I need your help!

I’m sure many of you have noticed on Fat Quarter Shop’s site that they are now featuring Blogger’s Choice bundles of fat quarters.  They are neat little fat quarter bundles featuring 15 fabrics from a variety of fabric collections put together by various bloggers.  If you have noticed them I’m sure you also may have thought how cool it would be to have a chance to have your very own bundle featured on FQS…no, I’m not that cool….however, Quokka Quilts  is having a fun little project where you can design your own bundle and you just might win the fabrics in your bundle…neat, right? =)

So, here’s where you guys come in…I put together two bundles that I think are pretty cute.  I think I know which one is my favorite but I’m curious to hear what you all think.  So here they are:

Bundle #1

Bundle #2

What do you think?  Which one would get your vote?


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162 Responses

  1. Peggy says:

    I like this bundle!! I’d buy it!

    Peggy in NJ

  2. Bridget says:

    I LOVE #1!!

  3. Linda says:

    I like them both, but I would pick #1. It speaks to me louder than number 2 does…….8-)

  4. Kathleen says:

    Not sure if this is going to help. I feel like I am drawn more to number 2 but I don’t know what I’d do with it. If that makes sense. I love the colors in number 2. I like number one too though! Sorry 🙁

  5. #2 gets my vote. Although I like #1 also. Eh…I’m no help! 🙂

  6. Betsy Lynn says:

    I love the #2 bundle!

  7. Anita says:

    Number one for me.

  8. laurel says:

    i’d have to say #2. #1 is great – really fun, but #2 has dramatic impact. love it!

  9. Kelsey says:

    Both are great, but I think #2 is a bit more eye catching!


  10. Diana Nelson says:

    I’d pick bundle #2 – I love the navy and how it pops with the rest of the fabric.

  11. Kathryn Clark says:

    Number 1 is the one I’d choose. Very pretty colors for spring.

  12. Carol D. says:

    I love #1.

  13. Molly says:

    They’re both good but #2 is my favorite. Love the pops of darker color!

  14. Kris says:

    It pains me not to pick the orange Pezzy print but I like door number 1…good luck!

  15. Tara says:

    Wow, these two are my favorites that I’ve seen so far! But I like the text in bundle 2!

  16. traceyjay says:

    #1 for sure… so cute!

  17. Barbara Cain says:

    I like number 2. I think that it is fresh and unusual!

  18. Beth says:

    Number one

  19. Marika says:

    I like the fabric in #1 more but I prefer the colors in #2.

  20. Connie says:

    #1 melts my butter! 🙂

  21. Sharon T says:

    Number 2!

  22. amy says:

    #2 for me 🙂

  23. Jody says:

    I’d go with #1…so does that mean you’ll go with #2 since our tastes are so different? 🙂

  24. Cassie says:

    Both great – but my favourite is #2

  25. Chancy says:

    #2. The charcoal just makes it pop.

  26. Definitely the first.

  27. Bundle #2 would show up in my shopping cart.

  28. Kristine says:

    Oh my, I LOVE the first bundle. In fact, can I order it. Every single print is perfect.

  29. Tiffaney says:

    I prefer bundl #2

  30. Marcia says:

    Number 2

  31. Laurie says:

    Number one calls my name:)

  32. Tiffany says:

    Bundle One has my vote!

  33. Lisa says:

    They are both great bundles but I think No. 2 is more cohesive, and different to lots of the other bundles I’ve seen popping up around the web.

  34. Barb says:

    I’d go with #2 also. It’s different!

  35. Judy says:

    Bundle 1 !

  36. Judith1005 says:

    My vote is for bundle #1. I gravitated to it right off the bat.

  37. barbara woods says:

    i like no. 1

  38. Sharon says:

    I like #1, especially the two houndstooth prints, but my vote is #2. There is such a great contrast there that is missing in #1.

  39. Larissa says:

    Wow! These are both such great bundles, I’m not sure I can pick one over the other!! The first is cute, softer colours, ones I would probably go for myself bar the big pieces of orange; while the second bundle is fantastically statement-y, with darker shades … I wouldn’t normally include a lot of black, except for sashings, however this collection is super fun too!! … Sorry I couldn’t help – I certainly don’t envy your position to choose!

  40. Love the colors! I definitely purchase either of these. They both coordinate with a Twelve Days of Christmas collections for which I need some additional fabrics.
    denise 😀

  41. rosa says:

    Both are beautiful but I chose 2

  42. Caiti says:

    I prefer the color scheme of number 2, I just don’t know what I would do with the number prints. My husband preferred number 1.

