A New Quilt Pattern + an Abloom BOM

Happy Saturday friends! This week has been such a busy, fun week for us.

Last Saturday, Ryan & I helped my sister, Jess and her family move into a new home. Much of my family as well as my brother-in-law’s family came to help and it was a fun day. I always think any job is fun when you have fun people to work with. Up and down many flights of stairs with boxes (I should have worn my watch to track just how many!), good food, and laughter.

Of course church on Sunday and then an evening out with friends at Applebees. =) It is not often I go to Applebees…I went once this past summer after an evening helping at vacation bible school but before that it would have been years since I’d gone.

On Tuesday evening, my sisters and I along with my niece went to a Piano Guys concert which was so nice. I took piano lessons for 12 years through much of elementary school and all the way through my senior year of high school. Needless to say, anything piano related is always a treat for me. I had no idea that in addition to great music, I was also in for a time of comedy…I didn’t realize the Piano Guys were funny as well. It was such a nice evening….good for the soul. =)

On Wednesday, Elonie and I spent the day with Chloe and one of her friends she met while interning. Wednesday is her day off each week. We did some thrifting, a visit to a record store per Elonie’s request, lunch, and a visit to a nature place for some wonderful outside time. And then on the way home Elonie and I found a neat spot for supper (dinner for all of you who comment when I call it supper! =)

Thursday was spent working on a project that I’ll be sharing with you soon. It’s one of the reasons my fall has been busier than usual (but I bet it’s not a reason you might guess). I’ll be sharing about that soon. I am typing this up on Friday so my guess is that more of that project will be happening today as well.

And that brings us to Saturday and today’s video. =) I’m releasing a new quilt pattern and showing three different versions of the quilt in today’s video. Plus, I spend quite a bit of time chatting about a BOM that will be happening next summer through 2026 featuring Abloom fabrics. I’d love to have you watch!

Have a wonderful weekend! Corey

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20 Responses

  1. MANDY LASETER says:

    My husband says dinner is lunch. I disagree. LOL I agree supper IS the last meal of the day. Ha Ha!

  2. Diane says:

    Having grown up in Minnesota, I agree — supper is the final meal of the day!

  3. Wilma Louise Reasoner says:

    A true Midwestern girl! Breakfast, DINNER, and supper. My Mom always said eat breakfast like a king, dinner like a prince, and supper like a pauper!

    • Corey says:

      We would have called it the same thing growing up…now, I do find myself calling it lunch rather than dinner now–but certainly not growing up!

  4. Jean says:

    I lived Tasmania for 18 months when I was a teen. There we found that Supper was considered an late evening snack. Imagine 4 hungry teens foregoing their own Supper when invited to “supper” at a friend’s! We didn’t eat till 9.

  5. Wendy says:

    Breakfast, lunch, supper except for Sundays then the mid day meal was Sunday dinner.

  6. Nancy F Lambert says:

    I’ve always called it dinner ( breakfast, lunch, dinner )
    my sister always called it supper ( breakfast, dinner, supper )

  7. Di says:

    We always have supper, grew up with farmers

  8. JB says:

    Oh My Gosh! We saw the Piano Guys for the first time just before the Pandemic hit and then again the beginning of November at the Genesse Theater in Waukegan, IL! They are wonderful!! So down to earth and appreciative of the following…..so happy they acknowledge that at the end of their show. They are terrific!

  9. Sue H says:

    What a fun week you had! My mother always said, “Many hands make light work.” I’d say that applied to your sister’s moving day. Funny you mentioned Applebee’s. We just went on Monday as they were celebrating all veteran’s on the holiday. We had a nice dinner too!

  10. Jan says:

    I usually watch your videos in small snatches but am finding the ads which can’t be skipped very annoying. I know you need them to help run your business, but they just go on for too long and my time snatch is gone. 🙁

    • Corey says:

      YouTube decides the types of ads that are placed. I don’t have any say in that. But you are correct in knowing that the ads are what keeps the content free. =) To watch YouTube with no ads, you can purchase YouTube Premium which offers ad-free viewing for a monthly fee.

  11. Cathy Adair says:

    Hi! Just got home from my local quilt shop. So excited they had one spot of your new quilt along kits available. So I put my name on it. So excited. Didn’t you say there was more info on it available?

  12. Kristine K Shoup says:

    My husband and I grew up calling it supper. (Midwestern’s)Dinner was at noon. When we moved to the south,
    Florida, we were so confused. We finally learned to ask, “What time would you like us to arrive?” That solved the problem of which meal it was.

  13. Judy says:

    Looking forward to the 2025 Mystery Block of the Month sew-a- long. Can you tell me the size of the of finished quilt?

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