bolts I have used of Etchings Charcoal and Etchings Slate!
Additionally, you are able to purchase fat quarter bundles as well as half yard bundles of some of my favorite Bella Solids here.
I hope you guys find this information helpful. Please leave any questions you might have down in the comments for me to answer on a future Wondering Wednesdays post. It does not need to be solids related. =)
See you Friday with the next block in our Sunday Best Quilts Sampler sew along!
Thanks for “Wondering Wednesdays”! I’m loving this and learning so much. I’m getting answers to questions I haven’t even thought of yet. That’s the best!! I do have a couple of questions. In your post regarding wovens, you mentioned that you washed a quilt. Do you wash all of your quilts when you’re finished? Also, what batting do you use?
Hi Corey…love this new segment ..i was wondering how would a log cabin block look like in pepper and flax.. im working on a project using all p & f….and want to incorporate some log cabin blocks…would adding some solids help in the contrast. thank u so much
Thank you for wondering Wednesday I’m saving up to buy Sugarcreek! Such a gorgeous line!
Thank you for choosing my question! I love that now all of the solids resources are accessible via this post. I just recently got Sugarcreek and it is gorgeous. I also found Flower Mill in my stash as I am reorganizing my sewing room. I love your Wondering Wednesday segment!
So very much enjoying your Wondering Wednesday segment. The solids info was helpful.
Q: where can I purchase a Bella solids color chart for reference ?
Thanks Corey! I am still not a total solid quilt kind of girl. It is helpful to know the coordinates and I can’t get enough of the etchings and slate. It is a great coordinate and a fabulous “popper”. Can’t wait till Friday for the next block.
I am really liking Wondering Wednesdays. So much good info, thank you!
This was SO good! It is definitely an area I struggle with. I will keep this for a reference ❤️😍❤️
I have always wished fabric colors were identified with the PMS color number – the Pantone Matching System. It would be so helpful to coordinate regardless of fabric brand. I don’t understand why the system has not been adopted in the textile and clothing industry. It is used for paint and printing ink – why not fabric, too?
Do you ever use Kona cotton solids? (They are on sale at FQS)
for next weeks wonder wednesday how did you get into quilting. me i have been quilting for about a year now. i did the usual sewing in high school. flash forward about 2 years ago i did a t shirt quilt through a parks and rec program.had fun made a mess. i usually volunteer in the community doing silent auctions but could not find one. i remembered how much fun the t shirt quilt was so i checked back in to quilting and i been here ever since.