  43. Dianne says:

    bundle 2 cause i like the blacks…

  44. Evelyn H in NYC says:

    I like bundle 1 the best.

  45. Connie says:

    #1 is more cheery and versatile!

  46. AJ says:

    Bundle #1 gets my vote.

  47. I vote for number 1. I like the little bird and the colors.

  48. Nan says:

    #2 just popped out at me. Think I would like to see what you do with those words. I am currently working on a string quilt and enjoying all the different fabric scraps I have accumulated.

  49. Sally says:

    I like bundle #1. I can’t really give you a clear reason, but #1 is what appeals to me the most 🙂

  50. Maja says:

    Both bundeles are nice, but number #1 is my favorite.
    The blue fabrics makes the bundle shine!

  51. Cheryl B. says:

    i like #1 the best

  52. Sara says:

    I’d totally go for #2!

  53. Kathleen says:

    Definitely #2 for me!

  54. Cori says:

    #2 – love the dark contrast fabrics.

  55. Katie says:

    BUndle #1 for sure!

  56. Dixie says:

    #2 is my choice.

  57. Simone R. says:

    Bundle number one, the brighter colors appeal to me right now.

  58. Sandra Davidson says:

    I love bundle #1 it just has a lot of my favorite colors in it and is softer.

  59. Kate says:

    Borh are nice but if I had to choose it would be #2!

  60. Wendy says:

    I like bundle #1

  61. charlotte says:

    number one says fun, sunshine and happy. number two says artsy and chic. What look do you want to go for? me? number one.

  62. Sherry says:

    I like them both but number 1 just jumped out at me. It would be a great bundle to work with.

  63. I love number 2!!! I am working on putting my own bundle together as well with my master bedspread in mind. It is a bit harder when my husband doesn’t want any flowers, or any girl colors, meaning no pink, purple, red, ect 🙂 (not even a pop of them )

  64. What? Are we window shopping at the same Fat Quarter Shop?? I see so many cute new-to-me prints!! #1 all the way!

  65. Anne says:

    Definitely #2!

  66. Sheri says:

    Bundle #1 is my fav!!!

  67. marg says:

    love 2 the pop of darker colour is great. I think its a little more “modern”

  68. Beverly says:

    Bundle #1 is great. I don’t care for the black fabric in the second bundle.

  69. Celia Brown says:

    I like bundle One……….you can send it to me if you Like

  70. Julie says:

    I like #2! 🙂

  71. Lyn says:

    #1. Like the colors better, plus I keep thinking how much my cat’s white fur would show up on that dark blue in the second one.. 🙂

  72. Fiona says:

    #1 from me…

  73. Deb says:

    #1 because it’s lighter and brighter!

  74. kara says:

    Love them both (of course I do, you have impeccable taste), but #1 speaks to me! Actually, it’s yelling, “pick me! pick me!”

  75. Janet says:

    I prefer #1, but think #2 has more “pop”.

  76. Erica says:

    Love the colours in bundle #2 but don’t love words and numbers on fabric so I would vote for bundle #1.

  77. Karen Shackleford says:

    Bundle #1 gets my vote. Along with several others I see. I like the brightness and the aqua colors.

  78. Pamela says:

    Number #1 is my favorite. Love the bright colors!!!!!

  79. Pamela says:

    Number #1 is my favorite. Love the bright colors!!!!!number two is good too.

  80. Karen Catterall says:

    I love bundle #1

  81. Bonny Schmid says:

    Bundle 1 – Love birds 🙂

  82. Chris says:

    I vote number one. It has some of my favorite hues all together. 🙂

  83. I thought I’d pick number 1, then I saw 2 & the contrast got me. Number 2!
    I LOVE that cathedral window type print in the first group though (& all the houndstooth too)

    Now I’m super curious to know which is your favourite!

  84. Nicole says:

    #2! Without question.

  85. Christine says:

    Definitely no 1 … lovely.

  86. terri says:

    number two ROCKS!!!

  87. Karen says:

    I love# 1! it has more colors than #2, so it is more exciting.

  88. Marilyn says:

    Number 1 does it for me. Gorgeous combination.

  89. cynthia says:

    I like them both. Number one would be a popular choice, the colors all blend and it doesn’t rock the boat. Number two on the other hand, pops! Navy and pink is thinking outside of the box, it is daring. Number one is safe, number two is daring 🙂 Good luck with your choices!!

