Guest Posting

Hey all!–I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th!–We had a wedding on the 2nd, & then of course the b-day party I talked about on Sunday, combined with a bunch of yard work.  Made for a busy, but fun weekend. 

I am excited to be guest posting today over on Randi’s blog of Fresh Squeezed Fabric & I am talking about one of my favorite things….applique. =)  I’d love if you’d pop over and leave me a comment!

Happy Tuesday!

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5 Responses

  1. Great guest post on Randi’s blog Corey!

  2. Lynette says:

    Nice post over there 😀 Hey – when you do the large stitches, like in the top pillow and the umbrella pillow, what thread do you use?

  3. charlotte says:

    Nice post on Randi’s blog. Can you explain what stitchy/sketchy applique is and how you do it? Thanks.

  4. Jody Hershberger says:

    All your different pictures of applique just make me want to see MORE!! 🙂

  5. Congrats on your guest spot at Randi’s blog. Her blog looks like fun, too, I’ll have to go over and give a good look-see 🙂

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