Happy Birthday Ashley!

My niece, Ashley, turned one on Friday–I only have one neice, and one nephew, Ashley’s big brother Blake so, they are pretty special to me.  Today we are celebrating Ashley’s 1st b-day along with my brother who had a birthday yesterday.  My sister was somewhat specifically vague about gift ideas for Ashley–“she doesn’t really need any toys & we don’t really have a lot of extra room for things….”—hmmmm…kinda left me wondering what might be the perfect gift.  I’ve talked about my niece before—lovingly called “potsy” because of her cute little pot belly (and pot cheeks as Chloe calls them)—the girl loves her food…seriously….she ate half a sandwich on our picnic last week(and not just a sandwich she ate other stuff too—I was just amazed she ate a sandwich)—my girls couldn’t even finish a couple crackers and cheese.  And no way were they downing sandwiches before a year….she’s really quite amazing. =)

The hubster and I talked about giving her a gift card to my sis’s fave grocery shopping spot….we figured she goes thru quite a bit of food….but, you know how sisters are, I’m not sure she would have exactly appreciated that gift. =p  So, I decided to make little miss Ashley a cute little appliqued top.

I think it’ll work nicely. =p

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12 Responses

  1. Jody Hershberger says:

    Love-Love-Love it!! Like how you pick on your sister too. ♥

  2. Lynette says:

    Absolutely adorable!! That will definitely be a big hit!

  3. Kimberly says:

    She (and the T) are absolutely adorable! My two girls are the only kids in the whole family… both sides. No cousins at all! Makes for a quiet Christmas, let me tell you!

  4. What an adorable gift Corey! I know that would be perfect for my one year old granddaughter – she loves her food too!

  5. terri says:

    Oh how sweet is this! Your birdies are the best I am sure it will be a hit!

  6. Suzanne says:

    That is just too cute – I love the T-shirt and Ashley is adorable. I sure the gift will be a big hit.

  7. Great top. Sew Cute!

  8. teawithhazel says:

    your sweet little handmade top is so much more special and personal than a purchased gift..jane

  9. Jan-Maree says:

    How cute is that T shirt! Love it!

  10. Larissa says:

    Oh I just Love that shirt – it is absolutely adorable!!! And your neice … “soo cute” as my 3yr old just commented to me!! *giggle*

  11. What a sweet little top for such a darling little niece! I’m sure you could not have given a gift more appreciated than this handmade tee 🙂

  12. Erin Hutchinson says:

    Lovely gift – I’m sure it was a hit!

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