  90. Jamie BH says:

    I’m all about number two!!! Love, love, LOVE it!!

  91. Dianne Neale says:

    Definitely number two – it’s just got something a little bit different about it. Colours and fabrics work really well together.
    But as I’m number 84, yu’ll probably have lost the will to live by now!

  92. Dolores Beger says:

    I love # 1 Soft and pretty.

  93. No,. 1 I like the birdies

  94. Mary says:

    They are both great, but I’d go for the second one, I feel like the first is a bit obvious but the second is a more unusual quirky choice and I like a bit of that!

  95. ArtesAna says:

    I would go for #1. Love the blues

  96. Val Miller says:

    I would pick #2 : )

  97. Debbie B Sam says:

    #2 without a doubt!! Love it 🙂

  98. Rita E in AZ says:

    I like number 2 the most.

  99. Jenny says:

    i vote for #2

  100. Michelle says:

    Both are nice but #1 gets my vote.

  101. Shirley Pearce says:

    They both have amazing colors but for me, No. 1 is the winner!

  102. Letty says:

    Bundle 1 for sure!!!

  103. Becky says:

    #2 but only b/c I love blue and #1 is too soft for me.

  104. Cari says:

    I really love #1 and I may be ordering some of those fabrics after seeing yours!

  105. Holly says:

    I like them both, yet I think #2 is more impacting. My vote is #2.

  106. Cathe says:

    Corey, I would pick #!. I like it much better.

  107. I love #1 but I am a sucker for text fabrics, so #2 is great too. It’s a tie for me!

  108. Julie says:

    I like #one best!

  109. Joan says:

    I like #1.

  110. Kerry says:

    Definitely #1. What is that cathedral windows print? I must have it!

  111. Bridget says:

    Thats a tough one! I pick #1. I love the birds!

  112. jeanne e. says:

    #2 is more to my taste. 🙂

  113. Shanon says:

    #2 gets my vote

  114. Annie says:

    Bundle one caught my attention more but I love bundle two also. But alas one is the winner.

  115. Clyda says:

    I like them both, but I think that #2 is more my style.

  116. Teresa says:

    I love #1!It’s my kind of color’s bundle.

  117. Amanda says:

    I love bundle 2!!

  118. teresamnj says:

    Number 2, hands down!

  119. I pick bundle number 1 but they’re both super cute.

  120. Sandy K says:

    I like both, but #1 “feels” better for me! ;o)

  121. Lori M says:

    I love bundle #1!! Makes me think of springtime!

  122. Johanna says:

    Oh goodness! They are both so wonderful. If I had to chose only one I’d go with #1. I think it is more “me”.

  123. Kristin M says:

    Number 2 has more contrast

  124. I like both but #1 is my #1 vote 🙂

  125. Sew lovins says:

    love the boldness of #2!

  126. Linda C says:

    Bundle #2, I like the darks.

  127. Angie says:

    Love love #2!

  128. Amanda says:

    I like bundle 2!

  129. margaret says:

    Both of the bundles are great, but would love number 1.

  130. Amy says:

    #1 is super awesome! Happy, bright, cheerful colors.

  131. Alice R says:

    Love #2 the best, but I think #1 is more marketable so I’d say go with #!.

    Good luck!

  132. JeniceD says:

    I vote for #2. I like the splash of blue.

  133. roccagal says:

    love bundle 2!!!!!

  134. Vonna says:

    Bundle 1 get my vote. But love them both.

    Quilting in Texas

  135. Debbie Maloney says:

    # 1 is my fav!!! So bright and colorful ! Just gives you energy looking at it !

  136. Marie says:

    Number two has more contrast and it’s calling my name. GO NUMBER 2!

  137. Louise says:

    Loved bundle #2. Just fun and funky and love all the words and numbers too

  138. Susan says:

    Bundle 1 definitely.

  139. Tezzie says:

    Bundle 2 is definately my pick, very me. 🙂

  140. Caro says:

    The Pezzy prints put it over the top for me!

  141. Sherry J. says:

    I love #1

  142. Jody D says:

    Bundle #1 for sure!

  143. Ooooh la la, definitely Bundle #1…it’s just sweet!

  144. Terrie says:

    I would have to say #1 BUT they are both pretty awsome :)!!!!

  145. maria do carmo pezzuto says:

    Eu amei o # 2

  146. Laura says:

    Time is running out! Better get a wriggle on!

  147. Debbie says:

    I would buy Both !

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